• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,356 Views, 43 Comments

New Town, New Friends and Butterflies - Shysoldier94

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

  • ...

This Just Might Work

“Let’s do this!” I said excitedly.

Twilight and I jumped off my front porch and trotted down the main road.

“You have the whole plan memorized right?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. We go back to your library, gather a few invisibility potions you created, and head over to Rarity’s boutique. We’ll tell her the plan and she’ll head over to Fluttershy’s cottage. She’ll pretend she needs Fluttershy for measurements on a new dress project but instead, Rainbow Dash and the others will be there. And Rarity will have her tell them her thoughts and feelings like she did to you both and with the potions, I will be there, but not be seen. Am I missing anything?”

“Nope, I think that’s pretty much it.” She replied.

“I still don’t see why I’ll need invisibility potions. Can’t you use your magic or something to make me invisible?” I asked.

“Well normally yes but, the only way it would work if I too was using the invisibility spell on myself along with you. Even if I was able to perform the spell on just you, it takes a lot of energy to keep you fully invisible. Plus it would be pretty suspicious to her when she sees my horn glowing the whole time.” She stated.

“Oh I haven’t thought about that.” I said feeling dumb.

Twilight giggled. “Don’t worry about it. C’mon, we’re almost to the library.”

We picked up our pace and made it to Twilight’s after a few minutes. Near the front door, was the little baby dragon sitting on a bench.

“Spike, do we still have those invisibility potions I brewed up a few days ago?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah they’re downstairs in the basement next to your old telescope.” He replied with a sigh.

“You’re welcome to come in if you’d like.” Twilight said, smiling at me.

“Oh that’s alright. You go on ahead and retrieve the potions. I’ll wait out here.”

“Well okay. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She said and trotted into the library.

Since I haven’t used my wings in almost a day, they started to get uncomfortably stiff. I decided to stretch them out and as I did so, Spike let out another deep sigh. I folded my wings back at my side and walked next to him.

“May I join you?” I asked, pointing to the open spot next to him.

“Yeah. Sure. I guess so.” He replied. Surely something had to be on his mind.

We sat in silence for a moment before he sighed again. That’s when I had to break the ice. “So…You okay fella? You seem pretty down.”

“Oh it’s nothing.” He said simply put.

“No c’mon you can tell me. There’s nopony, or nodragon in this case, I’ve seen sigh that much. There’s gotta be something on your mind.”

“Well,” He began, “I was helping out Rarity not too long ago with moving some glass vases and I accidentally dropped a few of them. Well, more than a few. And she, well, got really angry and kinda yelled at me. Her head got so red hot I swear it was gonna explode like a rocket.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Is that all?”

“Well I surely hope so.” He replied. “I don’t wanna wake up in the middle of the night with her trying to rip my little baby dragon head of.”

“Don’t worry buddy.” I began, patting his shoulder. “She’ll cool off after a while. Besides it was a mistake I’m sure she’ll forgive you.

“Yeah, maybe when Discord’s chaos reigns over.” He said

“Hey c’mon cheer up. Trust me, she’ll forget all about it by day’s end.”

“You really think so?” He asked.

“Absolutely.” I replied. This seemed to do the trick as he perked up a little bit.

He jumped off the bench and started to walk toward the door of the library. “I’m gonna check what’s taking Twilight so long. See you later Scion”

“Okay, later Spike.” After he went inside, I jumped off the bench. My wings still felt stiff and the dire need to stretch them out was priority. I unfold them at full wingspan and inspect them. I didn’t wanna sound biased but, my wings were big and beautiful. In fact, it seemed like it was a long time before I took a look at myself in a mirror. I was not a bad looking stallion. My coat was a smooth white. Almost as white as snow. My mane was red with a streak of black through the middle and on my tail. And my eyes were a dark sky blue color. I never understood why I was always made fun of back in Cloudsdale…

My thoughts were interrupted as Twilight came out with saddlebags and potion bottles floating with the help of her levitation.

“Okay Scion I’m ready.” She said cheerily.

Her sudden voice made me jump. She giggled as she saw me move frantically to get back on my hooves.

“You okay there Scion?” She asked, still giggling.

“Oh yeah. Perfect. Um, are we good to go?” I asked, feeling my face get hot with embarrassment.

“Yes we’re good. Now all we need is to do now is get to Rarity’s boutique.

“Okay sounds easy enough.” I began. “Let’s go.”

We passed through the town market and made it to Rarity’s boutique. I placed my hoof on the doorbell button and waited. A few seconds later, Rarity appeared through the doorway.

“Why hello Twilight! Hello Scion, what brings you two here?” She said rather cheerfully.

“Well we got something to talk to you about.” Twilight replied.

“Yes of course! Come in, come in.” She said. “My apologies for the mess. Sweetie Belle had Scootaloo and Applebloom over last night for some Crusader sleepover and didn’t clean up after themselves.”

I chuckled. “That’s not a problem. Heh, they were a rowdy bunch at Pinkie’s party.

“They can be much worse and messier I promise you that.” Rarity exclaimed. “Anyways, what did you two want to talk about?”

“Well we got a plan for Fluttershy and Scion.” Twilight said.

“Oh good! Tell me every detail.” Rarity exclaimed. She already knew about the crush between me and Fluttershy so further explanation wasn’t needed.

While Twilight was explaining the plan to Rarity, I drifted off looking around the room and the one next to it. It was amazing! Did she make all these dresses all by herself? Absolutely amazing. My mother would definitely enjoy one of these…

“Why that’s a marvelous idea, darling! I had a similar plan but not as grand as yours. I love it!” Rarity said, excitedly, losing my train of thought.

Twilight nodded. “Now all we need is to get everyone else here. And after that, you’ll go get Fluttershy and bring her here.”

“And then I’ll bring up the subject about Scion. Why, it’s perfect!” Rarity added.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Hmm.” Twilight thought for a minute. She must’ve got an idea as she turned and showed me toward the front window. “You see that bench over there near that tree surrounded by bushes?” I nodded. “You’ll wait there while Rarity and I gather Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Then when Rarity walks back with Fluttershy on that trail, jump in the bushes until I come out to get you.”

“Then I’ll take a potion?”

“Yes.” Twilight replied, nodding her head

“Okay sounds good!” Rarity said. “I’ll get Applejack while you go find Rainbow and Pinkie. They might be together because I saw them trot past here not too long ago so they’ll be easier to find.”

“Alright. Meet back here with Applejack. Explain to her what’s gonna happen so she’s aware.”

“Mmhmm.” Rarity nodded, and turned to Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight started to walk towards town. “Okay Scion, you can wait here while I find Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.”

“Can I come with you?” I asked.

Twilight hesitated. “Umm, oh sure. I can use the extra help to find them and to explain the situation too.”

I nodded and we continued on towards the center of town.

We decided to check Sugarcube Corner first, considering that it would’ve been the first place Pinkie would be.

“She was here about an hour ago with Rainbow Dash, but left a few minutes after coming in.” Mr. Cake said.

“Well thanks anyway Mr. Cake.” Twilight replied.

“See you two later!”

We said our goodbye and walked into the street. We took a moment to look around for any sign of the two ponies. Twilight was the first to break the silence.

“Maybe we should check Rainbow’s house to see if they’re there. It’s right above us anyways.” Twilight pointed up to a massive cloud home with a rainbow river on the side.

“I’ll fly up there to see if she’s there.” I said and took to the sky.

I landed on the rather soft clouds. The first thing I thought of was to go to the front door and knock. After about 30 seconds and no answer, I hovered to the window. “Rainbow! Rainbow Dash, you in here?” I shouted. No answer. I flew to the edge and yelled to Twilight, “She’s not here Twi! Although she does have a pretty nice crib!”

Twilight laughed. “Well it was worth a shot. Come back down and let’s look some more.”

I took a nose dive off the rather exquisite cloud home and glided down next to Twilight and continued to look for Rainbow and Pinkie.

We passed Sugarcube Corner and heard a scream from the alley way near us. A pony with rose colored hair and a rose for a cutie mark came running out with something on her head as she tried to shake them off. “AHH!! Snakes! Snakes!!” She screamed, shaking her head to remove the objects. A few seconds later we heard uncontrolled laughter coming from the roof above the alley. Being suspicious that it was them, I picked Twilight up and flew up to the roof. When we landed, we saw Rainbow and Pinkie on their backs holding a can of ‘Snake-in-a-can’.

Twilight didn’t seem happy. “What’s wrong with you two? You know Roseluck’s afraid of snakes, fake or not.”

Rainbow was the first to calm down. “Oh lighten up Twilight, it’s just a harmless prank.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. “Listen, we’ve been looking for you two and need you to come to Rarity’s boutique.

“How come, Twilight?” Pinkie said.

“We’ll explain on the way.” I replied.


Rarity walked through the gate entering Sweet Apple Acres. As she walked, she took a look around. Hmm, I don’t see Applejack out here. Normally she’s out gathering up apples. She thought. When she got to the front door, she rang the doorbell. After a few seconds with no answer, she rang it again.

A familiar voice called from above. “Hey Rarity up here!” It was Applejack. “ Hang on a second. Ah’ll be down lickety split.” About 20 or so seconds later, the door opened. “Howdy Rarity. Watcha doin’ round these parts?”

“Well you remember that new pegasus stallion right?” Rarity asked.

“Why yes Ah do.” She replied. “A mighty fine stallion Ah might add. Shoot, he even reminds me of ‘ol Fluttershy. Almost as shy as she is.”

“That’s exactly what I was going to talk to you about.” She said

“Whatca mean, Rarity?” Applejack asked, suddenly intrigued by what her friend had to talk about.

“Well Fluttershy and I bumped into Twilight and Scion yesterday and I can tell you those two had their faces as red as apples. Anyways after Scion suddenly walked away, we asked Fluttershy what was wrong and she told us she liked Scion but doesn’t know any way she can tell him without freezing up.”

“So that explains why she came to th’ farm early this morning. She had a scenario where a “friend” of hers has the same problem. Ah figured she was talkin bout herself.”

“Yes, but we have a plan for her to do so.”

“Really?” Well what’s this plan?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight is going to get Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and bring them to my boutique. I came to get you and bring you over as well. Then I leave to get Fluttershy and pretend to need her for measurements on a new dress. And Twilight will pick up the subject of Scion and you three will ask her about him and have her tell you her thoughts and feelings for him. Meanwhile, Scion will be in the room. But he’ll have drunk one of Twilight’s invisibility potions so he won’t be seen. Then after that, Twilight will use a deactivation spell and he’ll appear and share his feelings too. And that’s all we have so far. The rest will play out as it goes.”

Applejack thought for a moment. “Ehh Ah don’t know Rare, Ah mean it’s a mighty fine idea and Scion's a really kinda fellow but after that last stallion she was with Ah wouldn’t wanna see her delicate heart break again.”

“Don’t you worry Applejack, this is definitely going to work out. I have a good feeling about this one.” Rarity replied.

Applejack sighed. “Okay, Ah’m in. Ah trust your judgment Rarity.

Rarity let out a squeal. “Yay! Okay let’s go back to meet with the others.”


“So lemme get this straight.” Rainbow began. “You basically want to hear and see if it’s true that Fluttershy has feelings for you?”

“Well long and complicated story short, yes.” I replied

Rainbow grinned. “Hay, I’m game! It’s about time Fluttershy met a stallion that was actually made for her instead of some dumb fake immature colt. What about you Pinkie? What do you think?”

“Of course!” She wrapped a hoof around my neck and patted my head. “I may not know everything about you yet, but I do know that you’re perfect for little Fluttershy.”

I smiled. “Thanks Pinkie Pie. That means a lot.”

“It’s what friends are for!” She said hopping around us.

I may have only known these mares for a short time, but they started to become a few of my closest friends.

We made it to Rarity’s boutique and saw Rarity and Applejack was sitting out in the front waiting for us.

“Well it’s about time y’all showed up!” Applejack said jokingly.

“Well we had little trouble finding them at first but…” Twilight was interrupted.

“Here we are!” Pinkie shouted and confetti shot out from behind her.

“Pinkie how did you… never mind I don’t wanna know.” I said.

Pinkie giggled. “Silly Scion, I’m Pinkie Pie!”

Everyone else fell to the ground laughing with me feeling dumbfounded. “I don’t get it.”

Applejack wiped a tear from her eye. “Dontcha worries there little buddy, its best you don’t find out about Pinkie’s randomness.”

“Yeah Pinkie Pie defies the laws of physics.” Rainbow added. “It gets to your head after thinking about it too much like Twilight did.”

Still confused, I take Rainbow Dash’s advice and shook off the idea of finding out how Pinkie Pie does what she does.

“Okay but in all serious business.” Twilight said. “We’re all here Rarity. Are you ready to get Fluttershy?”

She nodded, and trotted down the path to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Okay, everypony inside and wait in the other room until Rarity gets here. Scion you go over there to that bench until I come get you.” Twilight ordered.

“Got it!” Everypony said as if on cue.

“I sure hope this works” I said out loud as I flew to the bench.


Rarity quickened her pace to Fluttershy’s cottage. When she arrived, she was greeted by many of the small woodland creatures Fluttershy takes care of. She walked to the door and lightly knocked three times. The door opened by somepony, well somebunny, she didn’t expect.

“Hello Angel darling is Fluttershy here?” Rarity asked.

Angel rolled his eyes annoyingly and hopped off. Rarity took a few steps inside waiting for Fluttershy. A few seconds later she turned around the corner with Angel on her head.

“Oh hello Rarity, it’s nice to see you.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet yet soothing voice.

“Hello to you too Fluttershy. How are things?” She asked.

“Oh everything’s been just wonderful. How are things for you?”

“I’ve been getting less busy. I’m starting on a new project and came over to see if you’d like to help with taking measurements for me.”

“I don’t know Rarity.” Fluttershy began. “Who’ll watch over the animals?”

“Oh but it’ll only take just a few minutes darling. Please? Please? PLEAAAASE??

She sighed. “Umm, okay. I’ll do it.”

Rarity squeaked. “Yay! Come along darling.”

“Umm, o-okay,” Fluttershy replied hesitantly.


Twilight sat next to me as we waited to see the sight of Rarity with Fluttershy. With every second passing, my pulse began to quicken. I never felt so nervous before.

“So Twilight you still think this’ll work?” I asked hesitantly.

“Of course. This way you would be able to hear what Fluttershy has to say.” She replied.

I nodded and looked back at the path. As I caught sight of the two, my heart beat faster.

“Twilight! They’re coming!” I tried not to yell as I was getting excited yet terrified at the same time.

“Okay, I’ll go let the others know. Get in that bush and watch until I get you.” With that, she ran off to the boutique.

As I was instructed, I jumped into the bush and kept watching as Fluttershy and Rarity got closer and closer to the boutique. I couldn’t help but noticed that the sun was shining straight on Fluttershy, which made her mane shine. Her eyes too glistened in the sunlight. I know I've probably said this before but, she was definitely the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen.


“Come on Fluttershy darling, right inside.” Rarity said.

When she walked in, she noticed Twilight sitting in the middle of the entering area.

“Twilight? Umm, what are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh I’ve been helping Rarity today. Don’t mind me hehe.” She replied.

“Oh um okay.”

“Okay now Fluttershy step up on that stage platform while I get the measuring tools.”

As she was told, she hopped up on the platform and sat down waiting for the next order. With her magic, Rarity levitated measuring tapes over Fluttershy and pretended to take measurements.

From the other room came Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack.

“Hi Fluttershy!” Pinkie Squealed.

“What’s everypony doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’ve all been helpin’ Rarity today. She needed a hoof around here so we all pitched in some time to help.”

“Oh okay.” Fluttershy said in almost a whisper.

“So Fluttershy darling, do you mind telling us about Scion?” Rarity said

“Yeah!” Rainbow began. “We heard something about it and we’re curious.”

“I’ll be right back Rarity I got to get something with real quick.” Twilight said and slipped out the front.


“Scion! Scion?” Twilight half shouted.

“Over here.” I said waving my hoof out from the bush.

“Hurry, drink this and let’s get back in there before you miss what she’s going to say.”

I quickly took the bottle and gulped it down as fast as I could. Within a few seconds Twilight spoke, “I can’t see you at all. Let’s go.” We trotted back to the boutique and before Twilight opened the door, she whispered, “Now the potions last a long time and I’ll have to cancel it out with my magic when the time comes. Are you ready?”

“Ready” I whispered back


The door opened and everypony turned around.

“There you are Twilight!” Rarity said. “Now Fluttershy what were you about to say?”

Twilight joined the group of faces that leaned in to hear what she was about to share.

“Oh, umm… uhh… oh my..” Fluttershy began to blush.