• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,355 Views, 43 Comments

New Town, New Friends and Butterflies - Shysoldier94

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

  • ...

The Best Night Ever Part 1

Author's Note: This chapter contains french words and phrases.

I placed my hoof gently on her cheek as our lips met. The moment they made contact, a sudden rush of feelings shot through me. Everything around us seemed to fade away as nothing else exists but me and her and nothing else. The warmth of her lips on mine sent shivers down my spine. One thing that really stood out was the butterfly feeling in my stomach.

For what seemed like an eternity of grace, we finally broke the kiss. We stared into each other’s eyes only an inch length away from touching noses. Fluttershy’s aqua eyes shimmered as the moonlight bounced off of them making them shutter lightly in an adorable manner.

“Have I ever told you that you have amazing eyes?” I asked as I rested my forehead against hers.

She giggled. “I’m not sure but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it.”

I smiled and kissed her again. The second time was just as amazing as the first.

We broke the kiss as my smile faded.

“Wish I didn’t have to go.” I said.

She smiled lightly, “We’ll see each other tomorrow. You wanna, um, meet up before the concert?”

“I’d love to.” I replied as I wrapped my hooves around her in a loving embrace. As we held each other, the warmth from her chest shot through me that gave me instant reassurance.

We parted the hug as I kissed her one last time before heading down the hill from her home to the gate at the bottom. Once I got down, I turned around and saw her leaning against her front door, staring back at me. I waved at her and waited for her to waive back before I took flight back to the direction of my house.

‘This was definitely the best. Day. Ever!’ I shouted in my mind.


Fluttershy lightly kissed Scion one more time before he made his way down the hill. As he turned around, she lost her balanced and softly landed against her front door. All the rushing feelings of the past few minutes began to sink in.

‘I can’t believe it! I can’t believe I have a coltfriend, and it’s Scion!' She thought as she let out a light squeal that was too quiet for Scion to hear. That moment, she felt like a filly who just had her first kiss with her first love.

A few seconds later, at the bottom of the hill Scion waived at Fluttershy and she returned the gesture. She didn’t even feel herself doing so as she was still caught up in the rush.

As Scion took flight, she stood at the door for a few more seconds as she watched him fly off until she couldn’t see him anymore. She shook her head to bring her back to reality as she unlocked the front door but before she went inside, she noticed something. Her lights were on.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see all of her friends sitting on her living room floor with smiles on their faces.

“Howdy sugarcube! It’s ‘bout time you came home.” Applejack said.

“Oh my goodness! What are you all doing here?” Fluttershy asked in surprise.

“We came to hear about your date with Scion. We’ve been here for hours! What were you two doing?” Rainbow dash asked in a suggestive manner, raising her eyebrows up and down.

Fluttershy instantly blushed. “We, um…”

“It’s alright, darling. What Rainbow meant to say was how did your date go with Scion?” Rarity said, shooting Rainbow Dash a glare.

“It was, um…” She paused for a moment before her face lit up, “It was amazing! Oh my goodness you wouldn’t believe how amazing he is! He’s so kind and caring, he’s good with little kids, and he’s soo romantic!”

Applejack chuckled. “Calm down their girl.”

“Was I talking too fast? I’m sorry.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s alright Flutters!” Pinkie Pie replied. “But there’s just one thing.”

“What’s that Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“We saw you and Scion coming up to the door through the window and you didn’t come in for about ten minutes. What were ya doing?” She asked in a teasing manner.

“We uh… we were, um…. kissing….” Fluttershy replied with a squeak.

“Oohhhhhhh!” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Awww!” The others said in unison.

“But in all seriousness,” Rainbow began as she landed in front of her friend, “I’m proud of you girl.” She winked.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash. I love you girls.” Fluttershy said.

All six of them came together in a group hug.

“Rainbow Dash?” Applejack called, still in the embrace.


“Y’all know what we gotta do know right?”

“Ohh yeah.” Rainbow replied with a devious grin on her face.


I jumped into the air and took to the air. A few minutes later I began to feel the weariness of the flight. Upon entering the town’s square of Ponyville, I decided to land and walk the rest of the way to my house. As I passed the water fountain statue in the middle of town’s square, just a little ways away was my house. On the porch I noticed a figure that didn’t seem to be either Leo or my parents. As I got closer to the porch, I suddenly figured out who the mysterious figure was.

“Reiku?” I called.

“Heey! There he is.” He replied.

I walked onto the porch and gave my closest friend a hug. “What are you doing here? I thought you had to help out your relatives today?”

“I was but it turns out that they weren’t at home all day. I found a note in the kitchen that they are going to be in Las
Pegasus for the week. I think I just got screwed over. They were always gamblers.” He replied with a drudgingly tone.

I chuckled and sat down next to him. “That wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Nice way to reminisce my memories, Starshine.”

“Hey it’s my pleasure.” I replied.

He chuckled and lightly hoofed my shoulder. “Well I came here about six hours ago, which was three o’clock by the way.”

I looked through the front window and tried to find the clock in my living room with no luck.

“What time is it, Reiku?” I asked.

“Almost nine thirty.”

“Wow almost ten hours. That’s the longest time I’ve ever been on a date with a mare.” I said.

I turned over in time to see Reiku with a grin on his face.

“What’s with the creepy smile?” I asked.

“Soo…. How’d it go with your fillyfriend?” He asked.

“You want the truth or the exaggerated truth or both?” I replied.

He sat silence for a minute. “Buck it, surprise me.”

“Well where do I start. She’s just plain amazing, Reiku. She’s sweet, she’s kind, good with little kids, good with little animals, she has a sense of humor, and she listens attentively whenever I speak. Reiku I think I’m in love.” I state as I put my hoof on his shoulder and stare off into the distance.

He chuckles. “Well there’s one thing I can say is that I’m happy for you buddy. You found somepony that makes you happy. And as your best friend, if you’re happy, I’m happy.” He pauses for a few seconds before continuing, “So if you two get married, hypothetically speaking, does that mean I’ll be your best stallion?”

“Of course. There’s nopony in the world that’s more qualified for that position than you are.” I replied.

“Sweet. Hey I got a question for you.” Reiku asked.

“Sure what’s on your mind?”

“Before I met your fillyfriend, behind them I noticed a group of mares. What was that one’s name?”

“Which one?” I replied.

“The blue one with the rainbow mane.”

“Oh that’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Rainbow Dash. I like that…” Reiku began mumbling.

“What’d you say? I asked.

“Oh nothing.” He replied.

“Nothing? Well it sounded more like ‘I like that plot.” I teased.

“Alright, alright! Maybe I think she’s cute, or some such..”

“Well maybe you should talk to her. Besides you’re going to be here for a long week looking after your relative’s house.” I said.

“You’re right. I’ll try the next time I see her.” He replied.

“That’s the Reiku I know. Why do you seem so nervous? You were the filly’s stallion back in Cloudsdale.”

“It’s because I heard about her. She’s turned down almost every single stallion that asks her out. I may have been like
that back then because I was just a kid and I was adventurous. But now that I want to slow down and settle, I’m afraid of rejection.” He replied honestly.

I thought for a moment, not sure how to respond to him. “Well I don’t really know what to tell you. We’re just gonna have to see how things unravel.”

He pecked at the wooden floorboards of the front porch with his hoof. “I guess that sounds reasonable.”

I nodded in agreement. “Well it’s getting pretty late. I have a big day tomorrow.”

“Another date?” Reiku asked.

“Yeah. You know what Fluttershy did? This afternoon she showed me tickets to Hoofed by April’s concert here in Ponyville tomorrow.”

“No way! I thought they’ve been sold out for months?” He replied.

“That’s what I thought. But she knows someone in Ponyville that does their sound mixes and she gave her two free

“Well aren’t you just lucky. I had to pay for mine.” He said.

“You have tickets?” I asked

“Yes I do.” He replied with a grin.

“Well I hope to see you there.”

“Nah, I’ll let you two lovebirds have your time together.”

“Oh alright.” I replied, “Well at least say hi to us after the show’s over.

“You got it.”

“Hey do you wanna stay over for the night?”

“Wish I could but I got to get back to watch over their house.” He replied.

“Okay well see you tomorrow Reiku.”

“Later, bud!”

I turned around and opened the door. Once inside, I closed the door and leaned against it and lightly slid down against it to the floor. My wings ached from the flight to Fluttershy’s house and back to here.

I slowly rose to my hooves and walked up the stairs into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to turn warm. Once it was warm, I walked inside and shut the shower door. I unfurled my wings and let the warm water soak the feathers and help soothe the muscles.

After a few minutes, the door opened and a recognizable voice rang out: “Howdy, howdy!”

“Dad, have you ever heard of privacy?” I asked.

“Hehe, nope!” He said as he raced out and shut the door.

I turned to the small mirror in the shower and stared at myself for a second. There was only one thing that I could say: “What the buck?”

I finished my business in the shower and walked into my room and closed the door and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I turned over to my right and read the time on the clock on my dresser: ten thirty.

Thoughts of the previous day began to flood my mind as I soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in a sudden jump. I opened my eyes and looked around the dark room and then at the clock: two-twenty three a.m.

I rolled out of bed and left my room to go downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. Once feeling satisfied, I left to go back upstairs. After shutting my bedroom door, I looked out the window and noticed a figure in the distance. Near the fountain statue was what looked to be Fluttershy.

I opened the window and jump out, flapping my wings until I landed softly on the ground. About halfway to the statue, she got up and began walking in the direction of Ponyville Park. I quickened my walking to reach her and when I was a few hooves away, I stepped on a twig which made her screech and jump into the bush she was next to.

“Fluttershy it’s me.” I said

“Scion?” She replied, poking her head above the leaves.

I noticed her shaking. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” I walked closer to her and out of the trees’ shadow and into the moonlight to assure her it was me.

“It is you. And it’s okay I’m usually pretty jumpy.” She said as she lightly jumped out the push and wrapped her hooves around me.

I kissed her cheek and held her as I spoke softly: “We’ve been officially together for less than twenty four hours and I already scared the feathers out of you.”

She giggled. “Well what can you do. Things just happen.”

We looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

“Yeah.” I replied. I kissed her lightly and showed her over to one of the trees.

As I lied down, she did the same next to me and lay her head on my back.

A few minutes past before I spoke, “So Fluttershy, how come you were out so late?”

“I could say the same about you.” She replied with a giggle.

I smiled, knowing I was out the same time she was.

“But the reason I was out was because… um… well I was trying to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did today and how much of a great time we had and I have all these feelings that I just can’t explain so I thought a little walk would help clear my head.” She continued.

I thought for a moment. “What kind of feelings?”

“I can’t really explain. I just have this warm feeling whenever I’m around you and whenever I think about you when you’re not with me, my tummy fills up with butterflies.”

I turned slightly and looked into her eyes before kissing her lightly. The soft tenderness of her lips against mine sent chills up my spine. I began to feel a warm feeling in my chest and the same butterfly feeling in my stomach that Fluttershy described.

We broke the kiss and leaned against each other’s foreheads, still looking into each other’s eyes.

“Hey it’s still really early, maybe you should get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us.” I said almost in a whisper.

Fluttershy nodded and began to stand up. “I hope you are excited for what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

“Of course I’m excited, Flutters. This is the best and most kind gift that anypony has ever given me. Thank you.” I said and kissed her.

“It wasn’t a problem really. It’s the least I could do let you have a good time after being cooped up in the hospital for so long.” She said.

“But it means much more than that.” I said and wrapped my hooves around her. A few seconds later I let go and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” She said and smiled.

I began to walk home until I heard a soft call behind me.


I turned around and saw Fluttershy land a few hooves away. “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing I just forgot to say that I… I lo…” She sighed, “I’ll see you later at the fountain statue at about two p.m.?”

“Sure. I can do that. I’ll see you there Fluttershy.” I replied.

She smiled. “Okay! Bye Scion!”

“Bye!” I waved and watched as she took flight. I kept watch until I couldn’t see her any longer and turned around to head back home.

I reached my front yard and looked up at my window. It was still open so I flapped my wings and grabbed the ledge only pulling half of myself in before realizing how tired I was. My eyes felt heavy and my muscles refused to push me the rest of the way through the window. I gathered all the energy I had left and shoved myself onto the floor. I slowly turned around and lazily shut the window and climbed into bed. I looked at the clock on my dresser and it read three o’ seven a.m. and slowly became blurry as I fell asleep.


I awoke with a pain in the center part of my back and a slight pressure in my head. I opened my eyes and everything was upside down. It took me a moment to realize that I was upside down. I chuckled and rolled over, falling off of my bed. My window was open with the curtains drawn and the sound of birds chirping was heard. I walked over and looked outside at all the ponies in the town square.

'What time is it?' I thought as I looked over at the clock: Eleven fifty three.

“Wow I was asleep for a long time. Mom must’ve opened the window while I was asleep.” I said aloud.

I stretched out my wings and my neck, making sure to get my back for a good measure.

Feeling better, I left my room and went into the bathroom for my daily shower. After I got done, I dried off, shook any excess water off and went downstairs.

After seeing nobody, I walked into the kitchen and a note was left on the kitchen center counter:


Your father and I went out to Cloudsdale for a little visit for a couple days. Leo wanted you to go but he didn’t want to wake you or wait for you to wake up. We decided to let you stay here and rest up. We left 200 bits on the counter next to this note for food and emergencies only! Have fun Scion and make sure you stretch out your wings well and do what the doctors told you!


P.S.- This is your father. Your mom’s upstairs as I write this. Don’t do anything stupid like blowing up the house or setting it on fire or whatever you kids do to houses these days. Oh and don’t go sneaking off to Fluttershy’s house at night for a “little fun” because I raised you better than that and most importantly, I’m watching you….. Have fun!



I threw the note across the counter. “Really dad? Do I look dumb to you..? Ooh 200 bits she said?”

I picked up the bag of bits and brought it upstairs and put it in my saddlebag. I quickly threw it onto my back and headed downstairs and out the front door.

“Today, I’m going to make a surprise visit to Fluttershy’s place.” I told myself aloud.

Locking the front door, I made my way down through the busy Market Square and walked to the path to Fluttershy’s cottage. Once through the gate, I could hear a distinct whistling noise that sounded pleasant to my ears.

Upon walking further up the hill toward the house, I saw Fluttershy in front of a small tree with the branches covered with birds with what looked like a choir setting.

I sat down on the trunk of a tree and watched her move her hooves around in a gentle swinging motion, guiding the birds to the correct notes. Every once in a while, she would stop and go up to one of the birds and help with posture or help any of them get back on key.

Once she finished, the birds flew off to their bird houses and Fluttershy turned and began humming a tune with her eyes closed. When she opened them, they were immediately on me. She flinched in surprise but smiled once she realized it was me.

“You know how to sneak up on me.” She said with a giggle as I walked with her to the back part of her cottage.

“I couldn’t help but just watch. The birds’ singing was so soothing I just couldn’t interrupt.” I replied.

She looked over at me and smiled. “So how come you came over?” She looked up at the sky for a brief second, “We don’t have to meet up for about another two hours.”

“I thought I’d make a surprise visit and say hello.” I said.

“Well I appreciate the generous thoughts.” She said as she wrapped her wing around my back.

“And I thought that we can maybe have some late lunch or something before the concert tonight.”

“Oh, that would be lovely. I’ll meet you around the front when I’m finished feeding the rest of my animal friends?”

“Sure. I’ll be on the bench outside your door.” I replied.

“Okay.” She replied with a smile and waived.


I lay on my back looking at the clouds when Fluttershy came around the corner of her cottage.

“I’m all finished.” She said.

“Okie doke!” I said as I slid off the bench.

“Where would you like to go?” She asked.

“I guess we can decide once we get there. I’m not really sure what Ponyville has for restaurants.”

“That’s fair enough.”

We walked down the path from her cottage and went straight to the Market Square. Once there, we looked around and noticed more restaurants than you could possibly think.

“I never thought a small town like Ponyville had so many places to eat that I’ve never noticed before.” I chuckled.
Fluttershy turned and giggled lightly, “That’s what I thought when I first came to Ponyville.”

After a few more moments, I pointed to a rather intriguing building with posters of daisy and daffodil salads on the windows. We decided to go here and headed on inside. We waited for a moment before a young looking stallion came up.

“Hello and welcome to Jonquille et Daisy Buffet. Table for two?”

“You got it.” I replied.

“Wonderful! Follow me and I’ll bring you to your table.” He said in a genteel manner as he grabbed two menus from behind the counter.

We followed him out to a table near a window; he stopped and turned around:

“We have two spots you can choose: a spot here at the window with a great view of the southern hill of Ponyville or outside in the shady spot overlooking Ponyville’s Market Square.”

I looked at Fluttershy and shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me, what do you think?”

“Well it is a beautiful day today… the table outside… if that’s okay with you I mean.” She replied shyly.

I smiled and turned to the stallion. “We’ll have the outside table.”

“Good choice! And I must agree it is a beautiful day this afternoon.” He said and motioned for us to follow.

He led us to the outside and to a vacant area with the other ponies on the other side of the outside dining area.

As we took our seats at the table, the waiter leaned over and whispered: “I thought I’d give you a table to yourselves and not be bothered by anypony.”

“Ohh well thank you kindly.” I replied.

“You are very welcome.” He returned to his regular posture and handed out the menus. “Your waiter will be with you in just a few quick moments. Thank you for choosing Jonquille et Daisy Buffet and enjoy your meal.”

“Thank you.” We replied as he went back inside.

“What a nice fellow.” I said.

“That’s the first time I’ve met someone that nice at a restaurant before.” Fluttershy said.

“When I lived in Cloudsdale, we rarely had any nice waiters or waitresses.” I replied.

She giggled. “That sounds like Cloudsdale.”

A few moments later another stallion that looked to be the same age as the previous one arrived and set silverware on the table.

“Bonjour, my name is Leirre and I’ll be your waiter this afternoon. Could I start off with drinks?”

“I’ll have water.” I replied.

“I’ll have, um.. water.” She replied quietly.

He gave a light chuckle, “Don’t worry ma’am I don’t bite. And I want to apologize for my heavy accent and don’t be afraid to ask me to repeat anything, okay?”

“Oh I could understand you perfectly.” I replied.

“Merveilleux! I’ll be back with your drinks momentarily.”

We sat in silence for a few moments as I watched Fluttershy hide behind her mane and lightly poke at the silverware. As she did this, the one thing I could imagine was a tiny foal next to her with similar features as her and doing the same thing…

‘Why the buck am I thinking about that right now?!’ I thought.

A few seconds later, Leirre arrived with our drinks.

“Here we are, water for the monsieur and water for the dame. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more

“Uhh I’ll get the daffodil and daisy salad.”

“Okay, and what about you dame?”

“Um, I’ll have the same..”

“Magifique! I’ll be back with your orders.”

Once he left, I turned over to see Fluttershy blushing and looking straight into my eyes.

I couldn’t hold it any longer. “Nooo, stop looking at me like that it’s too adorable!”

I first began to notice I said that too loud as the ponies across the way began to chuckle. I felt my face getting hot and before I knew it, I felt a warm sense on my arm. I looked to see it was Fluttershy who moved her chair and sat next to me. She lightly kissed my cheek and at that second, Leirre arrived with our food.

“Oh, Je suis désolé I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” He said

I chuckled. “No you’re okay.”

“Ah, well here is your food. Enjoy your meal! I’ll be checking in every few moments to see how things are and don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.” He added.

“Thank you Leirre.” Fluttershy said.

“Vous êtes le bienvenu, madame.” He replied with a smile and walked back inside.

Over the next half hour, we ate our food and shared our life stories. The more Fluttershy talked about her past, the more I became intrigued. She said that she wasn’t always shy but at a moment when she was very little, she lost her parents and was alone for two days. Once they found her, she didn’t speak a word for a whole year. Her parents began to think she was never going to speak again but she did after she earned her cutie mark. After that, she never heard or seen her parents ever again. That’s the time when her Aunt and Uncle took her in.

“If it wasn’t for them, the counselors at Summer Flight Camp would have told the authorities and a foster home would’ve had temporary custody until they found my parents. But you could say it was a good thing because if it wasn’t for all of that, I wouldn’t have moved to Ponyville and meet all these amazing ponies. Including you.”

I smiled and kissed her forehead. She may be right, but it still doesn’t mean it was the right thing.

“Do you ever think about them? Do you ever wonder if they’ll ever find you?” I asked.

She sighed lightly. “Honestly, I don’t really think about it that much. But I have dreamed that one day, one day we will see each other and reconnect. I don’t want to just assume that they’ve abandoned me.”

“I don’t think they’ve abandoned you. I think they did it for a purpose and we will never know that purpose until they come around.” I replied.

“You’re right. You’re so smart.” She said as she nuzzled my neck making me chuckle. After a second, I heard a pony from across the way say ‘aww’.

I looked over and saw Leirre and a few other waiters with him carrying two bowls with fancy toppings.

“I don’t mean to interrupt again but me and my colleagues here would like to give you this wonderful dessert, our most delicate dessert, free of charge.”

Both Fluttershy and I were taken by surprise we couldn’t say a word.

“T-Thank you so much Leirre, this is amazing.” Was the only thing I could say.

“Il est notre plaisir, monsieur. Enjoy!”

As we ate our dessert, we talked about how amazing it was. It had the sweetness of Sweet Apple Acres’ apples, and had cracker crumb layers between the frosting and fudge. For those few minutes, we were in heaven.

We finished our dessert and paid the bill. I made sure to leave extra tip for Leirre for his wonderful hospitality.

He walked with us to the door and held it open for us.

“Merci d'avoir choisi Jonquille et Daisy Buffet, you are always welcome.” He said.

“And I most definitely will come back Leirre. Thank you for the excellent service.” I replied.

“It was my pleasure. Good day!” He waved.

We returned the gesture and headed toward our usual spot at the fountain statue. We sat on the bench in front of it and Fluttershy leaned on my shoulder.

We sat there for a good ten minutes while I gently ran my hoof through her mane, every inch of it softer than a plush cloud.

Suddenly she jumped up and looked around frantically. “Oh my goodness! What time is it?”

“It’s about ten minutes after two o’clock. Why, what’s the matter?” I asked.

“Oh my, oh my! Um what time does the concert start?”

“I believe it’s at seven.”

“Oh no I almost forgot!” She replied.

“Wait, forgot what?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later. I forgot I needed to get some things done before the concert! I’ll meet you here at six? If that’s okay with you I mean…”

“Yes, I’ll meet you here at six.” I replied.

“Okay.” She kissed me quickly. “Thanks Scion.”

“You’re welcome Shy.” I replied.

She began to flap her wings and take off into the air. I watched as she disappeared into the horizon of the trees to her cottage…