• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,356 Views, 43 Comments

New Town, New Friends and Butterflies - Shysoldier94

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

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It’s been two days since I met Rainbow Dash and the others and... Fluttershy. And that was it, her name, just the very thought of her just stuck in my mind like super glue. For two whole days there was not a time that I wasn’t thinking about her. And I know somepony would be thinking I was just in over my head and need to snap out of it. But it was something about her that caught my attention. She was a very beautiful young mare, but that wasn’t it. It was just her: the very being she is. She is everything perfect I was looking for but never had the chance to have. She was shy, caring, loving, and from what Twilight told me from the party, she treated animals as if they were children; so motherly. Just the very thought of her felt like butterflies were flying around in my stomach. And that’s when it hit me: I have to tell her…

My train of thought was interrupted with somepony knocking on my bedroom door. It was my father who walked in and sat on my bed next to me.

“Son, you’ve been in here for two days straight. Is there something wrong? ‘Cause if there’s not, I’m gonna throw you out the window.” He gave a smile and laughed. My dad always had a different sense of humor.

“No nothing’s wrong. But..I do have something on my mind.” My dad then gave me an ‘oooh I’m interested’ look.

“Well tell me what’s on your mind kiddo.”

I hesitated for a second and glanced around the room. “It’s kinda embarrassing to talk about.” I said, trying to get him to forget about the whole subject and move onto something else.

“Hey come on I’m your father. You can tell me anything. Hay, I probably had the same predicament when I was your age.”

“Um okay, well I’ve been kinda thinking over the past few days..” I swallowed before continuing, nervous about what his response might be. “…what a crush…or I mean what love feels like. You know, how do you know when you feel it?”

His eyes brightened and a smile came across his face. “Well well, we’ve been here for only four days and you’re already in love? Wow son I am impressed!” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a pat on my chest.

“No no heh, nothing like that I was just..ya know, little curious.”

“Well in that case, love is that intense feeling of deep affection for that special somepony that you really care about. It’s a special kind of magic that you don’t have to be a unicorn to possess the power to love. Let me tell you a story. When I first met your mother..”

I interrupted him, “Noo dad do you really have to bring that up?” Obviously it was a story I hear many times before.

“Sorry son, you set yourself up for this one. Anyways, when I first met your mother, I knew that right then and there that she was the mare I was going to marry. And anytime the thought of her came across mind, my wings fluttered, and my legs became wobbly, and butterflies were flying around in my stomach. But that went away and was replaced with a warm feeling in my chest. Even to this day that warm feeling still remains. And that’s how I knew what love felt like.”

“Huh, I never thought of it that way.” It was true. I haven’t given it much thought since she was practically the only thing on my mind for the past few days.

“I promise you Scion, you too will feel that same feeling soon enough.”

“Yeah you’re right.” I hopped off my bed and stretched my wings and my back legs. “Since I’ve been in here for two days, I’m gonna go out for a while and get some fresh air and explore some more.”

“Sounds good to me son. Oh that reminds me, since you’re going out, do you think you can get a bushel of apples from that mare’s kiosk downtown? Your mother needs some for her famous apple cream pie” His ears perked up from just the thought of it.

“Yeah sure no problem.” I said while taking flight out my opened window. “See you later!” When I was about a 100 hoofs away from my house I went in for a landing. It’s a good thing I didn’t tell him the truth. I thought, that would be way too embarrassing. Knowing my dad, he’d go overboard and tell everypony.

Since my wings were cramped from lying in my room all that time, I decided to walk and make my way over to Twilight at the library. Maybe she could help console me with what I was feeling.

I finally made it to the library, and was surprised it was inside a tree. I guess some things are much different than they were in Cloudsdale. Well pretty much everything in Cloudsdale was clouds. I was about to knock on the wooden door, when a purple aura opened it and Twilight jumped at the sight of me, dropping all the books that she was carrying.

“Oh I’m sorry Twilight! I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“That’s quite alright Scion.” Twilight smiled sweetly and giggled. “I was actually going to deliver these cookbooks to the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner but didn’t expect to see you here. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Um yeah I was actually going to ask you something about a specific somepony.” I helped her pick up the books, still feeling bad about startling her.

“Sure! I’ve lived here long enough to know a thing or two about most of the ponies in Ponyville. Who is it you want to know about?” She asked with a curious smile.

“Um…" I hesitated, "how about this, first I’ll help you deliver these over to Sugarcube Corner, and we can come back here and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Twilight didn’t object. “Okay. I don’t see why not. I could use the company.”

And with that I took about half the books from Twilight and positioned them on my back, my wings holding them in place. On the walk over, Twilight explained to me who the Cakes were. She said they were the couple that owned and ran the bakery. They had two foals named Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pinkie Pie watches the two foals while the Cakes work the bakery and when they need to make deliveries.

We arrived and were greeted kindly by Mrs. Cake. “Oh thank you Twilight for letting us borrow these. We’ll be sure to return them as soon as possible.”

“It was my pleasure Mrs. Cake.” Twilight replied. “This is Scion, he’s the new pony that moved in a few days ago.”

“Why it’s good to finally meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you at the party the other day. The twins surely had us busy.”

“That’s quite alright Mrs. Cake. It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

“Oh my stars that reminds me.” She turned around and quickly trotted into the kitchen and came back with a square pink box. “Here you go deary, have this complimentary cake as a welcome to Ponyville gift.

She took me by surprise. “Why thank you very much Mrs. Cake this is very thoughtful of you.”

“You’re quite welcome dear.”

It was then we heard two foals crying rather loudly from up the stairs. And sounded like Pinkie Pie (from what I remembered what her voice sounded like) yelled down, “Uh Mrs. Cake, your assistance!”

“Looks like somepony needs some reinforcements” She said with a chuckle. “Come back soon you two!”

“Sure will. See you later!” Twilight replied

As we made our way back to the library, I was debating on whether or not it was a good idea to tell Twilight about this feeling. What worries me is what she would say. I’m afraid she would get mad and be protective of her friend. You can’t really blame her. Fluttershy is a very delicate pegasus.

We arrived at the library and Twilight used her magic to open the door. When we stepped inside, she called out, “Spike! I’m back! And Scion’s here!”

Spike turned the corner and ran past us and began walking up the stairs carrying scrolls in both arms. “Hey Twilight. Hey Scion. I’d love to stay and chat but I’m kinda busy sending some important documents to the Princess.”

“No problem buddy. We can talk another time.” I replied

“Sounds good. See ya guys!” Spike ran up the rest of the stairs

I followed Twilight into the next room with tables and stools. She sat down and looked at me with a smile, “Now it’s your turn to return the favor. Remember you said you’d tell me about this specific somepony.”

“Oh yeah hehe. Forgot about that.” I lied. In fact I was nervous about it since I made the deal. But I sat down on the other side of the table facing her. Might as well get this off of my chest now than never.

“Well you remember a few days ago at that little celebration everypony threw for me? And I met all of you guys?” I started

“Yeah I remember. Why you ask? Did one of them hurt you? Did Rainbow Dash throw you into another bush? Did..”

I cut her off giving a nervous chuckle, “No no, none of those things.”

“Then what is it you needed to talk about?” Twilight asked, with her big purple eyes gleaming.

I sat there trying to find the right words but nothing came out. At that moment it felt as if butterflies were flying around in my stomach again. Which is ironic since the pony’s cutiemark I was about to talk to Twilight about is butterflies.

“Okay. That one mare, Fluttershy was it?” I lied. I knew her name but was too nervous about what was about to happen.

“Yeah that’s her name. What about Fluttershy?” Twilight was obviously getting intrigued with what I was about to say.

I felt sweat forming on my forehead. Twilight seemed to look a little worried.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to faint. I’ll get you some water.” She left quickly and returned with a glass filled to the brim. I drank it down quickly. After I finished, I took a deep breath.

“Are you okay?” Twilight repeated.

I squeezed my hoofs against my head and blurted out: “Ahh! I can’t hide it anymore! IthinkihaveacrushonFluttershy!” I shouted fast and with my eyes wide I buried my face into my hooves. My face felt like it was on fire I was so embarrassed.

When I looked up, Twilight looked really surprised but she relaxed when it seemed that she processed what I just said.

“Aww that’s so sweet!”

“It’s embarrassing…” I replied

“It’s not embarrassing. It’s sweet that someone like you has taken interest in Fluttershy. You know, not many stallions have taken any significant passion towards her. And you I may have only know you for just a few days, but I could say you’re both perfect for each other.”

“Really?” I replied, with ears perked up.

“Of course! You too have all sorts of things in common. Both of you are shy, and you two talk in really soft voices. And from what you told me at the party, you love animals and so does Fluttershy.”

“Oh.” Was all that I could think of to say. My mind racing with all these thoughts made it intricate to process everything Twilight said.

“I want to be able to tell her how I feel, but I don’t know how I could do it. And I have no idea how she would react.” It was true. Thinking about what Fluttershy would do when she hears about my feelings made me uneasy.

Twilight thought for a moment but beamed with joy when she came up with a solution.“I know! We can go talk to Rarity. If anypony is as close to Fluttershy it’s her. I bet she can come up with an idea how you can talk to her and get you two together in no time!”

“Um okay. I don’t see why not.” I replied nervously.

Then Twilight and I stood up and walked toward the door. She called to Spike that she’ll be back in a little while as I waited outside. When she came out, she motioned for me to follow her to Rarity’s Boutique.