• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,355 Views, 43 Comments

New Town, New Friends and Butterflies - Shysoldier94

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

  • ...

Too Late

**IMPORTANT** to minimize any confusion, this chapter is written in third person due to the events from chapter seven.

Rainbow Dash stood there outside the doorway and tried to process everything that had just occurred. She couldn’t believe that in just the matter of minutes, Scion was hooked to all these tubes and wires. As she watched, she noticed Scion looked straight into her eyes. That moment will forever be seared into her memory. The look he had would give anypony nightmares. The look in his eye was as if he was in pain or in shear regret. Rainbow couldn’t hold in her emotions any longer. She was never one to show her emotions out in front of others but it was too much. Tears began to weld in her eyes as she watched his eyes slowly close. Then the worst thing sound anypony could ever hear on a heart monitor began to sound: flat line.

At the sound, Leo began to break down in tears. Rainbow Dash held onto him and did the best she could to comfort him but she knew there was nothing she could do. She was feeling the same amount of pain he was.

“Nurse!” a doctor yelled, “Get the defibrillators now!”

“Here!” Nurse Redheart replied quickly.

“Charging! And clear!” still flat line.

“Damn it. Set it higher!” The doctor yelled. “Clear!”

Scion’s body jolted upwards more from the increased shock to his heart. This didn’t seem to work.

“Doctor Wingheal it’s not working.” Nurse Redheart said sadly.

“No!” Dr. Wingheal yelled. “Son of a bitch I am not gonna lose another one!” He grabbed the defibrillators and tried again. “Clear!” His voice was now getting emotional and shaky. After another failed attempt with the machine, he began performing CPR, first removing the breathing tube from Scion’s mouth. Nurse Redheart walked to the doctors’ side and tried to pull him away. As expected, he threw her hooves off him as he continued. A few more doctors stepped in to assist Redheart.

“Dr. Wingheal it’s no use. He’s gone.”

Doctor Wingheal was breathing heavily through his nose as he slowly gave up. His eyes began to tear up. “Why?!” He shouted. “He was just a boy!” He slumped down. Defeated.

“Scion!” Leo screamed and ran to his brothers’ side. “No Scion you can’t go! You promised me you’d be with me forever! Please…” he began to sob harder as his words began to slur. “Don’t go… I wove you big bwover… remember that.”

All the doctors and nurses in the room began to feel the pain too. This little colt is now going to grow up without his brother by his side. A doctor from the other side of the room began to walk to Leo.

“Hey kiddo. I’m sorry about your brother. We did all we could to save him.” It was all he could say.

Leo sniffed. “B-but he said he’d be here f-forever… I wanted to be just like him…”

“I know son I know. But listen; do you live with your parents?” Leo nodded. “Come with me. We’ll call for them to come get you.”

Leo didn’t want to leave Scion’s side but he knew he had to. Outside the door, Rainbow Dash was softly weeping and leaning her head in the stallion’s shoulder behind her.

“Ah know it’s hard Rainbow.” The stallion said.

“It’s gonna be harder for Fluttershy. There’s no way she’ll be able to take this news Big Mac. She loved…” She said as she began crying again.

Leo walked up to Rainbow’s front leg and hugged them tightly.

“Are you friends of that young stallion in there?” The doctor who was accompanying Leo asked.

“Yes Doc.” Big Mac replied.

“I’m Doctor Wingsley. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know this is hard and it’s hard on Dr. Wingheal too and…” He was interrupted by a beeping sound.

“Dr. Wingsley!” Nurse Redheart called, “His hearts started beating again! We put the breathing tube back in.”

Without any words, Dr. Wingsley quickly made his way back in the room. Rainbow, Big Mac, and Leo tried to look in the room. To their amazement, it was true. Scion’s heart was beating again!

“Scion!” Leo squealed and tried to run in the room but was stopped by Dr. Wingsley.

“I’m sorry but you three will have to wait outside.” And he shut the door.


Fluttershy was doing her usual morning routine with feeding the animals their breakfast in her cottage. When she finished, she began to get ready for the afternoon. She went to run a bath and as she settled in, she began to have an uneasy feeling. It felt as if something wasn’t right.

It was all sudden that she began to feel a pain in her chest, with what felt like her heart. With it being so sudden, it made her flinch. “Ouch!” She screeched as she placed a hoof on her chest. “Well that’s odd. That’s never happened before.” Feeling a little silly, she shook off the worried thoughts as she began to get ready for her big day.


Rainbow Dash turned her head to look at Leo who was blankly staring at the door. She lightly nudged his tiny shoulder. “Hey Leo, you okay kiddo?”

He looked up and nodded his head while wiping his eyes with his hooves.

“Come on. I’ll take you home. We need to tell your parents about what’s happened.” She said softly.

“Ah’ll stay here ‘n case they have any more news on his condition.” Big Mac stated.

“Okay.” Rainbow said as she and Leo began to walk down the hallway to the front. She stopped and turned toward him, “We should wait to tell Fluttershy. At least until everypony else knows.”

He nodded in agreement as Leo and Rainbow slowly walked out of the E.R. door. As they began to walk down the road, Rainbow broke the silence. “Where do you live? I wanna make sure I get to the right place.” She asked.

Leo pointed towards the center of Ponyville. He didn’t speak since his brother’s heart began beating again.

“Here climb on my back and we’ll get there faster if we fly.”

Leo hesitated. The last time he climbed on a pegasus’ back, they wound up in the hospital and whom happened to be his brother.

Rainbow noticed something was troubling him. “What’s the matter?”

Leo shook his head and slowly climbed on Rainbow’s back. Once on top, he held on tighter than ever before as Rainbow took to the skies.

It was only a matter of minutes until she landed in front of Scion and Leo’s house. Leo was still hanging on with his eyes closed.

“Easy fella. You can let go now, we’re here.” She said in a soft tone.

Leo opened his eyes and saw she was right. He shifted his body and slid off her back and ran to the front door. As he opened it, he ran inside, “Mom! Dad!” He was crying again.

Rainbow slowly made her way onto the porch and through the front door. She looked to her left and saw two older ponies around Leo.

“Leo what’s wrong?” His father asked. Whatever he did to try and comfort him it didn’t work. He looked up and noticed Rainbow standing at the doorway. “Oh hello you must be… Fluttershy?”

“Oh no I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m a friend of Fluttershy. But that doesn’t matter now. There’s something we need to tell you.

Leo’s mother spoke, “What is it Miss Rainbow?”

She swallowed. “It’s about Scion..”

“What about Scion? Did he get you…” the stallion stated.

“What? Oh no no no no… none of that.” Rainbow quickly replied.

“Well if he didn’t get you knocked up then what is it?” He asked, getting impatient.

“Darrell!” Leo’s mother smacked him on the head.

“He’s in Ponyville hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. And he’s not doing well.”


Big Mac waited outside for about thirty minutes before the door opened. “How is he Doc?”

“Well he’s stable but still in critical condition. Right now he’s in a comatose state. We don’t know what’s wrong. If we did then we could better ourselves at helping him but at this point, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do but hope he’ll pull through.” Dr. Wingsley said as he placed a hoof on Big Macs shoulder.

Mac sighed. “Fluttershy’s not gonna take this easy…” he thought aloud as he sat on his haunches.

“Pardon?” the doctor asked puzzled.

“It’s his uh… marefriend. She’s really sensitive young mare and Ah’m afraid of what her reaction’ll be when she finds out about this.”

Dr. Wingsley eyes widened. “Oh dear.”


“HE”S WHAT!!” She screamed.

“Lilly calm down. Now Miss Rainbow tell us what happened.” Darrell asked.

“Well I was out doing my morning flight when I heard a scream and I looked up and saw Leo falling. I flew as fast as I could and I tried wondered how he got up there and I figured Scion had him with him. So I looked around to see if I could find him. When I did, I landed and Leo and I ran towards him. Then he just collapsed. I went straight to him and his heart and breathing was racing. I yelled for help and I got my friend Big Macintosh to help me take him to the hospital and well he’s still there.” Rainbow told the major details except for the part where Scion’s heart stopped. She figured it should be the doctor’s job for that one.

“Lilly grab Leo. Let’s go. Take us to my son.” Darrell said.

Rainbow nodded and began to head outside. She waited until everyone was outside of the house and took flight. It took less than five minutes to make it to the hospital. When they landed, Darrell ran past Rainbow and went straight for the front desk.

“My son Scion, Scion Starshine was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. I need to see him.” He explained to the nurse on the other side of the desk.

“I’m sorry but no visitors are allowed at this time.” She said with sincerity.

“No no no no. You don’t understand. That is my son in there and he’s in bad shape. That young stallion means everything to me and I will not be told I cannot see him. Please.” Darrell was on the verge of tears as he finished his statement.

The nurse couldn’t deny his plea. “Alright. Follow me.”

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” He replied.

The nurse led them to the second to the last door on the right side of the hallway. Waiting there was Big Macintosh. “Now stay right out here. I need to talk to the doctors inside and see if it’s alright you can see him.”

They all nodded and waited impatiently as the nurse walked into the room.

“Y’all must be Scion’s parents.” Big Mac broke the silence.

Lilly nodded her head.

“Ah’m Big Macintosh. Ah helped carry y’er son here.” He held out his hoof for a hoof shake. Instead, Darrell went to hug him.

“I can’t thank you enough for your help Mr. Macintosh.”

“No need ‘ta thank me sir. Ah did what Ah knew Ah had ‘ta do.” Big Mac replied.

The door opened to the room and the nurse stepped out. “You can see him but for only a few minutes.” She said as she opened the door all the way and stepped aside.

Upon entering, Lilly immediately burst into tears at the sight of her son. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, a respirator, and many more wires to hooked to him than she knew what they were for. Darrell was frozen solid. He couldn’t look away from Scion as he lay motionless in the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes and began to feel his legs give way as he fell to the floor from utter disbelieve. Scion… what happened… He thought as tears ran down his cheecks.

Outside the door stood Big Mac, Rainbow, and Leo.

“Aren’t any of y’all gonna go in ‘n see him?” He asked.

Rainbow shook her head as she stared at the ground. “I don’t think I could take it.” She replied. Leo just sat motionless and stared down the hallway.

A few minutes later, Darrel and Lilly both walked out along with Dr. Wingsley. “Now I know you have many questions.” He said as he closed the door behind him.

“How did this happen?” Darrell asked as he wiped his eyes.

“Well from my knowledge, he must’ve over exerted himself beyond the normal limit a pegasus can handle. This can cause rapid heart rate and uncontrolled breathing. Although they tend to slow with rest, Scion had a rare case. His heart and breathing did not slow which one by one began to fail. His breathing was first to stop and then his heart.” He explained.

“So you’re telling me that my son… died?” Darrel asked.

“I’m afraid so. He was gone for about four and a half minutes before his heart started to pump again. He’s stable now but is in a comatose state. We don’t know when he’ll come to. It could be at any time but we just don’t know when.”

Tears began to form again in his eyes.

“I know that this is a lot to take in but I assure you that we are doing everything we can to help your son. If nothing can be done here and he doesn’t wake within a week, we’ll have to transport him to Canterlot’s Intensive Medical Unit.”

All they could do was nod.

“Well I guess I should go tell the others.” Rainbow said almost in a whisper.

“Ah’ll go an’ tell AJ back at th’ farm. Ah got some m’terials to bring back.” Big Mac added.

“Don’t tell them the details. Just tell them to meet at Twilight’s and we’ll tell them then.” Rainbow said. He nodded in agreement.

Rainbow and Big Mac headed out together but parted separate ways as they went to tell the rest of the gang of the awful event that occurred.


Big Mac walked through the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. He had a lot of work he was missing but he didn’t care. His new friend needed all the support he could get and no amount of work was gonna get in the way of that. He searched through the barn but didn’t see her. He didn’t bother looking in the house because Applejack was rarely in there during the day. He decided to see if Applebloom has seen her. He walked to her and her friends’ clubhouse and sure enough, he heard their laughter. “Applebloom have ya seen AJ?” He asked as he walked through the door.

“Oh hey big brother. No Ah haven’t seen her.”

“Applebloom this is serious. Scion’s in the hospital and AJ needs to know.

“Scion’s in the hospital?!” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shouted.

“Eyup.” He replied.

“Ah think she’s at the south barn” Applebloom answered with wide eyes.

Without another word, Big Mac turned and left the clubhouse and headed for the south fields. When he got there, he checked inside the barn and there she was inside sorting apples. “Uh AJ?”

“Oh hi Big Macintosh. What’s up?”

“Ah was informed that you an Ah need to meet at Twilight Sparkle’s home ASAP.”

“Like right now?” She asked.

Big Mac nodded his head.

“Aw shoot. Alright Ah’m headin’ there.


Rainbow decided to head to Rarity’s since her boutique was closer. As she landed she didn’t bother to ring the doorbell so she just walked in.

“Rainbow Dash! Couldn’t you have just-“ Rarity began but was cut off.

“Rarity you have to meet at Twilight’s home ASAP.” She exclaimed.

“Why what’s going on?” She asked.

“No time to explain. Just meet there and I’ll tell everything when I get there.” Rainbow replied and flew out the door.

Next was Pinkie Pie. She flew quickly to Sugarcube Corner and rushed in. “Mrs. Cake is Pinkie here? It’s an emergency.”

“Oh hello Rainbow Dash! Yes she’s upstairs I’ll go get her for you.” She turned and went up the stairs. A few seconds later, Pinkie hopped down and greeted Rainbow.

“Pinkie you need to meet at Twilight’s home now. It’s important.” Rainbow said, hoping that Pinkie wouldn’t ask a hoof load of questions.

“Okay!” Pinkie replied and began bouncing out the door.

Huh well that was easy. Rainbow thought. Now it’s off to the library and hope everypony is there.

She didn’t fly because for the first time in forever, she didn’t feel like it. So she just walked to Twilight’s library home with her wings limp at her sides. When she arrived at Twilight’s, she knocked on the door lightly. A few seconds later, Twilight answered. “You too Rainbow Dash? Why is everypony coming here? Not that I don’t enjoy the company but I just think it’s odd all at once.”

“I sent them.” Rainbow answered and walked through.

“You sent them? But why?” Twilight asked.

“You’ll find out.” She answered. “Alright everypony listen up! Big Mac come on up here.” Rainbow said. “You’re all probably wondering why you’re here. And the truth is…” she swallowed, “Scion is in Ponyville’s Intensive Care Unit.”

The four ponies’ mouths dropped to the floor as Pinkie’s hair went flat.

“S-Scion’s in the hospital?” Twilight began, “But why?”

“He took his little brother for a flight and little Leo fell off of him. He tried to catch him but he over exerted himself way more than a pegasus can withstand. Big Mac and I rushed him to the hospital and there his breathing stopped. Then… his heart.”

Pinkie began to cry. “Scion’s… gone?” she asked between sobs.

“He was. But his heart started beating again after about four and a half minutes after it stopped.” Rainbow replied.

“Does Fluttershy know?” Twilight asked with tears forming in her eyes.

Rainbow shook her head. “That’s why I brought you all here so you can help me break this to her because I know she’s not gonna take this well.”

“It’s gonna break her delicate heart but I guess it must be done.” Rarity added.

“Well let’s be one our way then.” Big Mac said.

The six ponies headed out of the library and headed toward Fluttershy’s cottage. It was around 11:30 when they arrived and Twilight lightly knocked on the door. About ten seconds later Fluttershy answered.

“Oh hello. What’s everypony doing here?” She asked, not sure what to make of all the unexpected company.

“Fluttershy darling… there’s something we need to talk to you about.” Rarity said

“Um okay. Come on in. Make yourselves at home.” She said with a smile as she opened the door more and stepped aside so they could come in.

Once inside, they all sat down and hesitated as all eyes fixed on Fluttershy who waited patiently with a smile on her face.

Rainbow looked at her friends and gave them an ‘I’ll do it’ look. “Fluttershy I’m afraid there’s been an accident.”

Fluttershy’s smile faded immediately. “What do you mean Rainbow Dash?”

She gulped. “S-Scion’s in the hospital. In Intensive Care.”

Fluttershy’s ears and wings fell loose. Her eyes grew wide. “He’s… in the… hospital?” She asked trying to hold back tears.

“Yes.” Rainbow replied. “He tried to catch his brother after he fell off his back when taking him for a flight. Leo’s safe but Scion stressed his body way over the limit a pegasus can withstand. His heart rate and breathing wouldn’t slow and he collapsed. Big Mac and I rushed him to the hospital and once he was there, his breathing stopped. About a minute or so later his… heart stopped.”

Fluttershy immediately burst into tears when Rainbow mentioned his heart stopping.

“But after about four and a half minutes, his heart started beating again.” Rainbow added.

Fluttershy looked up through tear filled eyes. “So he’s not gone?”

“No he’s still here. But he’s in a coma state and I think you need to be there for him when he wakes up.” Rainbow answered.

“I- I can’t.” Fluttershy replied.

“Yes you can Fluttershy. Look at me,” Rarity began, “Do you love him?”

She nodded her head and answered softly. “Yes I do love him. Very much.”

“We know you love him. And he loves you too but you need to be there for him. I’m sure when he wakes up; you’re the first pony he wants to see.” Rarity added.

Fluttershy thought about what Rarity said. She wiped her eyes and stood up. “Let’s go.”


The group walked through the doors of the Emergency entrance and talked to the nurse at the desk. She recognized Rainbow and let them through. At the end of the hall, was Darrell and Lilly.

“Mr. and Mrs. Starshine, these are the closest friends that Scion has.” Rainbow stated and grabbed onto Fluttershy and lightly pulled her towards the front. “And this is Fluttershy.”

Darrell looked up. “So you’re the famous Fluttershy.” He took her hoof and lightly shook it. “I wish we didn’t have to meet this way.” His eyes were red from tears.

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. Leo ran to Fluttershy and wrapped his hooves around her front legs.

“Is it alright with you two that they see him real quick?” Rainbow asked.

Lilly nodded. “Only because you’re his closest friends. He’ll be needing all the support he can get.” With that, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity walked through the room. Fluttershy knew from the gasps that she heard and the cry from Pinkie that he didn’t look good. She wasn’t sure if she could handle it.

After about a minute, Applejack walked out with wide eyes and sat down. After her, Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity walked out with tears flowing down their faces. They sat down near Applejack as tears began to flow down her face that the rest knew she was trying to fight off.

“Are you ready Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked softly.

“I…” Fluttershy hesitated. “Yes…”

Before she was led through the door, Rainbow warned her, “You will not like what you see.”

Fluttershy gulped and proceeded to walk through. When she looked at him, she fell to the floor with tears flowing like a raging river. Scion was laid on his side with a breathing tube down his throat, and hooked up to a heart monitor. Along with those, there were many wires hooked on his forehead that monitored his brain activity and to check if there were any long term damages. And an IV needle that was attached to his wrist.

Be strong Fluttershy. She thought to herself. Scion needs my help and I must be strong. She walked to his side. The rest of the ponies outside peaked around and watched the scene before them. She placed her hoof on his bare chest. “Scion…,” she began, “I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here and I’m not leaving until you wake up…” She laid her head on his chest. His heart beat was at normal speed. She stood up and spoke in his ear, “I love you…” and leaned and kissed his cheek. As she walked towards the door, she noticed a small smile on Rainbow Dash. When she left the room, she was given hugs by everypony outside including Scion’s parents.

Applejack was the first to speak, “So what happens now?”

“Now we wait.” Fluttershy answered.


Six Days Later

It’s been almost seven days since Scion was admitted into Ponyville Intensive Care Unit and Fluttershy hasn’t left his side throughout that time. On the fifth day, he was showing slow improvement by being able to breathe on his own without a respirator although he was still in his coma state. On the seventh day, the pony gang arrived at their usual time.

“Fluttershy you’ve been here for seven days. You need to get home and rest.” Twilight insisted.

“No. I made a promise that I won’t leave his side until he wakes up. And I’m not going to break that promise.” She answered.

A few minutes later, Dr. Wingsley walked in. “Good afternoon everypony.”

“Afternoon Doc.” Rainbow replied. “How’s he doing?”

“Other than breathing on his own, he’s shown no other signs on improvement. And if he doesn’t come out of this coma by tomorrow morning, he’ll have to be transported to Canterlot.” He answered.

Later that night when everypony was about to head home, they tried once more to get Fluttershy to go with them.

“Please Fluttershy you need to get some rest.” Twilight pleaded. “I’ll tell you what, spend tonight at my house since its closer to here and in the morning you can come back.”

“But…” Fluttershy began but was cut off by Twilight.

“No buts. I won’t take no for an answer. For all we know, he’ll be up and awake by tomorrow.”

Fluttershy took one last look at Scion. She really needed rest. And she wouldn’t want Scion to wake up and see her all worn out. She finally gave in. “Can I have a few more minutes?”

“Of course. I’ll be outside.” Twilight replied.

She walked up to Scion’s side. “If you can hear me,” Fluttershy began, tears flowing again, “I wish I could stay but I can’t. I’m sorry I won’t be here tonight. I love you…” She whispered and kissed his cheek. She wiped her eyes and made her way to the door. But then she heard a sound behind her. It sounded like a grunt coming from Scion! She quickly turned around and saw him slowly moving his arms and legs and then his head. Then he slowly opened his eyes…