• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"Caboose!" Church yelled, kneeling by his side.

"Did... did we get her?" Caboose asked.

"Yeah, Caboose. Simmons has her right now. We'll decide what to do with her later." Church said with a smile.

"Good. I don't think I liked her. She was a mean lady."

"He has a punctured lung." Twilight said softly as she examined the wound. "If he doesn't get to a doctor soon I thin-"

"Hey Church?" Caboose interrupted.

"Yeah Caboose?"

"Why is everything cold?" Caboose asked, now taking deep and forced breaths. "My mom always told me... I should always bring... a jacket."

"Shut up Caboose." Church shook his head.

"I feel tired." Caboose yawned silently. "Can I go to sleep?"

"No Caboose. Stay awake." Church said, placing his hoof on Caboose's shoulder. "Please stay awake."

"But I'm so..." Caboose said, shuddering briefly. "...tired."

"No Caboose, you aren't dying on me." Church yelled, finding himself useless.

"Church, do you think they have cupcakes in heaven?"

"Yes Caboose. They have cupcakes in heaven." Church sighed sadly. "And they have cookies and everything you could ever dream of."

"Okay, good." Caboose smiled as he shut his eyes. "Is Pinkie okay?"

"Yes. Pinkie is fine thanks to you." Church said, assuring Caboose.

"Thanks to me? Yay, I'm a hero." Caboose laughed weakly. "Do you think you can do me a favor?"

"Anything Caboose. Name it." Church said, feeling a few tears roll down his cheeks.

"Can you look after her?"

Before answering, Church noticed that the blood flow from Caboose’s wound was lessening.

"Yes Caboose. I'll look after her. I promise."

But Caboose didn't say anything back.

"Caboose, stay with me." Church demanded, shaking Caboose.

Caboose just laid there smiling and after one last breath, Caboose was gone. Church slowly got back to his hooves and started to tremble. Not with fear. Not with sadness. But with anger.

"I'm so sorry Church." Twilight said quietly.

"No. You don't get to be sorry." Church said, turning to Carolina. "But she does."

"There has been enough violence." Twilight said softly. "I will make sure she gets locked-"

"That's not good enough." Church muttered, walking past Twilight. "Simmons, hold her still."

Simmons nodded, putting all he had into the spell, not wanting to be Church's target. Church looked back at Caboose and shook his head angrily.

"You don't have to do this Church." Twilight said as she blocked Church's path. "I know it hurts, but-"

"But nothing." Church yelled, throwing Twilight aside with his magic.

Church lowered his horn and charged at Carolina. The girls watched in horror as Church gored Carolina in the throat causing blood to stream freely from the wound. Church let out a bloodthirsty yell and stabbed her in the throat a second time. And then a third. And then a fourth.

"Church that's enough." Twilight said, pulling Church away.

"It's not enough." Church snarled. Church struggled for a few seconds before looking at the ground, where the grass was wet with his tears. "And it is never going to be enough."

A white flash temporarily filled the field, causing everybody to close their eyes. Church was the first to open his eyes to see Celestia standing over Caboose's body with a frown.

"You!" Church yelled in anger. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"It's just Celestia." Twilight said, trying to hold him back. "She hasn't done anything."

"That's the problem Twilight." Church said, pushing Twilight away. "Celestia is the one to blame for this, and she knows it."

"Calm down and take a deep breath. You're making eve-"

"No, she needs to fucking hear this." Church hissed, turning his attention back to Celestia. "I honestly don't even know where to begin with you. If you're the Princess of this place, then why the hell didn't you do your damn job? You let someone come in just to hospitalize one innocent and kill another."

"If I knew about it earlier I would have intervened." Celestia said honestly.

"But you didn't. Aren't you supposed to be the one everyone can turn to here?"

"I would like to think so."

"Then what about when you turned your back on Twilight when she thought something was wrong with Cadance? I can't even imagine how she felt when the one whom she aspires to be the most just shot her down like that without a second’s hesitation. Speaking of that, you never even fucking apologized to her for that. Without her, everybody would have been overrun by the changelings and you didn't even say anything. Twilight has kept quiet about it, but I know how it feels to be abandoned by everybody. I know what it's like to feel alone. That’s why I stuck with her. She doesn't deserve to feel that way. Nobody does. But I'm willing to bet that you didn't even think of apologizing after what you did. Why? Because you couldn't admit that you were wrong. Oh, and while we're talking about the wedding, how about we bring up the part where the Queen of the Changelings shot you down with ease. When that happened, it made me think about what Twilight told me about Alicorns and how strong you are. First and foremost the fact that you're not the goddess everyone believes you to be, but rather the opposite. You're not fit to be the ruler. You're powerless."

"Church!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Caboose wouldn't be dead if you had just let us be on our way when we came in." Church continued. "But no, you thought it would be smart to change us, people you didn't even know, into horses. What kind of mindset is that? You don't know if we were dangerous or not, but you were willing to change us into a group of fucking horses and tell the people you're supposed to be protecting that they are to help us. Do you have any idea how reckless that is? We could have been just like Carolina and killed them, but you didn't even think about that. You're nothing but a stupid, weak and powerless coward."

"That is quite enough." Celestia snapped, horn beginning to glow faintly. "I could banish you for talking to me in this manner, but I understand the state you are in."

"Know what? I fucking dare you to do it." Church challenged. "Oh wait, you won't because you're a coward."

Celestia's horn shot a sudden beam of magic at Church, but Church suddenly vanished in a purple mist and the beam dissipated as it struck a tree. Celestia turned to Twilight, whose horn was glowing.

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