• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Spike came out of the kitchen with a yellow gem the size of Church's hoof.

"Where'd Twilight go?" Spike asked after looking around the room.

"She went to her room to grab something." Church answered.

Spike shrugged and took a bite out of the gem and sighed happily as he crunched it to bits.

"What are you eating?" Church asked.

"Quartz." Spike replied through the bits of gem in his mouth.

"Are you supposed to be eating that?" Church asked, raising his brow.

"Totally." Spike muffled through the gem in his mouth. "Dragons are supposed to eat gemstones."

"That is... pretty weird." Church laughed.

"Okay." Twilight said, coming back from her room. "I got a feather from Owlowiscious for you to practice on."

Twilight walked up to the table and put the books to one side and placed the feather in the middle of the table. She turned to Church and nodded slowly.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Church asked.

"Clear your mind. Focus on the feather." Twilight said. "Imagine yourself picking up the feather then try and project those thoughts at it."

"You make it sound easy." Church muddled.

"That's because it is easy, you just have to practice at it." Twilight bolstered.

"Okay." Church closed his eyes and started to push his thoughts to the back of his mind. Once he felt that his mind was sufficiently cleared he opened his eyes and looked at the feather.

"Come on you can do it Church." Twilight said excitedly.

"I'm trying." Church grunted in a strained voice.

"You just have to concentrate." Twilight pushed.

Church's horn started to glow faintly and the feather on the table shifted slightly to the left.

"I think I'm doing it!" Church exclaimed.

Church looked to the left to see Spike sitting on the edge, slowly blowing on the feather.

"Seriously?" Church groaned.

"Well it's just that you were trying so hard with no outcome that I wanted to make you feel like you accomplished something." Spike said.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled.

"Sorry Church." Spike said quickly. "I'm sure you will find your magic ability soon."

"Don't worry about it, I was getting nowhere fast anyways..." Church muttered. Church turned to Twilight and chuckled. "I probably will never get the hang of it anyways."

"Don't think like that, you just have to keep working at it." Twilight said softly.

"Yeah, you can totally do it!" Spike added.

"Thanks, but I think I'll stop trying for now." Church grunted.

Church walked to the other side of the table and looked through the other books. He stopped when he settled upon a book with an odd looking title. He opened it and started slowly flipping through the pages

"What is a draconequus?" Church asked quietly.

"Oh, that's the history book I put there." Twilight explained. "Draconequus are rare creatures - even rarer than alicorns - which have the head of a pony and a body comprised of an assortment of other animal parts."

"Uh huh. And who is Discord?" Church asked.

Spike stared uneasily at Twilight, but Twilight just kept staring at Church.

"Discord is one of Equestria’s greatest enemies. He is extremely powerful and enjoys nothing more than causing trouble." Twilight said quickly. "He is the element of chaos in our world and was once imprisoned in stone by the princesses when they held the Elements of Harmony, but when the Elements shifted in to me and the others, he was freed as the spell weakened. During the time he was free, he caused full-on chaos across Equestria until me and the girls stopped to him and put him back in his stone prison."

"Where is this stone prison of his?" Church asked.

"It is in the Canterlot gardens." Twilight replied. "It is visited regularly and protected by the Royal Guard."

"Can we go see it? I kind of want to see what this thing actually looks like." Church said.

"Maybe some other time." Twilight promised.

"Alright. So what else is there to do around here?" Church asked.

"That depends, what do you like to do?" Twilight asked.

"Not many things." Church laughed. "Maybe I should go check on Caboose."

"I'll come with you, I think I need to speak to Pinkie anyways." Twilight said, trotting up to the door. "Spike do you want to come? We might be able to get you a treat while we're there."

"Sounds awesome to me." Spike said, jumping up onto Twilight’s back. Twilight smiled and opened the door and looked over at Church. Church threw the book back onto the table and walked through the door.

Once they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, Church went up to the door to open it, but it suddenly swung open to reveal Caboose standing in front of Church with a giant grin on his face. "Hello Church, may I interest you in some cookies?" Caboose yelled.

"Caboose can you use your inside voice please?" Church asked, groaning at the volume.

"I already am inside!" Caboose yelled once again.

Church threw his hoof over Caboose’s mouth and sighed. After a few seconds Church was satisfied that Caboose got the message and lowered his hoof.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited that Pinkie made some cookies that I was on my way to see you to ask you if you wanted any because I made them and they are good for your mouth." Caboose said.

"Sounds good to me." Spike laughed. "Where are they?"

"They are just coming out of the oven." Pinkie called from the kitchen.

"They are just coming out of the oven." Caboose yelled.

"Yeah, I think I got that already." Church said, rubbing his ears, trying to clear them of the verbal assault.

Pinkie came out of the kitchen, balancing a giant tray that was covered with dozens of cookies on her nose.

"They may need to cool down for a few minutes." Pinkie warned. "But once they are cooled they will be all ready to go in our tummies."

"I cannot wait to eat these cookies! They will be amazing!" Caboose said.

"They sure will!" Pinkie giggled.

"Hey Pinkie, can I see you in the kitchen for a minute?" Twilight asked.

"Why, do you want to bake some more cookies?" Pinkie asked.

"No, I just need to talk." Twilight replied.

"Okay." Pinkie said, hopping towards the kitchen.

"You wait here with Church and Caboose." Twilight said to Spike.

"Gladly." Spike said as he stared at the giant plate of cookies. "These look delicious."

"Thank you mister dragon!" Caboose said. "I helped make them."

"Well, here comes the indigestion." Church muttered to himself.

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