• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Wedding - Check Ups

Twilight was sitting in the bakery with Applejack who was checking each of the stations ensuring that everything was in order. Twilight had a scowl on her face as her mind was preoccupied with the thought of Cadance.

"Cake." Applejack grunted after she put a final touch of icing on the top. "Check."

Twilight checked a box but kept the scowl on her face.

"Ice sculpture. Check."

Twilight checked another box and sank down.

"Best darned bite sized apple fritters ya ever tasted?" Applejack asked, stuffing one of the treats into Twilight's mouth.

"Mmm. Check." Twilight said happily, checking off another box. "Say, where is Sarge?"

"I think he went with th' other guys t' prepare for your brother’s party."

"Speaking of that. Spike why aren't you preparing the bachelor party?"

Twilight turned to Spike who was sitting with the two wedding cake toppers, using them like toys.

"I do, do you?" Spike said, imitating Shining Armors voice while holding. "I do. Mwuah!"

Twilight took the two wedding cake toppers away from Spike and glared at him.

"Tucker said that he would do it." Spike laughed innocently as Cadance walked in to the room.

"Hiya Princess!" Applejack greeted with a curtsey.

"Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Cadance insisted.

"Hiya Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Applejack repeated. "Ya come t' check out what's on the menu for your big day?"

"I have." Cadance said with a smile, but turned it in to a scowl as Applejack turned around.

Applejack held up a platter with the fritters on them to Cadance, who took a small bite out of one of them and placed it back on the platter.

"Delicious. I love, love, love them." Cadance said with a forced tone.

"Aw shucks, why doncha take a few t' go?" Applejack asked as she held up a brown bag.

Cadance reluctantly brought the bag up to her mouth with magic and started to walk away.

"I know how ya brides kin be." Applejack said. "So busy ya ferget to get a little somethin' in yer belly."

Cadance threw the bag in to the trash when Applejack turned around and walked out the door.

"Did you see what she..." Twilight trailed off but Applejack stared at her blankly.

Twilight shook her head and made her way to where Rarity was putting the finishing touches on the wedding gown with Simmons’ help.

"I cannot believe her." Twilight vented to the pair.

"She couldn't have been that bad." Simmons said as he fiddled with the suit he was finishing up.

"Oh you should have seen how she acted back there. I don't know when she changed, but she changed." Twilight said as she stomped her hoof to the ground. She brought her hoof up to her throat and started imitating Cadance. "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

"Did I hear someone say my name?" Cadance said as she entered the room with her three bridesmaids.

"Your highness!" Rarity exclaimed. She ran in front of Cadance and bowed. "Let me just start by saying what it is an honor to play a role in such a momentous occasion."

"Uh-huh. Is my dress ready?"

"Oh, uh i- yes. Of course. My friend and I have been working on it ever since we were given the assignment. And I think you will be pleased with the results."

"I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train." Cadance huffed with barely a moment’s hesitation.

"Oh. Yes. Of course." Rarity said, taking out a notepad and quill.

"And those should be a different color."

Rarity nodded hesitantly and wrote on her notepad.

"I think they're lovely." One bridesmaid said, the others quickly chimed in with their agreements.

Cadance glared at her bridesmaids and they quickly broke eye contact.

"Make them a different color." Cadance ordered before leaving the room

"Gee, maybe her name should be Princess Demandy Pants." Twilight muttered before leaving to check up on Pinkie.

"I thought we did well." Simmons said quietly to Rarity after Twilight left.

"You did Simmons, I'm afraid I was being too stingy with the dress. Instead of making it great we had to make it perfect. This is her big day after all and she should not settle for second best."

"She still could have said it was nice..." Simmons muttered.

"She is probably extremely stressed." Rarity insisted. "At least the suits for you and the other boys came out well."

"Yeah. I'm glad I finally found someone I can actually work with and not for." Simmons said happily.

"Shall we work on the dress now? After we're done you could go to that bachelor party that the boys are throwing, I'm sure they would be glad to see you." Simmons nodded quickly.

Over in the mess hall, Cadance was standing with Pinkie to make sure the festivities were meeting expectations.

"Okay, let's see. We've been over the games." Pinkie said.

Caboose grabbed the dice and threw them on the ground. Cadance gave an unimpressed look to Caboose.

"The dances." Pinkie said, dancing to the polka music. "I think this reception is going to be perfect, don't you?"

"Perfect if we were celebrating a six year old's birthday party." Cadance muttered.

"I am way older than six!" Caboose exclaimed.

Cadance rolled her eyes and started to leave the room.

"Thank you." Pinkie said happily.

It was nearly the end of the day when the girls got together to talk about their preparations.

"Bet I know what you're all thinking." Twilight said as she walked over to the table with her drink. "Cadance is the absolute worst bride to be ever."

All the girls turned to her with a look of bewilderment. "Who me?" Spike mimicked as he held up the Cadance topper.

"Spike. That goes on th' cake." Applejack said.

Spike pushed the topper on to the table and laughed innocently yet again.

"Twilight what ever are you talking about? Cadance is an absolute gem." Rarity said happily

"Rarity, she was so demanding" Twilight pushed.

"Of course she was. Why shouldn't she expect the very best on her wedding day?" Rarity asked.

"Applejack did you know after she told you she just loved, loved, loved your hors d'oeuvres she threw them in the trash?"

"Aw she was probably just trying to spare my feelings." Applejack insisted.

"No she was just being fake and totally insincere." Twilight yelled.

"She did raise her voice at one of my birds during rehearsal..." Fluttershy said quietly.

"See? Rude." Twilight said, crossing her legs.

"But he was singing really off key." Fluttershy said, lifting up a bird from under the table.

The bird let out a few terrible squawks.

"Pinkie Pie, you had to have noticed how she treated-" Twilight stopped midway through her sentence as Pinkie Pie and Spike were playing with the toppers, laughing wildly..

"Nevermind." Twilight muttered. "Rainbow Dash you're with me, right?"

"Sorry Twi." Rainbow Dash said as she stretched her wings. "Been too busy prepping for my sonic rainboom to pay much attention to the bride’s bad attitude."

Twilight let out an annoyed groan.

"The Princess is about to get married. I'm sure any negative behavior she might be displaying is simply the result of nerves." Rarity said.

"And I'm sure it's the result of her being an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Shining Armor, let alone marry him!" Twilight yelled as she slammed her hooves on the table.

"Think maybe you're just bein' a tiny bit possessive of your brother?" Applejack asked.

The girls all nodded in unison.

"I am not being possessive. And I am not taking it out on Cadance. You're just all too caught up in your wedding planning to notice that maybe there shouldn't even be a wedding!" Twilight left the table in anger and went to go find her brother.

Meanwhile all the guys were with Shining Armor in a room protected by a pair of royal guards. Tucker peered his head out of the room and tapped on one of the guards shoulders.

"Hey buddy, do you know any clubs around here?" Tucker asked the Royal Guard.

"Clubs?" He asked flatly.

"Yeah, you know clubs. A club where this suave motherfucker can get a lap dance."

"Tucker he's getting married you idiot." Church muttered.

The Royal Guard shook his head and turned away from Tucker.

"Could have just said no." Tucker muttered. He tapped the Royal Guards shoulder again. "Know where we can get some drinks and get hammered?"

The Royal Guard did not turn to Tucker but shook his head once again.

"Just give up blue." Sarge grunted.

"No we need to make sure he has an awesome last night of freedom before he's tied down."

"As the captain of the Royal Guard I uh... think I know where we can get some hard cider." Shining Armor coughed quietly.

"Now we're talking!" Tucker laughed..

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