• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Black Stuff

The crowd watched as Tucker fell at an intense speed, believing it to be part of some sort of routine. Rainbow Dash watched Tucker for a few seconds thinking the same thing before realizing this was real. She then surged downward with her forelegs extended and wings collapsed to minimize wind resistance. The crowd realized by the expression of fear on her face that this was not planned. The pressure of the wind rippled along Rainbow Dash's face, fiercely contorting it, as she continued going down. Tucker was getting too close to the ground. Rainbow Dash shook the negative thoughts from her head and grunted as she continued her power-dive, hooves first. The pressure on her hooves was growing stronger as she dove. Suddenly the scene in front of Rainbow Dash became extremely bright and a visible cone of wind surged past her.

"What is she doing?" Simmons asked.

"Shh." Rarity said, focusing on Rainbow Dash.

Tucker was twenty seconds from hitting the ground. Rainbow Dash surged forwards and a large explosion of color shot out from behind her.

"What the-" Flint started.

Seventeen seconds until impact, Rainbow Dash continued to surge forward and the pain of the pressure was starting to hit her.

"What was that?" Simmons asked.

Twelve seconds until impact, Tucker was gaining speed as he fell and Rainbow Dash was slowly gaining.

"Come on Rainbow Dash." Rarity whispered.

Eight seconds until impact, Rainbow Dash was getting close but it was going to be a close call.

"I can't look." Simmons said, closing his eyes.

Four seconds until impact, Tucker opened his eyes and looked at Rainbow Dash and winked.

"Wha-" Rainbow Dash started.

Tucker opened his wings and surged upwards, flying past Rainbow Dash. Tucker put one hoof on the trail of rainbows behind her and started to spin around it. The crowd watched attentively as Tucker was somehow manipulating the rainbow, making it start to spin. He continued going upwards towards the base of the rainboom, the electricity exerted off of his body constantly changing colors.

"What is he doing?" Simmons said as everypony else in the stadium gawked.

Tucker looked down at Rainbow Dash who had a look of disbelief on her face. Tucker looked back up and continued spinning, with the rainbow, which was starting to spin more violently. He was getting close to the edge of the trail and the rainbow then started to spin with great speeds, making a multicolored tornado. The crowd started cheering as he reached the end of the trail, multicolored electricity still shown shooting out of him. He looked up at the clouds and shot towards them, a trail of rainbow electricity following him. When he reached the clouds he channeled as much of the energy as he could and shot into the clouds. The clouds then flashed green and Tucker did not shoot out the other side.

"Where did he go?" Rainbow Dash asked quietly to herself.

Rainbow Dash flew upwards towards the clouds and started to fly inside them but Tucker was nowhere to be found.

"Is he inside the cloud?" Flint asked.

"Impossible. He had way too much momentum to just stop." Simmons said.

"Then what wa-"

A green flash appeared in the VIP area and a black pegasus came screeching to a halt right in front of Flint.

"Who are you?" Flint asked.

Simmons shook his head with a loose smile. "You got something on you."

The black pegasus looked down and groaned.

"Really? The black shit came with me too?" He muttered.

"Is that who I think it is?" Rarity asked.

Simmons nodded as the black pegasus shook off the worst of the black stuff. "Nice going Tucker."

"Thanks." Tucker said, patting off the rest of the black stuff.

Tucker then flew out of the VIP area and behind Rainbow Dash who was still looking for him. Tucker tapped her on the shoulder and coughed. Rainbow Dash turned around and looked at Tucker who was smiling at her.

"I told you I had a plan." Tucker snickered.

Rainbow Dash then gave Tucker a swift kick to the balls.

"Fuck!" Tucker grunted, remembering to flap his wings as to not fall. "That wasn't what I was expecting."

"Be glad that it isn't worse than that." Rainbow Dash snickered.

"What was the kick for?" Tucker asked still cringing from the pain.

"That was for not letting me in on your little plan. And don't you ever make me worried like that again." Rainbow Dash said.

"So... you were worried for me, huh?" Tucker said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash blushed slightly, but quickly shook it off. "Yeah, well... who knows what Celestia would do if you died when I was supposed to be watching you." Rainbow Dash said before flying back down to the stadium.

"I'm sure that's the reason you were worried." Tucker said with a laugh before following her.

"That was amazing." Rarity said as the pair landed next to them.

"I know it was." Tucker said.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, mind coming over here for a sec?" Spitfire said as she landed in the VIP area with Soarin and two other Wonderbolts.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash said before turning to Tucker. "Stay. Right. Here."

"What? Can't I come over and say hello?" Tucker asked innocently.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and trotted up to Spitfire and nodded.

"First off, I just want to congratulate you and your... friend. I didn't think bending a rainbow was possible so good job on that." Spitfire said, extending her hoof.

"Thanks Spitfire." Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she shook her idols hoof.

"I also want to give you two things. First one being an apology." Spitfire said in a sincere voice. "I really should have thanked you more than I had for saving our lives."

"Don't worry about it." Rainbow Dash said.

"The second thing I want to give you is an invitation." Spitfire said.

"An invitation?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Spitfire looked back at one of the Wonderbolts and nodded. The Wonderbolt then took out an envelope and handed it to Rainbow Dash. She hastily opened it and sifted through the letter.

"You want me to join the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash said, giddy with excitement.

"We know it's been your dream so we felt this was an apt way to apologize to you." Spitfire said.

Rainbow Dash's smile grew large and she looked at Tucker who was laughing with Simmons.

"As much as I'll hate myself for this... I think I'll pass." Rainbow Dash said quietly.

"You'll pass?" Spitfire asked curiously.

"I think I'll stick with Tucker for awhile. The Princess ordered me to watch him. I don't want to get banished for disobeying orders." Rainbow Dash said.

Spitfire looked at Tucker and her features softened. "I understand." Spitfire said with a nod.

Rainbow Dash held up the invitation to her but Spitfire just stared at it. "Keep it. You can look us up later if you change your mind." Spitfire said, turning to leave. She then paused and giggled. "But next time keep him on a tighter leash."

And with that, the Wonderbolts left the stadium.

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