• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Subject to Change

Simmons swung open the door to the Carousel Boutique and threw Sweetie Belle inside and onto the couch. He nervously glanced around, making sure they weren't followed, then rolled inside and shut the door with his magic.

"Simmons, you're acting weird." Sweetie Belle muttered as he paced around her. "Why are you acting weird?"

"Weird? I'm not acting weird. What makes you think I'm acting weird?"

"Maybe because you kind of ran all the way here with your tail between your legs..."

"Oh, that." Simmons said, forcing himself to laugh. "I was just doing that to... I'll think of a reason later."

"Okay, then what about you looking around like most people do when they're scared?"

"What? Are you saying I can't look around and take in the surrounding area? Do you not like Ponyville, is that it?" Simmons asked hastily.

"Simmons, back from the store already?" Rarity called from upstairs.

"Yeah. I decided not to get anything, but I stopped by the orchard and picked up Sweetie Belle."

"That's nice." Rarity said as she walked out of her room. "Did you have a fun day, Sweetie?"

"You should have seen it, Rarity! Two new colts came into class today and they got picked on by those fillies I tell you about."

"Why would I want to see that?" Rarity asked quietly.

"Well, you wouldn't, but these colts didn't just let her make fun of them. Well, one of them did, but the other one made fun of Silver Spoon. It was so funny the way they backed off!"


"What?" Sweetie Belle asked innocently. "They had it coming..."

"Even so, hurting somepony's feelings should never be something you enjoy. What were these colts names?"

"It's not that big of a dea-"

"Sweetie, I simply wish to speak with their parents about this."

"I don't think their parents live around here though."

"Are they living with a sibling then? Perhaps I should speak with them."

"They do have a brother who lives in town, but right now they're staying with Applebloom and her family. Their names are Theta and Sigma, and-"

"You mean the fra-" Rarity began, blanched face, but saw Simmons shake his head violently behind Sweetie Belle's back. "You mean Church's... brothers?"

"Yeah, did you meet them already?"

"I've had the pleasure of meeting Sigma, yes." Rarity nodded hesitantly. "Do you by any chance know how many brothers Church has?"

"I think it's just those two." Sweetie Belle shrugged.

"I certainly hope they feel most welcome in town after that ordeal with those girls."

"I'll say. Theta and Sigma are actually nice guys. We talked to them and then invited to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but instead they formed a less girly sounding group that will work with us called the Stud Stamp Sidekicks. Oh, I should probably get started on their cape design!"

Sweetie Belle trotted into the kitchen to start brainstorming, humming a tune that Simmons had taught her while she did so.

"Rarity, can you clarify something for me?" Simmons asked quietly once Sweetie Belle had disappeared.


"Doesn't the proper usage for the word stud mean a stalllion that-"

"Yes." Rarity interrupted quietly. "Sometimes colts and fillies pick up words from adults without knowing what they mean, then use them as regular words."

"But where could Sweetie have learned that word?" Simmons asked.

"Maybe we should change the subject." Rarity coughed, then smiled at Simmons. "I think I'm just about ready to do the designs, I just need a teensy-weensy bit more inspiration."

"That's good." Simmons said with a sigh of relief. "I was starting to think we'd never get started on those."

"You really are getting stressed over the due date, aren't you?" Rarity asked, looking at Simmons's tired eyes.

"I've never missed a deadline in my life, and I have no plans on starting now." Simmons muttered.

"I just thought you'd think I know what I'm doing by now. Don't you trust me?"

"I know you know what you're doing, but I also know that I never had to wait this long to get started on a project."

"Well I can guarantee to you that it will only be a few nights until we get going."

"Is that a promise?" Simmons asked. Rarity nodded, so Simmons sighed happily. "Thank you."

"Not at all. Now, I've ordered delivery from one of the local cafes, so now we just need to sit back and relax while we wait for the food to arrive." Rarity said, then gasped.

"What is it?" Simmons asked, twisting his head around to check for Sigma.

"I left out some of my modal near Opal and she just loves to practice her clawing techniques on it's rich fibers." Rarity said, galloping towards the stairs in a panic. "I will be right down in a second, I just need to make sure Opal doesn't ruin anything. The food shouldn't get here all that soon, but if it does just answer the door and tell them to put it on my tab."

"Okay." Simmons said as Rarity zipped up the stairs to check on her precious fabric.

"Opal, don't you dare touch that!" Rarity yelped, and Simmons heard nothing else but the sound of a cat hissing, followed by a hissing sound, then one of Rarity shrieking.

Much to Simmons's pleasure, somebody knocked on the front door a few times. Simmons smiled and trotted up to the door and cleared his throat, but before he could say anything the door got knocked on, but faster this time.

"I'm here, hold on." Simmons said as he began opening the door with his magic. "Rarity said that you can put it on her tab, so-"

"Not sure about you, but I don't have a tab." Church grunted when Simmons had fully opened the entrance.

"What are you doing here?" Simmons asked.

"Just wondering, did you hear any screaming an hour or so ago."

"Yeah, I think some kids were playing just outside the boutique before I got here and were being a little too loud." Simmons muttered, tilting his head as he tried remembering. "But when I came in sight of the boutique they were gone, so I assume Rarity shooed them away. Why do you ask?"

"That screaming may or may not have been me." Church grunted.

"That was you? Were you in the library?"


"Jesus, you must have yelled pretty damn loud for me to have heard that."

"I was. Listen, I'm going to just run you by the basics. Eta and Iota-"

"Other fragments?" Simmons asked, then bowed his head when Church gave him a small glare.

"But yeah, they are. Anyways, turns out in the catacombs the Necronomicon revived those two as well, but there were no bodies for them to take control of, so instead they went back into my head. But they hid deeper down so I didn't feel anything until Spike hit me with a fireball, then they got brought back to the forefront of my mind for some reason, probably to make up for the lack of sense I had while I was unconscious."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"Twilight sort of went into my head and the two fragments went into her head from there. Since there aren't any more statues in those ruins, I'm bringing Twilight and the Necronomicon on a train to Canterlot to find some statues to put them into in less than an hour. And before you ask, the answer is no. As stupid as it is, they can't inhabit regular statues. They need to be in an area that constantly has magic used near it."

"So why do I have to come?" Simmons asked curiously. "Why not get Tucker or Caboose to go help you?"

Church lifted his right brow and stared at Simmons contemptibly.

"Right, sorry." Simmons said when he realized what he had said.

"It's not just because they're incompetent, but you actually know that thing to hold others in place. I might need you to do that to the fragments if they get released and try to run. And the fact that you're not loud as hell is a bonus too."

"Sure, give me a minute." Simmons said, closing the door to the boutique. He trotted into the main room where Sweetie Belle was currently working on the design for the colts's capes. "Hey, Sweetie Belle, do you think you'll need my help any time soon?"

"No, I'm good." Sweetie said without turning away from her designs, much like her sister would.

"Alright, can you tell Rarity that I'll be out for a few hours?" Simmons asked.

"Uh, okay. Where should I tell her you went to?"

"Tell her I'm going to Canterlot with Twilight, so I won't be able to make it to dinner."

"Why are you going to Canterlot with Twilight?" Sweetie Belle inquired.

"No reason." Simmons said, tight-lipped.

"Are you going on a date with her?"

"A... what? No!" Simmons coughed awkwardly. "Twilight wanted me to help her study some statues in the Canterlot gardens for, uh, magic purposes."

"Okay, I'll tell her." Sweetie Belle nodded as she scratched out her design.

"Great." Simmons said quickly.

"Simmons, what do you think of my-" Sweetie Belle started, but stopped when she saw Simmons was no longer in the room. She scowled and began drawing on her paper again. "-Design. Okay, now I know Simmons is weird..."

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