• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Specialty Dish

"You mean Church?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Yeah." Applejack nodded, trying to think of what to say next. "Ah mean, don't get me wrong, ah like Church just fine. Ah'm just sayin' he hasn't really shown us that he can be trusted."

"Well he hasn't really done anything for us not to trust him." Rarity smiled lopsidedly. "Even though he may occasionally be a bit crass at times."

"Didn't ya'll hear what he said to Celestia back a ways? He called her a powerless coward! That don't sound like somethin' a sane pony would do."

"He was just angry at-"

"You and ah both know that's a load a horsefeathers!" Applejack said firmly. "If he didn't mean it, he woulda apologized by now. But he didn't, an' he seems perfectly happy that way."

"He just needs time." Fluttershy said, coming back into the conversation. "He'll apologize to her eventually."

"But when is what ah'm wonderin'..." Applejack sighed, feeling that she had already lost the argument. "But he went crazy in th' past, right? It don't seem to outta th' question for it t' happen again."

"How can he go crazy when he has friends like Caboose to keep him company?" Pinkie giggled.

"Caboose, for the last fucking time, there aren't any Lucky Charms on this train!" Church snapped from the other cart.

"Don't listen to him Caboose, you won't know unless you've checked underneath every seat." Tucker chuckled loudly.

"Stop encouraging him!"

A loud ripping noise came through the door, followed by a brief lapse of silence.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

"They're not under this one either." Caboose pouted.

"Caboose, I swear to god!"

"Very easily, apparently." Rainbow Dash smirked after the yelling had subsided.

"I suppose it's entirely plausible for him to go crazy around Tucker and Caboose." Rarity said jokingly.

"That's true. I mean hay, I really like Tucker too, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't drive me crazy sometimes." Rainbow Dash smirked. "But if he hasn't gone crazy from them annoying him yet, I can't really see him going crazy anytime soon."

"Ya'll should just keep yer heads on a swivel 'round him, s'all ah'm askin'." Applejack shrugged.

"I suppose that would be wise." Rarity nodded slowly.

A loud knock came from the other side of the cart, causing the stallion to jump towards the door. He quickly scrambled to unlock it, and once he did he pulled it open and bowed politely, not wanting to get on the read headed mare's bad side.

"That's more like it." Tex chuckled as she walked comfortably past him. "So what'd we miss?"

"Nothing." Applejack said slowly, before looking away.

Another rip came from the other room once Twilight and Tex had taken their seats.

"What was that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Just wait..." Applejack said quietly, perking her ear up to listen.

"Caboose, do it one more time and I won't let you have a catchphrase!"

"But you promised!"

"I mean it!"

A small sniffle came out from under the door, followed by a soft moaning.

"Oh my fucking... fine, you can have your catchphrase still, just stop ripping up the cushions. And stop crying!"

"Okay." Caboose said, instantly snapping back to his happy self.

"Well that was interesting." Tex grunted, turning to the ticket collector. "Aren't you going to go in there and get mad at them?"

"Aren't they your friends?" The stallion asked hesitantly.

"Well I wouldn't say friends, but yeah, I know them."

"Then no, they can do whatever they want." The stallion smiled shakily.

"I'm starting to like this guy." Tex chuckled.

A third rip came out from the other cart.


Once Caboose had ripped out several more cushions, they arrived at the Canterlot train station. When they got off the train, they quickly made their way to a restaurant not too far from the station. When they entered, they were greeted by a lime green unicorn.

"How may I serve you tonight?" The server asked happily.

"Table for fourteen please." Twilight smiled.

"Certainly." The unicorn said, looking at a chart that showed the available tables. "A large table just opened up, so just follow me and we'll get you seated."

The unicorn led them to an extremely long table, one that could fit thirty ponies if need be, and pulled out the chairs with her magic. Once they had all taken their seats, the unicorn quickly distributed the menu's.

"Can I get you anything to drink while you decide on your order?"

"I think we're good with water, thank you." Twilight smiled.

"Very well." The waiter nodded, turning to walk away.

"Got anything stronger than water?" Tucker asked slyly.

"Well, we do have sparkling cider, if you so wish." The waiter smiled.

"That sounds positively delightful." Tucker said, putting on a sophisticated tone. He turned to Rainbow Dash and lifted his brow. "Doesn't that sound positively delightful."

"Positively." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "But only one glass. We don't want you waking up in a field like last time."

"Fine." Tucker said begrudgingly. "A pair of glasses for us."

"Sounds good. Does anypony else want one?" The mare asked before leaving.

"I suppose I'll have one too." Rarity nodded, and smiled when she saw Simmons' curious expression. "It is a special occasion. Are you going to have one too?"

"I don't drink." Simmons shrugged.

"I thought the Irish were known for drinking." Grif smirked.

"I'm Dutch-Irish." Simmons muttered.

"Whatever." Grif chuckled.

"Is that all?" The mare asked patiently, and when nobody spoke up she nodded. "Very well, I will be out in a few moments."

"Classy place." Grif noted as his eyes rested on a crystal chandelier.

"Something tells me all the restaurants around here are classy." Church said quietly, casting a mocking eye over the patrons. "Looks like Celestia's overcompensating for something seeing as everything in this damn city is this classy."

Applejack glanced at him for a few seconds until she felt something bump her in the side.

"Remind me not to mock you about your tastes in food back at the farm." Sarge chuckled as he looked at the menu. "There's twenty salads and they all sound the same. At least at your place you knew how to make fifty different dishes, even if they did all have apples in 'em."

"We pride ourselves on knowin' all 'bout apples." Applejack smiled, forgetting about Church. "Which reminds me, ya'll haven't had any of our hard cider."

"Not yet at least." Sarge smirked.

"Here are your glasses." The waiter said, approaching them with three glasses hovering above her head. Once she gave them to Rarity, Tucker and Rainbow Dash, she floated over a small notepad. "Have you decided on what you want?"

"I'll have the rosebud salad." Rarity said, closing the menu to place it in front of her.

"Me too." Simmons said, having not really paid attention to what was on the menu.

"I'll just have a plain salad." Twilight said, not wanting anything especially fancy.

"Surprise me." Tex shrugged, throwing the menu on the table.

"Very well." The waiter nodded.

The waiter took each of their orders, until the only ones who hadn't ordered were Spike, Pinkie ad Caboose.

"And for sir dragon?" The waiter asked.

"Uh, do you have any gemstones?"

"Yes, we have a wide variety available." The mare nodded. "I'd recommend our freshly cut turquoise."

"That sounds good." Spike said, licking his lips.

The mare quickly wrote down the order, then turned to the last pair who have not ordered and smiled warmly at them.

"Don't you have any sweets?" Pinkie asked shockingly.

"The dessert menu is on the back."

"Why do you have the main courses listed under desserts?" Pinkie chuckled.

The mare looked over at Twilight and raised a brow, but Twilight smiled sheepishly.

"I guess I'll have two banana splits and one bowl of strawberry ice cream." Pinkie said, putting the menu on the table. "Oh, and one small salad. I'm trying to eat healthy now!"

The waiter hesitantly added the order to the sheet, before looking at Caboose to take his order. Caboose looked up at her with a confused face.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm beginning to think this place doesn't have any Lucky Charms."

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