• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Idle Worries

"You're the writer of the Necronomicon?" Twilight asked, jaw dropping.

"Ah, you're familiar with the name?" Long Beard asked happily. "I guess that means I will not have to explain much."

"That's an understatement." Tucker muttered. "That thing is pretty fucked up, you know that?"

"Indeed it is. The ability to see the date of ones death often puts a damper on things.

"You can see when people die with that thing?"

"Of course, what else could you be referring to?"

"I kinda just meant that his personality could use some work."

"Wait, personality?" Long Beard gasped. "I thought you meant the mere concept of him to be so, I had not thought that you had actually met him..."

"Well I met him, and he is an asshole."

"He was not always so." Long Beard said, before shaking his head dismissively. "When did you see him? Has it been weeks? Months? Years?"

"Less than twenty four hours ago." Twilight replied.

"Twenty four hours?" Long Beard asked hastily, eyes growing in fear. "That must mean he is still nearby..."

"Yes he is. He never told us about you living here though." Twilight said as her bright eyes met his blood red eyes.

"Do you have him in your possession?"

"Not right now. Right now he is at my home, completely-"

"Does Celestia know you have him?"

"No, she doesn't."

"Good." Long Beard said with a sigh of relief. He slowly got up and began to smile shakily. "You had me very worried for a second there. How do you have such a dangerous item in your possession?"

"We had a friend who sacrificed himself to save another, so I went into Canterlot's Archaic Wing to look for a spell to bring him back. When we got there we found the Necronomicon and he offered to bring him back."

"But you walked away, aye?" Long Beard asked icily, narrowing his eyes at Twilight.

"We were going to but-"

"You used him? What were you thinking?" Long Beard snapped, eyes turning slightly darker. He quickly ran to his bookshelf and pulled out another book. "We can only hope that it isn't too late."

"Too late for what?" Twilight asked nervously.

"Who did you use to revive him?" Long Beard asked as he flipped through the book in a matter of seconds. "Was it somepony evil? Was it somepony you picked off the streets?"

"No, it was our friend Church."

"You sacrificed your friend to save another?" Long Beard asked quietly. "Why would you convince one to go about that?"

"He willingly volunteered to do it."

"Thank goodness for small mercies." Long Beard said as he exhaled heavily. "Though I don't suppose you intend on bringing that friend back at a later date as well, hm?"

"I don't see why seeing as he doesn't seem to be able to die."

"Your friend knows the spell of immortality?" Long Beard asked contemplatively. "Odd, I thought I was the only one..."

"No, he is just naturally immortal."

"I'm not sure natural would be what I would call it." Spike said as he began looking in the cupboards. "Got any gems around here?"

"Spike! Remember what happened last time you took other peoples stuff without asking." Twilight reminded Spike.

"How odd, a pony who is a friend with both a dragon and an immortal?" Long Beard asked himself. "But to answer your question, yes, I do have some gems that you may have."

One of the cupboard next to Spike flew open and several large gems, each one a different color, began to float out of it.

"Take whichever few you wish."

"Really?" Spike asked as he reached out for a large ruby.

"What use are gems to me?" Long beard chuckled. "It would be better if you ate them, otherwise they would eventually just be forgotten."

"Thanks." Spike said happily as he grabbed the ruby and took a large bite out of it.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Twilight said appreciatively.

"Not at all. It pays to be nice to guests, especially ones I can trust, aye?" Long Beard asked hollowly.

"Yes, it does."

"I don't suppose you could do me a favor..."

"That depends on what that favor is." Twilight said warily.

"I would ask that you do not tell anypony of my existence." Long Beard said, forcing a smile. "Especially Princess Celestia."


"I..." Long Beard trailed off, looking for the right words. "Let us just say that I may have spoken to her in a manner which she most probably has not yet forgotten..."

"What did you say?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Many things that I should not have. I would apologize to her if i were not so afraid of what she would do to me."

"Don't worry, you've come to the right guy. I know what it's like to have a woman pissed at you, but spend a few minutes with me and I can tell you all you need to know about having them forgive you."

Rainbow Dash quickly struck Tucker in the back of the head, causing Long Beard to chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" Tucker asked as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not the one in love with Celestia..."

"Love? Celestia?" Long Beard started to laugh. "Oh my, you do tell the finest of jokes."

"Then what are you so worried about?" Twilight asked. "Celestia is one of the most forgiving ponies I know."

"Ah, I do wish I could believe that. I really do." Long Beard shook his head. Suddenly his ear twitched and he looked over to where he had lowered the dirt to enter.

"What's wrong?" Tex asked as she turned towards the door, anticipating trouble.

"It appears that others are approaching the entrance to the tunnels." Long Beard said quietly, eyes closed.

"That must be Applejack and the others." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"There are nine ponies at the entrance, but I sense that they are not all coming in with good intentions..."

"Are you sure there are nine?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. There is one mare, whose heart is filled with honesty."

"That's our friend Applejack alright." Rainbow Dash said.

"There is a simple minded stallion who is walking along side one who seems to be growing annoyed of him."

"That must be Church, but I don't think Caboose would get annoyed with him." Pinkie said as she tapped her chin.

"There is one walking slightly behind them who seems deep in thought."

"Delta." Twilight nodded.

"Then there are three keeping the back, two of which being red, while the third is an off yellow."

"Wow, the reds are still alive?" Tucker asked sarcastically.

"At least they're all together." Twilight sighed, before turning back to him. "Wait that's only seven, who are the other two?"

"One's heart is addled with rage, while the other one's mind is full of deceit." Long Beard said, before raising his brow and smirking. "He is trying surprisingly hard not to tell a knock knock joke. Too bad too, it is quite a clever one."

"They captured O'Malley and Gary?" Tucker asked, surprised. "How the hell did they manage to do that?"

"I am not sure." Long Beard said. The dirt entrance quickly sank into the ground and he opened his eyes. "I suppose that means you shall be on your way?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded.

"It was certainly nice meeting you all. While I do not get lonely, it certainly was refreshing." Long Beard said sincerely. "Now for the matter of Celestia..."

"I won't bring it to her attention, but if she asks I am afraid I will have to tell her the truth."

"I suppose that is fair enough." Long Beard nodded somberly. "There is another thing that you could do for me, however-"

"I'm sorry, but I don't plan on returning anytime soon with the Necronomicon." Twilight said quickly, anticipating him to tell her to bring it back.

"I no longer trust myself with that, I am afraid." Long Beard shook his head as the others started to leave. "I can sense confusion in your mind on regards to a certain stallion..."

"Really?" Twilight asked said, casting a curious eye over Long beard. "What is it that you want me to do for you?"

"Tell him your feelings. It is not wise to ignore them for the sake of others. When all the cards are on the table you will come to realize that it is better to have tried and failed, than to never have tried at all. Rejection could hurt for a long time, but the pain of not knowing will haunt you forever."

"Thank you." Twilight said quietly before following the others out the room.

"Anytime." Long Beard nodded before closing the exit to his room.

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