• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Cue the Manehattan Montage

“Guhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...” Rainbow Dash treated, her eyes rolling over a perpetually nauseated muzzle.

“Kwit vith ze vinink, Fraulein!” Photo Finish said, adjusting the collar of Rainbow's blouse. The dark confines of a stallion-drawn carriage rattled around them. “It betrays your regal beauty!” She leaned back, fluffing the poofs of Rainbow's shoulder sleeves. “After all, you need to look prim and proper durink ze photo shoot, ja?”

“The... ph-photo shoot?” Rainbow blinked at Photo. She noticed her reflection in the mare's shades. “Wait... h-how'd I get in this dress?” She glanced down at her intricately woven apron and flaring skirt. “How the buck did I get in this carriage?!”

“Heehee!” Photo leaned back in her seat and waved a hoof. “Ohhhhh Firefly! Ich liebe dich! You are so brazen and outshpoken, and yet—underneas it all—you are a delicate flower!”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow fidgeted in her blouse, glancing out the window as the sidewalks and storefronts of downtown Manehattan blurred by. “Your morning epiphany did a real number on this 'delicate flower.'”

“Ja. Ze first fievink vill do zat do you.” Photo cracked the joints in her neck and said, “Worryen sie not. You vill get used to it by ze twentieth!”

Twentieth?!” Rainbow barked. She winced, glanced at the flanks of the two stallions drawing the carriage ahead of them, then leaned in to hiss in Photo's ear. “Miss Photo, just what exactly do you have in mind?”


“It was awfully swell of you to take me home and nurse me out of my hangover, but I can't be your guest forever!”

“And vhy not?” Photo turned to face her with flouncing white bangs. “Ve are such perfect friends! Like a livink vell of inspiration juice, ja?”

“Sure... but... like...” Rainbow fidgeted, leaning away from Photo. “I-I've got a kingdom to go back to, remember?” She gulped. “Awesometopia won't defend itself from invaders, y'know.”

“Ah... but of course...” Photo Finish nodded. “Ze carrot bison, I sink you said?”

“Uhhhhh...” Rainbow blinked, then sighed, propping her chin atop her hoof as she glared out the window. “Good enough.”

“Relaxen sie, Fraulein!” Photo giggled, nuzzling the mare's shoulder. “You are so serious! Where is ze mare whom I sang with last night?”

Rainbow's eyes crossed. She rubbed her tired eyes, wincing. “Nnnnngh... we did sing, didn't we?”

“Ja! Sehr gut! It's comink back to you!”

“Yeah...” Rainbow muttered, opening her bleary eyes. “On a river of sledgehammers.” She twitched.

In one rear view mirror at the front of the carriage, Rainbow caught the grinning sight of an antler'd statue clinging to the back of the vehicle. Upon seeing Rainbow's gaze, Lancie smirked and gave a thumb's up with his talon.

Rainbow hissed, “What the buck do you think you're doing?!”

“Vat else?” Photo responded, shrugging. “I, Photo Finish, has to make a livink. Vat better a vay to introduce you to ze Manehattan social scene zan to let you see it from studio to studio?!” Photo grinned wide, slicing a hoof through the air. “Ve shall make ze magiks! And ve shall make zem togezer!”

“Yeah. Uh huh.”

“And ve vill get to know each ozer so well!” Photo Finish said, pumping her hooves like she was giving a melodramatic siloloquy. “And ze fires of inspiration shall breathe new life into Photo Finish! Ja! All because I hafe you by meine side!”

“Uhhh...” Rainbow blinked. She sat back in her seat, pondering out loud. “So... we'll be—like—best buds, huh?”

“Ja! And ze whole art scene vill bear vitness!”

“Best friends share secrets, r-right?”


“Then...” Rainbow cleared her throat and leaned in slightly. “What's your favorite number?”

“Ach! Zat's easy!” Photo grinned. “Zero!”

Rainbow blinked. “...really?”

“Ja! Such a beautiful concept! I vish more artists embraced it!”

“Yeah. Uh... same here.” Rainbow coughed. “Uhhh... I don't suppose you have three more faves?” Rainbow grinned crookedly. “In any particular order?”

“Shtoppen sie, drivers!” Photo suddenly barked. The carriage grinded to a halt, causing Rainbow to bump her head at the top of the car. “Squeeee! Ze first shtudio of ze day! Aren't you excited, Fraulein?”


Photo hooked her forelimb with Rainbow's. “Ve go!”

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