• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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As Awestruck As I Wanna Be

Serenity Shindig spent a veritable eternity lingering besides the pipe-lined doors. Rainbow sensed that she was spending that time doing something vital—such as entering a combination into the lock or a code of sorts. Rainbow glanced under the table at the other door with the apple motif. She almost made a move towards it when the temperature of the room dropped dramatically.

Shindig had opened the door. Rainbow knew it from the hairs on the back of her neck raising. With chattering teeth, she squatted low and stole a peek from beneath the dangling tablecloth. She immediately wished she hadn't.

There was no seeing beyond the open frame of the door. Whatever lay past it was blacker than black—almost as if someone or something had sliced a rectangular slit out of reality and left nothing but impermeable nothingness. Rainbow winced, feeling as though her eyes were going to go blind in little square-shaped partitions just from looking at it. Steam vented from the pipes, giving the air around the alicorn a ghostly mist. Rainbow imagined that the contraption built into the doorframe was attempting to compensate for something, as if the very act of opening the doors destabilized the entire room, or tower, or the city itself.

And yet, the whole time, Serenity Shindig—the Queen of Philanthropy—stood perfectly still and resolute before the doorframe. Rainbow imagined that something empowered her, since she was the dreamer of that realm. Whatever the case, while it pained Rainbow Dash to so much as glance at the door, Shindig unabashed stared into it. And, what's more, she began talking into it.

"I know you are out there, my love," she murmured with a great deal of emotion wavering through her vocal cords. "And I know—like me—you are waiting. But fear not. The pain will be over soon, and we will be together again."

Rainbow's ears folded back. She wasn't sure why her body was stricken with so much fear. The only other time in her life she felt like this was in the presence of Nightmare Moon—but at least then she was capable of showing some bravado. She chose at the moment to focus on Applejack. So, turning around, she scurried back towards the edge of the table, took a breath, and slipped out into the open. Serenity's flank was to her, so Rainbow was able to trot towards the apple-emblazoned door without being seen.

Shindig continued: "Her power is magnificent, my love. She has what it takes to pull you from the abyss. Our sons have assured me of this, for they miss you too and will do anything to restore this family again."

Rainbow fumbled with the lock for the key. She seethed through her teeth, finally making contact as she picked the tumblers within the doorknob.

"And when we reunite, we will have the most beautiful city at our hooves," Shindig said. She sniffled as tears ran down her face. "I'm doing this all for you, my love. You've given me so much, and now I am about to give you everything I can. We will be together again. That, I promise you."

The air filled with an even deeper chill. Rainbow heard something that sounded like the distant whimpering of dying foals. It was then that she realized that something beyond the door was replying to Shindig.

She hurried through her task, shivering. The mists spread to her limbs. Rainbow felt cold air encroaching all around her.


The doorknob unlocked.

Rainbow bit her lip, slid the door open a crack, and scurried her petite body through.


She closed the door tightly behind her and leaned her body against it, panting and shivering. With eyes clenched shut, she stood in place, navigating a series of pained heartthrobs.

Rainbow was certain that if she stayed in that room even a few seconds longer, she would have lost something that she could never regain. For some reason, it evoked memories that she didn't even know she had, and while she couldn't quite put her hoof on them, she realized that they must have been visions that a mortal pony wasn't meant to experience.

She was still agonizing over this when the softest, heavenliest, most velvety voice ever carressed her ears.

"Oh my, you poor darlin', are you lost?"

Rainbow's eyes flew open, almost tearing.

Across a luxurious sleeping chamber, a goddess stood up from her vanity, turning to gawk at the stranger in the room. Her emerald eyes lit the place more than a thousand candles could, and she wore red satin with gold trim. Her hair was done up in an elaborate braid, and apple blossoms clung to the blonde tresses.

"Is somethin' the matter, sugarcube? You look frightened."

Rainbow's dry mouth opened. "Applejack..."

The Cider Princess' eyes narrowed.

Rainbow hyperventilated. With a gasping smile, she bolted forward a few feet. "Applejack! It's Rainbow Dash! I'm here to get you out of here!"

The mare raised a dainty hoof, recoiling slightly. "Erm... Rainbow who?"

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