• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Friends Through Thick and Thicker

Stu Leaves and Rainbow Dash trotted along the edge of the burning mess.

"Silver Shill's in custody," Stu explained under the noise of working officers and fireponies. "He's being uncooperative, of course."

"Of course," Rainbow muttered, balancing her weak stance with outstretched wings.

"But between him and the evidence gathered at the site, I'm pretty sure the police will get a lead on where the two sons of Shindig went," Stu said. He looked up, the wind blowing at his mane. "I told him as much as I knew about Cider Space and the alicorn chalice."

"Uh huh..."

"They'll likely have a bunch of questions for you. The police, I mean. You talked with Epcot more, so I suspect you have an even bigger mental picture of the situation."

"What good will that do?"

Stu glanced aside at her. "Well... we kinda found one of Equestria's oldest, most mysterious artefacts, Rainbow Dash." He smiled slightly. "I'm sure somepony somewhere will be greatful to know that. Who knows, with the right sort of magic spell, maybe some unicorns can even trace the whereabouts of Frederick and Flim."

"Whoah. They can do that?"

"Maybe. That's what the unicorn officers said, at least."

"Yeesh. Magic is weird."

"Heh. I know, right?" Stu glanced ahead. "Look..." He reached aside and tapped Rainbow on the shoulder. "There's AJ."

Rainbow looked up, and she tripped.

Applejack was on the other side of the police tape, rummaging through the mess. Just as the two approached, she pulled something out of the rubble with a heavy gasp. It was her hat; Applejack brushed the thing off, smiled with relief, and slapped the article over her skull.

"Hey!" Stu waved. "Hey, Applejack!" He pointed aside. "Look who's up!"

Applejack looked over, blinking calmly. With a quiet breath, she ducked under the tape and trotted over.

"Hey... h-hey AJ," Rainbow Dash said, waving with a blue wing. She smiled. "Pretty freaky, huh? I mean... all of this Serenity Shindig nonsense... what, with the magical chalice and all?"

Applejack walked up.

"But what matters is that you and everypony else is safe and we don't have to worry about—"

Applejack brushed straight past Stu and threw her arms around Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus gasped, instantly blushing red as a beet under the shade of night. Her heart pounded heavily, jostling her eyes until she looked limply over at Stu.

Stu quietly... politely backed away from the scene.

At last, Rainbow breathed, and it was a breath full of the smell of warm sweat and apples. She almost whimpered, but somehow found the strength to squeak, "AJ...?"

"I'm so glad yer doin' fine, sugarcube," Applejack said, holding her friend close. "You worried me somethin' awful!"

"I... I'm sorry... I-I..."

"Dun be, darlin'." Applejack leaned back, smiling at Rainbow Dash as she rested a hoof on the mare's shoulder. A pair of sparkling green eyes reflected the pegasus' twitching expression. "I'm guessin' the whole nasty dream business took a lot out of you."

"It did?" Rainbow blinked. Almost immediately, she jerked. "R-right! It did! Hooo boy..." She flexed her tingling muscles, smiling nervously. "Good thing I'm made of stronger, awesomer stuff! Heh!"

Applejack sighed. She stepped aside, her hoof brushing against the back of Rainbow's head. Before Rainbow could say something—the mare spoke: "Stu told me about what you did."

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow nearly wheezed. 'What... what did I do?"

Applejack glanced over. "You somehow found a way to stay longer in the dream, tryin' to pull me out."

"Oh. Oh right."

"No wonder you was so worn out when we found you woken up," Applejack said. "That must have taken a lot out of you."

"Well, Epcot helped a lot."

"Erm... yeah. I bet she did."

Rainbow squinted. "How much do you remember?"

Applejack pouted, adjusting her hat as she stared at hte crumbled ruins. "Bits and pieces, most of it rosy."


The mare sighed. "I... I feel mighty shameful sayin' it, but..."

"Go ahead. It's cool."

Applejack looked over with an apologetic expression. "All I remember is... is feelin' really good... and very comfortable-like." She gulped. "Them brothers... they put some spell on me. They made me feel as happy'n'joyful as I've always wanted to feel." The mare shuddered. "Like I was livin' some foalhood dream over and over again."

"Er... yeah..." Rainbow Dash glanced aside. "About that..."

"But somehow, the entire time, I knew that somethin' wasn't right." Applejack turned to smile at her again. "I didn't have my family with me. Or my friends. At least... that's what I thought."

"They put some heavy blinders on you, Applejack," Rainbow said. "But... you were there. In some way or another, a part of you cooperated. So don't feel bad."

"I dun feel bad. Not really." Applejack sighed, her lips curving. "It's impossible to feel bad when I know I've got ponies who care for me so much."


"You and Stu... you did yer darnedest to pull me out of there. And then Mulia Mild... Donut Joe... Gustave..."

"Heh... yeah, I suppose we got them out too, didn't we?"

"Always thinkin' for others when push comes to shove, eh girl?" Applejack chuckled, shaking her head. "I dun think I've ever been prouder to have such a loyal friend."

Rainbow Dash avoided Applejack's expression, if only so the mare couldn't see how aflame her cheeks were. "Yes, well..." She cleared her throat. "Stu helped."

"I reckon he did, but..."


Rainbow glanced over. "But what?"

Applejack sighed. "I'm mighty tired. The police folk here say that they needs to question us a bit more. I'd say we get that over with and start to plan a way back home." Applejack rubbed her head, wincing. "And ta think I wasted so much time and money in comin' to this here dead end."


"Now I gotta figure out a way to make up on lost apple buckin'! Who knows what kind of a hole this will put my farm in and—"

"Your farm's gonna be fine," Rainbow Dash said. "We both know that, so don't even pretend to complain about that."

"Even still—"

"And you are in one piece," Rainbow said, her brow furrowed. "And you're gonna go back to your family. Your real family. Ain't that a victory?"

Applejack stared at her. With a rosy expression to her freckles, she smiled and said, "Yeah, darlin'. I reckon it is."

Rainbow smiled.

"Come..." Applejack brushed her hoof against Rainbow's shoulder and led her towards the wagon. "...you look like you could use a drink. I've got more cider than I can toss into a sinkhole on account of there bein' no business here."

"Uhhhhm..." Rainbow shuddered. "No offense, AJ, but I think I've had my fill of cider for a while."


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