• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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"Tell Trixie again just why we haven't built the campfire inside the cave?" muttered the unicorn, shivering where she sat.

Applejack sighed. She looked up from where she stoked the flames with twigs and branches. "Cuz on account of the fire only makin' it all smokey and smoggy if I built this here thang in an enclosed area. Dun want none of my friends chokin' and collapsin' from smoke inhalation. Ya feel me?"

"Oh." Trixie blinked. "Trixie believes that's a good reason."

"Well of course it is!" Twilight rolled her eyes, then smirked aside at the mare sitting next to her. "Have you forgotten elementary physics overnight?"

"Harumph! Trixie is an expert on advanced magics! Not Smoke 101!" Trixie nevertheless hugged herself, teeth chattering.

"Trixie, please. It'll warm up soon enough."

"Mmmmm... n-not soon enough for Trixie."

"Here..." Twilight slid over until she was flank-to-flank with the mare. "Does this help?"

"What are you doing, Sparkle?"

"What's it look like?" Twilight smiled. "Sitting close together, our body heat should help you shiver less."

"Please don't sit so close to Trixie."

"Why not?"

"Because..." Trixie sniffled, staring off into the woods beyond the cave entrance. "Trixie... d-doesn't want to spill marshmallows on you."

"But you don't even have a marshmallow yet!"

"... ... ...could candy horse please pass Trixie a marshmallow?"

"Mrmmmmmff!" Pinkie stopped munching on one such treat in question. She speared another marshmallow, then tossed it Trixie's way. "Here ya go!"

Trixie caught the stick in a magical field, then aimed it towards the flames. "There we go." A shuddering breath. "Trixie will warm up soon enough."

Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "You're so weird..."

"Nice of Sparkle to notice."

Applejack smirked. She turned towards the other side of the camp fire. "Thanks, y'all, for grabbin' this here firewood. It's a load off my back."

"It's our pleasure," Fluttershy said, sitting next to Rainbow.

"How can you say that, though?" Rainbow squinted at Applejack. "All day, you've been pulling our wagon full of stuff like nopony's business."

Applejack sighed, leaning back to squat on a log. "Confession time? I ain't exactly fond of fetchin' firewood."

"What's that?!" Rarity finished nibbling daintily on a marshmallow to gasp. "Our honest Applejack actually hates a chore?"

Applejack smirked, waving a hoof. "Guilty as charged. Guess I'm just... not too fond of searchin' for needles in a haystack. When it comes to sortin' through the apples back at the ranch, I'm more than happy—cuz that's for the family business n'such. But... n-not my favorite thang to do."

"Mmmm!" Pinkie gulped another treat and smiled. "Well no wonder you never smile when I give you those Search and Find activity books every Hearth's Warming!"

"Erm... can't say I remember them gifts yer referrin' to, Pinkie. Reckon I just gave them to Apple Bloom."

"So you chose to take advantage of my gifts by giving again?" Pinkie blinked. "Heeeeee!" She bounced in place. "Best pony is best ponyyyyy."

"Well..." Rainbow Dash took a bite out of her marshmallow. "It's not like she's in competition or anything."

"Yeah..." Fluttershy nodded. "Especially not from any sparkly-mane'd pony in a beverage dimension."

Applejack looked over. "The Hay are y'all talkin' about?"

"Oh... nothing." Fluttershy's cheeks turned rosy as she looked at the pegasus beside her. "Just firewood fetching talk."

Rainbow Dash winked.

Fluttershy winked and smiled back.

"... ... ..." Applejack hoisted the entire bag of marshmallows to herself and shoved her hoof in. "That's it. There's somethin' in the water 'round these parts." She shoved a white cluster into her muzzle. "Nomf."

And one by one... the crickets broke out into song around the camp.

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