• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Go, Dashie, Go (Go!)

Rainbow Dash dug and dug deep into her closet. At last, after much rummaging, she yanked a black canvas saddlebag out. The mare tossed it onto her bed, then zipped off to the far corners of the room, grabbing random supplies and tossing them next to the satchel. Without losing momentum, she flapped her wings, flew out of the room, and started grabbing random things from the bathroom and kitchen.

With a jerk of her teeth, Rainbow fastened the satchel tight. Exhaling, she marched out through her front door, squinting into the early dawnlight. With a flick of her tail, she slapped the door shut, turned around, and locked it with a key. Pocketing the key away, she lingered for a few breathless seconds, gazing quietly at the cloudy stoop to her floating home. Then—jaws tightening—she kicked off the misty ledge, barrel rolled, and flew off into the heart of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash galloped out of Sugarcube Corner, balancing several plastic-wrapped muffins and fruits on her wings. With nimble finesse, she juggled the items and plopped them one one-by-one into the pocket of her saddlebag.

Meanwhile, a tiny stone head popped out of the opposite saddlebag. "I do believe you've forgotten the kitchen sink."

"Can it," Rainbow grunted. "If what you say is true, then this is gonna be a long trip. I'm not taking any chances."

"Well, certainly don't rush it!" Lancie remarked, clinging on for dear life. "You'll wanna come back in one piece, eh, Sparky?"

"This is not about me remaining in one piece," the pegasus said. "Apple Bloom can't afford for me to take my time. So... it's eating and drinking on the go."

"How charming." Lancie gulped. "Should I hold a bedpan beneath you for half the trip?"

"Lemme figure that out on my own," Rainbow muttered. She lifted off, gliding towards the west end of town. "But first..."

"'First?'" Lancie arched a stone eyebrow. "I thought you were in a hurry."

"I've just got one thing to do," she grunted. "Now hide your horns and prepare to be my chaos compas."

"Heh..." He ducked down, zipping the satchel pocket up behind him. "Yes ma'am."

Fwooosh! Rainbow Dash landed on the shadowed lawn of the Apple Family farmstead, away from the sunrise. Here, none of the many-many ponies gathered could see her. Stealthily, she shuffled up to the porch and gazed into the front room. Her ruby eyes widened.

To Rainbow Dash's surprise, Apple Bloom was nowhere to be seen. She spotted Noir, Zecora, and Twilight Sparkle talking in a circle—but no sick little filly.

Biting her lip, Rainbow paused to think. Then, with several flaps of her wings, she ascended to the second floor of the farmhouse. She peered in through the first window she could find, and her breath left her.

Apple Bloom lay snuggled up in the bed of her room. If it weren't for the abundance of potions and medicinal incense, Rainbow would have guessed that the filly was dozing normally as ever. Squatting at her bedside—out like a light—was a blonde farm mare with her muzzle buried in the bed covers. Applejack's forelimbs were draped over Apple Bloom's limp figure. The farm mare's lungs slowly rose and fell in fitful slumber.

Rainbow took a deep breath. She reached her hoof through the cool space left open in the window. Forcing the thing open, she slipped into the bedroom, light as a feather. Quietly, she padded over, then stood next to Applejack. The mare stood there for a few seconds, shifting quietly. Then, at last, she leaned in...

And she softly nuzzled Applejack's freckled cheek.

"I promise you, AJ," she murmured as quietly as she could. Her voice was warm, firm, and fearless. "Some way... somehow... I'm gonna rescue your little sis. She doesn't deserve this, and neither do you." Her blue chin graced the mare's blonde bangs, and then she backtrotted, shuddering. "Y'here me? There's nothing to be afraid of. Everything's gonna be alright. Just... just trust me..."

Applejack stirred slightly—which stabbed Rainbow straight in the gut.

"Mrmmff... fuuu... hmmm... come b-back to me, Apple... Apple Bloom..." Her lips pursed, and she fell back into a deep slumber, exhaling: "Sugarcube..."

Rainbow's eyes grew misty. She clenched them shut, shook her head, then looked across the room with a heavy scowl. Her tongue tickled, aching to pronounce six words, but she refused—instead diving back out the window with a flick of her tail.

Rainbow Dash had nearly cleared the western orchards when a young voice chirped into the air: "Rainbow! Hey, Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow gnashed her teeth. She had been seen. Against her better judgment, she hovered to a stop, then slowly touched down to the grass.

Turning around, Rainbow looked with tired ruby eyes.

A tiny figure galloped up, obscured in the bright morning dawnlight. At last, I scuffled to a stop, panting and panting. I looked up at her, ears drooped. "Did you hear? Twilight Sparkle has gotten Princess Celestia to agree to a visit!" I smiled hopefully. "Maybe she can find out a way to bring Apple Bloom back!"

Rainbow looked past me, squinting at the farmstead in the morning haze. "... ... ... I dunno squirt," she said in a dull tone. "Unless Celestia can get her hooves on some Frosted Lavender, I doubt Apple Bloom has a chance."

"But... but..." I grimaced, staring at her. "We've gotta have hope, don't we?"

Rainbow said nothing.

Exhaustion left me in a blink, and I suddenly noticed the heavy saddlebags clinging to Rainbow's figure. "Rainbow Dash...?" I felt a lump in my throat. "Where... where are you going?"

She opened her mouth, but hesitated. Then—with a smirk that I will never forget—she trotted closer in the golden sunrise, caressed my chin, and said, "Can you keep a secret, kiddo?"

"Anything, Rainbow Dash!"

She leaned forward, eyes hard. "I'm going to save Apple Bloom."

"You... you are?!?" I gasped hard.

"Mmmhmmm..." Rainbow nodded. "But I can't stick around for long. The next time I come back... it will be with a cure."

"But..." I fidgeted. "But how?!"

"It's... complicated. You just have to trust me, kiddo." She squeezed my shoulder. "And you gotta promise not to tell anypony else."

"Sure, but... but..."

"Now, there's no time to waste." Rainbow started flapping her wings. "Don't worry too much. Apple Bloom's gonna live. That's a guarantee."

"...but why keep it a secret, Rainbow?!" I bit my lip. "Why not tell anypony?"

"Sometimes, kiddo..." She turned towards the dull western horizon, wings blurring. "Awesomeness is its own reward."

"You... you really think so?"

But Rainbow Dash didn't think, she flew, and I sat there in a limp stupor, watching as she became a tiny blue dot against the bluer horizon.

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