• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Give It To Me Straight

"But, I..." Sharp Quill stared down at his hooves, trotting slowly over the grassy hill. "I-I don't get it..." His muzzle stretched painfully. "Weren't we g-getting along just fine? I mean... we were laughing and chatting it up like we've always known each other."

"Yeah, and that was all cool, y'know?" Rainbow hovered alongside him. The necklace dangled in her hooves as they came upon the emerald crest. A cool wind blew at their manes as she turned towards him. "You totally strike me as a nice guy! Which makes it all the more..." Her body slumped from her flapping wings as she sighed. "...all the more sucky that Rarity did what she did."

"H-how do you mean?"

Rainbow couldn't help but smirk at him. "Isn't it obvious? She set us up!"

Sharp Quill chuckled. "Don't be silly! I thought you were a really swell gal and I wanted to know you better!"

"Oh really?" Rainbow folded her arms while raising an eyebrow. "Have you even met me before today?"

"Well... uhhhh..." Sharp Quill ran a hoof through his mane. He avoided her gaze while smiling bashfully. "Ehhhhh heh heh heh..."

"Have you even seen me before?"

"I-I'm pretty sure I've seen you flying over the rooftops of Ponyville." He smirked. "A mane that gorgeous and bright, it's really hard to miss!"

"But did you know it was me?!" Rainbow squinted. "Did you even know my name?"


She hovered lower. "And just how many blanks did Rarity have to fill?" She cocked her head to the side. "When you met her?"

Sharp Quill bit his lip, hanging his head.

"This whole get together was her idea, wasn't it?" Rainbow remarked. "The whole Wonderbolts suit fitting was a set up! I knew Rarity had gotten the 'materials' for 'pocket-making' too dang quick. And at a soap and perfume shop? Hah!" Rainbow chuckled. "Y'know, for such a crafty mare, she really sucks in the 'sneaky' department."

"We... w-we didn't mean to insult you," Sharp Quill murmured. "When Rarity and I met, we hit it off well. At some point, the conversation of special someponies came up. When I-I mentioned that I had none, well..."

"She threw my name to the top of the list, didn't she?"

"She practically spelled your name out in neon lights." He chuckled, finally braving a look at her. "She painted you as being the most amazing, incredible, sassy mare in all of Equestria."


"And you know what... she was r-right!" He smiled. "When you showed up, I had every opportunity to back down, b-but I didn't! You really are an amazing pony! Such a quirky personality. Brutally honest. You seem to know what you want in life. You don't just wait for things to happen, but you go out there in the world and you seize the day!"

"Er... uh..." Rainbow cleared her throat, glancing aside. "Y-yeah! Totally!"

"And... and suddenly I was making you laugh and you were making me smile, and... a-and I thought that maybe... just maybe..." He shrugged. "Rarity was onto something." He gulped. "Th-that I wasn't just stumbling after a wild goose chase. That I and this... incredible m-mare actually had something going."

Rainbow tried not to cringe, but failed. "Sharp Quill, buddy..." She swallowed. "Look, I..."

"But... b-but I guess I'm just dense," he stammered, pacing off a few steps. "I'm always too reserved. Too shy. And then when I get an opportunity—just one opportunity to get to know somepony better... heheh... I always go way too ahead of myself."

"You do realize this whole thing is still Rarity's fault, r-right?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm an adult. I should have better sense than to..." He sighed. "...than to get myself into these messes."

"Pfft! It wasn't a mess!" Rainbow smirked. "You're... uh... haaaandsome?" She winced. "Yeah! T-totally! And you've got a great sense of humor and you're totally chillaxed which is something I don't see often in Cloudsdale pegasi—"

"Then, I-I don't get it, Rainbow Dash." He turned towards her, eyes glossy. "What am I doing wrong? Am I... j-just coming on too strong?"


"Are... are you j-just not..." His ears folded back. "Oh dear... you j-just came out of a bad relationship, didn't you?"


"Guh! I should have figured!" Sharp Quill winced, gnashing his teeth. "Rarity's trying to mend a broken heart! Of course! She mentioned s-something about you having split up with a coltfriend! Rrrgh! I just... I-I just don't know how to use my head sometimes!"

"Look, Sharp Quill, it's..." Rainbow winced, fiddling with the necklace. "It's not—"

"I swear. I'm hopeless." He groaned, running a hoof over his muzzle. "I should have listened to Golden Harvest and the other gals. A farming pegasus is bad luck... especially to himself. Freakin' half-wing, I swear..."

"Hey, don't call yourself that!" Rainbow touched down and rested a hoof on her shoulder. "That's totally not cool!"

"The only thing uncool here is having roped you into this." He sighed, looking at her. "Besides, you deserve better than a lame excuse for stallionhood such as me."

"Sharp Quill, it's not that. You're fine! You're more than fine! It's..." Rainbow fidgeted, then fidgeted more. "The truth is... I..." She clenched her teeth.

Sharp Quill stared at her, eyes moist.

She exhaled heavily, her ears drooping. She slumped back on her haunches and glanced aside while hugging the necklace to her chest. "It wouldn't have mattered either way. No matter how good or bad you are, I still wouldn't want to go steady with you. Not..." She gulped. "N-not in the way you would want to with me."

"Is... is it because you're too burned by your last coltfriend?"

"No." Her nostrils flared, and she looked up. "Because I'm not into stallions."

He stared at her.

She stared back, biting her lip.

"... ... ..." He smirked. "Heheh... nice try."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"Please, Rainbow Dash..." He sighed, waving a hoof. "You don't have to make something up just to make me feel better."


"I-I'm insecure. I know. Maybe I was able to hide it for most of our 'hanging out,' but I can tell when I've screwed things up."

"Sharp. It's the truth," she said, wings dangling loosely. She shivered slightly. "I... I-I like mares. I always have. I..." She gulped. "I don't remember a time when I ever liked stallions. I never once even felt like I was supposed to. It just... y'know... does not compute, ya dig?"

He squinted at her. "But that can't be true..."

"Pfft. Why not?"

Sharp gestured. "Rarity tried to set us up!"

"Uhhhhh... yeah..." Rainbow smiled nervously. "You see, Sharp, she doesn't know."

"She doesn't?"

Rainbow slowly shook her head.

"But..." Sharp's mouth hung agape. He gazed aside, blinking. "But that doesn't make sense!" He stared back at her in confusion. "She's your friend, isn't she? Why wouldn't she know?"

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow chuckled breathily, hugging the necklace tighter as her eyes swung demurely towards the horizon. "About that..."

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