• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,814 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Wake Up

Rainbow heard a shrill whistle, and only after the tenth consecutive second of convulsions did she realize it was the sound of her own wheezing breath. Once her eyes stopped rolling back into their sockets, she made out a fuzzy scene on top of another fuzzy scene. Several rapid blinks later, she realized that she was seeing a gray room housed within a concrete building.

The cider mill...

She was back on Shindig's farm. Inside her cider-making building. And before her...

"Epcot...?" Rainbow Dash whimpered. It was difficult to breathe; it was difficult to do anything. She tried lifting her head, and the world instantly spun. Rainbow lurched forward, struggling to stay seated in the folding chair beside the table and overturned goblet.

Her gaze swam over the floor. She saw a brown Stetson lying on the floor. Several feet forward, she saw an opened sliding door made out of metal and concrete. Beyond that—dimly illuminated by dull morning light through the high windows—was an array of bodies lying on gurneys. Against the far wall was the sarcophagus that housed Serenity Shindig's body... though something was off about it.

The entire device was glowing.

An alarm buzzed. Rainbow felt the temperature in the room increasing dramatically. Before her eyes, several steam pipes burst, spitting mist all across the interior. Indecipherable gazes twirled towards the red, and a high pitched whine filled the room.

Rainbow gritted her teeth.

Flim and Flam's dream had collapsed, and there was nothing left to stabilize the machinery.

Sure enough, within a minute, the glass holding Serenity shattered completely. Her body slumped forward with a stifled groan, and Rainbow saw her limbs stirring ever so slightly. Beside her, Flim and Flam shifted in their restraints, their eyelids fluttering.

Rainbow felt a nervous flutter in her chest. Before she could do anything—POWWW! The very top of the sarcophagus exploded. Shards of glass flew over Rainbow's head, but one object in particular landed on the concrete floor several feet away with a smoke trail.

Rainbow gasped. It was the chaos shard—the energy core of the machine.

With one flap of her wings, Rainbow dove onto her hooves... and promptly collapsed.

"Mmmmfff!" She grunted breathily, falling chest-first across the concrete floor. She winced, battling numbness and pain in murderous waves. Her eyes opened, and she sensed a fine sheen of sweat coating her body. "Wh-what... I...?!"

Reality came thundering towards her at a frightening speed. She didn't know how long in the real world she had been unconscious. It could have been hours... days... there just wasn't any way to tell for sure. The only thing Rainbow could be certain of was that she had been without her medication the entire time.

"Grnnngh... mfmmfff..." Straining, Rainbow tried pulling herself forward. She was able to move, but only slightly. It took a full minute to cover five inches. With eyes locked on the chaos shard, she persisted, struggling against stiff muscles to make it across the room.

All the while, the sarcophagus holding Shindig whined louder and louder. Rainbow heard more and more steam pipes bursting. It got to the point where it was difficult to see ten feet ahead, much less the farthest end of the building. Regardless, Rainbow tried, lifting her head and staring into the chamber beyond the open doors.

At that precise moment, Gustave Le Grande was stirring. Mulia Mild and Donut Joe were starting to get up from their gurneys, rubbing their heads in pain. Even Stu Leaves and the sons of Shindig were starting to fully wake. In fact, the only body that wasn't moving was—

"Applejack." Rainbow squeaked. She pulled, tugged, and fought to inch her way forward. At least, she got as far as the chaos shard, instantly hugging the thing to her chest. She panted and panted, flexing her wing muscles. Her numbness was so bad that even her feathers had atrophied—with the very tips tingling with needle-prick sensations. All the mare could do was lie on her side and gaze with helpless horror as Applejack's body continued to lie dormant. "Please... please, Applejack... please..." Rainbow's lip quivered, and her eyes moistened instantly. "Tell me it worked. Celestia... Luna... somepony tell me it wasn't for nothing." She clenched her eyes shut, shivering all over. "The cider princess lives... the cider princess lives!"

"No! Mother, no!"

Rainbow gasped. Her eyes flew open and her head jerked to gaze at the far end of the chamber.

For a brief moment, the billowing steam parted, and Rainbow could see two stallions kneeling besides Shindig's body right outside the metal sarcophagus. In a single blink, Rainbow could tell that Serenity's fate was consideratly worse than hers. The mare's body had completely paled, and her eyes were terribly bloodshot.

"Stay with us, Mother!" Flim sobbed.

"It's too late," Flam grumbled, a sweating mess. "The... the alicorns' spell! She was in there too long! There isn't enough of her that came back!"

"No! We can still save her!" Flim yelped, nuzzling the old mare close. "We can send her back! We c-can fix this!"

"Shhhh... shhhh..." Shindig gently caressed one stallion, then the other. "Felix... Frederick... you've done enough..."

"Don't say that, Mother!" Flim whimpered.

"We wanted you to be happy," Flam said, quivering. "We... we worked so hard to find a way for you to be with Father again and—"

"I... had my time with your father," Shindig murmured. "I... I know I was very cold for a very long time, but... but I-I had moved on..."

"But... but Mother..."

"It's alright... it's alright, my darlings..." Shindig smiled weakly at them. "I... I forgive you." She gulped. "I can never hate anypony for loving me so much."

"We failed you, Mother," Flam said with a shuddering breath. Tears fell from his and Flim's eyes. "We only wanted you to be happy."

"I am happy," Shindig said. "To have such lovely... handsome sons... how can I not?"

"Please Mother, don't... don't say—"

"You... you will have to learn to move on too..." Shindig murmured. "Someday... and then... then..." Her eyes rolled back as her chest deflated. "...we will be together again."


"Mother? Mother!"

Both stallions buried their faces in her chest, sobbing uncontrollably. All the while, Shindig's figure went limp, her mouth hanging agape.

Rainbow bit her lip. Her ears twitched to the sound of murmuring voices. She glanced over.

Stu was hobbling up to his hooves, wincing, dazed. "I... I feel so... so..." He blinked across the steamy room. "That whistling noise. How... where did...?"

"The princess..." Mulia Mild sat up, rubbing her skull. Donut Joe helped her off her gurney as she struggled to get an even hoofing. "Is she safe? Did we do it?"

"I don't like the sound of this," Gustave said, glancing at the glowing hot sarcophagus. "That machine..."

"Say, if we're all awake..." Donut Joe blinked. "Doesn't that mean that—?"


Rainbow's heart skipped a beat. She turned to look.

Flim and Flam had stood up. Their faces were wrenched in unadulterated rage—a primal sort of anger that evaporated the tears from ther eyes.

"You... you did this...!"

"If it weren't for you, Mother would be in paradise!"

"Don't you realize what you've done?!"

"It's all your fault!" Flim and Flam galloped straight for Rainbow Dash, their heavy hooves swinging towards her vulnerable body. "I swear on our Mother's life we'll make you pay—"

WHAMMM! A pair of orange hooves bucked the two stallions so hard their bodies flew across the room and ricocheted off a concrete wall.

Rainbow Dash gasped. So did Stu. Both ponies glanced aside.

Applejack swiveled back onto all four hooves, panting. "Threaten one of my friends again and you'll fly clear into the ocean, ya varmints!" Applejack tossed her mane and looked down at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! Y'all okay?"

"I... I-I..." Rainbow wheezed.

"What in tarnation is goin' on around here?! Where am I?!" Applejack trotted in a circle. "And what in the hay is makin' that high-pitched hog squeal?!"

"Everyone!" Gustave shouted. "The machine!"

"It's going to blow!" Donut added, already galloping out of the building with Mulia in tow. "Run like you got a pair!"

"Holy smokes!" Stu Leaves galloped across the way while Gustave flew overhead. "Rainbow! AJ!"

"Right!" Applejack had already slapped her hat on. "Let's move, Rainbow—Rainbow!" She looked over, eyes wide. "What are y'all layin' around for?"

"I... I can't... can't..." Rainbow felt the world going dark. Her eyes rolled back again as her head grew faint and fainter. "Feel like I'm gonna..."

"Land's sakes! Stu, give me a hoof!"

"Sure thing!"


The last thing Rainbow felt was Applejack's strong limbs folding around her. It was a warm enough thing to go with. With a final ounce of thought, Rainbow hugged the chaos shard to her chest and surrendered to the darkness.

Somewhere beyond the veil, she felt a loud thud, but it merged with the sound of her heartbeat, and then dwindled into absolute silence.

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