• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,157 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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A Little Help

The decision to keep and raise Sunset Shimmer together was easy enough to make. A quick legal search by Peppy showed that Corneria had nothing in place to handle 'magical foundling appearing out of nowhere' beyond being stuck into the foster system, and a similar search on magic itself by Slippy suggested that children who appeared magically out of nowhere were 'destined' to be with whoever found them as parental figures and messing with that generally caused disasters. Sunset was also adorable and energetic, brightening up what - with the loss of James McCloud - had turned into a gloomy, oppressive homestead aboard the Great Fox.

The actual act of taking care of and raising her, on the other hand, proved far more difficult. It quickly became apparent that Sunset had at least some command of her magic instinctively...enough, at any rate, to be able to send anything not welded to the floor in her sight flying around her head if anyone was even a moment late with something she wanted, and that included sending herself into the air to find more things to send flying around if the racket she set up didn't bring attention fast enough. On top of that, every so often she'd clutch at her horn as it glowed and scream, a horrendous sound that somehow shorted out electronics anywhere near her and shattered glass. There was obviously something off in how her magic was functioning, and it was causing her pain. This left Fox and the others perplexed, desperate to help her but not knowing how.

"I don't suppose any of you have any suggestions?" Fox asked hopefully but almost silently as Sunset was once again down for her nap. He glanced from a grumpy Falco to an injured Slippy (the poor toad and Rob64 were among Sunset's favorite things to send flying, for some reason) to a wincing Peppy. As the one with the strongest hearing of the bunch, Peppy was suffering the most from all the noise Sunset made.

"Muzzle her?" Falco suggested snidely, though his overall stance and face showed he wasn't serious. Something about Sunset's cries naturally evoked sympathy even from the harsh avian.

"Construct an auto feeder?" Slippy suggested hopefully, wincing as he put his webbed hand to a lump on his head near his right eye.

Fox turned despairingly to Peppy. "Any sensible suggestions?" he asked hopefully.

"Fox, we're not just dealing with a kid here," Peppy pointed out. "We're dealing with magic, which none of us has any experience with. It's highly unlikely any of us will be able to come up with a sensible solution to this predicament."

"So we're screwed," Falco drawled dismissively. "How motivating."

"Now I didn't say that!" Peppy countered hotly. "In my experience, when you encounter something you don't know how to handle yourself, consult an expert! If we can't handle this problem of Sunset's, hire someone who can."

"Like...some sort of magic temp nanny?" Fox interpreted dubiously.

Falco rolled his eyes. "Oh, like that's going to work. We'll just put out an ad! 'Wanted: Babysitter for infant unicorn. Must be good with infants and talented in magic, with combat training to avoid flying chunks of their surroundings. Pay questionable. Apply in person at the Great Fox in orbit around Corneria, ask about Sunset Shimmer.' That's going to go over real well."

Slippy blinked worriedly, his hands hovering over his remote console. "...so I shouldn't have posted that?"

"God dammit, Slippy..." Falco growled as he buried his face in his hands.

Unknown to the group, fortune was smiling on them...or, more specifically, on Fox.

Not three days after the ad was posted, someone arrived in Corneria's orbit, sending a docking request with the Great Fox. The ship's design was unknown in the Lylat system, being distinctly different from the standard there, and composed of metals that were also unknown. It had only a single occupant, and that occupant was making her way towards the Great Fox and - she hoped - a clue.

Krystal was 15 years old by the Lylat calendar, and quite striking. Born of the now lost planet of Cerinia, she was the last of a race of magic-wielding fox people in search of answers as far as what caused her home world's destruction...her only clue a face in the sky. Her search had led her to the Lylat system...and to the end of her rations and fuel. Her research showed her that magic in the Lylat system was hard to come by, leaving her with few ways to earn the money she needed to finance her continued search. The want ad mentioning a unicorn infant had shown up on her feed just as she was about to give up...and she'd always been a firm believer in destiny and fate.

The information in the ad had given her pause, however. Even on Cerinia, magic of the strength implied was rare indeed. As such, she had prepared herself as best she could. A ritual purification left her blue and white coat pristine, the amplification tattoos on her arms and thighs glowing faintly. Her garb - a tight white and gold breastband, a matching loincloth and open toed shoes - was lined with runes on the inside to amplify her magical aura, as were the silver bracers, greaves, and shoulder epaulets she was wearing. Completing the outfit was the golden choker, emerald pendant, and gold and ruby headpiece to anchor her magic completely within her, setting her turquoise eyes glowing with the contained power.

While the clothing was necessary to push her magical abilities to their maximum, she knew quite well that worlds with climates more temperate than Cerinia's had been would view such attire as...less than modest, if not less than decent, as it more than showed off how well she'd bloomed in puberty already. As such, she also carried her staff, which worked equally well as a focus device for her magical abilities and as a melee weapon. With luck, it should discourage any misunderstandings.

Docked with the Great Fox, she went up to the door at the end of the connecting walkway and pressed the key to request entry. She wasn't certain what she expected, but she hoped whoever answered could be professional. The last thing she expected was for the one to answer the door to be her own age, a red fox in a flight jacket and green flight suit with the most brilliant green eyes she'd ever seen. He stared blearily at her for a time, then looked her over. She wasn't surprised when his eyes stopped at two particular points. She honestly expected that from a teenager.

What she didn't expect was his reaction. He turned back into the ship with a roll of his eyes. "Falco, is this your idea of a joke?" he called out quietly.

"What are you talking about, Fox-whoa!" The blue avian who stepped up looked Krystal up and down with far more interest than 'Fox' had shown. "Don't know who called you, but I like what I see!" He grinned rakishly and winked at her.

Krystal's eyes narrowed into a glare. "I'm here about Sunset Shimmer?" she asked carefully.

Both stared at her, and not in the way Falco had before. "You're the one who answered the ad?" Fox asked in surprise.

"Totally not what I was expecting," Falco agreed.

"And just what were you expecting?" Krystal demanded coldly.

"Mary Poppins," Fox responded immediately.

"Nanny McPhee," Falco added.

Krystal stared at the pair, completely nonplussed. "Do you need the help, or are you just going to stare at me and joke all day?"

Fox quickly held up a hand placatingly. "I'm sorry, we got off on the wrong foot. Fox McCloud." He held out the hand to shake.

Krystal paused, staring at the hand. The gesture wasn't one she was familiar with, so she would just have to try and get it right. She stuck her hand out in an identical motion, leaving their arms crossing at the wrists. "Krystal."

Falco snickered, which told Krystal she'd gotten it wrong. Fox stared for a time, then smiled. Shifting his arm, he took Krystal's hand in his and shook. "Pleasure to meet you," he greeted warmly, giving her hand a friendly squeeze. "Sorry I was so gruff earlier. Sunset's left us all-"

A piercing, demanding cry echoed through the ship, making both Fox and Falco wince and groan.

"And that would be my cue," Krystal observed calmly, though she felt her confidence waning as she sensed the strength of the magic in the air. "May I come in?"

"Please do!" Falco offered eagerly as he stepped back.

Fox smiled as he led her in. "Duck," he spoke up warningly.

Having sensed the danger as she entered, Krystal spun and thrust up with her staff, sending the robot trapped in the bright blue aura flying over her head instead of through it.

"Thanks for not smashing me!" the robot called out as he continued his crazed flight path.

Fox smiled wanly. "You might just be able to handle this..."

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