• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,158 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: Thunder

The group found the Queen Cloudrunner waiting for them as they arrived at the landing pad, where the Ar-Wing waited. "Well done, Fox and Sunset-" she began, only to stop as she caught sight of Tink. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, shifting to a combat stance.

"A defector," Fox explained simply. "She wants to help us overthrow and destroy General Scales."

"Are you certain you can trust her?" the Queen asked archly, still glaring daggers at Tink.

"...absolutely," Fox confirmed after a time, his eyes still hard from what he'd deduced from what Tink had been unwilling to say in front of Sunset.

The Queen glanced from Fox to Tink to Sunset for a time, then relaxed. "Very well," she allowed. "With the Spellstone recovered, General Scales can no longer hold the Fortress, and the Sharpclaw forces have been repelled. My people can now begin to rebuild their lives. You have our gratitude."

"Thanks," Fox replied, trying to put some warmth into his voice. "Let's go." He climbed into the pilot seat of the Ar-Wing.

Sunset clambered in after him to strap herself into his lap. Tink calmly curled herself up into the under-canopy storage space. With that, Fox set course for the Great Fox. Until things were safer on the surface, the best place for Tink was off-world. Besides that, if she could put a laser weapon, a decontamination system, a fully-functional self-installing cybernetic eye, and an experimental sonic weapon into a paper-thin metal face plate with a tube designed to fit into an empty eye-socket using only planet-based tech and metals...what could she make teamed up with Slippy and his rapidly developing magitek expertise? Maybe she could even figure out a way to get Fox's blaster to work in the crazed magic environment.

While in transit to the Great Fox, Fox briefed Slippy somewhat on the situation with Tink, figuring he'd be the best one to get her settled on board, not to mention the one who'd be working with her the most. While he had to be careful what he said because he didn't want Sunset to put too many details together, it turned out he barely needed to say anything. All it had taken was saying that the Sharpclaws were formerly matriarchal, and Slippy caught on immediately.

Upon arrival, Slippy was already in position to escort Tink around the ship, show her to comfortable guest quarters, and immediately launch into a rather distracting discussion of comparative technologies, magitek, and technomancy. Between that and Tink explaining the blueprints of General Scales' new optic enhancement, Fox knew he could leave them to it.

"Let's get back to Thorntail Hollow," Fox told Sunset firmly. "Tricky's probably wondering what's taking us so long, and the Queen Earthwalker probably knows where we can find the Ocean Force Point Temple for the Spellstone."

"This is just a wild guess," Sunset supplied archly, "but might it be somewhere near the ocean?"

"Scamp," Fox chided playfully, mussing her mane with one hand as they climbed back into the Ar-Wing.

Once they landed, Tricky - as expected - raced up to say hi to Sunset and ask about what happened in the Cloudrunner Fortress. Fox leaned back as Sunset walked off with her friend, telling the - slightly embellished - tale of her adventures in that floating land. He shook his head in amusement at how energetic Sunset was in her telling, gesticulating wildly as she bounced from hoof to hoof in her excitement. Tricky was plainly enthralled.

As he sat back, he noticed his communicator blinking. Curious, he tapped it...and found a text-only message from Slippy.

Tink wanted me to pass on something to you where Sunset couldn't hear.
General Scales promised two things to the male Sharpclaws that united them entirely under his banner of conquest.
First, that the gender balance of the bipedal races of the rest of Lylat was nearly 1:1.
Second, that the armed forces they would be fighting - and slaughtering - as part of their conquest would be mostly males.

Fox stared at the message for a time before closing it out. It was far too easy to read between the lines there. He felt his hands clenching to fists as something stirred inside him. "Sunset, stay close!" he barked out, getting the children's attention. "We need to get to the Force Point Temple."

"Right Dad!" Sunset called back as they made their way towards Cape Claw.

Everything went as it had before until the group reached a glade along the path, one Sunset knew to be the entrance to the Lightfoot Tribe's secret swamp village. As they reached it, Fox quickly hand-signed Sunset and Tricky into hiding. He'd spotted two Sharpclaws...but they hadn't spotted the group yet. He carefully moved forward, hoping to get close enough to hear what the pair were saying.

"So the priority on snagging that pony girl just went up again," the first one muttered darkly. "Like we'd actually have a chance at that."

"Oh, I don't know," the second one mused idly as he leaned back. "If we got the drop on her - or the fox - we could manage it, I think. Either knock her out quick, or have a hostage long enough to knock her out quick. That'd be worth it, I think."

"And why would you think that?" the first Sharpclaw snarled irritably.

The second one grinned, showing all his teeth as his long tongue licked them. "Have you gotten a good look at the vixen the General's got acting as the mana channel just now? Our females sure don't come that soft and curvy..."

Fox felt the tension building in him again, along with a protective rage. He struggled to contain it, to keep listening silently.

The first Sharpclaw rolled his eyes, though he smirked a bit. "Like you've even seen one of our females outside yer mum?" he taunted. "The waiting list for a 'morale boost' is a mile long, and the higher ranks get priority, you know that. And they're all being kept on tighter leashes since the Tinkerer went missing. Though I can't deny what you're saying about the vixen...not like it matters. She's the mana channel, after all-"

"Until someone catches the pony girl," the second pointed out with a wicked cackle. "Then she'll be the mana channel, and as for the vixen..." He rubbed his clawed hands together eagerly.

"True enough," the first allowed thoughtfully as Fox felt something growing inside him, waiting to burst...a feeling like having a Krazoa inside, or being close to Sunset while in Solaar orbit, yet...different, more his own, like white heat leaping across his fur. "But what's that got to do with us?"

"Scuttlebutt says the General'll let whoever brings in the filly get first crack at the vixen," the second explained eagerly. "And rumor is she scents pure."

The first Sharpclaw's eyes lit up. "Now that would be worth the risk," he hissed out eagerly.

The second Sharpclaw tensed. "Does...does it feel like a storm to you? I swear I taste lightning in the air-"

"Ferget that!" the first Sharpclaw insisted. "If we do catch the filly...ya think she's of breedin' age-"

The sudden roar shook the trees and shattered a nearby boulder...and it wasn't until several minutes later that Fox realized it had come from his own throat. Lunging forward, he seized both Sharpclaws by their throats and lightning lashed from his body into theirs. Their screams were agonized and brief, though the lightning went on...until Fox, feeling spent, released two handfuls of charred, black ash into matching piles of the same below.

Some distance away - far enough that they couldn't hear what was said - Sunset and Tricky stared at what had transpired. Tricky then turned to Sunset. "Did you know your Dad could make lightning?" he gasped in awe.

Sunset dumbly shook her head, her lower jaw hanging as she struggled to wrap her mind around what she'd just seen.

Tricky's eyes lit up in excitement. "That is...so...cool!" he squealed eagerly.

A wide grin slowly crossed Sunset's face as she nodded in fervent agreement.

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