• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: Cleaning Up

As Fox's Ar-Wing coasted in to land next to Falco's inside the Great Fox hangar, the under-nose cargo bay was already opening to let Sunset leap out to glomp onto Falco, practically bowling him over. "Uncle Birdy!" she cried out excitedly as she held tightly to him. "I missed you so much!"

Falco chuckled as he regained his balance and ruffled Sunset's mane. "Missed you too, squirt," he offered playfully. "But I didn't miss struggling to breathe!" As he expected, this only led to the hug tightening. "So was it you that found Slippy a girlfriend?"

Sunset gasped excitedly. "You mean Slippy and Tink are getting together?" She then blinked, scratching her chin. "Isn't that a little fast? I mean, it hasn't even been a full day since they met..."

"In their case, I'm not surprised," Falco admitted readily. "Slippy's brilliant and a great friend, but he has zero skills with the ladies. A girl on his brain level willing to spend extended time with him? Instant smitten. As for Tink..." His voice trailed off and his eyes grew hard. "Well, he's a smart gentleman and...well, tense survival situations can do things to you. That's enough for the initial hookup, and as long as they've got enough in common I can see it lasting. Be good for both of them, I think."

"And here I thought dispensing wisdom was something I did," Peppy joked as he waddled over, resting his hand on Sunset's head gently. "So...are you back for good, Falco?"

Falco nodded slowly. "Yeah..." he admitted slowly. "I mean, most of the issues the fight was over just...well, getting some distance put things in perspective, and I guess it's important for the Team and for Sunset that we disagree. As for the real sticking point that came up..." He sighed ruefully. "I suppose it's okay if Sunset goes to the Academy-"

"Wait!" Sunset interrupted as she stepped back, glaring up at Falco. "You left because you didn't want me going to the Academy?"

"No, not at all," Falco corrected quickly. "The tipping point was Fox pulling the 'I'm her Father and I know what's best for her' card on the issue. I just didn't think you really needed the Academy when there were other ways to get Ar-Wing certified once you're of age-"

"But I want to go to the Academy!" Sunset interrupted fiercely. "Once I have the ACSU suit from Shabunga, I'll be able to go there and actually make some friends my own age! It's been nice playing with Tricky, but there aren't any other kids to play with on Dinosaur Planet, and Tricky's going to have to start Gatekeeper Training soon."

"Wait...that's why you wanted to go to the Academy all along?" Falco asked in surprise. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

"Nobody asked," Sunset pointed out teasingly, causing Falco to facepalm, much to her amusement.

"So..." Peppy asked carefully. "Was Krystal okay when you found her? Uninjured, I mean?"

"Well, other than being trapped in crystal, yeah," Sunset confirmed. "And Dad caught her before she could fall too far once she was freed. And we kept the Krazoa Spirits from draining her of her magic when they were under Andross' control. Why?"

"Well, I'm just wondering why Fox and Krystal haven't opened the cockpit yet," Peppy explained in confusion.

Falco snickered impishly. "Do I really need to spell it out for you, old man?"

"Not in front of Sunset," Peppy snapped snidely. "Besides, they've only been apart four days!"

"And at what point did Fox learn what was planned long term by General Scales?" Falco pointed out.

Peppy blinked thoughtfully at that. "Point made. I suppose we should-"

Sunset clambered up onto the Ar-Wing and banged on the canopy. "Mom! Dad! Save that for the bedroom! I wanna see the Spirits put the planet back together!"

Falco couldn't help but snicker as the canopy opened and a frustrated parental pair clambered out.

As everyone watched from the bridge of the Great Fox, the six Krazoa Spirits - having expanded to a massive scale with their power fully awakened and free of tether - moved to each floating piece of the planet and pushed it into the space it had broken free of. In a blaze of magical energy, the pieces fused into the rest of the planet's crust, creating a once-more unbroken spheroid of a world. The Spirits then shrank down to a more normal size as their energy sank into the world, once more going dormant until they were next needed.

"I thank you for freeing my people," Tink spoke up softly, staring down at the world. "If fortune smiles on them, they may yet recover from what Scales' ambitions and Andross manipulations led us to. I...was not the only one to escape unscathed mentally, and those still on world will work to repair the damage."

"And you?" Fox asked curiously.

"If it is acceptable to you...I would like to remain here," she offered delicately. "I have ever been of an inquisitive nature, and the space beyond my home planet holds many mysteries for me to explore. I would gladly lend my knowledge of the mystic arts to your endeavors as repayment."

Seeing the pleading look in Slippy's eyes, Fox couldn't help but chuckle. He knew what answer he would have given even without that. "Welcome to the team, Tink," he stated warmly, holding out his hand.

Tink stared at it for a time, tilting her head back and forth. Krystal started to lean forward to explain it, but before she could Tink reached forward and gently grasped the offered hand with her claw. "This is...the correct response?" she asked hopefully.

Fox nodded as he pumped her wrist up and down once, completing the handshake. "It is," he confirmed. The smile on her face held surprising warmth for the number of teeth it revealed. He then blinked. "Uh...you can let go now."

"Oh, yes," Tink agreed, the frills along the back of her head and neck rustling as she carefully released her grip, making sure her claws didn't catch his flesh.

At that moment, the communicators went off, and a hologram of General Pepper appeared. "General Pepper here!" he greeted jubilantly, not noticing the way Tink leapt back from the image in shock before carefully inching forward to examine it. Slippy began a quiet explanation of the technology involved as General Pepper continued, "Good work, Star Fox Team! I've received a message from the King and Queen Earthwalker that their world has now been saved." He paused, glancing down at something. "Oh, and Tricky wants to know when Sunset's coming back so he can be sure she's in one piece."

Krystal raised an eyebrow. "Did...something happen?" she asked Fox in a whisper.

"I'll show you the videos later," Fox whispered back, grinning from ear to ear as he couldn't wait to see her reactions.

"I was, however, very surprised to hear that Andross is still alive," the General continued.

"He isn't, er, wasn't...technically," Krystal corrected. "Before the battle on Venom, he used dark magic to sever portions of his soul, anchored in various places...one of which hidden here on Dinosaur Planet. When his main awareness died, whichever severed portion was strongest would draw his essence from the land of death to resurrect him, if enough energy was present to do so."

"I suspected something of the sort when General Scales started speaking of developing the technique to extract a soul from a living body," Tink spoke up diffidently. "While such magic as you mention is completely foreign to any teachings of our world, it is why I ensured that the device Falco used to disrupt Andross' resurrection was designed to capture his living spirit, rather than shatter or disperse it, so it could not be drawn to the next fragment."

"I don't know who you are, but if you speak true then you've done a great service to the Lylat System!" General Pepper responded warmly. "Andross is the greatest threat the galaxy has ever faced, and the idea that he might come back over and over even when slain is not a comforting one."

"This is Tink, a Sharpclaw Techno-Shaman," Slippy introduced her, using her proper title as he'd come to understand the translation. "She defected from General Scales' side before his downfall was clear, and has been a great help in completing the mission...and at her request and with Team approval, is now a proud member of Team Star Fox."

"With everything that's happened since Sunset's arrival, I suppose it's only to the good that more magical expertise is a part of your Team," General Pepper allowed. "Congratulations to you all, you become a more and more valuable ally us all, Team Star Fox. I'm transferring your fee as we speak...and I've talked with the Headmaster of the Academy. As soon as Sunset is able to move freely in a non-magic environment without difficulty, she can take the placement tests to put her in the appropriate course levels."

"Thank you, General," Fox responded warmly as Sunset began bouncing off the walls while squealing excitedly.

"No, Fox, thank you," the General corrected with a wide grin. "Pepper out!" The communication cut.

Krystal managed a smile. "You weren't kidding about how much could change in a few days," she allowed ruefully. "So how about catching me up?"

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