• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,168 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Destiny Spoken

It didn't take long for Krystal to settle into a routine with Team Star Fox. Most of her day - which aboard ship was a shift rather than any measurement of planetary rotation - was spent watching over Sunset's development or repairing her staff, both tasks made easier due to the fact the very next surge - which continued to come from Sunset - rapid healed Krystal's hand faster than even her own magic could have. The fact that Sunset was still having surges led to Slippy having to continuously upgrade the Arcane Collection and Storage Units (ACSU), as he'd come to call the collection panels he'd designed to collect her excess energy. Upon realizing that was what caused the panels to occasionally short and spark, Sunset started making a game of trying to short the panels out by directing stronger flows of magical energy into them...which forced Slippy to continuously upgrade the circuits to handle stronger magical flows.

This also led to rapidly upgrading the storage units to hold more magical energy...until Slippy discovered a way, exactly a month after Krystal arrived, to convert the stored magical energy into other forms of energy the ship needed to function, including the liquid form of fuel the ship ran on, and raw material for the ship's synthesizers. The boon to resources more than offset the cost of keeping Sunset fed and happy, which greatly eased the budget.

Krystal spent her 'night' shift on the ship - which was after Sunset fell asleep for the night - with the various members of Team Star Fox. While it had taken all of them time to get used to her - and to her wardrobe, since she was forced to keep her magic at peak to handle Sunset - she had found spending time with them quite enjoyable. Then again, having been alone for so long after the loss of her home world, any friendship was a good one.

Her time with Peppy proved to be quite relaxing. The old hare had plenty of stories to tell, and was always a good listener. Spending time with him reminded her of a time when she was much younger, sitting at the feet of her grandfather as he wove tales of ancient magic, distant worlds, and fanciful lands. His presence made the Great Fox feel almost like home...almost.

Her time with Falco was interesting if challenging. It rapidly became obvious that Falco considered himself - the Lylat term was 'a player' - and was constantly trying to impress her in some way, seeking to win her affection...or at least a tumble. Krystal found it entertaining to watch him strut, showing himself off in a way he thought would make her swoon but generally made her laugh, as the courtship customs she was used to were quite different. The challenging part was the amount of innuendo he sprinkled into his speech...specifically translating it in a way she could make sense of. The 'do you have a little Avian in you' incident still left her mortified, weeks later. Why did she pull out her knife and fork?

Time with Slippy proved to be most enlightening. While her own world had developed magitek to a certain degree, it was always in the nature of using technology to enhance the performance of magic. Watching Slippy go the opposite direction and develop technology that enhanced its own performance via the application of magical energy left Krystal stupefied at how effective it was. On top of that, his ability to intuit how the magical functions of her ship worked amazed her. And when he showed her the spell books that had come through with Sunset, books covering magical formula orders of magnitude more advanced than what she'd learned back on her home world...well, it would be worth the years it would take to translate the runes into a format she could understand. Luckily enough, the simplest of the books had several of the simpler formulae she knew by heart, and she could take the time to try and 'Rosetta Stone' the rest, and consider the years it would take a worthwhile investment and reason enough to stay aboard the Great Fox whether she got paid or not. Ramen noodles weren't so bad.

The time with Fox was what left her most confused, however. He spent nearly as much time and energy taking care of Sunset as Krystal did, often leaving him too worn out to posture or flirt as Falco did. Instead, he spent the time with Krystal simply talking. He'd ask questions about her, about where she came from, about her likes and dislikes...and she traded question for question, learning more about him as he learned more about her. It was a calming, peaceful interaction...if her magic would behave itself while she was close to him.

"I know what it means, of course," she grumbled to herself as she finished feeding and burping Sunset yet again. "My gifts aren't just in telepathy and empathy. I have a bit of the seer's gift, though a very small amount. If my magic is responding so strongly to Fox's proximity...then somehow, our destinies are fated to be intertwined."

"Gabba doogie boo!" Sunset declared firmly, the meaning of her baby noises unclear. She'd started making noises beyond simple 'ga, ba, ha' last week, and the entire team was certain her first real word was just around the corner.

"Exactly," Krystal replied, as though the declaration were an insightful comment. "But how are they meant to be intertwined? What does fate have in store for us? And how am I supposed to figure it out?" She looked at Sunset calmly as she set the infant into her crib, the ACSU panels humming as they absorbed the energy of her next surge before it could build up. "I don't suppose you know what I should do to figure it out? Or which formula in the book covers seer magic?"

Sunset grinned up at Krystal happily, then proceeded to quite seriously attempt to eat her left hoof. Unlike most Lylat lifeforms, Sunset's equine nature extended to giving her hooves at the end of her legs rather than any sort of feet, and her entire legs were internally reinforced with her magical energy. Slippy had theorized that should she ever choose to fly an Arwing, she wouldn't need the metal leg enhancements that most pilots had surgically grafted to their legs to better interface with the fighter's G-Diffusion system to better control the blood flow, while allowing them to easily adapt between flying and ground movement.

Krystal shook her head ruefully. "Yeah, I didn't think so..."

"Come on, I'm totally Dad!" Falco called out as metal footsteps heralded the approach of the pair. "She enjoys my arrival much more than yours! She always smiles when I enter the room!"

"That's gas and you know it!" Fox snapped back. "She hit me in the head flying out of the mirror. I'm totally Dad!"

"I do more for her than you do!" Falco snapped out. "I'm the one out there earning extra cash to pay the bills!"

"And I'm the one here taking care of her while you waste time flirting on your way back!" Fox countered. "How many 'digits' did you brag about getting on the way back?"

"What?" Falco countered. "If I'm gonna be a single Dad, Sunset's gonna need a Mom!"

Krystal rolled her eyes as the pair entered the room, heading straight for Sunset's crib.

"Why don't we let her decide?" Fox suggested as they reached the crib. He leaned over, grinning as Sunset smiled up at him. "Who's Dada, Sunset? Who's Dada?"

"Hey, don't coach her without me!" Falco snapped, moving up to the crib. "Come to Dada, Sunset! C'mere!"

The pair continued to chivy back and forth, with Sunset glancing back and forth between them in fear. Before Krystal could step in, Sunset flung herself out of the crib and into Krystal's arms with a loud cry of, "Mama!"

Krystal blinked in surprise at that declaration, but carefully began rocking Sunset into relaxation and crooning to her to calm her distress.

Falco threw up his hands in frustration. "Great! If that's how she judges, Slippy will probably end up being Dada since he's the one who changes her diapers and makes the shiny things she likes!" Grumbling under his breath, he stormed out of the room.

Seeing Sunset's distress, Fox moved up beside Krystal, reaching out to stroke the filly's mane. "Sorry, Sunset," Fox whispered gently. "Didn't realize we were upsetting you. Guess we got carried away."

As Sunset slowly relaxed and smiled up at Fox, Krystal found her own smile widening. She didn't know Sunset's mind, but she knew who she would bet on being named 'Dada'.

...just as long as Sunset didn't use that to try and ship. Her life was confusing enough without a teenage romance.

Author's Note:

ACSU acronym and tech idea comes from ProfessorCatPro, who helped me develop the idea while designing the cover art.

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