• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,168 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: Everywhere

At the bottom of a long, winding stone tunnel, the main Ocean Force Point Temple opened up in a massive chamber. The walls soared high above low pools of water, and glowing rune-inscribed floor panels heralded some sort of trap. The ceiling seemed to vanish into a cloud-like mist in the distance above, and Sharpclaws could be seen patrolling in the distance. The very air itself felt wet and heavy, as though the group had stepped into the bottom of the sea and yet could still breathe.

Sunset frowned as she tried to gather her magic, only to barely be able to bring any of it forth. "...that's not good..." she murmured worriedly. "I...I can't even make my sunstones glow. How am I supposed to do anything down here?"

"Here," Fox said, handing her Krystal's staff. "I think it's time for me to burn some magic." He calmly walked forward onto the obviously trapped floor panels.

Electricity arced across the floor, blazing into Fox...and he stood there and let it flow into him as first his eyes and then his body began to glow with a sparking white light. As the power flowed into him, he raised his hand and launched a blast of lightning forward, arcing through the air to strike down the Sharpclaws from a distance, frying them to ash as the amplified magic lashed through the Temple and cleansing it of those who had invaded and did not belong. Fox calmly walked forward until he reached the edge of the panels and the magic stopped flowing.

Turning back, he frowned. "Okay, now how to get you both across-" He blinked as he saw Sunset and Tricky right beside him. "What?"

"Not all the panels sparked when you triggered it," Sunset explained with a grin. "We just walked on the ones that didn't."

Fox chuckled indulgently as he ruffled Sunset's mane. "Smart kid." Glancing around, he saw that most of the rest of the path led through deep pools of water. "Looks like you're up."

Grinning, Sunset rushed forward. Without any hostiles to block the path, she was able to make her way easily through to throw some switches, activating a flame puzzle higher up. She used the Staff's fireball spell to solve it, activating a warp panel. "Up here, Dad!" she called out, running to the edge of the platform and waving him over.

Fox quickly used his Lightning Dash to get himself and Tricky up there before the group stepped onto the warp pad.

At the other side of the warp gate, the Temple was a series of interconnected square rooms that seemed to extend up and down much further than dimensions should have allowed for, with platforms suspended over deep pools of water. Once again, the group made their way forward carefully with Sunset seeking out any puzzles or manipulators that needed swimming to get to while Fox zipped after her once she determined the safe path. As they moved, though, Tricky found himself wondering something. "How come Fox's magic is so strong here?" he asked curiously. "I mean, I get it's lightning, but he only just unlocked it. Should it really be this strong or this readily available."

"Well, Shabunga said that Lightning is a mix of Fire and Air," Fox pointed out. "This Temple is Air and Water energies, while the other one is Fire and Earth energies. So the Temple is feeding one side of my magic while suppressing the other, which...basically lets me regenerate magic a lot quicker, I think. That's why I only get a supercharge while in my element."

"Then our second trip here's going to be rough," Sunset deduced worriedly. "We've got the Air Spellstone, which will block off the Air energies flowing into this Temple. Next trip here, there will only be Water energies...and that'll suppress both of us."

"And I won't get charged up in the Volcano Temple next trip, since the Flame energies are already being cut off," Fox confirmed worriedly. "We'll just have to be careful."

Eventually, after a great deal of running around, the group reached a deeper warp plate, taking it into a new chamber.

As the warp faded, Sunset gasped as she stared at where they arrived in awe. "The Heart Chamber!" she exclaimed as she looked around excitedly. "I've read about this place, but I never thought I'd get to see it!"

Fox chuckled as he looked over the chamber with her. It was a massive circular room that rose and fell into seeming infinity, with an X shaped platform at the level they arrived, extending to the edges of the room. All around the outer walls were what looked like stained glass windows that seemed to thrum with inner power. In the center of the platform stood what looked like a massive, upside-down cauldron. Energy flowed endlessly from below, drawn into the central structure. The Flame Spellstone was active and placed in one of four indents on the structure, lined up to each of the four paths to the edge of the room, one where they had arrived. Three colors of energy flowed freely from the top of it; a pale blue, a dark blue, and a pale yellow.

"The Choke!" Sunset squealed as she rushed up to it. "This is what the Krazoa built to contain the endless flow of magic inside the planet...but also to release it if there was ever a need. The Spellstones aren't supposed to be removed to do that, as that results in uncontrolled flow, but..." Her eyes widened as she looked over the runes inscribed into the structure. "Ohmigosh! Is this...no, I have to be reading this wrong! There's no way...or is there? It would explain so much..." She immediately began going over the runes on the structure in much finer detail. "...by six souls..." she murmured in awe as she reached the end. "No way..."

"Something wrong?" Fox asked her curiously as he and Tricky made their way around to where the Air Spellstone belonged.

"If I'm reading this right...this Choke and the Spellstones weren't built to maintain the planet's structure," Sunset explained. "Or...not in that order. If I'm reading it right...this planet was built around the Choke to contain the energy it regulates...to hide it."

"To hide it?" Tricky asked in surprise. "But why would the Krazoa have wanted to hide a source of limitless magic?" Turning, he exhaled his Flame Breath into the placed Air Spellstone, waking it to absorb the energy from the planet. The pale blue stream above the Choke vanished.

"Well, there's a word here...and I'm almost certain I'm reading it wrong..." Sunset murmured worriedly as the Warp opened to take them out of the Temple.

"Oh?" Fox asked as the Warp enclosed them. "Why? What do you think it says?"


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