• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,168 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Catching Up, Moving Forward

It didn't take long for Fox to catch Krystal up on everything that happened on Dinosaur Planet during their quest to find her. This was mostly because Sunset actually remained quiet unless it was covering part of the adventure where she was moving about separately from Fox, since she realized just how happy her parents were to be reunited and knew trying to stretch out the conversation - and thus delay them 'celebrating' their reunion - would likely result in Uncle Birdy taking her planet side to see Tricky instead of staying to spend time with her Mom again.

Krystal proved to be an excellent audience, listening along intently, showing shock and awe at all the appropriate moments, and pulling Sunset into a comforting, motherly embrace at the parts where Sunset had went through emotional turmoil, especially since she saw reliving them caused her distress. The only pause came when they reached the part of the story where Tink defected, at which point Fox was exceptionally vague about how his lightning magic awakened.

"Fox, I need more details," Krystal interrupted insistently when he tried to skim over that. "The reaction it caused...magic awakening can do odd things to a being's essence and mind, especially elemental magic. I need to know more details to be sure it didn't...damage you."

"C...can I give you those details later?" Fox managed to ask, glancing awkwardly towards Sunset. "I don't think now is a...good time..."

Sunset let out a sigh through pursed lips. "Geeze Dad, is it really that hard to tell Krystal that Andross through General Scales turned the Sharpclaw into a rape focused culture and you heard those two Sharpclaws talking about Mom and I in an unpleasantly flattering light in context?"

Krystal's eyes popped open and her jaw dropped. "They what?"

"How did you-?" Fox began. "I thought-?"

"Uncle Birdy has weird tastes, didn't lock his holo-cube cabinet when he left, and Brobot is very good at explaining things," Sunset answered readily. "Mom's worried the lightning magic might have anchored to your Id and needs to know your reaction was fully justified."

"Given that, I'd say it was," Krystal murmured in shock.

Fox rubbed his face ruefully. "I was...trying to protect you from realizing what might happen..."

"I didn't put it together until Tink mentioned escaping 'mentally unscathed'," Sunset pointed out. "Given how eager she was to escape, that didn't seem right unless it was relative."

Krystal nodded in understanding. "I...suppose that does make sense," she allowed.

"Though Falco's still going to be in trouble for not locking that cabinet," Fox growled irritably. "And ROB for not mentioning it..."

"What sort of holo-cubes would tell you about such things, though?" Krystal asked curiously.

Fox turned to stare at Krystal in shock as Sunset giggled wickedly. "Hey Dad, maybe you should show Mom your cubes so she can get the idea?" she teased.


After that the story telling went quite smoothly, though much to Sunset's embarrassment when it got to her interactions with Tricky post the King Redeye...especially when Fox showed Krystal the video. ...at least her laughter about Tricky 'trying to get flying lessons' pushed that back for a while.

Fox and Krystal lay back in Thorntail Hollow watching as Sunset played happily with Tricky, the two friends simply letting themselves be as they kicked up water and dashed over and around boulders. The Warpstone was under instruction not to send them anywhere...though the pair showed no interest in using his abilities at the moment. Apparently, they'd had their fill of adventure for now and just wanted to play.

"I'm...amazed," Krystal managed to say. "I...I knew Sunset was powerful, but...I hadn't realized just how strong she'd become."

"I know what you mean," Fox agreed softly. "I wanted to protect her from all this...but she pulled through better than I did." He chuckled softly. "Peppy would say that meant we've done a good job, that she's turned out better than us."

"Yeah," Krystal agreed thoughtfully. "Which means...soon as her suit's ready, she'll be heading off to the Academy. School, training, friends, parties...boys..."

"Don't get me started there," Fox groaned ruefully. "Somehow, Sunset wound up in a full color news snapshot in her focus outfit. ROB's already filtering her network messages to limit it only to those she actually knows."

"Is he doing the same for me?" Krystal asked curiously. "I mean, I'm not dressed that differently from her..."

"He is," Fox confirmed, "though in your case it's still getting through, just marked as filtered. Can you imagine the stink Sunset would make if-"

"How do you know 'Brobot' hasn't flat out told her what you're having him do, why, and shown her how many messages he filters out on a daily basis so she agrees with you?" Krystal quipped playfully. "He's plainly a lot more straightforward with her than we expected."

Fox sighed ruefully. "That's true..." He looked up to where Sunset continued to cavort. "I know she's ready to head to the Academy, to move on with her life, to grow up...but..."

"But you aren't sure you're ready to let her go?" Krystal asked softly. When Fox only nodded, she rested her hand on his. "I know exactly what you mean..."

They sat in silence a while longer as they watched the children play, letting it all turn over in their minds. Eventually, their calm deliberation was interrupted as Shabunga floated out of his shop.

"It's ready!" he barked out intensely, holding a package out to Sunset. "Now try it on already, so I can be sure it's working!"

Gasping eagerly, Sunset rushed over and seized the outfit before jumping into the shop, ducking around a corner so she was out of sight. Fox, Krystal, and Tricky watched on curiously, waiting for her to come out. When they did, they were able to see the outfit she was wearing now.

The main part of the outfit was a black bodysuit, running from her feet to just under her shoulders, leaving her arms bare. Blue straps held the outfit up passing over one shoulder, and connected the outfit to yellow gloves and boots, shaped to her legs and hooves. In a holster at her side was a blaster in black and red, with the same blue as the straps of the outfit. Every blue circuit - as it was revealed to be - glowed with the blue of Sunset's magical aura. On each hip, the symbol from her own hips - the one the books of magic she'd come with called a 'Cutie Mark' - was emblazoned, outlined in the circuitry. The tight fit of the outfit showed, even more than the skimpiness of her focus outfit, that she was growing up well, and was definitely becoming a young woman. She was grinning eagerly as she looked it over, turning this way and that to show it off.

As Shabunga moved in to check everything over and explain the connections between outfit, boots, gloves, and blaster, Fox and Krystal watched on with matching bittersweet smiles.

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