• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 8: Trixie's Destiny

Trixie and Aareus were in absolute shock, Flash and Shining being just as amazed as Jackpot finished telling his tale.

The two turned to one another and stared at each other in absolute bewilderment. Then, Aareus' shock turned to anger. "No," he turned back to Jackpot, "I don't believe you." He marched up to him, "you really expect me to believe that you're my father?" He pointed to Trixie, "that she's my sister?"

"It's the truth," Jackpot told him. He reached out to place a hand on Aareus' shoulder, but the man pulled back.

"No!" He shook his head, "I can't believe that."

"Why?" Jackpot asked, "what makes you think I'm lying?"

"Well," Trixie spoke up. "You said we're supposed to be twins, but look at us. He's clearly older than me." Aareus nodded, "I'm seventeen. And he's...like twenty."

"Twenty-two," he stated. "So we can't be siblings. Which means you're lying to me."

"He might not be," Flash spoke up. "Remember what he said your mom told him. About how time between the worlds is constantly changing."

"Exactly," Jackpot nodded. "Your mother came to our world and was there for years. But it was likely only a few months on this side. Maybe one year, I don't know. But then the worlds synced up and time flowed the same way, or at least it should have according to your mother."

"Then it sped up," Trixie sighed. "You spent years on this side and it was probably only one on mine. That's why you're older." Aareus still looked unsure, but then Jackpot reached into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet, moving over to the pair as he did. "Dad? What are you doing?"

"Something I should have done for you a long time ago." Jackpot took something out of his wallet and held it out to the pair, Aareus taking it and seeing it was a photo.

In said photo, Jackpot was standing beside the woman Trixie saw in the portrait. The pair were each holding something in their arms. Babies, one looking like a smaller Trixie and the other being a smaller Aareus. The prince couldn't believe what he was seeing.

As he stared at the image, the doors of the throne room opened up and someone stepped inside. It was an old man in his seventies, wearing the kind of clothes one would see a monk wear. "Your majesty! You've returned." He then noticed the other four, "with company."

Aareus stared at him, then at the picture before looking back to him. "Maister Groff! I need a DNA scroll, now!" The man looked surprised by this, but the look his ruler was giving him told him not to argue and he rushed off to do what he was told.

"What are you doing?" Trixie asked.

"A DNA scroll has magic that'll prove whether or not you are my sister."

"Don't we have more important things to be worrying about?" Shining asked, "like Devious coming after Trixie to get her Medallion."

"We'll be fine," Aareus told him. "The throne room's shielded from portals coming in here that weren't specially designed to bypass it. Devious can't get in here. Besides, time flows differently here. By the time he's able to get back to this world, weeks or months could pass. Plenty of time to come up with a plan."

"Are you sure?" Flash asked.

"How long has it been since you guys last saw me before today?"

"Couple of months," Trixie replied.

"Well it's been a year and a half for me." They had not been expecting that, but it did explain how Devious had managed to escape from prison and steal all the Medallions in such a short time.

"Maybe you're right," Flash sighed. "Maybe we will have some time before he shows up."

Just outside the city of the Luna Cat, a portal opened up as Devious stepped out of it.

The man sighed as he found himself back in his home world. He was getting tired of needing to constantly skip from one world to the next. Despite that, he had to admit that other world looked interesting. Despite only being there a short while, he could tell is had many ups compared to his world.

Sure, there was no magic, but that just meant less magical people to get in his way. But he had to focus.

"Get the Medallion, then decide if you want to conquer that world." He marched towards the city, rubbing his finger over the Medallion on his mask. He then looked down at the Medallions on his staff, smirking as he decided to use a little extra power to make sure he got what he wanted.

Soon, the world would be remade in his image.

Trixie watched Aareus pull a hair from his head, whilst Maister Groff held up a piece of parchment.

Said parchment had a bunch of strange symbols written upon it, along with a pair of circles that were connected to a smaller circle by lines. Aareus placed the hair within one of the circles, then looked over at Trixie. She sighed and pulled a hair from her own head, flinching as she handed it to Aareus.

He took it and placed it on the other circle, whilst Groff took out a yellow gem and placed it on the parchment.

This caused the symbols to start glowing, the circles following afterwards. The rings filled with light, which touched the hairs and caused them to burn up as they were absorbed into the parchment. The light then moved out of the rings and into the lines, both reaching the central ring at the exact same time.

After a few seconds, the central ring glowed green and Groff looked amazed. "Positive. The DNA is a match." He turned to Aareus, who really did look shocked this time. "This girl is your sister."

"See," Trixie told him. She watched as he moved over to a column and leaned against it, this confirmation finally shattering any denial he had. "We're siblings. Family."

Aareus sighed, "you realise what this means."

"It means Trixie's a princess," Flash pointed out. "Wasn't expecting that." Trixie rolled her eyes, whilst Aareus frowned.

"She's not a princess. She's a queen."

"What?" Trixie hadn't been expecting that, as Maister Groff stepped forward.

"You were chosen to wield the Luna Cat Medallion. That means you have also been chosen to lead our kingdom. You will succeed your mother and become the new ruler." Trixie suddenly felt very hot under the collar. The thought of being a Princess was cool, but being queen felt like too much.

"You guys are kidding, right?" They shook their head, "I can't be queen."

"Why not?" Shining asked.

"You already act like you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth," Flash pointed out. "This just makes it official." Trixie frowned at him. "Look, what's the big deal? So you're queen. So what?"

"I don't wanna be queen," Trixie cried. "I can't handle that kind of responsibility."

Jackpot moved over to place a hand on her shoulder. "Trixie. The Medallion chose you. It must see the same thing it saw in your mother. I'm sure you'll be able to make her proud."

Trixie looked at the mask she was holding and then up at the portrait. Her mother had renounced the Medallion and entrusted it into her care. Could Trixie really make Miragina proud and become ruler of this kingdom.

"Mom," she whispered. She had always wondered about her mother, and now she knew the truth. She was a woman who had been willing to give up everything for the kingdom, even if it meant splitting her family up. Trixie knew leaving her and her father must have taken a lot of strength. Trixie couldn't bring shame to her mother by refusing this calling. "Okay," she nodded, "but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now."

In that moment, a large explosion rocketed outside the castle.

The lot of them rushed towards the window and opened it up, looking down at the town and seeing a building being blown up. Lightning exploded out of a spot and struck another building, causing it to explode as well and making them realise who it had to be.

"Devious," Aareus growled.

"I thought you said we had more time," Trixie asked.

"Actually," the minister told her, "I am willing to guess that our world has synched up with your world's time stream again. So we're moving at the same speed as it." Flash was getting a headache from all this shifting time stream talk, whilst Aareus rushed over to grab his shield and sword.

"Who cares how he got here so quickly," the prince announced. "He's here and we have to stop him." They nodded and all got ready for a fight, Shining putting his suit back on whilst Trixie placed her mask on her face. Flash activated the Omnitrix and they all rushed out the throne room, Jackpot wondering what he should do.

"Stay here!" Trixie told him. "If Devious sees you, he might try and use you as a hostage again. Just wait here until we come back." Jackpot sighed, but nodded. All he could do is watch, as both his children ran out into a dangerous fight.

Devious laughed as he blasted several guards away, zapping them with lightning or blowing them away with a blast of wind.

Several civilians were running in an attempt to escape his attack, but he had struck the ground and caused ice to grow out and trap them in a cage of it. He laughed some more, as several magicians arrived. They pointed their staffs at him and unleashed blasts of wind, water, fire and lightning towards him. But he simply thrust his staff forward and unleashed a blast of wind, which struck the elements and pushed them all back towards the magicians.

They screamed as the area around them exploded. "Oh, this is too easy."

"Then why not try fighting against someone that can actually fight back!" He looked around and saw four figures flying towards him. Shining and Aareus were gliding down on Shining's hang-glider, whilst Trixie was holding onto Molestache's feet as he helicoptered them down.

Trixie released his feet and fell towards him, Devious launching a blast of fire towards her only for Trixie to swing her belt around to deflect it. She then turned it into a staff and tried to strike Devious in the head, only for him to shield himself using his staff.

Shining and Aareus landed as Molestache flew over to the people trapped in ice, the alien rodent punching the cage with his stache fist and shattered it. "Quickly now!" He stated in his british accent, "get away before that vagabond tries something else." They nodded and ran, whilst Shining fired at Devious.

The sorcerer pushed Trixie away and spun his staff around. This created an ice wall, which protect him from the attacks as Aareus and Molestache rushed around it. The pair charged from opposite directions, ready to punch and slash at the madman.

But Devious spun on the spot and unleashed a power gust of wind, knocking the pair backwards. "Don't you understand?" He asked them, as Shining used a machine gun to shatter the ice. "I have the power of the elements on my side. Nothing you do will allow you fools to defeat me."

Trixie ran forward and swung her staff at him, Devious blocking with his own. "No power is unbeatable," she growled as she pushed him back. She then created several duplicates of herself, who all took different stances. "It's just a matter of finding yours." The Lady Masquerades charged and all attacked in different ways, Devious simply slamming his staff onto the ground and causing a wall of fire to appear around him.

Trixie was forced to leap back as her fakes were destroyed, allowing Devious to fire a blast of lightning towards her. But before it could strike, Aareus leapt in front of her with his shield raised. The lightning bounced off and Trixie smiled at her brother, who smirked back whilst Devious stopped his attack.

As he did, Shining pointed his snipe blaster at him. "One wrong move, and you'll have a new hole in your head." Molestache was also ready to fight, putting up his dukes and moving his feet back and forth.

"It's over," Aareus told him. "Return the Medallions and give yourself up."

"Or we'll be forced to give you a thorough thrashing!" Molestache stated, "your elemental attacks can't stop us all."

"True," Devious nodded. "But it's a good thing that's not all I've got." As he said that, two of the Medallions began to glow. This caught the others off guard, whilst Aareus' eyes went wide.

"That's impossible." And before he could say anything else, Devious suddenly vanished in a flurry of wind.

"What?" Trixie gasped, "where'd he go?" But Molestache pointed behind her and she looked around to see Devious standing several feet away.

He smiled before grabbing a large beam that had been part of a destroyed house. He then lifted it up without issue and threw it at them, the four gasping as they all leapt away. It crashed into the ground as they rolled along the ground, whilst Devious shot forward with incredible speed.

He flew past Trixie and as he did, he blasted her with a bolt of lightning.

Trixie screamed as she was blasted into the air, whilst Devious stopped next to another chunk of destroyed house and threw it at her.

She gasped as it flew towards her, the masked hero unable to save herself in midair. Luckily, Shining managed to blast it away before it could hit her and Molestache caught her. "Since when did he have super strength and speed?" The alien asked, as he flew them down to the ground.

"He's using the abilities of the other Medallions," Aareus stated. "I don't know how, but he's accessing their power without needing to replace the one he's wearing."

"I'm guessing that's not supposed to be possible?" Shining asked, with Aareus nodding.

"He's more dangerous than I realised." They watched as Devious picked up another large chunk of destroyed building and held it without issue.

"Impressive, wouldn't you say?" He threw the chunk upwards and blasted it with lightning, causing it to explode into multiple pieces that rained down upon them. They all shielded themselves in different ways, Shining turning his blaster into an energy shield that formed a dome, whilst Molestache wrapped his mustache around him like a cocoon.

Trixie spun her belt around to knock the pieces away and Aareus held up his shield. "How is this possible?" The prince asked, flinching when a small piece of debris hit his shoulder.

Devious smirked. "Now you see why I was meant to inherit the power of a Medallion. Not only was I worthy, but I can do something no one else can." He stared at the two glowing coins on his staff. "Who else do you know that can synchronise with multiple Medallions and use them all simultaneously?" He launched fireballs at the four, Shining needing to run over so Molestache didn't get burned, with the lot of them barely able to protect themselves. "Sure, I might not be as fast or strong as I would be if I used the Medallions on their own. But with this combination of power, I'm unbeatable."

"Nobody's unbeatable!" Trixie growled as she deflected the last rock.

"I am. You were right about the Radiant Dragon having weaknesses. But with these two powers and who knows what others I'll get, I truly am unbeatable." He slammed his staff into the ground and a massive combination of fire and wind swirled around him.

The flames exploded upwards, as they all watched in shock. If they were hit by that attack, they were gonna be in serious trouble.

"Trixie," Aareus held up a crystal, "we have to get out of here."

"I can't just leave!" She told him, but Shining moved over to her. "We can beat him. We just have to work together." But as she said that, a fireball exploded off the tornado and flew down towards them.

Shining blasted it with his gun, then turned to Trixie. "No, you have to go. If you lose your Medallion, the world will be lost forever. It's not cowardly to protect what we can't allow to fall into the enemy's hands." Aareus nodded and smashed the crystal into the ground.

This caused a portal to form and as it did, the tornado exploded and sent hundreds of fireballs towards them.

Shining used his energy shield to block them, whilst Molestache grabbed pieces of debris off the ground and threw them to counter the flames. "GO!" The plumber yelled, Trixie frowning but running through the portal with Aareus.

From within the smoke of the fire explosion, Devious saw what had happened. He frowned, since he didn't have any more dimensional crystals. If those two got away, he would have to find another crystal before he could chase after them.

He pressed his finger to one of the coins on his staff, making it glow brighter as he also glowed. He then shot forward, as Shining fired at him and Molestache threw some more debris. The magician zigzagged around to avoid the attacked before launching a lightning bolt, which struck the pair and blasted them backwards.

"Augh!" Molestache cried, as his nose hair became frizzy.

Shining groaned as he sat himself up and looked over at the portal, which Devious rushed through as it began to close. "Come on!" He pushed himself to his feet as Molestache used his stache to pull himself along the ground, then threw himself at the portal. Shining did the same, both of them managing to get through it seconds before it completely shut.

The few kingdom citizens who had been near came out of hiding, the lot of them looking at where the portal had been.

Many of them hoped their leader and his friends could stop Devious. If they couldn't, they didn't want to know what horror that madman might cause. Many were also wondering why that girl none of them knew was able to use the Luna Cat Medallion, whilst also wondering what that must mean for their supposide leader.

Canterlot was still in a state of alert, due to what had happened early that day.

First, a portal had opened up and a strange figure had stepped through. Then, an alien had arrived and taken the figure away. And now, part of a street had been destroyed in some kind of brawl.

It was clearly gonna be an insane day, made even more insane with the portal that opened up in the middle of downtown. Everyone around it screamed as they began to run, not wanting to be caught up in this fight. And they were glad they did, since moments later Aareus and Lady Masquerade leapt through it.

The pair rolled along the ground and both got ready for a fight, as Devious leapt through the portal.

"You're mine!" He fired a blast of lightning, but Lady Masquerade swung her staff around and deflected the bolt. As she did, Molestache and Shining leapt through the portal as well.

Shining quickly blasted him, but Devious blocked it with a column of ice that appeared behind him. Molestache quickly ran forward, attempting to throw a punch at him whilst Aareus charged with his sword. The two attached simultaneously, but Devious quickly proved stronger and avoided both attacks. He then leapt back and launched a blast of wind, which struck the pairs and blasted them backwards.

Aareus slammed into the side of a building and Molestache was sent into an alleyway. And as he crashed into the ground and rolled towards a pile of metal pipes, the Omnitrix beeped. In a burst of light, he reverted back to Flash and moaned as he held his head. "Great."

Devious and Lady Masquerade swung their staffs at one another, but Devious' increased speed allowed him to block her strike and deal his own in a second whilst also avoiding Shining's blasts. He then blasted her with fire, Trixie barely managing to block it with her staff but the explosion knocked her backwards.

Shining then charged, changing his blaster to a sword that he slashed at him with. Devious used his super speed to avoid this and side-step around Shining, appearing behind him as he called upon his super strength. Shining spin to him, but got punched in the chest so hard he was knocked flying backwards. He cried out as he smashed into a building fell to the ground besides Aareus.

Flash ran out of the alleyway and checked them both over, whilst Trixie pushed herself to her feet.

"It's over," Devious told her. "Hand over the Medallion. You were never meant to have it to begin with."

Trixie panted as she clutched her staff. "You're wrong," she stated with her head down.

"Oh?" Devious asked, "and why's that?"

"I was meant to have the Medallion," Trixie touched the coin on her head. "When I first got it, all I cared about was having super powers. But now I know what having this coin means." She looked up and glared at him, "it means I'm walking in the footsteps of my mother."

"Your mother?" Devious asked, only for him to slowly put the pieces together. "Oh. That explains a lot."

Trixie stood tall, raising her staff to fight. "My mother, gave up these powers to keep them from you. She trusted in me to protect them and use them for good. I don't know what she would think of me, but I want to believe I've made her proud. And I'll keep making her proud, by defeating you."

Devious chuckled. "Oh please. You really think you can defeat me? Your mother couldn't beat me and she was far more powerful than you. She didn't even need the mask to be powerful. But even with it, she was no match for me. And when she renounced the power, all she did was make herself an easy target for me to finish her off." Trixie could feel her anger growing, "you should have heard her screams when I ended her. The last thing she ever saw, was me. And she cried like a baby."

"SHUT UP!" Trixie charged, but Flash gasped.

"Trixie, no! It's a trick!" Trixie attempting to strike Devious, but the man vanished in a flurry of wind.

She gasped as she felt the presence behind her, the masked girl spinning around as Devious unleashed a blast of lightning from his staff. It struck her and she screamed, as the lightning wrapped around her body and made her drop her staff. Pain raced through her body, as she was lifted into the air.

Flash gasped as he watched Trixie scream louder and louder, then saw the Medallion be pulled from the mask on her head and make her revert back to normal. "NO!" He yelled, running forward as the coin was pulled further and further from her.

Devious saw this and was forced to leap away, his electrical attack stopping as he tried to blast Flash with fire. Trixie fell to the ground and her Medallion fell with her, the clanking of the metal on the pavement filling he air.

Devious heard this and turned to see the coin on the ground, Flash also seeing it but further away due to needing to dodge the flames. Trixie groaned as she picked her head up, seeing the coin several feet in front of her. Her eyes went wide and she forced herself to her feet, attempting to dive for the coin. But Devious shot past in a flurry of speed and the coin was gone.

"NOOOOO!" She turned to see him holding the coin in his hand. He laughed at the sight and placed it on the staff, the medallion connecting to it along with the others.

"Finally," he smiled, "I have them all."

"No," Trixie shook her head. She couldn't believe it. She had failed.

Devious turned to the four, as Shining and Aareus began to recover. Flash moved over to help Trixie up, whilst he simply smiled. "This has been fun." He formed a fireball in his hands, "but now it's time to bring this game to an end." With that, the launched a massive blast of fire towards them.

They gasped, none of them having a way to protect themselves. All they could do was brace themselves, as the flames got closer. But they never struck.

Opening their eyes, they looked back and saw a large wall of diamonds blocking the flames. They also heard movement behind them and looked around to see the Rainbooms walking towards them. "Hey!" Twilight smiled, "did you guys have a party without us?"

The four smiled as the flames and shield vanished, the girls reaching them and seeing Devious. "Who's that?" Rainbow asked, "he looks familiar."

"It's Devious," Flash told them. "And he's got the Luna Cat Medallion." The Rainbooms looked at Trixie in shock, seeing she was wearing her mask but didn't have the coin.

Devious chuckled. "More friends?" He asked, "it matters not. Now that I have all twelve Medallions, I can rewrite this world in my own image. Where I am and always have been its ruler."

"Come again?" Applejack asked.

"it's complicated," Trixie explained. "But why would you want to rule this world?"

"Why not?" Devious asked. "It's clearly better than my old one. And there's barely any magical beings here that can get in my way. I'll rebuild this world and make myself the undisputed ruler."

"But you'll destroy this world to remake it!" Aareus cried, "you'll kill billions of lives. You can't do that."

"Can and will." Devious slammed his staff into the ground and created a powerful gust of wind, which him them all and knocked them flying backwards. At the same time, Devious was pushed into the air and flew up to the roof of the tallest building around. "Now, to unleash ultimate power." He reached up and pulled the coin from his mask, causing him be consumed by light that quickly died down and revealed his black shirt and brown pants.

Attaching the final coin to his staff, he suddenly felt a tremendous surge of energy flowing through him.

"Yes!" He cheered, as the coins all glowed. He then looked down at the ground and saw the others picking themselves up. "Can't let those fools get in my way." He slammed his staff onto the ground and called upon the small amount of energy he had access to, which flowed through the building and into the ground beneath it.

As everyone recovered, some holding their heads, they looked around. "Where'd he go?" Pinkie asked, only to feel the shaking. "WOW!"

"What's happening?" Fluttershy asked, looking terrified.

Trixie turned to Aareus, "is this it? Is he going to destroy our world?"

Aareus shook his. "It shouldn't be this quick. The legend says the ritual to recreate the world requires time for all the Medallions to unify." As he said that, parts of the ground broke apart. Those pieces started clumping together and forming humanoid bodies. They weren't exactly perfect, since their bodies were too circular whilst their arms and heads were located on random parts of the spherical form. Some even had three or four arms and several heads.

The rock monsters charged, surprising them as Rarity put up a wall of diamonds. But the rock monsters punched them and did so hard enough that the gems began to crack. This knocked Rarity off balance, making the shields flicker. "Get ready!" Shining prepared his shotgun blaster and Aareus held up his sword and shield.

Sunset and Fluttershy ran over to Flash and Trixie, grabbing their arms and pulling them away as Rarity's shields broke. The remaining Rainbooms charged into battle, as the four rushed into the alleyway full of pipes. "We can't just sit here and let them fight on their own!" Trixie cried.

"I know," Sunset sighed. "I don't like it anymore then you, but our powers aren't very suited for fighting non-Equestrian threats. Flash needs time to charge back up and you..."

Trixie sighed, "yeah." She looked away, "I'm useless."

"I didn't say that," Sunset stated as Applejack picked up a rock monster and threw it into another. "But you don't have your Medallion."

"I'm useless even with it," Trixie leaned against the wall and slid down to curl herself up. "I promised I would protect it and make my mom proud, but I failed. Devious is right. I'm nothing compared to her." Sunset and Fluttershy turned to Flash, clearly confused about what she was saying.

He moved forward and knelt down in front of her. "Trixie, listen to me." Twilight grabbed a rock monster in her magic and threw it into a building, whilst Shining blasted through two of them and Aareus stabbed between the rock parts to break them apart. "You shouldn't try and compare yourself to your mother."

"Why not?" She asked. "The first time I had the Medallion, I let the power go to my head and almost lost it to Devious. And now I actually have lost it. She never let anything like that happen."

"She couldn't beat Devious either," Flash pointed out. "And she wasn't perfect. Don't forget, she ran off to an entirely new world and abandoned her duty as a princess. I wouldn't exactly call that great princess behaviour." Trixie couldn't argue there. "Besides, you can't compare yourself to your mother, because you don't know how great you're gonna be with your Medallion. Your mother had years to master its power. I'm way better with the Omnitrix now then I was when I first got it. Nobody's a master of something when they first start out. I bet you'll reach her level in half the time."

"But I don't have the Medallion anymore," Trixie stated as Rainbow ran around three rock monsters and made them dizzy. "And because I lost it, our world might end up getting destroyed."

"It won't. We're gonna stop him and get your Medallion back."

"How? I don't have any way of fighting without the Luna Cat Medallion."

Flash smirked, "how many times have you told me I'm not a hero just because I have super powers?" Trixie shrugged, "I've found myself in trouble countless times and had the watch either out of power or giving me the wrong alien. I could have given up then, but I didn't. Because I had you and all my friends guarding my back. And you've got us to help you out."

"He's right," Sunset nodded. "Our magic isn't suited for fighting, but we'll still fight if our friends need us." Fluttershy nodded and in that moment, one of the rock monsters managed to get passed Pinkie and ran towards the alleyway. They heard the growling and saw it coming at them, Flash thinking fast and grabbing a pipe from the nearby pile.

"Like right now!" He charged at the rock monster and slammed the pipe into it, knocking it backwards but not doing much damage.

Sunset and Fluttershy grabbed their own pipes and ran at it. "Go!" Sunset yelled, shoving a pipe into a gap between the monster's rocks. "We'll hold it off as long as we can."

"You can do this!" Fluttershy assured her. Trixie watched as the three pushed the rock monster backwards, as Flash's words echoed in her head.

She knew her friends were right. If she gave up now, she'd just be proving she wasn't worthy of being Lady Masquerade. She might be the only one that could stop Devious, but how was she gonna get to him?

She looked around and spotted the fire-escape that led up the side of the building.

She started coming up with a plan. An insane plan, but a plan nonetheless. So she quickly started climbing the fire-escape, the sounds of the fight filling her ear. She heard Applejack grunting with every punch. Pinkie's explosions. Twilight calling out to her brother as she threw a monster into the air, allowing Shining to blast it. And she heard her own brother's battle cry.

That word made Trixie feel weird. She had a brother. A twin brother that was several years older than her. When did her life get so weird?

Flash slammed the rock monster upside its third head, but the pipe simply broke as it did.

The beast then threw a punch at him, Flash barely managing to avoid getting hit. As he did, the Omnitrix timed in. "Yes!" He activated the watch, "time for this horn to riot!" He slammed the dial down and in a flash, he was transformed. But not into the alien he was going for. "Squidstrictor?" He looked over his tentacle covered body, quickly shaking his head. He couldn't let this upset stop him.

The rock monster charged and he was able to jump over it, then grab it in his tentacle arms and pull himself in from behind. Pinning the monsters arms to its body, his other tentacles wrapped around it and squeezed as tightly as possible. After a few seconds, the rock monster shattered and fell to the ground.

Squidstrictor smirked before turning to the closest monster, who charged forward but was met by the alien spinning his tentacles around and smashing through it. Squidstrictor turned into a mini tornado, spinning as fast as he could and smashing his way through several golems before grabbing another and squeezing it tightly.

The others smirked as the rock monsters were dropping in number faster then whatever spell Devious used could make more.

Speaking of Devious, the power he had been channeling was now much greater. With each passing second, the energy flowing through him got stronger and stronger. "Yes!" He laughed, as he held the staff up. "Now, create the world I truly desire!" With that, he thrust the staff into the building's roof. "A world where I am the unquestioned ruler of everything."

The staff glowed brighter, as the Medallions all detached from it. The magic they unleashed formed a sphere around the staff's tip, which the medallions were floating on as they circled it. The sphere then shot up a beam of light, which hit the sky and unleashed pulse after pulse.

Everyone on the ground saw this and worried this might be the end, but they also knew there was still time. Someone just had to get up there.

Someone already was, as Trixie ran along a roof next to Devious. She used all her strength to leap over the edge, landing on the roof and rolling along it for a moment. Devious noticed this and his eyes went wide, as Trixie pushed herself back to her feet and ran forward. "Get back!" He unleashed a wave of force towards her, attempting to knock her off the roof.

But Trixie jumped to the ground and rolled forward, reaching into her pocket as she did so. When she pushed herself back to her feet, she threw something to the ground and a large cloud of smoke covered the roof.

"You think this will stop me?" Devious growled, holding the staff as tightly as he could. But before he could blow the smoke away, a pair of hands reached out and grabbed the staff. "NO!" The smoke cleared and Trixie was standing there.

"I won't let you destroy my world!" She pulled on the staff and managed to dislodge it from the spot in the roof, causing the magic forming the sphere to fluctuate. The column in the sky broke and the pulsing stopped, but Devious wasn't beaten yet.

"No!" He pulled on the staff and Trixie almost lost her grip, but managed to just hold on. "You won't stop me!"

"Why do you want to destroy our world?" Trixie asked, "just so you can make another world that kisses your feet? If that's all you care about, it's no wonder the Luna Cat Medallion didn't pick your ancestor."

"Shut up!" Devious growled. "My family has been disrespected for generations. First, we were overlooked to become the wielders of the Medallion. Then we were banished just because we tried to take what was rightfully ours. And when I attempted to take it back, I was denied again and it was sent to a worthless child."

"I'm not worthless!" The pair continued pulling the staff around, trying to get it out of their opponent's hands. "I might have misused the power before, but I won't make that mistake again. I'm getting my Medallion back and taking the rest of them from you as well."

"Admit it!" Devious growled, "you just want the Medallions so you can remake the world yourself!" As he said that, the orb unleashed a blast of magic, which struck a building across the street.

Those on the ground gasped at the explosion and saw rubble falling towards them. Squidstrictor acted fast and leapt into the air, spinning around and smashing his tentacles into the large pieces of rubble to smash them into pieces. These smaller pieces were easy for Twilight and Rarity to grab in their magic, the girls using it to crush more rock monsters.

"That's not true!" Trixie told him. "I don't want to remake the world. Especially if that meant destroying this one and everyone I know and care about."

"Do they really care about you?" Devious asked. "You call them friends, but I bet there have been times when they made fun of you. When they insulted you and did something that you absolutely hated. Things that made you wish they never existed."

Trixie stopped for a moment, as she remembered those exact things happening. The Rainbooms, who used to laugh at her whenever she made a fool of herself. Who stole her time in the spotlight during the Battle of the Bands, who wouldn't let her help in the Friendship Games and who barely put her in last year's yearbook.

She then thought about Flash, who probably wouldn't have let her help with all his alien stuff if she didn't see him get the Omnitrix. Heck, he definitely wouldn't have told her about it.

Devious smiled, seeing her looking doubtful. "See. I could help you if you let me." Trixie looked at him. "I could remake this world and keep you from being destroyed. I'll make it so that you have a position of power. Or I could make it so that your family never had to be seperated. Think about it. Getting to grow up with your mother and brother. Living a happy life together. Doesn't that sound amazing?"

"It...it does," she nodded. Devious smirked and attempted to pull the staff from her, but Trixie redoubled her grip. "But it wouldn't be my family." She pulled on the staff and Devious almost lost his grip, magic flying out and hitting the ground whilst destroying several rock monsters. "I want nothing more then to meet my mom, but I won't destroy this world and all my friends to do it."

"But what about all the things they did to you?"

"Yeah, those things hurt. But I'll admit, I had most of them coming. And even if they did bully me without a reason, that doesn't mean they deserve to be wiped out and replaced with a bunch of brainwashed zombies!" She gripped the staff as hard as she could, "I won't let you hurt them. I know my mom wouldn't want to be brought back to life if it cost the rest of the world its future. So I'm gonna make her proud and stop you, once and for all!"

"Never! The world will be mine." They struggled more and launched another blast of magic, which flew down and almost struck Pinkie and Applejack.

The pair gasped, but Rarity managed to shield them before it could. "We have to stop this!" Sunset yelled as Squidstrictor destroyed another rock monster. There were only three left and the others would soon have it destroyed. The alien looked up and saw Trixie fighting against Devious, Squidstrictor nodding.

"Applejack!" The girl turned to him, as he held up a tentacle. "Give me a lift!" She nodded and grabbed his tentacle, holding it as hard as she could before she started spinning around on the spot. Squidstrictor flinched, as he tried to stop himself from getting dizzy. And after a few spins, Applejack unleashed a mighty roar and sent him flying towards the building.

Trixie and Devious were locked in a stalemate, unable to overpower the other which forced them to remain in place.

This was just what Squidstrictor had been hoping for, when he shot passed them so fast they barely noticed until the sun was blocked out. Both looked up and saw the alien floating above them, then started spinning around as he fell towards them.

Devious gasped and tried to pull the staff away, but Trixie pulled back and they remained in place. As such, Squidstrictor struck the magical sphere with his tentacles and the impact shattered the orb.

An explosion of light knocked the three backwards, Squidstrictor almost falling off the roof but managed to hold onto the edge. Trixie and Devious were blown to opposite sides of the roof, but neither were able to close their eyes as they looked up and the massive light that formed above them. Inside that light, differently coloured streams of light were bouncing around inside of it. They both knew what they were and it terrified them. The Medallions.

Devious glared at Squidstrictor, "what have you DONE!?"

The alien pulled himself up and smirked, "saved the day." As he said that, the orb shattered and the lights went flying off in random directions throughout the city.

Two of them remained and shot down towards Trixie and Devious, hitting them both in the chest and making them glow. They looked down at themselves, as the light spread throughout their entire bodies. When it faded, the pair was revealed to be back in their superpowered forms. Trixie reached up and gasped when she felt the Medallion on her head, then saw Devious had the Radiant Dragon on his.

Devious did not look happy and rushed over to where his staff had fallen, picking it up and finding none of the Medallions were on it. He quickly set it ablaze as Squidstrictor rushed over to Trixie, helping her up before the pair focused on them. "You will pay!" He launched a fireball, but the pair leapt away as it struck the ground and exploded.

Trixie pulled off her belt and morphed it into the staff, then slammed it onto the ground. An illusionary wave flew out and struck both her and Squidstrictor, causing them both to disappear.

Devious looked around and was about to launch a wind blast to knock them back, but he was struck by something he couldn't see and was knocked staggering. Something else then hit him and knocked him away again, the masked villain finding himself a pinball, knocked towards invisible objects that knocked him back and forth.

After what was probably the seventh hit, he had had enough and let out a roar alongside a mighty blast of lightning. It flew across the rooftop and zapped both Trixie and Squidstrictor, the pair crying out as they became visible again. When the lightning ended, both fell to the ground panting as Devious prepared to finish them off.

But before he could, a laser struck the ground at his feet. "Augh!" He staggered backwards and looked around to see Shining, who had flown up using the rod that had morphed into a helicopter stick. He pointed his blaster at him, as Aareus and the Rainbooms flew up using Rarity's crystals for the ones that couldn't fly.

Devious glared at them, as he slowly moved backwards until he reached the edge of the roof. As he did, Trixie and Squidstrictor picked themselves up. "It's over," Aareus stated. "Come quietly."

Devious growled, "never. This isn't over. I will get the world I deserve." He slammed his staff into the ground and made a shard of ice explode between him and then, only to then blast it with fire. This created a steam cloud, which filled the air and blocked everyone's vision.

Squidstrictor swung his tentacles around, blowing the steam away. But when it finally cleared, Devious was gone. "Where'd he go?" Trixie asked, as they looked around but couldn't find any trace of him.

"He'll be back," Aareus assured her. "This world has something he wants."

"What was that light show?" Rainbow asked, "and those lights that shot off all over the place?"

"I think they were the Medallions," Trixie explained. "Flash destroyed the orb holding them and they flew off all over the place."

"Was that wrong?" Squidstrictor asked, "I didn't really have a lot of time to come up with a plan. I figured doing that was better than letting whatever Devious was gonna do happen."

"Yes," Aareus nodded, "you did the right thing. You got the Medallions away from Devious and helped my sister retrieve hers." Squidstrictor smiled, whilst Aareus looked out at the city. "But the Medallions have been lost. We know the location of two of them, so that leaves ten more unaccounted for."

"What happened to them?" Shining asked, removing his suit as he did. Aareus frowned as he tried to think.

"Best guess, Devious severed his link with them when he tried to use them to rebuild the world. So when Flash destroyed the orb, they didn't automatically return to him. The Radiant Dragon and Luna Cat Medallions, likely went to Trixie and Devious because the two had previously synchronised with them. If that's the case, the others must have searched for whoever they're most compatible with."

"So you're saying they could be anywhere?" Trixie asked, "anyone in the world could have one." Aareus shook his head.

"No. I doubt they could get that far. They're probably still within the limits of the city, linking to whoever could unify the powers they grant." He frowned, "Devious probably knows this to. He'll be after the Medallions again."

"So what do we do?" Squidstrictor asked, as the Omnitrix beeped and turned him back to normal. As he did, Aareus thought and eventually nodded. He had a plan.

Back in the Luna Cat Kingdom, Jackpot remained in the throne room.

He was worried sick about this children, but was still in absolute shock that he got to meet his son. He looked up at his lover's portrait, a wave of pain washing over him. He knew the fight had ended a while ago, but didn't want to risk getting captured again so stayed where he was like Aareus had told him.

A flash of light caught his attention, making him look towards the centre of the room as a portal formed. Aareus and Trixie walked through it, Jackpot sighing in relief as he stood up. "What happened? When did you guys return to our world?"

"It's a long story," Trixie told him.

"Get him up to speed," Aareus told her. "I've gotta go talk to my ministers." Trixie nodded and Aareus ran out of the room, leaving the father and daughter alone.

Jackpot turned to her, as she removed her mask. "What happened? Did you beat him?" Trixie shrugged, telling him kind of. They saw down and Trixie explained everything that had happened, Jackpot being amazed to hear this.

"So now the Medallions are somewhere in Canterlot and bonded to who knows who." Jackpot didn't like the sound of that. Their home had become crazy enough lately without a bunch of people suddenly gaining superpowers. "I hope Aareus can figure out how to get them back." As she said that, the door of the room opened.

Aareus walked inside, followed by several older gentlemen.

Said men looked Trixie over, raising an eyebrow as they seemed to think little of her. Aareus motioned for her to put her mask on. She did so and was once again transformed into her superhero persona. Seeing her as Lady Masquerade, the ministers seemed to see her in a new light.

Aareus spoke up. "Trixie Lulamoon. Step forward." She did so, her father looking worried. "You have managed to save your world from being rewritten by Devious and freed many of the stolen Medallions from him. But in doing so, those Medallions were lost."

"I know," Trixie nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. What you did was right. But now, we must reclaim the lost Medallions and return them to their respective kingdoms."


"You must find them." Trixie hadn't been expecting that. "You will search for the Medallions and reclaim them before Devious can locate them. And once you have returned the Medallions, you must stop him and get the Radiant Dragon Medallion back. Do you accept this quest?"

Trixie didn't look sure. Could she really get back the lost eleven Medallions?

But when she looked back at her father, he nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back and turned to her brother, who also nodded. They believed in her and so did all her friend back home. She nodded, "I accept. I'll get the rest of the Medallions back."

"Excellent," Aareus smiled. "Then I shall rule the kingdom in your stead. Hopefully, by the time you get all the Medallions back, you'll be a little more comfortable with the idea of ruling." Trixie nodded, glad she didn't have to leave her friends and the world she knew behind. At least not yet.

When Trixie and her father returned home, she called her friends over to her house and explained everything.

Flash and Shining had told the Rainbooms everything they had learned in the other world, which had certainly shocked them. "So you're really a princess?" Rarity asked, Trixie nodding as they all sat in her living room. "And once you've got all the Medallions back, you'll be going to live and rule there?"

"Yup," Trixie nodded again before Rarity squealled.

"Darling, you have to let me design your coronation outfit. So many ideas."

"Hold on," Sunset told her. "Trixie's probably a long way off being crowned queen. She still has to find the other Medallions first and who knows how long that could take."

"Yeah," Trixie nodded, "I hope I haven't bitten off more then I can chew."

"Relax," Flash told her, "you can do this. And it's not like you'll be alone." He gestured to the lot of them in the room, "we'll be there to help you. Right guys?" They all nodded, smiling at Trixie as they did so. Trixie smiled back, happy she wasn't doing this alone. "And you know what this means?" Flash got up and moved over to her, holding out a hand. "Now you can continue to be a superhero, just like Shining and me."

Trixie smiled as she took his hand and was pulled up to her feet, Shining moving over and doing the same. The three smirked, whilst the Rainbooms and Jackpot all smiled at them. The original team was now up to full power. And they would use that power for the betterment of the city.

Night had fallen as Flash, Trixie and Shining stood atop the roofs of a tall building.

As they did, sirens caught their attention and they all smirked at one another. Trixie and Shining put on their mask and badge, whilst Flash activated the Omnitrix. In a flash of light, Firefly, Lady Masquerade and the Plumber replaced them and all leapt off the roof.

Using their individual powers and gear, the three headed off towards the sirens. With these three working together, nothing would be able to threaten Canterlot again.

Author's Note:

Well, Trixie's powers are here to stay. Plus, now she has a goal she'll need to work through. Will she be able to find the Medallions before Devious? And what other powers do they grant the wielder? Only time will tell.

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