• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 8: Tick Tock, Slows the Clock

It was the middle of the night in Canterlot and in one of the back allies, screams could be heard coming from someone who was being attacked.

The one doing the attacking was Devious, the Radiant Dragon holder unleashing a blast of lightning that was wrapped around his victim. Said victim's energy was being sucked out of his body, the energy being brown in colour and slowly forming a coin-shape within the lightning.

Eventually, the coin was completely formed and the one it was being pulled out of went limp. The coin was dark brown with a light brown monkey image on it, which floated towards Devious' staff as the lightning released the one the coin had come from.

They fell to the ground, as the coin connected to the staff and its power began to spread across the staff and into Devious. He sighed as he felt the new energy flow into him. "Perfect," he smirked, "the power of the Mad Monkey is now mine." He began to walk away, proud with himself. He had finally found a Medallion that his enemy didn't know about. "But this is only two, whilst Lady Masquerade has three. And there's still seven more left to be discovered. I must get them before her."

Three days later.

Despite it being fall in Canterlot, the city found itself enjoying some unseasonably warm weather. So warm that the outdoor sports were still being played. This included track, which our heroes had all chosen to go watch.

The reason they had gone to see it was because of their friend, Rainbow Dash, who was competing in it. The prism haired girl was down on the track, surrounded by other sporty teens who were all doing warm ups and stretches. When Rainbow spotted her friends in the stands, she waved and they waved back.

The Rainbooms, Flash and Trixie sat down, Trixie opening a bag of chips. "Did you really need to bring snacks?" Flash asked her, "this is meant to be someplace where athletes compete. Eating a bunch of junk food right in front of them might be a bit mean."

"Hey, I work hard with what I do." Trixie ate another chip, "so if I want to have a snack whilst watching a sport then that's what I'll do." As she said this, the others looked down at the field and saw all the teens who were competing.

"Woo-wee," Applejack smirked. "That's a lot of tough looking runners. Hope Rainbow Dash can beat em all."

"Don't worry," Pinkie smiled. "Rainbow super fast. She broke the school's record when she qualified. She won't lose to all those other runners, even if she's not using her geode."

"She's not?" Trixie asked through a mouthful of chips.

"Of course not," Sunset told her. "Rainbow wouldn't use her super speed to win a race. That'd be cheating. Even if there's no rule against it, Rainbow wouldn't feel right winning a race using something other then her own skills." The others nodded, thinking the exact same thing. Rainbow was gonna win with her own merits.

Rainbow finished stretching and looked around, seeing all the tough competitors who planned on beating her. She had worked hard to get here, waking up at five every morning to train and steering clear of unhealthy foods to make sure she was in tip top condition. Nothing was going to stop her from winning.

However, as she looked around, she saw the other competitors all freezing in place as they stared in the same direction. And when she saw what had caused that, she also froze.

A teenage girl was making her way towards the start of the track. She was a blue skinned girl with green hair, wearing a purple track suit. But she wasn't like the other racers on the course. She was...heavier. There was no easier way to put it. She was overweight and did not look like she was built to run. She was eating a bag of chips as she walked over to the track.

"Hi?" She waved at the other racers before stuffing another handful of chips into her mouth.

The racers were all confused, though some were just mean. "Who let the tub of lard onto the track?"

"Yeah, I think the hotdog eating contest is taking place down the street."

"There's a hotdog eating contest?" The girl asked after finishing off the chips and stuffing them into her pocket, "too bad. I'm competing in this race during it." She moved over to the start line and waited for the race to begin, licking her lips to get the chip crumbs off of them.

"She's not really gonna race, is she?" Rarity asked, looking horrified at her tracksuit.

"I think she is," Twilight nodded.

"What's wrong with that?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack frowned. "She's not exactly...suited for this kind of event."

"Why?" Fluttershy frowned, "because she's a little overweight? Just because she's not a stick, she's not allowed to compete?" She looked very upset, which the others could understand.

"Of course she can compete," Flash told her. "But...against runners like Rainbow and the others..."

"She's gonna get creamed," Trixie stated. "That's just a fact." As she said that, the racers all stepped up to the mark. They saw Rainbow was next to the bigger girl, who smiled at her.

"Hi," she told her rival, "I'm Nelly."

"Rainbow," she replied. "Listen...you sure you're supposed to be here?"

"Yup," she nodded, "I won my school's qualifier." Rainbow frowned, thinking that that school either had a serious health problem, or all the active kids were home sick that day.

She shook her head and knew she had to focus on the race. She would deal with this later. The runners all stepped up to the line and got into the starting position, as the ref stepped up and held up a starting pistol.

"Ready?" He asked as they all looked straight ahead, the starting pistol firing.

As soon as it did, they all shot off the starting block. Rainbow was the fastest, the girl exploding into action and managing to pull ahead. As she did, her friends all cheered for her as her advantage grew more and more. "Go Rainbow!" Flash cried, smiling as she approached the first corner. But then he glanced back and sure enough, Nelly was in last place.

The girl panted as she trailed behind everyone else, her overweight body moving in a rather undignified manner.

"Oh geez," she panted. "Oh my," she puffed. "Come on Nelly. Keep going." But her competition continued to pull further and further ahead of her.

Those in the stands that weren't Flash, Trixie and the Rainbooms started laughing at her, some of them making jokes and asking if dangelling a donut in front of her might make her move faster. Trixie felt sorry for her, seeing she really wanted to win and the boos probably weren't helping. But she clearly knew this would happen if she competed.

Rainbow was halfway around the track when she looked back and saw Nelly was having issues. She felt bad, but Rainbow had worked too hard to stop and try to help her. Besides, it's not like Rainbow stopping would allow Nelly to win.

Nelly panted as she saw she was far from first place. If she didn't do something soon, she was gonna lose. "Come on," she closed her eyes. "You can do this. Just like last time. Come on. Come on." With that, she opened her eyes and they suddenly glowed green.

Trixie suddenly felt something and looked towards Nelly, who suddenly started speeding up. "What?" She watched as the overweight girl's speed doubled, then doubled again. She continued to get faster, as she caught up to the person in second to last place.

She past them and continued to speed up, becoming the fastest runner on the track. She past another runner, then another and another and another. "What the heck?" Flash cried.

"How's she doing that?" Applejack asked, as Nelly overtook yet another runner. The only one left in front of her was Rainbow, who was turning the final corner and heading towards the finish line.

She half expected to see Nelly hadn't past the first corner, but was completely unaware that the girl was catching up to her. "RAINBOW!" Sunset yelled, "behind you!" Rainbow chanced a glance and was shocked to see Nelly moving at light speed, the two girls suddenly becoming neck and neck.

Rainbow's shock quickly faded and she pushed her body to the limit, as she tried to get to the finish line first. But Nelly was moving just as fast and eventually sped up once again and past her by. The rainbow haired girl couldn't believe what she was seeing and sure enough, Nelly surged ahead and left Rainbow in the dust.

The overweight girl reached the finish line and past it, Rainbow following a few seconds later.

The crowd was utterly in shock at what they were seeing, unable to believe what they had just witnessed. But eventually, someone started clapping and everyone else followed suit. Those that had been making fun of Nelly were now cheering for her, telling her that she was amazing.

Nelly clearly loved the attention and started waving at them, as the ref handed her the trophy she had somehow won.

Rainbow and the other racers were still reeling from what had just happened, whilst Rainbow's friends were completely shocked. "What on earth just happened?" Rarity asked, everyone unsure. Everyone except Trixie.

"I think I know," Trixie frowned. "Nelly has a Medallion." They all looked at her in shock, "I sensed it before she started speeding up." They all turned back to the girl as she walked off, being followed by a bunch of people who were asking how she could move so fast. They then noticed a very upset Rainbow and all realised something in that moment. She was not gonna be happy.

"SHE WHAT?" Rainbow screamed, the lot of them standing outside the stadium.

"She has a Medallion," Sunset explained. "Trixie seems to think it's what allowed her to move that fast." This clearly upset Rainbow, the girl seething as she starting going off on a rant about cheaters and lousy sportsman. Fluttershy had to try and calm her down.

"It might not be her fault," Fluttershy pointed out. "She might not know that's what she's doing. For all she knows, she's suddenly gotten really fast. We shouldn't blame for something if it isn't her fault."

Rainbow sighed, "you're right. So," she turned to Trixie, "which Medallion do you think it is?"

"Best guess, the Rush Rabbit. It grants the user increased speed. Like how the Mighty Bull enhances my natural strength, it enhances the user's natural speed."

"Still," Flash frowned, "I'm amazed it went to her. The other Medallions all seemed to go to people who naturally aligned with the Medallion. Iron Will was already strong and Fleetfoot had a desire the fly. You'd think a speed based Medallion would seek out someone who's already fast." The others realised he had a point, but they needed to focus on the situation at hand.

"We've gotta find Nelly," Twilight told them. "But where is she?"

"Found her," Pinkie smiled. "I just checked her Face-Scroll page. She said she's going to her favourite place in the world to celebrate her victory."

"Where's that?" Applejack asked.

"Welcome to Pizza Paradise," the hostess smiled as they looked around the restaurant. "What can I do for you today?"

Flash and the Rainbooms looked around, as Pinkie stepped up to her. "We're looking for a friend. Nelly?" The hostess clearly didn't know that name. She's...um...well..."

"She's fat," Applejack stated. "Really fat." The others frowned, wishing the girl could be a little bit more subtle about her honesty. Luckily, the hostess didn't take offence and pointed them in Nelly's direction.

The girl was sitting at a large table, eating the largest pizza the place had. She was halfway through it when Flash sat down in front of her, catching her attention and making her gasp. "You're Flash Sentry." Flash had to move his head to avoid getting a piece of pineapple slammed into his face.

"Yes," he told her, "and I need to talk to you about something very important. Can we talk somewhere a bit more private?" The girl nodded and asked a passing waiter to place the rest of her pizza in a box, the man doing so as they headed out of the pizza joint.

"So what's this about?" She asked. "Oh, are you asking me to join your superhero team. Working alongside the Plumber and Lady Masquerade?" She looked excited, Flash said he had to burst her bubble.

"No," Rainbow told her, "but this does involve Lady Masquerade." In that moment, the hero in question landed on the roof of Flash's car.

The Luna Cat hero spun her staff around before pointing it at Nelly. "Medallion wielder. You have used the power bestowed upon you irresponsibly. That power was meant to be used to protect people, not win sporting events."

"What?" Nelly asked, "what are you talking about?"

"Your ability to move at super speed," Rainbow told her. "It comes from a magical coin called a Medallion. The same thing Lady Masquerade uses for her powers."

"I have a magical coin?" Nelly patted her body over, wondering where this coin was.

"It's not on you," Flash explained. "It's merged with your body. And you used it to win that race, didn't you?"

"I guess," Nelly nodded. "But I didn't mean to. I just really wanted to win and the next thing I knew, everything started moving slower and slower. I just kept running as best I could."

"Well the Medallion is what allowed you to win the race," Trixie jumped off the car. "You must give it up to me."

"What? Why? It's letting me win."

"That's not what the coin is for," Trixie told her. "It's meant to be used to protect people. Now hand it over. Relinquish your claim on the Medallion."

"No!" Nelly pushed past them, "I don't want to give it up. It's letting me win like I always wanted." Everyone moved closer, "you don't get it. I've always loved running. But whenever I tried to race against people, I came in dead last and everybody made fun of me. But when I got this power, I was suddenly living my dream. I was winning races and everyone respected me."

"But you didn't earn those wins," Rainbow told her. "You cheated."

"There's no rule against magic," Nelly pointed out. Rainbow glared at her, but Trixie held out her arm.

"I'm sorry," she stated. "But you can't keep that Medallion. It doesn't belong in this world. It needs to be returned to where it belongs."

"And it belongs to me." Their eyes went wide, as they spun around and saw Devious moving towards them, "I sensed the temporal shift before. I never thought the Rapid Turtle Medallion would find its way to such a porker." He laughed at them, as everyone except Rainbow transformed.

The Rainbooms activated their Geode, Rainbow wishing she hadn't left hers at home, whilst Flash activated the Omnitrix. As he did, Devious launched a fireball at the lot of them and Flash leapt forward whilst slapping the dial down. In a flash, he transformed and the fireballs slammed into him.

When the smoke cleared, Flash's form was revealed. He looked just like Scales, only his body was orange with lighter orange on his lower jaw and running down his neck, chest, waist and the underside of his tail. He had a bunch of blue spines running from his head to his tail and his wings were orange with blue on the inside. The Omnitrix was on his chest. "Dragoon!"

The others smiled at the new alien form, as Dragoon leapt into the air and launched a stream of fire at Devious.

The magician thrust his staff forward and unleashed a blast of ice, hitting the fire and causing them to create a cloud of steam. This blocked Devious from their sight, as Trixie closed her eyes. "Mighty Bull!" The Medallion on her head changed and the rest of her costume followed suit, the girl feeling strength flowing through her.

As soon as the transformation ended, she took out her bell and slammed it on the ground. This unleashed the sonic blast that knocked the steam away, but Devious had vanished. "Where'd he go?" Applejack asked, only for Rarity to put up a shield that blocked a lightning bolt from hitting her.

They turned to the source and saw Devious was standing atop the pizza joint, which was quickly being evacuated by Sunset and Fluttershy before anyone could get hurt.

"Give it up," Dragoon told him. "You can't fight all of us."

"Can't I?" Devious asked, raising his staff and revealing a coin on it.

"A Medallion?" Trixie gasped, realising Devious must have found a wielder before he. Dread spread through her, as she thought about what that person must have suffered. "What are you going to do with that?"

Devious smirked, "take you all out of your misery." He slammed the staff into the ground and in doing so, a wave of brown energy flowed out of the coin.

That energy struck them all, moving through Rarity's shields and hitting the lot of them. And when it did, they all found themselves unable to keep their balance.

"Wow!" Trixie fell to the ground, feeling like she had just spun on the spot a hundred times. Her head felt strange and everything was spinning, the others all suffering from the same thing. "What's...happening?"

"Behold the power of the Mad Monkey Medallion," Devious leapt down to the ground. "Anyone struck by it becomes disoriented. And in such a state, you can't fight against me." He walked past them, "I'd love to take your Medallions from you. But I'll take the more powerful one first."

He stepped towards Nelly, who had also fallen to the ground feeling strange. "Prepare to have your powers taken."

"No," Nelly didn't want that, "you can't." She shut her eyes and tried to focus through the dizziness, as Devious pointed his staff at her. And as the energy built up and was about to fire out of it, the world around Nelly began to slow down.

She opened her eyes and looked towards Devious, her head feeling a little more focused. She saw the energy moving towards her, but it was going really slow.

She quickly rolled away from the energy and as Devious slowly realised what she had done, she pushed herself back to her feet and started staggering away. She managed to make it across the street and into an alleyway.

From Devious' perspective, Nelly had suddenly vanished in a gust of wind and the energy from his staff hit the ground instead. "Damn that Medallion's power! If I had been able to synchronise with it last time, I wouldn't have lost the Medallions." He turned towards Trixie, who was still reeling from the Mad Monkey's power. "Oh well, at least I'll have three new Medallions."

However, as he got close to Trixie, a blast of fire shot towards him.

He leapt back, barely managing to keep himself from being burned alive, shooting a glare at the dragon alien that was still laid out on the ground. Dragoon was still suffering from the Monkey Medallion's power, but he didn't need to stand in order to launch flames.

"Burn up!" He spat another fireball and Devious growled, firing his own fireball from his staff. But in doing so, the Mad Monkey's power ended and everyone felt their equilibrium returning.

Devious realised his mistake too late and tried to use the Mad Monkey power again, but Twilight quickly grabbed some trash cans and threw them at him. Devious leapt back and, realising he was letting the more important power escape, used his staff to unleash a smokescreen that blinded everyone.

When the smoke faded, Devious was gone.

"Dang it!" Rainbow cried, "he got away." They all started picking themselves up, happy they weren't feeling dizzy anymore."

"Blimey!" Applejack held her head, "that Medallion's got one serious power."

"Devious is gonna be tricky to face if he has that," Rarity frowned. Sunset and Fluttershy chose this moment to return, asking what had happened. As the others explained, Trixie thought about what Devious had said.

"Rapid Turtle?"

Nelly sighed as she was a good distance away, tired from using her power and running as fast as she could.

She was currently making her way through the streets and keeping an eye out for Devious. And as she did, she thought about what Lady Masquerade had told her. "This power is meant to help people, but it's the only way I can become the runner I always dreamed of being. I have to keep it. And if that guy shows up again, I'll just slow him down and run away again."

She kept walking until she past a sweets store, making her lick her lips. She deserved a treat after escaping that villain.

Back at the plumbers base, the others were getting Shining up to speed with what happened. The only one not there was Rainbow.

"Sounds like you had an action packed afternoon," he stated as he brought up a list of addresses. "I'll put her name into the computer and locate her house. Then we'll go talk to her."

"And do what?" Sunset asked, "it's not like we can force her to give up the Medallion."

"But Devious can," Twilight pointed out. "And even with her super speed, all it'll take is Devious to get lucky once and she'll have her powers ripped out of her. Devious found a way to make the Mighty Bull's powers useless. He's probably planning something similar to stop her from moving fast."

"She wasn't moving fast." Everyone turned to see Trixie walking towards them, a familiar book in her hands.

"What do you mean?" Flash asked, "we all saw her moving at super speed."

"No. We saw her moving at her normal speed." Trixie opened the book and showed them what was written on it, "it just looked like she was moving super fast because we were all moving slowly."

Twilight took the book and stared at the image of a green coin with a turtle on it, which had a clock in the middle of its shell. "The Rapid Turtle Medallion, holds the power to slow down the flow of time around the user. The one wielding it is the only one unaffected, allowing them to appear as if they're moving faster than normal. The more in sync with the Medallion the user is, the slower they can make time and the longer they can use the ability for."

"So this is the Medallion Nelly has?" Fluttershy asked, with Trixie nodding.

"That's why Devious wanted it more then he wanted mine."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "slowing down time is a pretty broken ability. If he'd gotten it, he could have slowed us all down to a snail's pace and taken the Medallions from Trixie before she could even blink."

"But it's gotta have its weaknesses," Shining stated. "I doubt Nelly can slow down time indefinitely. She probably has some kind of limit."

"Here it is," Twilight told them as she kept reading. "The power to slow down time is rather taxing on the user. Because of this, the user must replenish the energy lost between time stops."

"How?" Pinkie asked, as Trixie thought about it.

"Nelly was eating a large pizza after the race. What if she did that, because slowing down time to win it made her hungry. So if she stops time without eating, she'll eventually lose all her strength."

"Devious probably knows this," Rarity frowned.

"He'll keep going after her until she exhausts herself," Fluttershy looked worried.

"That's why we've gotta get to her first," Shining stated as the computer beeped. "And we finally have a location for her." They all nodded and headed out, whilst trying to think of a way to convince Nelly to give her powers up.

"What if she refuses?" Fluttershy asked, as the elevator opened up onto the ground floor. "She could use her power again and run off."

"Not gonna be a problem." They looked ahead and saw Rainbow at the door of the base, having retrieved her geode from home. "She might be able to move super fast, but now I can do the same."

"Except she's not using super speed," Trixie explained.

"Although," Flash smirked, "things look like the world's in slow motion when I'm XLR8. I'm betting it's the same for you?" Rainbow nodded. "Even if Nelly's slowing down time, if we're going fast enough then we'll only be slowed down to normal speed."

"And I'm still faster than her at normal speed," Rainbow stated. As she said that, the Omnitrix suddenly beeped and Flash looked down at it.

"Environmental hazard analysis complete," it spoke in his voice.

"What?" Flash asked, wondering what it was talking about.

"Analysis of unusual energy source detected at two fifteen PM has been complete. Energy caused benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and has been classified as a dangerous substance that should be avoided."

"You think it's talking about the Mad Monkey Medallion?" Twilight asked, Flash realising it must be.

"I didn't know it could do this." He tapped the dial, "what if I find myself in this environment and can't get out of it?" If the watch knew how to counter the effects of the Medallion, he had to know.

"Analysis indicates that one available DNA sample is immune to this energy." The watch then seemed to activate, though the dial remained down, the triangles moving together to form the kite pattern before the silhouette of an alien appeared inside of it.

"That alien's immune to the effects of the Mad Monkey?" Flash asked, a smirk on his face. "Good, then that's what I'll use if Devious shows up again." With that, they all got in their vehicles and headed for Nelly's home. But they weren't the only ones who had found her residence.

Devious smirked as he held up a phone book, having found the name he was looking for and nodding.

He was currently in a phone booth, yes Canterlot still had them, and had been looking through the names until he found the one he had been searching for. "Such an interesting book. Surprised nobody uses them anymore." He picked up the booth's phone and used a bit of magic to remove the need for money.

Typing away at the number he found, he waited until the phone was picked up. "Hello?" He smiled hearing Nelly's voice and quickly hung up before ripping the page out of the book. He also took a piece of paper with a rune on it, one of many he had made in preparation for dealing with the Medallion holders. He was going to get his prize, no matter what.

Trixie and her friends soon arrived at the address they had found.

As soon as Flash parked up, Trixie took out her mask and put it on. Transforming into her Luna Cat form, the girl got out of the car and headed for the door with everyone else. "Should we knock?" Fluttershy asked, the others unsure if Nelly would answer. But if they knocked the door down, she would probably use her power to escape.

"Relax," Pinkie told them, "I got this." She ran off screen and returned a moment later dressed in a pizza delivery uniform with a box in hand. She knocked, "pizza delivery!" They all rolled their eyes, thinking Nelly would never fall for that.

But the door opened and the girl stared at the pizza whilst licking her lips. "Yum." She grabbed the box and only then, did she notice who Pinkie was and who was with her. "Oh, you guys are here."

"Yes," Shining stepped forward in his plumber suit. "And we're here to tell you how much danger you're in."

Nelly rolled her eyes and headed back into the house, the others following her as she went to the kitchen. "I'm not giving up my power," she told them. "I need it."

"No you don't," Rainbow cried. "You want it because it lets you win races you wouldn't have a chance of winning otherwise." She noticed the trophy on the kitchen counter, making her frown since she knew it should belong to her.

"Please," Trixie stepped forward as Nelly sat down and opened the actually full pizza box. "You don't understand how much danger you're in. Devious wants your Medallion and he'll do whatever it takes to get it, including killing you."

"So," Nelly frowned, "you saw what happened before. If he tries again, I'll just stop time and run away."

"Devious isn't that stupid," Flash told her. "He learns from his mistakes. He's probably already found a way to stop your Medallion from working."

Sunset nodded. "And even if he can't stop your power, all he has to do is take you by surprise. One whack to the head from behind and your down for the count."

"Please," Fluttershy begged her, "do the right thing and give Trixie your Medallion."

"Why? So she can start winning races instead?"

"I don't care about stupid races!" Trixie cried, "all I care about is making sure the Medallions are returned to where they belong. You were never supposed to have the Rapid Turtle Medallion in the first place. it was a mistake!"

"Best mistake that ever happened to me," Nelly smiled. She finished off a pizza slice and reached for another, but Rainbow grabbed the box and pulled it away from her.

"You need to get this through your skull. You can't keep using the Medallion's power to win races. If you do, it'll sully everything the sport stands for. You're mocking something you claimed you loved so much. And what if others see you and think they can be just like you. You'll be influencing a generation of kids to never exercise and stuff their faces. You'll ruin them."

Nelly glared at her, clearly intending to make her own opinions known. But before she could, something happened that caused their argument to stop.

They all suddenly felt woozy, the lot standing up finding themselves staggering around whilst those sitting down felt their heads begin to spin. "What's happening?" Shining asked, but the others knew what this was.

"Devious," Trixie groaned as she fell to the ground. As she did, a laugh caught her attention and made them all looked around to see Devious stepping into Nelly's kitchen.

"The one and only." He turned to Nelly, who had fallen off her chair and was staggered backwards along the ground. "And now, that power will be mine." Nelly gasped and closed her eyes, but Devious threw something at her before her power could activate.

That something was a slip of paper, which connected itself to her chest and showed a bunch of runes on the front of it. Nelly activated her power, but as time stopped she found something was wrong. She couldn't lift her feet or hands off the ground.

"What?" She pulled on them, but it was like someone had super glued her hands to the ground. "What's happening?" She was speaking super fast to everyone else, only Rainbow Dash able to understand her.

She glared at Devious, who chuckled as she saw the super speed girl frantically trying to pull herself free. "What did you do to her?"

"Stopping time is useless if you can't be mobile enough to make use of it. That rune will trap her to any surface she touches. It's impossible to escape." Everyone groaned as they tried to push themselves up, but they couldn't stay balanced enough. Twilight and Rarity couldn't even use their magic to throw anything at him.

Shining tried to reach for his badge, but his brain was completely fried from the dizziness.

"Don't you touch her!" Trixie cried, but Devious laughed before thrusting his staff forward.

The lightning exploded out of it and slammed into Nelly, making her scream as he power began to be drained. The others groaned as they heard her cries, Rainbow flinching worst of all at the sound. She couldn't let this happen.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" She forced herself up to her feet and ran forwards, her superspeed activating as she shot towards Devious. The supervillain barely had a moment to notice this before being tackled by her, getting slammed into the side of Nelly's kitchen counter.

The energy from his staff stopped and Nelly gasped, her power returning to her whilst the others felt the Mad Monkey's effect wearing off.

Flash quickly activated the Omnitrix and found the alien Shining had told him about, slamming the dial down and transforming as Devious and Rainbow struggled against one another. When the light faded, Nelly saw a tree was now in her kitchen. "Bushwhacker!"

In that moment, Devious pushed Rainbow away from him and grabbed his staff. He slammed it into the ground and made the Mad Monkey's power activate again, sending almost everyone staggering again. The only one who wasn't having trouble was Bushwhacker, the alien tree's psychic abilities acting as a protective barrier against the Medallion's effect.

"Sorry, not gonna happen." He thrust his arm forward, attempting to punch Devious, the madman leaping to the side to avoid the vine arm and rushing for the door. As he did, Bushwhacker pulled the rune tag off of Nelly.

As soon as she was free, the girl closed her eyes and activated the power of her Medallion. "Wait!" Rainbow cried, but Nelly's powers awakened and she became a blur. "NO!" She ran out the kitchen and escaped the house from the front door.

"Rainbow!" Trixie told her, "get me to her!" Rainbow nodded and with the Mad Monkey's power gone, the Rainboom was able to run without issue.

She grabbed Trixie as the girl grabbed her staff and the pair were rushed out of the house, whilst Bushwhacker ran for the door. He reached the back garden and looked around, not seeing any sign of Devious. But as he was about to look up, a blast of heat flew down towards him.

"Wow!" He leapt away, as the fireball slammed into the ground and made it explode, Bushwhacker looking up and seeing Devious glaring down at him.

"You think I'm gonna let you beat me that easily?" He asked, spinning his staff around as the others ran outside. He launched another fireball at the alien, but Rarity brought up a shield that protected him.

"Maybe you should change aliens," Twilight suggested as Devious leapt into the air.

"I can't!" Bushwhacker launched several leaf projectiles towards him, which Devious knocked away. "As long as I'm Bushwhacker, he can't use his Mad Monkey Medallion to affect me." Devious landed on the ground and launched a wave of lightning towards them, but Rarity and Bushwhacker created shields that protected them from the elemental attack.

Shining took out his blaster and fired at Devious, who had to jump around the garden to avoid them.

The madman then launched a wave of wind, which knocked them all backwards and allowed Devious to propel himself into the air. He landed back on the roof and ran over the building, the heroes chasing after him. "We can't let him get away!" Shining cried.

"I just hope Rainbow and Trixie can catch up to Nelly," Sunset frowned.

Trixie was holding onto Rainbow's back, the super speed girl racing down the street as the world seemed to move at slow motion.

Trixie could barely tell what was happening, as everything was just a blur around her. But she quickly spotted Nelly right in front of them, running as fast as she could and looking like a very round blur. "Quick," she told Rainbow, "get in front of her."

Nelly was running as fast as she could, but she was quickly losing stream and felt like she would need to stop any moment. But as she was about to, she heard movement behind her and looked back to see Rainbow and Trixie. "But time's stopped?"

Rainbow heard this and glared at her, "you're not the only one with super powers. The only difference is, I don't use mine to cheat at sporting events."

"Go away!" Nelly cried, focusing as hard as she could. Time seemed to slow down even more and Rainbow was slowing down, though it looked like Nelly was speeding up to the Rainboom.

"Hang on!" She told Trixie, as she kicked her super speed to the max. She managed to make up the lost ground and continued towards Nelly, who saw this and frowned since she couldn't slow time down any more. And she was starting to feel really tired.

Rainbow's super speed was able to match the slowed spread of time, putting them both on equal footing. Except even without her super speed, Rainbow was fast on her feet and managed to overtake the overweight girl. "Stop this!" She cried, but Nelly wasn't listening.

Trixie chose this moment to swing her staff around, only she was moving so slowly that Nelly would easily be able to dodge it. Luckily, Rainbow grabbed Trixie's staff and moved it faster. She was a little worried moving Trixie's arm at super speed might damage it, but Trixie managed to figure out what was happening in the fraction the second and released her grip.

As such, Rainbow swung the staff at Nelly's feet and knocked them out from under her.

Nelly screamed as she fell to the ground, her power stopping as time began to speed up once again. She started bouncing down the street, eventually coming to a stop with a groan as Rainbow and Trixie came to a stop.

Trixie jumped off Rainbow's back, a little dizzy from moving at such a speed. But she quickly managed to recover and rushed over to Nelly. The girl was also starting to recover, but Trixie was able to get to her before she started using her power again.

"Mighty Bull!" She morphed into her super strength form and jumped onto Nelly, using her power to pin her to the ground.

"Hey!" Nelly struggled against her, but Trixie was too strong for her. "Let me go."

"No," Trixie frowned, "you need to give up the Medallion." Nelly screamed as she tried to fight against her, but she was too tired from stopping time and running. "I'm sorry Nelly, but you have to do this. I need to get the Medallion back and help my friends."

Devious had ran to the other side of Nelly's house and leapt off of it into the street, turning back towards the building and launching a bolt of lightning to destroy it.

But before the bolt struck, Rarity leapt out and created a shield that blocked the lightning from damaging Nelly's home. As she did, Bushwhacker, Shining and Applejack ran towards him. Bushwhacker tried to punch him with a wooden hammer, whilst Shining slashed at him with his sword and Applejack tried to kick him.

Devious was able to deflect the hammer with his staff, leap out of the way to avoid the sword and unleashed a blast of wind to knock Applejack back. He then found a glowing cooking flying towards him and shot it with an icicle, the sweet treat exploding before it could get close to Devious.

Bushwhacker saw Devious leap back to the other side of the road and spotted a tree on the path next to him, so began to call upon his mental abilities and brought the tree to life. Devious was quite surprised when the tree next to him tried to grab him in its branches, as Shining prepared to fire his blaster.

"Raaah!" Devious roared as he launched a fireball towards the tree and set it on fire, Bushwhacker flinching as the burning sensation was transferred to him. He disconnected from the tree and it stopped holding him, allowing Devious to pull himself free from it and leap away from the tree.

He then launched another fireball at them, Rarity blocking the flames from hitting Bushwhacker as Twilight tried to grab his staff in her magic. But the madman held onto the staff and slammed it into the ground, sending out a wave of dizziness.

Bushwhacker heard his friends cry out, as they all fell to the ground and had looked like they had just come off of a rollercoaster. "That power's not gonna stop me!" He charged as his wooden arms reshaped themselves into blades, which he swung at Devious.

"Maybe!" Devious held his staff like a sword and swung it around, knocking the wooden blades around. "But I have a much better chance at beating you one on one then I do with all your friends getting in my way." Sure enough, he managed to out fence the plant alien before thrusting his staff into Bushwhacker's chest, sending him staggering backwards. "See."

Bushwhacker groaned as he clutched his stomach, then glared at the man before his root feet slammed into the ground.

Devious saw this and leapt back, seconds before a root exploded out of the ground in an attempt to grab him. But as he landed, another root shot out of the ground and punched him in the face. "Augh!" He staggered away dropped his staff, causing the effects of the Mad Monkey Medallion to ware off.

The others quickly began to recover and Bushwhacker's arm extended, in an attempt to grab the staff before Devious could recover.

But the madman leapt to his staff and grabbed it, thrusting it forwards to burn him with a blast of fire. "Gyah!" Bushwhacker pulled his arm back, as Devious activated the Monkey Medallion again and the wave of vertigo hit everyone.

"I will not let you stop me."

Nelly kept struggling, but Trixie was just too strong.

"Please don't do this," she finally begged as tears appeared in her eyes. "If you take the Medallion away, I'll be nothing again. Just the fat girl with no way of achieving her dream. My racing career will end before it's even begun. I'll never win another race again."

"You didn't deserve to win the races you already won," Rainbow told her. "You cheated."

"No I didn't."

"The other racers didn't have the power to slow down time," Trixie pointed out. "I'd call that an unfair advantage." Nelly kept struggling, but it was no use. "I told you, the power you have isn't meant for what you've been using it for. Helping you win races isn't just wrong, it's a waist of the Medallion's power."

"Give it up," Rainbow knelt down. "And if you really wanna win a race, then train for it."

"That's easy for you to say," Nelly glared at her. "You're already fit and ready to win any race. It's probably easy for you to exercise."

"You think looking like this is easy?" Rainbow asked, "I work hard to be as fit as I am. Do you have any idea how many days I wanna spend pigging out on the couch and watching TV? More then I can count."

Nelly looked up at her, seeing Rainbow was being serious.

"And you know what, sometimes I do. But I always make up for it. I get up early in the morning to run and exercise. I eat a healthy diet of food and when I do have something fatty, I make sure to eat something healthy before or afterwards. I don't do it because it's fun. I do it because I like to run and race. I want to win and I'm willing to do anything to do it." She took off her geode and held it up, "anything except cheat. And when I do win, I feel great because I know I've earned it."

Nelly seemed to be listening, "look at me. How am I supposed to go from this to what you are?"

"With hard work," Rainbow told you. "That's why you don't want to give up the Medallion. You want to take the easy way out, because you're scared. And you're scared because if you try and fail there's only you to blame. But guess what. Life is scary. Get used to it. There are no magical fixes. It's all up to you. So if being a winning racer is so important to you, get up of your fat behind and start doing the work."

"What if it's too hard?" Nelly asked.

Instead of Rainbow, it was Trixie who spoke up. "Nothing in this world worth having comes easy." Nelly looked at her. "I could have taken the Medallion from you by force. But I'm not gonna, because that would be wrong. So if you say no and decide to keep the Medallion, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect you from Devious. Even if that means I have to run around protecting you and saving any other stubborn idiot that refuses to give up the Medallion. Because it's the right thing to do."

Nelly let their words sink and sniffed as she kept crying, "do you really think I can become a real runner?"

"I don't know," Rainbow sighed. "That's up to you to decide if you can do it. But...I'll try and help you if you want." Nelly kept sniffing and eventually lowered her head.

"What do I have to do to make the Medallion leave me?"

Trixie smiled and got off her. "All you have to do is say you renounce your claim on the Rapid Turtle Medallion, whilst thinking about who you want it to go to." Nelly nodded and closed her eyes, thinking hard.

"I...I renounce my claim on the Rapid Turtle Medallion." With that, she started glowing green.

Rainbow and Trixie watched in amazement, as the light flowed off of Nelly and flew into the air above her. There, it swirled into a single shape and transformed into a coin just like the one that Trixie had seen in her book. When the coin was completely formed, it floated towards Trixie and the hero held out her hand.

When the coin landed in it, she grasped it tightly and it exploded back into the green energy. Trixie felt its power course through her and once it completely synced with her, she sighed as Rainbow helped Nelly stand up. "Thank you. You've done the right thing." Nelly nodded, as Trixie turned back in the direction she had come from. It was time to take this new power out for a test run.

Bushwhacker leapt backwards to avoid Devious' staff as it tried to knock his head off.

Devious had realised his opponent had very little worry about his body being damaged, but had figured out something had to be his weak spot and determined the head was where he needed to focus his attention on. "Give it up!" He cried, slamming his staff into the ground to unleash another wave of madness. "You're on your own and your plant body can't do anything against me." Bushwhacker frowned at him. "Besides, I know you have a time limit. And I bet you'll be reaching it any minute now."

This was true. Bushwhacker had lost track of time, but he was sure he had about a minute or so left before he was human again. "I gotta end this quickly."

"Like you could," Devious laughed. "You can't beat me."

"Maybe he can't!" They all looked around and saw Rainbow and Trixie running towards them. "But I can."

"Damn it!" Devious cried, "she must have gotten the Medallion." He didn't like where this was going. And sure enough, as Rainbow skidded to a stop, Trixie leapt off her back and was ready to fight.

"Devious!" She glared at him, "the Rapid Turtle is now mine. You have two choices. Stop this madness and accept defeat, or I'll freeze you in time and punch you a hundred times in a second. What's your choice?" Devious glared at her, as Trixie reached up and touched her mask. "Rapid Turtle!" Her mask transformed into a green mask with a black outline, with had the Turtle Medallion on the forehead.

The rest of her suit also transformed, becoming a dark green bodysuit with light green sections of her chest that looked like the bottom of a turtle shell. Her arms and legs were black past the knees and elbows, though her fingers were light green. Finally, a flash of light caused a large discus to appear on her back. Said discus had a turtle shell pattern on it with a clock in the middle.

Everyone stared at Trixie in amazement, even those still suffering the effects of the Medallion's power.

Trixie smiled as she removed the disk from her back and held in on her arm like a shield. As she did, the knowledge of how the Medallions power worked for her became embedded in her mind.

"You think that's supposed to scare me?" Devious asked, attempting to slam his staff into the ground. But as he did, Trixie raised her shield.

"Five seconds!" A wave of energy exploded out of the clock on the shield, causing the whole world around her to suddenly slow down.

It wasn't as slow as when Nelly used it, but it was still a noticeable difference. Trixie could see Devious slowly going to slam his staff into the ground, but she moved forward as the second hand on her shell clock moved. She only had four more seconds before time resumed again.

As such, she reached Devious and tried to pry the Medallion off his head. But as soon as her fingers touched it, she felt a large wave of heat hit her fingers. "Ow!" She leapt back, as two more seconds had past. She frowned, realising she couldn't simply take the Medallion off of him. "Damn it!" Using her last two seconds, she moved over to him and punched him in the chest as his staff was inches off the ground.

This was when time resumed, Devious crying out as he was thrown backwards.

The others were amazed, as to them it was like Trixie had turned into a blur that had moved around for several seconds before launching Devious backwards. As they did, the Omnitrix beeped and Bushwhacker reverted back to human.

Devious groaned as he picked himself up, only to hear panting and look up to see Trixie looking exhausted. "Ha!" He pushed himself back to his feet, "you might have the Rapid Turtle. But it's clear that you can't use its power to the same extent as the other girl."

Trixie could deny that. 'Damn. I'm exhausted and that was only five seconds. It's gonna take time for me to get use to this power.'

Devious looked around and saw the others starting to pick themselves up. Trixie likely had another five seconds in her to use her power. He didn't want to chance what she might do to him if he tried to use the Mad Monkey again."Until next time." He slammed his staff into the ground and unleashed a blast of smoke, filling the street and blocking everyone's sight.

They coughed as the smoke cleared to show Devious was gone, everyone frowning at his escape once again. "Now what?" Rainbow asked, the others unsure. But when Trixie fell to her knees, they rushed over to help her.

"You okay?" Shining asked, as Trixie removed her mask.

"Yeah. But...that power takes a heck of a lot out of me."

"Guess something that strong can't be used so eagerly," Sunset pointed out. "Probably best not to have it as a first resort." Trixie nodded, taking off her mask and reverting back to normal. The others helping her to her feet, as Nelly arrived on the scene.

They all turned to her, Nelly clearly still upset about losing her powers. "You did the right thing," Shining assured her.

"Yeah," Nelly nodded, "but it doesn't make me feel any better." They understood that. The lot of them would give up their powers if it would save the world, but they wouldn't have liked it. "Hold on a minute." She headed inside, returning a minute later carrying a trophy. "Here," she held it out to Rainbow, "you deserve this more then me."

Rainbow took the trophy and held it in her hand, but didn't feel right having it. She nodded at Nelly, "I'll hold onto it." Nelly looked confused. "When you're finally worthy of it, I'll give it back. Until then, I'll keep it safe." Nelly smiled at her, seeing Rainbow actually did believe in her.

Nelly sighed, "I'm gonna have to start training...aren't I?"

"Yup," Rainbow nodded. "If you really wanna be a runner, then you gotta work for it." Nelly sighed, but nodded. It was gonna be a long journey to get to that point and Nelly wasn't sure she could actually do it. But she would try and if she failed, it would be nobody's fault but her own.

But Rainbow knew that with the right support, Nelly could pull it off.

Author's Note:

Trixie gets a new Medallion, but Devious also has a new power to keep things even. When will the next Medallion appear? Only time will tell. Hope you enjoyed this and tell me what you think of my use of Nelly.

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