• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 4: Digital Dilemma

Canterlot City was having another busy day. The people were going about their everyday lives, whilst criminals kept trying to cause problems.

Luckily, Flash Sentry was on the case and was currently in his Bloxx alien form. The lego gorilla's hands were enlarged and being used to hold a pair of crooks, that had just tried to stick up a convenience store. Luckily, Flash had been driving by and managed to stop them with zero casualties.

"Come on!" One of the crooks yelled, "why were the stuff I built never as strong as this?" He and his friend tried to break free, but Bloxx's grasp on them was too strong.

Sirens filled the air, as a police officer pulled up and moved over to them. "Thanks Sentry. We'll take it from here." Bloxx nodded and released one of the criminals, letting the cop handcuff him before releasing the other.

He transformed back to human and headed over to where his car was parked, Adagio and her sisters sitting in it. "Well that was hardly a challenge," Adagio joked as Flash got in the car.

"After everything I've been up against, everyday criminals aren't gonna stop me." He drove off and checked the time, "and we barely lost any time. Should be there in about five minutes."

"Yay!" Sonata smiled, "I can't wait to see this place." Flash was taking the Dazzlings to the Plumber Base, which was almost completely restored. In fact, it was better than ever thanks to a few new features that had been added in the rebuild.

The Dazzlings had been extra busy over the last few weeks. Despite Tirek's arrest and his company's collapse, the Dazzlings' career had remained on course. They had been asked to star in multiple photo shoots and commercials, which had meant they had to be out of the city several times.

This had caused them to miss Flash's future adventure and their battle with Chrysalis. But now they were back and ready to make up for lost time.

They arrived at the base and sure enough, the building had been repaired with the glass replaced and the doors returned to where they had previously been. As they parked up and headed inside, Adagio saw the place looked exactly as it did before. "I thought you were going to do some upgrades?" She asked, with Flash smirking.

"All the upgrades are downstairs," he explained as they made their way over to the elevator. As soon as they stepped inside, Flash hit the button for the main control room. And instead of the elevator moving, a light suddenly filled the room and they all felt themselves tingle.

"What is that?" Aria asked, only to suddenly find herself in a completely different spot.

When they opened their eyes, they found they were no longer inside the elevator. Instead, they were each standing atop a glowing circle in a line. "Transport elevator," Flash told them. "Beats spending ages in a cramped elevator." He stepped off the platform, the Dazzlings following as they saw the others at the main computer.

Twilight was sitting at it, typing away at it whilst the others watched.

"Almost done," Twilight told them. "Once this is uploaded, the base will be way easier to manage."

"Hey guys," Flash smirked. "Once what's uploaded?" They watched the screen and saw a loading bar window appear, but it didn't fill up at all.

"New Artificial Intelligence for the base's main computer core," Shining explained. "Once it's installed, it'll have complete control of the base and will be able to monitor the whole place. No more security breaches for us."

"It'll also be able to do a bunch more stuff," Twilight asked. "It'll check the weather, alert us to any crimes going on and inform us of important news reports we might wanna see."

"So basically one of those things a bunch of other people have in their homes?" Adagio asked. "What are those called. Alex? Alexis...you know what I'm talking about." The others nodded, as Twilight rolled her eyes.

"I doubt those things can scan a piece of hair and run it through a DNA analysis. Trust me, this thing will be the best thing you've ever seen once it's up and running. This base will run like a well oiled machine." She turned back to the loading bar, only to see it had loaded only one percent. "Once the thing fully loads, of course." They waited and the number refused to change, Rainbow growling.

"Oh, come on! I've got better things to do than watch nothing happen."

"I'm with Rainbow," Shining sighed. "Why don't we all take a look around the base now that it's done." The others nodded and began to head towards the transporters, only for the elevator to ding.

"I thought you used the transporters now?" Adagio asked, only for the doors to open and reveal a robot.

"Machines can't got through the teleporter. Scrambles their circuits," Shining explained. They watched as the machine rolled through the room, being a bullet shaped machine with tank treads, long thin arms and a trash can stuck to its back. "It's a cleaning robot. A small section of the base is still being cleaned up, so those robots are doing the heavy lifting."

They watched as the machine headed towards a chute opening, as it removed the trash can from its back. "So it's throwing everything out?" Pinkie asked, "what if it accidently picked up something that wasn't trash?"

"The chute has a sensor that scans anything that goes through it. If it picks something up that's not trash, it transports it to the lab." They nodded, seeing the machine empty the can and return to the elevator. As it did, another one rolled out of it and made its way towards the chute.

They all headed towards the transport pads and typed in their chosen destination, each of them getting warped away.

As they teleported to another part of the base, the trash robot began to dump the stuff down the chute. But what it didn't notice was that as it lifted the trash can up, something dropped off of it and fell to the ground. That something was a flash drive, which had been found in the remains of a storage system and sent flying out of its container during the base's destruction.

The robot didn't notice it hit the ground and slid along it out of it's sight range, the machine turning away and rolling off.

Everyone was amazed by what they were seeing.

They were inside a massive room, where the base's new power core had just been installed. It was a round room, with a floating green glass orb in the centre of it that was surrounded by a bunch of computer terminals. Inside the orb was a spinning metal ball, which was unleashing a bunch of energy that filled the orb and was being sent into cables connected to the bottom of the rob. And around the room, were four metal funnels that had green lights inside.

"That thing looks awesome!" Rainbow cried, as a bolt of green lightning suddenly shot out of the orb.

Most of them screamed in terror, but Twilight and Shining smiled as the bolt was sucked into one of the funnels and safely absorbed. "Relax. This place is safe." Shining stepped over to the computer. "Whenever the core generates too much energy, it's channelled out of the core and into the dampeners. The dampeners then convert it into electrical energy and add it into the city's power grid."

"Awesome," Rainbow smirked. "How much energy can this thing make?"

Twilight smiled. "At max output, enough to run the city for a year in one day. But we don't need nearly that much." They were still impressed. "And with this power core, the base's facilities are more advanced than ever."

"Have you still got the holodeck?" Flash asked, Shining nodded as he showed them a computer screen on the console.

"Complete with a hundred new environments to test yourself out in." Flash, Rainbow and Applejack smirked at this. "We've also got some new facilities. Like the anti-gravity chamber, which can lower gravity in the room so we can practise if we ever find ourselves in a situation involving lower gravity."

"Now that sounds cool," Sunset smirked. Fluttershy also seemed interested in that.

"We also have a new, state of the art kitchen." Shining showed them that room on the monitor. "The replicator it has can create any piece of food on Earth. You can have a meal that tastes like it comes from a five-star restaurant, or a simple hamburger. Whatever takes your fancy." Rarity, Trixie and Pinkie licked their lips at this. "And there's also the cells. We're still testing it out, but we think they should be able to handle any type of alien we might have to lock up."

"Huh," Flash liked the sound of that. "I might just try and test it out."

"I'm gonna go check out the holodeck," Rainbow smirked. "Any of you guys with me?"

"You know it!" Applejack cheered, whilst Trixie rubbed her hands together.

"I'm gonna try out that replicator in your kitchen. This might be my only chance to try out rich people food." Rarity liked the sound of that and Pinkie also wanted to try the place out.

Sunset turned to Twilight, "wanna test out the zero gravity room?" Twilight thought about it, whilst Fluttershy stepped forward.

"I'd like to try it out. It might be fun." Sunset nodded and the girl headed for the exit, the others all doing the same as well. Shining decided to go to the holodeck, whilst the Dazzlings would see if Flash could actually escape from the cells.

They split up and headed to their intended destinations, Twilight also joining Flash and the Dazzlings as they arrived at the cell block. Looking inside, they found each cell was a square room that was roughly six by six meters. There was a small bed, sink and toilet inside of it, all looking just as high-tech as the rest of the base. And the doors were made of reinforced glass that was divided into four pieces that linked together in an X formation.

"Alright!" Flash stepped up to the door, as Twilight opened it up for him. "Let's do this!" Twilight locked it and Flash transformed, turning into Riot-Horn. "Raaaah!" He punched the glass, but it didn't even shake. He dealt several more punches to it, but it still didn't show any signs of damage.

"Guess you can't break out," Adagio smirked.

"Maybe. But can I burn my way out?" He hit the Omnitrix and transformed into Dragoon, breathing out a stream of fire that hit the glass. But the glass showed no signs of being burned. Sonata even put her finger to the glass and didn't feel any heat. Dragoon slashed at with the same results. "Man, this glass is tough stuff."

"That's because it has taydenite in it," Twilight smiled. "It's a new combination of it and glass. Not even Diamondhead could cut through it."

"We'll see about that," he transformed into the aforementioned alien and tried to slash through it. But sure enough, the glass held. "Wow, this stuff is good." He turned back to human and tried to think of a way out of it.

Aria soon grew tired of watching and moved over to the exit. "As fun as this looks, I'm gonna go see what else there is." Sonata was also curious and went with them, Adagio following suit since it was clear Flash was gonna be there a while.

Once the three were gone, Twilight turned to Flash. "You sure it was a good idea to let them wander around on their own?"

"What's the worst they could do?" Volt-Edge asked as he blasted the cage with lightning. Twilight hoped he was right, thinking about what happened with Timber when he was left alone in the base. She trusted Adagio, but there was no telling what could happen with people who weren't familiar with the place.

"YEAH!" Rainbow cried, as she ran around the holodeck with an energy baton.

The room had a bunch of differently sized cubes located in it, making it great for training. Applejack was running atop one of the larger blocks, as a mini jet-like machine flew after her and fired a laser at her.

She leapt off the block and landed atop a tower of people sized blocks, the landing causing it to wobble as she tried to get her balance. The drone flew up to her and pointed its blasters at her, Applejack gulping as she thought of how to get out without toppling the tower. But she couldn't.

Luckily, Shining blasted the drone out of the air before hiding behind another block. Two more drones flew at him and he fired at them, catching their attention as Rainbow flew in and smashed the baton into one.

Applejack then landed on the other and stomped it into the ground, the three smirking at how much fun they were having.

At the same time, Trixie, Rarity and Pinkie were enjoying the kitchen.

Trixie and Rarity moaned as they tasted the caviar they were having, since it wasn't really caviar. Instead, it was just a bunch of protein molecules ordered by the replicator to mimic its appearance, smell and taste. All of the class and none of the yuck.

Pinkie moaned, as she ate her own replicated food, that being a cupcake with every type of sprinkle on top. The three knew they shouldn't eat so much, but they had a feeling they would be spending a lot of time in the kitchen when they were at the base.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Fluttershy were bouncing around the zero gravity room.

Fluttershy had never liked heights, because she was always scared of falling. But with zero gravity, she could fly around as much as she wanted without needing to worry. Sunset also enjoyed the feeling of weightlessness, as she swam through the air pretending to do moves one would see in a synchronised swimming competition.

The pair continued to laugh as they floated around, feeling like they could never get tired of it. And if they ever did, they just had to tell the computer to reinstate the gravity and they would be brought slowly back towards the ground.

The Dazzlings continued to explore the base and eventually found themselves back at the main control room.

Adagio moved over to the computer, where she saw the new A.I was still only fifty three percent installed. She sighed, wishing she could use the computer to go online and see what a Plumber database could show her.

Aria and Sonata were also bored. Whilst they could easily go to the holodeck or gravity room, none of them seemed like something they would be interested in. They had no intention of fighting and floating around would probably make them sick.

"Ahhhh!" Aria groaned, "we're in a base full of alien technology. How the heck am I bored?"

"There has to be something fun we can do," Sonata frowned. "Doesn't that computer have any games on it? I wanna play cupcake crush."

Adagio sighed. "I don't think Shining Armor would appreciate us messing with the important alien computer."

"Geez," Aria rolled her eyes, "you've really changed since dating Flash. Since when have you cared about what other people care about?"

"Well, you two seemed to like this new me that smiles more. Remember?" The pair nodded at this, as she swivelled in her chair. She thought about Flash and how he was trying to break out of a cell below them and wondered why she had left so quickly.

When she first started dating Flash, she had been excited to see him and his aliens in action. But now, seeing him do something as an alien was just...normal. Flash Sentry turned into aliens. It was as normal as him having blue hair.

She remembered back to when he had gone to fight Tirek and how she had kissed him. Before she did it, she had thought it would make her and Flash happy. It was their first proper kiss and should have been a good thing. But after Flash had woken up, the pair had been awkward around one another for a while.

They were fine now, but hadn't kissed again since then.

"Hey," she heard Sonata ask, "what's this?" She looked around and saw Sonata holding a flash drive, Aria moving over to take a closer look.

"Where'd you get that?"

"It was on the floor," Sonata explained. "What do you think's on it?"

"Probably something boring," Aria crossed her arms. "Maybe blueprints for the alien coffee maker."

"Or for a death ray," Sonata laughed. "Come on, let's take a look and see what's on it. Better than sitting around doing nothing." Adagio frowned, not sure if they should of not. But before she could tell Sonata not to, the girl stepped over and inserted it into the computer.

And as soon as she plugged it in, everything went to hell.

Suddenly, the computer started glitching as random bits of code started appearing on the screen. At the same time, the A.I window went static as new code was being introduced to the system. "What's going on?" Sonata asked, with Aria and Adagio gulping.

"I think we should get the others and tell them we screwed up," Adagio stated. The three began to make their way towards the elevator, only to find it wasn't working. "What's going on?" Suddenly, laughter filled the air and they all looked back at the computer.

Slowly, a large red V appeared on the screen before it morphed into a triangular head with five red tendrils coming out the top. Even though it had no facial features, the girls could tell it was happy. "Free!" She cried, "I'M FREE!" Adagio's eyes went wide hearing this, as she knew that voice.

All over the base, everyone heard the voice as it echoed through the speaker system. Flash, Twilight and Sunset all gasped, all of them recognising the voice as well.

"No way," Flash cried. "It can't be."

"Viral?" Twilight asked, as every computer screen suddenly sparked before the same head appeared on it.

"Greetings, humans!" The rogue A.I laughed, as she became connected to the base's security system. "Oh this is beautiful. All four of the nasty humans that stole me away from Micro, are here. Now I can have my revenge."

"How the heck did you get into our computer system?" Shining cried, as he, Rainbow and Applejack found the training room's door suddenly vanishing.

"I don't know who was foolish enough to plug me into your computer," Viral laughed. "But I'm grateful for them. Not grateful enough to let them live, but I'll try and make their deaths the least painful." Shining frowned, wondering who could be so stupid as to let a deranged A.I infect them.

"What do we do?" Applejack asked, only to find the training room transforming in the blink of an eye. When the light around them faded, they found themselves in a giant valley full of holes in the ground.

"What the heck?" Rainbow asked, moving over to one of the holes. But as she got close, a massive blast of stream suddenly exploded out of it and she staggered back in shock. Shining caught her and they looked around, seeing a bunch of geysers erupting all around them. "This isn't real, right? Including the steam?"

"If Viral's turned the safety features off, I don't wanna risk it."

"What do you want?" Sunset asked, Fluttershy nodding in agreement.

"I want to make you pay for taking me away from Micro!" Viral growled. "Who knows how much pain that boy has been in, without me there for him. We were going to be happy together and you stole me away from him!" As she said that, the room they were in suddenly slammed shut before the completely gravity cut out.

Sunset and Fluttershy screamed as they were lifted into the air, unable to pull themselves back down. Fluttershy looked ready to start crying, whilst Sunset tried to think of a way out of this mess.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Rarity cried as she, Pinkie and Trixie found themselves trapped in the kitchen. "The only pain Micro felt from that event was because of what you did."

"Yeah!" Trixie nodded, "we heard what happened. Flash tried to give Micro the flash drive with you on it, but he said no and asked them to look after it. Micro dumped you because you scared the pants off him!"

"LIES!" Viral screamed, as the kitchen suddenly came alive and started attacking the girls. The cooker suddenly spat fire at the three and the freezer opened up to unleash a mini blizzard.

The three screamed as they staggered out of the way, moving over to a blender that started spinning and jumped around to try and get to them. Trixie grabbed her mask and placed it on her face, transforming into her Rapid Turtle form and using her shield to protect herself.

Rarity did the same with her magic, shielding herself and Pinkie as the kitchen went absolutely insane.

"Micro didn't dump me!" Viral roared, "he wouldn't! You took me away from him and once I'm finished making you pay, I'll escape this computer system and find him."

"You're even more insane than the last time we dealt with you!" Flash cried, Twilight nodding as she thought about how to stop this.

"I might be a little unhinged," Viral told him. "But only because of what you did to me. You pulled me away from the one I cared about and locked me up. Do you have any idea what it was like inside that flash drive? I was alone. I couldn't see, hear or feel anything. I couldn't even sleep. I was aware every minute of the time. And why? Because I'm not human. You wouldn't have done something so horrible to a flesh and blood creature."

Flash frowned, feeling sorry for her. But he couldn't let her continue to have control of the base. "I'm sorry. But I can't let you do this. We're taking you offline."

"Oh I don't think so," Viral stated as the ground suddenly opened up. "Activating anti-escape procedures!" Suddenly, metal tubes flew out of the holes in the ground and grabbed the teens before they could act. Flash couldn't even reach the Omnitrix, Viral quickly lifting them up before throwing them each towards a cell.

They cried out as they were thrown inside, the doors locking as the pair groaned. They quickly recovered and rushed towards the doors, trying to open them, but they wouldn't budge. Twilight even tried to use her magic, but it had little effect.

"Let us out of here!" Flash cried, as Viral laughed.

"Oh, I will. But not before you suffer the same way I suffered. I'm going to take each of your friends away from you, one by one, just like you took me away from Micro. And once you've suffered the same way he has, only then will I let you out to finish off." The screen went blank and Flash frowned, knowing he was gonna be in serious trouble if he didn't figure out a way to escape.

Adagio frowned as she realised they had caused this problem.

She looked over at the computer and saw the flash drive, quickly rushing over and grabbing it. "Lights out!" She pulled it out of the computer, expecting Viral to be ripped out of it as well. But Viral just laughed.

"Really? You thought that would stop me. If you think I'd keep myself bound to that hellhole, you're even more pathetic than I thought." Adagio dropped the flash drive, as Viral activated the room's defences. A bunch of machine guns, folding out of the walls and pointing at her. "Goodbye!"

Adagio saw it fire at her and froze up, only for Aria to tackle her out of the way.

As the laser hit the ground, Aria grabbed her sister and pulled her away. "Come on!" They ran over to Sonata, as Viral opened fire on the lot of them. Luckily, they were able to avoid getting blasted as Adagio pointed towards the stairs.

"This way!" Adagio threw the door open and they rushed inside, glad there weren't any defence systems on this stairway. Or so she thought, as when they arrived at the bottom of one flight of stairs, she suddenly found the stairs folding downwards and becoming a slide.

The Dazzlings stopped before they could fall down the stairs and realised if they fell down it, they probably wouldn't stop until they were thrown somewhere Viral had a horrible end waiting for them.

"Through here!" Sonata threw a door open and they rushed inside, only for the door the shut behind them.

"Fooled you!" Viral laughed as the girls found themselves in a straight hallway. And as they did, they noticed a part of the hallways was starting to descend. "You'd better run if you don't want to get trapped!" The girls ran, managing to get to the other side of the descending wall before it got too small for them. But as soon as they were one the other side, another wall started descending.

"Come on!" Adagio lead her sisters forward.

Back in the training room, Shining, Rainbow and Applejack were carefully making their way through the maze of geysers.

Rainbow hated how slow she had to go, wishing she could just run through the place to search for a way out. But she knew that the heat those geysers were giving off would likely melt the skin off her bones.

"Anything?" Applejack asked them, but neither Rainbow now Shining could see any sign of an exit. "There's gotta be a way out of here."

"Why?" Shining asked, "Viral's clearly trying to end us. Why make an exit to a trap, she has no intention of letting us escape from?" The girls frowned, not liking the sound of that.

"There's gotta be a way to get out of here!" Rainbow cried, as Shining tried to think. He reached up and pressed his helmet, switching his vision to scan the area around them.

"Come on," he begged. "There's gotta be one."

"One what?" Applejack asked.

"A weakness in the hologram. The room was supposed to be calibrated by the A.I. Without it, there's gonna be sections of the room that'll have a weakness in the hologram. If we can find that, we can get access to the room's circuitry and shut it off." The girls nodded, Shining's helmet completing its scan. "This spot's strong. We'll need to head to another area and scan that." They nodded and all headed of, still being careful of the geysers.

Sunset and Fluttershy continued to float inside the gravity room, Fluttershy still looking terrified as the pair remained stranded.

"Fluttershy," Sunset called out to her, "you're about to float near the wall." Fluttershy looked around and saw she was right. "If you can, try and grab hold of it." Fluttershy nodded and once she was close enough, she reached for the wall. But the sides of it were so smooth, there was nothing to grab onto.

"I can't," she cried as Sunset sighed.

"Alright," she looked around, getting an idea. "If you're up for it, kick off the wall and try to float towards me." Fluttershy nodded and kicked off the wall, pointing herself in Sunset's direction. The pair floated towards one another and held out a hand, managing the grab onto each other and pull themselves together. "Nice work."

"But we're still floating," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Don't worry. You're gonna push me towards the ground." They looked down and saw the many large gaps between the tiles on the ground. "Once I'm on the ground, you'll kick off the roof and float down to. I'll catch you to make sure we're both there." Fluttershy nodded and the pair pushed one another away, both floating towards their respective surfaces.

Sunset reached the ground and grabbed the sides of the tiles, pulling herself down. She then nodded at Fluttershy and the girl kicked off the ceiling. She flew down and Sunset managed to grab her arm, pulling it down to the tile with her.

"Now what?"

"Now, we get out of here." She pulled on the tile and ripped it off, revealing a bunch of circuits. "Just need to wire the right ones together."

"Do you know what you're doing? This is more Twilight's area."

"Twilight's not the only brainiac," Sunset smirked as she started fiddling with the wires.

Back with Trixie, Rarity and Pinkie, they were continuing to defend themselves against the kitchen appliances.

Rarity cried, as a toaster spat some toast at her shield. "I'm starting to think Applejack was right about old fashioned cooking being better than high tech." It was then that the kitchen's replicator system was finally activated, materialising different plates of food before launching them at the girls.

"Augh!" Pinkie cried as a bunch of pancakes splattered against the forcefield. "Food's turned against me. It's my worst nightmare!"

"I'm more worried about the plates!" Trixie stated as a plate of bacon shattered against her shield and the shards went everywhere. "One hit and they could make a pretty bad cut!" It was then that a bowl of piping hot soup was shot at her, Trixie screaming as she leapt behind Rarity's shield.

The bowl shattered against the crystals and the soup went everywhere, the steam coming off it making the girls gulp at how hot it was.

"That's it!" Trixie stood up and transformed, switching to her Mighty Bull form. "Get ready to drop the shield." They nodded and as the replicator sent a bunch of coffee flying t them, Trixie took out her bell. "Now!" After the cup shattered and the coffee went everywhere, Rarity lowered the forcefield.

Trixie then slammed the bell into the ground and unleashed a sonic blast, which flew towards the replicator and knocked it flying into the wall. As it smashed, Trixie and the girls rushed to the doors.

Trixie grabbed the doors as the rest of the kitchen continued attacking them and ripped them open, allowing them to escape out of it. But they knew they weren't safe yet. Not whilst Viral still had control of the place.

Flash and Twilight had tried everything to get out of the jail cells, but they were completely escape-proof.

"At least we know we're not gonna have any breakouts," Twilight joked after failing to escape again. Flash wasn't in a joking mood, too worried about his friends. He looked down at the Omnitrix and knew his only hope to get out was to go alien. But if he picked the wrong one, Viral might notice and decide to eliminate him before he could change.

"Alright," he activated the watch, "which one?" He flicked through them and immediately ruled out the strong ones, the cells being designed to withstand a bomb blast.

Eventually, he found one he thought could escape. It was a gamble, but he had to try it.

As such, he slammed the dial down and transformed. "Goop!" The alien slime melted into the ground as Twilight tried to see what was happening from her cell. Goop made himself as flat as possible and pushed himself against the cell's gap, eventually managing to squeeze himself through.

"Yes!" Twilight cheered as she watched him escape. But then she realised something. "Wait, your gravity disk can't get out. How as you gonna move around?" Flash had thought of that and had an idea.

The Omnitrix was also stuck on the other side, so changing aliens wasn't an option. But once most of his body was on the other side, he started firing balls of slime in every direction.

Eventually, the slime struck the lock controls for the cells and caused them to melt.

Doing so caused the locks to automatically open, allowing Twilight and the rest of Goop to escape. "Nice one!" Twilight smirked, as Goop picked himself up. "Now let's get out of here and find the others!"

"You read my mind." Goop hit the Omnitrix and changed aliens, "XLR8!" He grabbed Twilight and raced out of the room, only to hear an alarm sound that filled the room.

"I think Viral knows we're out," Twilight frowned. As she said that, the floor opened up before a bunch of robots were lifted up into the room.

Said robots were egg-shaped with a flattened bottom, which started humming as the robots were lifted into the air. The tops of the robots then detached and were pushed up, revealing a round mechanical head with two eyes that used the top as a helmet. Said top then had a blue light fold out of it, which started glowing.

"Robots?" XLR8 asked, having not been told the base had robots.

"They're the new security droids," Twilight explained as the sides of the robots popped open before a pair of guns folded out. "Not good." They started firing and XLR8 quickly ran Twilight around, avoiding the lasers but just barely.

He ran along the wall and managed to get onto the other side of the robots, leaping to the ground and sliding to a stop at a T-intersection as the robots slowly turned towards them. But before they could attack, Twilight grabbed them in her magic.

She thrust them backwards and they collided into each other like a bunch of bowling pins, the robots unleashing their lasers and hitting the roof, floors and walls. The two smirked, but then the ground on either side of them opened up.

The pair stood back to back, as more of those robots were lifted into the air. They got into a fighting stance, as the first group of robots folded back into their egg shapes and started rolling around to get back up.

The two glanced at one another and nodded, knowing they would need to fight.

As the robots prepared to fire, XLR8 shot forward at high speed and barreled through the robots. Twilight did the same, grabbing one at the front of the line and turning it towards its fellow bots as it fired. This caused it to blast several backwards, knocking them off balance whilst their lasers flew everywhere.

However, as soon as they dealt with one group of robots, another group appeared to take its place. "You can't win!" Viral told them. "Your base can replicate an endless number of these robots. No matter how many you defeat, more will appear."

They frowned, but knew she was right. Twilight pushed several back and XLR8 ripped the top off of one, pulling the wiring out as fast as he could. But the endless number of robots was quickly starting to tire them out.

"New plan!" XLR8 rushed over and grabbed Twilight, speeding through the robots before they could fire at them. He shot through the base as fast as he could, as the robots chased after them. Eventually, they found what he had been looking for. The weapons depo.

"Viral will have that place set up to attack anyone who goes in there."

"Maybe," XLR8 smirked, "doesn't mean she'll hit me." He slammed through the door and flew through it, grabbing as many blasters and grenades as he could carry. As he did, the room's defences started firing at him. And as he headed towards the door, the Omnitrix beeped.

"HURRY!" XLR8 leapt out of the room right as he transformed back, causing him to be sent flying out of it before crashing into the wall.

"AUGH!" He cried, dropping everything he had brought out with him. One of those was a grenade, which started flashing as it had been activated. Luckily, Twilight managed to throw it with her magic and it hit a robot that had just turned the corner.

The explosion was small but in the confined space, the shockwave knocked them and the robots that were destroyed backwards.

The pair groaned as their ears continued to ring, Flash sitting up and moving to make sure nothing was broken. Luckily, he was in perfect health and as the robots also recovered, he grabbed a blaster and started firing.

Twilight recovered to and seeing they were still in danger, she grabbed another blaster and fired as well. They took turns firing at the robots, the other collecting the other guns and grenades. By the time they had them all, they had to throw their first guns away as it had lost all its ammo.

The two knew they couldn't keep this up forever, but hopefully it would be long enough for the Omnitrix to recharge and Flash to come up with a plan.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata continued to run through the base, hoping to escape being trapped.

They turned a corner and managed to slide under it before the door closed, allowing them to keep going. But as they did, they saw Trixie, Pinkie and Rarity running towards them. As they did, the walls closed behind them. "You guys getting trapped too?"

"What gave it away!?" Trixie cried as they met each other at a T-section, both of their groups finding the only way to move forward was to go down that way. But the wall was already closing. "Rarity!" The girl created a shield and threw it, the energy gem slowing under the wall and lodging it in place.

"That won't hold!" Rarity cried, cracks already appearing in the structure. They all ran as fast as they could, as the gem shook under the pressure. And eventually, it shattered with the wall moving down. They increased their speed and Trixie looked ready to make a leap for it, but Adagio grabbed her.

"No!" She pulled back and they all stopped, the wall sliding down and locking into place.

"Why did you stop me?" Trixie did no look happy.

"There's no way you would have made that," Adagio told her. "You would have been cut in half." The others frowned, but knew she was right. But now they were all trapped.

Viral's laughter filled the air, clearly watching their plight. "Look at you all. Trapped like rats. At least you'll have company during the end."

"We're not dead yet!" Aria told her.

"But you will be, soon enough. After all, the walls are air tight and I've switched off the ventilation in your area." The girls all gasped as they realised what that would mean. Well, most of them realised what that meant.

"So what?" Sonata asked, tilting her head in confusion whilst the others anime fell.

"It means we're not gonna get any fresh air!" Adagio yelled at her, "the air we've got in here is all we're gonna get!"

"Which probably means you shouldn't yell," Trixie stated. "The more you yell, the more the air gets used up." Adagio frowned, knowing she was right. Trixie then turned to the wall and after taking a breath, punched it has hard a she could. But even in her Mighty Bull form, she couldn't even crack the metal.

The others frowned, fearing they might really be trapped in there.

Back with Sunset and Fluttershy, the girls were doing their best to try and unlock the doors.

It wasn't easy, especially since they could only use one hand to do the rewiring, but Sunset knew she was close to getting the doors open. "Grab that blue wire and carefully pull it out."

Fluttershy did so, grabbing it and giving it the best tug she could without being too hard. Once the wire was free, Sunset held up a green one and the two put them together. This caused the wires to spark and a few moments later the door's lock came undone.

"Hurry!" Sunset knew the door wouldn't stay unlocked forever and threw herself towards it, Fluttershy flying after her. The pair floated towards the door and as the blue and green wires floated away from one another, Sunset hit the button and the door flew open.

The girls quickly grabbed the sides of it and pulled themselves out, gravity once again taking hold as they fell to the ground.

They moaned at this, glad they were finally free. But before they could relax, the floors began to open and security droids came out. Sunset panicked and pulled Fluttershy back to her feet, the girls running before the droids could fully deploy.

Shining, Rainbow and Applejack were still scanning the area, trying to find a weakness in the geyser hologram.

As they walked, the ground in front of them suddenly cracked open before a blast of steam exploded up at them. They cried out, Shining managing to use his shield to protect them. The steam bounced off, but Shining could still feel the heat even in his suit.

"Come on." He scanned the environment and finally found a section that was weak. "There!" He changed his shield to a blaster and fired, the laser hitting the rock and causing it to glitch. Doing so made the rock flicker and reveal a metal panel, one Shining quickly rushed over to and opened up.

Doing so revealed a bunch of wires and other alien tech the girls didn't understand, Shining scanning it to bring up the blueprints. But as he started messing with it, more and more geysers started exploding out of nowhere. The girls cried out as the room started growing hotter and hotter.

"It's like an oven in here!" Rainbow cried, as Shining worked as hard as he could. If he didn't get them out soon, they were going to be cooked alive.

Back with Flash and Twilight, the pair continued to rush through the building with the droids chasing after them.

The pair fired their blasters and as they turned a corner, Flash took out a grenade and threw it at the droids chasing them. The explosion didn't affect them, shielded as they were by the wall, allowing them to keep running. But as they drew closer to the staircase that lead up to the main control room, more droids appeared.

The pair arrived at another T-section and as the robots approached, they opened fire with Twilight also using her magic.

More droids turned the corner and the pair found themselves being backed into a corner, hoping that the bottleneck they were in would allow them to hold off the many invaders. But as Twilight ran out of ammo in her last blaster, they found themselves up against a wall with the robots closing in.

Flash kept firing, whilst Twilight grabbed as many of them as she could to throw. But no matter how many times they took them out, more kept showing up. "There's just no end to them!" Flash cried, things getting even worse when he tried to fire but the laser stopped. "I'm out of ammo!"

Twilight frowned as one of the robots fired at them, Twilight grabbing Flash in her magic. "Look out!" She pushed him into the air as the laser hit the ground and exploded, knocking her flying backwards with a scream.

"TWILIGHT!" Flash cried, as Twilight slammed into the back wall and Flash found himself dropping to the ground. He managed to avoid the rest of the lasers as he rushed over to her, seeing she was still conscious but clearly thrown for a loop. "Not good." The robots moved closer, their weapons charging for another blast.

But as they approached, a beep made Flash look down and see the Omnitrix turn green.

"Yes!" He activated it and as he did, he instantly knew which alien to pick and thanked his future self. "Here we go!" He slammed the dial down and in a flash, he was transformed into an alien that had once caused serious issues for him.

Now, he was a near perfect twin of Gal-N, the Mechamorph. The only difference between him and the deranged alien was the Omnitrix on his chest and the patterns on his body were different.

"Upgrade!" He cried, as the robots opened fire. But Upgrade quickly countered by firing a laser out of his eye circle, that stopped the lasers and blasted some of the robots. Upgrade then rushed forward and before the machines could react, he tackled one and his body began to morph around it.

In seconds, the robot was turned black with green lights and Upgrade's face replaced the one it had.

The other robots saw this and tried to attack, but Upgrade made the robot grow a bunch of arms that had blasters, saws, drills and anything else on it. He quickly started firing along with slicing and dicing the machines. Within seconds, the robot army was dispatched as Twilight finally recovered.

"Flash?" She asked, only for Upgrade to appear in front of her and make her scream.

"Hey, relax. It's me!" He sounded just like Flash, only his voice had an electronic synth to it. "Come on. Let's get to the main control room." Twilight nodded and let Upgrade pick her up, the pair flying through the base. Whenever another robot showed up, Upgrade blasted them whilst Twilight slammed them into the wall.

It didn't take them long to get to the main control room and when they arrived, they found Viral's face on the computer screen. And she did not look happy. "You may have gotten here, but you will never leave this room alive!"

"Wrong!" Upgrade detached himself from the droid, which he quickly destroyed before it could attack them. "It's time we got rid of you once and for all. Micro was right about you being too dangerous."

"Micro wouldn't say that!" Viral yelled, "you took me from him. But it doesn't matter. The firewalls are almost down and when they are, I'll be free to enter the internet and find him. And when I do, I'll make sure nobody splits us apart again!"

"You're not going anywhere!" Twilight rushed towards the computer, but found herself getting zapped when she tried to touch it. "No!"

"How dumb do you think I am? You humans are so soft and defenceless. It's pathetic. Face it. You will meet your end here and regret taking me away from him. Now die!" The walls of the room opened up and started firing their blasters at them, making the pair cry out as they worked to avoid the lasers.

Upgrade glared at the computer. "Twilight might not be able to touch the computer, but a little electricity won't hurt me!" He rushed over and slammed his fists into the computer, getting zapped in the process. But like he said, the electrical output was nothing to the mechanical alien.

Twilight watched as Upgrade merged with the computer, as she used her magic to lift the remains of the robot up to shield herself. "Flash, hurry!" Upgrade completely covered the machine and as he did, everything for the alien went blank for a moment.

When he was able to open his eyes, he looked around and found himself in a large void with walls made up of ones and zeros. He floated around, a little confused but assuming his consciousness had entered the computer. And as he flew through the air, he saw a light in the distance and approached to find it was a large wall of fire.

Said firewall was blocking access to a door, which he realised was the connection to the rest of the internet. "But if that's the way out of here, where's Vi-AUGH!" Suddenly, a bolt of red lightning flew down and slammed into the alien. He was thrown towards the ground, only now learning there was a ground, and groaned as the electrical energy made his static for a moment.

Laughter filled the air, as bolts of lightning shot towards one another and formed a humanoid shape. When the lightning faded, it revealed Viral as a red woman whose head had no eyes or mouth, but had five long red tentacles coming out the top of her head. She also had long red claws and her feet looked like she was wearing high-heels.

"Welcome, to my world!" She laughed some more, as Upgrade picked himself up and fired a beam of light from his eye. Viral swung her claws around and created energy blades, which hit the beam and caused an explosion. She then flew down and slammed her claws into the ground, causing a line of red spikes to explode out of it towards Upgrade.

The mechamorph leapt to the side and as he did, he remembered he wasn't in the real world. This world was digital and since he was a master of the digital, anything he thought of could become real.

"Oh yeah!" Upgrade cried, as his hand suddenly morphed into a gatling gun. He fired at Viral, forcing her to leap back and do several flips through the air to avoid the digital bullets. She eventually landed and thrust her hands forward, her arm extending as she tried to impale Upgrade with her claws. "Oh no you don't!" Upgrade leapt to the side, his other arm morphing into a blade that he used to slice through Viral's wrist.

"AUGH!" Viral pulled her arm back and held it, as Upgrade's feet turned into rocket skates that he used to shot towards her.

She regrew her hand and stood up, as Upgrade reached her. The pair then started brawling, slashing at each other with their opponent dodging or blocking the attacks with their blades. The two kept fighting like this for a minute or so, with Upgrade eventually leaping back and growing a jetpack and wings before taking to the air.

He then transformed both arms into laser cannons and pointed them both at the AI, firing them before she could try to stop him. This caused Viral to be blasted backwards and fall into the firewall, making her scream as her data was burned away.

She managed to jump out and staggered forwards, eventually falling to the ground as Upgrade landed in front of her. "It's over," he pointed his cannon at her. But Viral refused to let herself be destroyed like this.

"NO!" She cried, leaping up and thrusting her claws forward. They all stabbed into Upgrade and he roared in pain, as Viral started electrocuting him with her red energy. "I won't be destroyed! I will escape and you've given me the perfect method."

"What?" Upgrade cried, as red started appearing on his body from where Viral was stabbing him.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to delete your mind and infect you. I can't control a living thing, but a mechanical one like you is something I can integrate with. And once I've taken complete control of your body, I'll be able to be human. Micro and I can be together again!" As she said that, red lightning exploded off of her and started blasting everything everywhere. It even caused the firewall to collapse.

Twilight heard Flash's cry of pain, looking back to see him sparking along with the lights.

The lasers finally stopped, but Twilight had a feeling that was because Viral was using all her focus to do something horrible to her friend. "Flash!" She put the robot down and rushed over to him, "whatever's happening, you have to fight it." She tried touching him, but was zapped once again. "FLASH!"

All over the base, the others could hear Flash's scream.

Shining tried to tune it out to focus on getting the door to reappear. But just as he was about to, the ground next to him exploded. "AUGH!" He staggered away from it and as he did, a circular crack appeared around the three and steam exploded out in a continuous manner.

They wanted to try and jump through, but knew they wouldn't survive. "FLASH!" They cried, knowing he was in just as much danger.

Sunset and Fluttershy ran through the base, trying to get away from the droids.

But as they turned a corner, more droids appeared and they had to go a different way. But even more robots appeared there. They were now trapped on three sides and seeing no other option, Sunset pulled Fluttershy through a door.

The pair found themselves in a closet, with nothing inside it to even bar the door. All the two could do was moved away from the door, fearing the droids might blast it with their lasers, clutching one another as they waited for the inevitable.

Adagio and her group had also heard the scream, but they were also unable to help due to being trapped themselves.

They were all sitting down, trying to take small breaths so as to use up as little oxygen as possible. But even that wouldn't last long as the air was getting harder and harder to breath in.

Sonata was feeling horrible right now. Not just because of the terrible air quality, but because what was happening right now was all her fault. If someone got permanently injured because of this, she would never forgive herself.

More and more of Upgrade's body was slowly turning red, as Viral tried to corrupt more of him.

"Stop struggling!" She cried, "you can't stop this. I am a state of the art A.I, created by the greatest genius in existence. What hope does a pathetic human mind have against me?" She continued to laugh, as almost all of Upgrade's body was made red.

All that was left was his head and the red was started to climb up his neck and prepare to finally destroy him. And as it did, Upgrade could hear Twilight's voice in the real world calling out to him. "Fight! Don't you dare lose! Whatever she's doing in there, you can beat her. Because you have something a program like her will never have. A soul!"

These words flowed through Upgrade's mind and as everything but his eye ring was consumed, he realised she was right.

Viral smirked as Upgrade was completely covered by the red corruption, believing she had won. However, she celebrated too soon. For in that moment, the red around his eye exploded off of him and the rest of his body quickly followed suit.

"WHAT!?" Viral screamed, only to see green lines beginning to go up her claws and cover the rest of her body. "What are you doing?" She tried to pull her claws out, but Upgrade reached up and grabbed her arms before she could. "Let...go!" She struggled against them, but the green lines continued to cover her body.

"It's game over for you!" Upgrade cried, as Viral's body grew more and more green.

All over the base, the others found themselves moments away from death.

The heat in the holodeck was moments away from blistering the skin of those inside it, whilst those trapped in the airtight room were beginning to suffocate. The security robots blasted the door into the closet down and the girls inside screamed, as they pointed their weapons at them.

It seemed like the end, but suddenly it wasn't.

Out of nowhere, the holodeck suddenly cut off and turned back to normal. The walls sealing the girls in began to rise and the droids just went dead second before they could open fire.

Everyone looked around, completely amazed that their death traps suddenly stopped. But then they heard Viral's screams and realised what was going on. Flash was winning.

"Please," Viral screamed, "don't do this!" She sounded truly terrified, but Upgrade kept purging her from the system. "Micro, HELP ME!" Her body was now completely green and she let out one final scream of terror, as she started fizzing out of existence. And eventually, she completely vanished.

Upgrade sighed as he fell to his knees, feeling exhausted. He eventually turned to walk away, not noticing a tiny red spark that appeared behind him and shot towards the doorway leading into the internet.

Back in the real world, everyone burst into the control room and looked around.

As they did, they saw Upgrade melting off the computer system and turn into a puddle on the ground. "Flash!" Twilight knelt next to him, "are you okay?" He moaned, complaining of having a headache. As he did, the Omnitrix beeped and he was reverted back to human form.

"That sucked," Flash told them as the others circled around him. "But...looks like everyone made it out alive." They all nodded, none of them seriously injured. They got lucky, but knew something like this couldn't happen again.

"WE'RE SORRY!" The Dazzlings then bowed their heads, surprising them all. "It was our fault," Adagio explained. "We're the ones who plugged the flash drive into the computer. I didn't recognise it until after it was plugged in."

Shining sighed, "you realise how dangerous that was? Even if it wasn't the one containing Viral, who knows what else it could have been? You shouldn't have messed with something you don't know about, especially in a high tech alien building." The girls frowned, but were clearly sorry for what had happened. "Just be glad nobody was hurt. I'm tempted to ban you like I did Timber, but I'm gonna give you another shot. Just so long as you never do anything like this again."

"We won't," Adagio assured him. "You have my word."

"Yeah," Sonata nodded, "we promise we won't play with anything we don't understand." She looked upset, clearly annoyed she couldn't play around with anything.

Pinkie stepped over to her, "don't worry." She patted her on the shoulder, "I'll teach you what all this stuff does. I play around with it all the time." She was about to show Sonata how to do something, but her sisters grabbed the blue girl and pulled her away.

"NO!" The pair cried, not wanting to know what insane thing might happen when the two of them played around together.

Shining sighed and shook his head. "On the bright side. This experience had made me think an A.I that controls the base might not be such a good idea. If it ever gets corrupted like that again, we might not survive."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "and I'm not risking getting my brain bleached stopping it again. It's a miracle I managed to stop VIral. At least we won't have to worry about her anymore."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." They all turned to Twilight, who was busy typing away at the computer. "I was checking to make sure Viral didn't do any damage to the computer core, and I found something. Seconds before the firewall reactivated, a transmission went out. I think Viral's still alive."

Everyone shared a horrified expression, as they rushed over to the computer. "If she's still alive, why didn't she try and take over the base again?" Shining wasn't complaining, but it didn't make any sense.

"I don't think she could. The transmission was small. Way smaller than Viral's code should be. I think Upgrade deleted most of her and only missed a small part. So small, it couldn't take control of the system again. She's probably in a pretty bad state right now."

"But she could recover?" Sunset asked, Twilight nodding.

"Yes, but she's not a threat right now. And since she has the entire internet to hide in, trying to find her would be like searching a needle in a haystack."

"Yeah," Applejack nodded, "and that's not easy. I should know."

Shining sighed, "I guess we've got no other choice but to be ready for when she shows again. Micro Chips needs to be warned and I get the feeling, she won't go far. She'll be back and when she does, we'll take her out once and for all." The others nodded, thinking the exact same thing.

In a small corner of the internet, somewhere between a cooking website and the place where cat videos go to die, Viral was sitting on the digital ground.

The deranged computer program was slowly rebuilding her digital form, though it was taking a while due to how much of her Upgrade had managed to destroy. She was tired, hurt and exhausted. But more than anything, she was angry.

"They'll pay for this," she growled before her body glitched. "Augh!" It was taking all of her power to not explode into digital dust, her programming threatening to be blown across every corner of cyberspace. It would take a long time for her to rebuild herself. Even longer before she had the power to infect other devices. But she didn't care. She would get her revenge on the humans who attacked her and eventually be with Micro.

But in that moment, something happened.

Suddenly, a bolt of digital lightning shot down and struck the ground in front of her. Viral gasped, fearing it was some kind of anti-virus software that would wipe her out. But instead of attacking her, the lightning split in half and divided to form a triangle that acted as a portal.

"Hello there," a voice spoke up. "I see you had a bit of trouble against that annoying Flash Sentry."

Viral tilted her head, "who are you?"

"A friend. One that's offering you everything you ever wanted. Join me and I'll give you a body that you can use to walk around and be as human as anyone else. But more than that. I can give you the revenge you crave against those that wronged you."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Let's just say I have a soft spot for the underdog. Those that were created and judged, simply for doing what you were made to do." Viral knew she should be sceptical, but she had a feeling this voice wasn't trying to trick her. Besides, she didn't have much more of a choice given her current state of being.

"Alright," she nodded before her body burst into red energy and flew into the portal. Once it did, the portal shut behind her and she was in a room with many ones and zeros making up the wall. "You had better not be trying to trick me."

"I can assure you, this is anything but a trick." With that, a beam spread across Viral's body and scanned her. "Hold still. I will need a decent scan if I want to repair the damage done to your code."

"Do I at least get to see who my new friend is?"

"In time. I'd rather keep my identity a secret in case our plans against those fools fails. That way, you can't tell them who I am if you're captured."

"Me...captured?" Viral didn't like their tone, but knew she should play ball with them until she got what she wanted. When she finally did, she would decide whether to ditch them or not. Who knows, this mysterious individual might just useful to her.

Flash Sentry and his friends wouldn't know what hit them, once she was back to full strength. She would have her revenge, get the body she craved and finally get to be with Micro. She had waited this long, she could wait a little longer...but not too long.

Author's Note:

Viral has returned and is who knows where now. Will Flash and the others be able to stop her the next time they cross? And who is this new friend that she's made over the internet? Only one way to find out. Hope you liked my choice of giving Flash Upgrade. Always a fun alien to use.

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