• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 12: Stars and Shields Forever

Canterlot was in a state of high alert.

The recent escape of six highly dangerous criminals, had everyone in the city a little on edge. Made worse by the fact that these six had been joined by a seventh dangerous criminal, causing everyone to stay on guard.

But they weren't going to let a bunch of lunatics ruin their lives, so people were still living their lives and trusting in the city's heroes to keep them safe. And said heroes were currently patrolling the city, searching for any sign of the criminals.

Currently, Gryforce was flying over the city and keeping a watchful eye out for anything.

He flew up to a building's roof and landed on the edge, looking almost like a gargoyle as he stared at the street below. As he did, the Omnitrix beeped before Shining's voice called out to him. "Anything?"

"Nothing on the western side," he replied. "How about you?"

"Nothing on the eastern side. I'll call Trixie and see if she's found anything."

"They've gotta be somewhere here," he sighed as he sat on the edge. "I figured Doddery would show up. She's so desperate to stay young, I figured she'd always be out on the hunt."

"They'll show themselves," Shining assured them. "We just need to capture one of them. Then Sunset can read their minds and figure out where they're hiding."

Gryforce nodded and took to the air again, wondering how everyone else was doing. The Rainbooms were also searching for the villains, whilst Adagio was busy at a shoot. Hopefully, nothing would happen at said shoot and ruin it. Adagio deserved to not have her modelling career ended after she had worked so hard to achieve it.

Across town, Adagio, Aria and Sonata were currently at an outdoor set.

It was a large park, full of trees that made it perfect for simulating a forest environment. There, the girls were showing off an array of fashionable yet useful outdoor clothes. The perfect thing for the wooden trekker wanting to look great.

They weren't the only girls being photographed, as another model was also showing her stuff.

Her name was Amethyst Star, a pink skinned girl with purple hair who was dressed in outdooring gear like the three of them. She was currently sitting on the branch of a tree, the photographer zooming in on the girl as he took several pictures.

"Oh, beautiful. Just beautiful. The camera loves you darling!" Amethyst smiled as she shifted positions, getting into a more alluring pose on the branch. "Perfect. I think that'll work." He finished taking his photos and the girls all headed towards the changing room, their shoot coming to an end.

"Excellent girls!" The man running the shoot announced, "I knew you four were the perfect models for this situation. And you'll also be perfect for something. What are you doing tomorrow?" The four shared a look, none of them busy but curious about why he would ask. "How'd you like the chance to be stars?"

"Aren't we already stars?" Sonata asked.

"You've done a lot of magazine shoots and a few commercials, but I'm talking serious stars. Possible movie stars." That got their attention.

"Are you offering us a part in a movie?" Amethyst asked.

"Just the chance to impress those who could offer you parts," he stated. "Tomorrow, there's going to be a big talent showcase. VIPs from Hollywood looking for their next big stars. The places were already filled up, but four of them had to pull out for one reason or another. If you want, you four can have those spots and possibly win a chance to become film icons. What do you say?"

"Oh, we're in!" Adagio told him, Sonata and Aria nodding.

Amethyst smiled, "I'm in too. Becoming a movie star is my dream. What time do we need to be there?"

"I'll go get the information packages for you," he explained. "Everything you'll need to know will be there." They nodded and he walked off, leaving the girls to go to the changing room and get into their normal clothing attire.

Amethyst changed into a white shirt, with a sleeveless purple button up vest and purple skirt. She also had a headband on that was purple with diamond images running along it.

Once they were all back in their street clothes, the girls headed out and picked up the information packages before making their way out of the park. As they left, they all talked about how they were going to present themselves.

Amethyst expected the three of them to all be a shoe in. Despite no longer being in a relationship with Flash Sentry, Adagio was still a well known name. "Any idea what kind of movies they might give us parts for?" Amethyst asked.

"Probably something small," Aria told her. "Background work and extras. But if we do good, it could lead to something more." They nodded at this, only to then hear a loud horn up ahead.

They looked towards the street and spotted a car speeding down the road. It even flew through a red light, the driver soon regretting that when a truck crashed into the side of it.

The impact caused the car to swirl around as bits flew off of him, including the bumper.

Said part flew towards the girls, making them scream out as they braced themselves for the impact. But it never came and the girls slowly opened their eyes, to see a pink light in front of them. The light was forming a dome around them, that had stopped the bumper cold.

They were shocked by this and could feel a magical energy coming off the dome, but knew it wasn't Equestrian Magic.

Looking around, they saw Amethyst looking worried about something. They noticed she didn't seem surprised by the magical barrier, which disappeared the minute they looked at her. "What the heck was that?" Sonata asked, hoping Amethyst would simply fess up.

"I...I gotta go!" Before they could say anything, she ran off. Aria tried to follow her, but a wall of pink energy formed in front of her and stopped her cold. When it vanished, Amethyst was around a corner and gone.

"Any idea what that was about?" Aria asked, but Adagio had an idea.

"I need to talk to Trixie."

Adagio soon arrived at the Plumber Base and found the rest of Canterlot's heroes were already there.

When she saw them, she instantly told them what had happened. "Amethyst Star?" Shining typed her name into the computer and brought up a bunch of magazine photos, several of which were front page pictures.

"Nice," Flash smirked seeing her dressed up in a variety of different clothing. He found himself strangely drawn to one of her dressed as a traditional nerd, having her hair up in a ponytail with thick glasses on.

The rest of the girls rolled their eyes, as Trixie turned to Adagio. "So you really think this girl has a Medallion?"

"In this town, something like that only seems to have three sources. Aliens, Equestrian Magic and Medallions. She didn't look alien and I know Equestrian Magic when it's near. That means there's only one other thing it could be."

Trixie nodded and took out her phone, having use it to take notes on all the Medallions in her book. She crawled through it until she found what she was looking for. "What colour did you say the barrier was?"

"Pink," Adagio replied, "light pink."

Trixie nodded, "you might be right. The Iron Serpent Medallion grants the user the power to create barriers as hard as steel.

"So this girl has the Iron Serpent Medallion?" Fluttershy asked, "do you think she'll be willing to give it up?" They all looked at Adagio, the girl being the only one who knew anything about her.

"Well...she did look kind of scared of it. She clearly knew she was the one causing it and by the look on her face, this wasn't the first time she's used that power. But with how she bolted, I'm guessing she doesn't like having them."

"Makes sense," Rarity nodded. "If she's trying to make it as a model, people learning she has super powers could cause a scandal and ruin her career. Or that's what she probably thinks."

"So she'll probably jump at the chance to hand them off," Flash nodded. "Alright, let's just look up her address and go talk to her."

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Twilight told him. "If this girl is worried about having her powers revealed, she might try and run like she did with Adagio. I really don't like the idea of having to restrain her."

"So what do we do?" Rainbow asked. "Surround her so she can't run?"

"What did I just say!" Twilight cried, trying to think of a way they could get her to not run for the hills as soon as they mentioned her having powers. "We need to approach her in a way that she doesn't want to run. Maybe whilst she's doing something she can't leave."

Adagio frowned, knowing exactly what they could do. "I might have an idea." They all turned to her, as she pointed at Flash. "But you've gotta promise me you won't do anything that could get the event cancelled."

"Okay?" Flash raised an eyebrow, "what are you talking about?"

Adagio sighed. "There's a big showcase tomorrow, for models and other rising stars. VIPs from Hollywood are gonna be there to scout out some talent. Amethyst is going to take part in it. There's no way she'd leave such an event, so you might be able to talk to her there."

Rarity gasped. "Wait, are you going to be a part of this showcase as well?" Adagio nodded. "Amazing. You might get to become a movie star."

"Only if nothing goes wrong with the event." Adagio gave the three superheroes a serious look and they all raised a hand, to swear that they would do everything in their power not to ruin the showcase. "Good."

Trixie sighed, "I don't like waiting. What if Devious finds her before then?"

"I doubt he's gonna happen to find her in the next twelve hours or so," Flash told her. "If he knew about her, he probably would have already struck. She'll be fine until we find her tomorrow."

"I hope you're right," Trixie nodded. "He's already got the Mad Monkey Medallion. And with Chrysalis helping him, he's more dangerous than ever. They might have found some other Medallions to use against us." This made them worry, since Devious with another Medallion was never a good thing. But he didn't know about this Medallion, which gave them a slight advantage.

However, things were not as they seemed. For the heroes didn't know they were currently being watched by someone.

Unknown to them, the base's security system had been hacked into. The cameras were currently staring at them, recording everything that was being said. Including all the info on Amethyst.

In there warehouse base, Devious and Chrysalis were staring at a computer screen.

Said computer screen had a recording of the meeting that had just taken place. The pair watched as the group talked about Amethyst and her Medallion power. Devious smiled hearing this, Chrysalis turning to him. "Are they right? Does that sound like this Iron Serpent Medallion?"

"Yes," he nodded, "I remember that Medallion. Probably the hardest one I had to retrieve. Getting through the shield wasn't easy. I had to take the user by surprise and knock them out."

"That sounds like it's going to be a pain."

"Relax," he told her. "From what they said, this user is clearly unskilled with the power. And if she doesn't want it, that means she probably hasn't trained with it. So getting it from her will be much simpler. Though Lulamoon and the rest of those fools might get in the way."

Chrysalis nodded before looking back at the computer. "Can't you do anything to help? We did join you so we would have some backup." In that moment, the screen changed to show a line that wobbled as a voice spoke.

"I'm afraid not. This particular situation represents a golden opportunity for me."

"What opportunity?" Devious asked. "We had a deal. You help us and we help you."

"I just sent you the footage, didn't I? I'd like to see you hack into the Plumber base's security system. I could have easily not sent this to you."

"He has a point," Chrysalis nodded.

"It takes more than showing us a bit of footage to count as helping us. If you really want to help us, send those minions of yours to help me fight Sentry."

"I can't. As I said, this is a golden opportunity for me. Whilst Sentry and the rest of his friends are busy fighting against you, we can break into a storage warehouse on the other side of town. The tech in that warehouse is just what I need."

"So you just intend to use us to further your own goals?" Chrysalis was starting to agree with Devious. "We need help as well."

"And you'll get it. But first, we need to focus on the bigger picture. You want the Medallions, but can't beat Lulamoon because her friends keep helping. Once I have what I need, we'll be able to remove her friends and maybe even her and you'll be able to collect the Medallions to your heart's content."

"How do I know you'll agree to help me?" Devious asked. "When you approached me, I agreed to work with you in good faith. But even that has its limits."

"Fine. If you really want, I'll send two of my underlings to the area as backup. But they'll only intervene if I tell them to. I would prefer not tipping Sentry off to our little alliance. We only get to surprise him with that once and I would prefer to keep it up my sleeve until it's absolutely necessary."

"Ahhh," Devious growled, "fine! But next time, I'd better have some actual help. And if I fail to get the Medallion, you'll be suffering my wrath."

"So I will." With that, the screen went dead and Devious sighed.

"Do you think we can trust this person?" Chrysalis asked.

"No, I don't. But he hates our foe as much as I do. If we want to get the Medallions she already has, we need reinforcements. Once that fool and his friends deal with Sentry and the rest of those nuisances, we'll dispose of him before he can think of betraying us. Then we'll be free to collect the remaining Medallions ourselves. Now come on. We have a fashion show to crash. I think it's time I showed you how to take a Medallion from the user."

Chrysalis nodded and the pair made preparations to infiltrate the showcase. Amethyst Star wouldn't know what hit her.

At the same time, the figure talking to Devious and Chrysalis sat back in their chair before opening up a coms channel.

The computer changed to show the image of Negatine, Dragstar, Animac, Dynamo, Viral, Doddery and the Hypnotist. They all turned to him and lined up on the computer. "What's up?" Dynamo asked.

"We've been given an opening to acquire some important piece of technology. All except Negatine and Animac will do the acquiring."

"Why not us?" Negatine asked.

"I have a different task for you. Hopefully, you won't have to do anything and just sit back and watch. The rest of you, get ready to head out. I'll be sending you the details on the area you'll be infiltrating. Viral, it'll be up to you to shut down the security system."

"Understood," they all nodded before Doddery spoke up. "Might I ask, why haven't you had us take this technology before now?"

"The Security System and guards will slow you down quite a bit. By the time you would have dealt with them, Flash Sentry and the rest of his friends would have shown up. There's a lot of tech in there that I need, so you getting into a fight with him would have made it impossible. But he should be rather distracted at the moment, giving you ample time to gather what you need. Now get ready. We'll be heading out tomorrow." They all nodded and the video died, the seven villains making sure all their equipment was in order for when they infiltrated the warehouse.

Hopefully, Flash wouldn't cause a problem for them and they would be able to get all the tech they were after.

The next day.

Trixie had been antsy the whole rest of the previous day, fearing that Devious would somehow get his hands on Amethyst before she had a chance to even see here. The time to head to the showcase could not have come quick enough,

Eventually, they were finally able to head to the location the showcase was taking place in. That location was a large building with a giant catwalk stage inside of it.

Hanging above their heads was a chandelier, which had what they assumed were a bunch of fake crystals on them. The fact that it as hanging from what appeared to be a very thin rope worried them a bit, but at the moment they had bigger issues to deal with.

"Ah, Ms Dazzle!" The man in charge of the showcase clapped seeing them there. "I'm glad you're here. You and your sisters will be the first models in the showcase. Now hurry, you need to get dressed and makeup. I'll find your friends some seats."

"Actually," Shining showed him his badge, "we need to talk with one of your models. This is a matter of possible life and death." The man didn't look too happy about that. "Do you know where Amethyst Star is?"

"I'm afraid not," he explained. "She hasn't arrived yet. You aren't going to cancel the showcase, are you?"

Shining shook his head. "We just wanna talk to her. Once we do, we'll be out of your hair. You mind if he hang around backstage. We promise not to get in the way."

"Very well, but there's not that much room back there. I'm afraid only three of you can come back. Any more and the showcase could get delayed." They nodded and Flash, Shining and Trixie headed backstage with him and the Dazzlings. The others all went to find some seats, Rarity gushing at all the VIPs there.

There were countless movie directors and talent scouts that had discovered some of the biggest names in Hollywood.

Flash, Shining and Trixie stayed in the back, watching as the models grabbed some fancy dresses and stepped into changing rooms to put them on. After a few minutes of this, Adagio, Aria and Sonata stepped out in sparkling outfits, their hair up and styled and the perfect amount of makeup needed to increase their beauty without looking like a clown.

The three strode over to them, Adagio smirking as she struck a pose. "How do we look?" They all gave them a thumbs up and the girls smirked as the stagehand rushed over to them.

"Alright girls. It's your time to shine."

"Of course it is," Adagio began to stride forwards. They all stepped up to the curtain and waited for the announcer to introduce them. Once they did, the girl stepped out onto the stage and began to walk down the catwalk.

The VIPs watched them closely, seeing how well they walked, posed, presented themselves and so much more. Each of the girls showed off how well they understood what was expected of them. The Rainbooms all nodded, Rarity looking amazed at their skills.

Once they reached the end of the stage, music started playing and the girls began to dance around to it. Their movements perfectly synced with the music and showed their grace and dancing skill. If the VIPs were impressed before, their socks were blown off seeing this.

Flash, Shining and Trixie all watched the performance from their spots and smiled at how well the three were doing. They had no doubt the girls were impressing the VIPs. Their future was set.

But as they looked around, they still saw no sign of Amethyst.

They were starting to think the girl wasn't going to show up. But then, a girl stepped backstage matching the description Adagio had given her. "There!" They pointed at her, as she rushed over to one of the racks and picked up a dress.

"Excuse me!" Shining rushed over to her, the girl looking a little worried as she turned to them. "Are you Amethyst Star?"

"Yes?" She nodded, "is something-" She stopped, as she recognised Flash and her eyes went wide.

"We want to talk to you about something our friends witnessed yesterday," Shining explained. "I know you're busy with this showcase, but your life could be in danger."

"They didn't see anything yesterday," Amethyst announced as she rushed over to one of the changing rooms. "Please, just leave me alone." The boys frowned at this, but Trixie patted them on the shoulder.

"Leave this to me." She stepped towards the changing room and headed inside, where Amethyst was taking off her clothes. "Want some help? I promise, I won't talk about what happened." Amethyst looked at her suspiciously, but nodded as Trixie began to help her get ready. "But you don't have to be scared of what's happening. We're not gonna arrest you or anything."

"You sure about that?" Amethyst asked, "I heard they seem to arrest anyone who doesn't classify as normal. Like those six Sentry fought a few weeks back."

"That's different," Trixie told her. "Those idiots used their abilities to harm people. You haven't done that, have you?"

"No," she took off her headband and started pulling up a pair of socks. One was blue and the other was purple. "But I don't want to be seen as some kind of freak."

"You're not a freak." Trixie picked up a piece of makeup and threw it at her, "heads up!" Amethyst saw it and screamed, the purple light appearing in front of her to form a barrier that the makeup bounced off of. When it did, Trixie could sense the power coming off of her and realised it was a Medallion. "I knew it."

"What the heck?" She asked, looking angry until Trixie took out her Luna Cat Mask and placed it on her face. In a flash, she transformed and Amethyst could only gasp. "You...you're...Lady Masquerade."

"Yup," Trixie nodded. "Let me explained the situation to you."

Flash and Shining continued to wait outside the changing room, wondering what had been going on in there.

They had heard a startle a few minutes back, but Trixie not yelling reassured them that nothing bad was happening. And as they continued to wait, the Dazzlings stepped up to them having completed their showcase.

"Nice work out there," Flash told them. "Those guys would be insane to not give you girls a chance to become stars." The girls smiled at this, then turned to the changing room and asked what was happening. "We found Amethyst. Trixie's trying to get her to talk to us." As he said that, the door opened and Trixie stepped out in her normal clothes.

Amethyst followed and was now dressed up like the Dazzlings. She was wearing a light blue dress that had a purple mini skirt as part of it, along with high heels, long white gloves and had her hair straightened.

"Hey," Trixie smiled, "I just finished telling our friend about where her powers come from."

"That'll save us time," Flash nodded. "So, Amethyst. What do you wanna do?" Amethyst looked confused by this, Flash turning to Trixie. "I thought you told her everything."

"Just about the Medallion and where it comes from," Trixie explained. "I was getting to the next part."

"What part?" Amethyst asked.

"What do you want to do with your powers?" Shining explained. "You're going to need to eventually give the Medallion up. But when is up to you. You can use your powers to help a lot of people. To be a superhero, like the three of us."

"But doing that will also put you in danger," Trixie explained. "That Devious guy I told you about. He's still out there. And he won't rest until he get all the remaining Medallions. If you keep this power, you'll be hunted by him. It doesn't look like he knows about you yet, but he'll find you eventually. And when he does, he's gonna try and take the Medallion from you. And doing that is a process that could kill you."

Amethyst looked shocked by this, the others seeing she was about to have a panic attack. "It's cool!" Flash assured her. "If you don't want to keep you powers, you can just give them to Trixie. She can take the Medallion without killing you. But it needs to be your choice."

Amethyst looked contemplative. On one hand, she had been terrified of having this power since the moment she discovered them. On the other hand, she knew simply giving them up could be a danger as well. What to do?

But before she could answer, one of the stage hands stepped up. "Miss Star. You're up."

Amethyst nodded before turning to the others. "Can we please talk about this later? I really need to focus on this right now." The others nodded, knowing how important this was to her.

"But we'll be keeping an eye on you," Trixie explained. "If anything happens, don't worry. We'll protect you." Amethyst nodded and headed for the stage, everyone else quickly rushing out from backstage and praying Devious and Chrysalis weren't going to be causing any problems.

Alas, the pair were up in the rafts and waiting for their prey to reveal herself. And she did, stepping out onto the catwalk and strutting her stuff. Chrysalis had to admit, she carried herself with grace and elegance, along with having just enough sex appeal not to come off as too much of a tease.

"I almost feel bad about ruining this for her."

"I don't!" Devious raised his staff and launched a fireball right towards Amethyst, the girl seeing it coming and gasping before the forcefield appeared around her.

The flames struck the shield and exploded, Amethyst staggering backwards as multiple fireballs started raining down on the crowd.

Luckily, Flash and his friends jumped into action. The teen had activated the Omnitrix and transformed the second the first fireball appeared, the teen morphing into the building blocks gorilla. "Bloxx!" He extended his arms use them to intercept the fireballs before they could it anyone, flinching as his arms were blown up.

As he began to regenerate them, Rarity put up another wall of shields that blocked the remaining fireballs along with the lightning bolts that were also sent down towards the ground. She kept the shield up, as the rest of the Rainbooms all rushed to get the people out of there and to safety. The only ones that stayed behind were the Dazzlings, who took cover behind a large table.

Trixie and Shining both suited up, Trixie becoming her Luna Cat form and using her staff to pole vault up towards the spot the attacks were coming from. But as she flew up towards it, Chrysalis touched the ceiling and create a web that filled the entire room.

First, she warped Trixie down so she ended up crashing into several chairs. Then, she warped herself someplace else as Devious kept launching his attacks.

Amethyst rushed backstage, only to find herself running into Chrysalis. "Hello there!" She grabbed the girl before she could put up a shield. "That was a nice show you put on. Apologies for ruining it. But we're gonna need that Medallion from you." But before she could create another web and teleport away, Rainbow suddenly rushed up and tried to punch her.

Chrysalis barely managed to let Amethyst go and leap back, avoiding the super speed punch.

Rainbow skidded to a stop and shielded the girl, "put up a shield!" Amethyst could barely figure out what was going on, her mind to scrambled to think straight. "Hurry!" But she did nothing, allowing Chrysalis to create a web beneath her feet that once against filled the entire room.

"Too late!" She teleported Rainbow in front of her before using one of her metal legs to slam Rainbow in the chest.

The girl cried out, as she was thrown through the air. Luckily, Bloxx managed to catch her and put her down. As he did, Shining fired his laser blaster into the rafters and almost hit Devious. But before the attacks could land, Chrysalis teleported him down to the ground.

The multi-element dragon raised his staff and unleashed a powerful gust of wind, which almost blew everyone away.

Bloxx managed to grab onto a pillar to stop himself, then quickly threw his fist forward and slammed Devious in the chest. "Augh!" He was knocked back, the wind stopping as Trixie rushed over to Devious.

She tried to slam her staff onto his head, but Chrysalis teleported him away at the last moment before warping the rest of them to different areas of the room. They were all thrown off by this, none more so than Amethyst.

She was alone and Chrysalis quickly flew over and grabbed her by the neck, making her gasp as she was lifted off the ground. "Now, why don't you give me that Medallion of yours?" Amethyst couldn't breath, the girl's legs kicking out but doing little against the super powered woman.

"Get off of her!" Bloxx threw another punch at her, but Chrysalis moved so Amethyst was between them.

"Nice try, alien boy. But nothing is going to stop us from getting our hands on this Medallion." Shining tried to shoot her, but Chrysalis teleported the pair of them over to Devious.

As they stood behind him, Devious raised his staff before slamming it into the ground. As he did, the Medallion on the staff glowed before unleashing a wave that flew throughout the entire room. When it did, everyone there suddenly found themselves feeling incredible dizzy and fell to the ground.

"Mad...Monkey!" Trixie cried, as Bloxx tried to transform into Bushwhacker. But he was so delirious, he couldn't get enough focus to lock on the alien or hit the Omnitrix.

Shining, Rarity and Rainbow all fell to the ground as well, whilst Chrysalis slammed Amethyst into the ground. "Now, the Medallion." She squeezed hard and a pink energy began to radiate of the choking girl and slowly move up to Chrysalis.

The others realised this was happening, but couldn't pick themselves up to help without falling over. Shining tried to fire his gun from the floor, but was worried he would accidently hit Amethyst.

Bloxx panted as he tried to focus, but the world was spinning too much. He heard the girl's cries of pain and realised they were running out of time. At this point, doing something and failing was better than doing nothing. "RAAAAH!" He extended his fist forward in an attempt to punch Devious, but missed him by a good foot.

"Haa!" Devious laughed, "nice try! But it's not going to work." He looked back at Chrysalis. "Hurry up!"

"I'm doing this as fast as I can," she told him. Amethyst screamed with the last of her breath, as more and more of her power began to be drained away.

As this was going on, the Dazzlings were still hiding and watched with absolute shock. "What do we do?" Sonata asked, having no idea how they were supposed to help without getting hit by the same spell that was affecting the others.

Adagio frowned as he looked around. Then, she noticed something right above Devious. The chandelier.

Following its hangings, she saw the ropes holding it up were trailing down the wall towards them and was tied up on the wall a short distance away. "There!" She picked up the table with her sisters' help and they all made their way towards the spot, as she reached into her bag and took out her nail file.

When they finally reached the rope, they remained hidden behind the table as Adagio started cutting into the rope.

Despite how thick it was, the rope holding the chandelier ripped apart easily. And by the time she got a third of it cut away, the rest could no longer hold up the strain and snapped.

The chandelier began to fall towards Devious, who looked up just in time to see it coming.

He gasped and leapt away, as the chandelier smashed against the ground and sent pieces flying everywhere. As it did, the others felt the effects of the Mad Monkey beginning to wear off and Rarity was able to put a shield up to protect them from the chandelier pieces.

Chrysalis also saw them coming and gasped, teleporting out of instinct up to the rafters. But using her Medallion's ability had broken the connection between her and Amethyst, the girl's power returning to her as Chrysalis held her off the ground.

Bloxx's senses came back to him at this point and he looked up to see Amethyst being held like that, so quickly threw his fist upwards and hit Chrysalis before she could sense him coming. "Augh!" She was knocked backwards and accidently released the girl, who fell to the ground only to be caught by Bloxx.

The alien gorilla pulled her back towards them, then turned to Adagio and the rest of the Dazzlings upon realising they had been their saviours. "Great work!" He told them, "now get out of here before they decide to take their frustrations out on you." The girls nodded and rushed for the exit, as Chrysalis and Devious picked themselves up.

They glared at them, only for Shining to start firing at the two.

Chrysalis made another web and warped them both away, the pair appearing on stage as Devious picked himself up. But before he could unleash another wave of dizziness, Bloxx hit the Omnitrix and transformed.

"Arctiguana!" He cried, firing a blast of ice towards the pair.

Devious' eyes went wide and through instinct, he thrust his staff forward and unleashed a stream of fire. The two attacks collided and filled the air with steam, the two appearing at a stalemate.

Chrysalis focused her attention on Amethyst, preparing to teleport her to them again. Amethyst saw this again and gasped, causing the light energy to fly off of her and create a dome around her and Trixie.

Chrysalis laughed, thinking she could just teleport her out of the dome. But to her shock, Amethyst and Trixie remained where they were. "What?" She tried again, but nothing happened. "Don't tell me. My web can't penetrate her barrier?"

Trixie heard this and was amazed, but also knew Amethyst wouldn't be able to hold it forever. They had to do this now, whilst they had the chance. "Amethyst." She turned to the girl, "do you really not want this power?" The girl nodded, having seen it as nothing but trouble. And this even wasn't helping her feel any better. "Alright, then you have to give it to me."


Trixie took her hands in her. "Close your eyes and focus only on me. When you renounce the Medallion, it will follow your direction. If you focus on me, it'll chose to come to me. But you have to focus." She closed her eyes and focused on the Trixie, taking deep breaths as she tried to ignore the sounds of battle going on outside.

Arctiguana stopped his ice blast and leapt into the air spitting out a bunch of icicles that Devious deflected with a blast of wind. Arctiguana then noticed Amethyst's shield beginning to flicker and quickly fired a blast of ice at the shield, the cold air freezing around the shield and forming a dome.

"You think I can't get them out of there?" Chrysalis asked, "once that shield's down they're mine." But as she said that, Shining started firing at them whilst Rainbow ran up to try and punch them. Chrysalis warped the pair to a safer spot, which Rarity threw gems at.

"We just need to keep them busy," Arctiguana stated. "Take their focus off Trixie and Amethyst!" Devious launched a blast of lightning and the ice lizard created a wall of ice, which blew up the second the lightning hit it. "Hurry!"

Back in the dome, Trixie watched as Amethyst glowed pink. The light began to flow off of her and formed a shape between them. Slowly, a pink coin with a black snake emblem appeared in the air. The snake appeared robotic, with metal shields on its side that looked like they could be used as wheels.

The Medallion began to suck the last of the energy out of Amethyst and when it did, the girl let out breath as the power completely left her body and the forcefield around them vanished.

The Medallion then shot towards Trixie and hit her chest, making her gasp as the power flowed into her. She let the power settle within her body, then smiled as she opened her eyes. "Thank you," she told Amethyst. The young girl smiled back as Trixie began to stand up. As she did, she extended her staff to hit the top of the ice dome.

This cracked the structure and made it fall apart, catching everyone's attention as Trixie stepped out from the ice ring.

Devious realised this could only mean one thing. "No," he cried, "NOOOOOO!"

Trixie smirked, "oh yes." She stepped up next to Arctiguana. "It's over. You can't take the Medallion from her anymore." As she said that, he mask began to change. "Give up." Her mask stopped glowing and revealed one that was form fitting to her face, with the Medallion on her forehead. The mask was pinkish purple in colour, with scale markings covering it, and two yellow triangles under the eyes that resembled fangs.

Soon, the rest of her suit started changing as well. It became a form fitting suit the same colour as her mask, but with black sections running down her sides starting from her armpit and stopping at her the back of her knee. Her entire suit was covered in the same scale patterns as her mask, giving her the appearance of a humanoid snake.

"Marvellous!" Rarity gasped, as Trixie stepped towards Devious.

"You think you can scare me?" Devious slammed his staff into the ground and unleashed the power of the Mad Monkey, but Trixie held up her hand and a dome of pink energy formed around her and the others. The Mad Monkey power hit the dome, but did nothing to the girl inside of it. "What? It can block my power as well?"

Trixie smiled as she held up her arm, which glowed pink before the light flew off or her and formed some kind of coil. When the light faded, Trixie could be seen carrying some kind of pink whip with a snake head on the end of it.

As soon as the force field around her vanished, Trixie swung the whip around and cracked it towards Devious. The whip actually extended and flew towards Devious, who held up his staff to block. But the snake head opened its mouth and grabbed the weapon in its clutches, Devious shocked by this.

"Hey!" He tried to pull it off, but Trixie's whip had a strong grasp on it.

Chrysalis saw this and quickly teleported Devious and his staff to a spot a few feet away, the man quickly recovering and unleashing a blast of lightning towards Trixie. But the girl put up a shield and the attack did nothing, as she swung her whip around.

The weapon extended and shot towards Devious, who expected it to grab his staff again. But instead, it flew down and grabbed him by the leg before Trixie gave it one good tug. This pulled Devious' feet out from under him, making him cry out as he was pulled to the ground and groaned.

Arctiguana tried to use this chance to fire a blast of ice in his direction, hoping to freeze him solid, but Chrysalis intervened and teleported him away again.

As Devious recovered, Shining ran at Chrysalis attempting to slash her with his sword. Chrysalis blocked with her metal legs and the two fought each other with Chrysalis teleporting around him to try and overpower him, but Shining was somehow able to anticipate her appearances and countered every attack she made.

Arctiguana launched several fireballs at Devious, who countered with blasts of fire only to get grabbed by Trixie's whip and thrown through the air.

Crashing down on the ground, he growled seeing the battle was no longer going his way. "Chrysalis!" The woman heard this and tried to teleport to Devious. But Trixie had another idea and held out her hand, focusing on the power she now possessed.

To her shock and delight, a forcefield actually appeared around Devious and blocked him over from Chrysalis. Said woman suddenly appeared and bounced off the field, causing her to be sent staggering back. As she did, Shining held up his blaster and fired a pulse of electrical energy towards her.

The pulse struck her and she cried out as she was electrified, causing her to fall to the ground unconscious. "NO!" Devious cried, attempting to blast his way out of the forcefield. But Trixie used all her strength to keep the dome active.

"It's over, Devious!" Trixie stepped towards him, "I'm not letting you out of there!" Devious growled, continuing to try and blast his way out. But nothing worked. "How fast does one of those pulses fire?"

Shining smirked as he rest his blast, "too fast for him." He pointed it at Devious, ready to fire the second she dropped the barrier.

Devious held up his staff, preparing to unleash a blast of wind. But Shining knew the blast could penetrate it. It appeared their victory over Devious was finally here.

However, before Trixie could drop the shield, an explosion rocked the building as one of the wall was destroyed. This sent rocks flying towards them, Trixie forced to drop Devious' barrier and put one up around her, Shining and Amethyst.

Rainbow rushed over to Rarity as she shielded them and Arctiguana formed an ice wall to stop any from hitting him. Devious unleashed the wind and protect himself, but quickly rushed over to Chrysalis and picked her up. "What's going on?" Arctiguana asked, as something flew into the building. A Ptera-Jet.

The mechanical dinosaur flew into the building and was carrying someone in its claws, everyone seeing this and being shocked to see Negatine there. "Looks like you could use a hand," he told Devious. "Good thing we were sent to make sure you didn't get captured."

"We?" Shining asked, only to hear stomping and look around to see a giant tiger run through the hole with the head of a goat and snake tail. Animac was riding atop of it and he charged towards Arctiguana.

The ice lizard unleashed a blast of ice that hit the beast's tiger head and froze it solid. But the goat head seemed to have control of the body and bounced at him, forcing Arctiguana to leap to the side in order to avoid it.

Animac leapt off the creature and landed next to Devious, as Chrysalis started coming around. Negatine also leapt down and fired a blast of energy from his device, creating a Flame Lynx that roared as it unleashed a blast of fire.

Trixie made a shield to block the fire, as Arctiguana froze the goat head and was surprised to see the creature still moving. The snake seemed to now have control, though Shining managed to behead it and cause the creature to finally drop. But as he did, the Ptera-Jet launched its missile and the two were forced to leap to safety.

"Where are the others?" Devious asked, Animac typing away at his glove.

"Busy acquiring more tech." He took out a monster ball and threw it, the beast inside revealed to be the fusion of a chicken and a crab. It squawked as it rushed forward, the claws it had in place of wings snapping at them. "Now let's get out of here before their pesky friends show up."

Chrysalis groaned as she finally shook off the stunning she took, her Medallion allowing her to recover much faster the a normal person. "Alright!" She slapped her hands together and created a web, which spread out and flew through the building walls.

Arctiguana managed to freeze the clawed chicken, as Trixie grabbed the Ptera-Jet in her whip and smash it into the ground. Shining shot the lynx through the head, as they all turned to the villains.

The web finished forming and before any of them could attack, the criminals suddenly vanished.

They all sighed at this, whilst Arctiguana returned to human form. Flash did not look happy, staring at the spot Devious and Chrysalis had just been. "Negatine and Animac. Does that mean Devious and Chrysalis are working with the rest of those guys?"

"It would seem so," Shining sighed. "Which is seriously concerning. And from what they said, looks like the others were using our focus on Amethyst to steal something." He activated his helmet and started bringing up police reports. "Damn it! Looks like there was a break in at a factory containing some company's devices."

"What kind of devices?" Rarity asked, Shining looking through the list.

"A few high specs generators. Some motherboards and a few prototype devices I have no idea about." At that moment, the rest of the Rainbooms and Dazzlings rushed in.

"We saw Negatine and Animac break in," Twilight told them. "What the heck were they doing here?"

"Seems they're working with Devious and Chrysalis," Trixie sighed. "Which is bad news for us." The girls all frowned at this news, but were also taking in Trixie's new look.

"So," Sunset looked her over, "I guess this means you got the Iron Serpent Medallion."

"That's right," Trixie nodded before turning to Amethyst. "Thank you. You have no idea how important this is to me. The power you've given me will make facing those two much easier."

Amethyst smiled, "I'm just glad I no longer have to worry about being attacked." She took Trixie's hands, "I know you'll be able to get the rest of those...coins. And I'm glad my power will help you do it." The two nodded, as the others all smiled.

The only one who wasn't smiling was Flash, who couldn't help but think about the combined forces of the villains. It had been bad enough when it was just the six of them, but now Negatine, Devious and Chrysalis were also thrown into the mix. This made Flash worried and also curious.

He wasn't sure how, but he knew there was someone else working behind the scenes. But who could bring those villains together?

When Devious and Chrysalis returned to their base with Animac and Negatine, Devious did not look happy.

"Raaaaah!" He kicked over a wooden crate, "we were so close!" The three moved over to another part of the warehouse, not wanting to be in Devious' line of fire as he vented. "We almost had the Medallion. It was inches from our grasp. But then those fools got in the way AGAIN!" He blasted another crate with a bolt of lightning.

In this moment, Viral, Dragstar, The Hypnotist, Dynamo and Doddery arrived. "Someone not get their new toy?" Dragstar laughed, as Devious turned to glare at them.

"I thought joining up with others was supposed to work in my favour?" Devious roared, "but you lot have done nothing to help us!"

"Hey!" Dynamo frowned, "give it time. We've only been working together a little while. And it's the boss that told us not to help you out right now."

"Yes," Doddery nodded. "But look on the bright side. You distracted Sentry long enough for us to steal the parts we needed. Now we're one step closer to completing our ultimate goal...whatever that apparently is."

"So what is this goal?" Devious asked. "What is he building that will help me get my Medallions!?"

"Something that will allow us to counter Flash Sentry's arsenal of aliens." Everyone spun around and looked towards a dark corner of the warehouse. There, a figure stood hidden in the shadows. "Devious, you need to show a little more patience. Nothing worth having ever came easy."

"I've been more than patient," Devious told him. "Now I demand you tell me what you're building that's so important, you let me lose my Medallion and almost get captured!"

The figure sighed. "I'm not so much building as...upgrading something. The same device I used to create Viral's body and the devices that the rest of our team uses. The Subatomic Printer."

"What kind of upgrade?" Negatine asked. "The device worked perfectly on Viral."

"True. And I could use it now to reacquire my former power. But why settle for something the enemy already has, when there's a chance there's something better out there for you to take?" He finally stepped forward, revealing himself.

He was a teenager with pale orange skin, black hair with red streaks and ruby red eyes. He wore a red jacket and black pants, with an emblem on his shoulders that was a red shield with a black lightning bolt on it. It was the digital clone of Flash Sentry, who had once framed Flash until a battle with him had caused his body to be altered. Negatine's greatest creation, Shadow.

Most of the criminals weren't exactly happy about working for someone who looked so much like their mortal foe. But the weapons he had made for them, had certainly shifted their opinion of him.

Shadow held up his wrist, showing them the Omnitrix copy that lacked the core. "Once the Subatomic Printer is ready, it'll give me the power to not only restore my abilities, but improve them."

"Improve them how?" Doddery asked, as Shadow laughed.

"I'm not sure yet. But it's a big multiverse out there. I'm sure somewhere out there, a more powerful version of the Omnitrix exists. And when I find it, I'll make it my own." He stepped over to a computer and pressed several buttons on it, causing the ground to begin to open up. When it did, something was lifted up into the warehouse.

That something was the device that had created Viral's body, now connected to a large set of machinery that looked so large it barely fit inside the building. Shadow stared at the device and smiled. Soon, he would have his powers back. And everyone that ever got in his way would pay for it.

One week later.

Flash could hardly believe he was standing there, in an airport with Shining, Trixie and the Rainbooms. They were all there to see off their friends, Amethyst along with the three Dazzlings.

Despite the insanity that had occurred during the performance, Adagio, Sonata and Aria had managed to impress the VIPs who had also seen their other works like the commercials and magazines. Because of this, the girls and Amethyst had all been invited to Hollywood in order to try out for some movie parts.

The girls would be given rooms and allowances for several weeks, whilst they tried to get parts in movies. And at the end of that time, if they didn't get anything, the girls would be given the option to stay or return to Canterlot. Of course, Flash and his friends knew they would find work there. What idiot wouldn't want these gorgeous girls in their movies?

"Well," Adagio sighed, "this is it. We're off to become movie stars."

"We'll miss you," Shining told him. "You girls be careful over there. LA might seem like a perfect city, but there's just as much crime there as anywhere else."

They nodded as Aria smirked. "At least there, we're less likely to get attacked by laser guns and alien monsters."

"Don't jinx us!" Sonata cried, everyone laughing as the overhead speak announced the flight was beginning to board. It was time to say goodbye.

"I never thought this moment would happen," Adagio stated as the other girls began to head to the gate. "When you girls defeated us and took our magic, I thought that was the end for us. Who knew it was actually the beginning?" They nodded. Despite how much they had hated Adagio when they first met, she had somehow wormed her way into everyone's heart.

"You can come back to visit," Pinkie told her. "When you're rich and famous, you'll have your own private jet and get to fly over whenever you want." Adagio laughed and promised she would.

"So long as you guys agree, to come see my first blockbuster when it comes out." They all nodded again, as Adagio turned to Flash. "Hard to believe this is where that random dating site match led us."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "feels kind of crazy. But...we both learned a lot from each other. And this isn't goodbye. It's...until we meet again."

Adagio smiled, "I can live with that." She and Flash stepped forward, hugging one another as Adagio whispered into his ear. "I'll deny this is you ask again, but you totally would have won the battle of the bands if we didn't have our magic." Flash smirked at this, as Adagio pulled back before leaning forward and planting her lips on Flash's.

Everyone was shocked by this, Adagio kissing the now brain dead Flash for five seconds before pulling back.

"Errr..." was all Flash was able to say Adagio stepped away. She gave him one final wink before rushing towards the gate where her sisters were waiting. Everyone else waved at Adagio until Flash finally rebooted and waved at her as well.

The Dazzlings disappeared through the gate and headed to the plane, everyone sighing as the three were now gone. It felt so sudden, but they knew Adagio and her sisters would be happy in their new lives.

They waited and watched the plane take off and once it was in the air, Flash let out a sigh.

A hand was placed on his shoulder and he looked over at Twilight, who smiled at him. "Don't worry. We'll see them again." Flash nodded and the group began to leave, some of them already missing Adagio. But right now, they had other things to worry about.

Devious and the other villains were still out there somewhere. There was no telling when they would strike again and the lot of them would need to be ready. Canterlot and its citizens wouldn't be safe until those criminals were safely behind bars. And it was the mission of Flash and his friends to put them there.

Nothing would stop them. No matter how impossible the task might seem, they would accomplish it.

Author's Note:

Man, this chapter had a lot. A new Medallion, the reveal of Shadow and the Dazzling's farewell. Like the characters said, this won't be the last we see of them. Though it will be the last of them in this story, we'll see them again. Until then, I hope to see you guys here again next week.

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