• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 5: No One Can Hear You Scream

The Canterlot Highway was running smoothly, the time of day having little traffic on the road. It should had been a calm and peaceful drive time, but it wasn't.

A loud engine revved as an expensive looking spots car shot down the street, swerving back and forth to avoid crashing into the backs of the other vehicles. The car was driving well over the speed limit, the driver laughing as he cruised down the highway.

Said driver was the convicted criminal, Dragstar, who had recently escaped from prison and instantly went back to his old ways of stealing fast cars. "YEAH!" He cheered, narrowly missing a car. He might no longer have the tech needed to upgrade cars, but he knew enough about them to break in and hot-wire one.

As he drove passed a minivan, sirens caught his attention and made him look back and see police cruisers chasing after him. "Can't let a guy have his fun." He tried to outrun them, but knew there was likely a blockade to stop him up ahead.

As such, he quickly got off at the next exit and decided to take the chase to the city streets. The police continued to follow, but had to slow down due to not wanting to cause any damage.

Dragstar swerved through the city, almost hitting several cars and pedestrians as he tried to shake his tail. It was a miracle nobody was hurt, but it was clear Dragstar wasn't going to come easily.

But as he turned to race down another street, this one empty of cars, he saw someone step out and stand in the middle of the road. "Your funeral," he laughed as he built up speed. But if he knew who it was, he would have gone another way.

Flash Sentry smirked as he watched the oncoming car, not scared in the slightest.

He activated the Omnitrix and selected his alien, slamming down the dial and unleashing a green flash that blinded Dragstar. And when the light faded, it reveal a giant black and grey beetle. It's main body stood at around five feet, with a giant gray lower jaw and a long curved horn that had a green hole in the top of it that added another two feet to it. The front and back of his shell was black, with a gray line running over his stomach area. His arms and legs being a mix of black and gray, with gray fingers and toes, whilst the Omnitrix was on his chest just above the gray line.

"EATLE!" The alien cried, shocking Dragstar as he realised who he was about to run down. But he wouldn't be running anyone over.

The alien insect braced itself and the car rammed into him, only for Eatle to grab it by the front and be pushed backwards. His feet remained forced into the ground, causing him to cut up the street as he was pushed back. But this also slowed the car down and allowed Eatle to get a strong grip on the bumper.

The next thing Dragstar knew, the car was being lifted into the air by the strong insect. This caused the front drive car to come to a stop, allowing the police to catch up. "You wanna take a vehicles, try a bus."

Dragstar growled before opening the door and leaping out, falling to the ground and making a run for it.

Eatle quickly dropped the car and quickly picked up the destroyed pieces of the road, throwing them into his mouth and quickly eating it without too much issue. As he did, the hole of the top of his horn began to glow. "Fire!" A green laser exploded out of it and flew towards Dragstar, hitting the spot in front of him and causing an explosion.

Dragstar was knocked flying backwards, as Eatle rushed over. The crook leapt to his feet and tried to punch the alien out, but Eatle didn't even feel the fist as it hit his face. Instead, he swung his horn around and slammed it into Dragstar. The speedster cried out as he was knocked into the side of the car, moaning as he slid to the ground.

Eatle put his foot on his chest, keeping him in place as the cops arrived.

They soon had Dragstar in custody, the police thanking Flash as he nodded and walked away. But as he did, he got a call on his phone. "Hello?"

"Flash?" Shining called out, "get to the base right away. There's something here you'll wanna see." Flash smirked and transformed into XLR8, zooming down the street and making his way through the town until he arrived at the base.

Returning to human, he rushed into the elevator and teleported himself to the main control room. There, Shining, Trixie, Adagio and the Rainbooms were all standing around a computer staring at something. "What's up?"

"You won't believe this," Shining smirked. "We got an SOS from space." He was right, Flash didn't believe it. He stepped forward, as Shining brought up a diagram of the solar system and showed a highlighted area outside of it. "The signal's coming from here. Probably a ship in distress that's been rendered adrift."

"So someone out there's asking for help?" Sunset asked, Shining nodding as he tried to triangulate the coordinates. "So what are we supposed to do? Call the plumbers and have them go save them."

"No. We're going to save them." This statement shocked everyone, as Shining got up. "As the plumbers of this solar system, it's our duty to come to the aid of anyone in need."

"We get that," Rainbow nodded. "But they're in space...space!"

"How do you intend for us to get from here to there?" Adagio asked, only for Shining to turn back and give them all a devilish smirk.

He lead them all to the transport pads and they warped down to a lower level. Turns out, there was a level just below the power core. One which was one giant aircraft hanger. And when Shining turned on the lights, they were shock by what they saw.

It was a spaceship, but not like the Plumber ships they had seen.

This one was mostly white with black trim, being pill-shaped with a flat rear where the thruster was. On either side of the main body was a triangular prism wing with a points tip, connected to the ship by rods with smaller thrusters on the back.

"Say hello to the standard issue, Plumber spaceship. Equipped with everything we'd need to travel through the galaxy. Replicator units to allow for months worth of a voyage, full bathroom and cleaning area, sleeping quarters, jail cell and an engine that'll allow warp six point five."

"No way," Flash whispered. "How long has his been down here?"

"Got delivered a few weeks ago," Shining replied. "I didn't say anything, cause I knew you guys would want to take a joyride. I'm just glad the control systems are separate from the rest of the base. If Viral had gotten her hands on this, who knows what could have happened."

"ALRIGHT!" Pinkie cheered, "we're going into space." The teens all looked absolutely amazed, with even Fluttershy looking excited.

"What are we waiting for!?" Twilight cried, "let's get going."

"Hold it!" Shining stopped them. "Not that simple. Only three of us will be going." That statement made them all gasp, looking horrified by his announcement.

"What?" Trixie asked, "why?"

"Simple. We've only got three EVA suits. If more of us go and an accident occurs, those not wearing one won't last more then ten seconds if the hull breaches."

They sighed, seeing his point. "Alright," Applejack crossed her arms, "so who gets ta go?"

"Well, I'm the only one who knows how to fly this thing. So it's gonna have to be me. And Flash is the only other one here who's actually a plumber, so he'll need to come to. That just leaves one space for any of you."

The girls all stared at one another, wondering who would be the best to go. Many expected Twilight to be the one, but Twilight seemed to be thinking something else. "Rarity," she told them.

"What?" The fashionista cried, "why me?"

"You're the only one whose powers won't be effected in a space environment. Super speed and strength are pretty much useless in a zero gravity environment. And explosions in space never go well. My powers could work, but spaceships aren't built to have random stuff lying around. You can make your gems appear from nowhere, so you're the best choice."

Rarity frowned, Shining patting her on the shoulder. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"No," Rarity shook her head, "I'll do it. Someone's asking for help and I won't refuse them." Shining smiled, proud of her as he stepped over to a locker and pressed a button.

The lockers opened and three suits came out of it, all looking exactly the same.

The chest and shoulder-pads were white metal, with black leather sleeves, legs and waists. The stomach was gray along with a section of the legs, whilst white metal cuffs were around the wrists with white gloves and white metal boots. Glass dome helmets were also on top of the chest armor, a plumber badge being connected to said chest.

"These are what we'll be wearing," Rarity frowned. Clearly, she was not big on how they looked. "The plumbers really need to work on their designs."

"They're meant for function, not aesthetics." Shining started putting his own, whilst Rarity sighed.

"They couldn't have gone for both." She reached for a suit, but Shining stopped her.

"That one's for Flash. It's been specially made so he can activate the Omnitrix." They looked at the suit's arm and found the cuff was different from the others, being shaped to almost perfectly mirror the Omnitrix.

Flash quickly put it on, the others helping him due to how big a clunky it was. But once it was on, he found it was actually quite well made. He held up the Omnitrix and found a button on the cuff, hitting it to find a section of it open up and project the same image as was on the Omnitrix.

Once they were all suited up, they turned towards the ship and walked towards it in a line. Pinkie recorded this, intending to play it back in slow motion, as the others watched them ascend into the ship.

Inside, Flash and Rarity were amazed by high tech it was. Shining quickly gave them a rundown of where everything was, then lead them to the bridge where five seats could be seen.

Flash sat down and turned to Shining. "So how exactly is this thing gonna get into space when it's a mile below the surface?" Shining smirked as he took his seat, Rarity doing the same as they buckled themselves up.

"Watch." He started powering the ship up, then hit a button to turn on the external speakers. "You girls might wanna get out of the room. There's a place you can watch to your left."

Outside, the others looked around and spotted a door leading into another room. They headed inside and found the room was full of screens, Twilight turning them on to show an image of the ship powering up.

The ship began to hover, as it turned towards one of the other walls. And that wall quickly opened up to reveal a long hallway, with a flat dead-end. "Powering up transporter," Shining announced. The end of the hallway suddenly lit up, as lightning shot inwards from the four corners and met in the middle.

This created a swirling vortex, which consumed the entire end of the hallway. Rarity and Flash were a bit freaked out, but Shining smirked as he hit the go button. The next thing everybody knew, the ship exploded forward and the three felt themselves pinned to their seats.

The ship shot through the tunnel and was moving at over a hundred miles an hour by the time it flew into the portal.

Everyone watching was shocked by this, as the portal continued to rage for several more moments before shrinking down and eventually disappearing all together. They all shared a look, knowing their friends were likely going where no man had gone before.

Flash stared out the window of the ship, as the energy swirled around them into a tunnel of light.

That tunnel kept spinning and spinning, until the ship finally reached the other side and flew out of it. Flash was blinded for a moment, but soon recovered and found he was now staring out into space. "Wow," he whispered.

"How did we get into space?" Rarity asked, with Shining smirking.

"Try and look behind us." The pair moved over to the edge of the window and saw that the moon was right behind them, whilst the earth was floating behind that. "Plumbers installed them when they delivered the ship. Spacial gates that open portals too and from the base. Perfect for flying to and from the planet without anyone noticing."

"Awesome," Flash smirked. "I can't believe I'm in space. This is like a dream come true."

"Don't get too excited," Shining told him. "Don't forget, we're on a job." They nodded as Shining typed away at the computer. "We're heading into warp. Going in three..two..one." The space around them suddenly stretched before being pulled towards them like a rubber band. The next thing they knew, they were in another tunnel of light.

"Wow," Flash smirked, "this is warp?"

"Yup," Shining smirked. "Warp one. It'll get us to the ship's coordinates in an hour."

"That fast?" Rarity gasped, remembering the ship was supposed to be outside the spaceship. "Why not use a higher warp and get there faster?"

"We'd also have to slow down a lot faster. The ship can't just go from warp to nothing. It's a gradual process. This might take us an hour, but at least we'll get there."

Flash sighed, "so what are we supposed to do in that time?"

"Well," Shining smirked, "I'd plug the Omnitrix into the computer in front of you." Flash looked confused, as Shining hit a button. Suddenly, the console extended a lead with a USB plug on the end of it. A port also opened up on the suit, allowing Flash to plug it in and make the computer in front of him show images of all his aliens.

"What's this for?"

"We're going into an entirely new environment. It's possible your aliens might not be able to handle it."

"My aliens can handle anything," Flash argued.

"Can Volt-Edge breath in the vacuum of space?" Flash was about to reply, but then realised he didn't know. "If you transform, your EVA suit will disappear just like your normal clothes do. You really wanna fight in space, not knowing which aliens can survive in it?"

Flash gulped, realising Shining was right. "Okay. So what can this computer do?"

"It'll tell you which aliens can survive in the environment you type in. You need to memorise which ones will be able to do that." Flash nodded and typed the word space into it, waiting for the computer to analyse each alien. And soon, some of his aliens started vanishing from the display.

In fact, a lot of aliens vanished from it. Flash gulped as he watched some of his strongest aliens disappear. "Not good." When the last alien vanished, he found he only had a handful of them left. "Kagenobi, Diamondhead, Goop, Way Big and..." He groaned. "I'm totally being crippled here!"

"This isn't the first time you've been in a situation where only a few aliens can help."

"Yeah, but I've never had this few options." He suddenly got a terrified look. "Oh man. What if the Omnitrix gives me the wrong alien? What if I try and go Kagenobi and get Riot-Horn instead? Of course the one time I don't want Riot-Horn, it'll give me it."

"If that happens then change back," Shining told him. "You won't instantly die the minute you're in a vacuum. Just don't hold your breath and turn back and fast as you can."

"Okay," Flash sighed.

"Although, space is pretty cold. If you don't die from the vacuum, you might freeze to death before you can turn back." Flash's panic was quickly restored, as Rarity frowned at Shining.

To take Flash's mind off his possible impending doom, Shining showed him and Rarity how to fly the ship. It was on autopilot, he they were able to sit at the controls and get a feel for it. Both were excited to give it an actual flight when they had the chance.

They eventually arrived at the area the distress call was coming from and once Shining took the wheel again, he brought them out of warp and they slowed to a stop. Dropping to impulse power, they found themselves a few thousand miles from the point of the signal.

A few thousand miles was a five minute trip for this ship, allowing them to finally come into visual contact with the ship. And they were amazed by what they saw.

The ship was as big as an oil tanker, being roughly seventy meters in length. But the most amazing part of the ship wasn't its size, but its shape. Because said shape was that of a fish. It was a massive metal fish, that looked like it had been swimming through the void of space. Its fins and tails all appeared to have thrusters on it, allowing the ship to move however it wanted.

It was probably amazing at full power. But right now, it was completely dead in the water.

As they got closer, they saw the ship's hull had a bunch of dents and half a fin had been ripped clean off. If it was a real fish, it would probably be floating upside down.

"What happened to it?" Rarity asked, as Shining scanned it.

"Looks like it got caught in a meteor storm. Knocked out propulsion and probably a few more systems." As the scan completed, he got a name for the race that used this ship type. "Says it belongs to the Ickthyperambuloids."

"The who?" Flash asked, Shining bringing up an image of what appeared to be a blue fish with legs.

"That's their official name, but most of the universe call them walkatrout. They're probably one of the weakest sapient aliens in the galaxy, only alive thanks to how hard it is to catch them."

"So these aliens are the ones we have to find?" Rarity asked, Shining nodding as he flew up next to the alien ship. He tuned the ship so that the two ship's bottoms where pointing at one another, sending out a metal tube from the bottom that linked to the ship's underside and airlock.

"Connecting computers now," Shining looked through the incoming info. "Says here it's a transport ship, crew manifest of six who are transporting a bunch of food from another solar system."

"Six crew for something that big?" Flash was impressed. "Can you reach them on the coms?"

"Trying now," Shining couldn't get through, "nothing. And the ship's made of an alloy that's screwing up the scans, so I can't see if there are any life signs." He hummed as he continued to look through the ship's systems. "Computer says life support is online and there aren't any hull breaches. Should be safe to head over there." The teens nodded and they got out of their seats, heading towards the lower section where the airlock was located.

They stepped up to the airlock and as soon as Shining opened it, he pressed a button on his boots that made the lights on them power up. He quickly sat down and attached the bottoms to the metal tube before standing up. The other two followed suit and they walked up the tube, the airlock shutting behind them as the one in front activated.

Using his plumber badge, Shining overrode the controls and opened it up. And as soon as he did, the three instantly knew something was wrong.

Since they were standing at an angle, they were staring at the roof. And when the door opened, they saw a large gash taken out of the metal that made it up. They all shared a concerned look and Shining stepped forward, his Multi-Striker on blaster mode as he climbed up and out of the hole.

Flash and Rarity did the same, deactivating their mag-boots as they did. But they quickly regretted this, as the pair found themselves floating in the air. "Wow!" Rarity cried, reaching out and grabbing the roof. "What's happening?"

"Gravity system must be offline," Shining stated. He deactivated his own boots and floated as well. "This'll actually make it easier to get around the ship." He floated forwards and pressed a button on his helmet, "scanning for life forms." The suit had a limited range, so they had to make their way through the ship as it continuously scanned.

As they began their search of the ship, they couldn't help but notice the place looked like it had been torn apart.

Pieces of the walls and ceiling were ripped up, as if something had tried to claw at it. From what they had seen, the walkatrouts didn't have the ability to do this kind of damage. So the question was, what had?

Rarity gulped. "Is anyone else getting the feeling, that something's going to jump out at us and attack."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "this is just like that movie. The glass on these suits are unbreakable, right? Because I don't want eggs getting laid in my stomach." Shining rolled his eyes, only for his scan to pick something up.

"Life sign. It's two levels above us." He noticed a door to what appeared to be an elevator, which he forced open and found was completely empty. "Power to it must be out. Guess no gravity's gonna come in handy." He floated up and the others followed, eventually reaching the deck with the life sign.

After pushing their way out of the elevator, they followed the signal until they came to a room. "In there?" Flash asked, with Shining nodding as he took out his Multi-Striker.

Flash pushed open the automatic door and they found it was some kind of quarters, which actually looked like it hadn't been touched. They looked around, seeing no bed but what appeared to be a large fish tank in one corner. There wasn't any water, but a pillow was stuck inside of it.

They saw no signs of anyone inside, but soon heard something clunk and spun around to see a metal chest nailed to the ground.

They all nodded at one another and Rarity put up a shield wall, protecting them as Flash transformed into Bushwhacker. The alien reached out and grabbed the latch through a hole in the shield, pulling it open and throwing the lid off.

"AUGH!" Someone screamed, making them scream as they saw something float out of the chest.

It was a walkatrout, just like what they had seen on the computer. It was about the size of Spike and was really a fish with legs, its fins acting like arms. But when they saw one of its fins, they noticed it had been cut off so there was only a small part of its left which was bloody.

"Please, don't eat me!" The alien looked terrified, Flash turning back to human as Rarity dropped the shield.

"We're not gonna hurt you," Shining assured him. "We got your distress signal." He showed him his badge, "can you tell us who you are and what happened?"

The alien took a deep breath, "my name's Nemog. My crew and I were heading to Zamabam Three, when an asteroid storm came out of nowhere. Most of the power systems were knocked offline and there were several explosions that knocked me flying. Gravity died and we couldn't fix the ship."

"What happened to you?" Rarity asked, pointing at his cut off fin. "Did something do this?" Nemog nodded.

"Was it the same thing that ripped half the ship up?" Flash asked, Nemog nodding again. "What was it?"

"I don't know. It was fast and the lights were out, so I couldn't get a good enough look. It took off my fin and I barely managed to get away." He tried to float over to them, "you gotta get me out of here!"

"We will," Shining assured him. "But we've gotta find your friends first."

"They're all dead!" Nemog cried, "there's no way they could have survived an attack from that thing."

"You did," Flash pointed out. "We can't just leave without confirming whether they're dead or not. I won't do that."

"You can't seriously want to randomly search the entire ship whilst I'm injured like this!" The three frowned, understanding he was likely scared. But something about his voice made them think there was more to it then that.

"We'll split up," Rarity told them. "I'll take him back to the ship and if the creature attacks, I'll shield us and contact you." They frowned, but didn't see any other choice.

"Alright. Use the badge on your suit to access the airlock. Flash and I will search the ship again. If we don't make contact in one hour, try calling us. If we don't respond...don't come looking for us. We can't afford to lose anyone else." Rarity frowned, but nodded. The four of them headed out and split up, Rarity pushing Nemog down the way they came and looking disgusted at how slimy he felt.

In another part of the ship, something was skulking around one of the corridors.

It knew it had yet to capture all its prey. Despite having five other subdued victims ready to devour, the creature didn't like leaving anything left. It would find its prey and when it did, it would enjoy it.

Shining and Flash searched the rest of the ship and as they reached another level, they came out of the elevator and found the deck was just as damaged as the rest of the ship.

They floated through it and as they did, Shining's helmet picked something up. "Organic substance detected." They followed the scan and turned a corner, the helmet zeroing in on the substance.

That turned out to be a piece of a damaged metal was, that was coated in a strange purple substance staining it. "What is that stuff?" Flash asked, as Shining held up his badge to scan it.

He waited for the results to come through and was shocked by what he saw. "Some kind of venomous compound. It's too old to identify what it comes from, but it's dangerous. Looks like Nemog wasn't lying about a creature attacking them."

"Yeah," Flash nodded before realising something. "But how did it get on board?" Shining gave him a curious look. "You said there weren't any hull breaches. So how the heck could it have gotten aboard?" Shining realised he was right, making him frown. There was more to this story then Nemog had told them.

Nemog was currently being pushed through the ship, Rarity pushing him through it until they reached the area with the airlock.

"Great, get me in there." Rarity frowned at this, but knew better then to simply argue with him at this point. She created shield to stop Nemog from floating passed it and she took out her badge to open it up. But before she could, she heard something that stopped her.

"HELP!" She stopped and turned towards the voice, whilst Nemog looked terrified. "Please, help me!"

"It's one of your crew-mates," she gasped. "They sound close."

"They can wait!" Nemog cried, "you gotta get me to safety before them. Quick, hurry!" Rarity knew there was something more to his words then he was letting on, but wasn't in the mood to argue. She quickly opened the airlock and let him jump into the tube, but didn't follow him into it.

Once he was in the other ship, she closed the airlock and floated over to where the voice had come from. "Hello? If you can talk, speak to me."

"Please, help me!"

"Where are you?" Rarity asked, but the voice didn't answer. "Hello?"

"Please, help me!" Rarity frowned, fearing she might be walking into a trap. She was about to call her friends, but then another voice called out.

"Please," this one sounded female, "he's trapped!" Rarity floated forwards and heard the voice as it came from around a corner, making her float around it. And as she heard the voice call out again, she suddenly came face to face with something.

It was like no creature Rarity had ever seen before.

Its thin black skeletal body was almost twice her height, with four long and thin arms that turned blood red at the wrists. Its legs were exactly the same, turning red at the ankles. Its hands and feet were tipped with black claws that could be used as kitchen knives. Its head was covered in a red skull mask, the mouth opening and snapping shut.

Four horns were sticking out of its head, two straight ones at the back and two curved ones on either side of its head. Finally, its tail was even longer than it was and tipped with a spear-shaped blade that appeared to be dripping with some kind of liquid.

As soon as she saw it, she knew it was what had caused the damage to the ship.

The beast thrust its tail at her and she raised her shield, barely managing to make one before the blade hit it. The impact sent Rarity flying backwards, as the creature opened its mouth. "Help. Please help me!" Rarity gasped, hearing the voice she had heard before.

"What?" As she hit the back wall, her helmet brought up a warning. "Huh?" Moments later, information appeared on the helmet's glass showing the creature's name. "Fictusite?"

The beast let out a roar and leapt at her, claws ready to cut her to ribbons. But she put up a wall of gems that completely blocked it from her. As it did, more info appeared on the creature.

"Predatory creature that hunts by mimicking the loved ones of its prey, allowing them to get closer and sting them with its tail. Not good." She saw the creature slashing against her barrier, showing incredible strength as the gems started scratching.

Rarity leapt away and started to make a break for it, floating through the air as she contacted the others.

Flash and Shining arrived at the cargo bay and when they did, they found the place was just as much of a mess as the rest of the ship.

Boxes were littered everywhere and broken apart, showing the many different alien fruits and vegetables the walkatrouts had been hauling as they floated about.. But as they checked the very middle of the cargo bay, they were shocked to see a large cage chained to the floor.

The bars of the cage had been ripped out from the inside, confirming to the two that something had escaped from within.

"What could had done this?" Flash asked, as Shining examined the cage and determined the bars were meant to be electrified to stop them from being ripped apart.

"BOYS!" The pair flinched hearing Rarity's voice over the radio.

"What's wrong?" Shining asked, hearing fear in Rarity's voice.

"I found what attacked the ship. It's something called a fictusite!" Shining's eyes went wide, as he looked over at the cage and growled. "It attacked me, but I managed to get away. I'm not sure it'll give up, however."

"Not good." Shining floated towards the exit of the cargo bay, Flash right behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember all those drug busts I told you about?" Flash nodded, "well the stuff I arrested those crooks for gives you a sugar rush compared to what the venom of a fictusite does. That creature is illegal all throughout the galaxy. Not only are they dangerous killers, but they numb the brains of anyone who gets even a single drop of the venom into them."

"So what's it doing here?"

"The walkatrouts must have been smuggling it to another planet. But then the asteroid storm knocked out the propulsion. Must have also damaged whatever was powering the cage, so the fictusite was able to escape and go on a rampage."

"Guess that explains why Nemog was so insistent we get out of here. He didn't want us knowing his dirty little secret." Shining nodded as they floated through the ship, hoping to reach Rarity before the creature could.

"They might be criminals, but we still need to find the other walkatrout. The fictusite might have already eaten them...but we can't leave until we're absolutely sure."

"Got it," Flash nodded. "Leave that thing to me. Diamondhead should be able to handle it."

Rarity was absolutely lost, unsure which way the airlock was.

In her haste, she had run in the opposite direction of it and now had no idea which way to go. "Where's a map when you need one?" As she said that, her suit brought up a map of the ship. It seemed the computers on their ship had finished collecting all the data from this one. "Oh, that's useful." But as she turned a corner, she found herself coming face to face with the monster again. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!"

The fictusite slashed at her, but she managed to put up a shield and protect herself. She tried pushing it backwards, but the beast's arms and legs spread out and stopped her from doing so.

It roared as it tried to thrust its tail at her, Rarity barely managing to push herself out of the way. The monster finally climbed over her shield and as it stalked towards her, Flash and Shining arrived. "Rarity!" She looked around, the pair seeing the creature as it got closer. "Hang on!"

Flash activated the Omnitrix, the fictusite noticing them as Flash jumped forward. "Get ready to feel the hurt!" He slammed the Omnitrix down and transformed, pulling his fist back mid transformation. And when he threw it forward, he realised he wasn't Diamondhead.

The fictusite suddenly found itself getting punched by something that went splat as soon as it touched it, making it look down and see Goop staring up at it.

"Oh man. Seriously?"

"At least he got an alien that can survive in space," Shining stated as Rarity reached him. The fictusite roared as it slashed at Goop, only for its claws to slosh right through him.

Goop's body floated in bubbles all around the creature, Rarity noticing his anti-gravity projector was gone. "Did the Omnitrix glitch and not give him the device?"

"He doesn't need it," Shining explained as the green bubbles started flying around and hitting the creature. "Polymorphs evolved on a planet with little to no gravity. In a gravity-less environment like this, he's in his element." Goop reformed and quickly swung his arm around, morphing it into a whip that slammed into the creature and knocked it flying backwards.

As it flew down the corridor, Goop turned to him. "Get out of here!" He then went after the creature, Shining nodding as he turned to Rarity.

"Get back to the ship. Nemog's a crook, so I don't want him having full access to anything on there. I've gotta keep searching for the rest of his friends." Rarity nodded and the two went their separate ways, both following their suit's maps to direct themselves.

Goop chased after the fictusite, feeling freer than he had ever felt in the zero gravity.

"So this is what it's normally like for Goop." He turned a corner and found himself getting stabbed by the creature's tail, flinching as he felt the venom mix with his slime body. Luckily, he managed to turn that part of himself acidic and destroyed the venom before he could feel its effects.

The fictusite slashed at him, but he split in two and flew around him.

"Come and get me!" He cried, recombining and flying down the hallway. The fictusite chased after him and roared as it climbed through the hallways like a giant spider down a tube.

Goop zigged, he zagged, he went in any random direction he could find. And eventually, he turned a corner and found himself reaching a dead end.

"Uh oh." He turned back the way he came, but in that moment the fictusite appeared and glared at him. "Hey there." An idea suddenly popped into his head, as he noticed something very useful. "Can you survive in the vacuum of space?" The beast roared as it approached. "I hope that's a yes." He leapt forward and once again split apart to avoid the creature, reforming behind it and firing a ball of acid at it.

The ball flew passed and hit the back wall, melting it instantly and causing a hole to appear. The hull was quite thick, so the acid didn't melt all the way through it. But by the time it stopped melting, the hull's integrity was greatly weakened.

That was enough for the ship's hull breach system to activate, causing that area of the ship to be cordoned off as a wall quickly descended. "Later," Goop told the fictusite as he melted into a puddle. The beast chased after him, but he managing to escape under the wall before it completely closed.

He reformed on the other side, hearing the beast begin to slash at the wall. It wouldn't hold him for long. Hopefully, Rarity and Shining would be ready to leave by the time it got out.

Rarity returned to the ship and opened the airlock. When she got inside, she heard a voice calling out in frustration.

"COME ON!" She looked around and saw Nemog kicking the ship's control console, Rarity gasping as she realised what he was trying to do. "Start already and get me out of here!"

"You're not going anywhere!" He spun around, as Rarity rushed over to him. "It's bad enough you try and smuggle drugs through the galaxy, but now you're trying to steal our ship."

"I'm not stealing," Nemog stated. "I'm just...taking it without asking." Rarity glared at him. "Look, I have a right not to let myself get eaten. If I have to steal a ship, that's what I'll do!" He kicked the console again, only for it to start glitching as parts of it smoked up. "Uh oh." Suddenly, the console exploded with the pair leaping back.

Another explosion then rocked the ship, coming from outside. Rarity rushed over to the console and saw that the ship's thruster had just blown. "What have you done?"

"Hey, it's not my fault your crappy plumber ship can't handle a few kicks." But then Rarity noticed one of the panels under the console was open, with tools scattered around it that had been taken from the repair locker.

"That's it!" She used her magic to create a diamond under his feet, allowing her to lift him up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He tried to jump off, but Rarity turned it into a dome to trap him inside.

"Putting you somewhere you can't cause any more problems." She stepped towards the back of the ship, where the holding cell was located, glad to see the forcefield that kept it up was still intact.

She deactivated it and threw Nemog inside, the fish crying as he was thrown against the wall. He slid down, as the forcefield re-engaged. "You can't keep me locked up in here." Rarity ignored him and returned to the bridge, praying there was a way to fix this.

Shining continued his search through the ship and eventually, he found himself on the main bridge.

Opening the doors, he looked inside and was shocked by what he saw. "They're alive!" Five walkatrouts were floating around the room, Shining rushing over to them. He tried to grab one, but found he was really slippery. "Oh, right." Luckily, the fish alien rolled around so Shining could see its face. And when he saw it, he frowned at the ditzed out look he was sporting.

He noticed a cut on his body, then looked around and saw the others were pretty much the same and all had cuts. "Guess the fictusite got you guys." He had to get them back to the ship, but with their slimy bodies it wasn't going to be easy.

But then, he felt a presence behind him and spun around. "Wow!" Goop cried as Shining pointed his blaster at him, "relax. It's just me." Shining sighed and put it down, Goop looking around. "Guess you found them."

"Yeah. But they're in no state to move on their own. We're gonna have to carry them. What about the fictusite?"

"Contained, but probably not for long. We gotta move these guys, now."

"Not gonna be easy. They're so slippery, it's impossible to get a hold of them. Our best bet is to push them all towards the ship and that's gonna take a while."

Goop frowned, not liking the idea of sticking around. But then, he had an idea and hit the Omnitrix to transform. "Firefly!" He cried, becoming the alien insect.

"Flash, that alien can't survive in space. And if you use your fire in here, you'll burn up all the oxygen and smoke up the place."

"Relax. I got this." He suddenly spat out some silk and as the string floated in the air, Firefly quickly got to work fashioning it into a certain shape. Said shape was that of a large sheet, almost as large as he was. Once it was done, he hit the Omnitrix and transformed back to human. "Quick, grab to ends and we'll net them up."

Shining realised what he was saying and nodded, grabbing two corners before the pair started floating around the room. One by one, they grabbed the walkatrouts inside the sheet. And once the last one was inside, they closed it up and turned tied up the top to form a sack.

"Nice work," Shining smirked. "Now we can move them through the ship without issue." Flash nodded and they quickly headed for the bridge's exit. As they did, Shining contacted the ship. "Rarity, we're on our way. Start the ship like how I showed you."

"As much pleasure as that would give me, I can't. Nemog tried to hot-wire the ship and caused something to blow." Shining growled at this, planning to add that to Nemog's charges when they got back to earth.

They made their way through the ship, being careful whenever they turned a corner or climbed up a shaft to a higher level. They knew the fictusite could attack at any moment, so had to be careful.

Luckily, they didn't run into the beast and eventually made it back to the airlock. However, as Shining held up his badge, they heard a roar and knew that the fictusite must be approaching. "Not good."

"You focus on the repairs," Flash handed him the . "Let me handle the slobbering beast!" He leapt off and flew down the corridor, turning a corner and seeing the creature climbing through it. "There you are." He activated the Omnitrix, "ready for round two?" The beast roared before leaping forward, as Flash slammed the dial down and transformed into the alien he wanted. "Diamondhead!"

The fictusite roared and spun around, slashing its tail at him. But Diamondhead raised his arms and the blade didn't even scratch it.

"Too bad." He thrust his fist forward and punched the creature, knocking it backwards whilst he was also thrown back a little. But he managed to grab onto the wall and stop himself, turning his arm into a blade as he and the fictusite charged at one another.

Shining managed to get into the ship and threw the walkatrouts towards Rarity, who caught them in a sphere of gems.

"Put those crooks in the holding cell." Rarity nodded and rushed towards said cell, whilst Shining started looking at the damage done. His suit brought up the instructions needed to repair the damage, which didn't look too bad. "Hold on Flash." He took out some tools and started working. "We'll get you out of there as soon as possible."

Diamondhead dodged the fictusite's slash and sliced at it with his own blade.

The two continued to struggle against one another, the fictusite reaching out and grabbing his arms with its lower two arms. It then tried to slash at him with the upper arms, but this did nothing against him and he caused his arms to grow spikes.

The fictusite roared in pain, letting go of him and staggering back to hold its now bleeding hands. "Did that hurt?" Diamondhead laughed before firing his projectiles at the creature, only for this to send him flying back in the process. "Wow!" He fell into a door and accidently hit the button, opening it as the fictusite charged forward.

Diamondhead leapt to the side and the fictusite flew passed, Diamondhead looking around and seeing he was in the ship's mess hall. A mess hall with a large window making up one entire wall.

The fictusite roared as it charged, but Diamondhead turned one hand into a pick-axe and stabbed it into the floor. He then used the other one to fire at the creature, but it expectedly dodged. However, that was what Diamondhead had been expecting.

The projectiles slammed into the window and caused it to shatter, the air in the room instantly being sucked into the vacuum of space.

The fictusite was caught by surprise and sucked out the hole, being blown out into space. Diamondhead held onto the metal with all his might, hoping to ride out the pressure suction. But the metal ground soon gave way and he found himself being pulled towards the hole.

"Not good." He slammed his other bladed hand into the ground and that seemed to stop him, but the metal wasn't strong enough and he was pulled back towards the hole. This made him think fast and he realised he only had one chance.

So he put all his practise as Diamondhead into his making something in his fist and as he reached the hole, he formed an anchor and crystal chain.

He had been practising this with Diamondhead in case he ever needed it and he was happy did, as he was thrown out of the hole. "Here goes nothing!" He threw the anchor and it slammed into the side of the ship, hooking into the metal as Diamondhead held the chain tight.

As soon as it went tight, Diamondhead lost all his momentum and came to a dead stop in space. He quickly started pulling himself and eventually reached the ship again, making sure his feet grew spikes he could use to dig into the metal.

"Gotta get back to the ship," he stated as he ran around the hull. He had to be quick, knowing he probably didn't have much longer left before he became human again.

He ran around the outside of the ship and eventually spotted the plumber ship, smiling as he thought he was home free. But he was wrong.

As he ran towards the ship, something suddenly leapt towards him from out of nowhere.

He spun around just in time to see the fictusite flying at him. "AUGH!" He cried, feeling the creature tackle him. He staggered back, barely able to keep his feet stuck to the ground. "Get..OFF!" He threw the creature off of him, the fictusite's long arms allowing it to stab its claws into the ship to keep from being lost in space. "What's it gonna take to get rid of you?"

Shining continued to work on the ship's damage and was glad to see it wasn't too serious. The repair was easy, but fiddly.

Rarity returned from locking up the walkatrouts and looked over his shoulder, "please tell me you can get this thing flight worthy soon. Who knows how long Flash can last against that thing."

"I can fix it," Shining assured her. "But it's gonna take some time. And that's just in here. The explosion also damaged part of the thruster, so I'm gonna have to go out there and fix it as well."

"There's no way you can do all that before Flash powers down," Rarity told him. She thought and nodded. "I'll go." Shining looked at her in shock. "I might not be the most mechanically brilliant girl in the universe, but I've been able to fix my sewing machine a few time when it breaks. As long as I have instructions, I can do it."

"Alright," Shining nodded. "The tools you'll need are in the repair locker. Head to the outer airlock and use your mag-boots to make your way towards the thruster. Your helmet should give you the instructions you need." Rarity nodded and rushed over to the repair locker, opening it up and taking out one of the repair kits.

Back outside, Diamondhead and the creature continued to fight against one another.

Diamondhead slammed his fist into the ship's hull and sent out a line of gems, but this simply ripped part of the ship apart and almost knocked him off the ship. "Wow!" He managed to regain his footing, whilst the fictusite avoided the gems. "Not gonna do that again." He kept fighting, completely unaware that he was about to get company.

A section of the ship retracted, as a new part of it was risen up. Rarity was there, connected to the metal by her boots. As soon as she was outside, the sound of fighting caught her attention.

She looked around and saw Diamondhead on the other ship, fighting against the fictusite. The two were at a stalemate, it seemed, with the fictusite unable to damage Diamondhead whilst he couldn't fight at his full strength given her had to be careful not to accidently throw himself off the ship.

She quickly rushed over to the thrusters, her mag-boots allowing her to stay connected to the ship. She prayed she wouldn't need the jetpack, given how hard it probably was to control in the depths of space.

She reached the thruster and took out her tools, as the instructions appeared on the screen of her helmet. It highlighted the parts she was looking at and explained what she had to do, Rarity using her tools to start fixing it. It was surprisingly easy, but would need a lot of concentration.

"Raaah!" Diamondhead slashed at the beast, but the creature dodged his attack before slashing at him. He blocked with his arm and slashed again, but this time the fictusite stopped him by wrapping its tail around his arm.

Diamondhead was about to cut through it. But before he could, the fictusite swung its tail around with all the strength its could.

This caused crystal alien to be pulled up before he could fight back, the spikes on his feet ripping through the metal of the ship and no longer anchoring him to it. "WOW!" He cried, as he was thrown around before the fictusite released him. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" He was sent flying away from the ships, spinning through space with nothing to stop him.

Rarity looked up at this and gasped, "FLASH!" She hit her communicator. "Shining, Flash was just thrown off the ship. He's being sent drifting into space!" Shining heard this and rushed over to the computer, locking onto the Omnitrix. It was moving away and fast. If Shining didn't get the ship going soon, they could lose Flash's signal forever.

"Rarity, you need to get the engine working now. I'm almost done here, but the ship can't leave until you've fixed it out there."

Rarity nodded and got to work. But before she could start, she felt something behind her and looked around. When she did, she gasped seeing the fictusite flying towards her. It had leapt off of the other ship and its tail was ready to sting her.

She screamed and put up a shield, the fictusite slamming into it. But this didn't stop it, as it began to climb around it. Rarity added more shields, doming herself and the engine up so the creature couldn't get to her. But keeping the shield up was taking all of her focus, so she couldn't fix the engine. And the fictusite kept an arm dug into the ship's hull, meaning she couldn't push it away into space.

Diamondhead panicked as he was thrown further and further away from the ships, spinning through space out of control.

"This is bad," he told himself. "If I don't get back, I'm gonna drift too far and they'll never find me." He tried to fire projectiles to stop himself, but he was rolling around so much it did nothing. "What do I do?" He then remembered one of his aliens, which could help him out of this situation. However, if he transformed and got the wrong alien, he could end up suffocating.

The risk was terrifying, but he knew it was either that or float through space until he timed out, ran out of air or starved to death.

"I have to do it!" He reached down and slammed his hand on the Omnitrix, causing him to be consumed by light. Said light could probably be seen all throughout the surrounding space, as Flash transformed into a completely new alien.

This creature appeared to be a floating green metal lantern, with a green astronaut helmet on top of it. Looking through the glass of the lantern and helmet, they saw they were filled with a strange orange energy. That energy was flowing out the bottom of the lantern, forming a zigzagging tail that resembled lightning. From out of the lanterns sides, a pair of rubber tubes were coming out that formed arms, with ends that were tipped with spray nozzles. The Omnitrix was on the front section of the lantern's glass, whilst the energy in the helmet had a pair of blue lights that resembled eyes.

The alien's nozzle hands exploded with energy and he managed to straighten himself out with them, the rolling coming to a stop before he spun around in celebration. "LANTOOL!" He cheered, thanking his future self for unlocking this form.

Looking around, he saw the ships in the distance and made the energy coming out the bottom of him burst out to propel him forwards.

Rarity gasped as the fictusite's claw ground against her shield, causing a small crack to appear.

She panicked, thinking she might not be able to hold it up much longer. She was about to ask Shining to come out and save her, but then she saw something approaching from behind the beast. "Flash?"

Lantool flew towards the creature and as he did, the orange energy came out of his nozzle arms before taking shape. The right arm turned into a sword, whilst the left one turned into mechanical claw that he pointed at the fictusite. The claw then shot off his arm, remaining attached by a chord of energy.

The fictusite sensed the approaching source of energy and looked around, but too late to avoid the claw from grabbing its tail.

Lantool pulled on the claw and caused the creature to be pulled off of Rarity's shields. He tried to throw it into space like it did to him, but the creature's claws remained gripped onto the metal.

Not wanting to damage the ship, he dispelled the claw and flew at the creature. "Come and get me!" He flew passed the beast and avoided its claws, causing it to give chase. As he did, he pointed his left arm at the creature and unleashed a barrage of energy bullets.

The beast avoided each of these and Lantool flew over to the other ship, the fictusite following right behind. This allowed Rarity to finally put her shields down and get back to work, hoping Flash could hold on just a little longer.

Lantool reached the other ship and the fictusite wasn't far behind, the encased energy alien turning towards it whilst his left arm created an energy shield. And as the predatory alien slashed at him, he blocked it with his shield before slashing with his sword. The two duelled against one another, Lantool able to block and evade each slash before dealing a few of his own.

The energy that made him up couldn't burn or melt anything, but the shape of the energy allowed him to cut into the beast's skin. This made the alien roar in pain and try to stab him with its tail, but Lantool was able to block with his shield. The fictusite then leapt at him, wrapping its entire body around him in an attempt to simply crush him.

Lantool wasn't phased, however, and turned his sword into a jackhammer. "Now you'll learn why I call this guy Lantool!" He shoved the jackhammer into the beast's side and started pounding into it, the alien roaring as it let Lantool go. He then created a drill and buzzsaw, swinging one around whilst thrust the other into its chest.

The fictusite staggered back as Lantool continued to spin the tools, the beast leaping forward in an attempt to bite his arm off. But Lantool dissolved his drill and fired energy, pushing himself out of the way as the fictusite missed. He then swung his buzzsaw around, managing to cut off one of its horns and making it roar in pain.

This really angered the fictusite, who ran forwards with blind rage hoping to stab its tail right into his glass chest.

But Lantool's bottom ignited and pushed him straight up and over the creature, as he fired another extendable claw that grabbed the beast by the tail.

The fictusite saw this and gripped the ship tighter, but Lantool wasn't concerned about this one and pulled. The metal of the ship quickly gave way and the beast was pulled into the void of space, Lantool swinging him around before dissolving the chord.

The fictusite roared as it was sent flying into the never ending emptiness, with nothing to let it return.

Lantool sighed and quickly flew towards the plumber ship, right as the Omnitrix started beeping. "Come on!" He reached Rarity, "little help!" Rarity looked up from her work and saw him approaching, the alien attempting to stop himself with his arm thrusters as he finally transformed back.

Rarity held out a hand and as Flash floated by, she caught him and pulled the teen onto the engine with her.


"Thank you for saving me," she smiled before welding something. As she did, the helmet signalled the repair complete. "Shining, how does that look?"

Shining had finished the repairs inside and when Rarity asked for an update, he told them to get out of the way.

Once they were away from the thruster, he tried powering it up. And to his relief, the thing turned over on the first try. "It's working," he smirked. "You two, get back in here." He did a systems diagnostic and was happy with what he saw. The engine was working perfectly.

Flash and Rarity returned inside and Shining smiled at them. "I'm guessing everything's working?" Flash asked.

"You bet it is." He turned towards the destroyed ship and deactivated the connection, allowing him to fly away. "Distress call investigated. Standard aliens saved and arrested. Plus, we got rid of a dangerous alien predator before it could really hurt anyone. I'd say that's a mission success."

Flash and Rarity smiled at this, as they sat down and buckled themselves up. "Then let's get back home."

"Indeed," Rarity nodded, "I've had quite enough of space travel." Shining nodded and activated the booster rocket, kicking the ship into warp. In a flash, the ship zipped off and left the fish ship to rust...or whatever metal did in space.

Adagio, Trixie and the Rainbooms had been growing worried that their friends hadn't checked in with them.

They knew the ship was far away, but it still didn't help them feel any better. The first hour past, then the second third and now forth. The sun was beginning to set and if they didn't get back soon, Flash and Rarity were gonna have some explaining to do to their parents.

However, their worries ended when Twilight got an alert on the base's computer. The ship was returning.

They warped down to the room that allowed them to view the ship and when Twilight activated the screens, they came on just in time for them to see the ship fly through the portal and slow to a stop.

They rushed out, as the ship lowered itself down and cut the engines. When it did, the ramp lowered itself and their friends stepped down it carrying a large sack with them. "You're back!" Twilight rushed over to them and hugged her brother, Adagio doing the same with Flash and the others with Rarity.

"What's in the sack?" Rainbow asked, "we thought you guys went to save someone."

"We did," Shining replied.

"I wouldn't call this being saved!" Nemog cried from within the sack, the three astronauts glaring at him.

"Would you rather we left you up with that dangerous monster you tried to smuggle?" Shining asked, with Nemog going silent. "That's what I thought." He looked up and smirked, "did we miss anything whilst we were gone?" They girls all frowned, making the three think something had happened. "What's wrong?"

"Well...someone attacked the police station. They blasted through the wall and before anyone could retaliate, they freed one of the prisoners and escaped with them before the police could even see who it was that attacked." The three went wide-eyed at this, shocked someone would do such a thing.

"Who did they escape with?" Flash asked, Adagio letting out a sigh.

"The guy you caught earlier today. Dragstar." Flash frowned, not liking the thought of him being free once again. If he was free, he would only cause more harm. But Flash was more curious about who the one that freed him was. From the sounds of things, they were dangerous. And if Dragstar was working with them, that just made them even more dangerous.

Author's Note:

Flash gets his very own space adventure. Hope you enjoyed this one and let me know what you think of Flash's new aliens.

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