• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 5: Hunter of Pearl

Night had fallen on the Canterlot beach front, with barely anyone there despite how beautiful the light of the moon was on the ocean's surface.

Several miles out at sea, a boat was anchored off shore. It was a fishing boat, which had a trio of workers attempting to net themselves a nice haul to sell tomorrow. But it seemed the rumors they had heard about the fish coming out at night were false. As they pulled their nets up, they barely had anything in them.

"Some tuna and a few salmon," the captain sighed. "Not much, but it's better than nothing." He turned to his shipmates, "put them in the freezer." They nodded and quickly emptied the net into the hull, turning on the device that would keep the fish fresh until they got back to shore.

Once that was done, the captain went to pull up the anchor so they could return home. But then it happened.

The ship violently rocked as if something slammed into it, making them cry out as they were thrown about. And as they picked themselves up, they got that sinking feeling.

They rushed over to the edge of the boat and sure enough, there was a large hole in the side of it. One that the water was quickly seeping into. "No, no, no, NO!" The captain cried, rushing into the cabin in order to grab the emergency supplies. He returned a few minutes later, carrying a package labelled 'life raft'.

The ship suddenly rocked again and they rushed over to see another hole on the opposite side of the boat.

The captain acted fast and pulled the string, causing the box to explode as the inflatable blew up like a balloon. He and the shipmate got on board, waiting for their ship to sink, but the third one wasn't able to get to it.

The ship rocked again and he was thrown over the edge, splashing into the water and barely managing to get a breath before he was submerged.

He looked up at the sinking ship, praying that whatever had attacked it wouldn't want him. But he couldn't for the life of him, think what it could be that had attacked. There was nothing that lived in this part of the world that could or would rip a hole in a boat. Right?

Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from below him.

It was a strong, musical sound. It was almost like someone was singing, which did not feel right since he was underwater. He looked down and listened, completely forgetting that he was needing to get to the surface for breath. Then, he saw it.

Coming up from the darkness below, a creature was swimming towards him. He couldn't make out what it was, since it was like nothing he had ever seen before. It looked humanoid, but had no legs. Instead, it had a long tail with a shell-shaped fin on the end.

He could hardly believe what he was seeing. A mermaid.

The creature continued to sing as it swam towards him, getting closer. And as it did, he remembered the stories about mermaids and what they were known to do with sailors at sea.

His need for oxygen finally snapped him out of it and he started swimming up towards the surface. As he did, the creature swam faster and would soon catch up. But as he feared for his life, something began to move towards him from above. The boat.

The sunken vessel had finally been submerged and flew past him, heading straight for the creature.

The mermaid saw the ship and its attention seemed divided between it and him, clearly unsure which one was more important. But eventually, the ship became its target and it swam inside the hole.

This allowed him to swim to the surface and break through the water, gasping for air as he tried to figure out what the heck he had just seen. "Hey!" He heard his captain yell, "over here." He looked around and found the life raft floating near him, the fisherman swimming over and getting pulled into it. "Are you okay?" He didn't answer, still shocked from his discovery.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," his shipmate told him.

"I saw something way more crazy than a ghost. We need to get to shore and tell someone about this. Especially that guy who's supposed to handle stuff like this. What's his name?"

"Flash Sentry?"

"No, the other one. The Monster Hunter."

Two days later.

Flash Sentry sighed as he let the cool sea breeze flow over him, the teen looking out at the ocean that he had come to. The last time he had been here, he had just escaped a collapsing underwater cave and watched a man sacrifice his life to stop and alien genocide attempt. And now he was back to investigate a similar situation.

"You really think there's something in there?" He heard someone ask, making him look around to see Adagio walking towards him. She had just gotten out of his car, which also had Rarity and Trixie in it.

Two other vehicles were also there. Applejack's, who was carrying Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and the owner, and Shining's. Twilight and Sunset got out of his car, Cadance and Flurry also being there along with Spike. They had all come after hearing rumors of a creature attacking ships.

"It's possible," Flash answered Adagio. "This was where those squid aliens were. If even one of them survived, it could be attacking in revenge for what happened to their species." Adagio nodded, agreeing with that thought.

Cadance was currently applying sunscreen to her daughter, having chosen to come to the beach when she heard Shining would be coming. "Remember what I told you," her husband repeated for the tenth time. "Stay-"

"Stay out of the water until you've confirmed it's safe," Cadance smiled at him. "I know. Flurry and I can have just as much fun on the beach with Spike and the girls. Right sweetheart?" Flurry cheered in agreement, saying several words she had recently learned to use.

Shining smiled at this, glad she was listening to him. Ever since becoming a known plumber, Shining had been incredibly busy. Despite this being work, he was glad his family was here with him.

"So what's the plan?" Rainbow asked, "how are we supposed to find this thing?"

"I managed to get a police boat through my connections in the police department," Shining explained. "Flash and I are gonna go out to the sight of the latest ship sinking and check it out. Hopefully, they'll be something that'll help us find out what attacked it and where it went."

"Sounds like a plan," Flash smirked. "Let's get going to the harbour." They nodded and headed in that direction, whilst Cadance, Flurry, Spike, Trixie, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity headed for the beach. The place was to divide and conquer. They would stay on the beach and be ready in case whatever this was decided to attack the beach. Meanwhile, the rest of them would focus on finding this thing.

However, as they arrived at the harbour, they noticed a large crowd standing around it. "Wonder what they're here for?" Twilight asked, the others wondering the same thing. But then, music started playing. Music Rainbow recognised.

"No way," she whispered. "I know that theme tune." And sure enough, as the lot of them got closer, the crowd moved a little and they were able to see someone they had hoped they would never have to see again.

"Dynamo Danger?" Flash cried, as the TV presenter smiled for his drone camera. "What's he doing here? I thought he was in jail?"

"They couldn't make the charges stick," Shining sighed. "His lawyer convinced the jury that since he was possessed by the alien technology, and nobody could prove he was in control, they couldn't convict him."

"Great," Flash had hoped he would never have to see Dynamo again. The last time they had met, the Monster Hunter had been after his alien alter egos and planned to capture them to prevent an alien invasion. Things got even worse when Dynamo somehow merged with some of Vilgax's drones and turned into an unstoppable cyborg predator.

They watched as the man smiled at the crowd, then turned to his drone. "Welcome back, my loyal viewers. I know it's been a while since my last hunt. But situations out of my control prevented me from doing what I do best." He slicked his hair back. "But now I'm back and ready to begin another hunt. For now, a creature has been attacking ships out at sea around this area. Those that managed to get away have all confirmed seeing a creature that is not of this Earth. A beautiful songstress, that is as dangerous as it is deadly. A mermaid."

"A mermaid?" Applejack asked, "seriously?"

"Like the things we've faced aren't any stranger?" Sunset asked, Applejack seeing she had a point.

"Only I, the great Monster Hunter, can hope to find and capture this creature before it takes another soul down to the murky depths."

"Cut!" Shining yelled, making Dynamo trip over his words and break character.

"Excuse me!" He glared at them, "you don't get to say that!" He then seemed to recognise them, as he and Flash moved towards him. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"You should," Flash showed him the Omnitrix. "Considering you tried to kill me not to long ago." The rest of the crowd turned to him in shock, Dynamo catching on.

"Oh, you're that alien kid." He pointed at Flash, "you can't be mad at me for that. I was under alien control. You should know all about that, given what that thing does to you." Flash let out a sigh, really not want to get into an arguement with this guy.

Shining chose this moment to step forward. "Dynamo, you're not hunting any kind of creature."

"Oh yeah," Dynamo crossed his arms. "And why not?" Shining showed him his badge, "is that supposed to mean something?"

"I am a duly deputised member of the plumbers."

"Again, is that supposed to mean anything?" Shining frowned, "I've heard of you guys. The space police, right? Well, this isn't space. You've got no authority here."

"Wrong," Twilight told him. "The president signed a proclamation three weeks ago. The United States is now part of the plumber's galactic alliance."

Shining nodded, "which gives me all the jurisdiction of a high ranking police official. As such, I'm denying you the right to hunt for this creature. Me and my team will investigate and if it turns out to be an alien, we'll handle it."

"You can't do this," Dynamo told him. "I have my right and will not be bullied."

"This isn't bullying. This is a person with authority making sure an idiot doesn't get himself killed."

"Does it really matter if he tries to find this thing?" Adagio asked. "I mean, what the heck is he gonna use to find it anyway?" Dynamo smirked as he took out a remote and pressed a button.

Suddenly, something exploded out of the water and made them all stagger back in shock. It was a ten foot robotic mech that had a cockpit in the middle of it, which opened up for Dynamo to climb up into. Other then having no head, the only thing that kept it from looking like a normal robotic humanoid were the stubby little legs it had. Of course, it was painted red and had Dynamo's insignia on it.

"What the heck is that?" Flash asked, as the machine pulled itself onto the deck.

"It's my mech suit," Dynamo laughed. "Let's just say that a very generous backer donated it to me." The cockpit opened up and he climbed into it, Shining rushing up to him.

"Get down from there!" Shining ordered him. "I'm warning you. If you get in our way, there'll be serious consequences!" Dynamo didn't listen and closed the cockpit, the mech leaping into the water and disappearing below the waves. "DYNAMO!"

"I can't believe that guy!" Rainbow cried.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked.

"There's nothing we can do," Shining sighed. "We've just gotta find that creature before Dynamo has a chance to." They nodded and Shining turned back to Rainbow and Applejack. "You two head back to the beach. If Dynamo finds it before us, he could cause it to get angry and attack to beach. The more people protecting it, the better."

The two didn't seem happy about this, but nodded anyway and returned to the beach. As they did, Shining took the others to the spot the police boat was docked.

Said boat was the standard high-speed ship with a cabin on the top to defend from the elements and oncoming fire. The lot of them got on board as Shining started it up, Twilight beginning to get to grips with the tech onboard. And as they pulled out of the harbour, Flash and the others looked around the cabin and stared out at the open ocean.

Somewhere out there, something was laying in wait. Now they just needed to find it.

Within a dark cave, a creature was crouched in the darkness.

Said creature let out a type of squawk as it was fiddling with something in its clawed hands. Then, whatever it was broke open and the creature looked inside before letting out an annoyed squawk. They threw it away from them, the object being a clam of some kind.

It stood up, spreading what appeared to be a pair of wings that it used to take to the air and fly through the air. It then dived down into a pool of water, a bright flash of light illuminating the cave as the creature's body changed to that of the form the fishermen had all seen. And as quick as a flash, the creature disappeared within the water.

Once the boat was in the area of the attacks, Shining dropped the anchor and the others got ready.

Flash was dressed in a pair of black shorts whilst Shining was wearing purple ones. They were now just waiting for the last member of their group to exit the cabin, as Shining prepared their gear. He placed his badge on his waist and summoned his belt, having set it so that only his Multi-Striker and holder appeared on his leg.

"Here," he handed Flash a mask that was almost entirely glass with a blue plastic outline. "This mask will be able to let you breath for up to an hour underwater. As long as the battery's full, it'll be able to separate the oxygen from the water you breath in."

"Cool," Flash put it on and found the plastic fit around his entire face and let him see without anything in the way. "Love this plumber tech. But do I really need it? I'm gonna transform as soon as I'm down there."

"Yes, but what if you time out whilst you're at the bottom of the ocean?" Flash saw his point and decided to keep the mask.

As he decided this, the cabin opened and the girls stepped out. Twilight and Sunset were still dressed in their normal clothing, but Adagio had changed into a purple two-piece swimsuit. Flash couldn't help but go wide-eyed at the sight, Adagio smirking.

"You like?" Flash only nodded, Shining rolling his eyes.

"Focus," he told the teen before turning to Adagio. "Are you sure you should come down? I know you said you were a good swimmer, but you don't have any abilities you could use to defend yourselves."

"Maybe not," Adagio smirked. "But were you born at the bottom of the ocean and spent a few decades living there before deciding to try and conquer the surface world?" Shining remained silent, "my point exactly. I'm the only one who's been down someplace like that. Now come on." She rushed over to the edge of the boat and leapt into the water, doing a perfect dive as they others rushed to the side.

A few moments later, Adagio surfaced with her hair having lost a lot of its volume. She pushed her wet locks away from her face and smiled at Flash, who had to admit she looked hot with that appearance.

Shining threw her a mask and as she put it on, the boys dived into the water. Twilight and Sunset set up their gear, attaching a plumber laptop to the ship's sonar system that would allow them to get a map of the area and track those with the masks.

"You guys ready?" Shining asked, Flash activating the watch.

"You turn me into Vapaw, you're dead meat." Flash slammed the dial down and in a burst of light, he was transformed into the cephalopod alien. "Squidstrictor!" He dived under the water, Shining and Adagio following behind.

They swam down deep, Adagio showing just how good a swimmer she was since she was able to keep up with Squidstrictor as they descended. "Twilight, you hearing us okay?"

"Loud and clear," she told her brother over the radio. "And we've got your signals. We'll let you know if anything shows up." Shining nodded as they kept swimming down towards the bottom of the ocean, which didn't take long thanks when Squidstrictor grabbed them both around the waist and pulled them down.

When they reached the bottom, they found something they hadn't been expecting to find so quickly. A sunken ship.

It was a fishing boat, with holes in the bottom of it that looked like they had been created by something sharp clawing at it. "This doesn't look like one of those squid's work," Squidstrictor announced as Shining and Adagio began to inspect it.

Squidstrictor swam around a little more, trying to find any sign of what might have caused this.

Back on the boat, the girls stared at the screen as the sonar pinged several times.

It showed nothing but the three's signals, making them glad since it meant they wouldn't be attacked. However, that all changed when something big appeared on the edge of the screen. "Oh no," Twilight whispered as Sunset activated the radio.

"Flash, can you hear me? You've got something coming your way. Something big."

Squidstrictor looked around, trying to see the creature that was coming at him. But there was no sign of anything that looked even remotely like what had been described.

"Are you sure?" He asked his communicator in the Omnitrix, "I don't see-AUGH!" Suddenly, something grabbed him from behind and pinned his arms to his side. And before he could do anything, he was suddenly zapped by what felt like a million bolts of lightning.

The scream had been heard over the communicators, Shining and Adagio leaving the sunken ship and swimming over to Squidstrictor. As they did, they saw the thing that was holding him was actually a metal hand with three fingers. They recognised it as being part of Dynamo's mech, the hand being connected to a long cable that started retracting and pulling the alien backwards.

"HEY!" Adagio cried, but neither of them were fast enough to catch up.

Squidstrictor moaned as he was pulled towards the mech, which was swimming towards him as he pulled the hand back to itself. "HA!" Dynamo cried from within the cockpit, "and that, dear views, is how you capture a monster in record time. I'd like to see Flash Sentry do that."

"You idiot!" Squidstrictor told him, having recovered from the shock enough to squeeze himself out of the grasp. Once free, he turned to Dynamo. "I am Flash Sentry!" He pointed at the Omnitrix and Dynamo realised his mistake.

"Ah." Shining and Adagio arrived at that moment.

"Dynamo!" Shining growled, "what did I say about getting in our way?"

"It's not my fault," Dynamo argued. "I saw a creature that wasn't like anything on Earth. What else was I supposed to think?"

"Hmm," Adagio acted, "there's a creature there that doesn't look like it's supposed to be on Earth. And I know a kid who can turn into aliens is around. I should probably make sure it's not him before I do anything, or else I'll look like an A-grade idiot." Dynamo glared at them, wanting to argue but being unsure how he was supposed to.

"Dynamo," Shining told him, "leave. I'm not gonna be so forgiving the next time you get in our way." Dynamo glared at him, as the three turned away from him and swam back to the wreck.

"You just watch. I'm gonna find that creature before you and show the world there's only one person meant to be called the Monster Hunter." As he said that, his systems picked something up. "Huh?" He looked down and found a life sign nearby. One that was moving rather fast. "Hello." He headed off in that direction and as he did, he found the object he had picked up was remaining in one spot.

After a few minutes, he found himself staring at a crevice in the seafloor. The perfect hiding space. "Perfect." He activated his camera. "Dear viewers, I may have found the creature I've been seeking. Now, it's time to get a good look at what has been terrorising the seas." He looked into the crevice but saw nothing inside of it, "what?" He frowned, "are you kidding me!"

Then, he noticed something was inside the crevice. But it wasn't something spectacular. Just a clam, which he reached inside and picked up.

"Well, if anything else I'll be able to make a nifty pearl necklace."

As this was happening, something shot up form behind him. It had escaped the crevice when it realised something was coming and hid behind a rock, which the mech had its back to. As such, Dynamo didn't know what had hit him until it was too late.

The three returned to the shipwreck, but couldn't find anything that would help them figure out what had attacked it.

"It's clear why the ship was attacked though," Shining showed them to damaged fish container. "It must have been looking for food." The others nodded and wondered where it could be. But then, their communicators were filled with noise.

"HELP!" They flinched at the loud sound, the three realising it was Dynamo.

"What did we tell you about-" Shining didn't get to finish.

"I'M UNDER ATTACK!" The three didn't need to be told anything else, Squidstrictor grabbing them and shooting off in the direction Dynamo had gone. Twilight and Sunset moved to the location Dynamo had gone and sure enough, the sonar confirmed something else was down there.

And when they arrived, they found the water mech being attacked by something. Whatever it was, it was moving too fast for them to get a good look at. And too fast for Dynamo's slow mech to fight back against. "What is that thing?" Adagio asked, as they got in close.

Squidstrictor shot forward, his speed barely managing to equal the strange creature.

It shot down towards Dynamo's mech and slammed into it, its hands digging into the metal the machine's arm and tearing into it. The mech was covered in many more holes, the systems inside going haywire. Dynamo tried to get it under control, but the machine's power was dying.

The creature then slammed into the front, its claws slashing at the glass cockpit. This caused several leaks to occur, Dynamo gasping as water began to get in.

"That's enough!" Squidstrictor swung his arms around and caught the creature, stopping it in the water and letting them finally get a proper look at it.

It was some kind of mermaid, but it was nothing like the ones Flash had seen on TV and movies.

It's body was light blue and from the waist up, it was covered in some kind of fur Flash had only really seen on horses and other equines. Its head was actually pretty equine in appearance, being shaped just like a horse but not having hair on its head. Instead, it had what appeared to be a white fin of some kind that ran from its forehead all the way down the back of its neck. It had the same kind of fins on its back, though these ones were much thinner and looked translucent.

Its arms were covered in the same blue fur as its body and its hands were white, having large claws on the front similar to Flash's Gryforce alien. Only the claws had webbing between them, whilst its lower half was more fish-like.

It was still blue, but now it was covered in scales instead of fur and had a white fish fin on the end of it.

"Wow," Squidstrictor was amazed by it. As he tried to pull it in closer, the Omnitrix beeped. "Huh?"

"Uncatalogued DNA detected," it stated. Those words surprised Squidstrictor, remembering the last time he had heard them.

"No way." He looked up at it and realised it could only be one thing, "a hybrid." The shock loosened his grip, allowing the creature to start wiggling its tail. "WOW!" He cried, being pulled up before he could fight back. The creature swam towards the surface, moving so fast he couldn't slow it down.

The others watched them vanish, as Dynamo continued to panic. "HELP!" He cried, Shining and Adagio frowning since they had to help him.

Squidstrictor tried to pull the hybrid to a stop, but it was too strong and moving too fast.

He saw the surface coming close and realised the creature would need to slow down, which would give him the opening. But it didn't slow down. "Hey, what are you doing?" He got his answer when the creature exploded out of the water, pulling him out with it. "Bad move. I've got better maneuverability out of the water." But as he said that, the hybrid was suddenly consumed by light. "What?"

When the light faded, Squidstrictor saw he was now holding an entirely new creature.

Its top half was pretty much the same, but it had a few differences. One of them was that instead of having a normal horse mouth, it had a large white beak and the webbing between its claws was gone. The fin on its head had been replaced by a waft of white hair and its back fins were now a pair of blue bird wings that were almost as long as it was tall.

But it was its lower half that was truly different. Instead of having a long scaly fish tail, it had a pair of legs covered in the same blue fur. Instead of claws, it had a pair of white hooves on the ends of its legs and sticking out of its backside was a long white tail.

"No way." The creature spread its wings and shot through the air, continuing to pull him along for the ride. It did several flips and spins along the way, making it hard for him to hold on. But eventually, it turned harshly and he lost his grip. "NO!" He cried, falling towards the water.

But before he could hit it, he stopped in mid air. "You okay?" He looked around and saw Twilight and Sunset, the police boat moving towards him.

"Yeah," he nodded, "thanks." He hit the Omnitrix and transformed, "Firefly!" Now able to fly on his own, Twilight let him go and they all focused on the creature in the air. "I think it's a hybrid, like Drift."

"Really?" Sunset asked, focusing on the creature's appearance. "It's a hippogriff."

"It didn't look that way before," Firefly explained. "It looked more like a mix of a horse and a fish."

Sunset nodded, "that's what hippogriffs can do in Equestria. Change into seaponies. But...it shouldn't be able to do that without the magic pearl Twilight told me about." Before they could guess how it was doing this, the hybrid shot off.

"HEY!" He flew after it, firing his jets attempting to catch up. He saw the creature was heading towards the beach and knew that if it got there, it could cause a lot of problems. As such, he increased the power to his flames and rocketed passed the hybrid. "Got you now!" He shot several fireballs at the creature, who spun around in the air before heading towards the water. "NO!" Before he could stop it, the hybrid dived down into the ocean as a light surrounded it.

He realised it must have transformed again, the insect preparing to return to Squidstrictor and chase after it. But before he could, the Omnitrix started beeping.

"GYAH!" He cried, falling out of the sky. Twilight and Sunset saw this, but Flash was too far away for Twilight to catch. As such, he splashed into the water as the boat pulled up next to him.

"You okay?" Sunset asked, as he surfaced and was glad he was wearing his mask.

"Peachy," he sighed as something else surfaced next to them.

It was Dynamo's mech, which was now completely full of water. The hatch quickly opened and Dynamo's head flew out, gasping and spitting out water as Shining and Adagio appeared besides him. "This is all your fault!" He pointed at Flash, "you call yourself a hero? Why didn't you stop that creature?"

Flash rolled his eyes and turned to Shining, "this thing's a hybrid. It's made from Equestrian creatures." Shining and Adagio were shocked to hear this.

When they made it back to shore, dragging the water mech so as to not litter the ocean, the others were waiting for them and wanted to know what they found.

"You think it's Equestrian?" Rarity asked, amazed as the others nodded. "Well, it seems those other tubes weren't holding more griffon creatures."

"You said it's called a hippogriff?" Rainbow asked, Sunset nodding as she was sure that's what it was. "I don't know that much about mythology, but aren't hippogriffs supposed to be flying creatures. How the heck can it swim."

Sunset sighed. "In Equestria, the hippogriffs were attacked by the Storm King. In order to protect themselves, they used a magical pearl that allowed them to transform into seaponies. When the Storm King was defeated, that pearl was broken up and passed around them. Now they can shift between sea and sky whenever they want."

"That's pretty cool," Pinkie smiled.

"But it doesn't explain how this thing is able to change," Shining frowned.

"There might be a way." They all looked down at his badge, which was on the table they were currently sitting around, as Azmuth spoke. "If whoever collected the DNA of a hippogriff and seapony, got it from the same creature. It's possible they could have used another type of DNA to act as a shifting catalyst to allow this creature to transform. If I'd hazard a guess, it's probably part piscciss volann."

"Great," Flash nodded, "but that doesn't help us find this thing. And I doubt Dynamo's gonna listen to us when we tell him to back off." He had a point. As soon as they got back to shore, Dynamo had rushed off vowing to capture that creature and make it pay for what it did. Shining had tried to tell him to stay out of it, but he hadn't listened. "We've gotta do something."

"You need to capture it," Azmuth stated. "If I can study it, I might be able to determine how to remove its human DNA along with Drift's. Then we can send them to Equestria, where they belong."

"But how are we supposed to find it?" Pinkie asked. "It's got an entire ocean to hide in."

"Maybe," Twilight hummed. "But maybe we can trace it."

"How?" Cadance asked, "did you put a tracker on it or something?"

"No, but it might already have one on it." She looked down at the badge, "can you send the signal for Drift's tracker to Shining's badge?"

"I see what you're planning and it's brilliant."

"Huh?" Flash clearly wasn't following, as Trixie sighed.

"It's simple," she told the teen. "If this thing has the same tracker Drift had and it's working, we can follow it to wherever this creature's hiding." Flash caught on and nodded, smiling as Azmuth sent over the signal data. Hopefully, the creature's tracker would be intact. Meaning they could find it and maybe trace it back to whoever put it in it in the first place.

Meanwhile, Dynamo was in the hanger he had rented out.

He was working on something that would allow him to find his prize and capture it, the object in question being hidden under a tarp as he was welding something. "Stupid kids. Think they can tell me what to do. I'll show them. Dynamo Danger doesn't give up so easily."

He stopped welding and stepped out from under the tarp and over to a computer, typing away at it as the sound of an engine filled the room.

"My employer wanted it in one piece and I'll deliver. Have to thank him after the generous donation he gave me. But just because it has to be in one piece, doesn't mean I'll be delivering it to him unharmed." He turned towards the device as the tarp was blown off by something, revealing a bright red vehicle that looked like some kind of spaceship.

It was bullet shaped with a pair of wings on either side of it, the front having a large round window whilst the back had a large propeller surrounding by three fins. Dynamo smirked, loving his creation and knowing it would be the perfect weapon against the creature and those that got in his way.

The sun was beginning to set as the heroes returned to the police boat.

This time, Fluttershy and Trixie had chosen to come with them. Fluttershy was dressed in her wetsuit outfit and had think flippers on her feet. Twilight was also dressed in her own swimming gear, she and Fluttershy holding the same masks Flash, Adagio and Shining had.

"Alright," Shining stared at his badge as it showed a holographic map. "The tracker should be right under us and it doesn't appear to have moved much since we headed out. I think we've found its home."

"Then let's get going," Flash smirked before Fluttershy grabbed his shoulder.

"Hold on. Remember, this creature's like Drift. That means it's smart but young. I'm sure if we show it we're not a threat, it won't attack us."

"I'm not so sure," Adagio told her. "It didn't seem to need a reason to attack Dynamo before. And all those boats didn't sink themselves."

"She's right," Twilight nodded. "Just because it's intelligent, that doesn't mean it's not dangerous. There are plenty of humans out there that do bad things for no reason. We shouldn't assume anything about it."

"Right," Flash nodded as he looked down at his Omnitrix.

"What's wrong?" Sunset asked.

"Just wondering if I should transform now before we head down there. If the Omnitrix detects the DNA, it might not let me transform if this thing attacks."

"Better to save the transformation," Shining explained. "Don't wanna time out at the wrong moment." He attached his badge to his plumber belt and moved over to the edge of the boat. "You guys ready?" They all nodded and Shining dived down into the water, the others diving in after him as Sunset and Trixie watched.

"Alright guys," Trixie took out her Sky Butterfly mask. "I'll be ready to fight it if it comes up. You guys just be careful down there."

"We will," Twilight assured her as the five of them swam down towards the bottom of the seafloor.

Shining's mask had the signal map, so he was able to see that they were getting close. As they swam, Flash and Twilight realised they knew this area of the ocean. "This is where those squids were," Flash stated. "But those caves collapsed."

"It's possible part of the cave is still open," Twilight suggested. "Or it managed to open up a new cave." They reached the trench Flash had dived down into once and Shining's tracker showed the signal was straight bellow them.

"Are you sure we can survive that deep?" Fluttershy asked, "what if we're crushed by the pressure?"

"Relax," Twilight told her. "Human bone is a lot stronger than you think. The amount of pressure needed to crush us is three times more then the deepest part of the ocean." They swam into the trench. "The only reason people can't survive in deep water is because their air tanks get crushed. Not a problem with these things."

"Doesn't mean we can take our time," Shining replied. "Remember, these things only last an hour before-there!" He pointed at a hole in the wall and they all swam towards it, being ready in case the creature attacked. But it didn't show up.

Instead, they headed into the cave and found a long tunnel that was slightly narrow in places.

They could tell just from looking that the cavern was barely staying together. Instead of looking like the normal structures caves usually were, this one was large chunks of rock that were balanced against one another to form openings for them to pass through.

"This must be one of the caves that collapsed," Flash realised as he swam through a hole. "Careful guys. Touching these rocks might cause them to collapse."

"We shouldn't go too far in," Shining also stated. "We don't want to get lost and run out of air." But Flash then saw something that made that statement mute.

"There's an air pocket!" He looked at a spot above them that wasn't filled with water, the teen swimming up and surfacing. When he did, he saw a large cave that was pitch black. Luckily, his mask allowed him to see in the dark. The place was the size of a house and had many rocks stacked around the place. The ceiling looked stable, but Flash knew a few strong hits would likely make the whole place come crumbling down.

He pulled himself out of the pool, being careful not to step on any sharp rocks. The others followed and they were all amazed by the place. "Wow," Adagio whispered, "not a great place to call home."

"But perfect if you're a creature who lives in both and sea and on land," Fluttershy pointed out.

Shining detached his badge and placed it on the ground, as it unleashed a light that filled the cave. This allowed them to take off their masks and look around properly, seeing claw marks on the walls and rocks along with a bunch of fish remains. There were also a bunch of clams in the corner of the cave, with several pearls scattered around them

"This thing clearly likes pearls," Adagio picked one up and smiled at it. "But where is it?"

"I'm not sure," Shining frowned as he used his badge to check the tracker. "It must be close." But as he said that, they all heard something. A sound. A beautiful sound that made them all feel like all their troubles could just melt away.

"You hear that?" Flash asked.

"Singing," Fluttershy smiled. "It's so beautiful." They followed the singing and turned off the light, putting their helmets back on as they made their way to another part of the cave. There was a hole in one of the walls that lead into another, smaller, room. This one was filled with much more water, with a large rock in the centre of the pool.

And sitting upon that rock was the hybrid, who sang its song to nobody. Now that they were closer, the group realised this was not a happy song. It was a song full of pain and loneliness, one of sorrow and longing. It made them want to cry.

They were so focused on the song, Fluttershy wasn't paying attention and accidently kicked a small rock. It bounced along the ground and fell into the water, a loud splash filling the room and making the hybrid stop singing.

It looked around and when it saw them, its eyesight clearly excellent in the dark, it suddenly transformed into its hippogriff form and squawked dangerously at them. "WAIT!" Flash cried, remembering what Fluttershy had said. "Listen to me. We're not trying to hurt you." Shining chose this moment to turn on his badge light, making the creature get defensive but seeing them all take off their mask. "Look. If you don't attack us, we won't attack you. Alright?"

The creature stared at them, obviously trying to figure out if it could trust them or not. But eventually, it relaxed and stared at them.

"Good. Now, you can understand us? RIght?" It nodded, "good. Alright, I'm Flash and these are all my friends. We didn't come to hurt you. We came because you've been attacking ships and causing problems for people." The hippogriff frowned, Flash getting the feeling it was guilty. "We can help you. We know you're all alone here and want somewhere to call home. We can take you to that place."

The hippogriff appeared interested, as Flash and the others moved towards the edge of the pool.

They then sat down, putting their feet in the water and showing them they weren't going to hurt it. As the creature began to relax, Flash realised they needed a name for it. "Now, what to call you?" He had a feeling it was a female, so he needed to come up with a feminine name.

Twilight noticed several clams on the rock, pride open with some more pearls around them. "You really like pearls, don't you?" The creature looked confused, as Twilight pointed at the round orbs. "Those things. They're called pearls."

The creature picked up one of them and looked it over, "p...pearl." They all smiled, seeing it really was smart enough to talk.

"That's right," Flash told her. "Do you like that name? We can call you that if you like it." The creature thought for a moment and nodded, wanting to be named after the shiny things it liked so much. "Alright Pearl. We want to take you someplace you'll be safe. There's some bad people out there that want to hurt you and we want to help. So will you come with us?"

Pearl thought for a moment and after looked around, she nodded.

"Great," Flash held up his hand, "glad to help." But he would soon learn this was a mistake. For in that moment, the Omnitrix turned yellow.

"Uncatalogued DNA detected." The sudden voice spooked Pearl, followed by the yellow light that shot out and flew over her body. And just like that, all the trust she had vanished and she was back in an offensive stance. "Unknown DNA sample acquired," the watch stated. "Scan complete."

"You couldn't have waited!?" He screamed at the device, as Pearl let out a loud squawk with fury in her eyes. "Wait, it's not what you think!" But Pearl wasn't listening and leapt at him, the hybrid almost clawing his eyes out until Twilight used her magic to pull him into the air and out of harm's way. "Just calm down!"

"She's not listening!" Adagio cried.

"Flash," Shining had an idea, "do what you did with Drift. Put her to sleep." Flash nodded and activated the Omnitrix, as Pearl attempted to attack him again.

Twilight moved him in the air, but Flash's weight forced her to put him down as he found his alien. "Alright, time for you to take a nap!" He slammed it down and in a burst of light, he transformed. However, he wasn't the alien he wanted. "Oh man," The Worst pulled his eyelids in frustration.

Pearl shot forward and grabbed the alien, lifting him into the air and through the hole into the next room. "FLASH!" They all cried, Fluttershy grabbing his discarded mask as they chased after them.

But a loud splash could be heard and by the time they got into the next room, the aliens were gone. "Don't tell me!" Shining looked down at the pool.

The Worst barely managed to hold his breath, as Pearl pushed him through the water.

Her claws dug into his flesh and hurt like heck, but they couldn't seem to break his skin. Azmuth had told him this alien species was physically indestructible, able to survive even a point blank nucular warhead. But it didn't make Flash immortal. He still needed to breath and unless he found a way to save himself, he was gonna drown.

Pearl swam them out of the cave and into the open ocean, planning to outrun Flash's friends and make him drown. However, something would happen that would be Flash's salvation.

As it turned out, that something was Dynamo. For suddenly, out of nowhere, the vehicle he had been working on appeared. "There you are!" The man cried from within the cockpit. The vehicle's propeller span, shooting the large sub forward and catching Pearl's attention. "I knew tracking that police boat would help me find you." He charge forward and intended to ram the creature.

Pearl saw it coming and threw The Worst at it, the alien bouncing off the window and sliding up it as the speed of the vehicle pushed him away. Pearl charged forward, her webbed claws ready to slash at the vehicle. But Dynamo smirked before shifting the joystick to the left.

This caused a bunch of jets on the tips of the wings to fire, making the sub spin in the water and avoid the claws. He then hit a button on the dashboard, which caused a wire to shoot out from under the vehicle.

This wire slammed onto Pearl's chest and delivered a few hundred volts to her. She screamed in pain, quickly using her claws to cut through the metal cable. She swam away as the vehicle moved through the water, arching around to turn to face her again.

She then focused her attention of the driver, planning to do the same thing she did the last time she ran into this intruder.

She saw forward as fast as she could, her claws primed to cut through the metal and the glass. But Dynamo didn't look worried at all. "Bring it on." The hybrid slammed into the sub and slashed at the glass, but her claws didn't even scratch the glass. "Ha! Extra reinforced. I'm not letting you drown me again." The hybrid didn't like this and kept slash at the glass, not doing a thing against it. "My turn." He flicked a switch.

Suddenly, an electrical surge exploded out of the metal and struck Pearl. She screamed in pain as her entire body was on fire. Eventually, she couldn't take any more and fell unconscious.

"Gotcha!" He laughed before moving to retrieve her.

The Worst had seen this all and watch as a part of the sub opened up, revealing a glass egg that opened up and scooped Pearl into it before closing. The egg remained on the bottom, as the sub began to move away. "Dynamo!" He cried, only to realise he had released his air and was now without any oxygen.

He panicked as he covered his mouth, trying to swim up to the surface. But his body was not built for being underwater. He tried to calm down, since he wouldn't be able to shift aliens if he wasn't calm. But it was no good. He could just hear that horrible music that meant drowning was about to happen in his favourite video game.

But before he could lose consciousness, something was placed over his face and the water was sucked away. A blast of air then filled his lungs, allowing him to breath and open his eyes to find Shining holding the mask over his squishy face. "You okay?" He looked around and saw the others had finally reached them.

"Dynamo has Pearl!" He stated, looking where he had been but saw he was gone. "Ahhh, he's gone."

Shining held up his badge and found the tracker was still online. "I've got them. Them they're moving really fast." He looked in the direction they went, "we'll never catch up to them."

"I can," The Worth stated. They all looked confused until he took a deep breath and pressed the Omnitrix, a light filling the dark ocean as he changed forms. And when the light faded, they were shocked by what they saw.

Dynamo's ship moved through the water and swam higher and higher, eventually breaking the surface of the water.

The sub shot into the night air and before it could fall back into the water, parts of the wings opened up and revealed a bunch of thrusters. These thrusters fired and allowed the vehicle to take to the air.

They shot into the sky, Dynamo laughing at having captured his pray. "With this sub, nothing will be able to stop me!" However, as he said that, something appeared on his radar. It was behind him and coming up fast. "What's this?" He activated the backwards camera and turned to the screen, allowing him to see what was coming after him.

Flash could hardly believe how easy it was to adapt to this new form. It was a form very similar to Pearl, only his body was orange with a blue mane and tail. His beak, claws and hooves were all a darker shade of orange, almost brown, and he had the Omnitrix on his chest.

"Ah yeah!" He laughed as he flew after the jet, "You're not getting away!" He managed to catch up to the jet and as he did, Pearl was beginning to come around. "Hang on!" He told her, flying under the jet so she could see him. "I'm gonna get you out of there!" The hybrid was shocked to see another like it, whilst Dynamo smiled.

"I bet he'll pay double for the other one." He flew down, attempting to zap him as he charged up the ship's electrical field.

Flash felt the energy and knew he couldn't let it touch him. Instead, he flew further down and tried to think of a way to stop Dynamo. But as he did, the ship fired several cables towards him. "Oh no you don't!" He dodged every single one and as he did, he realised something.

Pearl wasn't being electrocuted. That had to mean her case was shielded from the energy.

"Perfect!" He shot up, avoiding the wire, and grabbed onto Pearl's container. "Hold on!" Using his claws, he started slashing at the glass and found it was really tough. But he wouldn't give up. He focused his attacks on the exact same spot, doing more and more damage with every second. Until, eventually, a scratch appeared on the glass. "There we go!"

Pearl watched in amazement, as Flash kept slashing more and more at the scratch and making it bigger. And eventually, he slashed at it hard enough to completely break the glass.

Her eyes went wide, as the water inside the egg started shooting out of it. This allowed her to return to her hippogriff form, whilst the cracks on the glass spread to the rest of it.

Flash then grabbed the sides and brought his hooves up, swinging back before slamming them both forward with all his strength. The impact was enough to shatter the glass, sending it flying in every direction and freeing the captured hybrid.

Pearl quickly leapt out and took to the air, she and Flash flying away from the ship as Dynamo saw what had happened. "NO!" He roared, turning his ship to face the pair. When he did, he saw the second hybrid and noticed the Omnitrix. "Sentry! This is your doing?"

"That's right!" Flash smirked as he looked himself over and nodded. "The name's Skydiver. And if you want to capture my friend, you'll have to go through me first!" Dynamo roared and charged forward, his ship electrified and ready to zap them.

The pair flew in opposite directions, the ship flying between them. They began flying around the ship, trying to avoid Dynamo's attempts to hit them with the electrical cables or slamming into them and shocking them. Skydiver saw this and knew that getting zapped wouldn't be a good idea. However, he realised something.

"Coating that thing in so much energy must take a heck of a lot of juice." He smirked as he realised what they needed to do, turning to Pearl as she flew close to him. "We just need to outlast him." She looked confused. "This thing must have some pretty big batteries, but they can't be limitless. Eventually, it'll run out of juice." They dodged some more cables and started flying around again, "we just need to stay safe until he uses up all of his energy."

Pearl nodded and they both dived down, flying towards the water as Dynamo dived after them.

The pair splashed down into the water, both being surrounded by light as they morphed into their water forms. Skydiver now looked like a mermaid, his claws remaining only now having webbing whilst his back legs and tail merged into one large blue fish tail. His wings suddenly morphed into a pair of fins, whilst the Omnitrix remained in the same place.

"Hahaa!" Skydiver cheered, swimming down as fast as he could along with Pearl.

Dynamo's sub splashed down after them, using a lot of its power as it tried to catch up to them. Dynamo wanted to launch a powerful electrical wave from the sub and fry them both, but he looked at his energy levels and found they were starting to get low. "Knew I shouldn't have skimmed on getting that generator."

He tried to catch up with the pair, trying to fire his cables at them. But they both avoided them and dove deeper, eventually reaching the seafloor before separating and swimming in different directions. Dynamo chased after Pearl, hoping to catch her before Skydiver could return to her aid.

She swam along the seafloor and as Dynamo started to catch up, she suddenly shot up. "Get back here!" He pulled up and the sub began to follow her, as they headed back to the surface.

As he chased her, Skydiver suddenly appeared besides him. "Give it up!" He told the man. "I won't let you have her. She's under my protection and as long as she's on this planet, I'll do whatever I need to do to keep her safe."

"No way!" He told him, "I was paid to capture this creature and nothing stops Dynamo Danger from delivering his pray!" Skydiver frowned at this, as they were about to escape the water. "YOU'RE MINE!" He fired a cable at Pearl and it would have hit her, had Skydiver not caught it first.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed as his body was electrocuted, Pearl seeing this and looking shocked.

The energy flowed into him and made him scream, as he felt himself becoming overwhelmed. But as the energy shocked him, Dynamo's gauge began to beep stating almost all his power had been used up. "No, no, no, no!"

Skydiver let the cable go and he began to sink, right as the Omnitrix started beeping.

Pearl looked down, as a green flash blinded her for a moment before fading to reveal the human she saw earlier. She quickly realised he had been the one that had saved her and as Flash began to sink, she dived down after him.

Trixie and Sunset had followed the signal of Flash's Omnitrix, the police boat flying through the water.

"Any sign of them?" Trixie asked, Sunset continuing to look around but not seeing anything. However, a moment later, something exploded out of the water in front of them. "WOW!" Trixie had to swerve the boat around, barely managing to miss the giant submarine that had appeared in front of them.

As they moved around the ship, they spotted Dynamo in the cockpit. "Come on," he cried. "WORK!" But nothing he did had any result. The ship was completely dead in the water.

The girls frowned seeing him, only for another splash to catch their attention and make them look around. Pearl had pulled Flash out of the water, reverting to her hippogriff form as she flew him up. They looked shocked seeing Flash unconscious, Trixie about to put on her mask, but then Pearl saw them and flew down to deposit Flash on the boat.

They both looked him over and after a few seconds, Flash breathed in and sat up. "Are you okay?" Sunset asked, Flash coughing as he spat out some water. He moaned, but nodded.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He looked up at Pearl, who was perched on the side of the boat, smiling as he did so. "You saved me?" She nodded, "thank you." She smiled back, as Dynamo roared in frustration. "Dynamo!" He looked around and glared at Flash, "I hope you've got that thing registered. Because if not, I'm gonna be adding another charge to your list of crimes."

"What crimes?" Flash held up his Omnitrix, using it like his badge.

"As a member of the plumber's galactic alliance, America must grant any sapient creature of human level intelligence the rights and privileges of any human. As such, your attempts to capture Pearl are basically kidnapping and illegal imprisonment." Dynamo frown, not thinking those charges would stick. But Flash didn't care. He turned to Pearl, holding out a hand to her. "Will you trust me to take you somewhere safe? I promise, I'll keep you safe."

Pearl stared at him for a moment, then took his hands in her claws. As she did, Shining and the others arrived at their destination. "Found you guys," Adagio sighed as Shining held up his badge. They spotted Pearl and then saw the giant ship, Shining frowning at Dynamo.

"I hope you've registered that thing." Dynamo moaned as he tried again to get his ship to work. But it was useless. He was going nowhere.

Sure enough, Dynamo didn't register the ship.

As such, he was arrested by the coast guard and taken away for processing. His TV career was likely over now that he was gonna have a criminal record, the man promising he would be back on the air one day.

Meanwhile, Azmuth had arrived in his ship and had set up a tank for Pearl to be transported in. She was currently swimming around within it, Azmuth having set the robots back at the base to making her a habitat to live in until they could get her to Equestria.

"Hmm," Azmuth had a computer connected to Flash's Omnitrix. "Yup, looks like I was right. This new DNA sample is a mix of four different DNAs. Human and piscciss volann, with the volann DNA used to act as a buffer between the two dominant DNAs. quite an amazing feat of engineering."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Fluttershy asked, placing a hand on the tank Pearl was swimming around inside of. Pearl looked at her and smiled, having become quite friendly with them once they earned her trust. "Going from living in the ocean to living in a tank can't be natural."

"Don't worry," Shining assured her. "It won't be forever. And once she's adjusted to the base, we can let her have a bit of extra freedom. In the meantime, it'll be up to us to help educate her." Fluttershy smiled at this, as Adagio and Trixie walked towards the tank carrying buckets of something.

"Besides," the dazzling stated, "we went back and got something that'll make her feel much more relaxed." Twilight realised what it was and smiled, so used her magic to lift the buckets up and tipped them into the tank.

Pearl was amazed when a bunch of her pearl collection filled the water, making her very happy. This made her start singing, but it wasn't the same song they had heard before. This one was much bright and happier. A beautiful melody that made them all glad they had helped her. And as they listened to her sing, Sunset's journal glowed from within her bag.

She took it out and read it. "Looks like Princess got the message we sent her. And she's already gotten in contact with the hippogriff queen. The Queen said she would be happy to let Pearl live with them if she wants to and they would teach her everything about being both a hippogriff and seapony."

"That's great," Pinkie smiled whilst the others nodded. The only one who didn't celebrate with this was Flash, the lot of them turning to him and seeing the hero was looking up at the night sky.

"Flash?" Twilight asked, "what's wrong?"

Flash turned to them, "just something Dynamo said. Someone paid him to captured Pearl." That was a surprise to hear, "I think it's the one who made her and the others."

"I guess we shouldn't be surprised," Shining frowned. "Whoever made them clearly went to a lot of effort to get their abilities right. Guess it would make sense that they would want to get them back."

"They must have used the tracker to locate her," Sunset realised. "We'll need to get rid of it before we release her to Equestria." They nodded, all the while frowning. Whoever had created the five was clearly after them and there was no telling what they would do to get them.

Tirek frowned as he read about Dynamo's arrest and Flash Sentry's victory.

He changed his computer screen to show the tracer signals. Three of them were in activate and wouldn't activate whilst the ones they were inside were in stasis. He then focused on Pearl's tracker and deactivated it, so Azmuth wouldn't be able to track him. "I'll need to think of another way to get my hands on them. But how?"

Author's Note:

Another hybrid found and another new alien for Flash. Hope you guys like my choice of Equestrians so far. What's Tirek planning and what will the next hybrid be? Only time will tell.

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