• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Chaos Spreads Like Butter

"How did this happen? It's impossi- no, questions can come later." Twilight said quickly, glancing at Tex even quicker. "Tex, you go to Fluttershy's and Pinkies's place, tell them Discord is back and bring them back here."

"Right." Tex nodded without question and galloped out the door, sensing the desperation of the situation.

"Spike, you go upstairs and tell Church to go get Applejack's while you get Rarity. I need to get to Rainbow Dash's place as fast as I can, got it?"

"Yeah." Spike nodded stiffly as he ran up the stairs. Once he was in front of the door to Church's room, he began pounding on the door. "Church! Hey, Church! Get out here!"

"This better be important." Church in a tired voice, opening the door to receive a few knocks on the leg from Spike. "What's wrong?"

"Discord's broke free from his stone prison and we need to get the Elements of Harmony together!"

"Didn't Twilight say that Discord was... oh fuck!" Church snapped, sprinting down the stairs with Spike, he burst through the front door and looked around sporadically. "Who's going where?"

"You're on AJ duty, I'm on Rarity. You gotta hurry and meet back here!"

"But Applejack is all the way across town!"

"I know, so get going!" Spike yelled, already sprinting towards his crush's home and shop.

"Fuck. How am I going to get there on time?" Church asked, beginning to run towards Sweet Apple Acres when he saw something protruding out of the bush next to the library, giving off a pink shine. Church muttered a thanks and a quick prayer as trotted up to it. "I'm going to regret doing this, aren't I?"


Over at Sweet Apple Acres, the door to the barn swung open, startling all the fragments that were inside.

"Where were y'all?" Applejack asked as she walked into the barn to question them. "One second Twi an' Church are over for a bite t' eat, then the next second y'all have gone missin' and now ya'll are back again. What gives?"

"We went to go talk to Twilight and Epsilon over personal matters."

"These personal matters wouldn't have had somethin' t' do with y'all, would it?" Applejack asked.

"Perhaps." Gary said quietly, flipping through the book of laws.

"Celestia forbid y'all were talkin' about more of ya showin' up. At this rate, fragments ought t' be fallin' from the sky at any moment to stay at Sweet Apple Apartments." Applejack muttered.

"I find that to be greatly unlikely." Delta chipped, mouth moving with his mind. "There are only a certain number of us, and seeing as how Epsilon is the one who triggers us coming back to life, I find it highly improbable that one will just-"

"Hooolyyy fuuuckiiing shiiiiiiiiit!" Church yelled as he flew through the roof of the barn, showering the fragments with splinters of wood.

"Church, are ya okay?" Applejack asked as she rushed to help him off the ground.

"My whole body hurts..."

"Of course it does! Ya just sorta fell from... the sky." Applejack stopped and held her face. "Alright, what happened t' ya?"

"Pinkie's cannon, outside of the library, predestined locations, the gate to the acres, boom and crash." Church said weakly as he got to his hooves, trembling slightly. "That explain it enough for you?"

"Well ah think think ya might have missed the gate by a tad." Applejack said as she looked up at the large, unicorn shaped hole above her.

"Do you think?" Church asked sarcastically, then he remembered what he was there for. "Discord is back from when you guys took him out."

"Excuse me?" Applejack asked slowly, taking off her hat so there was nothing covering her ear, forgetting the property damage. "Ah coulda sworn ya said Discord was back, so d'ya mind runnin' that by me again?"

"Discord. Is. Back." Church said slowly. "Come on, we need to get back to-"

"Who is Discord?" Theta asked.

"He's this god of chaos or something and he's here to fuck shit up."

"I prefer Khorne." O'Malley huffed as he kicked a plank that was near him. "So this Discord fellow is causing a ruckus and he didn't invite me? I guess I'll just have to deal with him."

"No, I don't think you can do shit to him." Church grunted. "A while ago I had this book that talked about Discord and his species, saying how powerful they are. Well, Discord is one of the strongest, and I'm pretty sure he's hellbent on ruining everybody's lives."

"A man after my own heart."

"Shut it, O'Malley." Church hissed. "This is serious... I think. The only thing that can stop him is the girls, so we need to get back as soon as possible."

"On it. Ah'll go get Sarge." Applejack nodded and ran out the door.

"Great." Church sighed.

"So what are we going to do?" O'Malley asked angrily. "Follow you like a bunch of lapdogs, waiting for you to sic us on this Discord?"

"I already said you probably couldn't do anything to him, so you're staying here."

"What? Why?"

"Because if this guy figures out what you guys represent, he could easily take you and use you against the girls." Church sighed.

"Then why do you get to go?" O'Malley growled, wanting in on the action. Action which he thought there would be plenty of.

"Because I'm protecting my friends and so are the other guys. You guys would just get in the way and would be a handicap on us if he learned how to use you guys."

"Understood. Delta, Theta and I will make sure the others do not leave this barn." Sigma nodded.

"Thanks." Church said, flashing them a quick smile before galloping out the door when he heard the door to the farmhouse open up.

"So Blue, what's this about some sorta Discus fella causing trouble?" Sarge asked as Church ran up to them.

"There's no time to explain. We just have to stop him." Church replied as he shared a quick nod with Applejack, then ran towards the library with her.

"Huh. Well, I've worked with worse plans." Sarge shrugged, running after them.

The trio ran as fast as their hooves could take them, not sparing any words for their entire trip. They reached the library some minutes later, where they could see the rest of the ponies were talking in hushed tone, arguing about something.

"There they are!" Rainbow Dash said loudly, pointing right at them as they approached the group.

"Took you guys long enough." Pinkie said as she jumped around the others. "Hey, Church, did you touch my travel cannon?"

"Yeah, I needed to get to the Apple's place fast, and that was the fastest way I could think of. The destination is kind of false advertising though."

"Didn't you read the sign?" Pinkie asked, pulling the bush that the cannon was inside to the ground, displaying a sign that read 'out of order'.

"Of course." Church grunted. "So what were you guys arguing about?"

"Twilight wants to bring the Necronomicon with us to help us stop Discord." Fluttershy said quietly, eyeing the bag that was hanging off of Twilight's back.

"We need to bring him." Twilight sighed. "If Discord did something to the Elements then we'll need a little extra help."

"I believe that's my cue." A voice boomed from above her in a condescending tone. The group looked up and saw a long, snake like creature laying on a cloud, biting into a rainbow colored corn on the cob. "Hello, girls, I bet seeing me brings back fond memories, doesn't it?"

"I would hardly say so, Discord." Twilight said icily.

"Come now, Twilight, surely you of all ponies remember the dear memory of me turning you all against each other." Discord fished.

"I wouldn't exactly call it dear." Rarity muttered.

"Yeah, the only dear memory I have is when we trapped your skinny flank in stone!" Rainbow Dash boasted.

"Oh, you girls can say the cruelest things" Discord said, wiping a fake tear out from under his eye. "From the way you talk about me, I'd almost think you didn't like me."

"Tell me about it..." The Necronomicon said from inside the bag, making the girls nearly yelp.

"Ol' Necky, is that you?" Discord asked with surprise as he snapped his fingers, making the Necronomicon reappear in front of him. "It is! My, it certainly has been awhile, hasn't it? How long has it been? One thou- no, one and a half thousand years?"

"However long it was, it clearly wasn't long enough." The Necronomicon mumbled snidely, making it clear he didn't like being around the hybrid monstrosity.

"Give him back!" Rainbow Dash growled, instantly snapping towards Discord to snag the book.

"Say please." Discord cooed when she came too an instant halt a few inches away from the book, stopped by an invisible force.

"Please give me the book back!"

"Let me think about that for a moment." Discord sighed and hummed for a few seconds, then shook his head. With another snap of his claws, the Necronomicon vanished. "No, I think I'll keep him in a safe place for now. Don't want you guys to have an unfair advantage, do we?"

"What are you doing here, Discord?" Twilight asked, stepping towards him.

"One of life's greatest mysteries, isn't it?" Discord said with a vicious smirk, fang hanging low, making the guys feet a strange sensation go through their spines.

"You know what I mean. How did you get out?"

"Where's the fun in telling you everything now?" Discord asked curiously, making swimming motions through the air. "I mean, you should compliment me before demanding anything from me. Or at the very least introduce me to your friends."

"I like your beard!" Caboose said, gawking at the hairs that came out from under the lord of Chaos's chin.

Discord eyeballed the dark blue earth pony with a curious brow. He floated closer towards the ground and circled Caboose once, as if he expected something to happen with Caboose. Spike and the girls watched fearfully, knowing that at this moment Discord held the edge over them and that attacking him would be futile. Tex simply watched silently, sensing that he could overpower her.

"Can I pet it?" Caboose asked.

"Ha! I like this one!" Discord laughed loudly, then extended his neck until it was less than a feet away from Caboose, then tilted his head up. "What is your name?"

"Caboose!" Caboose whooped with a large grin as he began petting the strange creature's beard. "Oh my gosh, it feels like I'm petting twenty puppies at once!"

"I do try to take care of it." Discord said impishly. His eyes lazily drifted back to the group to find them glaring at him. Clearing his throat he pulled his chin away from Caboose and touched it back in place. "Anyways, it was nice seeing you all again. You simply must give me a visit at Canterlot at some point before I shroud the world with chaos. While it will make it more fun, it will be significantly harder to get around when the trails are made of cookie dough and the grass is made out of sticky tape. After all, I do like my guests to have clean hooves upon entry of my castle."

"What is your ploy?" Twilight asked. "Did you hide the Elements somewhere again? Or rather, keep them in the same spot?"

"Doing the same thing twice isn't my style, and there is no real ploy here." Discord said as he clasped both of his claws together and began rubbing. After a few seconds of that, he stopped and held out a picture to Twilight. "As you can see the Elements of Harmony exactly where Celestia left them. I'm simply not afraid of you now that I have a little back up."

"By the looks of things, I don't think that the Necronomicon wants to help you." Twilight said with a smirk.

Discord burst out with laughter and began punching his knee as he threw his head back. The girls stared at him nervously, wondering what he was going for. They knew he wasn't ready to simply hand them victory, so why was he just telling them where the Elements were. After a few seconds, Caboose hopped towards Discord, slowly grabbed the picture with his teeth as if he was stealing cookies from a cookie jar, then hopped back to the group, smiling at himself.

"I got the Elements of Harmony!" Caboose said as he gently laid the picture in front of the girls. "I saved the day!"

"Heh, I'm afraid it isn't quite that easy, little Caboose." Discord said and the picture of the Elements vanished into thin air.

"It doesn't matter how hard you're making it-" Twilight started.

"Bow-chika-bow-wow." Tucker said under his breath, earning him a glare from everyone surrounding him.

"-Because we are going to beat you again." Twilight finished, glaring daggers at Discord, who smiled at their display.

"Oh, I'm positively shaking in my boots." Discord said as he pretended to weep, then he snapped his claw, creating a pair of boots on his back paws which promptly shook off. They then began dancing on the ground in front of Caboose, causing him to gurgle happily at the display. "Well, I guess I'll just have to spread as much chaos as I can in the time that I have left. I'll be in Canterlot if you need me."

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