• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

  • ...

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Tucker slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a dark room, the only sound he could hear was that of his heartbeat. He slowly sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Not again." Tucker muttered.

The door to the room swung open and a burst of light poured in which burned Tucker's eyes.

"About time you're awake."

"Who are you?" Tucker asked.

A blind shot up from a window allowing the dim light of the sunset to enter. Tucker did not shield his eyes but rather saw Rainbow Dash giving him a harsh glare.

"Why did you knock me out?"

"You being knocked out is the least of your concerns." Rainbow Dash said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Tucker groaned. "This isn't another nightmare is it?"

"For me it is!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about what you've been telling everypony in Equestria."

"I haven't talked to anybody, what the hell are you on about?"

"If you haven't talked to anybody then how does everybody know about you living at my place?"

"Well maybe I talked to one chick, but why are you mad that I told her that I've been staying here?"

"Nopony has ever seen you around Cloudsdale or Ponyville before. And since they know we aren't family but you are staying with me for some reason, they assume that we've been sleeping together."

"Well we sort of have been..."

"That's not what they're insisting." Rainbow Dash snapped.

"What are you- oh." Tucker facehooved. "Oh fuck."

"Now thanks to you everypony in Cloudsdale thinks I'm easy since I sleep with somepony nopony knows."

"I know you're mad at me, but can you stop with the somepony and nopony stuff? I'll know what you mean if you just say somebody and nobody."

"Tucker this is serious my reputation is at stake." Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know."

"Probably should have thought of that before knocking me out. Now if you calm your shit, I'll find a way through this."

"We'll find a way through this." Rainbow Dash corrected.

"So you're not pissed at me anymore?" Tucker asked hopefully.

"No I'm still mad, it's just that if I leave it up to you you'll just make it worse."

"So then what are we going to do?"

"I guess go to Cloudsdale and tell everybody that we aren't sleeping together."

"But we are." Tucker chuckled.

Rainbow Dash hit Tucker in the back of the head again.

"Keep it up and I'll die from a brain hemorrhage."

"I can always dream." Rainbow Dash muttered before flying back to Cloudsdale.

"And here I was beginning to hope that I hadn't found a girl that was batshit crazy." Tucker said under his breath before following Rainbow Dash.

Over at Fluttershy's cottage, Grif and Fluttershy were resting on a tree. Grif felt something touch him and slowly opened his eyes, finding Fluttershy resting her head on his lap, snoring lightly as the wind seemed to dance through her mane. Grif laid his head back on the tree and let out a content smile before closing his eyes.

"Grif, you here?" Church called out.

Grif's eyes snapped open and he rubbed his face as the pain of the beating began coming back to him. Fluttershy slowly got up and stretched before letting out a soundless yawn. Fluttershy looked at Grif whose face was displaying obvious discomfort. She opened her mouth to ask if he needed anything, but Grif looked up at her and gave a quick nod.

"I'll go see what they want." Fluttershy said quickly.

"Okay." Grif muttered.

Fluttershy walked to the front of her cottage and coughed quietly to attract Twilight's attention.

"There you are, we thought you had gone somewhere since you weren't inside." Twilight said with a sweet smile. "Is Grif around?"

"Yes he is resting in the back." Fluttershy replied.

"Oh, did you treat him already?"

"I wanted to but he insisted it could wait until tomorrow."

"He doesn't want anybody else to do anything?" Church asked. "His laziness knows no bounds."

"It's just that after he got bit by the timberwolves I promised not to do anything for a day if he made it through."

"And you would rather see him in pain than break that small promise?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy frowned and stared at the ground silently for a minute.

"Well I know I for one would rather see him in pain." Church said in an attempt to break the silence.

Fluttershy looked up at Church and narrowed her eyes at him.

"He's just joking." Twilight said quickly.

I am? Church thought to himself.

"I don't know, I think he is happy just to sit around for today, and I really don't want to break my promise." Fluttershy said, clearly torn between her options.

"Well I didn't make any promise. How about I have a look at him, that way you don't have to worry about him and you can keep your promise."

"I would like that." Fluttershy smiled. "Come this way."

Twilight looked at Church and nodded before hastily following Fluttershy.

"I wasn't joking though." Church said dejectedly before following Twilight.

As Twilight rounded the corner she saw Grif cough and give a half wave.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"You ponies sure do worry a lot." Grif snickered. "I've never been better."

"You certainly don't look that way."

"You know, I think on average I might have actually gotten more sleep before I came here." Grif yawned. "Ironic, don't you think?"

"Don't get that started again." Church said, his tone anything but amused.

"I don't suppose you guys will be leaving anytime soon?"

"Not until I've checked to make sure you're alright." Twilight said as she lifted one of Grif's legs.

"Say, how did you know I was like this?" Grif asked as Twilight examined the markings. "I didn't see Fluttershy leave to tell you guys anything."

"I kind of had a feeling Sarge would kick the shit out of you after you made him lose on purpose." Church said.

"It is obvious, isn't it." Grif chuckled.

"The good news is it isn't anything serious, it is mostly just light bruises. The bad news is that eye is starting to swell." Twilight said as she walked towards the door. "Fluttershy I'll need your help to find something to help with that."

Fluttershy looked back at Grif, awaiting his response. He gave a shrug and laid his head back on the tree.

"I'll stay with Grif and make sure he doesn't hurt himself while you're gone." Church said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled gratefully and quickly disappeared into her house to get something for his eye.

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