• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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First Ingredient

"It's really cold up here." Church said through his clamoring teeth as they approached a plateau near the top of the mountain.

"What are you talking about Church, my head is really warm!" Caboose said, Gummy chomping on his head again.

"Hang on." Twilight said. A wave of warmth passed through the group and Church gave Twilight an appreciative nod.

"So is there anything up here that's going to be surprising us?"

"No the bears are usually really nice." Pinkie said passively.

"Oh okay." Church dismissed. His eyes shot wide open and he snapped his head to face Pinkie. "Wait bears? What the fuck are we doing up here if there's damn bears?"

"No need for that potty mouth mister!" Pinkie said as she continued looking for a bush of blueberries."The bears won't hurt us, they're really kind and gentle."

"A gentle bear?" Caboose pondered. "That sounds fun! Do they like cuddles? I would like to give them cuddles."

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Pinkie giggled as they reached a large landing. "As long as we don't show any signs of wanting to hurt them then they should leave us alone. Aha! Found some."

Pinkie quickly ran up to a small snow covered bush and shook the snowflakes off to reveal a bunch of blueberries. Pinkie quickly tore the plant out of the ground and threw it in her saddlebag.

"Just a few more of these and we should be good."

"Just out of curiosity, what do these bears eat?" Church asked.

"Blueberries of course."

"Great. We're taking their food, I'm sure they'll be so happy to see us doing this."

"Don't worry Church, the bears only come out at night to scavenge for their food." Twilight said.

"Besides, there is more than enough to go around." Pinkie pointed out.

"Is this one?" Caboose asked as he poked a small plant.

"Hang on a sec." Pinkie said as she took another bush of blueberries out of the ground. She quickly ran up to Caboose and shook the snow off. "Yeppers, those are blueberries."

"Yay!" Caboose began to yell. "I'm being usefu-"

"Caboose please be quiet." Twilight said calmly.

"Yeah, I don't want to be caught in the middle of an avalanche." Church hissed.

"Come on guys, we just need another five or so, then we can go on to the next ingredient." Pinkie said as she continued her way up the mountain.

"Hey, me and Twilight will split up so we can cover more ground."

"Great idea Church!"

Church turned and walked for a few minutes with Twilight not too far behind.

"Glad to see you're getting into the spirit of it." Twilight said warmly.

"I'm not, I would just rather have a dignified death than one where I die from their sheer idiocy."

"Church can you please at least try to have some fun?"

"I thought I have been here long enough for you to know me more than that." Church chuckled.

"Well at least you know how to laugh. There's life in you yet!" Twilight giggled.

"You're a regular comedian." Church said with a smile. "I think I see some of those blueberries."

Twilight turned her head and saw nearly a dozen bushes.

"At least there is a lot of them so we can finally get off this damned mountain."

"Let's go get the others." Twilight said, already making her way back to the group.

"But I was beginning to like this alone time."

Twilight and Church quickly found the group and made their way back to the blueberries. Pinkie quickly made her way over to them and knocked the snow off.

"Nice job Church!" Pinkie said as she tore one of them out of the ground. "Now we can take some extra blueberries just in case."

"What's next on the list?" Twilight asked as she used her magic to pluck a few plants from the ground.

"Next up is cocoa beans." Pinkie said as she attempted to shut her bag. However, Pinkie had trouble due to packing in so many blueberries, so Caboose went up to the bag and pushed down on the blueberries, allowing the bag to shut. Church glanced at the bag which looked like it was ready to explode.

"I can't wait to make these, I hope they turn out to be perfe-"

"Shh. Did anybody here that?" Church said quietly.

Everypony turned to see some snow fall to reveal the entrance to a cave where pure white bear poked it's head out and began to sniff nervously.

"Hello Mr.Bear!" Caboose greeted happily.

"Caboose stay back." Church said.

"You're such a worrywart." Pinkie laughed.

Caboose started to trot up to the bear and suddenly tripped in front of it, making some of the muffins to spill out. The bear walked out of the cave and started to make his way over to the muffins with a look of hunger in his eyes.

"Those are our muffins!" Derpy yelled.

Caboose threw Gummy back on his head. He then ran to the muffins and threw them into his bag which made the bear give a deafening roar.

"Run!" Twilight yelled.

The group quickly turned tail and started to sprint down the mountain, the bear quickly gaining. After just a couple seconds, Church began to hear the bear grunting as it ran at them. Church was ahead of the others when he came to a small landing.

"Wait!" Church yelled, causing the others to come to a halt.

"Church what are you doing?" Twilight asked nervously as the bear stared curiously at Church as he reached into Caboose's saddlebag.

"These things eat blueberries, right?" Church asked as he pulled a couple muffins out of the bag. "Well I'm going to give them to him.

"Wait!" Pinkie called out.

"Pinkie they're just muffins, and we'll be making more anyways so don't try and stop me." Church muttered as he walked up to the bear, holding the muffins up to it.

Pinkie gasped as the bear bent over and smelled the muffins.

"See? What are you so worried about?"

"Those aren't blueberry muffins, those are raspberry muffins!"


"Bears hate raspberry muffins, don't you know that?" Derpy asked.

Church whipped his head back to the bear and it began to growl. The bear hit the muffin out of his hoof and bared its teeth.

"I don't think you guys fully appreciate just how much I fucking hate this place."

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