• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Change of Plans

Tucker walked in to the Cloudaseum and took in the surroundings. It was much like he believed the Colosseum to look like, except that there wasn’t a floor. Rainbow Dash was slowly creeping in behind Tucker, crouching ever so slightly as she found herself stricken by fear. Up in the VIP booth, Simmons and Rarity were standing at the front, watching as the Wonderbolts shot in to the Cloudaseum and straight to the announcers booth.

"Attention everypony!" A thunderous voice exclaimed on the loudspeakers. "There is a change in the schedule. It seems that a pair of pegasi have challenged the Wonderbolts to a flying competition."

"It's quite a shame that Rainbow Dash and Tucker couldn't see this. Rainbow Dash would feel so sorry for whoever challenged the Wonderbolts." Rarity said.

"Yeah..." Simmons said, turning to look at where the Wonderbolts had entered. "Say, isn't that them down there?"

"What?" Rarity said, looking at where Simmons was looking and her jaw dropped. "This is not going to end well."

Rainbow Dash quickly walked behind Tucker trying to hide behind him. "What's wrong?" Tucker asked.

"Everything is wrong. Why would you talk to the Wonderbolts that way?" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Because they were acting like stuck up assholes." Tucker said.

"No they weren't. They just needed to get inside because they have a performance you idiot." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well they owe you one. And now we get to see their show up close, so why are you complaining?" Tucker asked.

"I'm complaining because you made them think I'm a... a..."

"A bitch?" Tucker asked with a chuckle.

"This isn't funny Tucker." Rainbow Dash growled. "You've single-handedly ruined my chances with them! They'll never let me join them now."

"What if we beat them?" Tucker asked.

"How do you expect us to beat them? They train every single day non-stop!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I have a plan, don't worry about it." Tucker said.

"What's your plan?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well I was thinking that you could do that rainbow thing an-"

"WHAT? That’s your plan?" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Yeah, why? Can't you just do it whenever?" Tucker asked.

"No, I can't! I don't control when I do it, it just happens! What else does your plan entail? Did you expect some miracles to just happen?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not really, the rainbow thing was all I really had going for me." Tucker said.

Rainbow Dash glared at Tucker as her shoulders deflated. Spitfire, Soarin and a couple other Wonderbolts flew next to Tucker and Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, I just wanted to wish you guys luck!" Spitfire said, extending her hoof to Tucker.

"Nah you should hold on to it." Tucker said.

Spitfire laughed and nodded to Tucker.

"Alright then. I hope you guys have fun then." Spitfire said before shooting towards the starting point.

"The Wonderbolts will now be performing their new show, so sit tight and enjoy!" The announcer called out.

"You have a habit of digging yourself into deep holes, don't you?" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Tucker said.

Four of the Wonderbolts took to the air, each wielding a large metal cylinder on their backs from opposite sides of the Cloudaseum.

"What are those?" Tucker asked.

"I have no idea." Rainbow Dash said.

As the Wonderbolts got a decent distance away from each other they all made sudden turns and started to fly towards the center of the Cloudaseum. They were a few dozen feet away from each other before they each pulled a chord that was attached to their cylinder. The cylinders then started to release a large amount of dark clouds that trailed behind them. When they were but a few feet away from each other they all veered to the right and started to spin in a circle. Another four Wonderbolts started to fly from where the others were and they started pushing the clouds towards where the original four were spinning.

"What are they doing?" Tucker asked.

"Shh." Rainbow Dash said, focusing on the group.

Spitfire and Soarin then came from the top and went in the middle of the spinning Wonderbolts. The four Wonderbolts that were holding the clouds kicked them at their spinning group members and they took them away. Spitfire and Soarin nodded at each other and they started to spin in the same direction as the other four, but in a tighter and sharper circle. The four that were spinning started to release some of the clouds, making a ring of clouds in between them. They then started to slowly move up, making a spinning trail of clouds. As they gained altitude they started circling faster and soon the clouds were spinning in unison.

"Are they making a tornado?" Simmons muttered.

"Looks like it." Flint chuckled. "This is quite exhilarating.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Simmons asked.

"They're professionals Simmons, I wouldn’t worry about it." Rarity said with a smile.

Simmons looked at the tornado that was being formed as it got larger and larger until the original four ran out of clouds. Once they did they shot upwards in unison with Spitfire and Soarin and they all took turns flying straight through the tornado, not affected by the sharp winds inside as well as dodging bolts of electricity that were shooting around the inside. Once they all went through the tornado they all started spinning alongside it, picking away at the clouds until the tornado dispersed. The Wonderbolts then started spelling out the group’s name with the bits of cloud, to which the crowd responded to with a large amount of cheering.

"We're doomed." Rainbow Dash said.

"Maybe not." Tucker said with a smirk, flapping his wings lightly.

"You're up." Spitfire said as she flew past Tucker.

Tucker looked over to Rainbow Dash who was shaking from fear.

"Are you afraid of performing in front of crowds?" Tucker asked with a laugh.

"No, I just don't like the idea of being laughed out of Cloudsdale and being shunned forever!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well it will probably make it worse if you leave without giving it a shot." Tucker said.

"Yeah, yeah." Rainbow Dash said, starting to fly towards the middle of the arena.

Tucker started to fly around, grabbing all the large clouds that were spread about, bringing them towards the middle.

"What are you planning?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm not planning. I'm just winging it." Tucker said with a smirk, to which Rainbow Dash glared at him as a response. "Just fly around and do some stunts, I got this."

Rainbow Dash nodded and started to fly around, doing aerial moves that she had done many times before to stall the crowd to allow Tucker to prepare. Once Tucker had a satisfying amount of the heavy, black clouds, occasionally shooting off lightning. He shifted uneasily and looked at Rainbow Dash, preparing himself for the stunt that he was about to pull.

"What are you going to do?" Rainbow Dash said.

"You'll see." Tucker said with a weak smile.

Tucker then swerved into the dark clouds and started to fly around inside of them, trying to gain some of the electrical current. He slowly started to build up electricity as he flew, making his body shoot off some sparks. Then a lightning bolt struck Tucker and he fell out of the clouds and started spiraling towards the ground, barely conscious.

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