• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 15 [linguistic relativity]

April 15

Since my window didn't have curtains, I woke up at my normal time and then I had to make a decision. I could stay in bed and snuggle with Meghan until she woke up, but if I did I wouldn't get any morning exercise.

I could wake her up, and then tell her that if she wanted to stay around that we could take a shower together when I got back from flying. But it was kind of mean to wake someone up and then not be ready to do stuff with them.

Or I could leave her a note and hope that she read it, and then she could make her own decision when she woke up. That was probably the best—well, the best would have been if we'd talked about it last night but it was too late for that now. So I wrote a little note and left it on top of her folding computer and then went off to go flying.

When I got back, she was gone. She'd left a note for me on my desk apologizing for leaving, but that she didn't know when I was going to be back and she didn't want to be late for her classes. That was disappointing, but I understood. So I took a shower by myself.

Christine is a lot of fun at the breakfast table and she saw that I was looking a little bit down so she got a bowl of sugar cereal that she likes and she picked all the marshmallow shapes out of it and offered it to me, saying that it was unlucky charms and that it was just the thing for a pegasus who looked glum.

Even without them it was super-sugary but it was also rude to refuse food so I ate about half the bowl before I felt oversugared. I guess that's one way to wake up in the morning, but the energy just doesn't stay with you.

I brought my new calculator to Professor Sir Doctor Banerjee's class, but I didn't have to get it out. He spent the whole class talking about the Lorenz equations and drawing matrixes and equations on the markerboard, and I had to really pay attention on my notes.

During lunch I sat next to Sean and he showed me how to do a bunch of things on my calculator that the instructions hadn't said. Christine said that we were being a bunch of geeks, so Sean typed the number 58008 into my calculator and turned it upside down and showed it to Christine and she rolled her eyes and said that we weren't in middle school any more.

Joe said that since we were college students we ought to have a serious scholarly discussion over lunch, but everyone else said that was too much effort, and Sean said he'd rather steer the conversation back towards boobs. Christine said that was unfair because she had the only pair and then Joe said that he'd never thought about it before but where and then he just shut up and his face got really red.

So I wasn't sure what to make of that, and Sean went to say something and then just clamped his mouth right back shut when Christine gave him a death stare. Then she said that since he wanted to talk about boobs she knew someone who didn’t use letters for cup size but measured them in Hermans, which was a measure of handfuls. I asked if the different shapes had names, too, and she nodded and started to list them off and describe them, like bell-shaped and round and asymetrical. I said mine were probably closest to athletic and not even a full Herman, but that they would get a bit bigger if I was about to foal, and that was when Joe's face got so red I thought he might catch on fire. All the while, Christine had such an innocent smile on her face, and she turned to Sean and asked him if he would like to know more.

He shook his head and suggested that we talk about anything else, so Christine said since we were on the subject anyway, she'd tell me about Mardi Gras in New Orleans and that was sort of related to boobs, since there were places where you could get necklaces for showing them off. But that wasn't the main point of it.

She explained how it was a religious festival, the carnival season starts on January 6, which is called Twelfth Night, and that Mardi Gras is the very end of it. There were groups called Krewes which organized the parades, and they started parading the week before Mardi Gras, beginning with the Druids and the Mystic Krewe of Nyx. Then on Mardi Gras there are the biggest parades and people wear elaborate costumes and masks, and they toss out all sorts of trinkets from floats. It’s the last day of celebration before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent, and that’s when some Christians fast or give up something else for the forty days leading up to Easter.

Christine wasn’t sure about all the religious parts of the festival, because she said she wasn’t a good Catholic girl. But she said it was a lot of fun and it was a shame that I probably wouldn’t get to see it. She said that I could watch videos of it on YouTube, but that wasn’t the same as being there.

As I was going to anthropology, I thought about Joe saying that we ought to have a serious discussion, and I thought that we had, even if they hadn't wanted to hear all of it. I now knew how women measured the size and shape of their boobs, and I knew about Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and I hadn't known anything about either before lunch.

Professor Amy talked about linguistic relativity, which was the idea that the language reflected the culture and the worldview. She said that the two most important thinkers who had developed this philosophy were Sapir and Whorf, and right away I thought she was on to something. I kept running into places where we didn’t have words or where humans didn’t, and I’d even learned once that all the words for sky and sky-things in Equestrian came from Pegaios (which was the proper name for our old language, but a lot of ponies just called it Pegos).

But then she talked about it more and it wasn’t just the words the language had or didn’t, but the very fundamentals of how their language was arranged. Concepts that meant something to one group of people might not be important enough to another to mention. She explained how some cultures had different words for water if it was in a jug than if it was in a lake, or how people sorted the most basic things, like kinds of animals. She asked a couple of people in class who weren’t native Americans if they could think of examples from their own culture, and I raised my hoof and said that we had three different classifications for birds, but as far as I knew on Earth there was only one.

Well, that raised a bit of debate in class until I explained that we had different names for the different types of birds, but that ‘bird’ had three separate forms, and that wasn’t even counting hybrids that they didn’t have on earth.

When I was eating dinner it suddenly occurred to me that I would have all weekend without any of my closest friends around. In one way that was an opportunity, but in another it was a kind of terrifying feeling. So I asked at dinner what people were doing and Christine said that they were LARPing again and everyone wanted to know when I was going to come back because they all missed me.

So I put on the caparison that Kathleen had made for me, and my necklace and my glaive, too, and went to Hoben and met up with everybody. They said that I wasn’t supposed to use my real name, but they liked how I said that I was in the second ile of Commander Hurricane's hipparchy, because that sounded really official. Since I wasn’t very good at coming up with a fake name I had to ask for help and everyone tossed out different names until someone suggested Sapphire Frost and I thought that was a very good name, so that’s what I called myself all night long.

We played until it was really late, and I had a lot of fun, but by the end I was nodding my head with sleepiness. The chairs in the lounge were really tempting, and it was all I could do to not just lie in one of them and fall asleep right there, but I managed to make my way back to my room and get undressed before crawling up into bed.

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