• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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June 28 [Alfalfa]

June 28

I woke up early, 'cause there were a couple of birds fighting outside the window—two cardinals were swooping at each other and finally one of them flew off and the winner landed on the birdfeeder and ate his fill before he left, and he was pretty quickly replaced by a bunch of little chirpy birds.

It was overcast and smelled like it might rain, so after I'd gotten on my flight gear I went up and gave the grumpy airplane director a weather report, which cheered him up a little bit.

I was at the top of my altitude and that wasn't enough to get at the bottoms of the clouds; in fact, they still looked almost as far away, and was pretty sure that it wouldn't be raining from them, but they might be coming in ahead of a front. Or else they were all clouds that airplanes had made, but those clouds usually didn't cover all that much of the sky. I think if the weather was just right they might spread out, though, but I hadn't seen it happen over Kalamazoo yet.

While I was flying around I remembered that I'd forgotten to invite Meghan to come to the tall ships festival with me, so when I got done and landed I sent her a telephone telegram right away, even before getting into the shower.

I wish that the shower was wide enough to really stretch out my wings. I turned sideways and that helped, but then I either had my muzzle against the wall or the shower curtain and that made it feel more confined. Plus it was against my instincts to have the water coming at me sideways.

I woke up my computer and Aric hadn't written me back but the weather lady had and she said that she would still like to show me around and she thought that everyone in the studio would like to meet me, and she asked if Thursday was okay. I wrote her back to tell her that it was, and then I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Today felt like a good day to make waffles, so I got out the bowl and it was kind of hard to break the egg into it and I had to fish out half of the shell 'cause I dropped that in by mistake. And I couldn't remember how much water Meghan had put in, either, so I kind of guessed at that and then kept adding more (because it would be really hard to get extra water out) until it was all mixed up like she'd showed me.

I made two waffles for me and then put the rest of the batter in the icebox because I thought that if the egg had to be kept cold while it was still in its shell it would probably have to be kept cold after it was out of it, too. A lot of food goes bad if it isn't kept properly.

When I was done eating, I saw that Meghan had replied, and she said that she wished she could come but she had a conference in Indianapolis that weekend and so she couldn't.

Well, that was disappointing, 'cause it would have been fun to have her there. I guess even though I had all summer free to do whatever I wanted to not all my friends did.

I needed to get a train ticket, and this time I was determined to do it myself without Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn's help, so I flew down to the train station and went to the ticket window and bought myself a Friday morning ticket to East Lansing and a Monday morning ticket back home. It would have been nice if there were trains more often, but it would be fun to just visit Aquamarine and Jenny at their apartment which I hadn't seen.

She hadn't seen mine, either. I think she'd like it, although maybe she wouldn't like how the backyard was mostly gravel.

I thought that maybe I'd like for the futon to be a little bit closer to the balcony, so I pushed it across the room until I was satisfied with where it sat—I could lie on it and look out the window, and I made sure to leave enough space that the back could fold down. But that made it kind of crowded with the papasan right near it, and I couldn't think of a good place to put it, so I tucked it right in the corner and maybe I'd think of something better later.

Then I sat down at my desk and got out my new notebook for my journal 'cause I'd completely filled the old one. And I was writing down what I'd done with my day when my doorbell rang and since it was quicker I went out the balcony and around rather than open the door and go down the stairs.

There was a grey-haired woman in a brown suit and she was holding a brown box and even before I got all the way to her I could smell the alfalfa and I remembered that I hadn't eaten lunch yet.

Well, she was surprised to see me come up the sidewalk and I had to tell her my name and put my mark on her little hand-computer before she would let me have my package, then she held it out for me and it was too big to carry in my mouth so I picked it up sideways with my forelegs and flew from my downstairs door up to the balcony.

They'd put too much tape on it—I guess they didn't want any alfalfa to fall out—and I had to really work at it to get it open, and then when I got inside the box it was all wrapped in plastic anyway. So I got that open and had to remind myself not to just gorge on it, but to eat like a proper pony, so I took the bag (which was a lot easier to carry) into the kitchen and put it on the counter and then scooped some out and put it on a plate and carried it back out to the balcony and ate it there.

It was a little bit dry, but still very good. I was going to have to order some more; maybe a box a week. And I think I could have it sent to college, too; the mail hut kept boxes that wouldn't fit into the pigeonholes and gave you a slip of paper to let you know that you had a package. It would be a nice treat to have. Plus not only did it taste good, but it made the apartment smell good, too.

If I was an earth pony, I'd plant some alfalfa and clover in the backyard. I wonder if Aquamarine has a little yard where she can plant things?

I went out and refilled my bird feeder, then I flew over to Aric's house to check on his, and it was low, too, so I filled it and then I flew over to Tiffany's to get some beer that I could share with Meghan tonight if she wanted me to come over,

The handles on the beer carriers aren't really made for ponies, and I should have worn my saddlebags. Next time I would—I got it home safely, but one bottle was jammed against my throat the whole way home and that didn't feel very good.

When I got back home I noticed that my telephone was blinking at me, and I remembered how I was supposed to have it with me but it was so easy to forget plus I didn't really have anywhere to carry it.

It was from Meghan and she said that she was home and if I wanted to I could come over for dinner and she'd show me how to make rice.

I was smart, and I put on my saddlebags and filled one side with all my flight gear and the other side with the beer and also my pocket telephone and I thought about bringing some alfalfa but I was pretty sure that she wouldn't eat it if I did, and it would be rude to be eating my own food instead of hers.

Since I remembered which door was hers, I waited on the porch and rang the doorbell.

When we were up in her room, we both had one beer and then we went into the kitchen and she showed me how to cook rice which was pretty easy—you put the right amount in a pan and added some water and then let it cook on low heat for a long time. She said that there was even a thing called a rice cooker that cooked rice for you, and that if I really liked rice it would be a good thing to have because it was cheap but since I didn't have one she was showing me how to do it on the stove.

Rice by itself was kind of boring, and she thought so, too, so she got out two other pans and the bigger pan was for vegetables and the little one was for some strips of meat for her rice.

She made a spot on the counter where I could stand and let me help cut up the vegetables but I wasn’t very good at it. It was hard to see what I was doing with a knife in my mouth, so I cut them into big pieces and she then cut them into smaller pieces and that worked out pretty well.

And when it was cooking, she let me stir it and I felt kind of dumb for not thinking about standing on the counter in my kitchen. It was slippery but I wasn't going to be galloping on it, and if I just flew up and stood there I would be fine.

I could maybe even light the stove without burning myself that way.

We had to wait a little bit for the rice to be done, 'cause it took longer to cook than anything else. Then she said that she was going shopping with her friend on Wednesday after work and if I came over Thursday night she'd show me how to make cookies.

After the dishes were done we went to her room and she changed into her lounging clothes and we sat in her bed and watched the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and things just kept getting worse and worse for Harry and I was pretty sure that Voldemort was going to win after all, especially when right at the very end he stole Dumbledore's wand.

I wanted to watch the last one too, but Meghan said that it was late and she had to get up for work tomorrow and that was true and I guess it would be pretty selfish of me to keep her up late, and she promised me that things would turn out all right in the end.

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