• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 5 [Topless Karaoke Bar]

October 5

Me and Meghan both were up before her alarm went off—I woke up first then I woke her up when I put my head on her breast. And she looked over at Amy, who was still asleep, and then she reached down and pulled up her shirt, and so I lifted my head and she took it all the way off for me.

I stayed snuggled up on her breast with her petting my mane until her alarm went off, and then I had to move so she could reach over me and turn it off. Then she saw that Amy was moving around, so she ducked back behind me and pulled the covers over her until I told her that Amy had rolled over and was facing the other way and looked like she was asleep again. Then she pushed the covers back down a little bit so that I could get my pillow back.

We stayed in bed until her alarm went off a second time, and since she'd kept her portable telephone after she'd stopped the first alarm, she got it turned off before it could disturb Amy too much.

She asked if I wanted to take a shower with her and I did want to but I also wanted to fly, and I said that I didn't like flying with wet wings if I could help it. So she leaned down and kissed me, then I got out of bed and she looked to make sure that Amy was still asleep before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.

She said that I could pick out clothes for her before I left, so I looked through her dresser until I found a nice shirt that said Old Navy on it and a pair of pants, then I went through another drawer and found a pink panty and a lacy red bra that went well together, and I took them into the bathroom for her.

Then I went back to my room to get my flight gear and when I was dressed, I went out to the boardwalk and got permission to fly.

I flew over the cemetery and then the neighborhoods that were past it, and all the way to the dirt mines before I angled east to get to the Nature Center. And I came in more to the north than I usually did, and I spooked the deer when I came over the tops of the trees. I hadn't meant to, but they looked up and saw me and must have decided that I was some kind of predator, and they hopped off into the woods.

I guess some good came of it, though, because I didn't have to worry about scaring them away any more, so I landed at a trot, and broke into a canter on the downslope of the path, and kept it up all the way around the trail and back up to where I'd started from, and then the next time I went down the hill I broke into a full gallop, and I kept it up until I got to the curve where the trail started to rise, 'cause I had to slow down.

So I trotted up and down and around, to cool myself off a little bit, and then when I got to the junction with the trail through the trees, I flew through the woods. There was a funny little white animal which I thought maybe was a cat when I first saw it, but then I got closer and saw it was actually an opossum, which is a big rat, I think. Their tails look like rat tails.

When I got back out of the woods, I climbed up and over the prairie. I was a little bit overheated 'cause the flight vest held sweat and body heat in, but once I got in the open air it felt a lot better, especially when I glided.

It kinda felt like it was going to rain, so I thought I'd better check the weather when I got back to the dorm.

I landed back on the boardwalk and got undressed in our room, then went to the shower, and I started off with just cold water to rinse me off and finish cooling me down.

Kat was waiting for her turn when I got out, and in our room Peggy was just getting up. She said that she'd figured out that she could get the most sleep if she didn't actually get out of bed until I got back to the room after my morning shower.

I told her that I thought she was being kinda lazy, and she'd feel better if she started the day with exercise instead of more sleep, and offered to wake her up to go trotting on Friday.

Then I turned on my computer and looked at the weather, and I was still doing calculations when Peggy came back from the shower. She still thought it was funny that I didn't just use a forecast to find out what the weather was going to be, and I could have but it was good practice, especially since humans had so much data to work with.

It didn't look like it was gonna rain until the afternoon, and it looked like there might be a thunderstorm, too, depending on how much energy the air picked up during the day.

Me and Peggy went to breakfast together, and I was really happy that the waffle maker was still working, and I got a waffle and strawberry gravy.

Anna had a bowl of cereal and an orange, and she was peeling a sun-shape into it, and that was really clever of her. I like oranges, but the skin is bitter if you eat it, and it's really hard to get off. You have to grip it in your hooves and tear pieces of it off with your teeth.

When she was done, she set it in the center of the table and said that it was the sun god, then she started eating her cereal. It seemed kind of wasteful to just leave it there and not eat it, but it did kinda brighten up the table, and when she was done eating, she made a little sign to put in front of it.

I licked off my plate when I was done with my waffle, 'cause the strawberry gravy had been really good, and when I was done Christine picked up her Fruit Loops bowl and licked that out.

Professor Brown taught us about entropy, and showed us how in an isolated process, you could go one way irreversibly, and that didn't make any work, but you needed to use work and have a non-isolated process to get it back, and explained the equations that might show which way a system would go on its own if you didn't do anything to it.

And he showed us how there was even an equation for what the whole universe did, and that the universe was technically an isolated system, and he showed how over time its entropy could never get smaller but it could get bigger.

Then he showed us entropy equations for a bunch of different processes, like heating and cooling and even mixing, and then at the end of class he gave us our homework and warned us that by completing it we would increase the entropy of the universe. So Austin raised his hand and said that if we didn't do the homework maybe the universe would last a little bit longer, and Professor Brown said that if he wanted to calculate the difference in entropy between doing homework and not doing it, he was welcome to do that instead.

When we were walking out of class, I told Lisa that I'd been a bad pony and hadn't done the lab work yet, even though I should have. I'd just gotten distracted with other things. And she said it was okay, because it wasn't due until our next lab, but I still felt bad about it. So instead of doing my new homework right away, I did the lab work, and I confused myself since I knew that the Carnot cycle was supposed to be the most efficient one but my numbers didn't show it being all that efficient. Then I looked through the notes some and did a little bit more calculating by putting in some new numbers, and figured out that the more the heat difference, the more efficient it was, and that was why my answers had seemed so wrong.

Then I checked the weather again, 'cause now I could see what had changed in the morning, and it looked like there probably would be thunderstorms, so I sent a telephone telegram to Mel, to let him know that I would be free after math class and could go stormwatching with him. I thought I might be able to get a ride back from Aric, too, but it depended on when the storms came through.

I had a chance to start on my thermodynamics homework, but I wasn't done in time for lunch, so I left it out on my desk, filled my saddlebags with my math supplies, and went to lunch.

The sun god was still on the table when I got to lunch, but the little sign was gone. And just after I sat down, Meghan came over and sat next to me, and then when everybody else had arrived, that made it a little more crowded. Sean said that we needed a bigger table.

Christine said that the better solution was to better use the resources that we had, and she got out of her chair and sat on his lap, and then since he couldn't reach his lunch, she started eating it instead, and when he started to complain she wiggled her hips a little bit.

Peggy said that as much fun as it would be to see two of her friends having sex, she didn't want to see it while she was eating, and so Anna and Reese got up and pulled over another table, and Anna said that now this was the sun god's territory, too, and she moved her orange to the middle. Christine stayed on Sean's lap anyways, until she'd eaten most of his food, then she said that she was full, and sat back in her seat. She pushed her plate over to him, and told him that he could finish it, too, if he wanted to.

We didn't put the table back when we were done eating, and Sean said that he hoped that the dining hall people would leave it alone. And then me and Sean walked to class together, and when I got out my homework, he saw that I hadn't done a problem in Equestrian. And I said that I was still trying to figure out a good one, but I didn't tell him what. He'd been paying more attention to what I'd been doing, so he might be able to figure it out on his own.

Professor Pampena warned us that there was going to be a mid-term next week, and he said that he would write down on the markerboard what was going to be on the test, and so he wrote EVERYTHING in big black letters and underlined it.

Then he started to teach us about differentials to relate changes in y and x, and he told us that it was important to know that differentials weren't numbers or variables or vectors which was kind of confusing because I thought that they had to be something, since everything was something.

He also showed us a formula that was called the chain rule, and then he showed the proof for how it worked, which he said wasn't the best proof, and then he said that he was going to show us a better one. But at least he hadn't lied about the first proof, it just wasn't as good as the second.

Then he started to show how to use it, and how to use it on systems with lots of variables, and it was a little bit confusing at first, but the more he explained it the more sense it made.

Sean said that it was giving him a headache and he wished that he had decided to major in basket-weaving instead. So I started to tell him how complicated it was, 'cause there were a bunch of ponies in town who made baskets and lobster traps and Sean said that there was a joke about people getting to college and getting a major in basket-weaving because everyone thought it was easy.

We went to his room after class to do homework together again. And I'd hardly gotten started when my portable telephone chirped and it was a telephone telegram from Mel, saying that he could pick me up from my dorm at four. He said that the thunderstorms were very likely, but at least it looked like it was going to be a small system, so I wouldn’t be out there all night this time.

So I thought I'd better tell Aric, so I sent him a telephone telegram, too, and then I got back to work, but I had to stop one more time, 'cause I got a telegram back from Aric, and he said that he'd meet me out at the Speedway station.

Me and Sean went over our math homework after we were done solving the problems, and I wrote a new one in Equestrian, and then I went back to my room and got all my flight gear ready first, then I went and finished up my thermodynamics homework.

I was putting on my gear when Peggy came back from her class, and she said that she'd noticed that the clouds were looking darker and she'd wondered if I was going to have to go stormwatching tonight.

So I told her that Mel was picking me up at four, and then I was going to get a ride home from Aric, and I'd see her at lunch tomorrow or maybe sooner because we were going to pick up a new haybale and bring it back here. And then I thought I should go out and wait for Mel, 'cause it was getting pretty close to time.

I was in the hallway when I remembered that I might want towels, so I took mine and put them over my back.

We drove out to our stormwatching spot, and we didn't have a lot of time to get ready, because the storm front was moving faster than Mel had thought it would. So I got permission to fly, and then when I was up in the air I tested out my radio, and then I flew off west, and I didn't make it much more than a mile before the storm hit me.

The clouds had kept getting darker and thicker and pricklier, and I could see the thunderclouds moving towards me, but even so it made my coat stand on end when they came by, and I got soaked pretty quick then tumbled around by the cloud some before I got my bearings back and flew out of it, and I think the cloud was really mad at me because it almost got my tail with a lightning bolt. It was close enough that I could smell the electricity, and I got my eyes closed just in time, but it still hurt a little bit anyways because lightning was really bright when you were right next to it. That was another reason why it was better to be on top of the clouds rather than underneath them.

Well, I saw lots of ground strikes, so I told Mel to watch out, because it was a mean storm, and then I just did my best to keep track of all of it. As far as I could see to the north and south, it was producing lightning, but it kind of tapered off to the west, because it was the kind of storm that went at a gallop but then tired itself out pretty fast.

So I wasn't in the air for much more than an hour by the time we'd both decided that it had passed by and there wasn't going to be anything else bad on its tail, and I could come back down.

I sparked off against a lamppost and then landed in the parking lot and went to Mel's truck to get my towels. And I just tossed them over my back again, 'cause it was still raining, and when I got to Winston and opened the door, I saw that he already had towels across the seat, 'cause he'd thought of it, too.

So I threw mine in, and then I got undressed in the parking lot because it was a lot harder to do in Winston.

I was pretty hungry since I hadn't had any dinner, and Aric said that we could go to a restaurant for dinner, but I thought I was too wet for that, so we went to a Jimmy John's and he went in to get us sandwiches, and then we brought them home for us.

While we were eating, he asked me what I wanted to do for the evening, and I said that it would be fun to go to the topless karaoke bar. He said that he didn't like the karaoke part but that the topless part would probably offset it, and he said that it would be more fun if more people went, so he got up and went to the top of the basement stairs and asked Angela and David if they wanted to go to a topless karaoke bar, and they said that they would.

He thought it might be too crowded for all four of us in Winston, although I wouldn't have minded being all scrunched up on the seat. But Angela had her Alero, so we took that instead.

Aric had to ride in the back, which didn't seem too comfortable for him, because his legs hardly fit behind Angela's seat.

She didn't know where it was, so we gave her directions and they weren't very good directions, because we missed it at first, and had to turn around and go back.

Before we could go in, we had to pay a man at the door, and at first he wasn't sure if he should let me in or not. I told him that I could go in restaurants and then he asked if I was even old enough, and he looked at my passport and had some trouble figuring it out and finally he said it was okay, as long as I paid.

It was smaller inside than it had looked on the outside, and it was kind of dim, too, like the dark room at the dining hall. There were big televisions on the wall, and they were mostly showing pictures of sports but there was also one that was showing a news show called CNN. You had to read what it said, because there wasn't any sound from it, and whoever had written the words couldn't spell very well, because I saw a lot of mistakes. Or maybe the newspeople were saying it wrong.

All the waitresses were shirtless, and so they couldn't wear the little tags that had their names on them. The one who came over to our table said that her name was Daisy, and she was pretty cute.

After we'd all ordered beer, David asked where the karaoke was and our waitress said that that was only on the weekends. And Aric looked up towards the ceiling and said that there was a god, which I thought was a really funny thing to say.

When the waitress came back with our drinks, Angela asked if it was okay if customers took off their shirts, too, and she said that if she wanted to, she could, so Angela took off her shirt and bra and gave them to David to hold for her, and he put her shirt on over his but not her bra.

We stayed there for a couple of beers, and Daisy wanted to get a picture of her with me and Angela, so she had one of the other waitresses come over and take the picture. Daisy asked both of us if it would be okay to put it up on the wall and I didn't mind, and Angela thought about it for a little bit and then asked if it was all right if she had David take a picture of me and her and Daisy all together and Daisy said that we could. So we posed again, and David took the picture, and Angela decided that it would be okay for Daisy to put the picture that the other waitress had taken up on the wall.

I was kind of disappointed that there was no karaoke, because I'd been looking forward to that. Aric said that there were other karaoke places in town if I really really wanted to sing, or we could come back here on the weekend, which I thought was a better idea.

Before we left, Angela had to put her shirt back on, and then we drove back home and stopped at Tiffany's for some more beer, and then we sat in the living room and drank a little bit more and talked about school and weather and David said that we could watch some of the YouTube movies of me on the big television in their living room because he knew how to make it connect to his computer.

And then we also watched the one from the storm from today, because he could hook his computer to my GoPro, and he speeded up some of the boring parts, but watched the rest in normal time.

Angela said that I was a tough little pony to fly in storms like that, which made me really proud.

When we were done watching movies, me and Aric went upstairs to his room, and he said that it had been fun going to the bar, and he hadn't expected Angela to go shirtless. I said that I'd seen her sunbathing without her swimming bra and he said that he'd never seen that, and I think he was kind of disappointed that he hadn't.

He got undressed, and then he laid down beside me and started running his fingers through my coat, which felt really nice. And I reminded him that tomorrow morning we had to go pick up my haybale.

Then I nuzzled his chest and ran my hoof up his leg, and he slid his hand down my back and around my dock, and pretty soon we were fighting for position on the bed, and he finally pinned me down on my belly. He was a little bit rougher than usual, but I'd been nipping him, so maybe that was why.

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