• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 14 [Homecoming]

October 14

I was a little bit stiff and sore when I woke up, and my hurt wing had a cramp in it, which was really annoying, especially when I forgot I was under the blanket and got tangled up stretching it out. After I got the covers off and flexed it a few times, it felt a lot better. I couldn't do much about the bruises I had, but they weren't too annoying.

I thought about waking Peggy up so that we could go trotting together, especially 'cause I'd forgotten on Monday. If she didn't want to, she could go back to sleep again.

She was a little bit grumpy when I shook her awake, and she said that I was too cheerful for so early in the morning. And she said that when she fell asleep in class today it would be all my fault, and then she went to her dresser and put her sports bra on and her trotting clothes and she said that I had to carry her water for her, which I didn't mind doing.

So we went out the front and to Academy Street, and then we turned towards my old apartment, and we got out to Caleb and Lindy and Trinity's house in time to meet them while they waited for their bus. I gave Trinity a short ponyback ride and Caleb showed Peggy all the Pokemons he'd caught, and when their bus came Trinity was still on my back, and she hopped off and scratched right behind my ear then climbed up the steps and the bus went on its way.

Peggy said I ought to go to school with her one day for Show and Tell, and I thought that would be a fun idea. Then she said that she wasn't being serious, but it still sounded like fun.

We went to Main Street then back down Dartmouth, past Aric's house, and she said that I should go wake him up, too. And I said that I could and I could see if he wanted to go trotting with us, but I didn't think he would, and she said that she was only joking but it would be funny to wake him up first thing in the morning.

We went around to the end of Dartmouth Street, and then worked our way back to campus. I saw the bus one more time, but we were a little too far away from it for anyone riding it to see us.

Peggy said that she was taking first shower this time because she'd gotten all sweaty and I thought that was fair. So she got her shower supplies and went off to the bathroom and I didn't have anything to do. I thought about starting to read Luke, but then I might have to stop right in the middle of it, so I went to the bathroom instead and sat down on the bench to wait. Maybe Kat would be late and I could take a shower before her.

And it gave me a chance to talk to Peggy, too, about our plans for tonight. We thought that Jenny and Aquamarine would arrive in time for dinner, so we were going to meet them at Trowbridge and then go to dinner with them. Peggy said that we'd want to make sure that we got beer for tonight and she could make a beer run. The stadium was really close, so she said that she could drink, too, and just walk back.

Kat hadn't come back by the time Peggy was done with her shower, so I took the next one, and I let the hot water beat on my sore wing for a little bit to help loosen it up.

I was just finishing when she came for her shower, and I told her she could take her time 'cause Peggy had already taken a shower.

Preening my one wing was a little bit uncomfortable, but the hot water had really helped, and I got almost all of it. I probably could have if I'd stretched a little bit, but I didn't want to hurt it any more.

We both had scrambled eggs for breakfast, and I shared a raisin bagel with Anna. She and Reese hadn't been planning on coming to the game, but the rest of us insisted that she should, because it would be more fun with more people, and I thought that they'd like Aquamarine, too.

And I got Meghan to preen the little bit of my wing that I'd missed, and then I nuzzled her cheek before I had to go off to class.

Professor Brown taught us more about direction of spontaneous change, and he reminded us of the equations, and then how those applied when we were figuring out equations of state. And that led us to the fundamental equations of thermodynamics.

Then we got to look at the derivatives of them, which could tell us even more about how things behaved, even when you changed the quantities or the temperature.

It was a really fun class, because he filled the whole markerboard with equations several times and had to wait for us to get them all in our notes before he erased the board and started again.

Me and Lisa met in the lounge and we went over all the calculations I'd made for our lab, and she promised that she'd get it all typed up over the weekend and we could look at it one more time on Monday.

I went back to my room to do my homework, and when I'd spread it all out on my desk, I thought that maybe I should check the weather predictions for the next week. It had felt kind of rainy in the morning, although it hadn't rained at all. So I turned on my computer and looked and it said that there would maybe be thunderstorms on Sunday, and that reminded me that someone had said that I should tell Cyndi the weathergirl about flying in storms, so I sent her a computer letter and said that if there was a storm on Sunday, I'd be flying in it.

Then I started in on my homework. Maybe on Monday I'd see if Lisa liked to do hers right after class, 'cause we could do it together if she did.

Peggy came back a little bit before lunch and said that we could go get beer right now if we wanted, so the two of us got in Cobalt and went out to Tiffany's, and since she had her car we could put as much beer as we could buy into the back. So we got four carriers of different kinds of beer and also a couple of bottles of liquor which she thought should be enough, especially since Aric would have some over at his house.

When she got back, somebody had taken her space so she had to look around and she couldn't find one that was near Trowbridge and had to park down the hill next to Christine's dorm, so we got to lunch a little bit late.

They had a lot of good food for lunch, like Christine had said, and I saw some older people who were sitting in the dining hall and they all had name badges and numbers, which was the year that they had graduated. Sean said that it was fun to see who had been graduated the longest. The oldest one I saw was 88, but he said that he'd seen 67 one year. It wasn't this year, though, so I didn't think it counted.

Once we were done with lunch, me and Sean went to math together, and Professor Pampena taught us more about non-independent variables.

It was a little bit strange how if the equation was constant you could set it to zero, but that was how you figured out how one thing changed in relationship to the others.

We had to be careful, though, because even when our variables equaled each other, their partial derivatives wouldn't be equal, which didn't seem obvious until he explained how in his example one was when we were changing y and keeping x constant and in the other equation we were doing the opposite, and therefore they could not be equal.

He gave us an example with the area of a triangle, which was pretty basic geometry, except that he wanted us to figure it out how it changed when the angle of theta changed, and there were three answers depending on whether it stayed a right triangle or not and which side changed lengths.

Professor Pampena said that there were two different methods and we should use the one that we liked the best, and then he showed us each one. We could use differentials or we could use the chain rule. And I kind of liked the differential method better, because I knew it better, but then I thought that I should practice with the chain rule more because maybe if I did I would prefer it.

We went back to Sean’s room together to work on our math homework, and I told him that I couldn't stay past three, because I had to be back to my room so that I could meet Aquamarine. So he said that we'd just have to hurry, and he said that if I didn't mind he was going to play music by Lisa Gerrard, which was kind of like Loreena McKennitt.

She had a really beautiful voice, too, and it was perfect for doing homework, although some of her songs were kind of sad.

Humans like to have music everywhere, which is really nice. And there are so many different kinds of music that you can listen to whatever fits your mood. I think that's one thing that I'm going to miss when I go back to Equestria.

We got finished, but didn't have time to go through all of our answers together before I had to leave. I probably could have stayed until we had, but I didn't want to risk Aquamarine and Jenny arriving and there being nobody to meet them.

So I went back to my room and read through Luke while I waited. Luke was written for Theophilus, although I didn’t know who that was.

It started out with the birth of John the Baptist, and then it said again how Jesus was born, then said that He had visited temples when He was a boy and impressed everyone with how wise He was, but then He had made people in another temple mad at Him and they wanted to throw Him off a cliff, but He just walked away from them.

And He got a little bit older and called his disciples to Him, and Luke had written down more details than Mark had, like what lake Jesus had visited and even His lineage all the way back to God.

And then Luke said how after Judas had betrayed Jesus, He healed the ear of one of the priest's servants who had been injured, and when He was taken before Pilate and Herod, they wanted to release Him because they could find no crime which He had committed, but the people in the crowd insisted that He be crucified.

I'd almost finished Luke when my portable telephone rang, and it was Jenny and she said that they were just coming into Kalamazoo now, and I could have gone back to reading, but I was getting eager to see them, so I put my Bible away and waited for them to arrive.

Jenny called again and said that they'd found a parking spot and were walking up to our dorm, so I went down front to meet them and hugged both of them and then we went upstairs and Aquamarine smelled the hay right away and so I let her have some. She said that she could get lots at MSU, and that was one of the real benefits of being a student there. Plus, she said that she'd gotten to model for some of the veterinary students who were studying Equestrian ponies, which she thought was a big honor.

Jenny said that it had been really weird and it had made her a little uncomfortable.

Me and Aquamarine were sitting on my bed and Jenny was in the papasan when Peggy came back, and she hugged Jenny and Aquamarine, and we all got caught up before it was time to go to dinner.

I couldn't decide if I should sit at the usual table or with Cedric and Leon and Trevor, and Peggy said that probably the best choice would be to do what Aquamarine wanted, and I thought that would be a good idea.

So I just sort of kept an eye on her, and I could tell that she wanted to be alone with them, so I went off with Peggy and Jenny and we sat at our table which was still big enough for all of us.

Meghan told me that she'd seen Aquamarine and Cedric together and it was really cute, and I wondered what Leon thought about it. I couldn't decide if he'd pretend that he didn't like it, or if he'd be happy because Cedric was happy.

I thought that it would be a good omen for them tonight, too, since Cedric would want to impress her.

We stayed at dinner a little bit late, because everyone wanted to talk, and because the food was really good. They even had an ice cream buffet, where you could make your own ice cream sundaes, and it wasn't the strange-tasting kind that squirted out of the machine, but proper ice cream that had to be scooped.

Aquamarine came over while we were finishing up, and she said that Cedric and Leon had had to leave to go to their game, and said that they were going to have a party after the game and said that she was going to go, and I asked if she wanted company even though I wanted to spend time with Meghan and Aric, and she said that she would be fine on her own.

The game wasn't for a little while yet, so we all went to Christine's room because it was the biggest, and we had a little party before the game. We played euchre and drank beer and then I had to fly to my room to get my saddlebags so that I could fill them with beer.

When I got back, we split up what was left and I think that all the beer together weighed more than Trinity. I couldn't get the top flaps all the way shut, because of all the beer, but that didn't matter because I wasn't going to be flying.

Aquamarine offered to carry it instead, since she was stronger, and I said that if I got too tired I'd just let her carry me. And Christine said that she really wanted to see a pony riding a pony, so I said maybe we'd do it on the way back.

It felt kind of crowded, but maybe that's because there weren't all that many seats. We sat towards the middle, all in one big crowd, and I set down my saddlebags so everyone could have beer, and then I flew around looking for Aric and Angela and David.

They got there about ten minutes before the game started, and had managed to fit in with all of us by the time the cheerleaders came out to encourage us.

It got kind of chilly for people after dark, but Peggy and Christine and Angela had all brought blankets, so everyone could snuggle up under them. And it was really fun to be in a big crowd with so many people who were really excited about the game, even though we lost. But everyone tried really hard; the other team was just better at catching the ball and carrying it over the goal line and stopping us.

Aquamarine cheered every time that Cedric made a tackle, and he'd hit one man so hard that he'd knocked the football away and he'd picked it up and ran with it and he'd made it halfway back to our side before he'd gotten stopped. That really got the cheerleaders excited, too, and I thought it might be fun to be down there with them, right close to the field. It looked like one of them was Jessica—I'd have to ask Lisa for sure, though.

We went down front so that we could congratulate our team for having a good game, and Aquamarine nuzzled Cedric on the cheek.

Everyone said that they'd had a good time at the game, and Peggy said that she was glad she didn't have to drive home. I said that I wouldn't have let her because she'd had too much to drink and she said that I was one to talk; I couldn't even fly straight. And I told her that was because my wing was hurt and had nothing to do with the five beers I'd had so far, which was only partially true.

Aquamarine said that we could leave her behind and she'd go with Cedric when he got out of the locker room, but it didn't seem right to just leave her by herself, so everyone took turns using the bathroom, and then a bunch of people went off with Aric, to start the party at his house, while Peggy and Jenny and me stayed behind with her.

And we were all standing around waiting when some jerk who I didn't recognize started yelling mean things at us and calling Peggy and Jenny horse-fuckers and I saw Peggy get out her portable telephone, and he started coming over towards us and I saw Aquamarine look over at the locker room door, but there was nobody out there.

I got up in the air and Aquamarine pinned her ears and scraped her hoof on the ground and arched her neck and flicked her tail and he moved in a little bit closer. I could see Peggy and Jenny moving back towards the building, but he'd focused on Aquamarine and you could tell that he was drunk, and she started to turn which I think he thought was cowardice but she was really just getting a good stance, and he moved in and tried to grab her and she let him have it with both hind legs, and he just folded up and collapsed on the ground, moaning.

I heard Peggy say 'Jesus,' but I didn't think He was around. Jenny said we should be careful because he could be faking, but I doubted that he was. She'd hit solid and he'd been coming at her, and being on the receiving end of a buck was no fun at all.

We were still around him when the football players started coming out, and Cedric saw him on the ground—he was sitting up, so we were staying far enough back that he couldn't grab at us—and he asked what had happened, and we told him, and Cedric bunched up his fist and said that he ought to give him a beating that he'd really remember, and I said that Aquamarine already had. So then Cedric calmed down a little bit and he leaned over the guy and said that if he ever came close to Aquamarine or any of us ever again he would regret it for the rest of his miserable life, and asked if he was perfectly clear.

The guy tried to scoot backwards to get away, but Leon moved in to stop him. And then Leon said that it was over, and Cedric just leaned down and helped him up, and he could walk with a little bit of help, so she hadn't broken anything.

Cedric and Leon escorted him back to his car, and when they came back Aquamarine said that she ought to apologize to him but we all thought he'd deserved what he'd gotten and she didn't owe him an apology.

She went off with the two of them, and we walked over to Aric's house together. I kept looking around just in case he'd noticed that we'd split up and thought that maybe he could try again, but I didn't see him.

The party was already started when we arrived, and we sat around drinking and talking and David put on a movie about muppets, but nobody really paid it that much attention. Me and Peggy told everyone what had happened out in the parking lot, and David said he wondered if the man had thought that we were stallions, and I said if he couldn't tell the difference than he was a bigger idiot than I thought.

Aric thought it would be hilarious if he'd been so drunk that he didn't remember what had happened until he saw the hoof-shaped bruises. And Meghan said that he ought to be thanking his lucky stars that she'd gotten him in the legs and not somewhere a little bit higher and more centered.

Anna said that from the sounds of the guy, that was a really small target, and I said that most earth ponies had really good aim, and if she'd wanted to geld him, she probably could have.

It was after midnight when Anna and Reese and Peggy and Jenny left, and I said that I'd be back sometime tomorrow, at the latest before the dance.

Then we had a little bit more to drink and after a while Christine suggested that we could play a game of spin the bottle, and that was a lot of fun. It was really cute when Aric and David had to kiss, and then Aric said that David had used his tongue and that it had been weird. Angela asked if he'd liked it and he said maybe. Then David offered to try again, and Aric said that we'd let the bottle decide.

Christine told Sean that if he enjoyed kissing any other women she'd divorce him, and he said that they weren't married, and she crossed her arms and said that he was no fun.

By the time the game was over, I think everybody had gotten to kiss everybody else, although I'd had a little too many drinks and been up too late to remember for sure. And Christine and Sean were in no shape to walk back home, so they went to the bigger couch and Aric went upstairs to get a blanket for them.

Aric said that he could take the other couch and Meghan could have his bed if she wanted, and she said that it wouldn't be fair to make him sleep on the couch while she got a bed and so then I said that I'd sleep on the couch and they could take the bed and she laughed and said that I was kind of missing the point, and then told Aric that she didn't like him that much yet, and he said that he understood.

So we went up to his room and he took off his shirt but left his pants on and got into bed, and I got in next to him, then Meghan took the outside and I put my head on Aric's chest and Meghan had her back up against me.

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