• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 15 [Playalinda Beach]

December 15

I woke up in the middle of the night when the bus stopped outside Mobile, which is in Alabama. And that was a new state so I woke both Aquamarine and Cayenne up so that we could see it because we'd decided that it only counted if you were awake in it. Cayenne was a little bit grouchy about being woken up and didn't see what was so special about being at a Valero, even if it was in Alabama. Me and Aquamarine liked it, though, and we got up and walked around the tarmac a little bit until our driver got back, and then we got back in the bus and fell asleep again.

I woke up a couple more times during the night, and I'd put my head up to see out the window, or to look around the bus. Our helpers were all asleep with their chairs tilted back some and Miss Parker was stretched out on the other couch with a blanket over her.

One time when I woke up, we were in a big city and I didn't want to move around and wake up anypony else so I couldn't really see much of it except for lots of lights and we went under a bunch of bridges and sometimes there were tall buildings close enough to the highway that I could see them and other times I couldn't see much of anything.

I finally woke up and stayed up when it was light out, and I pushed the covers off of me and got out of the couch and on the floor where I could stretch out and Mister Salvatore was already awake and he went to the coffee faucet and got me a cup to drink. And he was smart and didn't fill it up all the way, 'cause it was kind of sloshy with the bus moving.

Aquamarine got up next and it wasn't too long after that that we stopped at another gas station called Chevron so that everyone could get out and stretch and pee. The bathrooms were for one person or pony at a time, so we had to line up and wait, and we didn't wake up Cayenne until everyone else had had a turn, 'cause it would be kind of mean to wake her up and then have her wait in line.

We were just north of a town called Gainesville, and then we were going to drive a bit further and stop at a Cracker Barrel for breakfast, and just hearing that name made my ear twitch a little bit and Miss Cherilyn petted my mane and said that we could stop somewhere else if we wanted to, but it was okay to eat there. I'd liked the last breakfast I'd eaten at the Kalamazoo Cracker Barrel.

Cayenne thought that Cracker Barrel was neat because of all the different things that they had for sale in their little store and we bought some candy sticks there. They had all sorts of flavors and I liked the peppermint one and Cayenne liked the cinnamon flavor 'cause it was hot. Aquamarine liked the licorice one the best but I thought that it was kind of bitter. And then she also got some atomic fireballs that we could each try once we'd eaten our candy sticks, but we didn't wind up eating them because we were pretty full from breakfast and the candy sticks had been a little much sugar especially for early in the morning. Maybe if we had been able to trot around some and burn off that energy it would have been all right, but we weren't going to be able to do that until the bus arrived in Orlando.

It was a little more than an hour between the Cracker Barrel and Orlando, and it was really green and there were lots of trees and open pastures and most of them had cows and there were a couple with horses in them and we waved even though they couldn't see us. And we also saw a couple of orange groves and the trees were covered with oranges even though it was December.

Then we got into the city and it was really big like Chicago and there was a bunch of traffic so we had to slow down and we kept looking out the windows for Walt Disney World but we couldn't see it, although we did see some signs saying how to get there. Finally Mister Salvatore told us that it was a little ways south of town, and we wouldn't be going by it.

We were staying in the Aloft hotel which was in downtown Orlando near the airport. And it was a tall white hotel and inside it had writing all over the reception desk which Cayenne said was supposed to be modern, but it was silly because you couldn't read all of it. Swak wasn't even a word. The chairs that they had didn't look like they were very comfortable, either, and I thought that if you leaned back in them you'd fall over, since they were already half-tipped.

Our helpers had their own suite and we got a room that was on the top floor so that we had a good view, and it had only one big bed in it, which was nice. There was room to stretch out if we wanted and we wouldn't have to decide which bed we wanted to use. And that left us with a bit more space that wasn't beds, too.

The bathroom had one of the nice walk-in showers and we were all looking forward to that. It was kind of silly to be showering before going to the beach, but none of us felt like we were clean. I don't know why sleeping on a couch in a bus was different than sleeping in a bed, but it was. Maybe it was just because there wasn't a blanket under us, just the couch cushions.

So we put our bags over in the corner of the room and then I went and turned on the shower to give it a little bit of time to warm up and then we all took a shower together and we took our time, 'cause we'd all kind of rushed on the train and it had been crowded and now we had plenty of room, and we didn't have to worry about using up all the hot water or getting knocked over, either.

We weren't in a real big hurry, 'cause the beach was going to be nice to see but we probably weren't going to do much except for relax on it and I was going to fly some and maybe see if I could catch some sand crabs to snack on. Florida was supposed to have good beaches.

I was a little worried about being hot—Cayenne was keeping her coat short, 'cause unicorns were vain about that, but me and Aquamarine had let ours get shaggy and that was nice for Michigan but it wasn't going to be as fun here. Since we could cool down in the water whenever we wanted to, though, it wouldn't be too bad I didn't think.

When we were done washing off we groomed in front of the window so that we could look out at the city. Our room looked down on the highway which wasn't that great a view—it looked like every other highway I'd seen—but across from that there were a couple of nice ponds that we could look at, and one of them had swans paddling around on it. Swans were pretty to look at but they were kind of mean so you didn't want to get too close to them 'cause they might pick a fight.

There wasn't much that we really had to bring for a day at the beach. I thought that I should take my flight gear 'cause I knew that we were near an airport and they might want me to wear it, and if I didn't have to I could leave it behind. Aquamarine didn't think that she'd need anything at all, and Cayenne decided that she was going to pack some of her makeup and a little mirror so if it came off in the water she could put it back on, and she wanted to take her brush and she thought she should take a couple of towels, too, so she'd have something to lie on and not get sand in her coat. And she had some sunglasses that she could wear to keep the sun out of her eyes and she said that we were going to wish that we had them too, until I blinked my third eyelid down.

The towels were a smart thing to think of, so me and Aquamarine each got one, too. They were still damp from us drying off but that was okay.

So we went back downstairs to the lobby and we had to make sure we had everything out of the bus before it left, 'cause it had to go back to New Orleans to bus other people around.

Mister Salvatore was happy though because he got a big black Suburban with lots of antennas on it, and he got to drive it instead of having to ride along with anyone else. And I thought that maybe Mister Barrow would want to drive, too, but he said that Mister Salvatore could do all the driving.

So we all got in—us three ponies sat in the very back—and Mister Salvatore drove us to a Golden Corral, which was a buffet like the dining hall, and we could get whatever we wanted. They only had a couple of different kinds of fish, and one of them was the square fish that I didn't trust. They also had a seafood salad and I told Aquamarine and Cayenne to not try that because it would give you the trots.

We didn't want to eat too much 'cause it wasn't fun to be on the beach with a really full belly, and when we were done we got back on the road and stopped again at a grocery store called Winn-Dixie where we could get some snacks for the beach. Our helpers bought two cases of bottled water to drink, too, because you couldn't drink seawater without getting sick.

Orlando stretched out for a while, and then it just ended kind of suddenly, and we were in open land. There weren't very many farms; it was mostly flat grassy pastureland. Miss Parker said that most of Florida was just a big sandbar and so a lot of places if you dug down a little bit all you'd find was sand and she said that some of Florida wasn't very good for growing crops and she thought that maybe that was how it was here. But grasses looked like they were doing all right, so that was something that you could grow at least.

We passed through a couple of small towns and a white building that had lots of banners and offered airboat rides and they even had painted that on their roof. I didn't know what an airboat was and Mister Salvatore said that it was a flat-bottomed boat that used a big propeller to move around on the water and they took tours of the swamps and that sounded like it would be fun and we all wanted to do that, and he said that he'd make it happen, but it wasn't gonna be today.

Then we went through a city called Titusville and across a big causeway, and Mister Salvatore pointed to a building called the Kennedy Space Center that had a big rocket on a pedestal and they had a museum and tomorrow they were going to launch a rocket into space and we could watch that, and I was really looking forward to that. And he said that to the south was Cape Canaveral that was where the rocket launchpads were.

Then we angled off to the northeast and drove for a while, until we came to a road that paralleled the ocean and followed that past a bunch of little parking lots that were kind of crowded, but as we got further and further north there were fewer cars and we finally stopped at a parking lot that was at the very end of the road.

The beach itself was a thin stretch of land that went along the coast of Florida, and on the landward side there were pools and lagoons that had manatees in them and also they might have alligators. And there were sometimes sharks in the water, too, but there were some towers with lifeguards on them that could watch out for sharks. And even if it was true that sharks would get you if you went into the water too soon after eating, it had been longer than that since we ate.

There was plenty of room to explore, 'cause the beach ran for miles and it was all federal land, Mister Barrow said, so it wasn't like South Haven where you couldn't go too far before you got to the fences.

So we thought that we'd go up the beach a little bit until we saw a spot that looked good to us, and our helpers followed along, and after a little while we decided that maybe we shouldn't go much further 'cause they looked like they were hot and they had a lot of things that they were carrying with them.

We found a spot that nobody else had claimed and they started setting out their things. They'd brought a big umbrella that kept the sun off, and Mister Barrow stuck it in the sand, and then Miss Parker took off her clothes and she had swimming underwear under that, and then all our helpers got a little bit undressed. Mister Salvatore even took his suit jacket off.

We didn't have to take any clothes off, so we just put our towels down and me and Cayenne put our saddlebags on top of them so that they wouldn't blow away and then we galloped down the beach and went right into the water, and we got met with a wave pretty quickly which knocked us all down and then when we got back up we were all giggling like schoolfillies and waded out a little bit deeper in the water, until we were far enough out that the waves weren't breaking over us and as the swells went under they lifted our hooves all the way off the seabed.

Then we paddled out a little bit further, until we were past where we could touch the bottom at all. And I started diving and swimming around and there weren't too many fish who liked being right in the surf, so I didn't see any when my head was under the water.

After we'd had our fun, we got out of the water and shook off and then went up to where our towels were and relaxed a little bit, and then once my wings were mostly dry I wanted to explore. And I didn't feel like wearing all my flight gear so I called the Orlando airplane directors and they said that as long as I stayed below five hundred feet over the beach and the park that was behind it I could fly wherever I wanted to.

So I asked Aquamarine and Cayenne if they wanted to come with me, just to be polite, and neither of them did, so I took off and went north. Every now and then, I'd see a little cluster of people and I waved at them as I went by, and then just kept flying on.

I'd kind of drifted away from the beach a little bit 'cause there was a big pool of water just behind the beach and I was looking at that to see if I could find any manatees. I wasn't exactly sure what they looked like except that they were grey and pretty big and Mister Barrow and Miss Cherilyn had both said that I'd know one when I saw one. And I thought that maybe they were pulling my tail, 'cause I wasn't seeing anything that was very interesting, until I finally spotted a big grey manatee swimming just below the surface, and it seemed like once I'd seen the first one I just kept seeing them everywhere.

They were supposed to be kind of friendly and playful and so maybe we'd take some time away from the beach and cross over the road and see if we could get any close enough to the shore that Aquamarine and Cayenne could play with it. I didn't know what they liked to eat, but if we had anything that they wanted, we might be able to use some food to lure them closer to shore.

I turned back to the beach and flew out over the ocean some, still going north, and when I was coming back I saw a big cluster of people and they looked a little bit funny and as I got closer I saw that none of them were wearing swimming clothes or anything else, which was strange because there had been a sign as we went on the beach saying that clothing was required and Mister Salvatore said that it didn't apply to ponies but he hadn't said anything about people.

I circled over them once just to make sure that I wasn't imagining it, and they were still there and still not wearing anything. And they waved at me and I waved back and I thought that I should meet them but then I also thought that maybe Aquamarine and Cayenne would want to, too, so I flew back south to get them.

Well, they didn't believe me at first, but I convinced them that I really had seen people sunbathing and playing naked and Cayenne really wanted to see and Aquamarine was a little curious, too. And we told our helpers that we were going to go and look, and Miss Parker said that she was going to come with us.

I wanted to fly along ahead but I walked on the sand with Aquamarine and Cayenne. We kept right by the ocean's edge, 'cause it was easier to walk on the wet sand. Miss Parker stayed a little bit further up on the beach so she wouldn't get her shoes wet.

Walking, it felt like it was a lot further than it had been when I was flying, and I was starting to wonder if maybe they'd gone away, but then we came around a little curve in the beach and saw them, and they were still a ways off. Most of them were lying down on the beach which made it harder to see them from a distance, 'cause some humans sort of blend in with sand, and then when we got close they were a little bit hesitant around Miss Parker but they didn't seem to mind us.

She stayed a little ways back and set up her blanket and laid back on it, and pretty soon we'd all introduced ourselves.

They were all college kids who had come down to Florida for their winter break—they were from New Hampshire and they'd heard about this being a nude beach and they had been a little bit discouraged by the signs that they saw but they had found out on their portable telephones that nobody would bother them if they stayed out of the way, so they'd gone past everyone else and they hadn't seen anyone until I flew over.

And they wanted to know where we were from, so we told them and they were kind of disappointed that this was probably going to be our only time at this beach and that we'd be going back to Equestria really soon, so we decided that we ought to make the most of the time that we had here and so we played with them and sat on the beach and talked and they shared some of their food with us. Miss Parker just stayed where she was, and every now and then she'd talk on a little radio that she had. I think that she was reassuring the helpers that we'd left behind that everything was okay.

Me and Aquamarine kind of felt bad that she was all by herself and so I went over and told her that she could come closer if she wanted and our new friends said that she could stay in her swimsuit, and she was sort of hesitant to but she finally did.

I got to fly back to everyone else a couple of times to bring water and food, 'cause Miss Parker said that it wasn't fair to just drink their water since they hadn't planned for us to be there with them. And one time when I was coming back with full saddlebags I decided to land and catch some sand crabs to snack on, so I went right down by the water and scraped at the sand until I found some, and then I stomped on them before they could get away and ate them and they were really good.

When I got back, Aquamarine went up away from the ocean so she could look at the plants that grew there and she decided that there were a couple of grasses we could eat, too, but they were really tough and dry and none of us liked them too much. I think we'd gotten a bit spoiled eating all the good human food all the time, 'cause the beachgrasses in Equestria probably tasted about the same, and I snacked on those a lot, especially when I wasn't hungry enough to try and catch a fish or a sand crab.

We went out in the water and played some with the students, both swimming around and also floating around. They had inflatable rafts that bobbed in the water and they were only big enough for one person, but we could float next to them and talk, and Alan let me use his for a little while while he hung on to the side. It was kind of hard to get on, 'cause it kept trying to get away from me and I didn't have any ground to push against, and he wound up having to help me get on it.

They set up a sort-of volleyball game in the afternoon—they didn't have a proper net so they just made a line in the sand that was the boundary and we had to imagine where the net would be and if a shot might have gone over it or not. So there were occasional arguments about that but it was mostly pretty civil, and we even got Miss Parker to join us and she was pretty good at volleyball.

She said that she was on the varsity volleyball team when she was in high school but hadn't played it much since then, and it was good to know that she hadn't forgotten everything about the game.

It was kind of weird seeing her, just 'cause she was the only one wearing clothes.

Once we'd finished our game we rinsed off in the ocean and then we sat on towels and relaxed for a little while and looked out over the ocean, and it was weird to think that it could have been Equestria, because when I was looking out over the sea I couldn't see anything human-made. It was a strange feeling.

Cayenne said that the ocean kind of scared her because it was like looking off into a void, and she was afraid that she might drift away and nobody would ever find her again.

And even though we should have gone back sooner, we wanted to stay until the stars came out and Miss Parker said it was okay if we did as long as we didn't mind walking back in the dark. So we all gathered the blankets and towels around and sat in a loose little group watching out over the ocean as the sun set behind us, and pretty soon you could see one star then another and then they came out in the hundreds.

They started to put their clothes back on 'cause with the sun down it started to get chilly. Melanie kept hers off the longest, 'cause me and Aquamarine were sitting right next to her to help her stay warm, and it was getting pretty dark and I was a little bit worried about finding our way back. Way down on the beach I could see a fire, which looked like it was past where our other helpers had been. But we decided to wait until the moon came up and I was glad that we had, 'cause watching the moon rise over the ocean was beautiful, and it looked so big when it came up over the horizon, so we stayed and watched until it was up in the sky where it belonged.

Our new friends got dressed and Miss Parker helped them gather up their beach things, and then we all walked back down the beach to where our helpers were. And when we finally got back to there we had to say our goodbyes which was sad, but we'd had lots of fun together and we'd started out strangers and ended up friends, so it had been a good day.

We stopped in Titusville at a Tiki bar called Crackerjacks and they were right on a causeway which was kind of neat because it was almost like being on a boat. They had a lot of different kinds of seafood and I got grouper which was a local fish and it was really good. And Mister Salvatore bought us all bottles of Corona because he said it was the thing that you were supposed to drink on the beach, and it came with a wedge of lime stuck in the bottle. And then we got back in the Suburban and drove back to Orlando and we were all pretty tired when we went up to our hotel room. And when we got there we realized that we’d left our towels in the Suburban, but when we went into the bathroom we found out that the hotel had given us more.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to ClosetBrony for pre-reading and suggesting Florida destinations!

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