• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 26 [Boxing Day]

December 26

I woke up before Meghan and she'd pushed the covers off a little bit and so I reached down and grabbed them in my mouth and pulled them back up and I put my wing across her belly so she'd warm up more quickly.

I shouldn't have moved around so much, 'cause I almost woke her up. She yawned and reached down and brushed my cheek and then she went back into a deeper sleep for a little while before she yawned again and stretched out some and then she reached up and started scratching behind my ears.

And then she reached her hand down a bit further and set it on top of my wing which made me tense up a little bit, just 'cause I didn't like having my wings trapped, but I trusted her so I didn't try to pull my wing free.

Meghan said that it must be really weird having wings and a tail and ears that move because humans didn't have any of those things. And she said that I had muscles that she didn't, and I could feel things that she never could and that was strange to think about, and she asked me if when I moved my tail if it felt like I was moving my butt or if it was different.

Well, that wasn't something I'd ever really thought about. My tail was just there, and I didn't think a lot about how it felt when it moved. It was kind of strange when somepony or somebody was lifting it up, but that was true of every part of my body, not just my tail. And it felt different when it was heavy with snow and frost and ice, or when I was flying and the wind was catching the end and making it move around, but that was something I was also used to.

And since I couldn't really answer I asked her how it felt having fingers and if she'd ever thought about them before.

Meghan laughed and said that that was a good question and that it wasn't anything that she thought about too much most of the time, except maybe when she was trying to learn something new. She said that she remembered when she'd learned to type on a computer that had taken a little while to figure out, and that was the last time she could remember really being conscious about her fingers unless one of them hurt. And then she said that when she was a girl she'd learned that horse hooves are basically just the middle finger that had evolved into a hoof so she'd once tried to see if she could support her weight on her middle fingers but had stopped because it didn't work at all. So then she'd tried using her fists and that had worked out much better.

I told her that her hands were better as hands, 'cause they could scratch behind my ears a lot better than anypony could nuzzle or nibble, and she brought her hand back up and did scratch me some more and then brushed my mane with her fingers and then she sighed and said that she thought that sex was fun but what she was going to miss the most was cuddling. She said that nothing made her feel so right as having me resting against her.

And she said that we didn't have to get up right away because her parents would probably sleep in a little bit and then her mom would want breakfast before they drove us home, so there was no real hurry to get out of bed. And I liked that idea, so I snuggled against her, and we stayed in bed until she heard the shower turn on in her parent's bathroom.

The two of us took a shower together and then she dried me off and groomed me and preened my wings, and I brushed her hair for her and then went and picked out clothes for her to wear, then I even helped her get dressed although she had to fasten the clasp on her bra and button up her jeans herself 'cause I couldn't do that.

We went out into the kitchen and I had frosted shredded wheat for breakfast again, and Meghan just toasted herself a bagel. And then she went to the living room and gathered up her Christmas presents so that she could put them in her bag and take them back to Kalamazoo. I was glad that she wanted to take her book, 'cause me and Meghan and Aric could all look at it together.

Before we left, we said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Wilson, who were driving themselves back home. Grandpa Wilson offered to take us back to Kalamazoo, but Mister Wilson said that that was kind of out of their way and he hated to impose on them like that.

So we all got back in the Enclave and this time we could sit in the middle row again which was a lot better.

There wasn't much traffic until we got to Telegraph Road, and that had a lot of cars on it. And we had to turn right and then go into another lane and turn around, which meant that we missed the traffic light the first time around but we were in the very front of the pack when the light turned green.

That was kind of fun, 'cause Mister Wilson knew just how fast to drive, so we'd be coming up on a red light and if there weren't any cars waiting, he wouldn't slow down, and the light would turn green just before he got there, which was neat.

We took the same route back to Kalamazoo, and I kept looking out the windows at the somewhat familiar scenery and I was thinking about how when I got back to Equestria there wouldn't be all these big billboards advertising things and telling you where restaurants, hotels, and gas stations were, and I thought that it was going to be strange to not see them. They'd really stood out at first, and then after a while, I'd sort of gotten used to them and now I mostly didn't even read them anymore.

Things started getting pretty familiar when we got to Battle Creek, and I was looking forward to being back at my apartment again, and I wanted to fly, too. I'd spent too many days in December grounded, although I couldn't complain too much, 'cause I had had lots of fun.

But I kind of didn't want to fly, either, since that would be time away from Meghan and Aric, and I didn't have a lot of time left now.

They took the road through downtown, and Miss Wilson said that we should stop somewhere for lunch and they'd treat us and Meghan said that that would be really nice and said that we could go to Olde Peninsula since we were practically going right next to it and they had lots of good food there. And they liked that idea and that it was close, so that was where we went. And I had a garden flatbread sandwich, and a vanilla porter to drink which was very good. Miss Wilson was confused when I ordered beer, and she said that she thought beer was bad for horses.

I said that I didn't know if it was bad for horses or not but it was good for ponies and that made Mister Wilson laugh.

We took our time eating and I had a second vanilla porter and then the Wilsons wanted to drive by campus on their way to my apartment, even though it wasn't really on the way. And I kind of didn't want to look, 'cause it was sad to be going by there when it was empty.

Then they got a little bit lost trying to find the apartment, 'cause Mister Wilson was too stubborn to use the GPS and I wasn't much help, 'cause I knew how to fly there but the roads didn't go where I could, and I got lost when we were on Western's campus, since all the roads there turned and looped and were very confusing, and Miss Wilson finally turned on the GPS and it found us the way back home.

I didn't see Winston in the parking lot, so Aric wasn't home yet.

We said our goodbyes out in the parking lot and I thanked Mister and Miss Wilson for their Christmas present and for giving us a ride to and from their house and for buying us lunch, too. And they said that it had been fun to have me for Christmas especially since Meghan talked so much about ponies but they'd never actually met one up close.

Mister Wilson said that it had been really amazing seeing me bring down the cloud, too, and until he'd seen it he hadn't really believed some of the things that they said we could do in documentaries.

After they'd left, I went and refilled the birdfeeder, 'cause the birds had eaten almost everything while we were gone for Christmas. And then when I went back inside Meghan asked if I was thinking of going flying, because she saw how I'd been looking up at the sky when I was out on the balcony.

I said that I didn't want to leave her behind and she said that it was okay, and she opened up my saddlebags and helped me put on my flight gear.

So I called the airplane directors and there was someone there that I didn't know, 'cause it was in the afternoon, and I got permission to fly, and I said that I was gonna go west along Stadium Drive.

I went back to the balcony and Meghan followed me out, and I kissed her and then went over the railing and dove down under the trees then started climbing once I was over the lake. And when I looked back, she was still at the balcony rail, so I waved at her and then picked up some more altitude and headed southwest.

I stayed kind of in view of the apartment balcony as long as I could, because I was sure that Meghan was still out there watching me. Once I'd completely lost sight of it, though, I started to angle back to where I was right over Stadium Drive, and I followed along it until I could see the big white S over the trees, and then I went straight towards it.

Since I wasn't supposed to land on it (even though I had before), I circled around above it, looking down at the gas station and thinking about all the times that me and Mel had been stormwatching out here. It had been my landmark, my lighthouse back, and I think for a long time I was going to think about Mel whenever I was out fighting a storm, and he'd probably remember me when he was out here watching the weather.

I made one more big circle of the parking lot and then I flew off further to the west, climbing all the way up until I was right against the clouds. I didn't look at my watch, even though I should have—if I was a little bit above my altitude, so be it. I hadn't heard any airplanes talking on the radio in a while, so I had this part of the sky to myself.

It was kind of funny how there were so many cars but not so many people had airplanes and flew them around. I would have thought that almost everyone would want one.

I rolled on my back and dragged my hooves through the cloud, feeling a little bit of resistance as it fought me, and then I turned on my side, cutting a wing into the cloud before dropping down and picking up some speed, and I came out of my dive pretty low and pretty fast and for just a moment I felt like I was as fast as the cars on the 94 Highway, until I lost most of the speed that I'd got in my dive, and I used what was left to climb back up.

When I got back close to the clouds again, I did a couple of wing rolls, and then I dived again and porpoised through the air for a little bit. That was a lot more fun to do in clouds, and come bursting out the top. And then I thought that I could do it in reverse, so I got a bit more altitude, and at the very apex of each of my climbs, I went right up into the cloud, and then dove back out of it again.

Once I was done having my fun, I went up one more time and cut off a little bit of cloud and kind of shaped it into a crude little raincloud and then I bopped it on the top to make it rain and then just flew along behind it as it drifted on the wind. It didn't take too long before it ran out of moisture, and sort of evaporated into nothing.

Then sighted along Stadium Drive, and I started a long, slow glide back to Kalamazoo, and I stretched it out as far as I could before I had to start flying again.

I curved around to the south some so I could come almost straight across the lake behind my apartment, and I dropped so low as I went over that I could drag my hooves in the snow, and then I got the idea to slow down even more and gallop across the lake while still using my wings to keep my weight off the ice, 'cause I wasn't sure how thick it was and I didn't want to fall through, and then when I got close to the shore I lifted back off the ground and flew under the trees then up to my balcony.

Meghan wasn't still out there watching for me, but she'd left the door open. And when I came inside she said that she'd had to shoo a bird out, 'cause it had thought to come inside for more seeds, and she said that it had been kind of dumb and had flown right into the window instead of going out at first, but then it had figured it out and had got out.

Then she said that Aric had sent her a telephone telegram and said that he might not be home until kind of late because he had to give his brother a ride back to Ann Arbor which was kind of out of his way. And Meghan asked if we should celebrate Boxing Day without him but I didn't think that would be very nice of us, and I said that maybe we should just do it tomorrow.

And she said that I was just saying that because I hadn't wrapped their presents yet and I admitted that that was true, but I didn't think it would take me too long to do it. We just didn't have any wrapping paper here, or any tape.

She said that she should tell Aric to bring some with him when he came home and I thought that was a good idea, so she sent him a telephone telegram and he sent one back saying that he could just steal some from home, 'cause he still hadn't left yet.

It would have been smart of me to start packing up my things, but I didn't. Instead, me and Meghan sat on the futon and we watched the birds eating from the feeder, and some of them would wait on the balcony railing or land on the top of it to wait for their turn, while the sparrows preferred to wait in the trees behind the apartment and then all fly in at once, and then fly off just as quick when a bigger bird came in.

We sort of dozed for a little bit and when we woke up again the room was all full of strange colors 'cause of the sunset, and that was kind of disorienting at first.

The two of us went out on the balcony, and we could kind of see it through the trees, even though that was more south than west.

Once we lost sight of it behind the more distant trees, we went back inside, and started making dinner. There wasn't any food to make anything too fancy, unless we wanted breakfast food, but Meghan found a leftover box of Mac and Cheese that Aric had bought for when I was in Florida. And that was pretty easy to make, so Meghan let me do it, 'cause she said that I might as well learn how to make traditional American junk food.

I wasn't sure about the cheese, 'cause it was just a powder that came out of a bag, and I got some on my lips and it tasted more like salt than cheese, but after I'd mixed it all in it did taste more cheesy.

The box had made more than the two of us could eat, so we put what was left in the electric icebox for Aric, in case he was hungry when he got back.

Then Meghan sat at the computer and put the movie from my GoPro onto it so she could put it on YouTube later, and we got the Equestria book back out and had just started looking at it when Aric came back home.

He had a box of presents to bring up because he didn't want to leave them in Winston since it didn't lock, and he also had his bag of clothes and wrapping paper and tape and scissors, which I took into the bedroom where my presents were, and I didn't want to wrap them up right then, 'cause I'd missed Aric.

So Meghan put on her lounging clothes and then the three of us sat on the futon mattress together and looked through the book on Equestria again.

There was so much to see in all the pictures! I'd kind of thought that I'd seen it all when we'd looked through it before but then we'd find something new that we hadn't noticed before. Like in one of the pictures of Baltimare, you could see the mast-tips of ships in harbor over the tops of buildings, and he noticed that in a picture of the Ponyville green, there was a mint-colored unicorn sitting on a bench reading A Guidebook for Earth, which I recognized 'cause I'd read it, too. She looked too old to be a student, so maybe she wanted to be a tourist. I'd have to ask Aquamarine; maybe it was somepony she knew.

Aric said again that he was sorry he was late; he hadn't wanted to leave too early and be rude, especially since he couldn't lie and tell his parents that he had a job he had to get back to when he really didn't, and I said that it was important to be with your family for Christmas and I didn't mind that that meant we were going to celebrate together another day late.

And that reminded him that he needed to put presents out under the tree, so he went and got me and Meghan's Christmas presents and put them under the tree, where they were next to the ones Meghan had already put out.

It was kind of late, and I was getting kind of tired, so we decided that we'd go to bed, and so Meghan and Aric got undressed and laid down on the futon mattress on either side of me, and at first we just snuggled together which was really nice, and then Aric got up and said that we ought to have the Christmas tree on.

He had to feel around a bit to find the electrical outlet and then he got it plugged in and that was much nicer than the orangish light that came through the window from the parking lot lights.

And then when he came back, me and Meghan both grabbed onto him and pulled him down in bed and he was smart and didn't resist us.

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