• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 18 [Cloverdale]

September 18

I snuggled up against Meghan when I woke up, and since it was a Sunday she didn't have her alarm set at all, so I waited until she was starting to wake up and then I kissed and nuzzled her the rest of the way awake, and I was going to get out of bed and go flying but then she started to rub my neck, and so I started teasing her with my wing, and she said that since we had the opportunity right now we'd better use it, and I agreed with her. I didn't have to go flying right away.

While we were cuddling in bed after, Meghan re-wrapped my knee, 'cause I'd gotten a bit too enthusiastic and the little metal clips had come off and then the whole bandage had gotten unwrapped and so I'd just pushed it aside and luckily neither of us had rolled on the metal teeth.

Meghan said that she could stay in bed with me all day, and I said that I could, too, but I wanted to go flying and she had homework that she had to do, so we finally got out of bed.

I kissed Meghan goodbye and she opened the door and let me out into the hall, and then I went upstairs to get my flight gear. My knee felt a lot better; I could put my weight on it and it only hurt a little bit. I thought I'd keep it wrapped for the rest of the day but tomorrow I probably wouldn't need it any more.

I had to be quiet when I was in our room 'cause Peggy was still sleeping, so I put on my radio and watch and flight vest and tossed the rest of the gear on my back, then I went back out and to the bathroom so I could fill up my camelback. And then I thought that I should have had a snack before I left, so after I'd gotten the rest of the way dressed I went back to our room and ate some hay. I thought that I ought to buy some oatmeal packets because with my electric kettle I could make that for breakfast, too, and that would be pretty good.

While I was walking down to Pebble Beach, I started to think about which direction I wanted to fly today, and I decided that I'd go northeast, 'cause that was the one direction that I'd never gone too far in. There was a big lake that was a good flight target, plus there was also a road that went that way.

I'd have to stay low for a while longer than I usually did, but that was okay. So I called the airplane directors and Dori gave me permission and asked if I could stay low until I got to the golf course on the M43 road, and I told her I would. I didn't know exactly where that was but golf courses were really easy to spot from the air, so I knew that I would find it.

So I took off from the boardwalk and after I cleared the railing, I didn't have to put any effort into gaining altitude at all because the hill fell away from me, and I went around the south end of Hoben and over the parking lot and railroad tracks, then turned a bit north to go over Main Street as it went through Kalamazoo and then I started to climb a little bit. And when I crossed over the Kalamazoo River I was about three hundred feet up and I thought I'd stay there until I saw the golf course and then I could decide how fast I wanted to climb.

Of course, flying lower means you don't see as much, so I didn't see it until I'd passed by the hospital, and then I felt kind of stupid for not remembering that it was almost across the road from Meijer. So it was okay to climb some, and I started to get more altitude, and I was at eight hundred feet when I passed over the golf course.

Pretty soon I saw Gull Lake, too, and I turned to cut the corner on the M43 road because it turned before it got to the lake.

It went straight north for a while and then made a couple of zig-zags as it went around the top of the lake before it kind of straightened out again. And I went past a big cluster of buildings that had circling roads around them, and I wasn't sure what that was supposed to be. I was a little too high up to read the signs that were in front of it, and I didn't feel like diving down to see.

All the clouds above me were breaking up and so I decided that I'd climb a bit higher and play with one before they all went away, and they were a little higher than I'd thought but I found a straggler that was lower than the rest.

It took me a few minutes of flying to catch up to it, and when I finally did it was in pretty sorry shape, so I went around it a couple of times and kind of condensed it down into a smaller, thicker cloud, and I pushed it down some and then sat on top and looked around at the ground slowly drifting by under me. I'd kind of kept an eye on where I was so that I wouldn't get lost, and I had my watch to lead me back to Kalamazoo if I did lose my position, but the cloud wasn't moving all that fast and I wasn't more than three or four miles off of the M43 road, and if I flew slightly northwest, I'd intersect it again.

I let the cloud carry me along for a sixth of an hour, then I jumped back off and headed north again. I couldn't quite see where the road was in front of me but I could make a pretty good guess where it probably was. There was a cluster of lakes and I thought that the road probably went between them, so I picked a spot on the northwestern shore of the lake and flew in that direction.

I looked back every now and then to see how my cloud was doing. I'd given it a little bit of new life by compacting it down and riding on it, but it was definitely thinning out, and unless I flew back and brought it some new water, it was going to fade out like all of its brothers had. But maybe it would be one of the last clouds in my part of the sky, and maybe someone on the ground would look up at it and wonder why it was the last one.

My guess about where the road was had been correct, and I followed it all the way to the next town which was Cloverdale, then turned back around. I couldn't see my cloud at all, which meant that either it had drifted out of my sight or it had finally evaporated completely.

When I was flying back I heard a couple of airplanes talking on the radio so I made sure to tell them where I was, and when I got to Gull Lake, instead of following the road, I went over the lake and made my turn there, and I started descending, too. And even though the wind was against me, I mostly glided down.

I called Dori just to let her know that I was back in her territory, and then I followed the road as it dipped down by the river, and when I got there I changed to following the railroad tracks instead.

I followed them through downtown and then when the tracks turned I kept going straight until I was over the cemetery, and I angled off to fly by Aric's house and see if he was home, but he wasn't. Only not-Winston was in the the driveway, so I circled back to campus and landed on the boardwalk again.

Peggy wasn't in our room, and when I went into the bathroom to take a shower she wasn't there, either. So I guess I wasn't going to get my knee wrapped back up again, because I didn't think that I could do it by myself.

I'd almost finished my shower when I heard the bathroom door open and then there was a knock on the stall door so I opened it to see who wanted to get in and it was Ruth and she kinda jumped back because she hadn't expected me to open the door, 'cause probably none of the other girls would have done it.

So I told her that I was almost done, and then I rinsed out my mane and tail and shook off and let her have her turn.

When I got to the dining hall they had brunch out and none of my good friends were at their tables, which was disappointing. So I sat at my usual table but in Christine's seat so that I could see if anyone I knew came in to eat. I thought that I'd probably missed everyone who wanted breakfast and was too early for anyone who wanted to eat lunch.

I'd almost finished up eating when Ruth came in, and she waved at me and I waved back and I hoped that when she got her food she'd come and sit with me but she didn't, and so I ate the rest of my scrambled eggs and then took my tray back and then went back outside.

It was kind of strange not having anything to do in the afternoon and not knowing where any of my friends were, and it felt a little bit lonely even though there were a few people out on the quad, and so I went back to my room to see if Peggy was there but she wasn’t.

So I picked up my Bible and I went back outside 'cause it was a nice day, and I found a tree with a nice, big crotch in it where I could sit comfortably and read. And I read Zephaniah, who had also gotten a message from God about how He was going to destroy Jerusalem because they had been bad, and then all of Jerusalem's enemies, and then He was going to take everyone who was good and give them back what they'd lost. I wondered since this must have taken place earlier if Zephaniah had told everyone what God had told him and if they'd listened.

And since Zephaniah was short, I read Haggai, too, and God told him to tell the people to rebuild His house because they hadn't done that yet, and God was mad at them and made their crops go bad. So Haggai told them and they all got together and started rebuilding His house. And then after a couple of months when they had rebuilt His house, He said that he would bless them from that day forth, and he would destroy their enemies.

I closed my Bible and flew back to our room, but Peggy still wasn't there. My portable telephone was blinking, though, so I checked and saw that Sean had sent me a telephone telegram saying that he was done with the math homework and that we could meet in his room if we wanted to go over it together.

So I put my math notebook and homework in my saddlebags and my portable telephone too and I flew down to Hoben and went to his room but when I knocked on the door a complete stranger answered it and she didn't know where Sean was or who he was, so I guess he had gotten a different room and I didn't know where it was. So I went up to the lounge and sat on one of the couches and sent him another telegram to find out where he lived now.

He told me he was in Harmon which was the next dorm over, and he said that he was in room 374, which was on the top floor right by the stairs, and he thought that he'd told me that he had a new room but he must have forgotten.

I went out and around to the front door of Harmon which I had never been in before, and then I found the stairs and flew up to the top and just like he said he was right next to them and had a pretty good view from his room.

I borrowed his roommate's chair and we put both of our homeworks on the desk and looked over them and we'd mostly gotten the same answers, which was good, but on the fourth problem we hadn't, and since we weren't sure who was right, we both re-did it and it turned out I'd made a dumb mistake, so I was glad that we'd decided to compare.

And then he decided that since neither of us had any other plans for the afternoon, we'd work together on coming up with a couple of problems in Equestrian notation that I could demonstrate how to solve with my weather wheel.

That turned into a bigger project than I'd expected, 'cause he wanted me to explain what I was doing and what all the symbols meant, but that was good practice 'cause I was sure that the professor would want to know, too. And so I filled a couple of sheets of paper with Equestrian calculus and showed him how the weather wheel worked, and we decided that we'd try to meet with the professor after class tomorrow to show him.

So by the time we were done it was getting close to dinnertime, and I could have stayed at his room but I thought that maybe Peggy was back now and she might be missing me, so I told him that I'd see him at dinner and flew back down the stairs and then up the quad to Trowbridge.

Peggy was in our room, and she said that she'd been at the library most of the afternoon, looking at pictures of art for her art appreciation class. She said that she'd taken the class because she thought it would be easy and because she liked art but she was having second thoughts now, since she thought the professor was a little bit weird. She told me that Rebekka had said she was good but Rebekka was a little bit weird, too, so maybe she should have taken that into account when she'd picked the class.

But she needed it to graduate, so she said she was going to have to tough it out and maybe by the end of class she'd find herself appreciating art more.

Dinner wasn't anything special, but it was nice to eat a meal with everyone again. I said that we needed a new friend to fill the empty spot at the table where Joe used to fit, and Christine said that people weren't like pets, where you could just get a new one after you flushed the old one down the toilet, and I had no idea what she was talking about, but Sean and Peggy thought it was funny.

Then Peggy said that freshmen were intimidated by seniors, especially this early in the year, but maybe we could try to lure some lost freshman to the table and I said that sounded kind of predatory, and Christine grinned and said that was the point. And then she asked if me and Sean had had fun with math, and I wish I'd had our problems with us, because I could have showed them what we'd done, but I'd left them in my room. Sean had a pen so he tried to recreate one of the problems on his napkin but he had trouble with the symbols and when I tried to write them out the pen tore through the napkin.

After we were done eating and talking, me and Peggy went back to our room, and since we'd both gotten done with all our homework, we left the door open in case anybody wanted to stop by, and at first nobody did, but then after a while Ruth came in and sat on the bed and asked us what color we thought she should make her hair next, and she had a really pretty maroon dye that both Peggy and me agreed would look really nice on her.

She said that everyone had picked that color, so she went off to the bathroom to put it in her hair.

Peggy and I talked for a while, until it got towards bedtime, and I'd forgotten about how Ruth was going to dye her hair and I saw the maroon streaks all over the bathroom sink and it looked like somebody had gotten in a bad fight in the bathroom. And I thought it was kind of rude to have left the sink looking like that, but when I scrubbed at it a little bit with my towel it wouldn't come off at all, so maybe she'd tried to clean it up and it wouldn't come off.

I thought that whoever cleaned our bathroom was going to be really mad about that.

So when I got back to our room I told Peggy about it and she went to look and she thought the same thing, and she said that maybe nail polish remover would take it off, so she got a bottle of it and went into the bathroom and then she came back into our room and said it had worked and she was going to go give it to Ruth so she could clean up her mess.

She was a little less angry when she came back, even though she still had the bottle with her, because she said that Ruth wasn't there because she'd walked to Walgreen's to buy her own bottle of nail polish remover, since she'd run out before she got the sink clean.

She stayed up after I went to bed, so that she could look at her Facebook, but she turned off the lights in the room so that I could sleep.

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