• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,526 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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108. The War Begins

Rainbow and Applejack, sensing that I'm doing something important, leave me be and instead converse faintly out in the front room. A soldier dropped by not too long ago, bringing rations for the two of them, so I can hear them eating out there as well.

I'm sitting on top of the bed of some unnamed civilian that evacuated a long time ago, with different folders spread out across its surface. There's a small stack of folders on my right, where I've put the three or four files that I've rejected.

I know I can't be too picky. Before I got to Equestria, this country hasn't seen a real battle in centuries. That being said, the files I've rejected are those soldiers that showed their mettle fighting monsters that couldn't think for themselves. No, if I'm going to be leading a covert squad like Celestia said, then I want soldiers that have had real experience in a covert situation, or those with skills that I could use to our advantage.

The next file I pick up gives me pause, because this one depicts a soldier who seems to have fought alongside us during the changeling invasion. It's a member of the first division that had been captured and held beneath the dungeons until we freed them all. Okay, this one's got a better chance of being accepted. I put it on my left in what I consider to be my “maybe” pile. Literally any soldier that fought in the changeling invasion is going to go there.

However, Celestia said I should only choose one or two of these to join us, so I can't just take them all. This is difficult. Whichever ponies I choose could have a huge impact on whether or not we succeed as a unit. I'm really strong, but that strength doesn't mean a damn thing against Oppressed. This sword at my belt is likely going to be my best friend.

Hold up, I recognize this one. I raise my eyebrow, surprised that this pony would end up in this list. It's Swift Lance. A picture of the light gray furred mare with the dark blue and lavender mane stares up at me from the page, fully armored except for a helmet.

It says here that she is a lieutenant in the CRU 1st Regiment. Hold on a second, I thought she was only a sergeant? When did she get promoted? The file also goes over her specific talents, highlighting her skilled telekinesis while only stating that her combat magic is “adequate.” Of course. She's 1st Regiment, who are all about using their magic to wield a variety of weapons, rather than blasting their enemies with it. Moving on, I note that she wields a lance, because she views the sword as an inferior weapon. Of course she wields a lance. Duh. I could have figured that much out myself without being told.

Next, the document details her involvement in the changeling invasion. After being freed from slime, she teamed up with Blades, Spitfire, and the rest of the 2nd Regiment in the defense of the shopping district. It says she used the alleyways to lure changelings into ambushes, allowing them to hold out until Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie arrived to detail the plan. Okay, that much she didn't tell me.

Finally, the document concludes by explaining that Swift got promoted during the award ceremony that occurred after Celestia was freed and the reconstruction was completed. Huh. I didn't realize that Swift was such a badass during the invasion. Even though Luna and I were instrumental in securing victory, I guess I should consider that if even one of our fronts had failed, we would have been screwed.

Okay, this one's a definite. Swift's pretty uptight, but at least I've seen that she can interact with me without either of us snapping at each other overmuch. I set her file behind me in a new pile. She'll be one of the ponies that I accept, unless I find somepony better. Though to be honest, I don't think I'll find somepony better, considering the only ones really of note are the captains and commanders, neither of which are available for me to use.

I munch on some bread from the last of my travel rations absentmindedly, sifting through the other files. As it stands right now, I have two physical powerhouses in Rainbow and Applejack, and a rather intelligent weapon user in Swift Lance. I need another magic user. I know that any unicorns I find here will be nowhere near as skilled as me or any of the other heavy hitters, but I feel like I could do with some magical support. Maybe barriers or distractions.

Several other files later, I come across one more that catches my eye. I say that because it's not even a member of the military that's in the file. No, there's a civilian staring up at me from the picture. It's a unicorn with an aqua blue coat and a white mane streaked a blue so pale it's hardly distinguishable. Her name seems oddly familiar to me for some reason. I can't exactly place it, though, which bugs me, because I usually have a good memory.

“Trixie? Who the fuck is Trixie?” I murmur to myself, looking over the picture. “I know I've heard that name before, but where?”

That aside, the better question is why a civilian has been recommended to me. My eyes trace down the page until I reach the main description. Huh. So Trixie is a pony that volunteered her services upon hearing about the war. I guess some ponies have guts after all. Still, I don't see why the hell I would pick her just because she has the heart to sign up. Simply being eager doesn't make up for a lack of skill and experience.

Okay, reading further reveals that Trixie has a level of latent magic that's been growing deeper over time, looking to rival Twilight's at the rate she's going. Hold the fuck up just a second, what? There's a unicorn out there that could possibly rival Twilight, the Element of Magic?

This makes more sense. Trixie has apparently been training to make her level of magic stronger, while Twilight hasn't been doing any training at all until recently. No doubt Twilight will far outstrip this Trixie character now that she's training too. I'm convinced that the status as the Element of Magic means that Twilight has a ridiculous potential for power.

Still, a unicorn this strong is pretty enticing, even if she's only a civilian. My doubts are soon alleviated by the description of her talents, which lie in minor illusions, extremely precise control of her telekinesis to the point of controlling multiple objects easily, and other displays that quite simply classify as distraction tactics. In other words, exactly what I'm looking for.

“Hm...a potentially powerful unicorn who can support me with magic and provide distractions. Done,” I toss the file behind me on top of Swift's. That's two files now. I think I have plenty to round out our squad. However, I still have two or three more files to look through before committing. Who knows, maybe I'll find somepony more qualified than these two.

“Aren't you gonna put on a helmet?” Rainbow asks Applejack as I stride back into the room, carrying the folders tucked beneath my arm.

The funny thing is, I never did find a pony in the files that would have been a better choice than the two I found. Like I said before, there's just too many of them in there that only have experience fighting monsters. I don't have time to interview each one and find out which ponies amongst them have the right mindset for battle. At least with Trixie, her file stated that she was brave enough to face down one of those constellation monsters, distracting it long enough for a more experienced unicorn to get there.

Anyway, back to the ponies in room I'm now in. Both of them are fully armored...except for Applejack's head. Instead of a helmet, she's just wearing her stetson hat that she never ever takes off. Applejack wrinkles her nose at the question. Rainbow just asked.

“Why would ah? The thing's heavy and unwieldy,” she answers, looking defensive. “Ah gotta be able to move mah head aroun' while ah'm fighting, right?”

“It's not that heavy. If I can handle it, you can too, since you're right around my level of fitness,” Rainbow corrects her, tapping the helmet on her head. “No way in Tartarus a simple hunk of metal can slow me down, after all.”

“Ah ain't wearin' it. It don't feel right,” Applejack declares, shoving the helmet away from her and closer to Rainbow, who huffs.

“You just don't want to take off the hat,” I accuse her flatly, setting the files on the coffee table next to the offending helmet. Applejack flushes and adjusts the hat in question, acting like a foal with her hoof in the cookie jar. “Still, you never had armor during the changeling invasion, and you did fine. That's literally the only reason I'm not going to make you wear a helmet.”

“Yeah, see?” Applejack says to Rainbow petulantly, and then she sticks out her tongue. Rainbow gives both Applejack and I a flat browed stare, but relinquishes the point. “Thanks Seth. You done with all yer commander stuff?”

“Yeah. I picked out a few ponies who looked like they'd be useful,” I answer, indicating the files. “You have no idea how many of them were just some soldiers that got lucky fighting a monster or something.”

“Oh cool! Anypony we know?” Rainbow asks excitedly. Hm, considering I picked Swift Lance and Trixie....nah, I don't think Rainbow or Applejack has met either one.

“Likely not. One of them's with the guard, and the other's a civilian volunteer, so I don't think you'd know them,” I reply, much to their disappointment.

Applejack quirks a brow. “A civilian? You sure that's a good idea? It's gonna get real rough out there,” she questions me. Yeah, Applejack isn't going to ask me anything I haven't already asked myself.

“I figured, but apparently she's pretty strong. It's a risk, but it looks like she's most magically adept out of all the other candidates, so I went with her,” I explain. Applejack still looks uncertain, however. “You know, you're the one who called me 'commander.'”

“Ah know, but ah don't like the idea of sendin' some poor civilian pony into battle with us,” Applejack returns, holding up a hoof placatingly.

“Uh, Applejack?” Rainbow inserts. “You do remember that we were civilians before the changeling invasion?”

Applejack chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of her neck; even she has to admit to that. Technically they fought evil Luna and Discord, but both times it was just with the Elements of Harmony. I don't think that really counts. “Yeah, ah s'pose yer right, but that don't mean ah kin just accept it, either.”

“Not that it matters right now anyway. How about you argue with me about this later, and now we focus on getting through the impending undead invasion that's sitting at our front doorstep?” I cut across her impatiently. I made a decision, and I'm going to stand by it. I just have to trust that Celestia knew what she was doing when she put a unicorn like this Trixie into the files for me to choose from.

“Ah guess we do got bigger problems to think about,” Applejack admits, adjusting the hat on her head.

“Good. Now, enough about the files. Any news on the....” I try to change the subject, but I'm interrupted when the door opens to reveal Pterax, who peeks his head in uncertainly. He looks more sure of himself when he sees us. “Oh. Well, the changeling is back.”

Applejack stands up and puts herself on guard, even despite the fact that she was told beforehand about the changelings arriving. Rainbow eyes Pterax suspiciously, but she doesn't get up, because she's seen him before.

“Uh...yeah. You're...Applejack, right?” Pterax says to the farmer after nodding to my tactless greeting. Applejack pauses, but eventually nods and approaches the changeling, her muscles tense and ready to move in case she gets attacked.

“That's right. Sorry for not greetin' ya properly. Ah know we're gonna be workin' together, but...it weren't that long ago when you were our enemy,” Applejack responds after a lengthy pause. She tentatively reaches out a hoof to the changeling, being surprisingly more accommodating than either Rainbow or I was.

Pterax looks at the offered hoof in surprise. He slowly reaches out his own holed hoof, as if testing to see if this were some kind of joke. Eventually, their hooves met in a firm shake. He looks at the small smile Applejack is giving him and attempts one of his own, though all it really does is bare his fangs. “I could say the same. Until recently, I fully expected to be in conflict with Equestria again. My name is Pterax, an Infiltrator from the hive.”

Rainbow scoffs, watching Applejack and Pterax seemingly getting off on the right hoof so easily. I know better. Though it seems cordial, Applejack's muscles are still tensed, letting me know she's fully alert.

“That's great and all, but tell me about what Celestia said to you,” I cut across them, remembering exactly why he was missing from my presence in the first place. As of right now, Pterax doesn’t look hungry. He seems to be standing taller and more confidently than before, indicating that he'd gotten food from somewhere.

“She wasn't happy about it. Sending a hungry changeling as an advance unit was likely meant as an insult, and the princess picked right up on that,” Pterax admits, looking a bit sheepish. “She made me tell her everything I knew about our biology, down to the smallest detail.”

“Right, but I'm not stupid. You clearly fed off of somepony, so Celestia likely came up with something. What was it?” I demand impatiently, feeling uneasy. I know this is the last thing I should worry about, but I feel like Celestia might have done something risky.

“She...had me feed off of her.” Pterax reveals to us, much to our shock. Noting the outraged expressions on our faces, he lifts his hooves and hastily states, “She made it very clear to me that if I feed on anypony here in the city...I won't walk away unscathed.”

“You fed off of Celestia? What the fuck, was she nuts!?” I demand angrily. Of all the things Celestia could have done, that seems to be the dumbest thing she's ever done. Who knows what kind of side effects there are to being fed on by a changeling? Oh you know, besides mind control, emotional damage, and who knows what else.

“It wasn't like I could harm her! She had a mind like an iron trap! There was no way I could get past her mental barriers, even if I wanted to!” Pterax defends himself. “To be honest, I didn't want to do it either. It's not like there's no risk involved in feeding.”

“I can't believe she would let you! That's just wrong!” Rainbow snaps, agreeing with me. “There must have been a better way than that.”

“Ah agree, though ah can see why she did it. Ya can't exactly tell somepony not to eat, so ah guess she offered herself so no other pony would get hurt?” Applejack suggests sensibly, in contrast to both Rainbow's and my less than tempered responses.

“Nopony gets hurt if I just siphon a little ambient love! I told you that, but you're just too stubborn!” Pterax argues. “Your way of feeding is just as wrong to us as ours is to you, but you don't see us trying to starve you!”

“Because you can't starve us unless you somehow get rid of all the plants,” Rainbow points out, must to the changeling's frustration.

“Not to mention there's not a chance for us to damage the plants permanently by harvesting a little too much,” I add as well, referring to how changelings can emotionally damage the ponies they feed from.

“Look, does it really matter? What's done is done, you two,” Applejack finally says, getting tired of the argument. Pterax, who had been about to form another protest, gazed at her gratefully. “The guy's gotta eat, and Princess Celestia made a decision. We jus' gotta trust that she knew what she was doin'.”

“I know...but I don't like it,” Rainbow states, crossing her hooves and looking at Pterax with an accusing stare. “You good now, right? You don't need to feed anymore?”

“Not for at least a few more days. A week if I push it,” Pterax answers, grimacing. “But...I don't look forward to going that long without food.”

There's a silence in the room after that, as our opinions have been made and Applejack made it clear to us that there's no point in arguing about something that already happened. Deciding to change the subject, I turn over to the changeling. “What's the news on the enemy?”

“We're running out of time. I spotted them getting closer on the horizon. They're...like nothing I've ever seen,” Pterax answers, failing to suppress a shudder. “There were these twisted creatures that walk on four legs, but move as if their limbs are broken. I saw the broken and rotting remains of ponies shambling along behind them...is that what we're going to be fighting?”

The three of us nod grimly, recognizing the description of Sombra's armies. It seems like he's sending the Oppressed in the first wave, with the rest of his forces behind. Pterax looks less than happy about the prospect of fighting monsters like that. He actually seems to be trembling a little.

“Undead...ah only fought 'em once, and they're real tough customers. Ya can't just knock em down with a well placed buck; ya gotta keep hittin' 'em until they don't get back up again,” Applejack explains to the changeling, grimacing at her memories of the battle in the Crystal Empire.

“They're also really fast. Not as fast as me, of course, but that's not the point. Those little ones that walk funky on all four legs like you said are trouble, because they band together and come at you like a river,” Rainbow adds, correctly summing up the Oppressed, except for one minor detail, which she then proceeds to mention. “Oh yeah, and they also negate all magic. Rarity was pretty much useless there.”

“They negate magic!? What...how...?” Pterax demands in shock. This is the first the changelings have heard of those monsters, so it's only natural he's surprised.

“I don't know. Somehow Sombra managed to make it so that when he made them, they wouldn't take much magical damage. I think Vanta was the one who perfected that aspect, though,” I ponder, though I honestly don't know how they did it. What I do know is that it's going to be a pain in the ass, and our main threat in this battle.

“So I can't use magic on them. Ugh, that's a problem,” Pterax groans. “I'll have to take a stronger form and attempt to contend with them physically. Seth, do you mind if I take your form again?”

“I guess if it lets you fight better. Don't go abusing it though,” I warn him. Suddenly, I do a double take. “What, what do you mean 'again?'

Any further conversation is interrupted by the deep resonating sound of a bell ringing from somewhere out in the city. It booms again and again, and soon we can hear the sound of soldiers moving through the streets. That can only mean one thing.

“They're getting close. That's the signal to deploy and get ready for battle,” Rainbow informs Pterax and I. Applejack is already moving for the door.

“Damn. I thought we had more time than that,” I curse, starting to feel restless and more than a little afraid. This is going to be a battle the likes of which I've never seen, and just like before, there's a very real chance that I might not live through it. “Let's go then. I need to check with Celestia first, and then we're headed to the defense line.”

“Okay. We'll head on up ahead o' ya. Meet us on the front lines when you're ready,” Applejack acknowledges. Just before I leave the room, I set the files down on the coffee table. I remember the names of the ponies I chose, so I don't need to bring them back with me. Celestia only told me to look over them, after all. I can retrieve them after the battle is over.

The four of us leave the house together and walk out into the streets. Applejack, Pterax, and Rainbow move ahead and join the throng of soldiers streaming through the streets on their way to their final positions in preparation for the battle to come.

I jump off of the ledge above the street and flare my magic, flying above the soldiers and heading towards the town center, where I figure Celestia will be. The sound of the bell seems to be coming from the singular clock tower behind the town hall, where a pegasus is tugging relentlessly on the rope of a large brass bell. The whole town is filled with the sound of clanking armor and weapons, as well as the flapping of pegasus wings.

Surprisingly, I run into Celestia flying towards the front lines, rather than in the town center like I expected. Luna is with her, both them fully armored and ready for battle. In addition to their usual armor set up, both of them are sporting weapons. In Celestia's case, she's wielding a sword and a shield, the armaments hovering in midair in front of her, courtesy of her magic.

The sword is a glimmering golden color, with accents of red lining the hilt and extending down the center of the blade itself. The hilt is designed with a motif of the sun, with the individual rays of the sun forming the crossguard. The blade is long and straight, the edges colored as golden as the rest of her armor. Her shield is similarly designed, colored gold and red. It's structured like a heater shield, and there's a large mural of the sun emblazoned upon its surface.

Luna's weapon is far simpler, as she chose to forgo a shield in favor of a larger weapon. She is wielding a thin sickle sword that curves like the shape of a crescent moon, with a hilt colored deep blue and a pommel made of pearl.

I whistle slightly to myself. Those are some lethal looking weapons, each of them looking as if they were forged for them personally. They don't normally need weapons, but I'm guessing that this time is different, because of all of the undead that can't be harmed with magic. Because I haven't seen their army up close, I have no idea how many Oppressed are there.

“I thought you two were going to be serving as magical artillery from the clifftops,” I address, reorienting myself such that I'm flying beside them.

“Partially correct. I shall be serving on the front lines along with the rest of the First Division,” Luna answers for me, twirling her sickle sword around once and narrowing her eyes. “However, there is another matter to which we must attend.”

“Another matter? Like what?”

“Look ahead, Seth,” Celestia says, directing my gaze with an armored hoof. I follow her outstretched hoof to see the plains beyond the town, where Sombra's army is much closer than before, to the point where I can make out the individual Oppressed comprising the frontal ranks. My eyes bug out when I see the extent of their numbers. From here, I'd estimate that the army is hundreds of soldiers wide. As if that wasn't bad enough, I can see the army stretching all the way out to the horizon. Holy shit...just how many undead are we facing?

I start to tremble a little, recognizing that this isn't just an army; it's a horde. Sombra intends to crush us through sheer numbers. It might even be possible, if there are enough Oppressed out there to render our magical assaults useless. “There's just so many of them...is that why you're coming to the front lines?” I ask, my voice wavering despite my attempts to keep calm.

“No. I will still be standing by my original plan. However...” Celestia directs my gaze to the enemy army once more. This time, I notice that the army isn't moving. They're standing completely still several hundred meters away. However, there's a spot of white amongst the black and sickly gray color of the army. “That appears to be their leader.”

A snowy white pony mare emerges from the horde of undead. Seemingly everything about her is white, from her hooves to her coat to her mane. I can't make out any facial features from here, but she looks fully alive, in that she's picking her way across the open field to us gracefully and in full control of her movement.

“What the...is she coming to negotiate? Don't they intend to wipe us off the map?” I demand incredulously. “I mean, I doubt that army is just for show.”

“I agree. Ultimately, I do not believe anything will come of negotiation, but there are still some courtesies that must be exchanged during war,” Celestia replies, her face sharing my disbelieving expression. “It is but a formality, but I will meet with this pony.”

“It might be a trap. I don't think you should go out there alone,” I advise her. Celestia smiles wanly, even as Luna looks at her with a triumphant expression.

“Thou sees? This is what we said. We art coming with thee, sister,” Luna asserts, adopting a smug smile.

“I suppose I must relent. Very well. I would appreciate it if the both of you would accompany me,” Celestia requests. I raise an eyebrow.

“Wait, why me? You're the leader of the country, right? You don't need me,” I ask, more out of a sense of curiosity than of any desire to decline her invitation. Celestia pauses and rests a hoof on my shoulder.

“King Sombra has wronged you and your kind far more than he ever has us. This is your fight just as much as it is ours,” Celestia assures me with a dead serious expression. My skeptical expression fades away, and I release a heavy sigh.

“You're right. Let's go see what this fucker wants.” The three of us resume our flight, passing over the palisade fortifications and soaring towards the approaching white mare. I guess I've finally figured out why Celestia keeps letting me into her war councils and divulging all this top secret information. Sombra's killed more humans than ponies, and inflicted horrors upon the ones that lived the likes of which still give me nightmares. As much as it frightens me...I need to be a part of this fight.

The white unicorn mare comes to a halt as the three of us land several meters away from her. Now that I'm up close to her, I can see exactly what she looks like. My initial view of her was pretty much spot on. If she's undead, then I'm not seeing it, because there's no sign of putrefaction on her flawless white coat. Her mane is long and flowing, colored as snowy white as the rest of her. Two amethyst eyes stare out at us from her empty, emotionless face.

“Princess Celestia?” the mare addresses only Celestia, seemingly ignoring Luna and I entirely. Her voice is a soft and distinctly feminine one, but it sounds empty and devoid of emotion. Celestia meets the mare's gaze with her own, never flinching. She responds with a terse nod. “I am Flowing Mist, general of his Majesty's ground forces. You will order your ponies to lay down their arms and submit themselves to Sombra's mercy.”

Well, that's pretty much exactly what I expected to hear. This isn't a negotiation. It's a demand for our surrender. This is a fucking insult. It's almost as if Sombra doesn't even believe we're worth devoting his time to.

“Tell me, General Mist. Why would we surrender to you?” Celestia's answer is calm and composed, even though her eyes are set in a glare. Mist doesn't seem at all perturbed by Celestia's inherently hostile reply.

“The lives of your ponies will be spared,” Mist answers, matter of factly. I blink. That's it? She thinks we'd just give in because maybe we'd survive? “You and your sister will submit yourself to interrogation and execution in the Crystal Empire, on charges of performing an unprovoked act of war upon our kingdom. Your human will be delivered to Governor-General Hawke. If you satisfy these demands, we will refrain from exterminating your populace.”

I scoff derisively after Mist finishes speaking. Those demands are ridiculous. She expects us to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the ponies? Hell no, these ponies are more than capable of putting up a fight. However, I'm curious as to why Hawke has a title that puts him above Sombra's previous generals. Does that make him Sombra's right hand man? What the hell did Hawke do to make Sombra trust him so completely?

“I see,” Celestia responds, holding up a hoof to hold back a bristling Luna who looks about as insulted as I feel by this whole situation. “Let us say for one moment that I agree to this proposal of yours. What would happen to ponies whose lives you spare?”

Mist doesn't miss a beat in answering. “According to the Royal Decree, article fourteen, section four: the population of the defeated sovereign nation will be assimilated and enslaved by the Crystal Empire. The population will be withdrawn and subjected to correctional facilities, before being put to work in various ventures dedicated to furthering the dominion of the Crystal Empire. In the case of captured military officers, the pegasi will be stripped of their wings, the earth ponies crippled, and the unicorns de-horned and put into...

“Enough!” Celestia thunders, her eyes narrowing and her jaw set with fury. Mist stops talking, looking with interest at the princess. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake, and then a crater forms around Celestia's hooves just as magic erupts from the ground. Her body is shrouded in her immense power, making it so that I have to cover my eyes from her blinding radiance. “You come in to my country, threaten my little ponies with a lifetime of fear and misery, and then dare to speak as if your cause is righteous!? You think to read me such statements of depravity, as if I would view them as a viable alternative to defending ourselves!?”

“The Crystal Empire is long dead, murdered by the hooves of the one you call King. Sombra is no true king; he is a usurper. To act as if you have the authority to make demands of Equestria is pretentious beyond compare!” Celestia asserts, her voice loud, clear, and sharp as a whip. Mist takes a step back, her eyes wide at the sight of such raw power in front of her. “Know this, General Mist. Every action I have taken towards the Crystal Empire has been made with the safety and well-being of your people in mind; something that King Sombra, as their sovereign and ruler, has failed to consider!”

“No, it is I who will be making the demands today,” Celestia continues. Watching her and listening to her speak causes chills to run through me, goosebumps forming on my arms and legs. I feel inspired standing here with her, as if nothing can take us down. “You will release each and every pony in your kingdom from slavery, and you and King Sombra will take your undead and depart this continent, never to return. If you do not comply, then I cannot be held responsible for the pain that we shall inflict upon you. Am I understood?”

I'm not the only one inspired by Celestia's words. A resounding roar of approval erupts from behind the fortifications of Trotsdale, coming from every soldier that heard our conversation. Even from here, I can make out some of what they're saying.

“You tell em', Princess!”

“This is Equestria! Not your playground!”

“Turn around and run!”

“For Celestia, Luna, and Equestria!”

Mist stands silently for several seconds after Celestia's tirade, as if thinking about her words. After an agonizing minute, Mist starts to retreat, moving backwards such that she is still facing us. “Kill them, my faithful friends. Wipe their pathetic existence from the face of this planet,” Mist orders, and a vicious snarl tears from the throats of the undead behind her.

“So be it,” Celestia responds. She lowers her head and releases a powerful beam of golden magic directly at Mist's retreating form, the intent to kill behind the attack evident in the air.

To my shock, a mega Oppressed just like the one Rainbow and I killed in the ruins bursts right out of the horde of undead and stampedes across the open ground. It positions itself directly in front of Mist, taking Celestia's blast head on.

The magic streams across the monster's form like a river on rock, damaging the ground around its feet and behind it in its wake. When the light fades away, the mega Oppressed is revealed. Its torso and face are burnt, but the monster is far from defeated. It lets out a challenging roar and thunders across the ground, one ham fist raised high with the intent to punch Celestia.

“Sister! Let us retreat!” Luna states with alarm, taking to the air. Nodding, Celestia follows suit, with me not close behind. I'm not fighting one of those fucking things up close; at least not when I'm alone.

“Fuck, fuck!” I curse, noticing the entire undead horde moving once more, heading directly for Trotsdale. The three of us fly beyond the fortifications to safety. Luna flies to the ground to join the rest of the 1st division. I do as well, landing beside Rainbow, Applejack, and Pterax, who are all gathered in the middle of a group of soldiers defending the front gate. “That could have gone better.”

Celestia halts, hovering just above the bulk of our forces. “Ponies! Prepare for battle! Face your enemy head on and with your heads held high! Do not fear; all of Equestria is fighting with you! Remember that the fates of your families and friends rest entirely in your hooves!” She announces. Morale soars at her words, another resounding cheer risings from the soldiers around me and in the streets behind me. With that, Celestia flies back towards the cliffs to take her battle position as the soldiers down here prepare their weapons and load the ballistae.

The ground shakes gently beneath my feet. A sound like the rumbling of thunder hangs in the air as the undead horde charge straight for us, roars of mindless bloodlust filling the air. I swallow hard, and then I draw my sword, knowing that I'm going to need it very soon.

The battle for Trotsdale, and for my future, has begun.

Author's Note:

This chapter gave me such a hard time to get out. I guess it's because I knew I wanted to write the battle scene, but I had some administrative things for Seth to do first. Speaking of which, I hope you liked the ponies I picked. I know Swift Lance hasn't had any real character development in this fic, but Trixie hasn't had any at all aside from a few mentions, and I know some of you have been wanting her to appear in this fic. Lo and behold, I am doing it!

To explain, Trixie never got the Alicorn Amulet, as Hawke stole it before she ever got there. Therefore, she eventually drew the conclusion that there wasn't an easy to way to progress, and if she wanted to be stronger, she would have to do so herself. Hence the mention of her being near Twilight's level. (At least, until Twilight starts training.)

Now, I had a reader ask for another power chart due to the confusion in characters training and all that. Therefore, Voila!

The Crystal Empire Arc (This current arc):
Iron (Disadvantaged without his shield)
Shining Armor
Twilight (Training) :twilightsmile:
Chrysalis (Training)
Celestia :trollestia:
King Sombra (Base Power + Seth's evolved dark magic + Alicorn Amulet = Ridiculous)

Anyway, that's all I've got to mention, apart from the fact that I'm eager to write the next chapter. THanks once more to Schadenponi for editing this for me, and don't forget to leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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