• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,525 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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115. Alliance Force, Assemble

Okay, I have to be missing something. Right now, Rainbow, Applejack, Rose, and Pterax are standing in the doorway, opposite from Trixie, Swift, and I. This is making the kitchens a very crowded place. Rainbow is staring at Trixie with a mixture of shock, confusion, and dismay on her face, while Trixie is gazing back coolly, and with a hint of disdain.

“What....what is...what are you doing here!?” Rainbow demands, jabbing a hoof at Trixie, ignoring me and everypony else.

“Trixie is here for the same reason that you are,” Trixie replies. So far, it seems like Rainbow's animosity isn't shared. Rather than being as confrontational as Rainbow, she just looks annoyed. “Is it so hard to understand that she too would be chosen?”

“What? No, you've got to be kidding! You? You're just some poser who thought she was better than all the rest of us!” Rainbow accuses, approaching Trixie. Confused, I look over at Rose to see if she's going to help me out here. All I get is an impatient expression and a quick gesture of her head towards my team, as if saying, “handle it.”

“Whoa whoa, hold on a second. You two know each other?” I butt in, stepping between the two of them and interrupting their conversation just as Trixie was about to form a retort.

“Uh, yeah! I even told you as much! Don't tell me you forgot!” Rainbow responds, looking offended.

“Uh...I've slept since then,” I tell her after wracking my brain for any memory of Rainbow mentioning Trixie. Rainbow gives out a groan.

“It was when we were in Canterlot together for the first time, and you were all surprised that Octavia wasn't full of herself...” Rainbow reminds me. It isn't long before her words click in my head and I suddenly remember what she was talking about.

“What? That was forever ago! But...” I turn around to Trixie, who has been waiting impatiently next to Swift. “Now I remember. You were a traveling magician?”

“That's correct. Then, she was known as the Great and Powerful Trixie, a grand magician capable of defeating even the strongest of monsters!” Trixie proclaims, looking both proud and wistful, for whatever reason.

“Yeah, except you were a fake. You couldn't even beat an Ursa Minor,” Rainbow puts in with an unamused expression.

“Of course I couldn't! It was all for the...” Trixie shoots back hotly, but before this situation can devolve any further, I step in once more, growling with annoyance.

“Look, would both of you just shut up?” I demand, my frustration getting the better of me. Both Trixie and Rainbow cut off and look at me, affronted. But I could care less at this point. “Who the fuck cares who did what way back when? Is this really the time to be yelling at each other about stupid shit?”

“It's not stupid! She humiliated me in front of the whole town! Applejack too! I don't want to work with somepony like...” Rainbow argues, but I don't really even pay attention.

“So what? We've fucking accepted Chrysalis into our ranks at this point, and the same logic we used there holds true here. None of these grudges matter right now. I mean, do you really think Sombra is going to care that Trixie hurt your feelings?” As I yell at her, Rainbow's ears flatten and she reluctantly dips her head, seeing the sense in my words. Trixie is starting to look smug though, so I'll have to fix that too.

“That's 'xactly what ah was sayin,'” Applejack agrees sensibly. “Ah ain't crazy 'bout her, but if Seth thinks she can do the job, ah'm all for it.”

“But...fine, I guess you're right,” Rainbow admits, scuffing at the ground. “She isn't as bad as Chrysalis, I guess. You didn't have to yell at me though.”

“Yeah, well, I'll make it up to you later,” I promise her, reaching out and ruffling her mane a bit. This, of course, causes her to nip at me with a cute little growl. Applejack watches this whole display with a little smile. “...Applejack, stop smirking.”

“Ah didn't say nuthin', sugarcube,” Applejack responds innocently. I scoff and turn back to the ponies standing in the doorway.

“Alright, come on in. Now that that's taken care of, maybe I can actually meet with Rose now,” I say, motioning to the rest of them. With that, Applejack, Pterax, and Rainbow move towards Swift and Trixie, forming a small group. Rainbow stays as far away as Trixie as possible, however. Whatever. At least they're not at each others' throats.

They all stand in a line, a group of five ponies...well, four ponies and one changeling. This is apparently my squad now, for better or worse. A physical powerhouse in Applejack, and a magical illusionist in Trixie. Add that with a tactically minded Swift, the speedy Rainbow, and the changeling, I have quite the diverse team.

Rose approaches me, clearing her throat. She looks rather satisfied for some reason, as if she liked what she just saw. “Greetings, Seth. I apologize for the delay in meeting with you,” she addresses me at last. I give her a nod, glad that she can at least talk to me professionally. She and I haven't really talked to one another since Iron headbutted her way back when...and that mental image serves to remind me why I like Iron so much. “My task was to orient your new recruits, but you seem to have done a much better job than I.”

“That's because you suck with other ponies,” I tell her bluntly. Rose looks taken aback by my words, to the point where she actually flushes a little. Behind me, I can hear Rainbow and Applejack snickering behind their hooves. “What? You didn't think I'd be any different just because I'm in a command spot now, did you?”

“Excuse me for holding out hope,” Rose returns dryly with a hint of a smile, much to my surprise. I had thought she'd be more formal, considering how things went the last time we actually spoke. “Now, as you've seen, you've been given command of lieutenant Swift Lance and Trixie, who is being considered part of the army for the duration of her service. They are yours to use as you see fit.”

“Gee, it's like one giant dysfunctional family,” I remark, looking back at the ragtag group that's apparently mine. With the exception of Trixie, I've fought by the others enough to trust my back to them. “Anything else? Or was our meeting just a 'hey, here's some ponies' kind of deal?”

“That's a rather eloquent way of putting it,” Rose answers with a flat browed expression, causing me to chuckle. For a moment, it feels almost as if we're back in the field outside of Ponyville, exchanging dry humor and quips while we trained together. “But you are correct. I must return to my captain. We have many preparations to make, you see.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Will you be at the meeting?” I ask curiously.

“No. Captain Blades has put me in charge of readying the division to march. The meeting is for captains, commanders, and rulers only,” Rose explains with a shake of her head. Huh. I guess I'll be meeting the griffon viceroy then. That'll be really cool. I'm rather interested to see a griffon up close. “So if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you to it.”

I nod, and Rose backs out of the room, bowing her head politely. Huh. That wasn't nearly as excruciating as I thought it would be. I mean, I guess a few months is a rather long time to hold a grudge, but I always pictured Rose as the type who would hold a grudge.

“So...now what?” Applejack asks curiously, now that it's just me and the rest of them in the room.

I shrug. “Hell if I know. All I was told was to meet up with the rest of you and meet with the new recruits before heading to the meeting,” I answer nonchalantly. Swift Lance's response is to facehoof, no doubt expecting something more official and orderly than that. “We still have a little while until the meeting. Who wants to fire up these kitchens?”

“Is that really going to be our first action as a team together? Cooking a meal?” Swift asks in disbelief. Before I can answer, she's set upon by Rainbow and Applejack, both of them grinning.

“No, this is a great idea! I'm hungry, and there's a massive kitchen all around us!” Rainbow declares, wrapping a leg around the beleaguered Swift.

“Darn tootin'! Let's get cookin' a nice apple pie, and then I'll be happier than Twilight in a library!” Applejack chimes in, managing to poke fun at Twilight in the process. Swift groans and lets herself be dragged towards the ovens, leaving Pterax and Trixie behind. “C'mon! Let ol' Applejack teach ya how to cook them apples.”

“Uhm...what's the point to this? I can't eat pony food,” Pterax points out. The changeling rubs his ebony belly, frowning.

“Good point! Rainbow, why don't ya give Seth one o' them sloppy wet kisses yer always doin' and let the poor thing eat?” Applejack calls back, causing Rainbow to turn nine shades of red. Applejack chuckles and dodges the pans that Rainbow is now throwing her direction.

“No we're not doing that!” Rainbow yells, even as I roll my eyes and turn to Trixie, who seems to be reacting about the same as I am. This intensifies when Rainbow looks past an open closet. “Oh hey, they have crackers!”

“Are they always like this?” Trixie asks, sitting down and looking tired from all of the excitement.


“Unfortunately.” Pterax and I both answer at the same time.

Trixie sighs and looks like she's going to complain further, but then she spots Rainbow coming out of the pantry carrying a plate piled high with thick crackers. She watches Rainbow pass, and when the pegasus moves out of sight, Trixie keeps staring at the kitchens with what looks like longing. She keeps looking like she wants to go join them, but she isn't moving. Uh, what?

“Trixie, what are you doing?” I question her.

“Wh-What? Trixie isn't doing anything,” Trixie responds after a pause, as if she hadn't been paying attention. She then mumbles something beneath her breath that I can't make out.

“What was that?” I press curiously, approaching the magician so I can hear her better.

Trixie flushes a light shade of red, shuffling her front hooves nervously. “...Trixie wants a cracker,” she finally admits. My immediate response is to burst out laughing and facepalm. “Hey! Stop laughing! It's not funny!”

“Just go in and get a damn cracker for the love of god,” I tell her, practically shoving her towards the others. Trixie staggers forward, yelping and glaring back at me, not appreciating my physical encouragement. Sheesh, and I thought I was anti-social. I guess living in the woods for months tends to do that to you. “They're not gonna bite you or anything.”

I follow her inside, towards where chaos is ensuing. “Is this really all the apples?” Applejack complains, her head stuffed inside one of the cabinets. Beside her on the counter is a pile of apples, though there aren't that many. “How am ah s'posed to make enough pie fer all of us with just this?”

“Who cares about the pie? I'm gonna make some awesome cheese dip for these cra...hey, Trixie, get your nose out of the crackers!” Rainbow cuts off to snap at the retreating Trixie, who looks rather triumphant with the single cracker clutched in her telekinesis.

“Trixie is sorry you're simply too slow to guard them,” the magician gloats and takes a bite out of her ill-gotten cracker, crunching with satisfaction.

“Oh, you did not just say that! C'mere!” Rainbow lunges at Trixie, but doesn't get very far before I pluck her out of the air by the scruff of her neck, bringing her up short. “What the...hey! Seth!”

“Yoink,” I quip, setting the pegasus back on the counter where she was assembling the ingredients for her dip. “Come on, you can give up one cracker. Now come on, let's go back to rifling through the owner's shit. Spoils of war and all that.”

“This ain't stealin' is it?” Applejack questions, poking her head back out of the cabinet, a box of cake mix on her head for some reason. “Ah mean, they're lettin' us use this stuff, right?”

“Please, Trotsdale is already a mess. The amount of bits it's going to take to fix everything is already pretty up there. The cost of a few ingredients is negligible,” I explain to her. Applejack still looks uneasy, so I continue. “Think about it this way. Even if we win the war and the ponies can come home to Trotsdale, most of this food will be spoiled by then.”

“Huh. Ah see yer point. No sense in wastin' food,” Applejack responds with a shrug, and then goes back to rifling through the cupboards for useable food.

“Exactly! Seth, could you grab me some of the spices from the cupboard?” Rainbow asks without even looking at me. She just sits there, waggling a hoof at me expectantly. And now's about the time where I start feeling oppositional defiant, so I decide to start fucking with her.

“What, you're gonna give your commander orders now?” I tease her, earning an impatient huff from Rainbow.

“What the...you’re not my commander. Just do it, already!”

“Why don't you make me?” I shoot back, grinning. Rainbow's expression completely changes, and she forms this smug little grin, as if she knows exactly how to do that. Of course, we're so caught up in the moment that we don't notice Pterax walking between us.

“The tension...” Pterax comments longingly, his forked tongue hanging out of his mouth. Rainbow and I both grab the nearest solid object and throw it at him, much to his dismay.

“Shut it!”

Once we sit down at the table with our meals, we all take a moment to relax here, getting used to one another's company. By that, I mean I have to get used to hanging with Swift and Trixie in a social situation, which is difficult because I hardly know them. That, and Rainbow still acts snippy towards Trixie, but at least they're not yelling at each other.

Trixie is awkward as hell, and it's a little funny. She has literally had no contact with any other pony over the past months, apart from the few times she went into town to restock her wagon with supplies. She just doesn't know how to take it when Applejack starts treating her nicely, even going as far as to tease her about the pie crumbs on her muzzle. Trixie's blushing face at that was enough to get all of us laughing.

But eventually the moment has to end. The rest of our free time passes in what seems like a blink of an eye, and it's time for me to head to the strategy meeting.

“All of you stay here. I'll be back to pick you up once Celestia tells me what the fuck we're supposed to be doing,” I let them all know, getting out of my seat and brushing the crumbs off of my shirt.

“Understood,” Swift responds first, as the others nod. “We'll be here when you return.”

With that out of the way, I leave the kitchens and eventually the building itself...only to run right into Rarity. Rarity squeaks and almost falls over backwards, but I quickly move to catch her before she does. “Jesus, watch where you're going,” I tell her, even though I am happy to see her. I haven't seen her since I left, and while I knew she was okay, it's still nice to see for myself.

“My apologies. It's good to see you, Seth,” Rarity responds with a relieved smile. I notice that there's a small package hanging in the air next to her, wreathed in her magical aura. “I'm so sorry I couldn't come see you earlier, but as soon as I heard you returned, I got right to work.”

“To work on what?” I ask curiously, grateful that I'd decided to leave for the meeting earlier than I really needed to. Sometimes stuff like this happens, and it's best to be prepared.

“Why, new clothes for you, of course! I thought that yours would be quite worn out by now...and I was right! Just look at this atrocity!” Rarity sniffs as if it should have been obvious. I give her a flatbrowed stare, even as she shoves the package in my hands. She peers over my shirt, hoofing at the rips and tears in it. “Your poor shirt looks like it's gone through a blender...and is that a blot of cheese!?”

“Alright, alright, I get it,” I wave her off, accepting the package gratefully. “Thanks for the clothes, I'll get changed later. I've got to get to the strategy meeting in fifteen minutes.”

“Absolutely not! You're going back inside and getting changed right now! You are not going to a meeting wearing these tatters!” Rarity splutters. She nudges me with her head and shoves me back towards the doorway forcibly. “Come on, let's move it. Chop chop now!”

“Ugh, fine. What are you, my mother?” I complain, unable to do anything except walk back inside with the package in my arms. Rarity just smirks triumphantly and makes as if to push me again. “I'm going! Sheesh!”

When I emerge from the restaurant again, I'm dressed in an entirely new ensemble. Rarity seems to like the way white looks on me, because the majority of the outfit is white. The pants are made of a mostly tight cloth colored snow white. Covering my chest is a tight sleeveless shirt colored emerald green to match my eyes. Over top of that is a loose long sleeved jacket colored as ivory white as my pants, with buttons on one side and a buttoned down collar.

Also, I'm completely out of time. The moment I'm changed, I toss aside my old clothes (which Rarity promptly incinerates) and take to the air, leaving the restaurant behind in a matter of seconds.

Activity outside hasn't lessened either. In the devastated fields outside the demolished city gates, the changeling hive is mobilizing, forming organized ranks. The Pegasus Corps appears to be doing the same just behind them. Come to think of it, everything that can fly (except for the griffons) are forming up outside the gates. Everything else seems to be loading onto the Equestrian and Griffon airships.

Wait a minute, where the hell were those airships during the battle? I mean, most of them are on Gilded Skies' payroll, but it would have been nice to have those ballistae backing us up during the siege.

Whatever. I don't have time to think, because soon I'm walking into the town hall. It isn't long before I make my way to the central room, where we'd made plans for the siege not too long ago.

The other important individuals are in the room as well, gathered around the table. They include Captains Blades, Shining Armor, Spitfire, and Gale; Warlords Iron and Salamul; all three of the princesses, Queen Chrysalis, and...huh. I guess that's a griffon.

Just like mythology taught me to expect, the large creature standing beside Cadance looks to be half eagle and half lion. The lion half is dark gray and speckled with black, complete with a wiry tail waving in the air behind it. The bird half possesses white and black plumage, complete with a black crest resting just above his predatory yellow eyes. To top it all off, there's a yellow beak that looks as if it has been sharpened sprouting from his muzzle. Wow. That looks both terrifying and awesome.

“Good, it seems we are all here,” Celestia states, once I join them at the table. I get a few nods and murmured greetings as I squeeze in beside Iron and Blades. On the table before me is a newer map that looks as if it has been recently sketched. I say sketched, but it looks borderline perfect. “Now we can begin. First, I believe we should start with introductions.”

“Allow me,” Chrysalis is the first to speak, her distorted voice earning winces from all of the ponies that know her. Shining Armor, bless him, is trying so hard to keep his facial expression neutral. No doubt he's steaming on the inside. Cadance I can't read at all, because her expression is perfectly neutral. I guess she's good at that, considering she is a diplomat. “I am Queen Chrysalis, of the changeling race. I am...charmed, to make all of your acquaintances.”

“Changeling? What in the world is that supposed to be?” the griffon rumbles, his voice sounding gruff, yet breathy. That's an odd combination. “Some new race you dug up, Princess Celestia?”

“It is a rather long story. Whatever details Queen Chrysalis wishes to share is at her discretion, however,” Celestia diplomatically responds, dipping her head politely to Chrysalis. Thankfully, the queen looks satisfied by her words.

“We are your allies, for the time being,” Chrysalis explains cryptically, knowing better than to disclose her disagreements with Equestria. Now that I think about it, there are essentially three countries represented in here now, if you count the fact that Chrysalis will eventually be recognized as one. “I have told you my name. Now tell me yours, griffon.”

“I am Viceroy Zythe, the most powerful griffon in Griffonstone,” the griffon declares, pounding his chest with a talon proudly. “We might not have a king, but with my army and my airships, I'm the closest thing you can get.”

“Thank you for coming to our assistance, Viceroy,” Celestia responds, smiling at the griffon.

“Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for a bunch of namby-pamby ponies and their swiss cheese allies,” Zythe scoffs, earning a wince from Celestia and a warning hiss from Chrysalis. Oh jeez, and here I thought that Chrysalis was going to be the worst of our worries here. “Thank Cadance. She and I are even after this.”

“Perhaps it is best if we move on,” Salamul interrupts wisely, his expression calm and implacable. “We are the Warlords of Bleak Island. You may call me Salamul, and this is my brother, Stalwart Iron.”

“Awfully big for a unicorn, don't you think?” Zythe comments, clicking his beak with interest. “What do you eat in Bleak Island?”

“It's not important. Perhaps we should address the purpose of this meeting.” Salamul thankfully doesn't let Zythe derail the conversation any further.

“Indeed. As you are aware, the Crystal Empire has declared war upon Equestria, led by their usurper king, Sombra,” Celestia relates, retelling the situation for the benefit of Salamul and Zythe, who likely don't know the full story. “We have weathered their initial assault, and their forces are weakened. If we are going to strike, it must be now.”

“T'is time we march on the Crystal Empire,” Luna agrees, her eyes narrowing. She looks over at Gale. “Captain Gale, if thou wouldst?”

Gale nods and indicates several points on the map, where there are multiple marks, each one labeled with names that don't make much sense to me. “The northern settlements, as I have drawn here, have all been seized by the enemy and their populace withdrawn to the capital,” Gale begins.

“No doubt to be used for slave labor,” Cadance deduces sadly.

“While their main force was engaging us, the settlements have been fortified and are no doubt being used as military outposts,” Gale continues, tapping the map for emphasis.

“We won't be able to strike at the capital without getting rid of them,” Chrysalis points out sensibly. “I mean, unless you like being surrounded by undead reinforcements. Then by all means.”

“We would need to split our forces in order to do so,” Luna observes, looking troubled. “We do not trust Sombra. There is no doubt he wouldst exploit that weakness.”

“It's been trap after trap with this guy, so I wouldn't doubt it,” I insert, and immediately regret it. I feel so out of place here. The moment I open my mouth, I'm the center of attention. Zythe in particular squints at me curiously.

“What in the...I did not even see you there. What are you, some kind of albino minotaur?” Zythe questions, much to my annoyance. Great, I gave him another chance to change the subject.

“I'm human,” I tell him shortly. Zythe blinks, and then adopts a disbelieving expression.

“You lie. Humans are long extinct,” he shoots back. “If you're human, prove it.”

“How about no? Call me whatever you want; can we just focus on the meeting please?” I tell him impatiently. As if we have the time to debate over whether I'm human or not. Zythe clucks a bit and shrugs, thankfully not taking offense to my rudeness.

Chrysalis waits until it's silent again, and then she turns to Luna. “What, so you think we should sit on our tails for fear of an ambush?” she criticizes, causing Luna's eyes to narrow. “No, I believe we should do it, and plan for our enemy's trickery.”

“And what do you suggest?” Celestia answers instead of Luna, which is probably for the best. Even though Chrysalis is a total ass, she's a tactical genius, considering how she almost brought down Equestria all by herself. I hate to admit it, but we'd be stupid not to use her.

“An all out assault, of course. Hit every single one of these settlements before they can organize, and then they will run their forces ragged trying to stop us,” Chrysalis answers with a toothy grin. “They have four generals. Five, if you count their king. They cannot control more than one host per general. We hold the tactical advantage, provided the king remains where he is.”

“King Sombra has not left the tower, as far as our scouts have seen,” Gale inputs helpfully, much to our relief. All bets are off if Sombra goes to the front lines himself, because then every single one of us with magic will have to fight him....which leaves the other generals free reign to screw us over. “In fact, I've been told he's holding a feast.”

“Are you kidding?” I demand. My sentiments are echoed around the table, as we all take offense to Sombra's blatant disregard to our efforts. It's like he doesn't even care.

“His overconfidence is to our benefit,” Salamul rumbles. “Chrysalis's plan is a solid one. We can outmaneuver our enemies and throw them into disarray with a full frontal assault.”

“Speaking of which, where are their generals?” I ask Gale pointedly. “If we take them out, a huge chunk of their army goes with it.”

“You're serious? Even better,” Chrysalis says with a grin. “At this rate, only Sombra himself will be a challenge.”

I'm just about to mention Hawke when Gale starts to answer my question. “So far, we've located two of their four generals,” she states, sticking two pins into the map. “The first is here, in the northwest settlement of Free Wind. Not much is known about him apart from his species: earth pony.”

“That's probably Earthen Glass. We've met Mist and Silent Shatter, which just leaves Glass,” I recall My sensible deduction earns nods from the other ponies around the table. “What about the other?”

“The pegasus, Silent Shatter, is flying between the southern cities, likely controlling the majority of the defending forces,” Gale says. “He has been difficult to pin down.”

This all means that Hawke and Mist could be anywhere. I don't like that. Hawke is literally the strongest of Sombra's generals. I would rest easier if I knew where he was. He could really screw us over if he took us by surprise.

“Why is this location blank?” Celestia questions, rejoining the conversation. She sweeps a wing across the area in question. It's true. On the western side of the frozen north, there's a blank white space nestled against the mountains.

“Our scouts cannot get close. There is a blizzard raging in the area. To my knowledge, it has yet to dissipate,” Gale admits reluctantly.

“Strange...blizzards don't usually last that long,” Celestia muses. “We should assume it isn't benign. Can you tell me what should be in that area?”

“All I know is the basic geography. There is a valley here in the center of the blizzard, with a dormant volcano at the far end,” Gale states, drawing the terrain to the best of her ability from memory alone. “It is a defensible location. It is likely that there could be a base hidden within.”

“I see. However, it would be foolhardy to attempt an assault in that blizzard,” Celestia responds, nodding. “We cannot scout it either, as your pegasi will freeze.”

“Mine won't,” Chrysalis rejoins with a smug grin. Before our eyes, she transforms into a polar bear with a thick wintry coat. Those that have never seen her transform, such as Salamul and Zythe, watch in interest as the bear sits on her hind legs, somehow managing to look smug. She soon transforms back, her point proven. “We can scout in the blizzard for you. However let's not split our forces too much, else we will lose our advantage. The undead can't move through that blizzard either.”

“How do you figure?” I demand, looking at Chrysalis with surprise. “They're undead! What do they care about how cold it is? They can't freeze to death.”

“Maybe not, but they can freeze,” Chrysalis determines. Luna appears to understand what Chrysalis is saying, because she's nodding in agreement. “Just because they're undead doesn't mean they're not made out of flesh and blood. Whatever liquid that's in them will freeze. I'd like to see them move with frozen solid joints.”

“Which means we can safely ignore the blizzard until we hath taken each settlement,” Luna adds, nodding. My head turns between the two of them with surprise. I never thought I would see the day when Luna and Chrysalis collaborate on a strategy together. This is totally nuts. “Then we can consolidate our forces in our new offensive line while thy changelings scout the blizzard.”

“Precisely. And then, should it prove to be a threat, we will strike at it with the entirety of the changeling hive,” Chrysalis says with a grin.

“Not just your changelings. We can get through that blizzard too,” Zythe states. I look at his feathers and fur skeptically. There's no way that he would be able to last in a blizzard. We're going pretty far north, and I heard blizzards are pretty fucking nasty. “My forces can get through by airship, if we huddle in the hull near the engines. I would have suggested it earlier, but I'm not going in there blind.”

“We'll keep that in mind,” Chrysalis retorts, rolling her eyes. No doubt she wants to keep the glory all for herself. “Now, this just leaves distribution to be dealt with.”

“That's right. Which leads me to Seth,” Celestia speaks up, joining in once more. I can't help but notice that she usually stays out of the conversation when tactics are being discussed. I guess her sister has more experience in that regard than herself. “Captain Gale, which settlement is the most heavily fortified?”

“Here, in the town of Everwinter,” Gale answers, indicating the location on the map. The town looks to be pretty close to where the blizzard is. “It is enclosed within large stone walls, though I am uncertain as to how they were constructed so quickly. Likely magic is involved.”

“I see, sister. Thou wishes to use Seth's team to infiltrate its defenses?” Luna questions. Celestia nods, giving me a smile. Huh, so I'm going for the big fish there. I might end up fighting Shatter again if I'm unlucky. At worst, I'll run into Hawke, and I'll be in a fight for my life. “Hm...if the defenses are weakened and we acquire the element of surprise...”

“...we won't have to send as many troops there,” Chrysalis completes the sentence for her. Jesus, they really are on the same wavelength here. If Chrysalis hadn't been so overconfident of her victory during the royal wedding, I honestly don't know who would have won. “Well? Think you can do it, Seth?”

“I think so. I'm actually satisfied with the team I have right now,” I answer, knowing full well how much will depend on me if I take this mission. If I fuck this up, there'll be a hole in our formation....a weakness that Sombra could exploit. “Who'll be backing me up once we get those doors open?”

“Send us,” Salamul suggests, suddenly speaking up. He earns everyone's attention at his frankly audacious claim. “You will only need a small force to take it once the defense are down. The Bleak Island warriors are more than capable of doing the job.”

“There's only four hundred of you,” Chrysalis scoffs. Even Luna looks uncertain, as do several other of the captains. “Who knows how many undead are inside?”

“Do not underestimate us. We've seen more combat than the entirety of your army, thrice over,” Salamul returns with a growl. “We will crush them beneath our hooves. Let us take care of this. Your forces are needed elsewhere.”

Celestia muses for a moment, and then she turns to look at Iron, who meets her gaze. Iron nods, understanding her unspoken question. She's asking for his opinion. “I stand by my brother's claim. I know these warriors well. We can do it,” Iron states determinedly.

“You know, I like your guts!” Zythe is the first one to respond to that, clacking his beak and grinning. “Why not, princesses? Let's let 'em do it. I'll even give 'em one of my airships to take 'em there.”

“We will admit, if thy forces prove sufficient for the task, we will be able to hit the other settlements twice as hard,” Luna admits, mulling the idea over in her head. Finally, she nods. “Very well, we approve of this plan.”

“Very tenacious of you. Let's hope you don't screw it up,” Chrysalis comments, staring coolly at Salamul.

“I will endeavor not to disappoint you,” Salamul retorts, returning Chrysalis's gaze calmly. They stare at one another for several moments, until Chrysalis licks her lips and looks away, a ghost of a smile on her face. What the hell was that all about?

“It is settled. Seth's team and the warriors of Bleak Island will travel to Everwinter and seize it for the allied forces,” Celestia declares. She looks between Salamul and me for confirmation. “Do you understand?”

“You got it,” I answer.

“It will be done,” Salamul agrees.

“Excellent. Shall we distribute the remainder of our forces?” Celestia suggests, turning back to Luna and Chrysalis. With that, we return to planning the largest invasion Equestria has ever seen.

Sheesh, and to think that once my biggest worry was getting a good grade on that math final?

Author's Note:

I took a bit of a break between the last chapter and this one. Between having my birthday, the new episode, and some RL stuff that I'd rather not mention, I didn't really feel like doing much writing. But if I don't write for long enough, I get all restless and then I start dreaming about writing, so eventually I have to get to work.

In addition, the 100th episode threw a few wrenches into what I've written, if we're to take it as canon. Thankfully they're not that big of a deal. I stand by Octavia and Vinyl's initial relationship in this fic, as well as Lyra and Bon Bon's. In essence, nothing really needs to be changed. The good thing about writing a fic set so far back in the show's timeline is that any new content doesn't immediately effect me. Unless there's flashbacks. In which case fuck.

Thankfully, I think I'm done with the strategy meetings. Time for the actual war to come to an end. I have a few more major plot points to cover over the course of the war, and then one for wrap up, and then the story will end. However, this universe will not be ending. I may or may not have ideas for three more fics that'll extend this universe's canon.....I'm going to hit a million words in total. It's just a given.

Anyway, thanks to Schadenponi for editing this. Make sure to leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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