• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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45. The Final Decision

I stand beside Shining Armor in the hallway, just outside the doors to the wedding hall. Clutched in my right hand is the small black box that contains the bride's ring. The wedding has just begun. The guests have all arrived and are already in the hall, and I can hear the orchestra playing inside. I wonder if that really fast paced cello player in there is Octavia. It probably is.

Looking over at Shining Armor, I notice the slightest hints of green beginning to infringe upon his corneas. Which means Chrysalis's control is finally taking him over. I'm guessing she's been trying to do that for days, but he's been so strong, he's been resisting it. While that's impressive, it seems like his time is up. I wonder how conscious he still is? I'm going to find out.

“Are you ready?” I whisper to him, because if I speak too loud, the guests in the hall will hear me. Shining Armor doesn't seem to hear me at first. Instead, he seems to be staring straight ahead, his eyes unfocused. “Hey!”

“What? Oh,” Shining Armor finally responds, looking at me in a confused manner. “Sorry...I feel a little woozy. What did you say?”

“I asked if you were ready,” I repeat. Yeah, he's losing it. It takes a while for my words to even register in his mind.

“Yeah...I am,” he emits unsteadily. He reaches over and places a hoof on my shoulder. “I wanted to thank you for stepping in to fill the role of best man...I wouldn't have been able to come up with another in such short notice.”

Apparently he's conscious enough to think a little bit, if he's thanking me. “This isn't right though. This role should be saved for the one pony who means a lot to you,” I complain, even though I know it's too late. “You're really okay with me being here?”

“Of course. Maybe after this, we can get together someplace when I'm off duty. We'll get a bite to eat and learn more about one another. What do you say?” Shining Armor requests, seemingly getting more lucid the more I talk to him. Shit, I need to end this conversation. I don't want to fuck up Chrsyalis's plan.

“Sure, I guess,” I reply, even though I have no intention of doing any such thing. But it wouldn't hurt to agree to get him to shut up. It's not like I'll have to follow through with my agreement. He'll be dead after this, no doubt.

Suddenly, the doors open, which means it's time for Shining Armor and I to walk down the aisle and join Celestia at the altar. With a smile, Shining Armor steps out into the aisle, with me just behind and to the left of him.

I look around in my peripheral vision. There are four corded off sections reserved for the guests, and all of them are chock full of different ponies. Some of them I recognize, like Fancy Pants and his cronies in the front row, Pale Rose and a few other guards on the edges of the room, and even some other ponies from around Canterlot that I've seen. Octavia and a small portion of the Canterlot Royal Orchestra are standing on the raised portion at the back of the room, to the far right of the altar.

I can't believe I'm doing this. Every single pony that I've ever had anything approaching to a normal conversation with is going to be in this room when the guillotine blade comes down. I'm going to have to watch them all die...and yet for the sake of seeing my loved ones again, I'm going to go through with it. Even so...I wish I'd never had to make this choice. I wish I'd never come to Equestria in the first place.

Shining Armor approaches the altar, taking his place in front of Celestia. I stand behind him with the ring box, holding it up so the crowd can see it. I notice a lot of them are looking at me curiously, obviously having never seen a human before.

“Welcome, Shining Armor,” Celestia greets him, lowering her head to nuzzle him. “You're going to be a part of my family after this.”

“I am honored to hear you say that,” Shining Armor responds in a slightly hollow sounding voice. The control is getting worse, I see. It won't be very long now. With every second, my heart seems to beat faster. Thankfully, Celestia doesn't notice anything amiss.

Next, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy enter the hall, walking in a line as they were instructed to. Except they're all wearing dresses, even Rainbow. While that fact would have made me laugh before, all I can think about is how she will be wearing that dress to the grave. And that just makes me hate myself more for this.

The crowd of ponies breaks out into a round of applause, obviously knowing the identities of the new bridesmaids. They are the Elements of Harmony, so I see how they would be recognized at least a little bit.

The five ponies line up opposite us. Rainbow attempts to catch my eye, but I don't take it, looking firmly at the entrance to the wedding hall, where the bringer of death herself will soon be arriving.

Finally, a slow driving theme starts to play from the orchestra, announcing the arrival of what everypony thinks is Princess Cadance. I'm guessing that's their wedding march. Much to my horror, guess who prances in first, showering flower petals on the carpet in front of Chrysalis? Fucking Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Seriously? Oh my god, no. I have to watch them die, too. Three little fillies, with their entire lives ahead of them. And they're going to die in this room, along with everypony else.

I try my absolute hardest not to lose my composure. I can't take this. I don't want to watch this. Why do I have to go through so much just to go home? Will I even be sane by the time I get back? Why do those three have to be here? I thought they were safe at home, away from all this chaos.

When the three fillies reach us, the split off to either side, but not before Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle give me small waves, which just makes me feel worse. Chrysalis approaches the altar, oozing equal amounts of confidence and malice from every step. The clock is ticking...and doomsday is approaching.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” Celestia announces at last once Chrysalis takes her position opposite the listless Shining Armor. The crowd goes silent at her words, waiting with baited breath for the vows. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor.”

Cheers erupt from the onlookers, but that slowly dies down as Celestia continues. I can't pay attention through, because I know what's coming, and I can't bear to listen to some fake wedding vows. However, I do vaguely hear them exchange vows. At last, Celestia looks at me slightly, indicating it's about time for me to hand over the ring. “Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you...”

Suddenly, the door to the hall shoots open with a loud bang, interrupting Celestia and disturbing the proceedings. A very beleaguered looking Twilight stomps in, streams of magenta magic swirling around her form. Her mane is messy and filthy, and her coat looks sweaty and covered in dirt. As Chrysalis had predicted, it seems she found her way out of the mines, and just in time, it seems. Just in time to die, that is.

“I won't let you take my brother!” Twilight yells, walking down the aisle. I've never seen her this intense. I can sense a lot of magic emanating from her. It seems like she's really willing to fight in order to save her brother.

Of course, since everypony believes Chrysalis is who she says she is, they all look dismayed, annoyed, and angry. Applejack and Rainbow look at one another, while Rarity facehoofs. Celestia looks down at her student, furious at the intrusion.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia booms, her voice echoing through the entire chamber. Twilight quails slightly, but stays strong. “I was willing to forgive you for your first transgression, but it seems you are bent on ruining my niece's special day!”

“No, Celestia, she's trying to save it!” Anther voice sounds out, and to my shock, I recognize it. That's Cadance's voice, which means...Chrysalis didn't kill the real thing after all. That seems irresponsible. Even though I'm somewhat glad to see that she's all right, it would have been smarter for Chrysalis to kill her.

The real Cadance storms in behind Twilight, looking just as filthy as one would expect from a pony who's spent several days in a crystal mine. Her appearance elicits a shocked reaction from everypony in the room, as there are now two Cadances here. Chrysalis looks coolly down upon her double, seemingly not worried at all, even as Celestia looks between the two of them, completely confused.

“Wonderful, you two! I was hoping you'd make it in time for my special day,” Chrysalis greets them, further confusing the ponies around them. Twilight and Cadance glare at her viciously. “Though I must say, how did you make it past my thralls?”

“I am the Element of Magic! A few mind-controlled unicorns without the ability or knowledge to control their magic can't stop me,” Twilight snaps back, flaring her magic angrily. Celestia starts to adopt a look of horror as the reality of the situation starts to dawn on her.

“But of course. They were only meant to delay you, after all. It's too late for you now," Chrysalis expresses with a shrug.

“Hold on a minute. How can there be two o' you?” Applejack interrupts, pointing between what she believes are two Cadances.

“That's because she's a changeling! She takes the form of ponies that you love, and gains sustenance by feeding from the love you feel for them!” Cadance explains, approaching Chrysalis. Twilight follows her close behind. “Isn't that right, monster?”

Chrysalis's response is to break out into laughter, her horn glowing green. This is it. This is the beginning of the end. Green flames surround her body as she calls upon her magic. Unlike before, I can sense a crushing power behind those flames, the likes of which I've only ever felt from Celestia. It's nowhere close to Celestia's power, of course, but it definitely has that same crushing feeling to it. She's probably stronger than I am.

The flames suddenly explode upwards into a burning pillar of rotating emerald light. Inside of the pillar, everypony would be able to see clearly Chrysalis's transformation. Only this time, it's much more brutal. Her fake wings snap and break off to reveal her insectoid wings, and her skin literally melts off to reveal the black chitin beneath.

When the flames recede, Chrysalis stands just in front of a shocked Celestia in her true form. She bares her teeth at the horrified crowd, taking in their fear to fuel her own sick glee. “Oh, how right you are, princess. I've been waiting for so long to show myself to Equestria!” she says with a sickening grin.

Celestia's eyes narrow, and she stomps her foot down, magic starting to swirl up from the ground. I hope Chrysalis has a plan, or Celestia is going to crush her here and now. “I assume you are our would-be assassin. Who are you, changeling? What did you hope to gain by infiltrating this wedding?” Celestia demands, her eyes starting to glow a golden yellow.

“Why hello, Princess Celestia. I've been waiting so long to meet you,” Chrysalis greets her as if meeting an old friend. “I am Chrysalis, Queen of all Changelings. I am here to secure a food source for my kind for all eternity, by taking your country for myself.”

Her words spark shock and fear from the onlookers, some of which attempt to bolt from the room...but they don't get very far, as the doors are enveloped with Chrysalis's magic, and then they shut and lock, preventing escape. As I thought. If Chrysalis overcomes Celestia somehow, this place will become a killing zone.

“Equestria has so much love, compared to the wasteland where the Crystal Empire used to be. Oh, and don't even get me started on the griffons and minotaurs. It's always about battle up there, and controlling your women, rather than loving them,” Chrysalis explains with disgust evident in her voice. Huh, so she knows about the Crystal Empire as well. “Now imagine if I let my changelings in here, to devour all of that love. How powerful do you think we could become?”

“It won't happen! Shining Armor's spell will keep all of them out!” Cadance points out, but this only makes Chrysalis laugh, because she's already taken care of that.

“Oh really? Then why hasn't he done anything to stop me?” Chrysalis remarks, looking back at Shining Armor, who is now fully under her grasp. His eyes are covered in that thin green film, and there are even unhealthy looking bags underneath his eyes. “Oh, maybe it's because he's entirely under my control.

“What!?” Cadance exclaims, and she attempts to rush over to Shining Armor. She doesn't even get close. Emerald magic power erupts from Chrysalis's form just before the queen slams a hoof into Cadance's side, magical flame arcing from her hoof as she does so. Cadance yelps as a black mark is left on her side, and she's sent tumbling over the floor and into the wall, which cracks under the impac.

“Cadance!” Twilight yells in horror. She glares at Chrysalis. “I'll...I'll stop you.”

“Will you? Oh no, Twilight. Do you even know the situation you're in?” Chrysalis responds coyly. “My armies are just outside the barrier, which will drop at my command. It will be a simple matter to take Canterlot, and then all of Equestria will fall beneath our hooves.”

There's an explosion, and then light fills the room, emanating from the sheer power displayed by Celestia. The princess is powering up, looking angrier than I've ever seen her. The very ground is starting to shake from her enormous power. In terms of sensing magic, it's like an ocean is coursing over me. “I don't think so, Chrysalis. By foolishly revealing yourself in my presence, you will be subjected to the overwhelming power of the sun,” Celestia states grimly, growing ever stronger and more radiant with each passing moment. Dear god, she's so strong. How the hell is Chrysalis going to deal with this?

Chrysalis turns and gives her full attention to Celestia, but she doesn't power up for some reason. “Celestia. It is your power that I feared the most. It's how you've managed to retain control over this country for as long as you have, correct?” she reveals, looking serious now. Celestia remains silent, instead stepping closer, her light streaming into the air. Chrysalis suddenly grins. “You didn't think I came in here without a plan, did you?”

The ground shakes intensely, but this time it isn't from Celestia. A strange web of white light appears from the ground and envelopes the whole room, passing over each and every pony as it flies up to the top of the room. It even passes through me, but I don't feel anything.

As it passes each unicorn, a bit of the web stays behind on each individual horn, soaking into it. The unicorns wince and cry out at this. Twilight falls over in pain, her magic dissipating as she holds her hooves to her horn. Cadance and Rarity are also similarly affected.

Celestia's eyes widen in horror as the web passes over her, enveloping her horn and....fucking canceling out her magic! Celestia falls to her knees, the light dissipating from around her. Did...Chrysalis just fucking outwit Celestia? What even was that web? Does it cancel magic somehow?”

“What...did you do!?” Celestia demands, panting heavily. She looks really weak now without her magic.

Chrysalis looks at the results of her planning and laughs again. “Oh Celestia, surely you know. This device was crafted by one of your own students, after all,” she informs her.

“Starswirl the Bearded's nullification device!” Twilight gasps, looking up at Chrysalis in horror.

“Oh yes. Such a wonderful device, able to cancel out the strongest of magics with ease,” Chrysalis affirms, speaking with the confidence of one that knows she's won. It's true. If Celestia can't use her magic, it's over. “While it normally affects only a small area, it was a simple matter to construct a much larger version in the caves beneath this castle. Now, no unicorns can use their magic in this room. That includes you, Celestia.”

“I can't...no!” Celestia exclaims in horror, helpless before the mastermind of her ultimate destruction. Suddenly, something seems to dawn on her. She turns to look over at me, next. Her eyes widen in understanding as she notices that I'm not doing a thing to help her. “Seth...so you knew about this.”

Her words cause the ponies that know me to look at me in shock, especially Rainbow. It hurts to see Rainbow looking at me like that. When I say nothing, they gasp. Rainbow doesn't look like she believes it at first.

“What? No he didn't. Seth's my friend! Just you watch, he's going to put a hole through her any second,” Rainbow proclaims in my defense. I place a hand on my face in order to hide my pained expression. “Like he would ever join with this...thing!”

“Oh, but he did, dear Rainbow Dash,” Chrysalis announces, walking to my side. She rests a hoof on my shoulder. “Why should he stay with you ponies, when all you've tried to do is assimilate him into your society without giving even one thought to what he's left behind?”

They're talking about me now. I look down at the floor, only hoping for this to end soon. “Chrysalis, quit dragging it out. Hurry up and end this,” I tell her flatly. My words cement it for any listeners. Rainbow looks more betrayed than I've ever seen her. She's the Element of Loyalty, if I remember right. It's a good thing I'm leaving. She'll probably never forgive me for this.

“All I did was offer him an ear and a helpful hoof. It's a shame that even those that professed to be his friends couldn't even do that!” Chrysalis berates them, seemingly ignoring me.

“But...Seth, tell me this isn't true!” Rainbow rages at me, taking to the air. I don't respond, returning my gaze to the floor. “Seth! We're friends, right? What the hay is going on? Did you really join up with this...thing?”

When there's still no reply from me, Rainbow gets closer, looking desperate. “Say something! This is a dream. You're one of my best friends! You wouldn't...you wouldn't do this to me!” she cries out. “Please, tell me she's lying.”

Without a word, I turn my back on her. Rainbow gasps, and looks absolutely heartbroken. I can understand how she feels. My own heart feels like it's breaking as well. I had so much fun with her...but as life has a way of showing me, nothing good will ever last.

“You see? You all are to blame for his betrayal,” Chrysalis continues, walking around me. “Best friend. What a joke! As if you really know him. All you saw was a troubled young man who 'needed your support.' He didn't need support, he needed solutions...which I could give him.”

Rainbow turns her head and glares at Chrysalis. “This is your fault! Why did you even have to come along!?” she shouts at her and then Rainbow flies at her with her hoof outstretched. Oh no, she's going to attack Chrysalis.

Rainbow doesn't even get close. Chrysalis smirks and lowers her head, instantly firing a large beam of emerald light that envelops Rainbow, carrying her to the ground. Rainbow grunts and struggles, but when the smoke clears, I see that she's being held to the ground by some kind of green slime.

“Rainbow!” Applejack cries out in alarm. She turns and charges at Chrysalis next, followed by the rest of the Elements. Chrysalis's smirk widens. She nimbly sidesteps a buck from Applejack, and then blasts Fluttershy (who is trying to free Rainbow) with the same emerald beam, so that she too joins Rainbow in being glued to the ground by slime.

“Take this!” Rarity declares, attempting to buck Chrysalis in the side. She actually lands a hit...but Chrysalis doesn't even move an inch.

“Adorable,” Chrysalis remarks before shooting Rarity with another slime beam. I don't understand why she isn't killing them. The queen once again avoids another attack from Applejack, only this time she retaliates by slamming an emerald flame covered hoof into Applejack's side. I hear a sickening crack, and my former boss hurtles down the stairs and hits the floor hard near Rainbow, moaning in pain. Fuck, I think some of her ribs may be broken. Another slime beam later, and she's trapped there.

That just leaves Pinkie and Twilight. Pinkie looks angry, which is an expression I've never seen out of her. Frankly, if it were me seeing that expression, I'd be terrified. But Chrysalis appears to be unstoppable.

Pinkie proceeds to whip out a fucking cannon from seemingly nowhere and fire it directly at Chrysalis, only for the projectile (which is a concentrated ball of confetti and streamers...I don't even fucking know) to hit a translucent green barrier....which then transforms into a massive green wall that slams right into Pinkie. Pinkie yelps and is soon enveloped by the wall, which hardens into slime and holds her to the floor with her companions.

Twilight is left standing alone, but without any magic, she's quickly subdued as well along with Spike, who had left the crowd in an attempt to help her, leaving only Chrysalis.

“Now, I shall start by eliminating you all, one by one, while your friends watch,” Chrysalis declares, ignoring the screaming from the crowd. “Shall I start with Kindness? Or Loyalty? Or perhaps...”

To my shock, Celestia interrupts her with a hoof to the chest, which impacts Chrysalis with a loud crash. Chrysalis is actually knocked back several feet by the impact, and this time, I see the queen actually look surprised. “How...but you have no magic?” Chrysalis demands. Celestia responds by pushing her advantage, raining down blows with her hooves onto the queen's guard. “I see. Even without your magic, you are still very physically strong. I commend you for your tenacity.”

“Seth! Do something! If our friendship ever meant anything to you, stop her!” Rainbow pleads to me from the slimy cocoon that she's encased in. Beside me, Celestia is putting up a decent fight, but she's visibly losing, as Chrysalis has an insurmountable advantage in her powerful magic.

“I'll...stop you,” Celestia pants, her hoof soaring towards Chrysalis. There's a mighty crash as Celestia's hoof hits a small, round, translucent barrier, which then explodes outward to completely encompass her. This is it. Chrysalis wins. The green orb surrounding Celestia solidifies, trapping the once unstoppable princess in slime.

“No, I don't think you will,” Chrysalis replies smugly, even though she knows Celestia can't hear her.

“Seth, please!” Rainbow tries again. I do my best to ignore her, but it's getting harder and harder. I want to cry. It's almost impossible to keep from losing my composure.

Oh no. The three little fillies are running up next, in an attempt to save their assorted siblings. Apple Bloom rushes to Applejack, Sweetie Belle rushes to Rarity, and Scootaloo...doesn't even get there in time. Chrysalis sees them coming, and with a sadistic grin, fires more of those slime beams. Scootaloo is the first one hit.

“No!” Rainbow screams, struggling with all of her might to get out of the slime she's encased in.

“Apple Bloom, ya need ta take Sweetie Belle and run. This ain't safe for you,” Applejack attempts to persuade her sister as the tiny filly wrenches bits of slime away.

“Ah ain't leavin' ya, sis! Seth, come help me!” Apple Bloom responds, acting as if nothing had changed between she and I. She looks up in confusion when I don't respond, only to find Chrysalis's hoof slamming into her face. I wince and shut my eyes as I hear Apple Bloom squeak once before falling silent and rolling across the floor. I want nothing more than to run to her side, but I know that I can't.

Sweetie Belle is left completely alone by Rarity, staring into the eyes of a Chrysalis, who seems to be enjoying hurting them way too much.

“Leave her alone! Why don't you fight somepony who can actually fight back, you coward!?” Rainbow shouts at Chrysalis, seemingly giving up her attempts to coax me into the fight.

“Coward? That word holds no real meaning to me,” Chrysalis responds, turning away from Sweetie Belle. She approaches Rainbow slowly, a cruel grin forming on her face. “There is no shame in using your wit to attain victory. As for these fillies, why shouldn't I enjoy myself? None of you are leaving this room alive.”

“You...are the absolute worst. If I was free right now, I'd beat you down in an instant!” Rainbow snaps, and then she spits on Chrysalis's face. There's a dead silence as her saliva drips down Chrysalis's face.

“Very well,” Chrysalis hisses viciously, emerald magic erupting from the ground and surrounding her. “If you wish to die so quickly, far be it for me to deny your wish!”

Rainbow stares defiantly up at the queen as she raises her flaming hoof in preparation for the final blow. I look down, knowing that this is it. Rainbow is facing her last moments. When this ends, I can go home.

“Perish!” Chrysalis roars, and her hoof swings down. Time seems to slow down for me, even as my heart speeds up. Why do I care? I'm going home to see Amaryllis. I don't need Rainbow. Sure, we had some fun, but in the end, that doesn't really matter.

I shut my eyes, not wanting to see her death. However, I can still feel Chrysalis's magic that's about to strike down my best pony friend ever. No...she's not my friend anymore. None of these ponies are my friends. I'll be seeing Amaryllis and my family again, so I don't need you anymore.

"So...my name's Rainbow Dash. I'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria!"

Oh no. I don't want to remember this. I'm going to be leaving you behind. You're going to die. These memories don't matter.

"Why, too scared of being shown up on the dance floor by yours truly?"

Fucking...I don't care. This isn't important.

“It sounds to me like you're waiting for somepony to prove you wrong.”

“Just live. Live, and find happiness.”

“Buck privacy, especially if you're hurting like this when no one can see you.”

I can't stop remembering. Every time I've ever had fun with her, or felt something I've never felt before, those memories rush through my mind like a flood.

“I thought you were in trouble....but I couldn't get to you.”

“Just...know that you're not alone okay? If you need me, I'll be here.”

I've had more fun in the past two months than I've had in my entire life. I can safely say it's all because of her.

“I'm paying for happiness! My happiness! That's what I get out of this!”

We've laughed together, cried together, and played together, like a real friendship that I've always wanted.

“Thank you for letting me be your friend.”

“GODDAMMIT!” I roar, and then I immediately power up to full strength, darkness and electricity exploding from around me like a hurricane. The magic canceling device doesn't seem to affect me, as the magic easily flows through my magic core at my will.

Just before Chrysalis's hoof comes down, I appear directly in front of her at a speed nopony here can follow, and I bring my arms up just in time to block her attack. There's so much force behind her hoof, the ground shatters beneath me, and pain wracks my arms, but I don't waver. My glowing green and purple eyes glare directly into Chrysalis's, which visibly widen in shock.

Rainbow stares up at us in surprise as well, her mouth wide open. She's shaking, as she knows how close to death she just was.

“I see,” Chrysalis says simply, taking a few steps back from me. She doesn't power down. “So you've made a decision, then.”

“I have,” I reply tersely. Now that it's come to this, there's no hesitation in my mind. If I want to keep what I've gained since coming here, I'll have to crush Chrysalis here, like I should have the first time I met her.

“Do you realize what you're giving up, by choosing to oppose me?” Chrysalis asks softly. The tone of her voice sounds dangerous. When my only response is a continued glare, she sighs in disappointment. “I had hoped to avoid this. You realize I'll have to kill you now?”

“I do,” I respond. I know what I've just given up. Dear god, do I know. I can't help but squeeze out tears at the opportunity that I just gave up. Amaryllis...I'm sorry. I couldn't do it. I couldn't throw away what little humanity I have just to see you again.

I spread my arms out to either side of me, and then power up, because I know base form just won't be good enough to fight her. “But if you think it will be that easy, you have another thing coming.”

There's a silence as Chrysalis and I stare at one another, and then it begins. Grasping a current, I zoom towards her at an incredible speed. Unlike before, Chrysalis appears to be able to follow me with her eyes. She reaches up a hoof to block, but she underestimates me.

I flow around her guard and my fist barrels into her chin, snapping her head back. Chrysalis gasps, saliva flying from her mouth. Judging from the look on her face, it doesn't seem like she expected to be hit at all.

Following up my initial strike, I bring my right leg up and slam it into her side, darkness arcing behind it. Chrysalis grunts and unbalances, tumbling to the floor.

When I go to continue my assault, Chrysalis rights herself and blocks several of my punches. Every time I feel my fist collide with her hooves, my knuckles start to hurt. She doesn't budge under my assault, which tells me something.

I've made a huge mistake. Chrysalis powers up with a yell and starts to spin, razor sharp blades of green magic swirling around her like a tornado of death. I'm able to leap backwards in time, but she continues her attack by forming whips of green light that coil around my ankles and yank me off of the ground.

In the places where the whips are touching my ankles, it burns like fire, no doubt leaving behind nasty burns. When she lets me go, I fly backwards and slam into the wall painfully, my back colliding with the hard stone.

It doesn't take me long to recover. I use my feet to propel myself off of the wall and back into the fight, my fists outstretched. Chrysalis steps back, dodging or blocking the flurry of punches that I send her way. I grit my teeth, hoping to keep her on the defensive for as long as possible, until I can find a way to break through her defense. She's strong. Stronger than I am. I can just tell by the way she hardly moves or cries out when I hit her.

Chrysalis halts my onslaught by headbutting me hard with her chitinous head. While I'm dizzy, it's easy for her to lower her horn and blast me with an emerald beam that sends me hurtling backwards.

I hit the ground beside Rainbow, slime creeping up my body. It's getting harder to move, which means she used that slime ability on me. But while that ability may restrict a pony, it can't stop me. With a grunt, I wrench my arms outward, shattering the slime with an explosion of dark magic.

I dash towards Chrysalis again using a current, but as she raises her hoof to block, I change things up a bit. I dash to the right, then diagonally upwards and to the left such that I'm directly over her. Lastly, I use one last current to send me hurtling downwards. Chrysalis yells out when I slam both fists onto her back, sending her to the ground in an eruption of darkness.

A stream of emerald fire surges out from the cloud of darkness and catches me right in the chest, burning me painfully and almost knocking me right off of my feet. “You can't defeat me, Seth,” Chrysalis declares, emerging from the darkness, seemingly unhurt by anything I'm tossing at her. “It's not too late. Give up this foolish resistance and join me. I'm willing to forgive you. I'm sure you still wish to go home.”

“Go home? For what!?” I spit me, taking this moment to take a breather and consolidate my magic for another assault. My words take Chrysalis off guard. “What would I get from that? A few short moments with my friend and family before we're all wiped out anyway? Do you even know what happens to us?”

“I...am unsure. Do you know something that I don't?” Chrysalis asks, though she looks loathe to admit her ignorance.

“We're annihilated by fucking undead over the course of eighty years. Even if I'm lucky and last all eighty years, which I won't, the most I'll get is the ability to die in that fucking school, and become undead myself,” I lay out for her. I'm revealing stuff that I haven't really told any ponies, and as such the ponies stuck in slime are listening as well. “I don't know why I joined up with you. If I go back in time, I get to see my family torn apart. If I stay here, then I can keep the friends that I've made safe with my own two hands. Now come, Chrysalis! This isn't over!”

“Then further talk is pointless,” Chrysalis realizes, her eyes narrowing. “You'll die with the rest of your beloved friends!”

“Not if I tear your ugly ass head from your body first!” I roar, and then the two of us take to the air, fist and hoof colliding in midair in a massive explosion of darkness and green flame. The windows of the hall shatter outwards from the force in a cacophony of sound.

Almost as if I've opened a flood gate, the different pegasi in the crowd immediately take off and soar outside to what they believe is escape, just as the double barrier erected by Shining Armor comes crumbling down. I can see a black cloud of specks approaching in the distance...which must be Chrysalis's changeling army.

I need to find a way to get all of these ponies out of here, especially Rainbow. She may not forgive me for the choices I've made, but I'm going to save her nonetheless. I know just the way to do that as well.

As Chrysalis and I exchange blows in the air, I take a lot more damage than she does, hooves plowing into my face and body, her magic scorching my skin. She's too strong for me, and I can't protect everypony here while fighting both her and her approaching changeling army.

I hit her with a concussive blast from my hand, knocking her to the ground. This will be a difficult plan to pull off, and I can only save a few ponies here. Chrysalis only plans to murder the Elements, so I need to get them out of here, first and foremost.

I land on the ground near Rainbow. She looks at me with an unreadable expression, but ignore her for now, reaching for my rifle. I lean down and draw a circle on the ground with my free hand, such that a glowing black rune is left behind.

Chrysalis lands in front of me and swings both hooves down at my head. I grab a current and dash to the other side of the room, drawing a circle there as well just before she follows me and knocks me right into the wall, which cracks upon impact.

Almost...just a few more. Chrysalis lowers her head and fires a beam of emerald flame from her horn, but thankfully I manage to move away from the wall before it's completely obliterated by the attack. I dash away, and Chrysalis follows. With another escape route presents, even more ponies run out through the hole in the wall, including Rose and Octavia, both of them giving me concerned looks before leaving. Good. If they can get far enough away, Rose will be able to use her magic again, and she's very capable.

In the spot where I land, I have just enough time to draw another circle on the ground before I'm forced to block Chrysalis's next attack with my rifle. I inject my rifle with magic until it transforms into a black crystalline version of itself, with green lines running down the side. This is an ability Rose helped me to uncover several weeks ago, one that makes the rifle much stronger.

I spin around and whack Chrysalis in the side of the head with my rifle, knocking her head slightly askew. She fights back by unleashing a magical shockwave that knocks me hurtling backwards, and right towards the spot I want to be. When I slow down, I draw another circle there.

Chrysalis continues her assault, and I rush to meet her, as she's standing near the last spot that I need to visit. I block her heavy attacks with my rifle and dodge what I can, but it's extremely difficult, and I end up taking a lot of damage.

I see her hoof coming towards me, and I see an opportunity. I brace my stomach just as she hits me head on, completely winding me. Chrysalis blinks in surprise as all of a sudden, the tip of my rifle is jammed into her chest.

“Bitch,” I remark, and then pull the trigger, unleashing a massive beam of darkness that carries her back just long enough for me to draw the last circle.

The resulting explosion from my rifle attack completely destroys the altar, but Chrysalis walks out of it, her mane singed. She looks furious. “This has gone on for too long,” Chrysalis determines. She lowers her head one last time, and this time a flaming ball of green magic forms, growing ever larger every second. Pressure fills the room, telling me that she's about to fire an extremely powerful spell that will more than likely wipe us all out. “Know despair!”

With that, Chrysalis's spell fires, forming a beam larger than my rifle blast, surging towards us with the promise of destruction evident in its treacherous green light.

I smile grimly, remembering the book of spells I read not long after learning how to. This was a spell I'd attempted to learn, as it seemed like an easy one to learn, and fairly practical. I'm glad that I did, because it's going to save all of our lives.

“Starswirl the Bearded's Mass Teleportation Rune, Mark VI!” I declare, and the five circles that I drew glow brightly and connect to one another, forming a glowing white pentagon set in a similarly colored circle, along which lines of an ancient language scrolled continuously. Contained in the center of the rune is Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. Celestia is too far away for me to reach, but this will have to do. Just before the beam of fire hits us, I clap my palms together. “Activate!”

The rune glows brightly, engulfing the eleven of us in a blinding light. I can feel myself slipping away into the dimension where those who teleport visit very briefly, just as the beam hits the ground and explodes. I did it. I saved them, but I still have to answer for the loss of Canterlot that I helped facilitate.

And for the betrayal of my best friend.

Author's Note:

So I may have lied. This was a quintuple update. And that's because I saw the amount of views the last chapter got last night, and holy god it's been higher than I've ever seen it. I was more than a little shocked. Either way, I took some time to get this chapter out for those of you that are dying to know what happens next.

In the end, Seth realizes that his choice required sacrificing the principles that he held close. He also realized the futility of going home, as Sombra's Oppressed would still annihilate the humans slowly over eighty years, which would force him to watch those he loved torn apart in front of him. Either way, he simply did not have the willpower to watch his best friend die, and so this happened.

Don't worry though, this arc is far from over, and so is this story. A lot of people have been telling me that they think the story is over. Nope. Why would I call it "Tales of the Oppressed" if there's no Oppressed in it? And that's all I'll say about that ;)

Leave your comments and tell me how I did!

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