• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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34. The Reunion

Hearth's Warming, huh? I have to say, while it was far from being the best Christmas I've ever had, it certainly wasn't the worst. I still don't feel entirely sure that I'm not going to get fucked over for having this charger now, but I think the risk is worth being able to keep my memories. Plus, I'm not as helpless as I was back then. I will fucking annihilate anyone that tries to use me.

After the curtain falls for the last time, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hop off of my lap and reconvene with Scootaloo, sticking close to Vinyl and I as the hundreds of ponies in the theater start to filter their way out.

“That was totally sweet,” Vinyl comments to me, waiting for the crowd to thin out slightly before trying to move. “Rainbow was brilliant. And did you see Pinkie? Hilarious!”

“It wasn't bad,” I confess, my hands in my pockets. “Not sure if the singing was necessary though.”

“This coming from the hardcore musician. You sure you're feeling all right?” Vinyl teases me, remembering my words from earlier.

“I didn't say it was bad. The theme of it was nice, but it didn't really seem relevant to Hearth's Warming at all,” I point out.

“It didn't have to be. The moral of the story is that friendship will persevere in the face of hardship. The song just reflected that,” Vinyl explains.

“You have a point,” I admit. Just then, Vinyl sees an opportunity to get out of the aisle, so the five of us finally start to leave the theater. “Where to now?”

“Ah'm gonna meet ma sister!” Apple Bloom proclaims, even though I actually wasn't talking to her.

“Me too,” Sweetie Belle tacks on. Scootaloo remains silent, though for the first time, she makes eye contact with me. She looks nervous about something, though what she has to be nervous about it beyond me.

“Stay with us, you three. I need to meet up with Rainbow anyway,” Vinyl warns them as we exit the theater and enter the lobby. “Then we're gonna grab our stuff, check out of the hotel, and head on back to Ponyville.”

“I see. I guess this trip is over then, huh?” I remark. I've only been in Canterlot for five days, but it feels like it's been longer. So much has happened between our arrival and now. From meeting Cadance, getting my shit wrecked by Celestia, eating with the Wonderbolts, playing music with Octavia, all the way to experiencing Hearth's Warming, I feel like I've lived more in the past week than I have in years. Though, that's unfair of me to say. I loved Amaryllis and my family, and I had some great times with them. Since I'm stuck here forever, I will miss them terribly.

“That's right. And we both came out of it richer than before. What's it like having money?” Vinyl responds with a grin.

“Like it'll disappear in half a second if I'm not careful,” I answer wryly. 156 bits seems like a lot now, but if I keep spending it on rent and food, I'll run out unless I constantly work with Applejack on the farm.

Though that reminds me, I need to structure things for my future. I have a lot of things on my agenda, such as learning to read, learning how to control this magic, helping Cheerilee at the school, and working with Applejack. I feel I'll be very busy for the foreseeable future. I only hope I can find some time for myself.

“Sounds about right,” Vinyl remarks with a nod. She changes course just before we leave the Grand Theater building entirely, taking us down a side passage. “Now then, the door to the backstage should be around here somewhere.”

“Hey, look outside! It's snowing!” Sweetie Belle alerts us, pointing a tiny hoof at the windows as we pass by. I give the window a short glance, and sure enough, snowflakes are gently falling from the sky. Not that big of a deal though. It is winter after all.

“Guess the weather team was busy,” Vinyl observes, looking somewhat sad. “I feel sorry for them; they didn't get to see the pageant.”

“Maybe we could put on a pageant fer them?” Apple Bloom suggests. Sweetie Belle lights up at that idea.

“Yeah! Maybe we could get our cutie marks in performing pageants!” she agrees enthusiastically.

“How about no? I'm sure they'd much rather be at home than watching an impromptu play put on by fillies,” I point out with a shake of my head. I don't see why these friggin butt tattoos are so important.

“Aww,” the two fillies chorus. I notice Scootaloo is rather quiet. Whatever, it's none of my business what her problem is.

“Here we go. They should be out any minute,” Vinyl informs us as we reach a door at the end of the hallway, very close to another exit from the theater. Some of the other actors and actresses are already leaving, but the ones I recognize aren't among them as of yet. “Ah, here they come.”

Sure enough, here comes all seven of them. Twilight and Rarity are in the lead, though for some reason, the latter is still wearing most of her costume. By most, I mean all of it except for the crown. And judging by the way she's parading herself along, she's really proud of it. Pinkie and Applejack are right behind them, both laughing at something Pinkie said. Rainbow and Fluttershy bring up the rear with Spike.

“Oh! Seth!” Twilight is the first one to notice me, and she looks pleasantly surprised to see me, though why that's the case is beyond me. I'm still not very happy with her. “I didn't know you were watching us.”

“Good to see you, Seth dear,” Rarity greets me next. She looks up and down my attire with approval. “I see you're wearing the clothes I made for you. How do you like them?”

Instead of responding logically to either of them, the first thing I do is come up with some more dumb puns. “Wow, Rarity. That performance of yours seemed like a really rough ride,” I joke, confusing her at first. Rainbow, however, gets what I mean almost immediately, and she promptly starts to snicker.

“Whatever are you talking about?” Rarity questions, raising an eyebrow.

“I mean, poor Twilight out there seemed miserable. Perhaps you should get off her back and stop riding her so hard all the time,” I continue, a dumb grin forming on my face. Suddenly the other ponies start to get it. Rainbow practically falls over, as she gets way too entertained by my dumb jokes. Applejack lets out a guffaw when she realizes what I'm talking about. Rarity puts on a face that clearly says, “really?” Twilight's response is to look at me as if trying to determine whether or not I'm being serious. Seconds later, she facehoofs.

“Ugh, that's what you chose to focus on?” Twilight complains. “What about my performance as Clover the Clever, personal student of Starswirl the Bearded himself? I personally believe that...”

“Twilight, shut the fuck up,” I interrupt her rudely, and this time I'm not joking. She figures that out from my tone as well. She blinks and gets quiet, possibly wondering why I'm being so vicious only to her. I think I've written this already, but I'm still not over her being such a bitch to me that one night. Self pity. Fuck you. “Now then, I'm not really here to see any of you.”

Practically all of the other ponies that I'd pretty much told they're not important to me give me shocked, offended, and saddened expressions, which I proceed to ignore, pushing through them until I reach Rainbow.

“You looked totally ridiculous out there, by the way,” is the first thing I say to her. Rainbow blinks, and then she looks over at her friends. Then she looks back at me with disapproval. “What?”

“Seth, that wasn't nice at all. I know you don't like them all that much, but they're still my friends too,” she scolds me.

“Oh, don't you get on to me. I was telling the truth. I didn't come here to see them, I came to see you,” I return honestly. Unfortunately, my conversation is no longer private, because it seems like all the ponies here have formed into a circle. Vinyl is talking to Twilight about something, and Applejack is watching me carefully, as is Fluttershy.

“Seth, it's still Hearth's Warming, and most of them here got you gifts. Can you try and act a little grateful?” Rainbow insists. I look up at the other ponies around me. Rainbow is right, all the ponies here except for Fluttershy got me gifts, even though I didn't ask for/want them at all. Well, except for Rarity's gift. The shoes are amazing, especially now that my soles are no longer in danger of frostbite. And Applejack and Pinkie's made for a good meal. And...oh fuck it, Rainbow is right.

“Fine. Rarity.” At my words, the unicorn in question looks at me expectantly. “I dunno why you're still making clothes for me, but thank you for the shoes. Mine were falling to pieces.”

Rarity's mouth curves into a happy smile. “I did notice, dear. Plus, it can't have been pleasant walking around on the cold ground with only your bare skin. Races without hooves or talons tend to loose heat faster that way.”

“That's...more logical than I expected. So can you answer my question? Why are you still making clothes for me?”

“Why? Oh, I do believe it should be obvious. You think I would be satisfied after making only a few pairs? Making clothing for a human is the opportunity of a lifetime that even the most well-known of fashion designers would simply die for!” Rarity explains to me as if I was committing a sin just by not understanding her motivations. Then she looks at me gratefully. “At least you're willing to entertain me. For instance, I believe Applejack would look marvelous in a few choice outfits, but...”

“That ain't happenin'. No way, no how,” Applejack interrupts flatly, causing me to chuckle slightly.

“That's fine, I can't see Applejack in a dress anyway. Actually, now that I think about it, I couldn't see a goddamn pony in a dress a few weeks ago,” I retort. Next, I turn to Applejack and Pinkie. “Breakfast was good, by the way.”

“Hold up, ya ate them pastries for breakfast?” Applejack asks, nonplussed. “That was meant ta be dessert after tonaht's dinner!”

“Silly Applejack! Sugar is appropriate no matter the time of day!” Pinkie admonishes her friend with a bright smile while bouncing slightly in place. “Seth understands, right?”

“Damn right I do,” I agree. My sweet tooth is pretty massive, though I don't really get a chance to indulge it all that often. My agreement causes Pinkie to look back at Applejack smugly.

“Ah guess. Ah'm glad ya enjoyed 'em, at least,” Applejack says, putting the conversation back on track. Now then, who else gave me a present? Twilight did, but fuck her. Actually, I think I've addressed everypony who gave me something. Except for Apple Bloom, but I think I've cuddled her enough for one day.

With that, I mostly withdraw myself from the conversation. It seems like Vinyl and Rainbow are catching up with their friends, so there's not really much call for me to join in. Not like I want to, either. Pretty much, all eleven of us are chilling in this hallway, just near the door that leads backstage. I don't really care to listen in on their conversations, so I start to zone out.

“H...hey,” a small voice says near me. I ignore it at first, because the odds of somepony talking to me right now are pretty slim. “Hey...um...Seth?”

I sigh and look down to see who's pestering me now. To my surprise, it's Scootaloo. She's looking up at me nervously, as if she's afraid I might attack her at any second. Huh, so she finally decided to approach me. This is going to be annoying, I can already tell.

“What do you want?” is my simple response. Scootaloo pauses and gulps before she tries to speak again.

“So...can we start over?” she asks at last after gathering her courage. I blink, wondering if I heard her right.

“Start what over?” I demand. Scootaloo sighs and takes a few moments to compose an explanation.

“Well...” she pauses and gestures between the two of us awkwardly. “Us. This. I mean...you and I...”

Wow, she's really bad at this. I'm already annoyed. I was perfectly okay with the fact that she hated me, so what's all this about anyway? Seriously, even though I've never really changed how I act, ponies keep changing their opinions about me, and I don't know why. It's not like I show them any redeeming features about myself. “Why? I thought you were totally okay with hating my guts,” I point out, deciding to give voice to a portion of my thoughts.

“I was! You've been a real bully since I met you,” Scootaloo explains. She gives me a frustrated expression. “I don't understand why all these ponies like you so much.”

“You and me both,” I interject dryly, crossing my arms. Out of my peripheral vision, I can see that Rainbow has broken off from her conversation with Fluttershy and is watching us carefully. So is Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for that matter. It doesn't seem like Scootaloo has noticed them looking, though. “Though if you still hate me, then why are you trying to play nice?”

“Because...well, it's because my friends really like you, and they're not happy with the fact that I don't,” Scootaloo reveals. Okay, what? So she's being pressured into this? “I still don't like you, but there has to be something about you that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle like so much. Plus...you did save Rainbow's life.”

“What I'm trying to say is, can we just start over? For my friends' sakes, I want to give you another chance,” Scootaloo finishes, looking up at me hopefully. I return her gaze, though I don't say anything for a few moments. So if I'm understanding her right, she's depressed that a rift has formed between her and her friends because she doesn't like me. She's also confused because I'm an ass to everypony, yet I saved Rainbow's life and somehow have all these ponies liking me. So even though she still doesn't like me, she wants us to at least be civil for their sake.

That's...pretty selfless, really. I know I wouldn't try and make nice to somebody I hate just because a friend of mine happens to like them. Should I tell Scootaloo what she wants to hear? I mean, I don't care either way what she thinks of me. But on the other hand, she's never really done anything to me apart from dislike me. Eh, fuck it. Rainbow gave me a shot even though she hated me, and now she's my best friend in this ridiculous technicolor world.

“Fine, whatever,” I reply uncaringly. Scootaloo heaves a sigh of relief. Behind her, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle smile happily at one another, and Rainbow also appears relieved. “Chances are, you're still gonna hate me though.”

I don't think she heard that last bit. Instead, she went back and joined the other two fillies, who are now nuzzling her affectionately. Scootaloo looks so happy right now. It feels odd. I'm so used to pissing people off, yet since coming to this world, I seem to be making ponies happy, despite my best efforts.

“Right then. Seth, Rainbow?” Vinyl suddenly addresses us after finishing a conversation with Pinkie. Once she's certain she has our attention, she continues, “We should probably head back to the hotel. We gotta grab all of our stuff and then check out.”

“Right, I don't want to leave all my presents behind!” Rainbow declares. She looks at the rest of her friends. “So when are the rest of you heading back to Ponyville?”

“I wanted to see Princess Celestia first, but right afterward, we're heading back to the train station.” Twilight is the one who answers. “Are you coming back to Ponyville today as well?”

“Yup! I don't have any other reason to stay in Canterlot,” Vinyl affirms. Then an idea hits her. “Say, why don't we meet up at the train station in a bit and head back together?”

“That sounds like a might fine idea ta me,” Applejack agrees, looking around at the rest of her friends. Unfortunately, everypony seems to be in agreement on that idea. Which means I'll be stuck in a train compartment with all of these idiots.

“Definitely! I gotta tell you all the awesome stuff that went down here while you were still in Ponyville,” Rainbow informs them. And that means I'll be stuck in a train compartment with all of these idiots without anypony worth talking to. Great.

After a few more pleasantries are exchanged, the group disperses. Vinyl, Rainbow, and I start moving back towards the hotel, while the others go their separate ways to take care of whatever else they want to do while they're still here.

I also spot Celestia coming out of the theater as well. I consider going over there to try and figure out where the events shown in the pageant fit into the timeline, but it looks like Twilight's already there with her. Fuck it, I don't want to deal with Twilight right now. I can always send a letter to Celestia later, once I learn how to fucking write.

“So why did you say I looked ridiculous during the pageant?” Rainbow suddenly asks, looking at me accusingly. Oh good, I get to make fun of Rainbow. This will make me feel less annoyed.

“Because of that armor. Ponies wearing armor. It's just...you looked funny as hell,” I explain to her. “Not to mention it's you.”

“What's that supposed to mean? I look totally awesome in that armor!” Rainbow protests. Our dumb bullshit gets Vinyl's attention, so she starts watching us with a smirk. “I bet you're just jealous.”

“Of what!? The fact that you were wearing shitty armor and I wasn't?”

“Who wouldn't be? I mean, not everypony can look as awesome as I can,” Rainbow proceeds to boast, pressing her hoof to her chest. Great, and she's bragging again. I reach over and pinch the skin right between her ear and her head. “Ow! What the hay was that for?”

“You're bragging again. I'm just trying to deflate your head a bit,” I reply as if it should have been obvious. Instead of a response, I feel a sharp pain just behind me ear. I look at the now hovering Rainbow with an incredulous expression. “Really?”

“Turnabout's fair play, Seth!” Rainbow teases me, waggling her hoof in my face. My response is to blow into her face, which causes her to recoil and blink in confusion. “What the...you are so weird!”

“I dunno, I couldn't think of a better response. So there,” I remark. Behind us, Vinyl is snickering into her hoof.

“Would you two just kiss and get it over with already?” she teases us. Rainbow and I both freeze and turn around, fixing Vinyl with a death glare. Vinyl looks between the two of us with a smirk that quickly turns to panic and Rainbow and I descend upon her together, pinching the shit out of her. “Ah! Ow, stoppit! Come on, that's not playing fair!”

Our dumb bullshit aside, the three of us eventually (eventually being the key word) make our way back to the hotel and gather all of our stuff up, and then check out. So now, there's nothing left for us to do except return to the train station and head back to Ponyville. Finally. This trip has been fun as hell (Especially that concert, holy shit), but I'm ready to go back. It's much calmer in Ponyville, even if I can't go two feet without running into somepony I know. Like Lyra. Sheesh.

“I think we're the first one's here,” Vinyl observes when we near the train station. I look around as well, but there's no sign of the other Ponyville residents. I do see Lyra and Bon Bon though, but fortunately, they walk onto the train before they have a chance to notice us. I hope to god they don't have the same compartment as us. I'd never get away from Lyra's clingy bullshit then.

“Twilight, late? Surely this is a miracle,” Rainbow comments.

“Obviously she's not late, Rainbow. She's never late,” Vinyl corrects her. “The world would end if Twilight is ever late to anything. Chances are we're just early.”

I don't really feel the need to join that conversation, so I instead continue to observe the platform. The train isn't leaving for another ten or twenty minutes, according to our tickets, so as long as we're waiting anyway, I might as well do something.

I notice after a few minutes that something is wrong. I feel like I'm being watched. I mean, besides the typical “oh look, it's a human let's all stare at it” feeling. A few moments of searching later, I spot the source of the feeling.

There's a creamy white unicorn mare sitting on her haunches just on the edge of the platform, staring right at me with rose pink eyes. She holds herself like she believes she's somepony important. This image is accentuated by her short rose colored mane that barely hangs down past her neck. It only hangs down one side of her face, and the fringe of her mane is cut in such a way that it forms an even line. The last and most disturbing thing I notice about her is that her horn is filed to a lethal point. There's a single suitcase resting on the platform next to her.

“Uhm, so what's that mare's deal?” I say, interrupting Vinyl and Rainbow's dumb conversation about what would happen if Twilight was ever late.

“What mare?” Rainbow asks. As they both watch, I discretely indicate the unicorn who is still watching me. “Oh. Wow, she looks serious. Did you do something to make her mad?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Maybe she's checking you out, bro,” Vinyl ribs me with a nudge.

“Not fucking likely,” I scoff. Besides, there's no way that's an “I want you” stare. Looks too serious to be something like that.

“Maybe you should go up and ask her?” Rainbow suggests.

“No fucking way. I think I'm just going to ignore her,” I say, feeling wary of that unicorn for some reason. “Let's just get on the train.”

“What about Pinks and the rest of them?” Vinyl reminds me.

“You already said they're not going to be late as long as Twilight's with them. They'll find us,” I assure her. Seriously, I just want to be inside the train and away from this bitch's stare.

“I dunno, I don't want to just ditch them,” Rainbow says uncertainly.

“You're not ditching them! We're just changing the meeting spot to inside the train, instead of outside on the platform where a crazy pink haired bitch is staring at me with either the intent to rape or brutally murder me,” I express to her frantically.

“Okay, you're overreacting,” Vinyl says, bopping me on the nose with her hoof. “Seriously, go ask her what's wrong.”

“No. I'm going on the train now. Follow me or don't,” I assert. I start to move towards the train, making sure to walk through the most crowded areas in an attempt to lose her gaze. I hear a sigh and a huff from behind me, and then the sound of Rainbow and Vinyl following me.

I notice I have to pass the mare to get onto the train. Oh well. It'll only be for a second before I'm actually on the train. Just as I get close to her, her head snaps to me and she at last addresses me. “Seth Rogers?” And she addressed me by name as well.

“Who the fuck are you?” I immediately demand, stepping aside so I'm not standing in the way of all the other ponies trying to get on the train.

I watch, perplexed, as the unicorn does a salute with her hoof. “My name is Pale Rose, Commander of the Royal Canterlot Unicorn Second Regiment. It is a pleasure to meet you,” she introduces herself in a very official manner. And her identity causes me to realize how stupid I was being. Vinyl was right, I was overreacting. Though if I remember correctly, Commander is beneath Captain in rank. So she's not like Spitfire or Shining Armor.

“Okay, Pale Rose, why were you staring at me like that?” I decide to go ahead and ask, because even if I was overreacting, that stare was still creepy as fuck.

“I was waiting for you to finish your conversations and approach me. I have much to speak with you about,” Pale Rose informs me. Behind me, Vinyl and Rainbow are approaching curiously. “By the way, I would prefer you call me Rose. As we will be spending a lot of time together, it would be pointless to stand on ceremony.”

“You certainly like to talk a lot, don't you?” I note wryly. For all her talk about not standing on ceremony, her words are as stiff as all hell. “Besides, what the hell are you even talking about?”

“I have been ordered by Princess Celestia to accompany you back to Ponyville, in order to...”

“Can you just fucking talk like a normal pony?” I interrupt her, fed up with all of her fancy talk. Rose stops in the middle of talking and gives me an annoyed glare.

“As you wish. The princess wants me to help you learn how to fully use your magic,” Rose rephrases, looking none to happy.

“How hard was that?” I patronize her. She doesn't dignify that with an answer. “So, you're the one Celestia mentioned. You're not even a captain though. How does she expect you to stand up to me?”

“Do you believe that we will be fighting?” Rose asks me curiously. I raise an eyebrow at her.

“It's combat magic. There's no real way to get better except through practical use. Logs won't suffice forever,” I reason, remembering my training with Shining Armor. He had me punching logs like a motherfucking Minecraft player.

“A fair point. But if you don't mind, I'd prefer we save the rest of this conversation for when Twilight Sparkle arrives. She will be an integral part of your training.” Rose's words cause me to rub my forehead in irritation.

“Fucking...really!? I thought the whole point of you coming along was so I wouldn't have to put up with Twilight trying to teach me!” I protest vehemently. Rose shakes her head, but otherwise doesn't comment. Instead, she looks up at Rainbow and Vinyl.

“My apologies for ignoring the both of you. It is a pleasure to meet you, miss Rainbow Dash,” Rose addresses Rainbow first, who preens at the attention.

“Yeah, check it out, Seth! Even the military knows who I am!” Rainbow once again decides to brag. “Oh...and yeah, nice to meet you too, Rose.”

“I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with you, miss...?” Rose turns to Vinyl next. Huh, makes sense she wouldn't know Vinyl. I'm the only human alive, and Rainbow is an Element of Harmony. And then there's Vinyl.

“Vinyl Scratch. I'm a DJ from Ponyville. Sorry I'm not as important as my bros here,” Vinyl replies dryly, but once again, Rose lets it flow over her head. Nothing seems to phase her, even my vulgarity.

“No need to apologize,” Rose begins, but then she cuts off when she spots something behind me. “Oh. It seems the others have arrived.”

Great. Sure enough, Twilight and the rest of them are behind us. They soon catch sight of us, and move to join us. “Hey y'all!” Applejack is the first to call to us. Apple Bloom is on her back, waving at me happily. Sweetie Belle is sitting on Rarity's back, and Spike and Scootaloo are bringing up the rear.

“I guess we're all here now,” Rarity observes, as the other ponies greet one another. “Shall we get going? I have many more ideas I would like to act upon.”

“An excellent idea. It would be best to get situated now, so we may begin,” Rose interjects. And , since nopony that just arrived has any idea who she is, they all look at her oddly.

“Pardon, but do ah know you?” Applejack is the first to call her out on that. Rose shakes her head.

“No, this is our first meeting, though I have heard a lot about you, Applejack,” she replies, serving to confuse the farm pony even more. “Allow me to introduce myself once more. I am Pale Rose, Commander of the Royal Canterlot Unicorn Second Regiment.”

“Oh! So you serve underneath Captain Blades?” Twilight appears to recognize her slightly now. Suddenly, Twilight's eyes widen. “Wait...that makes you the Blossom Wind!”

The what? Does that mean she's like, super important? She's not a captain, so what's the big deal about her?

“Indeed, but I did not come here to discuss myself. Shall we board the train? I would prefer to discuss my orders one we are all situated,” Rose affirms.

“That's a good idea. Come on, everyone!” Twilight urges us, even changing her pronoun to reflect that fact that I'm here as well. Thanks for that at least.

After passing our tickets to the conductor, all of us seat ourselves in a train compartment that's completely devoid of any other ponies except our group and me. That's good. That means I won't have to deal with Lyra or any other ponies that may recognize me. I'm already uncomfortable being in a group this size. The three fillies, along with Spike, are seated elsewhere in the compartment, where they start talking animatedly about something or another. I don't really care.

Before our conversation can even start, Pinkie happens. Like, I don't know why I was expecting for her not to happen. So she practically gets into Rose's face and starts bouncing in place. “Ohmigosh! It's been so long since the last time I threw a welcome party! Like, a whole week! It's a tragedy! But now you're coming back with us! Oh, I have just the greatest idea for a party...”

Rose's face is the most perfect WTF face I've ever seen right now. I feel like she's heard of Pinkie, but has never actually met her. “That will not be neces...” Rose begins.

“We'll get cherry blossoms to decorate the walls! That'll look so good with your mane...oh, I bet you like cherry flavor too! I can make the most fantastic cherry flavored cake you've ever tasted; I promise it will just melt in your mouth!”

“Look, I don't want...” Rose tries again.

“Of course it won't be just cake, silly! This is going to be so much fun! I'll invite the whole town, and we'll help you make lots of friends, and...”

“Pinkie!” I suddenly cut across her my hand rubbing my head in an attempt to stave off the growing headache brought on by her overly high pitched voice. Unlike Rose, my voice actually gets Pinkie to stop talking and look at me sheepishly. “Seriously, shut up. I've only seen you for a few fucking seconds and you're already spouting off.”

“Sorry! But I have to make Rose feel welcome, and what better way to help her feel welcome than by a Ponyville Welcome Party!?” Pinkie's excitement has not dampened in the slightest, despite my harsh words.

“That sounds like it would be a blast! Vinyl, your gigs are pretty sweet, but they're no Pinkie Party.” Rainbow proceeds to jump onto the Pinkie bandwagon, much to Rose's dismay.

“No offense taken. If there's a chance for a Pinkie Party, you bet your flank I'll be there.” Vinyl also agrees with Pinkie.

“I think it's a good idea as well. After all the rehearsing we had to do for the pageant, I'm ready to blow off some steam,” Twilight expresses.

“We gonna have a right proper hoe-down. Yeehaw!” I think Applejack agrees too. But I could be wrong. Snrk.

“Is...is there no way out of this, Seth?” Rose asks pleadingly, turning to me to save her. I give her a deadpan stare in response.

“There's not. Trust me, I tried to get out of a welcome party myself. Then stuff happened, lots of yelling and slammed doors, and then crying, and...trust me, just accept, or the universe itself will ensure that you get a welcome party,” I admit to her. That's not exactly how it went down, but it's close enough.

“I see. I suppose I will just have to endure,” Rose laments, rubbing her forehead with a hoof.

A few moments later, the doors to the train shut and the horn blows. At last, the train starts to move, and we're on our way back to Ponyville once more.

“Now then. Now is the best time to explain exactly why I'm traveling to Ponyville with you,” Rose says, getting serious. This grabs all of our attention, such that every set of eyes in the compartment is trained upon her. “Officially, I've been ordered by Princess Celestia in order to fully instruct Seth in the use of his magic.”

“Oh! So you've decided to study it after all?” Twilight is wearing a giant fucking smile at that, to the point where I have to resist the urge to facepalm. When I give her a nod, that smile grows even wider. “That's wonderful! Oh, I know you'll enjoy learning it just as much as I did.”

“In fact, miss Sparkle, you'll have the opportunity to see for yourself,” Rose informs her. Twilight blinks and looks at her curiously. “You and I will be working in tandem to help Seth fully realize his magical potential.”

If Twilight's smile gets any wider, I feel like it's going it come off of her face like in those overly ridiculous animes. “Really? Princess Celestia is trusting me with this task?” Twilight exclaims happily. She beams at me eagerly. “We're going to have so much fun studying together!”

“Kill me now,” I groan, but even that doesn't put a damper on Twilight's enthusiasm.

“The princess wants you to instruct Seth in basic magical theory and control,” Rose continues, addressing Twilight. Oh boy, I'm going to magic college. The more things change, the more things stay the same. “I will be in charge of helping him develop his individual techniques, as well as how to function during a battle.”

“You're taking this too seriously. This land is peaceful as all hell, so why would I need to be battle ready?” I say suspiciously. Rose is acting like she expects me to join her unit or something by the end of this.

“I take every assignment seriously, especially this one, as Princess Celestia gave it to me herself. I must prove myself worthy of her trust,” Rose proclaims proudly. “But, as you said before, you possess a combat magic. You cannot be said to truly control it unless you can use it to its fullest potential. Plus, if Equestria ever needs your power, we want you to know basic battle tactics.”

“Okay, no. You say that like you expect me to feel obligated to protect this country. I'm human, not Equestrian, so it's none of my business if you guys get fucked up or not,” I warn her. Seriously, this is sounding more and more like I'm being drafted, and I don't like it one bit. Even though I'm slightly lying. If Rainbow or Apple Bloom was put in direct danger, I would definitely step up to protect them. And also...if I knew some battle tactics, I would feel like a badass. Still, I won't be at Celestia's beck and call.

Rose stares at me for a long time. “Perhaps. But that is a topic for another time,” she replies wisely. Then she turns to Rainbow and Applejack. “You two are known for being the most physically fit of the Elements. I expect you to work Seth hard, as this particular form of magic responds better to one with better control over his body.”

“That settles it! Seth, you're coming with me on my morning runs! Five laps around Ponyville, full sprint!” Rainbow declares happily, pumping a hoof into the air. I am liking this idea less and less. What was supposed to be a leisurely rest in Ponyville is now turning into a massive ordeal.

“Ah always work 'im hard. He don't do much complainin', neither,” Applejack adds. Rose nods, satisfied. Bitch, I totally complain. Just not to you. Or to anypony. I...write my complaints super hard in my journal. So there.

“Lastly, miss Sparkle, I would like you to be in charge of scheduling all of this, as Seth no doubt has other things to do besides this,” Rose finishes.

“Yeah, like learning to fucking read,” I remark, even as Twilight brightens up. She suddenly levitates a roll of paper and a quill from seemingly nowhere and looks at me with that same smile.

“I would love to do that. Seth, can you tell me everything you have planned for your return to Ponyville?” she addresses me, writing something down on the paper. I heave a sigh, resigning myself to a heavy structured schedule in the near future.

This magic is going to prove to be a real bitch to learn, isn't it?

Author's Note:

Okay! As I promised, another chapter before the end of the month. For those of you who don't know, I am leaving for Bronycon late tomorrow with a group of friends, which is going to be a total blast. Understandably, I will not be doing any writing for the next three days. So I wanted to get this one out before I left.

So, Scootaloo makes her return! Honestly I've been avoiding that scene for a while since I'm not sure I can get her personality right, but I think I managed somewhat well. Oh well, this is a rough draft. Still plenty of room for fuck ups here and there.

Now then, Pale Rose is an OC, as is Captain Blades. As most of the military make up in this story is my own idea, so are the other captains and ranks. Rose, in the foreseeable future, will have a pretty decent role, so expect to be seeing more of her.

Anyway, I'm off! I'll see you all after Bronycon!

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