• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,525 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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131. The Crystal Fair

“Darn it, Seth, I was having an awesome dream!” Rainbow complains, sprawled on the floor from where I shoved her. She rolls over and looks up at the window, noticing the small amount of light coming in through the window. “What the...the sun's not even up yet! I'm going back to sleep.”

“No you're not,” I say. The second she leaps up to the bed, I yank her right back down by the scruff of her neck. She yelps and struggles, flipping and somehow managing to smack me in the face with a hoof. I wince and wrestle her for a moment, finding it difficult to keep her still. Finally, Rainbow lets out a stubborn huff and curls up in my arms. “Would you relax? Today's the Crystal Fair! I mean, unless you want to sleep through the biggest party ever. In which case, be my guest.”

“Oh yeah, it is the Fair today, isn't it? Why couldn't you have just said that in the first place?” Rainbow confronts me, shifting in my grasps so that she's looking up at me.

“I did, you idiot,” I say, pressing a finger against her nose, causing her to snuffle. I quickly have to withdraw said finger as Rainbow snaps her teeth at it. “Don’t bite me...we're up so early because the Fair lasts all day.”

“An all day party! This is going to be so great. I'm totally getting in on that jousting tournament! I'll knock 'em all flat!” Rainbow exclaims, leaping out of my grasp. She leaps to the window and swiftly unfastens it. Just after opening it, she looks back at me. “You're gonna come watch, right?”

“Might as well, if only so I can laugh when somepony knocks you flat,” I retort. Rainbow immaturely blows a raspberry at me and climbs out the window. “Hold up, dammit! I gotta get dressed first. Would you close the window and quit letting all the warm air out?”

“Ugh, quit being so slow! You humans and needing clothes,” Rainbow grumbles, but she does slide inside and close the window while I search around for a set of warm clothes. She adopts a sly expression, turning her head slightly. “...would you go faster if I helped you?”

I straighten up and give her a pointed stare, a shirt held in my hands. “You are not helping me dress,” I tell her flatly, causing Rainbow to burst out laughing. I shake my head and get the rest of the way dressed, wrapping a set of scarves around my neck and shoulders. “Okay, I'm ready.”

“Finally. Come on!” Rainbow throws open the window and again slithers out through it. I quickly follow her outside, flaring my magic to keep myself airborne. I leap out into the open air high above the city, the wind whistling through my clothes. Down below us, we can see the decorative multicolored lights of the Fair flickering on, revealing the lines of tents, stalls, decorations, and other plazas that have been set up for Crystal Fair events. I can see a stage for entertainment, the arena for the jousting, the amphitheater for musical and drama performances, and many others. Heh, I guess this is what happened when you put Pinkie in charge and throw money at her.

“There's another reason we got up this early,” I tell Rainbow, raising my voice over the howl of the rushing wind. “I want to be at the station when the first train rolls in.”

“Oh yeah! I wonder how many of the ponies from Ponyville are coming! I can't wait!” Rainbow speeds up out of excitement, forcing me to output a little more magic to keep up with her.

As we pass over the city, I notice the windows lighting up in the different houses. Ponies filter into the streets, consisting of both Equestrian and crystal ponies. They're all walking towards the Crystal Tower, where the opening ceremonies are going to take place. I know that because I had a hand in helping to set everything up.

It isn't long before we reach the edge of town, where the newly constructed station is located. Over the course of the long period of time it took for us to fully repair the city and set up for the Fair, Celestia saw to it that there was a connection built between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Now, one could ride here by train...which means there's no need to ride the airships back, and now the city is accessible to everyone.

“You see this? I helped build this! Look at my awesome hoofwork!” Rainbow brags. As I land with a click on the crystal street, she flies over to the doorway and indicates it with an egotistical flourish of her hooves. I roll my eyes.

“Yeah, I'm sure that it's all you. Good job at learning how to cut and mold crystal into the shapes you need in such a short time,” I congratulate her, even giving her a thumbs up. The sarcasm is practically dripping from every pore in my body. I immediately duck as Rainbow hurls a broom at me. Looking at the thrown object, I raise an eyebrow at her. “Where did you even get that?”

“Inside. Somepony had to get rid of any snow that got in while we were building,” Rainbow reveals. Just after she finishes speaking, I hear the the train whistle blaring in the distance. Rainbow puts on a happy grin, practically bouncing with anticipation as the light from the front of the train shines on the platform. “Here it comes!”

The train rolls into the station, looking very different than the brightly colored trains that we're used to. It's colored and styled in the same fashion as the Crystal Empire, each car constructed of crystal and colored a shade of blue or pink. Yeah, we got a lot done over the past month and a half. With all the crystal ponies and the changelings willing to give us an endless amount of labor, our only limits were our budget.

The train gently glides to a halt, the machinery chugging softly. I can hear the sound of many ponies talking excitedly from within as the doors open. I don't know who's going to be on this first train, so I guess I'll just stand here and wait. I might be waiting a while, after all.

I'm taken completely by surprise as a mint green streak of color zooms out of the train like a thunderbolt. The pony somersaults multiple times in midair before stretching out her forehooves. I have less than a seconds notice before I'm knocked entirely off my feet by a flying hug.


“SON OF A..!”

Lyra and I tumble across the platform, knocking down the door to the station and rolling inside. Rainbow’s head follows us comically the whole time.

Lyra hugs my neck tightly the whole time, squeeing with happiness. I'm too dizzy to react at first, but eventually, I manage to grab her by the shoulders and wrench her free, just as the two of us slam into the back wall.

I pant softly, lying on my back and holding the shamelessly grinning Lyra in the air above me. She closes her eyes and beams at me innocently. “Hi!” Lyra squeaks excitedly. “It's been like...so long since you disappeared and now you're here...and...eep!”

I can't help but bring her forward and hug her properly, my arms slipping beneath her hooves and lifting her up with me. Lyra squeaks in surprise at the unprecedented show of affection, before happily reciprocating. “Goddamn...you have no idea how much I've missed your bullshit,” I tell her softly. Lyra's smile falters slightly. She pulls back her head and looks at me with a soft expression. “It's been hell...I'm sure you've heard.”

“Well...none of us knew anything at first. You just disappeared with the others, and it was only a few days later that we heard about the war,” Lyra responds seriously after I set her down in front of me. “We were so worried...especially when refugees from Trotsdale started coming in from Canterlot.”

“You okay in there?” Rainbow pokes her head in with a grin, shaking her head. Next to her is Bon Bon, the mare rubbing her forehead with a hoof out of exasperation. Lyra and I look at one another, and then I gesture to the door with my head. She nods and her smile returns, and then the two of us walk back out onto the platform.

“It's so good to see you two!” Lyra squeals, her cheer returning like a switch had been flipped. She hugs both Rainbow and I at the same time, rearing up on her hind legs to do so.

“Yeah, you all sorta disappeared on us, and then we all heard about the war,” Bon Bon adds, adjusting her mane. “I'm glad none of you are hurt. We could hardly sleep, knowing you all were up here fighting for us.”

“That's sweet, but you shouldn't have worried. Seth and I kicked total flank up here! None of those undead nasties stood a chance!” Rainbow responds, taking their sentiments in stride. She even starts boxing with the air. I notice that Lyra and Bon Bon look slightly reassured by that. Huh...well, I guess that even though Rainbow is totally understating how difficult it was, the two of them don't really need to know the darker details. “And you should have seen the princesses! They're invincible!”

As Rainbow starts regaling the two with highly exaggerated tales of her exploits, I look at Lyra with a soft smile. I never thought I would miss her as much as I did...but she really is like a little sister that I can mess with. I guess I'll cut her a little more slack from here on out.

From the train, scores of ponies are exiting. I recognize tons of them from all over the place. Some of them are clearly from Canterlot due to their dress, while others I remember seeing from Ponyville. Many others that I don't know are departing as well. And this is just the first train. I've been told this train is going to be running all day, bringing ponies to and from the Fair.

I catch a flash of electric blue from within the sea of departing ponies. I straighten up and move forward, leaving Lyra and Bon Bon with Rainbow. I wade through the ponies as best I can, trying not to disturb them overmuch. Some of them even call to me, recognizing me from Ponyville. Finally, I reach the pony I'm looking for. She doesn't notice at me at first, as she's facing the train and hauling out a cart filled with all her mixing equipment.

Behind her is Octavia, dressed in relatively formal attire. When she catches sight of me, her eyes brighten and she opens her mouth...but then closes it in confusion after I place a single finger on my lips. I reach my hands forward...and then lift Vinyl entirely off the ground without even a word of greeting.

“Whoa, what the hay!? Waaah, put me down!” Vinyl yells, her tomboyish voice practically music to my ears after not seeing her for such a long time. I turn Vinyl around in my grip and press her to my chest, embracing her roughly as well, one hand mussing up her mane. “What the...Seth? Is that you, bro?”

“You're damn right it's me,” I return. Vinyl's hooves scrabble against me for several seconds before she hangs them over my shoulder. She uses one to keep her shades from falling off, and then she stares at me.

“Wow, it's been forever, dude. It's really good to see you...but...why are you hugging me?” Vinyl remarks, her voice sounding more amused than annoyed.

“Because shut up. I haven't seen you in ages, and I nearly died more times than I can count. Cut me some slack,” I respond, , holding her tightly. Vinyl nods, her smile falling as she starts to understand. Of course, that doesn't last long, because soon a grin forms.

“I'm just saying, you might want to hold off on the affection. You don't want to make your marefriend jealous, do you?” Vinyl teases me, tweaking my nose. And there's the relationship joke. I have missed those so much...though no doubt they'll get annoying again after a while. I see a flash of cyan from the corner of my eye. I grin, and then instead of replying, I turn in place, just as Rainbow is flying towards us. “Whoa, you'll make me dizzy!”

“Vinyl sandwich!” Rainbow declares obnoxiously, and then she too flies to hug Vinyl from the other side, her hooves wrapping around Vinyl's shoulders and resting on either side of my neck. Vinyl lets out a surprised grunt, and then all three of us unbalance, falling to the floor in a mess of hugging ponies. “Aw yeah!”

“Rainbow? Awesome, the gang's all...” Vinyl doesn't get to finish, because then Lyra sees what's going on and decides to investigate.

Lyra only takes one look before hurling herself on top of us all. “Group hug!” Lyra squeals, landing on top of Rainbow, Vinyl, and I. The three of us grunt, but I can't keep from laughing. It's so good to see all my stupid friends again. “Bon Bon, come on!”

Bon Bon rolls her eyes, but smiles and steps forward, joining the hug as well. At this point,Vinyl and I are at the center of a mass of ponies with assorted legs wrapping around our shoulders. Octavia stands on the outside not far away, chuckling softly at our antics. “Tavi! Come join in!” Lyra calls to her.

“Um...thanks, but I must decline. You see, I'm wearing...” Octavia tries to excuse herself, but then she's latched onto by several pairs of hooves and dragged into the rest of us. “Waaah! No, stop!”

The other ponies coming from the train walk a wide berth around us, giving us mixed reactions. The Canterlot ponies turn their noses up of course, but the more rustic ponies smile and laugh before moving on.

“Now that's what I call a reunion!” Rainbow proclaims as we finally get untangled from one another. “I'm glad you all could make it!

“Are you kidding me, Dash? I'd never miss it! The chance to see all you guys again in like, the biggest party in Equestria?” Vinyl agrees, one hoof wrapped around Rainbow's shoulders. “I’m totally here!”

“We're not in Equestria, in case you hadn't noticed,” I point out to her. Vinyl sighs and stares at me for a second through her shades.

“It's even good to see this guy's dumb sarcastic face,” Vinyl responds without missing a beat. “Speaking of dumb, Tavi’s a little mad at you.”

“Wait, why?” I ask, turning to look at Octavia, who is pointedly staring at me. She comes up to me, and then rears up on her hind legs to smack me lightly on the shoulder.

“You locked my cello in your house the night you disappeared!” Octavia accuses me hotly. At first I'm confused...but then I remember that Octavia had been visiting at the time I was called in to Canterlot. Oh...shit. “I had to get Big MacIntosh to kick the door down!”

“Yeah...now that you mention it, I did lock...wait, you kicked the door down!?” I quickly demand, worried about the thought of my door being broken with all that expensive musical equipment inside.

“I had a rehearsal to attend, and I simply couldn't miss it! I had to take drastic measures!” Octavia defends herself.

“You couldn't have tried opening a window?”

“Well...the door was the most direct route! Besides, glass is more expensive to replace than a simple door,” Octavia reasons. My brow flattens at that response.

“Okay, maybe by like, five bits, but you didn't even check the windows first, did you?”

“No...but that's not the point! I needed my cello!” Octavia whines.

Finally, Rainbow gets bored and gets between us. “Oh for the love of Celestia, who yells at a party?! Calm down and let's get going! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm dying to hit that Crystal Fair!”

“Seth used to yell at parties,” Lyra points out, much to Vinyl's amusement and Rainbow's exasperation. Even I give her a stare at that. I mean, she's right...but that's not helping matters any.

“Let's just move, already!” Bon Bon interjects impatiently. With a chorus of laughs coming from all of us, we group together and join the growing crowd of ponies heading towards the Crystal Tower.

The plaza is absolutely crowded. The six of us are hard pressed to stay together, but somehow we manage to get a spot in a relatively close location to the tower. I look around, whistling in awe. There are hundreds of crystal ponies here in front of us, and that's not even counting the ponies that are coming from Equestria, or the changelings that are still here with Chrysalis. Some of the crystal ponies in front of us are transforming to their crystalline state in flashes of light, smiles forming on their faces to see their traditional fair taking place in front of them.

Looking up, I see Cadance and Shining Armor stepping out onto the balcony of the Crystal Tower that hangs above the central square. Cadance is wearing a regal dress as well as her crown, letting everypony know that this is a formal occasion. Not only is this the first Crystal Fair for over a thousand years, but this is also Cadance's first appearance as the Crystal Princess.

“Greetings, mares and gentlecolts, crystal ponies, Equestrians, and changelings all!” Cadance begins, her voice magically amplified to project to everypony in the plaza. Everypony quiets down around me, recognizing the start of the event. “For those of you unfamiliar with me, my name is Princess Cadance, the Equestrian Princess of Love...and now the newly crowned Princess of the Crystal Empire!”

The crystal ponies cheer loudly, recognizing Cadance's authority. All around us, the sound of applause erupts from the audience. I shrug and clap as well; I respect Cadance too, considering what she and I have gone through together.

“I am delighted to welcome you all to the Crystal Empire's first Crystal Fair in over a thousand years! I cordially invite you all to partake in the festivities, share in the love and comfort of your fellow ponies, and celebrate our victory over the dark King Sombra!” Cadance continues, smiling broadly as she addresses the crowd. I notice that she phrases it as celebrating our victory rather than celebrating his defeat. “But first, we must not forget the centerpiece of the whole event. Allow me to present to you Princess Celestia!”

Celestia walks out onto the balcony to the absolute adulation of all of us. Every single one of us shows our respect for she who made all of this possible. I don’t think I’ve cheered for anything for years, but hell, I’ll cheer for her. She views the crowd with a warm smile, and then she lifts up the Crystal Heart for all to see. Even more crystal ponies return to their former selves as the cheers intensify.

Celestia spreads her wings and leaps from the balcony, gliding gracefully down to the streets with the Crystal Heart held in her magic. I'm glad I'm taller than the average pony, because I can actually look over them to see what's going on.

As we all watch, the princess approaches the strange apparatus beneath the tower. It appears to come to life at her approach, rising up and extending several spikes in which to hold the heart. I start to feel an incredible latent magic fill the air as the apparatus starts to glow. With a swift toss, Celestia places the Crystal Heart in the apparatus where it belongs.

Around us, the crystal ponies start lowering their heads, bowing in reverence to the object. As if acting in response, the Crystal Heart shines brightly and starts to spin. The faster the heart spins, the more the magic I feel intensifies. Finally, the heart releases a sphere of gentle blue magic that rapidly grows in size, passing over each and every pony in the crowd.

Even though I know it won't hurt me, I can't help but wince as it passes over me. All I feel is a slight tingle, and then a gentle sense of warmness passes over me. The wave travels further, encompassing the entire city.

That's not all though. The heart sends even more power straight up through the tower itself as if it were some sort of transmitter. The top of the tower sparks with incredible magic, and then releases it in the form of multiple multicolored streams of light that travel in every direction. The snow clouds overhead are completely blown away to reveal a bright blue morning sky, the sun shining down on the city. The snow on the ground and streets melt and evaporates, and grass grows beneath the streets and beyond just like it was before.

Cadance views the crowd once more, and to my shock, her body is suffused with a crystalline appearance, just like the crystal ponies. Is that something the heart did? It has to be, because even Shining Armor has been “crystallized,” for lack of a better phrase.

“And now, everypony, I declare that the Crystal Fair has begun!” Cadance announces, and the applause and cheers start up anew. With that, Cadance and Shining Armor retreat inside the building, no doubt coming to join the festivities themselves.

“Whoa...” Vinyl remarks, causing me to turn to look at her. She's staring at herself in one of the more reflective surfaces of a building, taken aback by her new appearance. My jaw drops in shock at what I see. Vinyl has been crystallized as well, and her mane is actually styled and tied in a way that actually rather flatters her. Lengths of white twine have tied themselves into her mane and tail, seemingly coming from nowhere. “Dude, if I'd have known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have brushed my mane this morning.”

“Bullshit, you don't brush your mane in the first place,” I retort, crossing my arms. That response gets my friends to look at me...and then they too start to stare. I freeze, the realization coming over me. If everypony has been crystallized...then...I lift my hand up to where I can see it...and sure enough, I can see crystalline waves of magic running through my skin. Wow...that's...I don't even know what to say. “Okay, move aside Vinyl. I need a mirror.”

I stand beside Vinyl and peer at the reflective surface. Just like Vinyl, my hair has seemingly been styled for me as well. My hair has been straightened and smoothed to the point where it shines and cascades down my back. My bangs have been pulled aside and tied back behind my head in a miniature ponytail with a piece of white twine. To top that all off, two locks of hair have been braided and hang down my cheeks.

“Looking good, Seth!” Rainbow compliments me. I lift one of the braids, surprisingly okay with the way this looks. As weird as it is to look like a crystal pony, I don't look half bad. I turn to Rainbow...only to snort with laughter. Rainbow proceeds to look indignant. “What? What's so funny?”

“What's up with your mane?” I ask her, as that's the first thing I notice. Her mane, while usually messy, is now styled as well. The ends of her mane are curled up over her head, and her mane itself is fastened with a length of golden twine. In fact, this is the neatest I've ever seen her mane. One lock of her mane hangs down behind her ear, the ends fastened with a single pink bead. Even her tail looks groomed and tidy. “Wow...you...actually don't look bad.”

“Of course I don't! I look better than the rest of you when I actually try!” Rainbow retorts as if that fact should have been obvious. The funny part is that she didn’t actually try. The Crystal Heart did it all for her.

“No, the title of most stylish crystal mare goes to me of course,” Lyra interrupts, drawing attention to her. And...wow, that doesn't look bad either. Her mane, which is usually hanging free and messy, is now tidied and bunched up in a stylish manner, held in place with a silver headband and a silver hairpin shaped like her lyre. Noticing the flat-browed expression she's getting from Bon Bon, she giggles and hugs her marefriend. “Of course, Bon Bon also looks adorable.”

“This is...odd, to say the least,” Octavia comments, standing beside Vinyl to peer into the reflective mirror. “I was not expecting a crystal makeover, as it were.”

“Pfft, a crystal makeover. That's perfect,” Vinyl chortles, dragging Octavia over to her with a hoof and then indicating the reflection. “Look at this! Picture perfect. And then there's Seth.”

“Hey, fuck you too, Vinyl,” I retort, crossing my arms again.

“Luv ya, best buddy! Tell you all what, we should totally get a group picture while we're all crysta...crystalled. Crystallied?” Vinyl tries to say, but it isn't coming out right.

“Crystified?” Rainbow supplies.

“Crystanized!” Lyra inserts.

“Crystmogrofied?” Vinyl tries again.

“I believe the correct term is crystallized,” Octavia inputs sensibly, putting an end to...whatever those three were doing. Slowly, the three of them turn to look at her.

Vinyl puts on an uppity expression. “Well...hoity-toity miss bookworm smartypants,” she remarks, wrinkling her nose. Octavia blinks, utterly confused by that response.

“I'm not wearing pants,” Octavia points out, indicating the formal outfit she's wearing that only covers the front half of her body. Vinyl groans and chuckles, reaching out a hoof to muss Octavia's mane. The cellist swiftly hisses and bats Vinyl's hoof away, causing us all to look at her strangely, and then start laughing. “What? I happen to like the way I look now!”

“Either way, we need a group shot. How's that sound?” Vinyl repeats, grinning at the rest of us. Lyra looks down for it, but Bon Bon and Octavia look at one another with a rather pensive expression. “I mean, I doubt this crystmogrification will last forever.”

“Crystallized!” Octavia corrects her again, but no one pays her any attention.

“Yeah totally! Where's a camera? I totally want to get an awesome picture of us all looking crystified!” Rainbow agrees. Octavia groans and rubs her face with her hooves. Rainbow looks around wildly, though I don't know what she's expecting to find. I slowly draw out my phone. Despite everything, I've managed to keep this thing in one piece. For one, I never bring it with me into battle. I can't afford to lose it. Rainbow notices it in my hand. “Wait, does that thing have a camera?”

“Yeah, it does. Only problem is, you'll never be able to get it off my phone without some extra work,” I say with a shrug. Apart from my charger cable, there’s not a thing in this world that can interface with my phone. “Still, as long as we're taking pictures, I kinda want one for my phone.”

“What about that mare over there? She has a camera,” Lyra suggests, drawing our attention to the mare in question. I turn to look at her...noticing her sky blue coat and ridiculously large shades. Hold on, I think I've seen her somewhere before. Wasn't she at the royal wedding? “Let's get her to take a picture.”

“Do we have to?” Bon Bon asks, but it's too late. The photographer pony eventually spots me, and makes a beeline over to us, no doubt because of how unique I look compared to the other ponies.

It doesn't take much convincing to get her to take a group picture of us, but it does cost us some bits to get a set of copies for each of us. Thankfully, Octavia suggested that we all pitch in, so it doesn't cost us that much in total.

“Stay close togezer now,” the photographer directs us with a rather strange accent. “Tall one in ze back. Quickly now!”

“What if I do this?” I ask, sitting down behind the other ponies. The photographer holds her chin, letting out a hum.

“No, no no! Zat will never do. Ve need to show off your friendship! Get intimate!” The photographer demands, though she is wearing an amused smile. I huff, confused, and try getting on my knees instead, such that I’m slightly higher than the heads of the other ponies. “Much better! Now, I said closer! Pretend zat you actually like each other, no?”

“Like these idiots? Not bloody likely,” I retort, causing Vinyl and Rainbow to both slap me with their hooves playfully. Nevertheless, we group together as directed.

I'm in the center of them, kneeling down with Vinyl and Rainbow on either side of me, my arms draped over their shoulders. Lyra and Bon Bon are nuzzling together in front of us, and Octavia is laying down at the very front. Then, with a satisfied click of her tongue, the photographer snaps a picture. “Magnificent!” she declares.

After she passes the developing copies to us, I pass my phone to the photographer, as I paid her extra to get a shot on my phone. After a hilarious moment where she fumbles around with the controls, she manages to get a decent picture on my phone as well...by booping the shutter button with her nose.

Once the photographer departs, I look around to see that all of the ponies are starting to branch off to the different stalls, vendors, restaurants, and events that are just now starting to kick off. Hell, this isn't a party. If anything, I would compare this to a convention, because that's what this feels like.

“Hm...I'm interested in visiting this event called 'an analysis of crystal music,'” Octavia suggests, pointing down at the corresponding event on the brochure she's carrying. Yeah, Pinkie was giving this away on the way up to the tower before the ceremony. On it is listed all the events, when they take place, and where they are. “Would anyone care to join me? It's in twenty minutes.”

“What the hell, I'll go. I love music,” I insert, standing beside Octavia. Vinyl joins us as well, being a musician herself. Even Lyra looks interested.

“I'm more interested in this Crystal Empire candies and treats,” Bon Bon says, showing Lyra. “Look, there's even free samples!”

“But what about this awesome group sports event going on? That's where I want to go. I bet Applejack will be there too!” Rainbow interjects. I look between the three of them , quickly understanding that this is basically going to be like a convention. We all want to go to different events.

“I guess we could meet up later?” I suggest, getting their attention. “We have all day. Everypony should go and do what they want.”

“Good idea. Is that alright with you all?” Octavia agrees.

“Sounds good. I'mma go join that sports event,” Rainbow confirms. She gives me a pointed stare afterward “But you and I gotta hit that dance floor later tonight! Got it?”

“Yes, yes,” I assure her. Unlike the other events, the dance floor takes place in the clearing around the Crystal Heart, and is open the whole day. Already the first set of musical entertainment is being set up, in the form of three ponies. Huh, I think I recognize them. Yeah, I messed with that dark furred pony guitarist way back when. Who knew she'd be entertainment here? “Alright, let's get moving. I want to get some good seats at that music event.”

With that, the six of us split into three groups. I'm going with Vinyl and Octavia, because Lyra seems to have elected to stay with Bon Bon. Rainbow zooms off in a flash, leaving the rest of us behind pretty quick.

Just as we're walking past the dance floor, I notice a particular pony walking timidly towards Princess Celestia. I suddenly stop. I want to be there for this. “You two go on ahead of me,” I say to Vinyl and Octavia. They give me questioning looks, but I'm already moving. “I want to see this.”

Celestia looks different as well, the crystalline magic running through her body giving her an ethereal appearance. If anything, it makes her look even more regal than before, if such a thing were even possible. A proper looking stallion is behind her, talking in a prim tone to her while carrying a clipboard. I’m assuming he's one of the council, if that badge is anything to go by.

The former general Flowing Mist approaches Celestia, her head held low. Unlike the other crystal ponies, her coat is still dull and lifeless, as is her mane and tail. When Celestia sees her coming, she forestalls the councilpony's words, much to his annoyance. “Um...princess..?” Mist asks shyly.

“Hello, Mist. I was wondering when you would come to speak with me,” Celestia responds warmly, revealing that she had expected this encounter. Mist doesn't know Celestia like I do, so she looks surprised by that. “You are wondering what is to become of you, now that the war is over and the construction is complete.”

“Y...Yes! That's exactly how I feel,” Mist responds. She looks around at all the crystal ponies. “I fought hard and helped with everything I could...but now...I don’t think I should stay here. I'm...I'm thinking of leaving the Crystal Empire...and Equestria as well.”

“Flowing Mist. Why do you believe that this course of action is the only one available to you?” Celestia questions, using the general’s full name. She gazes intently at Mist, who is averting her eyes. “Please, lift your head and look at me as you speak.”

Mist gulps and does so, trembling a little. “Because...I was your enemy. I betrayed my own country...my friends...so why should I be allowed to stay? Exile is the punishment I deserve.”

“That’s quite enough. Mist, do not forget the words I gave to you before, after your capture,” Celestia asserts, her eyes hardening. “I told you to live, and to make up for the things you have done through hard work and perseverance. But, if you choose to elect for exile, how is that any different than running away from your deeds?”

Mist's eyes widen at that, Celestia's words again striking home. “But...how can I...you're going to let me stay?” she asks timidly, hardly daring to hope.

“The Crystal Empire needs you, Mist. There are hard times to come in its future. It has been thrust into a brand new world, and essentially has to rebuild its society from nothing once more,” Celestia continues, resting a hoof on Mist's shoulder. “I want you to be there to help them. In fact, I am assigning you to the command of Princess Cadance. After the Fair, you will report to her. Am I understood?”

“Yes! Thank you, princess...I really don't deserve your kindness,” Mist murmurs, dipping her head in respect. Instead of departing, Mist remains there for several seconds, fidgeting awkwardly.

“Is there something else?” Celestia prompts, tilting her head. Mist nods, starting to blush a little.

“I...I don't know what to do now. I...don't know how to...have fun,” Mist admits, shuffling her hooves. Understanding dawns on Celestia's face, a soft smile forming. “Especially because...there's all these crystal ponies...I can't interact with them. They all hate...”

“Mist?” the sound of another voice calling her name causes Mist to stiffen with fright. She turns slowly to see a group of three crystal ponies, all of them staring at her in shock. “Flowing Mist? Is that you?”

“I...yes...” Mist says timidly, shifting so that she's hiding behind her mane. “I'm sorry...I...”

“Oh thank heavens, you're alright!” a crystal mare responds, trotting up to her with a relieved smile. Mist goes completely still, a look of utter confusion on her face.

“You're alive! I never would have thought!” a crystal stallion walks up to join her, such that the three of them are gathered around her. “What with all they did to you...”

“I can't imagine how you stayed sane!” the third crystal pony expresses happily. She reaches forward and briefly hugs Mist. “We thought we had it bad...but nopony should have had to endure what you did. Nopony blames you...we've all done terrible things to escape the pain...”

“I...I...” Mist can't even form a coherent statement.

“But that's all over now. Come join us! We're free again, and the Crystal Heart is even in its rightful place! Let's go have some fun!” The first mare advises her.

“After all of this...I think we've earned it, don't you think?” the stallion remarks.

Mist is utterly speechless in the face of the three ponies and their openly displayed care for her. Her mouth hanging open, she turns back to look at Celestia.

“Go on,” Celestia urges her, gesturing with her head.

Mist can't take any more. She lowers her head and releases a choking sob, tears rolling down her cheeks. She leaps forward and hugs all three of the crystal ponies at once...and then it happens. Just like that, her body lights up with crystalline magic for the first time. Her mane and tail style themselves before our eyes, giving her a truly elegant appearance. For the first time, Mist appears to come to life.

“Thank you so much...” Mist cries, squeezing the ponies tightly. “I'm home...everypony.”

When I rejoin Vinyl and Octavia, it's with a broad smile. I guess, every once in a while, happy endings do occur. For once in my life, I feel like I honestly made a difference. If I had just killed her like I did to Shatter...she would have never had this experience. She would never have known happiness again...and dammit, I'm getting a little teary eyed. I really have gone soft...but I don't mind at all.

Anyway, the three of us attend the musical analysis event, managing to get into the back rows of the amphitheater where the event was taking place. There, some of the older musicians, including the one I worked with, explain to us all the differing styles that appear in their music. This includes the flugelhorn, as well as its history and impact on their musical style. Suffice to say, Octavia and I find it very interesting. But as for Vinyl...

“Is she really?” I whisper, making sure to keep my voice low enough so as not to disturb the other ponies. Over on the other side of Octavia, Vinyl is fast asleep, snoring loud enough to cause the surrounding ponies to give her strange looks.

“It seems she is...this mare is simply incorrigible,” Octavia responds, uncomfortably shifting. Vinyl's head is resting on her shoulder shamelessly, making Octavia rather annoyed. “It seems she simply doesn't appreciate the finer points of the very art in which she claims to profess.”

I reach over Octavia and gently close Vinyl's mouth with my index finger and thumb. However, the second I take my hand away, Vinyl's mouth falls open again to release another obnoxious snore. I sigh and rub my forehead, a sentiment that Octavia echoes.

“There's no helping this mare,” I say, and then the both of us turn our attention back to the event.

After the event ends, I end up splitting up with the two of them, as they both want to go to separate events. I wave to the both of them and make my way through the streets. I have a bit of time before the next event I want to see, so I think I'll take a moment to browse the different stalls to see what's being sold.

They're really good with shaping crystal, as if that hadn't been made clear to me already. In one of the stalls, I see these gorgeous figurines of dragons shaped entirely out of different shades of crystals. Not surprisingly, I see Spike there, gazing up at the dragon figurines with awe. He's accompanied by Twilight, who has her nose buried in a book that looks recently bought.

Hm, I feel the need to talk to her, so I direct my path over to that stall. Twilight isn't completely absorbed in her reading; she lowers the book and smiles when she notices me coming. “Hello, Seth. Did you come to look at the dragons too?” Twilight asks.

“Not really. I came over to talk to you,” I tell her flat out. Ever since all of this has happened, I've felt like there are some things between Twilight and I that have been left unsaid. After all, I haven't really interacted with her much on a personal level.

Twilight looks surprised by that. She closes the book and sets it into a set of saddlebags that she's wearing, giving me her full attention. I notice that like the rest of us, she's been crystallized as well, her mane done up with shining silver ribbon. “Oh okay. Shall we move elsewhere then?” Twilight offers. Wordlessly, I accompany her away from the stalls and into a calmer street, where there aren’t as many ponies due to the lack of any attractions nearby. Twilight studies my face, starting to look worried. “Is something wrong?”

“Sort of,” I admit. I sit down against the side of a building, and gesture for her to join me. She does so, watching me quietly and waiting patiently for me to continue. “My time in Equestria...it's been pretty crazy.”

Twilight giggles at that. “I'll say. I don't regret any of it, though. Equestria is safe now, all thanks to us,” she responds. She gestures to the Crystal Fair. “All of this is only possible because we fought so hard.”

“I know that, and I'm not debating that. What I do regret is the way that I've treated you, when you never really deserved it,” I admit, choosing to just tell her bluntly how I feel. Twilight's expression abruptly changes, her eyes widening slightly. I chuckle drily. “The first time I met you, I kicked Spike and treated you like shit.”

“No, Seth, please. I don't blame you,” Twilight tries to assure me. “You just lost your entire race and found out you were in a whole new world...who wouldn't be a little upset?”

“Except I didn't give a shit about my race at the time,” I correct her, causing her to recoil. “Yes, I lost the few I cared about, but that didn't mean I had to be a total ass to you.”

Twilight is quiet, her eyes softening. But I'm still not finished. “Let's be honest. If it weren't for you, I probably would have just wandered around senselessly until somepony decided to lay me flat for being an ass,” I continue. “I guess the point I'm trying to say is...thank you. You've been a really good friend.”

“Oh, Seth,” Twilight whispers, her eyes sparkling with tears. She leans forward and wraps her forelegs around my neck, her mane brushing against my cheek. I chuckle and hug her back, feeling a little better now that I've said that to her. “It really means a lot to hear you say that. I thought I messed up with you so many times...I thought I wasn't cut out for making friends. Thank you...”

“You idiot...why are you thanking me? I'm trying to thank you,” I mutter in her ear dryly, earning a soft chuckle from her. Eventually we pull apart...and the first thing we notice is Spike standing about a foot away from us.

“You guys done being all huggy? Because I can keep looking at the dragons if you're not,” Spike remarks. Twilight and I both give him a flat-browed stare...and then I push him over with a light finger to his forehead. “Whoa!”

“Yes, we're done,” I retort, standing back up. Twilight does as well, looking much happier than before. “Anyway, I'm going to head off to the next event. Some 'Great and Powerful Magic Act?'”

“I'm going to see that too! Come on, let's go see it together!” Twilight suggests. Spike hops up on Twilight's back, and then the three of us walk back into the Fair, on our way to the next event.

Twilight and I sit side by side inside an auditorium, located inside one of the larger buildings. Sitting around us are several scores of ponies, crystal, changeling, and Equestrian alike. In front of us, where a stage should have been, is a seemingly nondescript wagon about the size of one of the smallest houses. There's nothing special about it...it's just made out of wood.

Suddenly, the wagon comes to life, the front half of it unfolding in an impressive display of magic and engineering. The sides fold outwards to become a backdrop, complete with a hanging curtain. The top opens up to reveal a lighting system as well as a headboard upon which several flashy decorations are engraved. The bottom rolls forward to form the shape of a stage, complete with automated instruments that play a majestic fanfare.

Trixie steps out on stage from behind the curtain, wearing a lavender hat and cape adorned with a starry pattern. Two colored spotlights shine down upon her, giving her a mystical appearance. Heralding her appearance are several beautiful displays of fireworks and light shows, all emanating from her glowing horn.

“Come one, come all, and witness the showstopping magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie announces, her voice easily projecting through the building. The ponies around us express their awe with oo's and ah's, each of them impressed by the complex patterns being formed in the air through her magic. “Watch in awe as her story is revealed; she who held armies at bay until the evil King himself toppled from his gilded throne!”

“She's bragging again,” Twilight whispers to me with a knowing smile. On her back, Spike is resting his face in a claw.

“I mean...she's not wrong,” I whisper back with a shrug. “She did fight with you and the others while we fought the king. Besides, it’s for the sake of the show.”

“That's true...maybe this will be fun after all,” Twilight admits, and then the two of us sit back and watch as Trixie retells the story for us all to hear, accompanied by magically created illustrations.

The Fair continues, and I think it's safe to say that I'm having the time of my life. I go from event to event, each one serving to entertain or educate me. Every so often I'll meet up with one of my friends, and I'll end up seeing the next event with them.

I don't really buy anything; I don't have the bits with me. I left them all back at my home in Ponyville. After all, there's no point in keeping money on hand when you're in the middle of a war. However, just browsing the selection is fun as well. There's all these neat little gadgets on sale, along with some gorgeous artwork. I find myself regretting that I didn't bring any money. Some of the paintings I see are amazing, and would look really good on the walls of my house. I don't have anything to personalize my house yet, after all.

I end up meeting with all of my friends at a cafe for lunch, and that turns out to be a blast...especially when Rainbow started messing with Lyra over her choice of meal. I just sit back and laugh, feeling happier than I've been in a long time.

After lunch, we end up parting again. I take a moment to rest against the side of one of the buildings. Sheesh, I forgot how exhausting these kinds of events can be. I look up at the sky, noticing that it's already well past noon. Time has been flying, to the point where I feel like it needs to slow down a bit so I can enjoy everything this Fair has to offer….yep, this is definitely like a convention.

“Let's see, what's next?” I say to myself, looking down at the brochure. My eyes scan over the list of events, searching for one that I might like to attend next. No, I'm not interested in that one...and the musical performance of the anthem I helped transcribe isn't until later tonight.

Oh yeah, there's that jousting event that Rainbow is going to compete in. I'm not that interested, but she wants to me see her, so I guess I'll be hitting that one next. Except it's not until an hour later, so I have some time to kill. I think I've mostly looked over the marketplace, so I guess I'll hit the dance floor.

“Who is that I see resting to catch his breath? My, if it isn't the human, Seth!” My eyes flick up from the brochure at the sound of the very familiar voice that's now addressing me. Wow, I did not think she would be here.

“Zecora?” I reply, pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, the foreign zebra is standing just in front of me, looking surprised as well. She's looking well, her mane done up with green ribbon, and crystal magic dancing through her just like the rest of us. “Holy hell, I haven't seen you in forever!”

“Indeed, a long time it has been. It is very nice to see you again,” Zecora responds happily, trotting over to me. Heh, and her rhymes are just as strong as ever. I remember when I first met her...I thought she was some kind of freaky rhyming alien. She was the first living creature that I met in Equestria that didn't want to murder me. “Much have I heard of your adventures in this nation. I am quite curious to hear your own narration.”

“Yeah, that's a story that'll take a lot longer than we have time for,” I admit with a sheepish grin. Zecora nods understandingly at that. “Suffice to say, it's been crazy. You know, I'm actually glad I ran into you here. I haven't really spoken much to you since you helped me out in the forest.”

Zecora tilts her head to one side, pleasantly surprised by the positive way I'm speaking to her. “Through all of your trials, you have not faltered. Yet I find your tone seems to have altered,” she observes accurately.

“Yeah...basically, you were right,” I admit, referring to the parting words she gave me, right before I entered Ponyville for the first time. “I wasn't able to be an island. Honestly, I should have listened to you in the first place. I would have had a much easier time of it.”

Zecora nods solemnly, understanding immediately what I'm trying to say. “You know, I don't think I ever properly thanked you. I mean, I sorta did, in my own pissed off way, but if you hadn't been there, I'd be dead,” I confess to her. “But now, I have friends that are practically family, and I even have my own relationship. If you think about it, that's all because you were there to save me.”

Zecora colors a bit, ducking her head modestly. “Now, you do this humble zebra too much praise. It was your own perseverance that carried you through the days,” she responds, though she does look genuinely appreciative of my words. “It was your will, burning brightly ablaze, that allowed you to embrace the sunlight's first rays.”

“You're being modest...just take the damn compliment already,” I retort, though it's not in a nasty way. Zecora understands that, as she's now chuckling. “Still, it was good to see you here.”

“Indeed, it is nice to see you have made a fresh start,” Zecora responds with a nod. She then indicates the brochure that she's holding in one hoof. “However, I'm afraid it is time we must part. There is a showing of quite interesting art; an event in which I feel I must take part.”

“Makes sense. I'm headed to the dance floor later. I'll drop by your hut sometime after this is over when I'm free of work,” I promise her, waving as she leaves. Well, that was a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, now that I'm on my own again, I fold up the brochure and stash it in my pocket. Then, I head back into the streets, making my way back to the Crystal Tower.

The dance floor itself is pretty crowded, but nopony is really dancing just yet. It looks like the previous entertainment has just finished, and now the next musician is setting up. I join the crowd, looking to see who's going to be playing next. Oh, I should have known.

Vinyl is bent beneath her tables, which are partially set up on the far side of the clearing. Her speakers have been set up all over the dance floor, such that everyone will be able to hear the music at it's highest intensity. Of course she's playing for a bit. Being a DJ is what she does, and I'd have been surprised if she hadn't played at the Fair at least once.

“Hurry up, pony, you've got ponies waiting to dance down here!” I yell up at her, my hands cupped around my mouth. Vinyl promptly hits her head on the top of the tables, and then she emerges, glaring down at me. Hilariously enough, some of the ponies around cheer at my words, their enthusiasm running high.

“Hey, at least I'm taking my time to complete this elementary job!” Vinyl retorts. My right eye starts to twitch at Vinyl's reference to my fuck up with the equipment a long time ago. “Unless you're offering to help?”

“I don't know am I getting paid for it?” I call back up to her, earning laughter from the surrounding ponies.

“Not this time. I've practically done everything myself!” Vinyl answers, adjusting her shades.

I cross my arms and shake my head. “Then no, I'm not helping.”

“Well, then don't complain! It's taking longer because I'm yelling at you!” Vinyl replies with a grin, and then she gets back beneath her tables as the ponies all laugh at the exchange. Chuckling to myself, I merge with the crowd and search for a suitable place to dance.

I notice Celestia standing at one side of the area at the very edge, accompanied by the council pony from before. She's looking rather annoyed right now, for whatever reason. I then notice that the council pony is still talking to her, showing her something on his clipboard. Seriously, is the council not going to leave her alone for the whole Fair?

“Awright, I got this all ready to go! You ponies want to dance!?” Vinyl calls to the crowd, her speakers turning on. The resulting cheer is enough to make me grin and cover my ears. I can practically feel the enthusiasm in the air. “Then let's do this!”

Vinyl puts a disc on the tables, and upbeat electronic music blares from the speakers. As if on cue, the dance floor comes to life once more as ponies start moving their bodies to the beat.

“Ooh, this seems to be a rather charming little song,” Celestia comments in the middle of the councilpony's sentence, cutting him off. He huffs and glares at her in frustration.

“Your highness, there is still the matter of trade rights to consider,” the stallion reminds her with a clipped tone. Celestia huffs and gives him an askance look.

“Perhaps, but I believe that can wait until after the Fair, can it not?” Celestia attempts to reason with him. At that, the stallion looks like he's going to have an aneurism.

“Your highness, this is the fate of an entire nation we're thinking of. You simply cannot take time off at such an important junction. Now, if you'll please focus on the policies I have prepared...” the stallion responds in an uppity fashion that makes me want to just punch him in the face.

“You know what? I do not think so,” Celestia finally says, giving the stallion a pointed stare. She starts to step towards the dance floor, much to his shock. “I believe I am going to let my mane down and have a little fun. Perhaps you should do the same.”

“Princess, there are Canterlot nobles and lesser royalty here as well! You simply cannot be seen dancing to such an absurd performance!” the stallion insists. Celestia pauses, and then she turns her head, giving the stallion a frankly intimidatingly calm stare. He quails under her gaze.

“First, this 'absurd performance' as you so rudely put it...is the product of many hours of hard work. I will not tolerate any further insults against this performance which stems from her passion for music,” Celestia warns him calmly. The stallion nods vigorously in response. Then to his absolute horror, she gives him a knowing smile, and then she removes her crown and every last piece of her regalia with her magic, much to the councilpony's utter horror. “Second, stop fussing and have some fun. Matters of business can wait until after the Fair.”

The stallion is completely helpless to stop her from joining the throng of dancing ponies. Hilariously enough, Celestia even joins a set of crystal ponies, letting out an enthusiastic “ow!” in the process. I shake my head, grinning. Celestia is going to do what she wants...and I pity the poor pony who thinks they can convince her otherwise.

As the song kicks up, I make my way onto the dance floor as well, eager to let off the rest of this stress. What's even better is that I run into Rainbow and Pinkie in the process. “Hey, you made it! Good, I was just about to go looking for you!” Rainbow exclaims, joining me on the dance floor. “Now, step it up! You're looking a little rusty!”

“Well excuse me for not dancing in months,” I retort, making room for her as best I can. Pinkie makes her way to us as well. I get a bad feeling the second she opens her mouth.

“Hey Sethie, how are you doing? Do you like the party that I helped plan? Was the food okay? Oh, did you see Trixie's show? She was so good and it was all true and the lights were...wait, ohmigosh...did you visit the sweets panel!? There was...” Pinkie immediately starts spouting off, much as I'd expected. She keeps going and going, bouncing up and down again and again. Eventually, I just reach out a hand and hold it gently over her head, pressing down to keep her from bouncing. Pinkie pauses, looking up at my hand. With a giggle, she slides her head up and licks my hand.

“Aah! God, I forgot you do that!” I yelp, frantically wiping pony saliva off on my pants. Pinkie just giggles and snorts, proud of her small victory.

“Your fault for trying to stop Pinkie,” Rainbow reminds me. I shake my head and go back to dancing. Yeah, don't I know it. I'll eventually learn my lesson as far as that goes. “Now come on! Move that body!”

The dancing continues, with each of us taking breaks every now and then. Unless you're Pinkie, because then she just keeps going, seemingly having unlimited energy. It's a lot of fun though, and any stress I might have had just melts away into the music.

Eventually, a slow song plays, causing Rainbow to lose interest and rest at the other side of the room. We don't have much time before the jousting event starts anyway. Pinkie goes and does her own thing, of course, somehow managing to make dancing by herself look somewhat graceful.

As for me, I take a break as well, finding the nearest wall to rest against. Looking up at the gently rotating Crystal Heart, I let out a sigh of happiness. Things really couldn't get any better.

I cast my gaze idly around the clearing...and I happen to catch a slight glance of a dark cloud moving in an alleyway between two buildings. Immediately suspicious, I start walking towards the alley. My mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario...but when I get close enough to see what it was, I relax somewhat.

Standing still in the alley with his back against the wall is Hawke. He's gazing blankly at the wall, though occasionally he'll flick his gaze over to the festivities with an unreadable expression. Ever since he left for the mountains, there's been no sign of this guy, making me wonder what had brought him down here for the Fair.

Before I can approach him, I see Fluttershy of all ponies walking into the alley and approaching him. Taken by surprise, I press my back against the wall, waiting to see what's going to happen.

“H...Hello?” Fluttershy calls to Hawke's dark form shyly. Hawke turns his head slightly, fixing Fluttershy with one dark eye. She quails and almost steps away, but somehow she forces herself to step closer. “Why are you hiding in a dark place like this? Um...if you don't mind me asking, that is...”

“I...dislike events such as this,” Hawke admits in that deep accented voice of his. He turns fully to face Fluttershy. “Your name is Fluttershy, one of the Elements of Harmony, is it not?”

“Yes, that's right. It's nice to meet you, mister Hawke,” Fluttershy bravely answers him. She squeaks a bit under Hawke's intimidating stare, but stands firm.

“I came to investigate the outflux of power. I see now that it was caused by the return of the Crystal Heart,” Hawke explains, not bothering to return her greeting. He turns around and starts to walk away, his form starting to waver, letting me know he's about to dissolve into smoke. “My business here is concluded. I will take my leave now.”

“Wait!” Fluttershy calls after him, causing him to pause and look back at her. “Everyone's having a good time. Don't you want to come and join us? I mean...if you want...I think it would be nice...”

Hawke gazes at her for a long time. “I think not. I doubt I would be welcome, considering my former affiliation to King Sombra,” he replies softly.

“That's not true! This is a party for us all...even for you. Even Flowing Mist has been accepted,” Fluttershy argues. In a much softer tone, she continues. “...she's been asking about you. I think you should go see her.”

Hawke lets out a quiet sigh, and then he turns all the way around, walking up and past Fluttershy. “Very well. I suppose I can join you, momentarily at least,” he responds. Fluttershy smiles brightly and walks beside him.

“I'll take you to her,” she states, breaking into a trot. There's a happy spring in her step now.

“Huh,” I whisper to myself, seeing Hawke and Fluttershy walk together to the dance floor. Mist, who's in the crowd as well, immediately makes her way to Hawke upon seeing him, a bright smile forming on her face. “How about that?”

I walk back to the dance floor, still surprised at Fluttershy for managing to convince Hawke to join the Crystal Fair with us. Fluttershy is smiling to see the two of them together.

“Fluttershy,” Commander Rose walks out of the crowd, approaching Fluttershy with a small smile. She's wearing a very nice dress, though the style looks very familiar. “I was looking for you.”

“Oh, hello, miss Rose. Your dress is very pretty,” Fluttershy compliments her, moving with Rose to the dance floor for a slow dance.

“You like it? Rarity made it for me,” Rose responds with a beaming smile. She gets a little more serious. “So, I was thinking of sending a letter to my parents like you suggested...”

After that, I can't hear them anymore. As for me, I'm thinking of going back to my break...but then I see Celestia just getting up from a short rest of her own. A thought strikes my mind, and I know it won't go away until I talk to her about it. I sigh in annoyance. God, giving a damn about other ponies is really a hassle at times.

When she catches sight of me approaching her, the words that I pre-rehearsed in my head die away. Goddamn, I don't know how she manages to do that with just her gaze. Fuck it, I'll just say the first thing that comes to mind. “Want to dance, princess?” I end up saying, and then I immediately kick myself for how dumb that sounds.

“Oh? Well, it would be my pleasure,” Celestia takes the offer in stride, dipping her head. After that, I freeze a little, because I don't fucking ask immortal beings to dance everyday. Thankfully, she picks up on that and leads me to the dance floor herself.

Remembering how I did it at the royal wedding, I lift one hand and accept the hoof that she extends to me, and then gently place my other hand on her back, close to her neck. I let Celestia take the lead due to her experience. Together, the two of us slowly move ourselves to the soft and slow beat.

“Is there something on your mind, Seth?” Celestia asks me softly, picking up immediately on why I asked for the dance in the first place. Of course, reading my mind as always. Hopefully I can at least get a thought out before she completes it for me.

“Yeah...I wanted to thank you,” I manage to get out. It's so much harder finding the words to say to Celestia, as opposed to Zecora or Twilight.

“Whatever for?” Celestia responds.

I make a small shrug. “Everything. For helping and putting up with me ever since we met. You went well out of your way to help me, even though I'm just a small guy in the grand scheme of your kingdom,” I express to her, my voice getting stronger and more confident as I speak. “It’s like...even I would have given up on myself back then.”

Celestia looks at me softly, her eyes filled with warmth and compassion. “Everyone is important, Seth. Even the smallest filly is as important to me as family,” she replies. “You were an individual in need of love and guidance. Ever since you snapped at me in Twilight's home, I wanted to help you to realize all the happiness and warmth there is in this world...to help you reach your full potential. I could not bear to see you facing such pain alone.”

“Celestia...” I can only say. I didn't expect her to respond this passionately to my words. If anything, she sounds like a compassionate mother, speaking to her accomplished child.

“My only regret is that I could not help you further,” Celestia admits. She lifts her hoof and brushes my cheek with it softly. “Seth, I could not be more proud of the growth you have shown, over the time we have known one another. I feel..as if you have at last reached your full potential, through the combined efforts of your friends...no, your family.”

Her words seem to touch my very soul, as dumb as that feels. A shiver runs through me, and I once again look at Celestia with true respect. I have never respected an individual as much as I have her. I think I can say that for sure.

“But it does not end here. Life is a grand journey, and you will never stop growing as an individual,” Celestia assures me, her smile widening. “And I will always be here for you, whenever you need me. Whether it be for help, advice, or even something as simple as a night out with a friend, I will assist you.”

“Dammit, Celestia,” I say, using my free hand to rub the forming tears from my eyes. “I wasn't expecting to cry tonight...”

I then straighten up, meeting her gaze. “But thank you. I cannot put into words how that makes me feel. All I can just say is thank you. Thank you so goddamn much.”

Celestia beams, reaching her head down to nuzzle me. “You are welcome, little one.”

I sit in the bleachers with Vinyl, Lyra, and Bon Bon, having met up with them just as Rainbow and I were heading to the jousting arena. Together, the three of us are eating popcorn and drinking soft drinks, waiting anxiously to see Rainbow compete.

The arena itself isn't anything special. It's just a dirt rectangular area with a crystal railing running through the center. Not far from the jousting arena is the judges panel, where three crystal ponies are sitting. The contestants would start on either side, wearing a suit of light armor with the lance strapped to the side nearest their opponent. Then, the two of them charge at one another and attempt to knock the other over. The contestant who won two out of three times would be declared the winner, and would move up on the rankings.

So far, the matches have been pretty uneventful, at least as far as I’m concerned. I don't know most of the ponies that are competing, so I don't feel like cheering one way or the other. However, I do know Applejack, and when she walks out onto the field, I sit up, suddenly interested.

“Yeah, it's Applejack! Go Applejack!” Lyra cheers loudly. Vinyl does the same, while Bon Bon just looks mildly interested. Oh boy, this means that Applejack and Rainbow will have to go up against one another eventually.

Applejack puts on a competitive expression, grinning at her opponent. When she breaks into a charge, it's like, not even fair for the poor pegasi she's competing against. Applejack is like a juggernaut, practically tanking the lance from the other contestant...and then hurling the pegasi through the air with the blunt tip of her own lance. The next round ends much the same, letting Applejack through to the next set of matches.

Rainbow similarly dominates her opponent, not even getting hit by the other's lance. As we watch, both Rainbow and Applejack power their way through the tournament, laying flat all those who dare to stand before them.

At last, it's the finals. Applejack and Rainbow step out into the arena, equipped with fresh lances and armor. They both see one another and glare at each other with competitive spirit, grins on their faces. Both of them look incredibly sure of themselves.

“I don't know who to cheer for,” Lyra admits, shuffling her hooves.

“I'm just not going to cheer. Or if I do, it'll be wordless. Honestly, I'm just thrilled to see this, because either way it'll be awesome,” I tell my friends. “If Applejack wins, I get to laugh at Rainbow getting knocked down a peg or two. If Rainbow wins, then my marefriend is awesome.”

“That's one way of looking at it,” Vinyl agrees with a snicker.

The bell rings, signaling the start of the first round. Applejack and Rainbow break into a gallop, charging towards one another with determination etched into their faces. As they get close to one another, time seems to slow down. I watch closely...and Rainbow turns her body ever so slightly, causing Applejack's lance to whistle past her. Then, Rainbow's lance plows into Applejack's chest, knocking the farmer pony off of her hooves.

“Yeah! Take that, Applejack!” Rainbow boasts as the bell rings, awarding her the first round.

“Don't get too cocky, Rainbow Dash. Ah ain't gonna underestimate ya again,” Applejack retorts, and then the two of them set up at either end of the arena once more.

The bell rings once more, and again the two gallop towards one another as fast as they can. This time, Applejack anticipates Rainbow's dodge, and hits her head on with her earth pony strength. Rainbow yelps and is hurled to the ground, where she skids for several feet.

“Gah! How!?” Rainbow cried out in frustration.

“Yeehaw! Got ya good, Dash!” Applejack boasts.

“This is intense,” Bon Bon admits, popping a cluster of popcorn into her mouth. Lyra nods wordlessly, sipping from her soft drink.

When the third round begins, I lean forward in my seat, wanting to see every second of this. Applejack and Rainbow get closer and closer to one another...and then everything ends in a split second.

Rainbow leaps upwards, slamming her lance downward on Applejack...but the farmer pony anticipates, and her lance shoots upwards as well. Their lances slam into one another at the same time, sending the both of them sprawling across the dirt.

The bell rings, but there's silence from the judges. “Uh...they both fell over. What now?” one judge remarks. “We didn’t think this much through.”

“Uh...it’s a draw! We have two winners this time around!” Another judge decides The others soon agree, finding that to be the easiest solution.

“What? That's lame, I totally beat Applejack,” Rainbow complains, getting up and giving her lance to an attendant.

“You did not! You were usin' yer wings!” Applejack accuses. The of them then proceed to bicker with one another like foals. Heh, at this point, I half expect one of them to say something infantile like “NO U!”

“Er...ahem,” one of the judges interrupts. Once she has Rainbow and Applejack's attention, she continues. “Considering that the final match of the tournament is a draw, we will give the both of you a prize as well as the chance to go a few rounds against the champion from the previous tournament that we had earlier in the day!”

“Um...who's the winner of the last tournament?” Applejack questions curiously. There's the sound of clanking armor, and then a familiar figure walks out into the arena.

Applejack and Rainbow both turn around to see Swift Lance, carrying a blunted version of her trademark weapon and decked out in a full military uniform. Applejack and Rainbow look at one another, and then back at Swift. “Oh...ponyfeathers,” they both curse simultaneously.

Applejack, Swift, and Rainbow come out to meet us outside the event area after their rounds are over, each of them carrying their winnings. However, Rainbow and Applejack are both muttering under their breath, shooting glances at Swift.

“No fair...you have a cutie mark in lances,” Applejack mutters.

“I'll get you next time...smug military pony,” Rainbow mutters as well. Their complaints just serve to amuse her, as well as the four of us.

When Swift sees me, she salutes smartly. “Commander,” she greets me. I raise an eyebrow.

“You're not supposed to call me that, remember? I'm just a civilian now,” I remind her. Swift gives me a smile.

“Not supposed to salute you either, but there it is,” she admits, causing me to chuckle. “I'm glad you got to see me giving these newbies a thrashing.”

Applejack and Rainbow both grumble at that, hilariously enough. “Hah, maybe now their heads won’t get so big,” I remark, causing them both to shove me at the same time.

After that, our little group gets together and starts to wander throughout the streets, talking about nothing in particular. I laugh and smile more than I have in months.

Suddenly, we all come to a stop. Chrysalis emerges from an alley, walking right in front of us. She turns to face us, halting in place. Her eyes fall upon me. Right, I forgot she was still here as well. “There you are, Seth. I've been looking for you,” she addresses me directly, stepping closer to us. “I want to talk to you.”

“We're talking right now, aren't we?” I point out, crossing my arms. My friends gather around me, though I can’t help but notice that they don’t look that angry to see Chrysalis.

Chrysalis's eyes narrow. “Let me rephrase that. I want to talk to you alone, without your pesky friends interfering,” she snaps. Okay, now that just pisses me off.

“No. anything you have to say, you can say in front of my friends,” I tell her flatly. Chrysalis lets out a frustrated huff, as do a few of my friends, for some reason. What?

“Just do it! It's about the royal wedding, you imbecile!” Chrysalis elaborates. My eyes widen at that admission. I give an apologetic look at my friends, and then I step away from them, moving to join Chrysalis. “Finally. Come with me.”

“I'll be back, you guys. Don't worry,” I assure my friends, though they don’t seem like they want to follow me. In fact, some of them are smiling, confusing me. Whatever, I guess I’ll find out in a moment. I follow Chrysalis back through the streets, heading in the general direction of the Crystal Tower. Once we're relatively alone, I address her. “So what do you want? I mean, I doubt it's to apologize for nearly ruining my life.”

“Don't be stupid,” Chrysalis scoffs. Then, to my surprise, she starts to look a little uncomfortable. “Do you remember the reward I promised you, if you stayed out of my business?”

“How could I forget?” I respond coldly, getting angry just at the memory. I don’t know why she’s bringing this up now, all of a sudden. “What about it? Cut to the chase.”

“I couldn't have actually followed through,” Chrysalis confesses. I immediately stop walking, a cold chill running through my body. Chrysalis notices, and she turns around to face me.

“What are you talking about?” I ask her, my voice dangerously calm. My hands clench into fists, my nails digging into my palms. Complicated emotions run through my mind all at once, causing me to tremble slightly.

“The time spell I used does have the capability of transporting you back in time. I was not lying about that,” Chrysalis explains. “However, it is not an efficient spell. even using all of my magical power, I could only send you back a thousand years...and only for a few moments. I never had the ability to send you all the way home.”

I'm completely quiet for several seconds, unsure of how to process all of emotions sparked by this confession. That whole time...I was twisted into a knot by a simple lie...I can't believe this...she... “You!” I growl, unable to hold back my fury any longer. I close the distance between us in less than a second. My arm seems to move on its own. Chrysalis’s head snaps to one side with a burst of emerald magic, hit directly on the jaw by my swinging fist. “That whole time...you were lying...”

Chrysalis turns her head back to me with an angry glare, her face burnt slightly at the point of impact. “You're lucky you saved my life, human...else I would make you pay for that,” she hisses. She and I glare at one another for several seconds. She eventually sighs. “But if you’re quite finished acting self-righteous, I didn't call you here to fight with you. I did what was necessary for me back then. I was Equestria’s enemy, and you were going to be my trophy...but this is about now, rather than then.”

Chrysalis starts walking again. I follow close behind her, still furious. She made my life a living hell for that whole wedding...and it was all for a lie. I should have just gone with the ponies in the first place then! Goddammit! I'm so angry right now, I can hardly see straight.

“You saved my life, and I do not forget my debts,” Chrysalis continues, leading me to the dance floor. She circumvents the crowd entirely and takes me to the entrance to the Crystal Tower. In the process, I notice that Celestia is no longer at the dance floor. “I will do you this one favor...and then we will be even for everything.”

“What favor?” I ask, forcing myself to stay calm. The two of us climb the stairs into the main body of the tower.

Chrysalis takes a breath. “Would you like to see your friends and family one last time?” she asks. My eyes widen in shock. “It would only be temporary, but it is the best I can do. This is the only time I will make this offer, so consider your choice carefully.”

“Why the hell would you even ask that!?” I demand as we walk into the main central chamber, my anger rising once more. Don't fucking ask me things like that...you're just giving me false hope, and that hurts like hell. “You just said that you don't have the power to take me back that far!”

“Maybe alone she doesn't...” I hear Cadance's voice in front of me, so I turn to look at the center of the room...and then take a step back in shock. Standing in the center of the room is every magically adept pony that I've ever interacted with. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance are standing at the center of the group, each of them smiling warmly at me. Beside them is Twilight, Trixie, and Rarity, and that's not even counting the military ponies. Rose is here now, as is Shining Armor, Iron, Salamul, Mist, and Blades. In addition I spot Pterax and Mantis, along with several other changelings. Even Hawke is here, standing at the back of the room with his arms crossed.

“...but together, we do.”

Author's Note:

My life has been so uninteresting as of late. Literally all I do is wake up at like, 9, then play Civilization 5 until lunch, and then write for the rest of the day. If I happen to finish a chapter, I just anime until I pass out. My friends are getting annoyed at my reclusiveness, but I can't help it. I'm literally one chapter away from being finished.

This one was so long because of all the loose ends I had to tie up. I had to bring in the others, like Seth's other friends, for general silliness. I also finished up the character arcs for Mist and Trixie, and now all that's left is this last bit.

YEAH, IT'S THE TIME SPELL. ARE YOU HAPPY, PEOPLE!? :pinkiecrazy: I'm just saying, I've been getting bombarded with questions about it ever since that part fell through, and I had to bite my tongue because I've been planning to end the story with this for a long time. But now it's here. I'm using the time spell. Now hush your pony faces! :pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

Also, I feel the need to share something with you all. Can I just say that my favorite characters in show used to be Pinkie and Sweetie Belle? But...over the course of writing this, that changed. Slowly, but surely, I found that my new favorite characters are Rainbow and Celestia. Rainbow's character comes to me as easy as breathing, and as for Celestia, every time I set out to write a scene with her, something meaningful comes out of it, and she seems to just come to life as I type. To me, she's best princess. *hides from the Luna fans* Don't kill me! :raritydespair:

Furthermore, I've realized that there's like, several different versions of Seth in my head. We've got...
-Early Seth with his shoulder-length hair and his ripped clothes, wearing the rifle on his back.
-Canterlot Seth wearing Rarity's fancy clothes, still carrying the rifle.
-Royal Wedding Seth with that awesome white coat and near waist length hair.
-Archaeologist Seth with the working clothes and middle-back length hair
-Wintry Seth with the sword and rifle.
-Lastly, Crystal Seth. And Crystal Seth is best Seth :rainbowlaugh:

...damn I wish I could draw. Anyway, one last thing before I wrap this chapter up. I have enough material for another special, if you all are interested. It can either happen now, or after the final chapter. It's up to you guys.

I think this author's note has gone on for long enough. Though you think this is bad, you should see what the next chapter is going to look like. Anyway, thanks to Schadenponi for editing this, and don't forget to comment and tell me what you think!

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