• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,526 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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41. Wedding Preparations

So I have a lot of observations to make on our way to the castle. If I thought the amount of guards outside on the platform was a bit much, that's nothing compared to the amount of guards in the streets. There's so many of them, I'm starting to think that Rarity's suggestion that they were here to safeguard the wedding is bullshit. This is less like increased security, and more like preparations for a large scale battle. Something's going on that we're not being told. I can't help but feel a bit worried at that line of thought.

Every few seconds, the shadows of hundreds of flying pegasi fall over us. Yeah. Hundreds. This is ridiculous. Peering up to look at the sky, I feel slightly...trapped, for lack of a better word. Surrounded by hundreds of soldiers beneath a shimmering magical barrier. There's got to be somepony who'll tell me what the fuck is going on. Maybe I'll run into Celestia. If that happens, I'll ask her directly.

A flash of blue stands out from the sea of golden armor. Peering closer I can make out a group of several ponies wearing the colors of the Wonderbolts. “Hey, Rainbow. Check that out. It's Spitfire,” I announce, breaking the silence that had formed.

Rainbow's response is immediate. “What? Where, where!?” she demands, spreading her wings. She looks like she's about to take to the air, so I place a hand on her back. “What the...what are you doing?”

“Making sure you don't take off. She's up there, guiding a squad of pegasi herself,” I reply, lowering myself to Rainbow's level and following Spitfire's squad with my finger. Rainbow follows my finger, until she catches sight of her idol with a happy gasp. “She's probably on duty, so you shouldn't bother her.”

“Yeah...but I'll definitely try and catch her after the wedding,” Rainbow expresses excitedly. “That'll be right after my Sonic Rainboom, too!”

“Right. I still don't see why she's out here. She told us that there wasn't much cause for her to actually do anything the last time we met,” I recall.

“I don't care. Seeing her out here with the rest of the pegasi is so cool!” Of course, Rainbow is too busy fangirling for her to really look that deep into it. I guess I should have known that was coming when I told her about Spitfire.

“Ya know, maybe this whole shindig is why Miss Rose left so early,” Applejack reasons, joining our conversation.

“Huh, now that I think about it...you may be right,” I agree. Rose, my trainer from the Canterlot Royal Unicorn Second Regiment, had left about a week before this, rather abruptly too I might add. One day, without any former notice to myself or anypony else, Rose just didn't show up to training. Later, the train conductor informed me that she had returned to Canterlot. Not that I wasn't glad to be rid of her, but that seemed rather irresponsible of her...though I can understand if she received orders pertaining to the security of Equestria itself. Because I've already determined that this kind of security is too much for a wedding, even a royal one.

The guards standing outside the castle notice our approach and open the golden gates for us, recognizing each one of us. Just inside, there are several of the castle staff waiting for us. How do I know that they're castle staff? Because a very familiar bitch is with them. Fucking lovely.

“Welcome, Elements of Harmony. It is a pleasure to have you with us once more,” the reddish mare at the front of the small group of ponies greets us. And by us, I mean not me. No, she turns to look at me next, her eyes narrowing almost imperceptibly. “And a pleasure to see you again as well, human.”

Oho, yeah, she is not happy to see me. “Hello, Elegant Style,” I groan. I never actually told her my name, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that she's calling me something as impersonal as “human.”

“Thank you for the warm welcome, Miss Style,” Rarity responds before things can go downhill between Elegant and I. Which is wise, because she and I are glaring at one another, though she's hiding it better. “We do appreciate it.”

Elegant turns her gaze away from me and smiles at Rarity's tact. “Don't mention it. Now then, we've been tasked to direct you to your workplaces,” she reveals. “I assume you've been told where each of you will be working?”

“That's raht. Ah'm gonna be workin' in th' kitchens, ah think. That's where y'all cook yer food, raht?” Applejack answers, looking excited to get to work. Sheesh, everypony is way too excited for this.

“That's correct. In that case, if you'll go with Glossy here,” Elegant begins, indicating a dark gray mare dressed in a maid's outfit. “She'll take you to them.”

“Well, that's mighty kind of ya. Lead the way, Miss Glossy.” Applejack replies, tipping her hat in greeting to the maid, who smiles shyly. I don't think that maid is very used to dealing with important ponies, especially since she'd been cowering (so to speak) in the back of the group of staff. Just as they start moving, Applejack turns her head back to focus on us. “So what, we'll meet up fer dinner in the courtyard after our work is done?”

“Sounds like a marvelous idea. Good luck, Applejack,” Rarity says, as the other ponies emit sounds of agreement as well.

“Ooh! Me next! Pick me!” Pinkie exclaims, sticking a hoof in the air like an overexcited grade-school student. For once, Elegant and I appear to agree on something, as the both of us stare at Pinkie with deadpan expressions, though Elegant is better at hiding it than I am. Mostly because I don't try to hide it.

“Yes, Miss Pinkamena, I was informed that you...” Elegant begins, only to get cut off.

“You can call me Pinkie!” Pinkie interrupts, her grin as fucking massive as ever. Elegant looks unamused by her interruption. She clears her throat and tries again.

“Miss Pinkamena, you...”

“Please call me Pinkie!” Elegant looks like she's going to pop a blood vessel in her forehead when she's interrupted yet again.

“Ahem...I was told you would be planning the reception, which is to be held in the great hall,” Elegant continues, choosing to omit Pinkie's name entirely rather than give in. Hah, she's as stubborn as I am. Elegant then turns to another one of the ponies with her, a shy looking white stallion, with a light blue mane. “Mr. Palette, would you please escort...her...to the great hall?”

“Y...yes, ma'am,” the stallion answers timidly. The poor thing is terrified of Elegant, I can just tell. I'm getting a kick out of seeing her so frustrated though. It's nice to see Pinkie pissing someone off other than me for once, since everypony in Ponyville seems to love her, for whatever dumb reason.

“I already know the way, but you can come with me anyway. We'll become the best of friends!” Pinkie assures her guide as she bounces along with him, while his head bobs up and down comically to keep her in his vision.

“Uh...sure,” the stallion replies, unsure.

“Now then, shall we continue?” Elegant says, adjusting her mane. Okay, I've lost interest in listening to her. While she addresses a very timid Fluttershy, I look around the castle absentmindedly, taking notice of the guards all over the place.

One thing I do notice is that I can see Celestia herself standing up at the top of the highest tower of the castle, looking through a telescope. I can barely see her from here, but it doesn't seem like she's stargazing...especially since it's barely noon. No, she's on the lookout for something, but I have no idea what that something could be.

“Hey!” Rainbow suddenly says, nudging me. I look away from Celestia to see my friend watching me, her wings spread in preparation for take off.


“I'm headed out. You'll be back for dinner, right?” Rainbow asks.

“If you're there, then definitely,” I say without thinking. Fuck, that was really sappy. Rainbow knows it too, laughing at my words, but she does seem to appreciate it. “Quit laughing and get out of my face already.”

“There we go. I was wondering what got you so nice all of a sudden,” Rainbow jokes, prodding me with a hoof. I proceed to bat away her hoof with my hand...to which she responds by smacking my hand with her other hoof. There's a slight pause, and then we start smacking at each other's assorted appendages rapidly until the two of us dissolve in chuckles, as Elegant looks on in obvious disapproval.

“Time's a wasting, Miss Dash,” Elegant informs her with a bitter tone, which causes me to look at her with a glare.

“Hey. We already know that, so fuck you,” I snap back at her, which causes Rarity and the remaining member's of Elegant's staff to look at me in shock and a little bit of admiration. Huh, I guess I'm not the only one that despises her.

“Ahem. It seems you're as unrefined and impolite as ever,” Elegant responds after a short pause. “But if you understand, then get moving.”

“Fine...sheesh,” Rainbow complains, and then she takes to the air, leaving me alone with Rarity, because I think Fluttershy already left when I wasn't paying attention. The one pegasus that's with Elegant goes with Rainbow, but to my amusement, he can't keep up with her whatsoever. Good. Not sure how I feel about him going with Rainbow anyway. Part of me wishes I'd gone with her. Sucks my practical side has to be more prominent at times.

“I don't recall being told what your task is exactly,” Elegant says to me. Every time she talks to me, it's like she's speaking through gritted teeth. “Could you enlighten me?”

“Allow me. I brought Seth along as my personal assistant. I find his presence helps my work become more efficient,” Rarity answers for me with a devious smile, her expression daring Elegant to say anything in opposition to her claim.

“Oh, I...see.” Elegant does her best not to show her shock that somepony actually had something nice to say about me. Still, it's about time somepony threw her off guard. “Well then. I suppose the both of you should come with me. I'll take you to your suite, Miss Rarity.”

“Do call me Rarity, dear. And that won't be necessary. I know the way to the suite,” Rarity replies. Thank god, maybe now Elegant will fuck off. I've had more than enough of her for one day. Or lifetime. Can she just disappear? That would be nice.

Elegant shakes her head. “Be that as it may, I must accompany you nonetheless. My apologies, but I was specifically ordered by Princess Celestia not to let any of you walk the castle by yourselves,” she informs us apologetically. At that, Rarity and I both look at one another, probably both thinking the same thing. Wait what?

“I see. Lead on then, I suppose,” Rarity says haltingly, deciding to go the diplomatic route rather than the confrontational one...which is the route I was just about to take. Nevertheless, now is as good a time as any to find out what the hell is going on. Elegant doesn't like me, but she's never not answered my questions.

I wait until we're inside the castle before saying anything. “Elegant,” I say. Rarity looks at me, her eyes giving me a silent warning not to start anything here in the middle of all these guards. It's fine though, I'm just asking a question.

“What is it, human?” Elegant responds without turning around. Okay, that has to stop.

“First off, my name is Seth,” I finally tell her, tired of being called “human” all the damn time. “Secondly, what's going on? Why is Canterlot inside this magical bubble or whatever?”

“You are curious about the increased security then?” Elegant asks. When I don't reply, she takes that as an agreement and continues. “While the royal wedding is a part of it, there's also something much more significant in effect.”

“Oh? And what would that be?” Rarity inquires. Elegant is silent at first, possibly thinking on whether or not telling us is a good idea.

“There was an attempt on Princess Celestia's life a few days ago, in the middle of the street,” Elegant reveals, her tone deadly serious. My jaw nearly hits the fucking ground. Rarity's surprise shows through a horrified gasp. “In broad daylight, a seemingly normal earth pony walked up to the Princess and attempted to harm her with a poisoned knife.”

“Dear me!” Rarity exclaims, pressing a hoof to her chest.

“Who in the hell would be that fucking stupid?” I demand, as equally shocked as Rarity. “Let me guess, Celestia burnt that fucker to a pile of ash.”

“Not quite. The Princess, fortunately, was on alert, and as such managed to disarm and subdue her attacker,” Elegant continues, once again trying to tell me to refer to Celestia with the proper respect. Bitch. I'll call her whatever I want.

“What happened to him? Did she ever find out why he tried to kill her?” Rarity presses. Elegant nods sagely.

“The would-be assassin was detained and imprisoned by the Royal Guard, and further investigation revealed that the earth pony was under some kind of magical control,” Elegant reveals. “The composition of the magic responsible was unlike any that we've ever seen.”

“Mind control? What kind of creatures can even do that? Sounds like something out of a horror film. Did you ever find out what did it?” I question, feeling like my earlier worry was justified, especially if there's assassins about. I don't really think anything can hurt Celestia, but that doesn't mean the real culprit wouldn't harm her subjects to get to her.

“No, but we did discover that the real perpetrator intended for the assassination attempt to fail, as there was a hidden bundle of magical information bound in the foreign control spell, which was discovered by Commander Pale Rose in her attempts to dissolve the spell,” Elegant proceeds.

“Ah, so that would explain why Rose left Ponyville so abruptly,” Rarity reasons, to which I nod my head in agreement. I can understand her rushing back to Canterlot after a fucking assassination attempt. “What was in this 'bundle' as you put it?”

“A demand for surrender from an unknown enemy,” Elegant answers. “I don't have access to the crystal in which the message was stored, but I can tell you that whoever it was that sent the message threatened that if Canterlot wasn't surrendered to her, she would continue to enslave and kill ponies.”

“Shit. Well, that explains the fucking army you've got out there. And the force field,” I state dumbly. Holy fuck, I'm at Canterlot during what amounts to a fucking siege. This is...wow. I may actually be in real danger here. No wonder we're being escorted everywhere. Still, according to the pony history that I've gathered so far, this is the most volatile thing to happen since the War of Night and Day. I'm literally standing here as history is being made.

“That's...rather frightening. Why hold the wedding, during a situation like this?” Rarity questions worriedly.

“You see, the citizenry are worried, and for good reason. This unknown assailant has threatened even the lives of uninvolved bystanders. The royal wedding is a way to show them that life can continue as normal, despite these dire circumstances,” Elegant explains. Once again, I'm surprised. I can't believe that Celestia went and told her subjects everything that's happened. In my time, an assassination attempt would have been covered up in a flash, and the citizenry lied to.

“Hard to believe life is proceeding as normal if the entire fucking military is out and about,” I remark. Still, it makes sense how the culprit would threaten Celestia's subjects. Because I've felt Celestia's power, and nothing can stop her. Then again, in the end, any attempt to bring her down will end in failure, because even if you manage to kill all of her subjects, you'll just be left with a very very pissed off Celestia who has the power of a fucking god.

“The military's presence helps the citizenry feel safe, as wherever one may go, there are always a large amount of guards to keep you from harm,” Elegant pronounces proudly. Right...I'm pretty sure I'd be more upset if there was a bunch of military guys at my college...but I guess that's a cultural thing, really. Because humans are crazy.

“That's...quite a tale. But I trust in Princess Celestia,” Rarity says after a moment to think. “If she believes the wedding is important, than I shall do my utmost to see it succeed.”

Elegant smiles at that response. “You seem like an agreeable enough pony. It does my heart good to see one such as you in charge of an Element of Harmony,” she praises Rarity, who proceeds to blush. And then there's me, who in her eyes is like some insect that's following her, I have no doubt.

Finally, we stop in front of a fancy door, on either side of which are two royal guards, armed with spears and magic. Elegant opens the door with her magic to reveal what I assume is Rarity's suite. “Here we are. You will have the room entirely to yourselves, but the windows and doors will be watched at all times, for your safety,” she informs us.

“How the fuck do you watch a window?” I demand incredulously. Elegant gives me an annoyed glance, and then she indicates several hovering pegasi just outside the window. “Oh. That's how. Duh.”

“Thank you for the security. I've never felt safer,” Rarity addresses Elegant, and the two unicorn mares shake hooves, smiling at one another.

“It is my pleasure, Rarity. Now, I shall leave you to your work,” Elegant says graciously. Just before she leaves the room, she looks back once more. “Also, you should be prepared to greet Princess Mi Amore Cadenza at some point during the day. She will be periodically checking on your progress.”

“Thanks for the notice. I'll be sure that she is nothing but pleased,” Rarity finishes, and at last, Elegant leaves the room, leaving Rarity and I alone. “Now then, shall we begin? We have so much to do.”

“Sure, let's do it. Thank god that fucking bitch is gone,” I reply, glaring at Elegant's retreating form down the hallway.

“Now Seth, she is only doing her job,” Rarity admonishes me. Again. God, she keeps acting like my mother. It's getting annoying. “But I did notice some animosity between you two. Have you met before?”

“Yes, on my last trip to Canterlot. She was as prissy and bitchy as she was just now, looking at me like I'm not worth the ground I tread on, and pushing her ideals of respect onto me, as if I should follow them,” I tell her. “What she doesn't understand is that I'm not obligated to respect any of you ponies. What respect I give you, you have to earn.”

“I suppose that makes sense, even if I don't agree with the way you're going about it,” Rarity admits. “Though I must ask, do you respect Princess Celestia?”

“Damn right I do. She's earned her position as a ruler in my eyes. She's so perceptive she might as well read minds, she's done nothing but help me since I've met her, and she's so powerful I don't think anything can stop her,” I answer firmly. I still don't know Celestia's motives for helping me so much, but until I see the catch, she can have the benefit of the doubt.

“Why Seth, that's the nicest thing I think I've ever heard you say,” Rarity gasps, though she looks happy despite her surprise.

“Don't get used it, Miss Prissy,” I shoot right back at her, which in turn causes her to sigh in lament and lower her face into her hooves. “Now then, tell me what to do.”

“Of course. First, I'd like you to take out and sort all of my sewing materials: first by type, and then by color,” Rarity directs, indicating the luggage that she's been tugging along with her this whole time.

“Right...and which of these numerous suitcases did you actually put your sewing materials?” I ask, regarding her luggage with some trepidation. She brought a lot of stuff with her. Heh, she's basically Erza.

“The black one, dear,” Rarity replies without looking. She's standing in front of a wooden table, whose surface is slightly angled up in the back. With her magic, Rarity spreads out a sheet of paper on the table, and then removes a pencil from one of the bags in front of me.

“Which black one?” I ask, unamused, as there are several black bags.

“All of them,” Rarity supplies helpfully. Great. With a sigh, I carefully extricate each of the black suitcases and set then in a row on the ground. “Hm...should I start with the bridesmaids' dresses, or the bride herself?”

“I'd suggest bridesmaids. That way you don't go too over the top with them, and then you can make the bride's dress even better,” I suggest, unzipping the suitcases in front of me to reveal all of Rarity's sewing supplies. And dear god, there's a lot of them. Fabrics upon fabrics of varying designs, spools upon spools of every possible color, and then even a sewing machine that once again is powered by magic and not electricity. There's also actually sewing needles in here as well, probably for the finer details that sewing machines can't handle.

“Ooh, that's a good idea. Thank you,” Rarity exclaims, and she immediately puts pencil to paper, so that I can hear the sound of the graphite scratching the surface. “Let's see, if I'm going to do this...each bridesmaid must have a similar style of dress, but a different theme, preferably one that suits the wearer itself. Unfortunately, I don't know who the bridesmaids are going to be, so it would be best to design them with colors that would suit a wide variety of coat colors...”

“Why don't you find out who they are?” I interrupt her musings with my suggestion while I continuously empty out and sort the contents of the black suitcases.

“Pardon?” Rarity seems not to have heard me at all.

“If you don't know who the bridesmaids are, why don't you go find out?” I repeat. A moment later, I accidentally prick my finger on one of Rarity's needs, which causes me to curse rather colorfully.

“Seth! Honestly, you must really endeavor to censor yourself, especially when the princess gets here,” Rarity warns me.

“Oh please, Cadance has taken everything I've thrown at her just fine. I don't need to censor shit,” I remark uncaringly. I make sure to take out the needle carefully this time, though I'm planning terrible things to do to Rarity for putting loose needles in here. Seriously, how irresponsible can you get?

“You've met the princess? What was that you just called her?” Rarity asks, even as she makes a few sketches on the sheet in front of her.

“Cadance. She hates going by her full title. I met her during my last trip to Canterlot, in the garden,” I relate. “She's pretty chill for a princess.”

“You surprise me, Seth. Despite your consistently uncouth attitude, you continue to befriend ponies in the highest of places,” Rarity comments.

“I wouldn't say that Cadance is my friend. If anything, she helped to distract me during all the time I had to myself,” I correct her, even though I am somewhat grateful to Cadance for letting me go to that concert. Still, one simple favor doesn't make a friend. Not to me. “Not to mention, she's way too much like Twilight.”

“Twilight's a remarkable pony. If this princess is like her, then I am sure I will like her,” Rarity affirms. Right...remarkable. That's not the word I'd have used for her. “How would you say they are similar?”

“In that they're stubborn as hell, and when they get started talking about something they really enjoy, they just won't shut up,” I inform her. Rarity looks like she's about to protest, but then hilariously enough, she actually nods.

“I suppose that's a fair point. Though the difference between you and me is that I find that to be an endearing trait, rather than an off-putting one,” Rarity replies.

“Right...anyway, back to my original question. Why don't you go find out who the bridesmaids are, so you can tailor the dresses to their specific colors?” I ask again.

“That's a splendid idea, but...I shouldn't leave my work station. Not when I have yet to even come up with a basic framework for a single dress,” Rarity admits. Then she brightens up. “Say, you're here to assist me, aren't you? Why don't you go find out who the bridesmaids are for me, and then come back?”

“Ugh, I suppose I could. I'll go as soon as I finish sorting all this shit like you told me to,” I say, annoyed. Oh well, at least I'll get a chance to observe the situation in the castle for myself. Maybe I'll get lucky and run into Celestia. I'd like to hear her thoughts on this situation. She can probably explain it a lot better than Elegant Style can.

A few minutes later, the black suitcases are now entirely empty, and all of her materials are sorted into neatly organized piles that she can access whenever she wants. “Okay, I'll be right back,” I say, standing up.

“Do be careful. You know the situation,” Rarity warns me as I walk out the door. Oh please, there's guards everywhere. I think I'll be fine.

“Excuse me, sir,” one of the guards next to the door says suddenly. I pause and turn around, wondering what a random guard could possibly want from me. “You are the human, Seth Rogers?”

“That's right. What's it to you?” I reply in a confrontational manner. The guard does not flinch, but instead glances at the other, who nods.

“You are classified as a VIP for the royal wedding, along with the Elements of Harmony. Therefore, if you wish to move from place to place, you are required to have an escort with you at all times, for your own protection,” the guard explains, his voice clear and sharp.

“Huh...that's bullshit. I don't need an escort,” I retort irritably. Can you not waste my time, weakling? “Don't you know that I once went head to head with what you guys call 'the Blossom Wind?'”

The guard's eyes widen slightly, but that's the only reaction he shows. “Be that as it may, sir, I have my orders. One of us must go with you at all times.”

“Ugh, whatever. Do what you're told, I guess. Just don't bother me,” I say, giving up. It's not really worth it to argue with a peon. Because in the end, they're just going to follow the orders of their superiors.

Without another word, I turn on my heel and march down the hallway. One of the guards next to Rarity's door breaks off to follow me. I don't know where I'm going though. I'm looking for a staff member that can give me some names, so I guess I'll just accost the first official looking pony I find.

However, when I reach the first intersection in the halls, I run into one of the most official ponies there can be. By that, I mean the fucking groom himself, Shining Armor, dressed in full heavy armor befitting a regiment captain. He spots me out of the corner of his eye and stops, turning to face me with a smile. “Well now, this is a surprise. I didn't realize you would be here, Seth,” Shining Armor addresses me, turning away from his initial path to meet me halfway. “How have you been?”

“Clearly not as well as you, considering you're getting married,” I point out, earning a chuckle from him. “I wasn't even aware you had a...what's the pony term...marefriend?”

“Heh, yeah, I've been dating Cadance for well over a year now,” Shining Armor reveals, a dumb smile on his face. I've seen smiles like that before. It's the kind of smile guys wear whenever they talk about their girlfriends. It always used to piss me off to no end. It still does. I don't believe that love is anything more than the desire for sex brought on by natural instincts, so whenever I'd see a smile like that, it always seemed fake. “I almost didn't propose at first. She's a princess, and my family has no ties to nobility.”

“You were already dating her...if you managed to leap across social boundaries already, then what's the point of worrying about them for the proposal?” I remind him. Shining Armor blinks, as if he'd never really thought about that.

“I guess it doesn't really make sense. It might have just been nerves. It wasn't an easy decision, let me tell you,” Shining Armor admits. He looks like he's about to say something more, but then a pained expression crosses his face, and then he winces, lifting a hoof to massage his temple.

“Migraine?” I ask curiously. Shining Armor shakes his head.

“Not in the sense you're thinking. It's stress pains brought on by extended magical use,” Shining Armor explains. “I'm currently holding up a double barrier around the entirety of Canterlot. I have plenty of magic left, but it's taking a toll on me. Thankfully, my bride-to-be has been helping to stave off the pain.”

“Hold on, what? You're the one holding up that massive barrier?” I ask in shock. Canterlot is massive. I can't even imagine how much magic and concentration that must take. Shining Armor nods in confirmation. What? How the hell can he do that and talk to me at the same time? “Christ, I thought that was coming from some kind of magical artifact or something.”

“No. As captain of the Canterlot Royal Unicorn First Regiment, the burden of keeping this city and its ponies safe falls squarely on my shoulders. I will hold this barrier up and our unknown assailant out for as long as I can,” Shining Armor declares, determination showing in his face.

“Huh. Well, good luck with that, I suppose,” I reply, not really knowing anything else to say to something like that. “Do you know who sent the assassin?”

“Unfortunately not. After the spell on the assassin was broken, he couldn't tell us anything,” Shining Armor admits. “But, if I had to take a guess, I'd say the perpetrator is not from Equestria. We've never seen control spells before.”

“I see,” I reply, once again being reminded that I am part of a major historical event. Hopefully a war doesn't break out from this. Still though, it's weird to know that the safety of Canterlot's borders is in this one pony's hooves. Which means...that if the enemy is already in the city, he's one giant target. “Keep yourself safe. The enemy will likely be going after you.”

“I understand. Thank you for your support. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to overseeing the guard, and getting ready for my wedding,” Shining Armor responds, looking genuinely appreciative of my words.

“One last thing. Do you know who the bridesmaids are for the ceremony?” I ask before he has a chance to turn away.

“I believe I do. Let's see, I believe the three of them are from Ponyville. There's Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lyra...” Shining Armor begins.

“...Heartstrings. Son of a bitch,” I groan, completing his sentence for him. Oh great, so Lyra is going to be a part of this? Which means it's only a matter of time until I run into her. Well, this just got worse. What more can possibly happen while I'm here? Oh here, Seth, let me just lock you in a room with Pinkie Pie for a few hours. Seriously, I think I'd die. “Thank you.”

“You don't like her I assume?” Shining Armor asks with some amusement at my annoyed response.

“It's not that. It's that she likes me. A little too much, if you catch my meaning,” I inform him. Shining Armor winces at that, understanding.

“Ooh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I really must be going. I have a lot to do,” he replies, turning back around. “I'll see you later, Seth. It was good seeing you again.”

“Sure, I guess,” I reply awkwardly. At that, Shining Armor leaves me behind. Well, meeting him was unexpected, but at least I got the answers I needed without having to get lost in the castle somewhere. They're all from Ponyville, and Ponyville's not that big of a town, so Rarity should know these ponies. I know she knows Lyra, at the very least.

I turn back around and head back the way I came. It hasn't been very long, but at least now I can give Rarity something to go on.

When I reach the room again, the guard escorting me gives me a salute and returns to his post by the door. Whatever, at least I'm back in the room now. “Rarity! I found out who the bridesmaids are,” I announce immediately upon entering the room.

“Oh? Excellent, do tell. I just finished outlining a basic dress design for them,” Rarity responds, turning her body to reveal her work. Drawn on the paper is a rough sketch of a dress consisting of a long piece of cloth to cover the rump and a thick ribbon that wraps around the pony's neck to hold it all together, which is decorated by a large flower. In addition, there's a pearl wreath for the head. “What do you think?”

“Looks good. Though I'm not really the one to ask about whether or not pony clothing looks good,” I remark. “Also, the bridesmaids are all from Ponyville.”

“Then I probably know them. What are their names?” Rarity asks curiously.

“Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lyra Heartstrings,” I answer, glad that I'm safe in this room where Lyra will definitely not be.

“Interesting choices. I wonder what inspired them?” Rarity comments. I agree with that. Who the fuck would pick Lyra for a bridesmaid? She's nowhere close to the image I have of a typical bridesmaid. Which isn't really that thorough, but shut up. “But at least now I have something to go on. Would you get the ponyquins down from the cart? It's time to get started.”

Oh sheesh. Well, it's time to get to work, I suppose.

Several hours pass as we get to work. I'm flying all over the place the whole time, making sure Rarity has everything she needs to keep working without having to stop for any reason. One time I even get her a glass of fucking water. I would complain, but I am getting paid for this.

Finally though, Rarity puts the last stitch in the last dress, which is the bride's dress itself. It's a roughly similar design to the bridesmaids' dresses, but differing in the details. The back is pure white, accented by golden swirls. Instead of a ribbon, there's a royal purple and golden metal band holding the dress to the ponyquin, adorned with a cyan crystal in the shape of a heart, like Cadance's butt tattoo. On top of the ponyquin's head, there's a flowery wreath, to which is attached a translucent white veil, similar to what I'd expect from a wedding gown.

“Excellent! I'm rather proud of it,” Rarity declares, putting down the needle and thread with a satisfied sigh. “Now, what do you think of this, Seth?”

Before I can answer, a very angry looking Twilight storms into the room. I can practically see the veins twitching on her head. “I can't believe this!” Twilight rages without even greeting us first. When she reaches us, she starts to pace back and forth. “I'm so angry, I can't even see straight!”

“Twilight, dear, whatever is the matter?” Rarity asks, concerned. I think I'll just stay out of this one, myself. It's obvious Twilight is just going to go on another childish tantrum.

“It's Cadance! Did you know she used to be my foalsitter?” Twilight exclaims, confirming my suspicions.

“Really? Then wouldn't it be a good thing that your brother is marrying somepony you know?” Rarity inquires.

“It would have been, but something's wrong. She doesn't even remember me! The mare that once told me she was the luckiest foalsitter in the world now doesn't even remember my name!” Twilight laments. Okay, that doesn't sound right. When I met Cadance, she recognized Twilight's name the second I mentioned it. She even called Twilight a “remarkable filly.” So why does she all of a sudden not remember Twilight? That is, if I assume Twilight is telling the truth. She might just be jealous.

“That doesn't seem right,” Rarity murmurs. “Are you sure it's the same mare that foalsat you?”

“Absolutely. She looks exactly as I remember her. Plus, my brother told me as much. But you should have seen how she acted! I don't know when or how she changed, but she did,” Twilight expresses. She then proceeds to do an imitation of what I assume is supposed to be Cadance. “'Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza...”

“Did I hear somepony say my name?” sounds a voice from the door that is unmistakeably Cadance, but it is spoken in an irritated tone that I've never heard Cadance use before.

Something isn't right here.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter! Man, I am so excited to be writing this, I wrote three chapters in the space that it would usually take me to write one. I'm already halfway through the fourth. So, if everything goes well, there will be a possible quadruple update in your future.

Finally, Cadance arrives? Or does she? Find out next time, on..okay, I'm not doing that. Anyway, I tried my best to skip over most canon events. If I couldn't, I at least tried to rephrase them to fit the characterization that I've built up for them.

Also, I've already bumped up the rating slightly. I changed "A threat's been made on Canterlot" to "a pony with a fucking knife tried to stab Celestia!"

Now then, leave your comments (because I love them), and prepare for another chapter tomorrow! (I hope).

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