• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,526 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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126. Hawke's Decision

Hawke's face is so perfect right now. For a man who's been alive for over three thousand years, I doubt anything could have prepared him for the ridiculousness that is Pinkie Pie. Despite his dark and imposing appearance, as well as the knowledge we all have of the things that he's done to us, Pinkie is treating him just like the rest of us.

Hawke attempts to keep the hyperactive pink pony in his view, but ultimately gives up, because Pinkie is bouncing around him relentlessly. “Did I hear you right? Did you truly call me...Hawkie?” Hawke repeats in a level voice. I'm still a little tense, because despite how he hasn't taken any hostile actions yet, I don't know him that well. Hawke exhales with irritation, unable to follow Pinkie's movement. “And can you please remain still?”

“Whoops! Sorry!” Pinkie skids to a stop in front of Hawke, somehow still carrying the tray of cupcakes. I can't help but notice Hawke's eyes dart down to the fresh confections. Pinkie gives him a bright and happy smile. “So how was the cupcake? I made these to celebrate your arrival, because now Sethie can have another friend just like him! I hope you like strawberry and vanilla, because those are his favorite flavors! You see, he didn't tell me at first, but I found out through dumb luck!”

Hawke lets a disbelieving exhale, seemingly unable to comprehend the words coming out of Pinkie's mouth. It's true that she's being very welcoming to him...just like she was to me back when she first met me. I don't blame him for not knowing how to react.

Instead of answering her question, Hawke leaned down and reached a gloved hand towards the tray. He hesitates before taking one. “May I have another?” Hawke asks simply, and my jaw drops, as do several of the others. He's actually going for it? Goddamn, Pinkie.

If Pinkie's smile gets any wider, I feel like the corners of her mouth will right off of her face. “Take as many as you want, silly! I made them for us all to share! Cupcakes for everyone!” Pinkie exclaims happily. After Hawke picks up another of her cupcakes, she bounces back towards the dining table. “Don't just stand there! Come sit down and join us for dessert!”

“I can't believe this is happening,” Rainbow whispers to me, having joined me at some point while I'd been watching Hawke.

“That makes two of us. I'm about to sit down for dessert with someone I thought to be one of my greatest enemies,” I reply back, keeping my voice low. We look back to Hawke to see him standing there hesitantly, unsure if he should follow or not.

“Well, you comin'?” Applejack addresses the still shell-shocked Hawke. She lets a small smile show on her face when Hawke gives her a confused expression. “Pinkie'll be upset if ya don't join us, and that ain't good. She went all out on dessert this time 'round.”

“They're really nice, Governor General,” Mist adds from her position beside Hawke, still addressing him by his former title. “Even to individuals like you and I.”

“Very well. If you are inviting me, I shall accept,” Hawke finally says after a while, much to Mist's relief. He looks at me next. “It seems there is some truth to what you've said. I have never been greeted in such a way.”

“Oh trust me. The second you think you have these ponies figured out, they always surprise you,” I assure him with a half grin. I've said that very same thing to myself several times since getting to Equestria. “Now come on. I'm getting a bit of a craving for sweets myself.”

Soon, the dining room is completely filled. With the additions of Salamul, Mist, and Hawke, this makes eleven of us sitting around the wooden table. Well, currently, there's only ten of us, what with Salamul standing in the doorway. His armor practically fills the whole hall.

“I made cake!” Pinkie trills. She zips in and out of the kitchen at a speed I can barely follow, quickly filling the tables with a variety of sweets There's so many of them I feel like she could open a bakery just with this spread here.

“Where did you find the materials for these?” Hawke questions curiously from his position in the seat beside me. He's still holding the cupcake he'd taken from Pinkie's tray in his hand. “It should not be possible to obtain such refined ingredients this far north.”

“Oh Hawkie, I never leave home without all the ingredients I need to make dessert!” Pinkie exclaims nonsensically, producing a large platter filled with bags of sugar, flour, and other assorted baking materials. Hawke's eyes bug out at the spread that suddenly appeared from nowhere.

“But where were you keeping them? To make even a single dish, a great many ingredients are necessary,” Hawke demands, even more confused. I chuckle under my breath and shake my head. He hasn't learned yet that you don't question how Pinkie works. She just does. Even somepony as analytical as Twilight has accepted that fact.

“In my mane, silly!” Pinkie explains as if it should have been obvious. I have to physically try not to burst out laughing at this point. Hawke looks like he's going to have an aneurism or something if Pinkie says even one more thing he can't understand.

“In your...” Hawke starts to repeat, but cuts off halfway through and just sighs, holding his head in one hand. Around the table, some of the ponies start snickering and giggling, like Applejack and Rainbow. “I don't understand.”

“You get used to it,” I assure him, reaching for a plate myself. That cake looks particularly delicious. “Thanks for the food, Pinkie. I could really use a sweet fix right now.”

“That's what I'm here for!” Pinkie replies with a beaming smile. Her head quickly turns to Salamul, who has been standing silently behind us all the whole time. “Why are you standing there all frowny? Come join us, Sally!”

Salamul's eyebrow visibly rises at that. “That's a mare's name,” he deadpans. Despite that, he does move to join us without further complaint.

“Oh, so it is. Hm, Salad? Muley? Salamander?” Pinkie starts listing off an array of possible nicknames, each one more ridiculous than the last.

“Salamul?” Salamul suggests wryly, the whole table shaking as he sits down at the last remaining seat. Pinkie puts on a shocked face, as if calling the warlord by his actual name never actually occurred to her.

With that, the eleven of us start to dig into our desert with gusto. All except for Hawke of course. He's still holding the cupcake, staring at it with an unreadable expression. Eventually, Applejack calls him out on it.

“Somethin' wrong, sugarcube? Yer lookin' at that cupcake like you never seen one before,” Applejack observes.

“You wouldn't be wrong. I have not seen such foods for hundreds of years,” Hawke admits, much to everyone's shock.

“What!? How have you not seen a cupcake!?” Pinkie cries out as if such a thing was a heinous crime.

“There were no more bakeries in my time,” Hawke answers, gently peeling the paper away from the bottom of the cupcake. “My only thoughts were of survival, rather than luxury. I suppose it would have been a simple matter to farm and produce the materials myself, but there were far more important studies to occupy my time.”

“That...sounds...miserable!” Pinkie whines, her bottom lip poking out. “What about cakes? Pies? Turnovers? Cookies? Brownies? Eclairs? Pastries? Doughnuts? Muffins?!”

Hawke shook his head one last time, and I swear Pinkie looks like she's about to cry. She suddenly shoves the whole tray of cupcakes over to Hawke. “Eat them all! We have three thousand years of not eating sweets to make up for!”

Hawke shrugs, but doesn't protest, biting into the cupcake in his hand in a proper manner. I shake my head and continue eating. It's a bit surreal to think about Hawke sitting here with the rest of us, sharing dessert. I'm glad that my talk with him seems to have had an effect.

Now the only thing I have to worry about is how he'll react to Celestia when she arrives.

Eventually, the day comes to an end. After finishing dessert, my friends and I start up a conversation about the different things that we'd do when the whole war is over. Hawke and Salamul pointedly stay out of the conversation, remaining silent.

“I'm going to throw a party the likes of which Equestria's never seen! I'll make it as large as a whole castle! No, a whole city!” Pinkie proclaims to absolutely no one's surprise. At this point, that's one party I'd go to in a heartbeat. “I'll invite the whole country! I'll invite other countries! Worldwide party!”

“I just want to go back to my animals and make sure they're okay. They must be so worried without me there to look after them,” Fluttershy expresses quietly, looking more than worried herself. “Poor Angel...he gets so mad if he's not fed his favorite foods.”

“Trixie thinks she'll start touring again. It's been so long since her last show,” Trixie decides, looking a little uncertain. “After all, the whole of Equestria must hear about our victory!”

“Just make sure to keep things a little more truthful this time, sugarcube,” Applejack teases her lightly. Trixie flushes and tosses a marshmallow at the farm pony...who then catches it in her mouth and eats it. “As for me, ah ain't gonna do nuthin special. Just gonna go relax with mah family in Ponyville an' take care of the farm. How 'bout you, Dash?”

“Oh, Seth and I already know what we're doing!” Rainbow chimes in eagerly. She's about to continue when she notices the expressions on Applejack and Pinkie. “Both of you, stop smirking! We're just going on a trip around Equestria for a little while, to see the sights!”

“Oh, how romantic! Then the both of you will be alone all you want!” Pinkie trills, causing Rainbow to blush.

“That's not what I...aaagh!” Rainbow groans, causing the other ponies to laugh at her expense.

“That aside, there's a lot of places in Equestria I haven't seen yet. I want to know a little more about the land I'm living in,” I add on with a smile. Pinkie can tease all she wants, but I'm really looking forward to it.

“I'm looking forward to some simple monster extermination missions,” Swift adds, joining the conversation. “I used to wish for something serious to happen, but now I'm perfectly happy to go back to doing nothing. This is all too much.”

“Yeah, lucky for the rest of you. No doubt it's going to be crazy for us changelings,” Pterax put in bitterly. “You guys know where our hive is now. We can't exactly hide right now without taking the whole hive and running.”

“Yer helpin' us now, right? We don't need to fight after this, do we?” Applejack asks in alarm. Pterax shrugs.

“I don't know. Maybe not, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be busy for us. If we get recognition from the International Committee, we're going to have our work cut out for us,” Pterax explains. Yeah, I guess that's true. I'm not sure what kind of role Pterax will have in it all, but Chrysalis for sure is going to be really busy.

“For me too,” Mist joins in softly. “I want to put the Crystal Empire back to the way it was...even if the other crystal ponies never forgive me.”

The room falls silent after that. Mist has it pretty tough after everything is said and done. Who knows if the other crystal ponies will accept her back?

“This conversation is pointless,” Hawke interjects, setting down his glass of water. All eyes turn upon him at his sudden interruption. “You are but distracting yourself from the battle to come. Should you not be spending this time preparing yourselves?”

“What are you talkin' about?” Applejack questions. Hawke shakes his head in disbelief.

“Your plans for the future are meaningless if you are defeated,” he asserts. “You realize that you are walking into a battle where the chances of success are very slim?”

“I refuse to believe that. We haven't come this far to lose now!” Rainbow snaps at Hawke, pounding the table with her hoof. Applejack and Swift nod in agreement at that point. Hawke's eyes narrow.

“It does not matter how far you have come. King Sombra's plans leave very little room for error. With the addition of Seth's evolved power and the Alicorn Amulet, his strength is nigh insurmountable,” Hawke tells us firmly. At this point, he's starting to sound a lot like Mist...and a lot like me, back when I nearly lost hope in Trotsdale. “Should your princesses fall, he will crush you and your army, and then you will have no future.”

“That's enough,” I cut across Hawke before he can say anything else negative. “We know exactly what we're walking into. We know how strong he is, and what will happen if we fail.”

“Seth's right. We're not going to give up hope for the future just because our enemy is strong,” Rainbow agrees fervently, standing up on her chair and leaning over the table. “I'm going to have faith in Seth and the princesses...they'll take down the big bad and save everyone! Just you wait!”

“That's right. Ah ain't gonna give up as long as we still got each other,” Applejack joins in as well. She sees how skeptical Hawke is starting to look and leans in closer. “Call us naïve if ya want. But this is what we believe. Equestria ain't never gonna fall to this Sombra. Ain't that right, everypony?”

Swift, Trixie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all chorus in agreement at that. Hawke is quiet, his hands clasped together on top of the table. “Hm...your unity is evident, if nothing else,” Hawke concedes. “I look forward to seeing if you succeed.”

“Where are you going?” Salamul demands when Hawke rises from the table. The warlord gets up as well, ready to intercept if necessary.

“I wish to return to my cell. The hour is late, and I grow tired,” Hawke answers shortly. He moves for the door without waiting for an answer, his coat flapping in the air behind him as he walks. Salamul and Mist move to follow him.

“Do I need to come too?” I ask Salamul as he passes me. The warlord shakes his head tersely, so I sit back down. I guess he's okay with Hawke going back to his cell. Celestia should be here soon, and then Hawke won't pose much more of a threat. “Alright, I'll be here if you need me.”

There's a silence after Hawke and the others are gone. “He's...scary,” Fluttershy whispers. Some of the others nod.

“Aww, he's not so bad. He just really really needs a friend!” Pinkie proclaims. Right, well, good luck with that. He's probably going to be more difficult on that front than I was, and I was pretty bad myself.

“He's right about one thing though,” Applejack says. She yawns widely, showing the exhaustion in her face. “Ah'm tired. Thinkin' we should call it a night.”

“That's a good idea. The princess is getting here tomorrow, so it won't be much longer before it's time to march again,” Swift agrees. The others let out various murmurs of agreement, and we all start getting up from the table. “For better or worse, it's almost over.”

The sound of scraping chairs fill the room as the table is abandoned in favor of more comfortable demesnes. I stretch out my limbs and yawn, starting to feel a little tired myself. Rainbow rubs against my side as she moves for the stairs. She looks back and beckons to me with a quick head motion. I smile wryly and follow her.

“Good night, everyone,” Fluttershy says to all of us as she retreats into her room. She's answered with reciprocating murmurs from everypony else as we all split into our separate rooms.

After I take a moment to strip off all the heavy clothes I'm wearing, Rainbow and I hop into the bed together. It's funny how comfortable I've gotten laying with her like this, even though I'm wearing practically nothing. It's a nice feeling, the way her warm fur brushes up against my bare skin.

“Good night, Seth,” Rainbow murmurs to me tiredly, kissing me gently on the cheek. I chuckle faintly and wrap an arm around her shoulder, pressing her closer to me.

“Good night, Rainbow.”

Wrapped once again in thick winter clothes, I stand just outside the police station, accompanied by a few other guards. Iron is here as well. Salamul would be here too, but he is inside guarding Hawke.

I rub my aching eyes with one hand. I woke up pretty early, thanks to a guard coming to get me. Celestia's going to be here really soon, so It was best to get an early start.

The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon, casting daylight's first rays over the town of Everwinter. From the northwest, hundreds of changelings are arriving, called here by Chrysalis. With her are the Pegasus Corps, led by Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts. From either side of us, airships steadily fly in, carrying the Equestrian and Griffon forces.

According to Chrysalis, who was here not too long ago, the final assault is going to be launched from here. We don't have enough troops to surround the capital, so we're hitting it head on. Cadance, Shining Armor, and Luna have already arrived, and are coordinating the troops that arrive in preparation for the final battle. No doubt the other commanders will arrive soon. Now that our flanks are secure, there's nothing stopping us from taking the fight to Sombra.

I cast my gaze upwards as I hear the fluttering of wings. Celestia herself descends from the skies and gracefully lands on the icy ground not too far from Iron and I. When her eyes alight upon us, she smiles briefly, but that expression is soon replaced with stern determination.

“It's good to see the both of you,” Celestia greets us, dipping her head slightly. Iron bows his head in respect as well, but I remain still. “I wish I had the time to exchange pleasantries, but we have more pressing matters to deal with. Where is the other human?”

“Just inside with my brother, your Highness,” Iron answers smartly. “He has proven to be rather difficult. He refuses to be confined, and renders any attempts to do so ineffective. We have settled with escorting him from place to place.”

“I see. Has he caused any trouble?” Celestia questions, looking troubled. Iron shakes his head wordlessly. Celestia sighs, glancing towards the police station briefly before turning her gaze to me. She gives me a small smile. “I'm glad to see that things have turned out for the best. I was worried that he might prove too tough of an opponent for you to overcome, Seth.”

“Oh geez, don't get me started. I was convinced that I was in hell the whole time. Have you ever been inside a volcano?” I grunt, wincing at the memory of the intense heat that I fought through. “Which then started to erupt while you were in it?”

“I can't say that I have,” Celestia returns, giggling a little at my words. “Nevertheless, I know that defeating him meant a lot to you. How do you think I should deal with him?”

“What? You're asking me?” I reply in shock. Celestia nods solemnly. “I can't make a decision like that. You're the one who knows all about how to judge people and stuff, and I can't even handle a simple combat mission.”

“He is your kind, Seth. If anyone should have a say in this, it is you,” she explains to me firmly. “You don't have the make the decision if you don't feel you can, but I will welcome any insight you have to share.”

I close my eyes and sigh. She has a point, but...I guess it'll be fine if I just tell her what I've found out from my conversations with Hawke. “He's...a difficult case. He's very similar to me, in that we had very limited independence in our lives,” I try to explain as best as I can. “He's different in that his..well...the thing that kept him sane...was taken.”

“I see. So you believe you understand his actions,” Celestia responds. I nod reluctantly. “However, he has taken direct action against Equestria. He has opposed us for a long time. While his circumstances may be tragic, we cannot ignore that it is his actions that have given Sombra this army.”

“Yeah...I know that. But you might have to force him to accept any judgment from you. He was very clear that he doesn't respect your authority,” I explain to her. “He's been living alone for...well...he's far older than you.”

“Is he? Was he not transferred here in the same fashion as yourself?” Celestia questions, visibly surprised. I shake my head solemnly. Celestia looks very interested at that. “Intriguing...the only immortals that I have met have been my sister...and Discord. I suppose I can understand why he would find it difficult to accept my decisions.”

“You can? Then what do you intend to do?” I ask curiously. Celestia sighs, suddenly looking very serious.

“This leaves me with very few options. I will attempt to speak with him and determine a course of action from there. However, if he intends to remain our enemy, I will be forced to banish him,” Celestia answers. I raise an eyebrow.

“You really think he would care about being exiled? He's proven that he can hide from you,” I remind her.

“No, Seth. I am not referring to exile. I am referring to Tartarus,” Celestia answers. I freeze. I remember hearing that word several times, as a place where only the worst criminals are taken. “Short of killing him, that would be the best method of nullifying the threat.”

“Jesus...well, I hope it doesn't come to that,” I respond. “The guy's had it pretty rough.”

“I hope so as well, Seth. It is not a course of action that I would ever willingly take. It is a hellish place,” Celestia answers sadly. “I will do the best I can, but I make no...”

Celestia suddenly cuts off as the both of us become aware of another presence in the clearing. Our heads turn to see Hawke standing just in front of the police station, having appeared from seemingly nowhere. He's staring directly at Celestia, his expression as cold and emotionless as always.

“You are Celestia,” Hawke addresses her directly, striding purposefully forward. Celestia turns to face him, summoning enough magic such that I can feel it, but not enough that we can see it just yet. Nevertheless, she's clearly ready to fight if she needs to. “I have heard much about you from many sources. You have made quite the name for yourself over the past two thousand years. It is high time the two of us have a chance to speak.”

“I agree completely. Your name is Hawke, is it not?” Celestia responds, equally as seriously. I step away, moving to stand beside Iron. I'll step in if I need to, but it looks like this is a conversation for Hawke and Celestia only.

“It is. I sensed your presence immediately upon your arrival,” Hawke answers. He grits his teeth. “I know you intend to pass judgment upon me like some petty prisoner of war. I will tell you now that I will not stand for it.”

“So I have been told,” Celestia responds tactfully. At this point, I feel like Hawke is playing with fire. She can crush him easily, and everyone here knows it. I'm just not sure that he does. “What then, do you intend to gain from this conversation?”

Hawke is quiet for a few seconds. He then sighs. “I do not intend to harm you, if that is your concern,” he assures her. “I am here to come to an understanding between us, from one immortal to another.”

“I see. As for me, I am here to ensure that you do not bring harm to me or my dear ponies,” Celestia returns. “You have aided King Sombra, Equestria's worst enemy. You understand that it brings me no small amount of unease to have you amongst my subjects.”

“King Sombra gave my life back to me. All I have done, I did to repay him,” Hawke answers. “Yet, as Seth helped me to understand, I have only allowed myself to be used once more. To be honest, I find myself at a loss. I have no purpose now.”

“So you mean to tell me that all you have done has been out of a sense of gratitude, rather than malicious intent?” Celestia asks curiously. Hawke nods solemnly. “Hm...will you share your story with me?”

“No. My tale is my own,” Hawke's answer is damn quick. “I did what I did in order to get revenge on those who wronged me. I would do it again, if given the choice.”

Celestia's expression darkens, and I start to wonder if she really is going to send him to Tartarus. “What was your friend's name?” Celestia asks simply. Hawke's eyes widen, taken by surprise. “I can tell you are not being entirely truthful with me. Revenge is usually done for the sake of another. Am I correct?”

“You are...perceptive,” Hawke responds after a pause. I can tell he too is taken aback by Celestia. Without even trying, she managed to draw out the root cause of his darkness...just like she did to me. “Her name was Klara.”

“And do you think she would approve of the lengths to which you've gone to avenge her?” Celestia continues without missing a beat. Hawke's eyes narrow, his brow wrinkling in growing anger. “I understand your feelings, but killing those humans did nothing but lead you down the wrong path. Revenge will not bring back the dead, nor will it give you happiness. Do you not agree?”

“You believe you understand? Don't presume to lecture me with your pointless pre-rehearsed admonitions, pony. I have lived far longer than...” Hawke starts to snap at her, but he doesn't get a chance to go further.

“No, Hawke. You may have endured for all of the long years of your life, but you have not lived,” Celestia asserts, her face set into a frown. Just that one line causes me to get chills that have nothing to do with the cold weather. Even Hawke is taken aback by that one line. “Do you truly believe that all you have done truly makes up for the tragic death of your friend?”

“You...” Hawke tries to say, but he can't seem to form a coherent response.

“I am very sorry for your loss...but all you have done is added more sadness to the world, in an attempt to fill that hole left by her absence,” Celestia continues to berate him. “I understand how that feels. I have lost many friends over the years...and nothing can make the pain of their loss go away. But I will never lose myself to it as you have.”

“You want a purpose?” Celestia walks towards him determinedly. “Break free from your past. Atone for what you've done by persevering and working to make this world a better place. Settle down someplace, make friends, and live your life the way it should have been. Make your friend proud of the man you are.”

Hawke is quiet for a long time in the face of Celestia's words, as if thinking them over. Eventually he sighs. “You have a way with words, princess,” Hawke admits, crossing his arms. Finally, he meets Celestia's gaze. “Very well. Celestia, I request to withdraw from this conflict.”

“What will you do?” Celestia asks.

“I will give you all of the information I have concerning the Crystal Empire,” Hawke answers, much to my delight. That'll make the final assault much easier if we know more about what to expect. “After that I intend to return to my home in the Crystal Mountains. You have given me much to think about. You are...not like anyone I've ever met.”

“Damn straight,” I whisper under my breath. Hawke may have lived longer than her, but he's nowhere near as wise and experienced as she is. She's just incredible.

“Very well. I welcome your assistance,” Celestia agrees. “If you would meet me in the central building, I will receive your information there. I have some matters to take care of first.”

Hawke nods, and starts to walk away, as composed as ever despite the tongue lashing he just received. However, before he leaves the clearing, he stops, as if remembering something. He clicks his fingers, and a very familiar object forms in his hands. “Seth, this belongs to you,” he says, and then he tosses it to me before I can respond.

I catch the slender object in both hands, its weight taking me by surprise. In shock, I look down to see my old rifle in its standard form, looking as good as it ever has. “No fucking way,” I utter, wrapping my fingers around the handle out of habit. “Goddamn, I have missed you. How did you get this out of the volcano before it erupted?”

“Items bound to your magic can never be separated from you. With the right technique, it is easy to call them back to you,” Hawke explains. Wait, really? I never knew that...that's really useful. Hawke surprises me further by forming Vanta's scythe once more. “Nor can they truly break. They will eventually reform themselves, given enough time.”

To test his theory, I pass the rifle to my other hand and open my newly freed hand. Sure enough, with a little focus, my sword reappears there, looking as good as new. Holy shit, I learn more about this magic every day.

“Now, if you'll excuse me,” Hawke says, and then his body dissolves into smoke, eerily streaking through the streets and out of sight. Now, it's just Celestia, Iron, and I in the clearing...not counting the other soldiers.

“You sure it's a good idea to let him go? What if he goes back to Sombra?” I ask Celestia once Hawke is out of view.

“I do not think he will. You were right about him. There is pain in those eyes, even if he hides it very well,” Celestia answers me. You know, just once I wish I could see the world through her eyes. She always seems to know just the right things to say or do. “However, I am not without caution. I will devise a way to keep an eye on him, despite his ability to hide himself.”

“That's good,” I reply, even though I have no idea how to remotely spy on someone who can hide himself so well. I guess I should just trust her. Celestia has never steered us wrong before and...wow, I think this is the first time I've had so much faith in one pony. This country couldn't have a better ruler. “So what's the plan? I know we're all forming up here for the attack, but when should I get ready? What's my role?”

“You will receive your assignment once I have gathered as much information as possible on the capital's defenses. At the least, I can tell you that I intend to keep you away from the front lines as much as possible. I need you at full power for the fight against King Sombra,” Celestia answers me. She then turns and gives me a warm smile, as if she can tell how nervous I am about the battle to come. “We will not be marching for several hours at the least. Get some rest and spend time with your friends.”

“That's an order I can get behind,” I respond wryly. I move to stand beside Celestia, crossing my arms. I heave a sigh as I stare up at the sky. “I guess it's almost over, huh?”

“Are you nervous?” Celestia asks softly, brushing her side up against me. I let out an incredulous scoff at that. That should have been self-evident. Still, if anypony understands how I feel right now, it's Celestia.

“Terrified. I mean, to be honest, your power scares me, and he's even stronger than you,” I admit to her. “I don't know if we'll all get out of this in one piece.”

“Sombra is indeed strong, but I am confident we will succeed,” Celestia assures me. “Just do your best and remember what you are fighting to protect. Stay strong, Seth. Have faith in your friends, just as I have faith in you.”

“Thanks,” is all I can say in response. Honestly, her words do help, but I can't shake this feeling of unease. I know just who I'm going to be fighting: King Sombra...the strongest magical being I've ever seen. After a silence, I sigh and step away. “Alright, I'm going to take your advice and get some more sleep. I'll be ready by the time we march.”

“Alright. Sleep well. You and I will need all the rest we can get,” Celestia responds. She leans her nose forward and gently nuzzles my cheek. I awkwardly attempt to reciprocate, though I'm sure that I messed up. Celestia chuckles, but clearly appreciates the effort. She steps away and lets me go, turning the other way herself. No doubt she has much more important things to take care of. I take my leave of her not long after that.

My feet crunch on the icy ground as I make my way back to the house. I look up at the sky. It's still early...but I haven't really had a good night's sleep since this whole war began. Today's no exception, considering it's barely past dawn. I really need some rest. I heave a sigh, noticing the airships flying in. I'm looking forward to seeing the others.

My breath catches in my throat as I near my house. I don't know how in the hell I'll be able to sleep now, knowing what's in store for me. This really is it, isn't it? Only a matter of hours before we're marching on the empire...where the final battle awaits.

Author's Note:

It's been a really long time since the last chapter...which is not entirely my fault. I have three chapters written...I started writing the second I got back from Bronycon, and I haven't stopped. The issue was, my editor took a holiday for a week...and expressed that he didn't want me posting without him like I have been doing. :twilightblush: Hence the wait.

I got started on this one the second I got back from Bronycon. Which...freakin awesome as always! There's absolutely nothing better than being in an environment like that, where the atmosphere is of happiness and friendship, and everyone there is as happy and friendly as you are. I can turn my head and talk to a random stranger, and then have a decent conversation.

Though, as you may expect, the best part was the Karaoke. Not all of the videos are up yet, but there was a part when I completely forgot how to be socially awkward. I was singing Apples to the Core with a few others while waiting for the MC to get there and start the event. The staff heard us and thought it was a good idea, so they put the song up on the projector for the rest of us to sing along to. When they played Smile, the entire room got up and starting marching around in a parade, like friggin West Side Story style. I was at the head of that parade, which then led to me being the first on stage.

Like before, here's the video if you want to see me singing again.

Lastly, the vote from last chapter. I'm sorry for all of you who voted for Hawke or Iron, but Amaryllis won by a freakin' landslide. I didn't realize people liked her character so much. This now of course raises an issue that I didn't think about.

Her story has to do mostly with the humans. It'll include Vanta, Frozen, and a few Oppressed, but apart from that, it's mostly human focused. I thought of circumventing the pony related issue by placing a segment with Seth reminiscing to Rainbow at his house about Amaryllis, and having each little segment relate to the chapter as a whole, and have that as the way to get around the pony issue, but I don't know. any ideas on that front?

Lastly and most importantly, this story is very close to over. The next chapter starts the the final battle, which'll take maybe three chapters or so. Who knows. Anyway, thanks to Schadenponi for (finally) editing this, and as for the rest of you, don't forget to leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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