• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXII – Promises

“Once more, thank you for your astonishing performance, Count.”

Twilight expressed her gratitude anew, slowly preparing to leave the room alongside the Covenant. She had taken notice that Ebony Crescent seemed significantly more than just “satisfied” with himself. Although, even if it were to be pride emanating from him, it would have been easily justifiable.

They were both standing a bit away from the table, by the podium on which his instrument was placed, leaving enough room for the Lords to gather up. Sunfall Word particularly. He was slowly rising from his seat, attempting to stretch his elderly limbs whilst grimacing in discomfort.

It was granting Twilight some more time to converse freely. “Is playing the poltawca your special talent?” she asked.

“As it happens no, Princess. But I find turning to it relaxing after hours of reading and studying, so I grew somewhat proficient,” the stallion replied, smirking widely. “I am overjoyed that I have managed to convince you that my rather... crude abilities are worthy of your ears.”

“You are too modest, Count. I do not think I have ever heard a more enchanting melody. It was recounting the entire story so... clearly, I could feel every emotion, every note, right in my heart,” Twilight admitted, staring into his pear eyes.

She found that strange glint in them. A warm one. A pleasant one. When Ebony Crescent bowed his head, his expression was that of abashment. He was fighting a deep, lucid blush.

“Honored Princess...” he whispered, but then stopped himself, looking to the side.

“Yes, Count? Speak your mind, by all means,” she encouraged him.

“Would it be overstepping, daring to hope for performing for your pleasure again soon?” he inquired, timidly, finally looking back at her, his words chosen with great care.

He was more than tactful, Twilight had to give him that. Considering what he had shown when it came to his virtuosity, she was more than willing to grant him such chance. Besides, there was something really likable about him.

“I shall welcome your recitals always, Count,” she assured him, feeling that it would be another proper way of repaying him for his performance.

He smiled meekly, letting out a nervous chuckle. “Please, Princess, call me ‘Ebony Crescent’,” he proposed. “It shall honor me greatly.”

Twilight had to valiantly fight her own muzzle reddening. The Count behaved absolutely charmingly and she found it particularly hard to refuse. It did not help that he was so timid, soft-spoken... rather good-looking... and...

... and appealing...?

“It is time we congregate!” Midnight Eye, having had examined his long overcoat with due regard, declared abruptly, his tone firm and commanding. “Please, Princess, we must proceed to the Seat.”

“Oh, of course, Honored Lord!” she answered before turning one last time to the Count. “Well... until we meet again, Ebony Crescent.”

“I shall be counting the hours, Honored Princess,” he promised her solemnly, his lips curling into a smile most warm.

The trot towards the Seat was uneventful, aside from Bright Crescent fanatically asking Twilight about her choice of manestyle. She was courtly letting him know that she had simply been observing the local choices when it came to coiffure, trying to find something that would inspire her. It earned her even more praise from him, as he schmoozed about how some mares bored him with their opinions on the matter.

It was rather comical watching the stallions energetic, upbeat reactions in comparison to the feeling of disheartening that was emanating from Midnight Eye at his colleague’s ranting and “has” of further admiration.

The group entered the grand chamber soon, passing by the Bloodletter statue reminding all of them of their crimson oaths. They took their places inside, Twilight’s eyes escaping towards the massive chart. To Shades’ Hollow and the Eastern Woods.

Something began to burn her heart from the inside as she stared at the golden lands of Equestria. She attempted to discredit it at first, yet it lingered, persistently. That little, kindling shame, accompanying the realization of the horrors that had taken place a millennium ago. The outcome of which she was bound to tackle.

Midnight Eye shifted in his place and cleared his throat when everypony sat down. He looked around the gathered, then focused on Twilight.

“Honored Princess,” he began the assembly, “we have gathered here yet again, prepared to recommence our talks and continue in the negotiations. However, considering yesternight’s... events,” he accentuated, “now collated with your recent declarations, we, the Covenant, made a decision. We are willing to grant you time and opportunities to learn of our case, Princess. Whilst our initial proclamation stands, we have concluded that you do require further justification of our claim. So that, whatever decision is made, it shall be reached after careful deliberation and thorough thought.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. Well, that was a start, she thought. She was presented with the time that she had hoped for, despite the cruel, sudden ultimatum she had faced.

It was... suspiciously too easy. She wasn’t going to take the bait and lower her guard.

“I’m immensely grateful for this, Honored Lords, as the situation does demand handling with due ministrations,” she pointed out, straightening her posture. “Far be it from me to address such a... dreadful and astonishing issue like the Holy War with indifference and disregard...”

Bright Crescent cackled. “Considering what occurred right here yesternight, ‘indifference’ is clearly not an issue,” he remarked, then bit the tip of his tongue playfully.

“ ‘D-d-disregard’, h-however...” Dusk Harvest retorted mildly, not even looking at his colleague, yet it made Blossom on his shoulder grin toothily. And it caused the flamboyant stallion’s jaw to hang for a second.

“My word! That was almost ‘quick wit’, Dusk Harvest!” he declared, agitated. “A-a-almost,” he bemocked.

Azure Mist put a hoof to her temple, hissing and exhaling, which managed to stop the stammering stallion from replying. “Enough of this infantilism already.”

“Indeed,” Midnight Eye seconded her, his voice weary. “We wish not for our words to be unfounded. And if the backing of annals and chronicles written by our scribes you find as biased, Princess,” he paused for a moment, not hiding his displeasure over the matter well. He inhaled, looking over the other Lords. “Then we shall have to resort to a source that was created in a slightly differing fashion. As such, we, the Covenant, have agreed for you to be allowed to see the Swyiadeztwo. The Testimony.”

Twilight was listening with utmost care, her curiosity entwined with caution. “The ‘Testimony’... I presume this is that non-noctraliyan source which was mentioned in the feasting hall.”

“That it is, indeed.”

“Might I inquire what exactly is the nature of it, then?” she asked, leaning forward in interest.

Blessed Fang spoke up, staring upwards hopefully. “The Testimony... Truth written in blood... for in blood always truth is written...”

“A scroll containing the exact recounting of the Soleera Cruziate. Put down under the supervision of our ancestors, the Covenant from a millennium ago,” Midnight Eye clarified, giving Twilight a piercing stare. “And it is, indeed, written in ver.”

Twilight withstood the mental image gallantly. Which meant barely stopping herself from gulping. “And it actually tells the entire story of how the Cruziate came to being and how it progressed till the end?”

Crimson Shade to her right nodded. “To the letter. No interpretations, no prejudice, no historians’ creativity...” he remarked, then a smile bloomed on his muzzle. “Pure, scarlet truth.”

“Pardon me, but it... still sounds like it was made entirely by the noctrali,” Twilight stated the obvious.

“The Covenant ordered our scribes to create it with meticulous care,” Azure Mist pointed out. “As it happened, no sunpony was keen on donating their blood...” she added callously. “Well, one was, in a matter of speaking...”

Twilight blinked, the entire chamber suddenly staring at her.

They wished to hear the obvious question. However, dramatic pauses was not something that she was keen on at the time. “I prefer not to be left hanging,” she declared, which made Bright Crescent pout, then giggle.

“Somepony here does not appreciate suspense, really.”

Azure Mist waved her hoof dismissively, willing to continue. “For a good reason, I say.” She shifted in her seat and sent a kind, victorious grin to Twilight. “Underneath the text lie eight signatures. Seven of the Lords of the Families. And the last of the Judging Sun. Herself.”

W ipeu ver,” Sunfall Word added with serenity when the silence began reigning for longer.

Twilight remained motionless, forced so by her own astonishment. Batponies... were in possession of a document treating about the Holy War which was signed by Princess Celestia? And in her blood?!

She swallowed, trying to appear but intrigued, rather than confounded. “That is... a very intriguing claim.”

“It is no mere ‘claim’, Princess,” Midnight Eye replied immediately, as if she had affronted him. “The Testimony is one of our most treasured artifacts, kept in great care! The Judging Sun is a deity, after all. Her blood and sign are a sanctity.”

Twilight found strange relief in finding her former mentor’s blood held in such esteem, however bizarre it felt.

“And... when was this recounting created? Not long after the Cruziate, I presume?”

“Indeed...” Blessed Fang confirmed. “The Judging Sun is unmerciful and searing, but she is just. Her will it was, for us to possess a proof undeniable. For we deserved much reimbursement.”

Sunfall Word nodded, stroking his beard slowly. “To bid vere. Sewira Solee yiudee i syubee dla uai. I ipe teneree ipeu slov.

“Verily, the harsh goddess kept her word,” Midnight Eye seconded what the venerable stallion meant. “After she had blessed the scroll with her fiery signature, she ordered those of our brethren who had fallen during the Cruziate by Equestrian hooves to be... uhm... forgive me, I seemed to have forgotten the correct word...” the Lord admitted, thinking extensively.

“Exhumed,” Blessed Fang aided him, closing his eyes. “To be given proper burial and not such a... travesty.”

“There were a lot of pyres burning during the following weeks, weren’t there?” Bright Crescent added in a sardonic tone, checking his hoof nonchalantly.

It caused Midnight Eye to slam his hoof down on the table. “We are going to have a considerate discussion or none at all, Bright Crescent!” Then he fixed his attention on Twilight again, not bothering to see if the other stallion was listening. “We would wish to show you that document. Perhaps it will help broaden your horizons, Princess, especially since you have showed plainly that you had no previous knowledge of the Cruziate.”

Twilight pondered for a moment, inhaling deeply to calm herself and reason. If this Testimony was, indeed, signed by Princess Celestia, then it must have contained an honest, truthful relation. Which meant that it was invaluable. But, if it was an exact tale of what occurred...

“Might I present a question, Honored Lords?”

“By all means, Princess,” Midnight Eye replied.

“If you are in possession of the very proof of the legitimacy of your claim to the lands lost during the Holy War... signed by the Judging Sun...” she began slowly, weaving her words with utmost caution, “then... why only now is this issue brought up?”

There was a pause. The gathered Lords eyed one another abruptly.

Twilight was observing their reaction with great interest, spotting something peculiar in their sideways glances and reluctant glowers. They held the answer. They were just unwilling to reveal it. Each of them hoping somepony else would act first.

Not Sunfall Word, however. The old stallion rested his forehooves on the tablecloth and sighed profoundly.

Uai bidei timendyi,” he proclaimed, his tone reaching every corner of the room.

Twilight awaited for somepony to translate for her for a significant while, only having the Lords’ escaping stares giving her hints on what had been said. Finally, Dusk Harvest gathered enough strength and conviction to help her out.

“W-we w-were... a-a-afraid.”

“Afraid?” The question escaped her mouth before she could think of it.

Azure Mist stretched in her seat, assuming the posture of an immovable sovereign as a response. Her words, however, did not match her stature.

“Our brethren... Warriors and priests. Caretakers and fruittenders. Murdered. Slaughtered. Buried in the ground like refuse... Our greatest military commander had to give up her life to stop the looming doom of our tradition, our religion, of our very way of life,” she stopped briefly, taking a solemn breath. “And our Mother, the Immaculate Moon... corrupted by a force beyond our understanding not long before all of that death...” Her expression wavered. “Yes, we were afraid. We have lost hope.”

This made Twilight recall something. A part of the interviews. Midnight avoiding the Holy War... as commanded, but mentioning a “moment of unrest” that happened amongst the Lords. And the decision to abandon Equestria entirely.

So, this was what had really occurred...

Crimson Shade continued from where Azure Mist stopped, his expression full of disdain. “There was nothing left for us beyond our peaks. And even those were proven not to be a safe haven. Can you even imagine something like this, Princess?” he glanced at her, but there was no accusation in his stare. Only the cold, desperate truth. “To lose one’s deity? To have children, parents, siblings, friends, all butchered without remorse, for a false, unjust cause?” He huffed, baring his teeth. “Not to know whether it is even wise to grant them all proper burial?! Who could have saved their souls and lead them to Silverheaven? When our Mother was... was...” He did not finish, just bit his lip and turned his head away.

Blessed Fang simply stared forward, nodding his head, his expression vacant, whilst Bright Crescent joined in instead, sounding more than serious despite the poetic language he turned to.

“The Woods, the Woods of blood and ash. Foul stench of death and gore... The howling wind carries it forth. It’s pleading... ‘Please, no more.’ ”

Midnight Eye sighed. “Radiant Glory wanted us to suffer and fear. To never again stand tall. To remain in our caves to rot. He... succeeded in filling our hearts with dread,” he confessed, before his face turn firm, his expression becoming both frightening and inspiring. He stood up. “But now... Now our Goddess is with us again. Our pride is restored, our might revived. High time we conquer our doubt and defeat our own weakness. Starting by the unification of our dominions!” he declared with a voice that could empower armies. “Let there be justice for us now,” he added, looking at Twilight with challenge shining in his eyes.

She did her best to remain stoic and calm in the face of his words. “Allow me to witness this ‘Testimony’ first. Then I shall speak more of this,” she retorted, staring down the Lord with the might of her own dignity.

She was more curious than ever now, faced with the fact that there existed a recounting of the Holy War that could give her knowledge which she lacked utterly.

This had become even more troubling. If Princess Celestia had signed a document of this caliber... lest this was nothing but a more than daring ploy...

No, improbable.

Still... Why was there nothing on the Cruziate in Equestrian tomes then? Strange and concerning. Deeply concerning.

Midnight Eye withstood her gaze, sitting back down with poise. “As for you to witness the Testimony, Princess, I wish to invite you cordially to the Mountain of Midnight. There, in our greatest library, where the most meticulous of our archivists work, your eyes shall open to the truth.”

Twilight could counter a declaration like that with relative ease, but another detail grasped her attention fast.

“The Midnight’s Library, Honored Lord?” she inquired, holding her excitement at bay. Barely.

“Indeed, Princess,” the stallion answered with great pride. “The most grandiose collection the World has ever seen or shall see!”

“I shall be... honored to witness it and assess that claim,” she replied, her entire strength focused on attempting to sound collected.

Sunfall Word’s beard shook with not such a subtle chuckle. “Patrai in ipe, ipe bide wesela kwam dziet!

Twilight understood the “like a child” part, which seemed to prove that the elder saw through her attempts at hiding her mirth. Perhaps for the better?

“I cannot lie, the opportunity of visiting a place like the Midnight’s Library is... exciting for me, as a scholar.”

Bright Crescent waved his hooves frantically in the air for no apparent reason. “Hold it, hold it, hold it!” he protested, glaring at Midnight Eye with mischief in his stare. “You are going to sway and win over the Princess with your fancy stacks of decaying parchment, aren’t you? And what about us? Perhaps I would like her to visit the Mountain of Crescent as well, so she can see my architectural masterpieces, or listen to more of my nephew’s ballads?”

Midnight Eye hissed, his nostrils flaring. “Bright Crescent, we have conversed on this. The Honored Princess cannot be bothered to fly around our dominion like a... a tourist! We are discussing the future of—”

“If I might speak my mind,” Azure Mist joined in suddenly.

Midnight Eye turned his head towards her so quickly Twilight was surprised he hadn’t twisted his neck.

The female Lord continued unabated. “I think it is an idea worth of discussing further actually... Princess, I know you are interested in learning about us, to better understand us as well as our claims... Would a longer stay in Noctraliya, visiting our Seven Peaks, be desirable?” she presented the question directly.

Twilight frowned. Considering everything, such an opportunity had both its merits and its flaws. She could rethink her strategy, while also spending time amongst the batponies, learning of their ways... Continue the research she had begun with the interviews with Midnight.

It was appealing, she could not deny it, even though the recent situation made her unnaturally wary of any sudden ideas coming from the Lords.

Especially considering that it was Azure Mist coming forth with such a plan.

“I would need to deliberate on this, Honored Lords, but saying that I am against witnessing more of Noctraliya would be falsehood,” Twilight admitted, looking among the gathered for reactions to her words.

Bright Crescent took the initiative, spreading his forelegs wide. “There, see?” he shouted, proud of himself.

Midnight Eye shook his head, resigned. “We shall put it under discussion, perhaps... Shall we finish our meeting for now? We would like to leave tomorrow, after sunfall. Will that grant you enough time to pack and prepare, Princess?”

“Yes, that should be more than enough time, Honored Lords,” Twilight replied, believing that both her and Midnight would be ready by then.

She was planning on having an important talk with him tonight, so her being granted free time was more than beneficial.

“Very well then. We shall make our preparations as well,” Midnight Eye concluded, then turned to the gathered. “This marks the end of this assembly. Do we leave in accord?”

Nopony objected. Then the Lords stood up, which forced Twilight to do the same. The Covenant turned their gazes upward, towards the ceiling and exclaimed in one, firm voice.

Ita ducte uai Neskaza Lunee!

Twilight lowered her head immediately at the sound of the Goddess’ name, before realizing what she was doing.

Great, she had developed a reflex...

The Covenant returned to the feasting hall with Twilight. There they bid her farewell and one of the local servants was ordered to lead her to her quarters. In which task he excelled without even a word or a glance sent her way.

When she was left alone, she first decided to check on Midnight. However, finding him asleep still and after planting a kiss on his forehead she left him to rest some more, deciding to return to her scroll and the books, taking one last attempt at finding any hints on the Cruziate.

One fact soon became as clear as day to her. Such a horrendous event as the Holy War going unnoticed by the historians was, bluntly, impossible. It just couldn’t have gone unnoticed. No matter the justifications or condemning of Marshal Radiant Glory’s actions, there was a village in the Eastern Woods that had been razed to the ground. If that was not a good material for an annalist to base his work upon, make assumptions, compare it to other events from history, Twilight couldn’t think of another.

Which could have meant only one scenario – the Holy War was chosen to be left out on purpose. Sentenced to oblivion by omission. After two hours of intensive musing and research through the books she had with her, Twilight had to remain with this conclusion. For some reason that particular chapter of history was struck out... Scary.

Somepony knocked on the door.


“Twilight, it’s me...” Midnight’s voice reached her ears.

And despite the echo of Ebony Crescent's incredible performance still lingering in them, it was her love's voice that she truly wished to hear.

His gaze, when their eyes met, glinted with joy. “Uhm... hey...”

“Good to see you...” she whispered, her mind happily wandering away from ancient wars and crimes.

“I... am glad to find you here and not with the Lords, Twilight,” he admitted, looking down the corridor. “May we have a moment? To talk?”

“Of course,” she assured, letting him in. He seemed more than nervous. “I came back from the meeting maybe two hours ago. We seemed to have reached a... temporary understanding,” she wished to calm him down.

Midnight looked relieved for but a second. “That’s... good. Yes.” He trotted past her. He reached the bed and sat on it, looking to the side somewhere.

She followed him, taking her place beside. She could tell that he was battling his thoughts fiercely. It was clearly the outcome of what had occurred earlier that night, with the prayer, the tears, everything. She was wondering whether he was even ready to tackle that topic, or was he forcing himself to do so for her sake.

She waited in silence, seeing that he needed his time to begin. And when he did so, his voice was faint, unsure.

“I... We need to talk, Twilight... And seriously.”

“I was expecting that,” she revealed, feeling a sting of fear in her heart. This conversation seemed bound to go into any direction. Some of which she dreaded.

“Yeah... Well, I, uhm,” he paused, exhaling and shaking his head. “Bogine, this feels so... I mean... I want to be honest with you, Twilight. With everything...”

She shifted a little closer. “I trust you, Midnight. Whatever you wish to say, don’t fear. But don’t rush it either, okay? I can give you more time.”

He looked at her, his gaze uncertain. “No, it’s... it’s just not that simple, Twilight. This day I spent on prayers... i-it made me realize some things. It made me realize how... important to me you have grown and... and...” He hissed. “Kirwe... What I said back there, in the Shrine... I do know that I was drained to Peraure, but...” he stopped, letting out a nervous chuckle. “It must have been... intriguing.”

“It wasn’t a pretty sight,” Twilight concurred, hoping that a drop of humor would help him.

“Oh, so you’re saying I wasn’t dashing, huh?” he allowed himself the joke, but after she giggled his face fell again. “Goddess, what am I doing...?” he asked of the ceiling above them. “I... there are... you know so little about me, Twilight,” he confessed, his gaze escaping to the sides constantly.

“I think I know some things...” she retorted, trying to scoop a bit closer still.

“Like what...?” he queried of the floor now.

She smiled gently, reaching for his cheek and slowly turning his head so he would finally look at her. “You are brave. Dutiful. You try your best to make me feel safe, to cause me to laugh. You care for my well-being despite all that is happening around us. And,” her expression only grew warmer as she felt her heart fluttering, “you love me. That says a lot already...”

Midnight chuckled, leaning into her touch for a moment. It actually made her cheeks flush, knowing he felt safe around her as well. “You are a blessing from the Goddess, Twilight.”

“I’m trying to be at least, you know,” she replied a bit playfully, letting a feeling of contentment to wash over her.

His smile widened before freezing on his lips. “But... you know so little still... And... and...” His expression became tense, his brow frowning, his nostrils flaring. “I-I... I’m not... I...” He did his best to let something out, admit to something, maybe reveal what was poisoning him. Finally he but sighed, grabbing the hoof she held on his cheek and holding it with resolve. “I don’t want to lose you...”

“Never!” she replied without a moment of hesitation, feeling a tide of fear spreading through her. She had to fight it. With conviction. With hope.

He stared deep into her eyes, his lips shaking. He was gathering strength and will to finally say something, to address her anxiety, her concern, her—

The sound of pounding door stopped him.

Twilight looked at Midnight quizzically before calling out. “Who is it?”

“L... L... Lichen!” a gasping answer came.

Midnight stood up, biting his lip. He shook his head, not hiding disappointment, and went to open the door, without even a glance back. Leaving Twilight sitting motionlessly on the bed.

She felt anger overcoming her heart. The priest had to appear then of all times? Really?!

The elder stallion, upon witnessing Midnight opening the chamber door, rolled his eyes. “O... of course you... you would be here!” He gave Twilight a look of displeasure.

She couldn’t care less. “What’s the hurry, custodian?” she asked. A bit harshly. “Why have you galloped here?”

And why right then?!

Lichen clutched his chest, taking in deep breaths. “Lord... Lord... Lord Midnight Eye’s sentinels are on their way here!” he revealed, switching gazes between her and Midnight. “They are in a hurry!”

Midnight paled.

He shot a quick glance at Twilight, his eyes begging her to forgive him, before rushing out of the room without a word.

She sprang from the bed, reaching out after him, almost panicked.

“Princess, this is... no time to be... stupid!” Lichen berated her, still trying to catch his breath.

“What is the meaning of this, priest?!” she asked in return, raising her voice.

He frowned. “I know not, Princess, but when a Lord sends his sentinels for somepony, it usually means that he summons them and urgently!”

Twilight’s heart skipped a bit. Unless Midnight Eye simply wished to check on Midnight’s health after what she had told him tonight, only the most worrisome scenarios played themselves in her head.

Becoming progressively worse and worse.

“Why would he summon him?!” she asked of the priest, her irritation at the interruption turning into genuine dread.

“I don’t know!” he responded, before coughing heartily. “Bogine, I will die like this one night...” he mumbled and his usage of the word “die” did nothing to calm Twilight down.

“Please, custodian, I beg you!” she supplicated, trotting closer to him. “Learn what this is about!”

He gave her a long look. “Princess, please, calm down. Whatever is happening, Lord Midnight Eye is not one to make hasty decisions or—”

The steady rhythm of armored hooves that began echoing down the corridor told Twilight otherwise.


Midnight was fastening his cuirass with great haste. His thoughts were all over the place, but the instinct that came with many years of training was allowing him to make incredible progress. The moment the sound of marching reached his ears he had already put on most of his armor, having perhaps twenty seconds more before the warriors would reach his doors.

He tied his mane behind his head with enough strength that he was certain he came close to pulling off a portion of it. The moment he put on his hoofshoes, with their blades scraping the stone tiles, his door was assaulted by firm knocking.

He was certain he had beaten his gearing up record.

He took a deep breath. He had been... expecting this summon. He pitied that it hadn’t happened at a better moment.

He faced three warriors wearing the fine, solid armor of the Lord’s guards, covered by deep blue tabards with the sign of his Family, the lunar discus upon a great tome of knowledge.

Nightguardian Midnight Wind,” their leader of powder blue mane exclaimed, saluting him first as tradition demanded, despite the fact that he was both older and had more years of service behind him.

Well met, Pale Midnight. It has been some time,” Midnight responded, properly gesturing back. More than glad to meet a familiar face in these circumstances. “What brings you here?

I would prefer to meet on a different occasion, Midnight Wind, but our Honored Lord, Eye of Family Midnight, ordered you to be taken to him. Lest the condition that made you absent during tonight’s congregating still lingers,” the warrior loyally exclaimed.

Midnight stopped himself from frowning just in time.

He truly wished to have another conversation tonight rather than one with his Lord, but there was little choice in the matter.

I shall answer the summon of our Lord,” he replied strongly. “Lead the way.

Midnight recalled the Sanctuary rather well from his previous visits. The Lords’ chambers were located near the Seat, of course, as it was an obvious convenience.

It meant heading through the main cavern on the way there from the priesthood district. The local inhabitants were giving curious stares towards the sight of a Nightguardian accompanied by three sentinels proudly trotting through their home.

For Midnight, it was a bit of a... relief, actually. After signs of caution from the Equestrians, having ponies turn to him with sincere esteem for his Nightguardian status was refreshing. He needed that feeling, that empowerment, now that he was bound to converse with his Lord eye to eye.

How is your mother, Pale Midnight?” he asked when they have entered the corridors of the Lords’ quarter. “I hope she won against her illness.

The sentinel smirked. “She came back to health almost a year ago. You’ve been away for far too long, Midnight Wind...

Such is the extent of our duty,” Midnight admitted, causing the other warriors to nod in agreement. “How is our home?

Calm, Goddess be blessed,” Pale Midnight assured. “Although the cold is fierce lately. A week ago maybe? The hinges on the main gate completely froze over. We couldn’t get it open for three hours!

I suppose our Honored Lord was furious...

Pale Midnight looked around, his gold eyes darkening. “Not as much as he appeared when we left his chamber, Midnight Wind...

I... see,” Midnight replied, mentally bracing himself for the worst. “Thank you.

Soon the group reached the doors of Lord Midnight Eye’s chamber, strong and engraved properly. Midnight saluted his escort and was about to be let in when the passage opened from the inside.

Midnight Iris stepped out of her husband’s chambers, her head held high and proud. Greeted by the stallions accordingly, she barely nodded her head, her eyes resting on Midnight for a moment.

Ah, Nightguardian. I have heard you were indisposed earlier tonight. Back to your strength so quickly?” she inquired in her haughty, self-assured tone. “My husband awaits you,” she added without waiting for an answer, then trotted away.

Honored Lord Consort,” Midnight saluted her, keeping up the professional demeanor despite her tone. He was far from behaving improperly, even if being treated like a nopony... irked him.

He took a long breath, then knocked on the door.


Midnight Eye was sitting by a large, spruce desk, having scrolls, parchments and other documents in front of him. He was reading some letter with a concerned, firm expression, his eyes quickly skipping through it. When he looked up a faint smirk invaded his muzzle.

Ha, Midnight Wind!” he called out, gesturing for the stallion to enter and come close. “I am glad to see you here. I was worried you have been grasped by an illness.

Midnight reached the desk, saluting, keeping his expression firm and his mind at the ready.

Nothing major, Honored Lord, only an inconvenience I did not wish to bother the esteemed Covenant with,” he gave the answer, hoping to be convincing.

Had Midnight Eye learned of his day-long prayers already and was but toying with him? He could have been really concerned but... Midnight knew better.

I see, I see... Well, I feel relieved,” the Lord acknowledged his response, setting aside the document he was reading. “I’m overjoyed we have an opportunity to talk, Nightguardian. Are you happy to be back home?” he asked kindly.

Which made Midnight even more cautious than before. “It is a blessing from the Goddess, to return to our lands!” he declared honestly, despite his rising wariness.

Truth,” Midnight Eye admitted, rising up from his seat. “How long has it been since you left for Equestria?

Two years, Honored Lord.

Midnight watched the other stallion approaching a side table upon which rested a silver pitcher and some ornate chalices. The Lord took his time to pour himself some juice. Without even a word, or a glance.

It spelled nothing good.

We haven’t talked like this in a long time. You shall be pleased to know, Nightguardian, that your parents are doing well. Your father’s work is excelling amongst the archivists of our Mountain,” the Lord pointed out casually, taking a sip of the juice. “I am considering naming him the next Archcurator, actually...

That would be... most generous of you, Honored Lord,” Midnight admitted, outfaced. His father, the next Archcurator of the Midnight’s Library?

Midnight Eye returned to his desk, sitting down calmly, his eyes never leaving Midnight’s face. “And Garnet Hoof is also in good health. The last necklace I have presented to my wife contains gems cut by her.

Despite the warm tone of the Lord, Midnight could feel a trickle of sweat going down the back of his neck. He knew Midnight Eye just well enough to know that strange kindness and moments of tranquility during a meeting were something to watch out for.

Considering the amount of those so far...

You have summoned me, Honored Lord,” Midnight finally stated, strengthening his posture, rather preemptively charging into the brewing storm than letting it grow strong and roll over him at its own pace. “How might I be of service?

Can I not summon my faithful subject and a close relative to simply have a pleasant conversation?” the Lord retorted, taking another sip. “Must there always be an issue to resolve, Midnight Wind?

No, Honored Lord!” Midnight responded immediately. Was this really just—

Are you certain?

No, it wasn’t. “I am content to be of any service to you, Honored Lord,” Midnight said, stopping himself from swallowing loudly.

Midnight Eye smirked, smoothing his mane. “And you have been doing remarkably well so far, indeed, Midnight Wind. You have made our Family proud again and again, serving as the member of the Nightguard and being a paragon for others to look up to. That Silver Star looks good on you,” he commented, putting the chalice down on the desk and tapping his hoof slowly. “However, there is a matter of some... particular rumors that have reached me which I wish to clarify and put an end to, if necessary...

There it was. Midnight prayed for the Goddess to be on his side during the next minutes. He begged for it...

What seems to be the matter, Honored Lord?” he asked, keeping his steady stance.

Midnight Wind,” the older stallion leaned back in his chair, putting his hooves together before him, staring Midnight down mercilessly, “to whom does your allegiance belong?

To the Goddess, my Family and you, Honored Lord!

Have you, or have you not sworn to me this allegiance when you took on your tasks?

I have, Honored Lord!” Midnight was still replying with full force of conviction, even if his heart began thrashing all over his chest.

Then answer me, your ‘Honored Lord’, your sovereign and liege...” Midnight Eye squinted his eyes and bared his teeth. “What do you feel towards that little, sunpony mare?

Midnight felt every muscle in his body that had not been tensed already stiffen in an instant. His mouth ran dry and his pulse was almost muffling his hearing. He took a deep breath, but no words left his mouth afterwards. He tried again, to no avail.

Midnight Eye’s scowl was deepening. “Your silence tells me more than you wish to say, child. So let me make one thing clear, Midnight Wind. I consider lying to one’s Lord a sign of high treason.” He paused, letting out a long, furious exhale. “Must I say more?

N-no, Honored Lord...” Midnight responded, feeling a chill running up and down his spine.


I...” Midnight stammered.

It felt like... like he was choosing between betraying his Family, his country, his oaths... or Twilight. He had been praying to find a way, to be strong, cunning, even merciless, to find any solution that would not make him feel like... like he was unfaithful... Never again...

But... despite everything he had cultivated in his heart he... he...

I... I love her, H-Honored Lord...

Midnight Eye did not erupt, even though Midnight would have preferred it that way. He simply took a deep breath, his eyes turning from furious to frigid in an instant. His gaze was enough to cause terror.

I began suspecting as much, even though I was at first reluctant to believe it,” he whispered, which was more terrifying than the loudest of shouts. He stood up, stoically, circling the desk to stand muzzle to muzzle with Midnight. “Midnight Wind, do you know why a permission was granted to you specifically to conduct those absurd ‘interviews’ with that mare?

Because I’m—

No. Because I have placed my trust in you. Because I was certain that a stallion of your piety and patriotism shall not be swayed by ideas, thoughts, even feelings coming from the young ‘Princess of Friendship’.” There was a hint of grand disappointment in the Lord’s otherwise cold whisper. “Tell me, Midnight Wind, your service, your accolades, you have decided to throw it all into the dirt for the sake of that unicorn that have unjustly possessed the Divine Aspect? For the sake of the Judging Sun’s disciple no less?

Midnight was holding his ground despite the Lord’s words prodding his conscience. He had been attempting to discredit and silence it for a long, long time. It was becoming painful lately.

Right then? It grew impossible.

H-Honored Lord, allow me to—

No, Midnight Wind,” the immediate response was. “I shall allow you nothing. You have breached my trust and it is only due to your past service that I do not punish you immediately...

Midnight only straightened his salute, not daring to say anything more. There was... was there anything to say...? Perhaps he could—

The Lord inhaled deeply. “Your gaze betrays you. Would you attempt to convince me of something, Midnight Wind? That this sunpony is going to rewrite our traditions? That perhaps I could allow for such a perversion like your romance to linger? When did you lose your reason without me noticing? When your wife perished?

Midnight clenched his jaw. To the point when his teeth began hurting.

It was a tragedy and I can empathize, Midnight Wind. I remember Dusk Stream well, she was a beautiful mare. She was going to give you strong, healthy children!” Midnight Eye disclosed, returning to his seat. “Is that it, perhaps?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Are you missing the comfort of a mare’s body? A warm bed throughout the day? Children to carry on your legacy?” He took a sip from the chalice, looking into its contents like he was hoping to scry something from those. Then his eyes grew wide and furious. “Have you lain with that accursed mare?!

N-no!” Midnight shouted in response, feeling panic taking hold of him for a second at the thought. And the memories of sharing Twilight’s bed. “No, Honored Lord...

I see you have the remnants of dignity and pride still...” the Lord assessed, believing him it seemed. “If it’s a mare you wish, I can arrange a betrothal with one of our Family’s maidens,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Your previous service would incline me to do that, as a sign of my appreciation...

Midnight bit the side of his tongue in his mouth to keep his composure. The pain calmed him, and the gentle, metallic taste of blood soon followed.

Midnight Eye remained silent for a longer while, carefully observing him. He was considering something fiercely, calculating something.

You shall remain by her side, Midnight Wind,” he finally ordered, which almost caused Midnight’s knees to wobble in astonishment. “She trusts you and we cannot let her become overtaken by utter doubt. However unfortunate this is, she needs you close. Otherwise, we risk that she shall decide to break before bending,” He paused and actually smiled. “Besides, I... am willing to grant you a second chance, as my relative, to do what’s right.

Midnight was about to speak up, seeing the Lord’s grin, but when it shifted into a remorseless expression a second later, he was caught entirely by surprise. He felt his mane standing on end at the malice in Midnight Eye’s voice.

But should I catch even a whiff of your conviction wavering after tonight, louse... But a hint of this abominable romance continuing... I will personally make sure that you never learn which lower mine your parents will have been sent to... Am I understood?

M-my Lord, please—” Midnight was ready to drop to his knees and beg.

Not a sound from you. And if you are still aiming at somehow ‘convincing’ me of that mare being worthy of a Child of the Goddess, of breaking centuries-old traditions and exposing our bloodlines to Equestrian corruption, spare me the moaning,” Midnight Eye firmly demanded. “I shall not hear a word of this nonsense anymore, is that clear?

Midnight lowered his head. If he had been hiding hope in the deepest corners of his heart, sheltering and cradling it, it was now dead. Just like he felt he was.

As you wish, Honored Lord...” he replied faintly.

Return to your tasks,” Midnight Eye commanded, grabbing another parchment from his desk. “And strangle this love whilst it is in its youth.

Your will be done, Honored Lord...

Midnight felt his body saluting. It was about to leave the chamber, the heart inside shattering into a million pieces, but the Lord called out again.

Midnight Wind.

That was his name, no? “Yes, Honored Lord.” He felt that he turned and stood in attention again.

You will not tell a word of what we have spoken about to Princess Twilight Sparkle,” he ordered more than firmly. “Also... your actions have forced my hoof. Hence why I have asked for aid in assuring that our plan is not jeopardized by your misplaced, inane sentiment... Do not attempt to defy me, Midnight Wind,” the Lord added, his gaze boring through Midnight without mercy. “I shall know.


Twilight was trotting in circles around her chamber. She was uncertain how much time had passed, but it had been too long already.

She heard Midnight being taken by the warriors. Lichen told her from his eavesdropping attempt that Lord Midnight Eye wished to see him promptly. And after her conversation with the elderly priest about the dangers of their hidden relationship, she had been battling sheer hysteria for the last... last however long!

She was almost at the verge of... of... of magically rushing through the Sanctuary! Bursting through the rocks if necessary! And then! And then—

A knock.

Without thinking much Twilight ported to the knob in a blink of magic and threw the doors open.

Instead of Midnight, she found herself faced with a young mare of glaucous mane and cool grey coat, dressed in a simple, hunter green dress with some pouches hanging from her belt. A pair of big, coral eyes was focused on Twilight.

The mare smiled a calm, friendly smile. “Greetings, Honored Princess,” she spoke softly, bowing her head in reverence. “My name is Rowan Berry. By the order of the esteemed Covenant, I am to become a member of your retinue...”

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