• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXVI – A Little Help

Twilight was checking the straps on her luggage with a little, magical tug. She was certain she had packed everything... mostly since she had not been in the Sanctuary long enough to actually take out a lot of her belongings in the first place.

But it was always prudent to check. Then check again. Just for good measure.

She had spent most of the last morning preparing, actually. She had been considering visiting the Great Shrine, but... some mental reorganization after the events of last night had taken priority. The negotiations, Ebony Crescent’s behavior towards her, everything...

And also, it had taken a lot of Twilight’s time to ponder on her approach. This next leg of her journey could be a bit more complex. Dusk Harvest had declared for establishing renewed diplomatic links, but... that didn’t mean the he wouldn’t have stipulations and conditions, as every responsible ruler ever. Why else would he be so adamant about Twilight’s visit? Unless, of course, something was happening that she didn’t know about. That was a constant possibility in the lands of Noctraliya...

Speaking of which, she had been notified by Rowan Berry that she had informed Custodian Lichen about the departure and that it would be happening quite early in the evening. The operative had also assured that she had sent forth a report to Lord Azure Mist, with all the required information and not much else.

But... Rowan Berry had looked like going through another bout of her... unpleasant ruminations. Like before that fateful talk which had happened between them. Twilight had been ready to delve into that a bit more... but it had appeared that the healer herself hadn’t wished to be “inspected” in any way. And that, more likely, she would come to talk when she was ready and convinced of that choice.

Which Twilight had to respect.

So, without Midnight to keep her company like he had done for a sweet while upon their return to her chambers, Twilight had utilized her free time to plan ahead and consider. Write down some observations and some pointers. Lord Dusk Harvest had every right to enter genuine talks involving numbers, amounts and types of help that Equestria could provide for the batponies and their limited food supply. In return, there would need to be a proper repayment, as tradition required. And, having witnessed the wonders of local architecture and crafts... yes, there was definitely potential to enrich Equestrian culture.

Perhaps, one night, both nations would wake up and realize that they had been changed for the better... but that was something to hope for later on.

That particular evening there was no place for daydreaming... especially since it was past sunset. Twilight had just enough time to get herself presentable, grab a few fruit for breakfast, or however one would call the first meal of the night, and then was almost literally sitting on her luggage, waiting for the call to depart.

A firm knock immediately brought her back to the present, so she got up and stepped away from her belongings. She unlocked the door without delay.

“Yes? It’s open,” she called out, right before the knob turned and Midnight’s muzzle appeared in the crack.

“Honored Princess,” he called out officially, suggesting that Rowan Berry was nearby or at least would be listening to the conversation. “We are all ready too and shall be in the next chamber until the time comes. Maybe a couple of minutes more, we believe. Unless you are requesting anything from us at the moment?”

“No, Nightguardian, it’s fine, I’m all prepared myself. Just need the word,” she told him, sending him a small, warm smile.

Surely that would not be such an inappropriate and easily-discernible gesture to allow herself.

Midnight nodded, then gave her a quick, encouraging wink back, before closing the doors and leaving her on her own again.

Twilight was more than glad to have spotted that he was getting a little better every night. He had even removed one of the smaller bandages across the side of his muzzle, as the scratches there had almost entirely disappeared underneath his coat.

He was a quick healer, as he had told her. And, despite all the animosity, Rowan Berry was also taking good care to dress his wounds and apply all the necessary medicine. For which she had Twilight’s honest gratitude.

However, Midnight’s wing was going to be immobilized for a while longer still. To let it restore itself, hopefully allowing him to fly again. Twilight sincerely wished for him not to, secretly, train and strain it, only to be more presentable for her sooner... but in that aspect she could put some trust in Rowan Berry as well, as strange as that sounded to her.

Twilight had left the door without locking it, as that would be unnecessary at this point and then approached the mirror in her chamber, looking back at herself for a moment.

It would be too much to say that she didn’t recognize herself in her reflection, but... she felt that she had changed, indeed. Well, maybe the fruit-rich diet caused her to look a bit more lean, it was clearly healthier than the occasional hayburger she had the weakness of enjoying... She could really go for one right then...

She actually giggled at the thought. And it was a pleasant sensation. In her expression in the mirror she could see a lot of tension and focus, after all. So much of it she had utilized in the last nights, that it was quickly becoming a constant. And, in her current, diplomatic predicament, it was a must, no doubt about it.

More so, Twilight felt that she had become... sharpened, lately, through experience and exposure, through challenges and even those “teachings” she had received. From Lord Midnight Eye, from the spiritual challenges at the Mountain of Fang... She pondered how would the upcoming days change her...

Speaking of which, she checked whether her mane was presentable enough. She had pondered braiding it into one of the local styles... but had ultimately decided that there was nothing wrong with taking pride in being more herself as well. Even while building all of those bridges with Noctraliya and its culture.

And she knew that Midnight loved her in any and all of her looks. The orderly and the more dis—

Twilight had to close her eyes in an instant.

A blinding flash erupted behind her. Reflecting in the mirror and hitting her with double the force.

It made her reel back a step. Then turn around rapidly, flaring her horn, when a loud, almost vicious thud resounded from the floor level, announcing that somepony had just arrived and fell flat on the stone surface, mercifully rescued only by the carpet. Somepony with... a pair of mismatched horns, a lanky, snake-like body... a leonine leg, a griffin’s talon, a goat... leg...?

... wait, what?!


Twilight was as shocked to speak that name as she could possibly be, seeing none other than the draconequus himself, the very Spirit of Chaos. Right in the chamber, right on the floor even, massaging his forehead like after a fierce blow...

... and smiling widely upon seeing her, despite his predicament, his snaggletooth tangled right in the wool of the covering.

“Phew, thinally thith ith!” he exclaimed, before, as was his want, casually detaching the wayward tooth and putting it back in only after he lifted his muzzle and supported it on his paw, nonchalantly almost. “I have to tell you, Princess Twilight, had I known it would be so hard to actually find you, I would have gotten more out of my deal with good ol’, monochromatic Moon-Moon!” he claimed, giving her a wink.

Though, despite his, randomly unceremonious, behavior, Twilight did spot some strain on his muzzle. As much, of course, as one could read the expressions of someone with such a mutable, capricious form.

... but that observation was pretty much the only, clear thing that Twilight was capable of registering at the moment, shocked as she was. Seeing a familiar face was not something she had been anticipating at all! Let alone his! She had been dealing with new names and muzzles for so long, that she felt actually rejoicing at the premise of talking with somepony known to her!

As random and unpredictable as Discord could usually be!

This was all so sudden! Well, not that sudden, actually, now that she thought about it!

“Wha... what are you doing here? Wait, was that you before, trying to—”

“Dearest Princess, as much as I love this carpet – so rough and woolen and carpet-like – I’d like to rise from it first before engaging in a meaningful conversation!”

He rolled over, his divergent wings splayed on the floor. Then he got up by the way of becoming deathly still and somehow, rigidly, rising up to a standing position, his arms folded against his chest. For a brief moment Twilight could have sworn that he had a pair of sharp, protruding fangs coming from underneath his upper lip.

“Ooh! What a lovely little chamber!” Discord then commented, becoming far more flexible again and turning around like a giant hybrid of a cobra. “So underground and rocky and bat-appropriate! Glad to finally see it, to traverse here is not an easy job! Not that I would ever try were it not for me giving a ‘promise’.” He gagged a little and snickered. “But, what can one do?”

Twilight was not necessarily focused on her accommodation at the moment, stepping forth to get the draconequus’ attention back.

“Discord, what—”

“No, no, I remember, the place just caught my eye for a moment.” Having said that, he casually took out one of his eyes, then threw it across the room before summoning it back like he had a... rather upsetting yo-yo in his hands. “This doesn’t seem like the usual place to see a Princess of Equestria in! This looks like one of those rooms you visit when you play those silly, make-believe games of sitting around, rolling unusual dice and having a voluntary, mass hallucination! Not that you would ever see me participating in such an activity, oh no!”


“Yes, yes, Princess, I know, why am I here is the question! Well, as it happens—”

“Discord!” she finally managed to shout and get a real word in. He looked at her a little confused, but she wasn’t going to keep him perplexed like that for long. “First of all... I’m glad to see you.”

Well, maybe that was a lie. About breaking his bewilderment. Because the reasonable delight was as real as it got.

Still, the Spirit of Chaos seemed most confounded to hear those words from her. So much so that he actually looked about. Left, right, above himself and even below the carpet underneath.

“I... don’t really see anybody else here,” he claimed. Then, out of nowhere, had a... taxi driver’s cap on, like he was on the bustling streets of Manehattan. “You talkin’ to me?”

“Yes,” Twilight assured him, with a happy exhale. “Haven’t seen a familiar face in a while!”

The draconequus waved his leonine paw, dismissing the cap and the sentiment with a small laugh. “Oh, Princess, please, all of those familiar faces you mean are the same and constant. You’re on an adventure, that’s a wonderfully chaotic opportunity!” he pointed out, though in a brief moment he was already holding a plethora of pictures of himself, which he then began scattering about haphazardly. “Though I do understand, my visage really is the essence of disorder!” He signed one of his very likenesses and passed it to her.

Twilight took it, only to have it turn into colorful feathers the moment she looked at it. She had to even fight a sneeze because of them.

“My... my point still stands,” she assured him, ignoring his antics for a moment longer. She could do as much. “And since I know that you don’t use the words like ‘constant’ without really having to,” she additionally pointed out. “Then... should I understand that things in Equestria have been alright since I left?”

Discord grinned, though it seemed a forced expression somewhat. “If you’re asking about ‘the regular crisis of the day’, then I can confirm, things are as boring as unusual. Rarity recently declared that she has a new wrinkle so she’s claiming calamity, but that’s just her, we have to presume...” the draconequus pointed out, his goatee growing exponentially. “No mortal’s getting any younger. But!” He pulled on his new facial hair, which neatly sucked itself back into his chin and back to its regular size. “No giant monster nor megalomaniac centaur on the horizon, thank you very much.”

She looked at him askance, since she could tell his tone shifted quite strongly. “You know that I wasn’t asking about that, right? I want to believe that you’ve learnt your lesson.”

A snap of Discord’s talon later and she found herself wearing a rather... tight jacket and a pair of spectacles of questionable thickness, giving her the impression of a rather unforgiving demagogue-pedagogue... while he was sitting in before her at a miniature desk.

And in a much too orderly, school uniform, raising his talon.

“Yes, ma’am! Won’t do it again, ma’am! Can I use the facilities, ma’am?”

Twilight shook her head. Or, at least, tried to, as what he had decided to dress her in was much too constricting to be comfortable. “I don’t know, can you?” she replied, in the only way her role expected of her.

Thankfully, a snap and a flash later things returned to normal.

... as much as it was possible with Discord around. Though he seemed rather amused by her quick-witted response, so maybe Twilight would actually have a chance of getting some more answers from him for at least a moment.

“So, would you tell me now why are you here?” she insisted, making him roll his eyes.

“Oh, so to the point! Fine, fine!” he relented, floating onto his back, as if the last few moments hadn’t been full of distractions aplenty. “From what I understand and have been told, you’ve been sending some correspondence to dear Celestia lately, right?”

Twilight’s heart actually skipped a beat. “Y-yes, yes, I have!” she almost shouted, trotting forth a step.

Discord nodded thoughtfully, though it had little to do with consideration, as his tone remained most casual. “Yes, yes you have. And Celestia and Luna and everypony else around the joint wanted to make sure that you get the reply pronto! And that it arrives without some nasty burn marks, like your letter,” he claimed.

Twilight felt her eyes bulging, not that the draconequus cared, busy with his further declamation.

“Honestly, Princess Twilight, I would think you a bit more pettifogging than that! You see, I don’t know whether you are aware, but you really seem like one to seal your letters with wax measured to the ounce and put stamps on with a ruler and a protractor, so that particular message—”

She lifted her hoof up, quite rapidly. Which actually managed to silence Discord, much to her shock. But not as great as the other one she had just suffered.

“Wait just a second, please. You s—”

“All done! As I was saying—”

“Stop that,” she chastised him, shaking her head.

She wasn’t in the mood. Very suddenly. And very genuinely. She had good reasons, as well.

“What do you mean ‘nasty burn marks’? What happened to my message?” she inquired, hoping that he could be serious for just long enough to let her know.

“Well... what I said!” he told her. Taking out three random bits of cardboard out of nowhere, to highlight the words he wanted to say right on them. “ ‘Nasty’. ‘Burn’. ‘Marks’. Like...”

He paused for a brief moment, which prompted Twilight to be on the lookout for yet another of his random tricks. But nothing like that happened. Instead... Discord snapped and produced forth a piece of parchment, which he then showed her on the palm of his leonine paw.

And she felt the need to inhale sharply. The parchment... was incredible. Firm, but visibly soft. One wouldn’t even have to touch it to know. And the seal on it... that radiant seal that Twilight was far too familiar with to simply ignore. The very essence of this message spoke to her, for the sender was more than obvious if the quality of the message was any indication. Oh, and it was!

A letter. A letter from none other but Princess Celestia. A response, finally!

Twilight momentarily forgot what she had just been told and what the discussion was about. She reached for the parchment before her, almost as if entranced by it. Hoping that inside were the answers she was looking for, ready to read all of those and implement them if necessary. Seeking the encouragement and support that she had been desperately trying to manage without! Right before Twilight... the salvation from her diplomatic and political plights.

Then she heard Discord snapping his talon...

... and the missive was engulfed in flames in an instant!

“... just like this. Well, with a little less fire and more marks. Nasty.”

Twilight took another sharp inhale, ready to scream at the top of her lungs in absolute horror!

But the draconequus huffed and the letter extinguished itself. Bearing no visible damage whatsoever.

“Honestly, how could you send something so un—”


She didn’t remember whether she had used that tone before. At least, not when talking with the Spirit of Chaos himself. But she couldn’t care.

She was a Princess. A Princess that required assistance during a vital, diplomatic mission which could undo the pain that had been festering in this nation for centuries. And so she wasn’t going to suffer tricks, especially ones like that. Plainly and simply.

“I have had just about enough of your constant games! I will have you know that this is not the time! So you will allow me to read this message, while explaining before, clearly and without your nonsense what you have been told and what became of my own missive! Am I making myself clear?!”

Of all the things she was expecting after this outburst... she definitely wasn’t anticipating the Spirit of Chaos’ ears to fold. And alongside his horns even. He looked thoroughly taken aback, especially since Twilight realized that she had flared her horn, as if ready to cast whatever curse or malediction she could think of upon the daring draconequus.

She felt somewhat bad about such a “flare-up”, in both senses of the term... but before she could explain herself, Discord shook his head and then smiled widely and wickedly.

“Wow! That was quite something else! I’ve seen you annoyed with me before, Princess Twilight, but that was extraordinary!” he... praised her, clapping loudly, which definitely sounded multiplied via an invisible crowd. “You actually reminded me of Celestia in her scorching prime, remarkable!”

Twilight knew that the draconequus resented any authority, especially the serious one, but... for once he looked rather amazed. Not to mention that him comparing her to Princess Celestia was... quite flattering, come to think of it.

She still felt bad about exploding like she had done. “Listen, I’m having a rather stressful time, I’m s—”

“Shhh! Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh!” he shushed her. Very directly, waving his finger right before her. “Don’t ruin the effect! Whatever you are facing right now definitely gave you a sharp edge!” he pointed out, still with that wide smile. And, likely, having no idea how accurate he was being. “It’s a refreshing change! Less of that Friendship, more of that zing! Besides, I did promise I shall help, after all. And I got my payment aplenty so I can deign myself to do so.”

He looked about again, fiddling his talon about, as if looking for something to snatch out of a sudden.

“I just initially had no idea that you would be in this, remotely secluded place!”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked, seemingly playing right into Discord’s intention.

He reached out with his sharp limb with a dramatic gesture. And she was expecting it to vanish, to enter that strange space of the draconequus’ domain, a rift into the essence of Chaos itself. The Spirit was known to utilize his peculiar ways of travel beyond the dimension around, to move about unmolested by such things as gravity or reason. This time, however, Discord had to put on quite the focused face to even have one of his claws partially disappear from view.

But, instead of leaving the chamber or pulling something out of the ever-changing space, he instead grabbed onto something residing right on the border between the material and the incorporeal. Something that at first looked like a... membrane of some sort?

“Honestly, it’s disgusting. It’s like a mosquito net! Or a head on milk, I swear, and you know how I like my chocolate milk. Without such additions!”

Twilight, as astonished as intrigued by the vision of the draconequus holding such a... thing in his claws as, squinted her eyes. Hard. This... silvery substance was... somewhat familiar to her, indeed. She wasn’t sure how she knew it, but... it was like a condensed form of magic. Like a thin layer of liquid. Or an imbued vapor. Yet... somewhat similar to those magical surges that she had seen at the Mountain of Fang as well!

“What is this supposed to be? A barrier of some sort?” she inquired, hoping that Discord would be willing to share some answers he might have possessed.

“Not a barrier really, as I managed to get through it! And I remember it always being here, floating and swelling and all. Honestly, that’s why I couldn’t be bothered to visit this place before, too much work, even to mess with these ponies...” he admitted, shrugging and letting the phenomenon go.

It disappeared into nothingness without hesitation, so much so that even Twilight’s arcane-sensitive gaze couldn’t find it again. But now she knew it was there... whatever it was.

The draconequus pulled a tissue from behind his ear... or from it, which was a bit more concerning, then cleaned his talon with a bit of repugnance.

“These mountains are full of this stuff, it’s silly. Seems even thicker lately, actually. And it really does not like when I try to cross, whatever it is! Though now that I am here...” He paused and snapped his paw. A glass of chocolate milk appeared right in his hand. He took a bite out of it and shuddered in pleasure. “O-oho, that hits the spot just right.”

Twilight raised her hoof up, trying to give some order to her thoughts... especially when seeing the levitating, nibbled, filled-with-static-liquid-chocolate glass...

... actually, there was no point of trying to address that, so she got back to the topic.

“So... there’s definitely magic at work here, without a doubt. This... this looks like some sort of a permeating aura of the... you said the mountains whole, yes?”

“Sheemsh like it,” Discord admitted, chomping on the rest of his snack with a loud, rough crunch.

Twilight would have to think on that much more. The magic, not his dining practices.

“Was this... making it very difficult to reach me?” she inquired, feeling curiosity aplenty, as it seemed that there was far more at play around Noctraliya than even its naturally occurring, arcane fonts!

But Discord just blew a raspberry her way. Which, in this case, meant him pulling out a soap bubble wand and causing actual strawberries to float from it as he breathed into it.

“ ‘Difficult’? Please, I’m the Master of Chaos! Such a parlor trick cannot stop me!” he claimed, puffing out his chest, more than even his anatomy allowed. “It’s just a tedious effort. And I really didn’t feel like straining myself, what’s the point?”

He was lying.

Or, at least, downplaying the difficulty of his travel. That much Twilight was certain of. Which meant that, whatever this strange, magical presence about Noctraliya was... it was substantial. And, by that, she also meant – real. Something intangible and yet tangible, something unnatural and yet natural for this place was happening... and, much like in the case of the inner sanctum, Twilight could make a bet that the batponies had no idea about it. But... she had that strange inkling that she should know what that magical, silver presence was... Like... like the way it moved, it almost breathed, it undulated and... and...

She shook her head. There was no point in trying to grasp at such slivers. Not at the moment, at least. For she had Discord before her, the draconequus who had tried to manifest himself before, those previous, strange flashes they had experienced coming from his very attempts. Like in the middle of the cavern, or when she and Midnight were... were...

“... oh, thank goodness you didn’t manage.”

“What was that?”

Twilight froze up.

... had she said that out loud?

She immediately shook her head, trying to hide a blush, already forming and heating up her cheeks. The pleasant memory was one thing... but the thought of Discord just appearing and witnessing... her and Midnight...

... oh, no, the thought of him popping up in before the batponies in general was...! It was chilling enough! But to consider him actually able behold the tender moments of her and her beloved in the bath pocket, snuggling and... and...

No! No, no, no, that would have been...!

“... are you blushing, Princess Twilight?” she heard the question, laced with interest.

It made her yelp just a little and try to restore herself in record time. Which involved the frantic waving of her hoof and head, to the point of almost making herself dizzy.

“No, no, just considering! Just considering!” Twilight immediately denied the obvious, not unlike the draconequus had done. Hoping for the reddening cheeks to go away and fast! “Y-you managed to appear at the right moment, without anypony else around, that’s... that’s good! That’s really good, actually!”

Discord grinned, then his eyes took on the very large, very sweet, doe-like quality. And she could swear that she could briefly hear the world’s smallest violin playing along to the sight.

“Oh... Are you ashamed of poor old me before your new friends? Have you no heart?”

“Stop that, you know it’s not that,” she told him off... despite that stare causing her core to shiver. Despite her mind knowing better. “But the batponies have a very complex and convoluted...” She shook her head. “Listen, it simply would be extremely hard to explain to them why are you here. And what you are exactly, I feel, so let’s just get to—”

There was a knock on the door.

One that made Twilight’s face lose not only the remnants of the blush but its whole color altogether.

... even more so when Discord, nonchalantly and casually, began floating in the entrance’s direction, already reaching out for the door handle.

“I’ll get it, darling,” he told her with sweet, malicious intent.

... Twilight pondered whether she had ever cast a spell faster.

It took her not even a blink. With pure instinct, greater than she was used to, she focused and pulled on the arcane tethers around her. For the briefest of moments she could have sworn that something was there, ready to contain her. But she couldn’t be bothered. Her magic flared with the color of raspberries and moonlight right as she must have passed through the invisible barrier of the supernatural material. And yet... it was nothing but a delicate curtain for her.

Twilight disappeared in a bright flash of light and manifested a heartbeat later in between the draconequus and the door.

She almost grabbed at his talon to stop him dead in his tracks and away from the knob.

“Y-yes?!” she asked of the pony outside, whoever it would be, trying not to sound too panicked about such a close call.

Hwalba knaze?” Rowan Berry’s voice came to her ears, “Is everything alright? We thought we heard you shouting.”

Twilight’s attention was divided between answering that worry... and withstanding Discord’s openly amused expression. He was trying his best not to giggle aloud, in a rare display of consideration. And a much less rare one of ridicule.

“I-I was just, hah, motivating myself for the journey ahead?” she replied... realizing it sounded more like a question than a firm statement. “Yes, y-yes, that was it! Sorry that I bothered you!”

A second voice, Midnight’s, came to her ears. “Are you certain, Honored Princess?”

“Quite certain!” she replied, hoping that at least the stallion would read into her borderline dramatic tone and guess correctly that she didn’t want company right now.

More than the present one, busy with chuckling behind both his paw and his talon.

“Well... very well, Honored Princess. We’ve received the word that we shall be leaving now,” Midnight told her after a moment. “We’re here to pick up the luggage, the Lord’s wartowneci shall be here any moment.”

... oh no.

“One minute, then! Please!” she asked and, not waiting for any responses, turned to the draconequus. “Pass me the message,” she told him. Strongly, if quietly.

“Do I have to? This is much more entertaining!” he claimed with a huge, toothy grin. The more pronounced due to his snaggletooth as well.

“The message, now,” she ordered in a theatrical whisper... and Discord did relent, pulling the sealed parchment out from behind his back and granting it to her. “I’ll try and read it after I reach the Mountain of Dusk. Can you find me there?”

“That’s what I will have to do, I suppose,” the Spirit of Chaos responded, shrugging mightily. “I’m supposed to bring a reply from you. But this means I’ll have to get through that dreadful—”

“I know, I know...”

Twilight bit her lower lip. She would have to somehow scribble a response down as soon as possible... Hoping that, whatever Lord Dusk Harvest had planned for her stay, it would give her just enough of an opportunity to familiarize herself with the response post haste.

And... now she had to consider if she could let anypony, even Midnight, know that she had been passed this message through the means of a capricious incarnation of Chaos... who was observing her with much interest there and then.

Twilight met his gaze strongly. “Listen, I shall do my best to have the reply done by tomorrow morning. I don’t want to keep anypony waiting, but that’s the most probable time frame I can give myself,” she quickly decided.

Looking at him intently and hoping she could actually get him to cooperate in this endeavor. Well, he had, allegedly, already agreed to pass the message both ways. It wouldn’t be too unbearable for him, right? Even with that strange barrier in his way.

“For now, you can pass on that I am fine, just very busy.”

“I can tell,” Discord agreed, with a tone of a worried grandma. And a bonnet of one too.

She would stop him from pinching her cheek. “Well, can you also tell when I am on my very own? So that you can appear without any more witnesses... and maybe we can cover a little more about why my message was ‘damaged’ on the way?”

The draconequus bobbed his head about and made a face. An uncertain one. In his paw. Only then did he put it on and spoke. “I mean, it’s a little wonky around here, with that—”

“I get it,” Twilight interrupted him, making a mental note to consider what that strange, silver boundary could actually be. But later. “I’ll do my best to have mornings to myself then, just in case. Until you get through successfully and I can give you the response to Princess Celestia and get something more from you.” She pondered for a breath, considering whether there would be better alternatives. “Could I summon you in any other way?”

“Would I care to answer anyway?”

That was one of the few logical points that she would expect from Discord. Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple. No... No, there was no alternate solution that she could think of at that very moment.

“Alright, we’ll do it as I said then. I won’t delay replying, even if that means... I’ll see. I’ll make it work. I hope Midnight won’t mind if I tell him to give me some time alone...”

She could almost hear the draconequus’ ears growing. And when she realized that she had, once again, uttered something aloud, even if under her breath, she saw them actually having gained a couple of sizes.

“Wait a second, could you repeat that, please?” Discord asked, monumentously interested. Yes, that much, even if the word didn’t make total sense.

And Twilight wasn’t going to explain. Not right then and not to him. She wasn’t sure if she could provide an explanation to anypony there and then.

“No, no repeating! Now get out of here!” she ordered him instead, trying not to be too loud.

But still spawning a reaction. Only from the outside.

“Honored Princess? Who are you talking to?”

The very stallion she had just mentioned was asking.

And she was asking whatever deity that would be listening to stop her from blushing and giving away... before the very Spirit of Chaos himself... that it was her beloved.

Speaking of which, Discord wasn’t helping her. At all. Not that he was inclined to do so beyond him acting as a messenger.

“You know, I would really like to meet your new friends still. Especially now. You could say I’m your fairy godmother or something!”

Thankfully, the glare of pure and unfiltered exasperation from Twilight had enough intensity in it to have him sigh, smile and wink. And snap his paw.

... and make a literal nothing happen.

Well, almost nothing. Because Twilight felt an almost unstoppable urge to just feint dead away.

Discord tried again. And the nothing occurred once more.

“Argh, really?” he complained, cracking his talon and his paw and attempting to vanish again. But the snaps were just snaps so far.

No magic, no movement, no flash, nothing. A terrifying and unmistakable nothing.

Hwalba knaze?” Rowan Berry’s voice asked from outside, also terrifyingly and unmistakably worried. As much as it was worry coming from obligation rather than genuine care.

Not the Twilight minded that distinction at the moment. Stuck in her personal chamber with a pair of local, religiously-minded ponies about to witness somepony that possibly wasn’t present in their belief system. Like, at all. And could, without much doubt, fit the role of a very, very undesirable force, considering the order and structure of their society and religion.

And with whom Twilight was on... well, tolerable terms. How helpful.

Not much more beneficial than her wildly gesturing at the draconequus, though that seemed to have become her initial choice of a reaction.

“What’s the matter?!” she screamed as quietly as she could.

“Oh, nothing, nothing, just...”

Discord kept snapping and snapping, but it was for naught. It was as if he was waiting for the beat to some jazzy piece to finally begin, yet in vain.

Twilight rapidly expanded her vision, trying to find the issue with her own abilities. And, sure enough, she did manage to spot something out of the ordinary.

Small sparks were appearing around the Spirit of Chaos. Like miniature rifts to the realm beyond the mundane and logical, hoping to expand, connect and create a pathway. But whenever they did, a shroud of silver was catching them and extinguishing them almost instantly, as if bent on repairing the damage to the world around.

Filling the blanks. Restoring what had been taken away...

Twilight blinked. She had to remember that observation, but for now she was more focused on Discord’s predicament. Nothing that would help in actual teleportation was happening, no energy was being gathered and no way was being made. It actually somewhat reminded her of Spike, when he was sometimes suffering from a shortage of his draconic fire.

Wait... when that was happening... the little dragon just needed a little help!

“Keep going,” Twilight pretty much demanded of Discord, focusing as fast as she could.

Especially when she heard pretty well the hoof on the doorknob outside. Or maybe imagined it. But she would only have a moment or two before a very awkward meeting would happen, as she was rather certain that she had not locked her door actually!

And so she poured what she could into her horn, preparing to lend some of her power the draconequus’ way... as potentially wayward as that could go. His magic was not hers after all, as they were drawing from very different fonts. Her power came from what surrounded her, while Discord existed beyond the structure that bound the material. So much so that she would theorize that were he to embrace the arrangement and logic and order of the world, his whole being could begin gradually fading away...

But that was not the time for such speculations! That was the moment to embrace the idea that sometimes... magic was like water. It could be murky, polluted and brownish, or clear, refreshing and crystal... but it could flow on and on. Or... it could become akin to fire. That of a candle shone above an ancient text. Or that of an inferno, consuming the forest in its terrible advance.

Yet it’s nature... could be both different and the same. Concurrent.

And all it took... was a spark. Or a silver droplet.

Twilight leaned forth and exhaled. Allowing a small strand of magic to reach out for Discord, colored and weaved out of raspberry and moonlight, though she couldn’t have spotted the latter... and the moment it touched his own, chaotic aura did the Spirit snap once more.

There was no chance to see what happened exactly when a blinding flash caused his form dissipate and evaporate, gone from sight completely.

... for a second Twilight felt a sting of fear that she had done something terrible to him...

... until his head popped back in through a small tear in the space, just as she heard the doors behind her unlock.

“Nice! Ta ta!”

Twilight was a breath away from pushing his head forcefully into his own, chaotic realm.

Instead, she quickly turned about, hiding the parchment from Princess Celestia right underneath one of her wings, hoping she could manage to hold it firmly enough. She then assumed the least conspicuous stance she could, faced with both Midnight and Rowan Berry cautiously looking in from the threshold.


... that was a bad way of greeting them. But it was the only thing that popped into her panicked head, still reeling from what had just been happening. And wondering whether Discord’s visit actually happened or was but a hallucination of her tired mind.

Midnight’s voice brought her to reality, definitely. “Honored Princess? Is everything alright, we’ve heard—”

“Nothing’s wrong! I, uhm... no, nothing is wrong, just... needed a moment to myself! And had to, uh... give myself a small pep talk!”

Twilight lied. She also lied terribly, considering what both her rationality and her conscience were telling her... but what was there to do? Explaining the very idea of who Discord was would not help. At all. And would take far too much time, if it could actually be done in the first place, because... well, Discord was Discord.

They were all supposed to be leaving right now as well, so nopony had that sort of time.

Regardless of her considerations, Midnight gave her a strange look. Or, at least, one that definitely spoke of him easily looking through her dramatic attempt at an explanation.

Or so she thought, until he asked, his tone not really corresponding with his gaze. “What... is a ‘pep’ talk, exactly? We thought we heard you talking to somepony, Honored Princess, so we decided to investigate.”

“Myself! Talking with myself, as I said!”

She felt horrible. Uncomfortable. Ashamed. For many reasons.

But Twilight also managed to spot that, while the stallion kept his eyes squarely on her, Rowan Berry was checking around the room in a series of sharp glances, trying to catch a perpetrator hiding about. And clearly showing her training, now that she didn’t really have a firmer reason to be discreet.

So Twilight continued, trying to sound as confident and definitely-not-panicked as she could. Keeping her wings closely by, feeling the message underneath the right one singing her feathers. Figuratively, thank goodness.

“Well! It’s a new destination! And new things to deal with, so I... I had to have a long and hard talk with myself. I’m sorry if I got a little loud.”

The healer glanced at her, intrigued. Very much so. “Hwalba knaze, if you say so, but... if there is a matter that bothers you about the journey to the Mountain of Dusk and what you might find there... you know that it can be discussed with us, no?”

That... would sound like a kind and honest offer were it not for the pony uttering it. And, yes, Twilight was happy to give Rowan Berry a real chance, but, as Midnight had reminded her, there was no room for credulity.

The stallion shared that mindfulness himself still. Because despite him taking the turn to study the room with no less intensity than the healer, he shot the mare a sharp glance, reassuring Twilight’s doubts. And, it seemed that the two reached a certain understanding, considering Rowan Berry’s head hanging a little.

Twilight took a deep breath, hoping it would additionally grant her the clarity and peace of mind that she was desperately seeking. Though the knowledge that her own message had reached Equestria with visible damage spoke even more in favor of caution and was not helping in restoring an emotional equilibrium.

“That’s... a kind proposition, Rowan Berry, but, uhm... I think it’s more about my own state of preparation rather than worries about the Mountain or the Dusk Family. I...” She looked to Midnight, whose keen gaze exuded its own sort of curiosity. “I had a rougher time getting ready. Mentally. But... I think I shall manage now. Just had a few harsh words for myself.”

The stallion glanced at Rowan Berry again, hearing that. “I’m sure that the Honored Princess will turn to our knowledge when needed, but she has every right to keep things to herself as well.”

Twilight wasn’t sure whether that was another, veiled attempt at bashing the operative even a little... but the sheer fact of her uncertainty meant that Midnight was at least trying to avoid open hostility after their latest conversation.

Rowan Berry rolled her eyes again, trying to keep a straight face. She turned to Twilight again. “My offer stands. I might be an agent, but that also means that I am rather good at listening...” she said, though the undertone of her declaration was a little dour. “But now is, perhaps, truly not the time. If you’re saying everything is fine, hwalba knaze...” she said, making it perfectly clear that she took note of something out of the ordinary, “we need to go. Haspadr Waesper Zniw wouldn’t want us delaying the departure any longer. His guards are waiting too.”

She was right on the account of avoiding any more waiting, so Twilight nodded and, holding the message tightly under her wing, trotted with hidden care to her luggage. With a rapid, and only slightly panicked, set of moves she undid all the straps and opened her belongings.

“Everything’s in place!” she said... maybe slightly louder than needed, then turned sideways to the baggage. “... I hope you will not be helping me with it personally, will you?” she inquired, having in mind her beloved’s bandaged state.

And unfurling her wing slightly, letting the message drop in between her clothes. Hoping she was discreet enough.

More explaining would get progressively harder. Not to mention that it would be rather... impossible for her not to mention the state of her message to Princess Celestia... and that would definitely create some tension. Even if her companions had nothing to do with that...

The dreadful “if” resonated in her mind more than she wanted when she glanced Rowan Berry’s way...

Midnight had just done the very same thing, which had been exactly what had provided Twilight with her chance at hiding the letter. Then the stallion trotted over after she had secured everything again.

“Well, we cannot have an official representative encumbered with something as mundane as luggage. A least, I cannot, right?” he asked.

Almost rhetorically, for definitely not forgetting about his wounds... but his tone was so far apart from his official words that it caused a loud and quite overt groan from Rowan Berry.

Which caught Twilight’s full attention, especially after the mare’s gloomy disposition last morning.

Bogine zmiluyae...” the healer uttered, shaking her head. “Yes, I said that I will try and stomach what you two have... for now, but is it really that hard not to cause me nausea at every opportunity? I’m trying to figure things out in my mind and even this is not helping...”

Twilight wasn’t pleased with the operative putting things that way, but at least she could bet pretty safely that it was a most genuine and honest declaration after all.

“I do understand where you’re coming from, Rowan Berry,” she told her, turning her way fully to make it the more transparent and direct. “I still hope not to cause you discomfort with it, but pardon me for the occasional slip-ups...”

The healer chuckled rather sadly, taking a moment longer to respond. “Hwalba knaze... you do know...” She paused for a moment, her gaze escaping behind Twilight. “... that I have that duran in mind mostly, not you.”

There was no need for a translation, the tone of Rowan Berry’s voice explaining the expression enough.

Twilight turned to glance at her beloved, who must have been checking the luggage’s weight, pulling at the straps with his healthy foreleg and grimacing.

“I deny any and all accusations...” he replied, almost casually. “But I am not durnu enough to try and lift this by myself, considering how I still feel and am. Get those wartowneci here since they’ve come about,” he pretty much ordered.

Rowan Berry turned around without a delay, her brow furrowed. It was rather apparent that she was still irked... and Twilight wondered whether it really was Midnight again or was it a remnant of that state the healer had showed, after returning from sending the message to her Lord.

... was she having doubts? That could have been helpful, if Twilight could allow herself a little bit of opportunistic and clandestine thinking.

Nevertheless, it did turn out that Lord Dusk Harvest had deemed it appropriate to lend his own sentinels to transport Twilight’s luggage. She felt worried for a moment that it was, perhaps, a task beneath their usual, important duty, but she could tell why the choice had been made as well.

Now that she had a better chance at examining the private guardians of the Lord of the Dusk Family, she could testify that they presented themselves quite well. By which she meant that these were to sort of ponies that fitted both the role of staunch protectors and reliable heavy-lifters. Even with their entire armor, she could spot that their frames were broad and their muscles firm. The kind that one always managed to develop when performing constant, diligent tasks in the fields and at the farms.

Twilight found that rather appropriate, coming from the Family closest to the very Valleys of Noctraliya. She wondered how many signs of their role in the batpony society she could spot outright. Alongside anything that would reinforce the stereotypes. Those weren’t unsubstantiated, not entirely, even if a little unkind.

Sometimes the Lord’s very carriage could be an indication, actually. However, it looked like Dusk Harvest was not one for opulence or traditional markings. His mode of transportation was sturdy and practical, without anything that would make it additionally stand out in the landing cavern. And after a brief, traditional ritual involving Custodian Lichen in all of his seasoned glory, wishing the departing ponies safe travels in the Goddess’ blessed light, Twilight found herself standing right before the Lord of Dusk Family.

On the brink of her new quest, involving learning a bit more about the impaired leader and, hopefully, finding the way to befriend him, like she had done with the others. At least partially.

But... Twilight felt like she would not have the easiest of times, especially as he turned to her.

“Y-your l-l-luggage have been s-secured and w-we’re ready to g-go...” he told her, trying to sound confident even with his gaze escaping away from her a bit. Unlike Blossom’s, as the faithful pet was observing Twilight keenly, though kindly as well. “I-I-I feel r-required to ask w-whether you w-would like to t-travel alongside m-me, in m-my carriage... b-b-but I feel that I-I have i-inconvenienced you e-enough already, h-hwalba knaze...”

Twilight immediately shook her head at that statement, trying her best to sound warm and open.

“Honored Lord, not at all. We’ve reached an understanding about my next destination and I definitely feel no grudge about heading to your Mountain first and foremost. On the contrary! And I would be honored to receive such an opportunity as to travel alongside you,” she assured him.

And while Blossom smiled her little, bat smile, Dusk Harvest seemed to simply... acknowledge the choice. Almost as if he was hoping she would not find the proposition to her liking.

“V-very well,” he still claimed, pointing rather nervously for her to embark at her leisure. “P-p-please...”

Twilight smiled in his direction, then one more time glanced behind, towards Midnight and Rowan Berry, ready to enter the other transport. They gave her a more or less synchronized nod, after which she stepped up to enjoy the interior of the Lord’s carriage.

Which seemed rather standard, she would have to say. A place to sit, a stand for the circlet, reinforced, sturdy windows with drapes... But soon, she could find one, very noticeable difference.

Because, as she sat opposite of the Lord’s place, Twilight found herself almost opening her mouth in sheer amazement. She practically melted, right into the embrace of the softest wool she had ever encountered, both in and out of Noctraliya! Her back, her wings, her haunches... She ran her hooves across the surface of the seating, letting herself enjoy and appreciate the comfort and near-velvety standard of the material.

“I... I have to say, Honored Lord,” she began when the brownish stallion sat down as well, “this is... remarkable quality. No, more than that, this is astonishing! I have never enjoyed such a wonderful wool!”

Dusk Harvest sent her a nervous smile, his goldenrod eyes shining for just the briefest of moments, but quickly losing that vibrant gleam.

“Th-thank you, H-Honored P-P-Princess, you are v-very kind,” he responded, reaching for his circlet and taking it off with a practiced, if slightly skittish gesture. “M-my Family t-t-takes great c-care of the f-flocks. The m-matters of h-husbandry are v-very important to u-us...”

“If this wool is any indication, then I can definitely tell!” she praised it further, finding it hard to stop just letting herself enjoy the quality more and more. “I take it this incredible luxury is something reserved to you as the Lord of the Family? It definitely would not surprise me.”

“I-it’s sheered f-from a s-special breed, y-yes, but I p-prefer to h-have it d-d-d...” He caught himself on a word again, trying to get through it with Blossom’s eager help. “Distributed!” he shouted and Twilight saw his hooves tensing against the circlet, firmly in their grip. “B-beyond just m-my c-court. Me and m-my c-close relatives a-are not the o-only ones that should b-benefit f-from it.”

That was a very generous approach to have to such an amenity, Twilight thought.

Dusk Harvest, in the meantime, finally reached out and rested his symbol of power and leadership on its stand. Almost relieved to get rid of it for a brief moment. He then sighed and reached out with one of his hooves to give Blossom a little scratch. One that she accepted with clear joy.

Tue mozne spotn...” the haspard muttered and the bat flapped her wings and flew up a little bit, perching herself on a small post that Twilight hadn’t seen before, not far away from the Lord.

“I see,” she commented about it with a smile, “that great care is not limited only to sheep. If a bat can have its special place even in the Lord’s carriage...”

Dusk Harvest tried to smile widely, but his nervousness got in the way of it. Nevertheless, Twilight spotted him reaching out underneath his seat to pull out something akin to a hardy strongbox, locked tightly. The stallion flipped up some of the metal clamps, then opened it to reveal a storage of orange slices.

And Twilight could not omit the fact that they looked nice and cooled!

“Oh? Is that... an icebox, by any chance?” she inquired. Which might have sounded like a silly, obvious question, but one that definitely got Dusk Harvest to smirk, at least a little.

“Y-yes, i-indeed. B-Blossom loves f-fresh produce...” he replied, picking one of the slices and passing it to his pet.

And the bat was more than happy to hang upside down and help herself to the sweet, cold fruit, with all the ravenous appetite she had in her small body. Making Twilight giggle a little at the sight.

Dusk Harvest then locked the icebox tightly again and hid it away, leaning back against his seat afterwards, his wings splayed just a little.

“And, f-first of all, I-I need to s-say, K-Kiwarule is s-special. So she g-gets special t-t-treats,” the stallion explained and Twilight immediately understood why he considered her so. Blossom, for all the intents and purposes, appeared to be his designated comfort pet. “B-but this a-also allows me t-t-to approach the f-first matter c-connected to our f-food production.”

Twilight straightened herself up a little... though not so much as to lose the feeling of the wool against her back. But if Dusk Harvest wanted to get to business, using the opportunity, then she wasn’t going to look casual as he did.

“I-I d-definitely would l-like for you, h-h-hwalba knaze,” he spoke, trying to contain both his nerves and his stammer, “t-to f-familiarize and u-u-understand the c-certain challenges c-connected with o-our domain’s c-c-climate and its c-capabilities at p-producing f-food. I-I know y-you must h-have packed s-s-some clothes to d-deal with m-mountain temperatures, b-b-but I-I warn y-you that the m-m-matter of, what y-you call, ‘r-r-r...’ “

He got stuck again. And Twilight spotted Blossom getting ready to fly off her perch and help him out... but Dusk Harvest stopped her with little a gesture. However... that caused him to suffer through the word for a little longer.

And shout the louder when he finally did.


Twilight did her best not to flinch and not to make the haspadr feel worse about his predicament... not that he didn’t know. Irritation was blatant on his muzzle, even as he shook his head and spoke to Blossom again.

Spotnae...” he reassured his pet. He then looked at Twilight again. “P-pardon me.”

“That’s alright, Honored Lord. Don’t be afraid of moments like these,” she assured him, trying to sound kind and not patronizing in any way. “I understand the challenge you are facing. And I am not annoyed, nor impatient.”

She tried to be as supportive as she could with these words, she really did... though it didn’t seem to find purchase outright. Or maybe Dusk Harvest was just as used and annoyed by his own problems as he was expecting words of sympathy. Possibly a lot of shallow, insincere ones as well.

Twilight felt the carriage beginning to move at this point, marking the start of the flight to the Mountain of Dusk. And she also managed to spot the stallion’s visible relief at the feeling, as if the premise of returning to his domain was something he deeply desired and looked forward to.

It was definitely something to keep in mind.

“A-as I was s-saying,” Dusk Harvest began again, trying his absolute best to speak without many more self-interruptions, “r-refrigeration and s-storage are one the m-main aspects of o-our food s-situation. A-and I would like f-for you to p-p-personally w-witness our m-methods, t-t-to grasp them. H-hence the c-clothing comment.”

Twilight gave him another smile. “I would be honored to be allowed to learn of your ideas. And it almost sounds like you are willing to indulge my scholar’s curiosity... perhaps even beyond the boundaries of the castes.”

Dusk Harvest didn’t react to those words. At least not with a grimace of any sort. “Y-you're hardly a s-subject to o-our w-ways. N-not to m-me anyway, I a-am being r-r-realistic here. A-and I also b-believe that t-to discuss s-something it helps t-to have even the f-f-foggiest i-idea about the t-topic,” he made a point.

And a fair one, Twilight concluded, rather joyous that the Lord held such an opinion. It definitely would make things a bit easier.

“A-a-and the state o-of the D-Dalli i-is another m-matter you h-have to t-take into c-c-consideration. W-which is why I have d-deemed it prudent t-to allow y-you to s-see the w-workings of them. R-r-regardless of the h-hour. I will s-s-see to that p-personally as m-much as I c-c-can. M-most of the time. O-otherwise, I h-have a k-kudz in mind.”

“... I beg your pardon, Honored Lord, are you... suggesting that I would be able to witness the Valleys and their orchards in daylight as well? Do I understand that right?” Twilight asked, surprised by the openness of that offer. If it was, indeed, true.

“O-of course,” the stallion opposite confirmed, his sepia mane shifting as he looked out the window. Towards the plateau of the Sanctuary, as the carriage made its way through the tunnels and was welcomed with the clear, night’s sky. “The n-needs of o-our kin m-must be met. W-which requires c-c-constant attention f-from our o-owocellatani, s-sometimes at g-great personal c-c-cost. I-I need you t-to understand that, e-especially when the w-work happens in the h-h-harsh light of day.”

That did feel a little like an obligation, but... Twilight could easily stomach it. She was already being granted quite a lot in return. Besides... she wouldn’t dream of having it any other way. She wanted to approach the topic seriously and with the necessary gravity. And she was ready to let him know that.

“Honored Lord, your approach is most sound and meets my own, fully,” she assured him, putting her hoof against her chest in a little gesture.

“I-if you w-would mean yourself b-b-being a p-pony of d-daylight and the s-student of P-Princess Celestia...”

Twilight blinked.

Leaving aside the fact that he avoided the term “sunpony” entirely there, was he also... the first to use that name in the official capacity? It was most surprising. Positively so! Especially since there... didn’t seem to be an ounce of bad will associated with invoking it so clearly. Dusk Harvest’s approach was, by his tone alone as shaky as it was, just... straightforward. Devoid of religious concerns or misconceptions.

“Well, there is that,” Twilight admitted to the connection, also deciding to keep in mind that observation. “But I also meant that... despite my status in Equestria, I am not oblivious to the hard and grueling work of the common pony. And I can only imagine the challenges you must be facing, dealing with the harsh climate and the harming sunlight.”

Dusk Harvest nodded, a bit skittishly, but it was obvious he took Twilight’s words seriously and not simply as another expression of false sympathy.

“I-I believe you, h-hwalba k-knaze. And y-you know that I-I am a-a-against the c-contemptible idea o-of open c-conflict with y-you and your nation. I-it’s b-barren. N-no fruit to be g-g-grown from it,” he spoke, with utmost seriousness and a clear metaphor. “B-but...”

He paused briefly. Which made Twilight... slightly concerned. Especially when he leaned forth in her direction, eyes as focused as the omnipresent nervousness of his allowed him.

... and she was surprised at how much crisp concentration that actually meant.

“I-I can be p-positively predisposed t-t-towards you, H-Honored Princess,” Dusk Harvest claimed and at his tone even Blossom opened one of her eyes to keep on his person. “E-even so I-I need to h-hear certain a-assurances and p-propositions from you. I w-will not s-seek conflict, and y-y-yet... I shall n-not s-support a solution that w-will not s-serve N-Noctraliya,” he stated.

Strongly. In a way that even his stammer could not hinder. For all his problems... it was blatant that this matter was not impeded in any way in his mind. Not unlike Midnight Eye, actually, it was clear that Lord Dusk Harvest was taking his role seriously. Twilight’s insight was telling her that feeding and providing for his whole country was a goal he took as his very own...

... but intuition could not have anticipated what he uttered next.

“And I b-bring you to m-my Iug, s-so that p-plans and p-propositions can be d-discussed as s-safely as it c-c-can be m-made possible... despite the m-many eyes upon y-you and y-your actions.”

Twilight did not mishear. She was certain that she had heard that emphasis on the word “eyes”. And considering the grim expression on Dusk Harvest’s muzzle, there was no place for mistakes here.

“I... suppose I should not be surprised that you are aware of the fact, Honored Lord.”

She responded using even the very tone of her voice to convey that she understood his allusion perfectly. Not that there was a need for that as things were rather clear. Which was another, surprising factor.

“But that you speak of the fact with relative transparency is quite new to me...”

Dusk Harvest’s expression turned even grimmer. And Blossom’s was outright worried, considering the way she swayed on her perch.

“Y-you do u-understand, H-H-Honored P-Princess...”

The stallion began. Or tried to. Though it was also conveyed by the state of his stammer that touching upon the topic was additionally tough for him. For reasons that, perhaps, would soon be revealed.

“... that I-I w-won’t be g-g-giving you d-direct a-answers. A-as much as I d-detest the i-idea of b-being so d-distrustful, w-w-without giving y-you a chance f-first, I-I need to r-relent in s-some matters. A-adhere to s-s-standards. A-and protect the s-safety of o-our n-nation and o-our o-operatives.”

He raised his hoof, not to be interrupted, not that Twilight was going to anyway.

“And y-y-yet, y-you are n-no sheep to b-be herded. Y-you won’t s-see me p-playing that g-g-game with m-my spies. That I p-p-promise. S-solemnly.”

That would be a rather encouraging and straightforward declaration... as much as it could have been trusted. After all, what better way of hiding one’s machinations than being open and direct about not using them? Then again... Twilight’s instinct hadn’t flared after those words from the Lord. A part of her was willing to believe that Dusk Harvest truly had no intention of participating in these matters...

And yet...

“You mention your own... but what about other spies?” she asked.

Rather sharply as well. To the point where Blossom gave her a slightly disappointed look. But the Lord didn’t seem to mind that, though. He only sighed, shaking his head.

“A-as far as i-it can be told, y-you have a-already c-caught one, h-haven’t you? Y-you seem q-q-quite capable of j-judging a p-pony’s intentions... N-not infallible, h-h-however,” he pointed out, as a warning and a fact. At least that was what his voice suggested.

“I never claimed to be...” Twilight replied.

Perhaps feeling like getting a little defensive. Yes, she had managed to uncover Deep Mist, due to his blunder. And her suspicions about Rowan Berry had already been proven correct. Maybe Dusk Harvest had her in mind? She didn’t spot anything that might have suggested that she had been sent with the consent of the entire Covenant...

But Dusk Harvest... something more than that seemed to be on his mind, even if he wouldn’t say it outright. He wanted to help her, that much Twilight was beginning to convince herself of, but shared the approach of... clandestine temperance. Avoiding exposing things outright.

Was that just a common thing? It was definitely shared with at least some of the other Lords, Twilight would judge. And... well, she could also find even her own Midnight being an example of equivocating...

But... what was the Lord considering letting her know indirectly, then? And why almost immediately after having a chance?

“I take it that... I should be additionally cautious?” she asked the rather open question, giving the stallion ample opportunities at being as remote as he felt comfortable with.

And Dusk Harvest acknowledged that she had allowed him that. Taking a deep breath, even looking towards Blossom for her loyal reassurance. Reaching out to scratch her head, affectionately.

When he spoke again, there was paramount seriousness in his voice.

“A-always c-cautious. S-so tells you the s-stammering p-pony. Three-fold,” he proclaimed to her, his tone becoming far more focused as he battled through his impediment. “S-sometimes an i-important message comes f-from the s-strangest of s-sources. U-unforeseen, hidden in p-plain sight, e-easy to be m-m-missed. L-l-locked a-away from the o-others. J-just for y-your ears...” he claimed.

He... didn’t seem to be the type of pony to dabble in poetry, theatrical descriptions and convoluted language, actually. And having realized that well in time, Twilight immediately mused on what he had just said... though she couldn’t decipher it right away.

“I... shall remember and will think on what you are telling me,” she promised, committing his words to memory.

“I’m c-c-counting on it, like o-on the c-c-crescent sign of B-Bogine at d-dusk,” he added in the same melody in his voice. And nodding thoughtfully, but nervously. Combating himself still. “Y-you m-must understand a-also, h-hwalba k-knaze, that I a-am, as y-you say, ‘s-skirting’... between t-trying to a-aid you and avoiding b-being u-unfaithful t-to my own c-c-c...”

He finally got himself caught again. Twilight spotted how tense he got, even as he raised his hoof to stop Blossom from helping. Though it also meant that he had to use much more of his own strength to persevere and finish the word.

Country!” he ultimately screamed.

Then hissed for a long time, clearly frustrated with himself. Twilight could have sworn that he even cursed under his breath, which was as unbecoming of a Lord as telling about his inner feelings.

And when Dusk Harvest looked at her again, his goldenrod eyes were still keen... though a little reddened. Out of sheer emotion, as he tried to keep his tone the same and his problem under control for just a bit longer.

“I n-need to s-say... i-if a-anypony would c-catch w-w-wind of m-my i-intentions i-it would be worse than m-m-m—”

“Honored Lord...”

Twilight, seeing how dreadful it was for Dusk Harvest to try and continue, allowed herself to raise her hoof... which did silence the Lord.

She hoped she had done so in the kindest way possible, as she would hate nothing more than to insult him when he was trying so hard to impart some knowledge upon her. Trying to sound solemn and serious despite the horrible stammer that was becoming progressively worse and worse...

“Please, Honored Lord... I am deeply grateful that you are trying to be so helpful, but... it’s hard for me to see you in so much discomfort,” she told him in a quiet, warm voice. “We will have a chance to converse openly still, I imagine.”

Dusk Harvest looked at her with his wet eyes, taking a number of labored breaths to try and calm down.

“I... I h-have said what I a-absolutely h-had to say r-right now,” he uttered, his voice nothing more than a whisper now. Tired from trying to fight through his issues... and yet seemingly exhausted even further. “I h-h-hope that y-you shall b-be as c-c-capable as you c-can be... and... a-and m-maybe I w-will manage to h-help you m-more still...”

Lately, Twilight had had quite enough exposure to veiled threats and hidden dangers... not to mention matters like having just discovered that her message had been, for some reason, damaged during the travel... Perhaps not intended to be allowed to reach Equestria at all. Which was something that she still had to muse more upon... but here, at least, Dusk Harvest was doing his best to give her a, still enigmatic, but welcome support.

Though... she felt terrible that it was costing him quite so much.

Even Blossom, being the faithful pet that she was, finally ignored the Lord’s wishes upon witnessing his struggle to continue talking. She left her perch to land on his shoulder once more and delicately nuzzle against his neck. Her little, bat expression showing genuine and pure care that even many ponies had problems with displaying so strongly.

And the stallion eagerly leaned into this small gesture of tenderness and affection.

Twilight had a lot to do. Assuring peace and true cooperation between Equestria and Noctraliya. Reading and answering the message from Princess Celestia. Keeping an eye out for more machinations around herself and even trying to figure out what was that strange, silver phenomenon about the mountains that could limit even Discord’s capabilities...

... but there and then Twilight did make a promise. To herself. And, if not to the Goddess Herself, then at least to the idea of the Immaculate Moon, whose poor child she had right before herself.

That, as a Princess of Friendship.. and just a fellow pony, she would support him. Do what was in her power to aid Lord Dusk Harvest somehow.

After all... a little help could go a long way.

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